Mind Control Tales - Hypno Bears Edition 11

Story by cyberklaw on SoFurry

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#22 of Mind Control Tales

A superhero finds himself in a rubbery situation, a trip to a gay club doesn't go as expected, and a mighty warrior attempts to deal with a strange threat.

Something I wrote for Hypno Bear Week over on FA a few months ago.

Mind Control Tales - Hypno Bears Edition 11

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Contaminated and Converted

Apex-Bear stepped into his apartment, glad to be home again after the night he'd had.

The ursine superhero flopped down on his couch, not even bothering to strip out of his spandex uniform for the moment, and let out a sigh of relief. He'd been feeling more and more tired as he'd flown home after the big battle at Ultra Labs.

His mind flashed back to the events earlier that evening. When he'd headed there after he heard the explosion with his super-hearing. Arriving to find a lab in disarray, to see a scientist being enveloped by some black latex-like goo and transforming into a musclebound creature with red glowing eyes. The scientist had then started ranting about how he was now 'Dronelord' and would soon rule the world.

Pretty standard 'science experiment gone wrong, creating dangerous monster' situation. But this one had been more dangerous. The creature seemed to be able to transform others. Just the slightest touch on the other scientists or lab technicians, and he left a small smear of latex goo on them. The small smear then quickly grew, encasing the victim and transforming them into a muscular, faceless creature.

And then the victim would join the fight against him, defending its creator against me. No commands were ever spoken, so he had assumed there must be some telepathic link between the creature and its minions.

It had been a tough fight, attempting to subdue the monster and its enslaved victims, all the while having to avoid being touched. He'd had a few close calls, but had remained uncontaminated.

In the end, he'd lured them all towards some storage tanks containing volatile flammable chemicals and then ignited them with his laser vision, hoping the resulting explosion would put a stop to them.

But after the dust had settled, there had been no trace of them. Either they had been completely destroyed, or, more worryingly, they had used the explosion as cover to escape.

Exhausted, he had returned home to rest and ponder his next move. He had to make sure that creature had been eradicated. Once he was rested, he'd do a full sweep of the city, using his super-speed to check every possible place he could in very little time.

He peeled off a glove and tossed it aside. Perhaps a shower would help him...?

The thought crashed to a halt as he noticed something. His paw was coated in shiny black latex.

Quickly pulling off his other glove, he found his other paw was the same. Oh crap, he thought, I've been contaminated! They must have managed to hit me without me realizing!

Panicking, he rushed to the bathroom, and started stripping off his uniform in front of the mirror. As he yanked off the tight spandex, he stared in horror as he found his bulging muscles all covered in latex, black and shiny. Every inch of him from the neck down was encased in the stuff.

Finally, he pulled off the mask that covered his head. He breathed a slight sigh of that his face was still his own, and saw that the latex was slowly but surely oozing its way up the sides of his head.

...I was wondering how long it would take you to notice...

He winced as the strange, forceful voice appeared in his head, its words burning into his brain. "What the hell?"

...It's me, Dronelord, soon to be your Master. You have been infected with my latex, so I now have a telepathic connection with you. But I kept quiet. It amused me to let you think you'd avoided becoming mine...

The superhero ignored the voice in his head, pawing at the latex covering him, trying to pull it off. There had to be a way to get this stuff off!

...Don't waste your time. My latex doesn't just encase my minions. It binds with them on a cellular level, entwines itself with your very DNA. You can't remove it any more than you can remove your own nervous system...

The bear realised he needed help. Or at least to warn someone before he fully succumbed. The Hero League. His fellow superheroes might be able to find a solution.

But before he could run off to grab his comms unit to contact them, his body suddenly locked in place, standing to attention. He couldn't move! He struggled and strained, but his body remained uncooperative.

...You're not going to be contacting anyone, my soon to be drone. You're going to stand there and let the assimilation process run its course. It's already taken long enough as it is. I think maybe your powers, your physical invulnerability, has made your conversion slower than it is with others. But don't worry, it is still proceeding and it is just a matter of time until you join my growing army of mindless slave drones...

Apex-Bear tried again to move, but failed to shift his body even an inch. How are you doing this?

...Oh, I'm not able to reprogram your mind until my latex reaches your brain, but enough of your body has been converted that I can easily take control of it. And make it do things like this...

The bear gasped as his body suddenly fell to its knees, paws clasped behind his back.

...on your knees, a good position for a slave...

"I am not your slave!" The bear superhero cried out. "I will fight you! I will figure out a way to..."

He stopped as he felt a tingling at the back of his skull, aware that the oozing latex was halfway up his head now.

...Ah. There we go, my latex has made a connection with your brain! Time to prove you wrong! Goodbye Apex-Bear...

An instant later, he felt the full force of Dronelord's will force its way into his head, easily crushing any and all mental resistance. There was absolutely nothing he could do as his mind was invaded, the alien presence editing his thoughts and memories and personality, erasing and rewriting things as it saw fit, imprinting new knowledge and desires.

He could see now that he was no superhero, not any longer. He was a slave drone, the property of Dronelord, his Master. He could remember the details of his life as Apex-Bear, but his old life just seemed so unimportant. Those memories were just knowledge he was permitted to keep in case some details might be useful in the subjugation of the world for his Master.

"Conversion complete." He said, when he sensed the last vestiges of the superhero he'd used to be had been wiped away, the latex now having finished covering him entirely. His face was now smooth and featureless except for the glowing red eye. "This drone is now ready to serve you, Master." The bear's hard, latex encased cock quivered at the thought of doing that for the rest of his days.

...Excellent! With you and your impressive array of super-powers under my control, the transformation of everyone on the planet into my slave drones will be a lot easier...

The new drone felt a flicker of pride at him being useful to his Master.

...First, you are to infect the other heroes of the Hero League. You will go to their headquarters and sweep through the whole place at superspeed, infecting everyone you find. With a little luck, they will all be mine before they fully realise what is happening...

"Yes, Master." Said the muscle-bound latex cresature that used to be Apex-Bear, getting to his feet and leaving the bathroom. "This drone obeys."

...And once the League is mine, I'll have you start infecting whole cities. With your speed, you'll be able to search every street, alley, building in very little time, touching and infecting every citizen as you pass. The other drone heroes will provide you assistance and deal with any resistance...

"As you command, my Master." The superhero drone said, as he leapt at a window, smashing through it with ease and taking to the air, flying at full speed high over the city in the direction of the Hero League headquarters.

Through the telepathic link to Dronelord, he could feel how pleased his Master was to have successfully converted the world's most powerful superhero, and how much he anticipated the enslavement of the entire planet that was now all but certain as there was no one who'd be able to stop him...

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A Panda's Power

Gareth could hardly believe what he was seeing.

He was staring at his friend Alexi, the big polar bear naked except for a thick leather collar around his neck. Leather cuffs were locked around his wrists and chains attached to them ran up to the ceiling, keeping his arms spread and raised. He had a wide dopey grin on his muzzle, a glassy look to his eyes.

And he was being fucked. A naked ferret was slamming his cock into Alexi's ass again and again, hard and rough. And his friend was moaning and gasping with pleasure, begging for the ferret, who he kept calling 'Sir' to keep going, to not stop, to treat him like the lowly slave slut he truly was...

Gareth would never have believed it if he wasn't seeing it with his own eyes. Alexi didn't like getting fucked. He'd tried it once but had hated it, preferring to be the top whenever he hooked up. And he had always said he didn't have any interest in any crazy fetish shit like bondage...

The young grizzly bear just stood there staring at his friend who seemed to be having the time of his life, having trouble fully processing it. This was certainly not what he'd been expecting to find when he'd gone searching for his friend, to let him know that it was late and time to call it a night, that the opening of this new gay club had been fun, but it was time to go.

He'd had to talk to the bartender to find Alexi, asking if he'd seen where his friend the big polar bear had gone. The muscular rhino behind the bar had waved to a corridor leading to some back rooms and had simply said. "Room 7."

So, Gareth had investigated and stumbled upon this shocking scene in the room marked with a big '7'. What the hell was going on here?

He was about to turn to leave, to head outside to get some fresh air and clear his head so he could decide what to do, when a large paw fell on his shoulder and a deep rumbling voice said. "Well, hello there."

The young bear was startled by this and tried to instinctively pull away, but the grip of the paw was strong and held onto his shoulder tightly.

He turned to see the owner of the paw was a large and stocky panda, wearing only tight black jeans and a leather waistcoat. He was leering at Gareth, a lecherous grin creeping across his features.

"Let go!" Gareth pleaded, wriggling in the panda's grasp.

"You must Gareth." The panda giggled. "I'm Jay Armstrong, the owner of this club. It's a pleasure to meet you. Alexi has told me so much about you."

"What the fuck is going on here?" Gareth demanded.

"Don't concern yourself with such details." The big panda said, tightening his grip. "Not when there's better things to be doing. After all, I'm sure you'd like to join your friend in having some fun."

"No!" The young bear once again tried to pull away and failed.

"Just relax and enjoy yourself..." The panda said. "Look into my eyes and relax..."

"What are you...?" Gareth tried to protest, but as soon as he turned enough to look the panda in the eye, his words died away.

Armstrong had such wonderful deep blue eyes, Gareth found himself completely transfixed by them, unable to look away, a strange wave of relaxation washing over him. He stopped struggling and simply stood there, looking into those gorgeous enthralling eyes...

"There. That's better, isn't it?" The panda said, soothingly.

"That's better..." Gareth echoed. The longer he looked into those eyes, the more his thoughts seemed to fade away, leaving an empty void in his mind ready to be filled by the panda's words.

"It feels so good and right to simply relax and obey, doesn't it?" Armstrong told him.

The young grizzly found himself unable to disagree, his head empty, all his thoughts gone. "Yes, feels good to relax and obey..."

"You want to be a good obedient bear, don't you?" Armstrong said, gently caressing the younger bear's chest, his paw starting to unbutton Gareth's shirt. "You find the idea of being a subby obedient sex slave so incredibly arousing, don't you?"

And suddenly, Gareth did, the very thought making him excited, his cock stiffening in his underwear as his gaze remained locked on the panda's eyes. "Yes..." He said, a smile creeping across his muzzle.

"Alexi did as well..." Armstrong said. "And now he belongs to me, I am his Master. You want me to be your Master too, don't you?"

As soon as the panda said it, Gareth found that he did. He wanted this big dominant panda to be his Master, to own him and control him. He wanted to be his sex slave so badly, nothing else seemed to matter anymore...

"Yes!" He pleaded. "Please let me belong to you and be your slave!"

"Oh, you already are mine." The panda chuckled. "Your mind at least. Your body won't be far behind. Just say it out loud. Say you are my slave and that I am your Master and you want to serve me!"

"I am your slave!" Gareth blurted out without hesitation. "You are my Master and I want nothing more than to serve you forever!"

Without breaking eye contact with the young grizzly, Armstrong reached out a paw to his side. As he'd been expecting, the ferret that had been fucking Alexi was waiting there, his approach completely unnoticed by Gareth. He placed a leather collar in the panda's outstretched paw.

Armstrong quickly and expertly wrapped the collar around Gareth's neck, buckling it closed. "Now, you're mine!" He laughed.

"Thank you so much for owning me, Master!" The newly enslaved Gareth was beaming with happiness.

It was only then that the panda broke eye contact, grabbing Gareth by his collar and dragging him into the room.

"Your skills with hypnosis never cease to amaze me, Sir." The ferret said, trailing behind him.

"Even though you've experienced them yourself plenty of times..." The panda said with a grin. He started pulling the clothes off Gareth and tossing them aside, the young grizzly not resisting in the slightest.

"Will you be keeping these two, Sir?" The ferret asked.

"Just for tonight." Armstrong shrugged. "But I'll leave them with post-hypnotic suggestions to come back and visit often." He waved a paw at Alexi. "Now, get back to fucking his brains out!"

"Yes, Master!" The ferret smiled, returning to the restrained polar bear.

A short time later, Gareth was strapped stomach down on a bondage bench, panting and moaning with pleasure as Armstrong relentlessly pounded his thick cock into the young bear's ass again and again, both of them enjoying every minute.

Gareth was lost in pleasure, both of being fucked and being owned and serving his Master. And Armstrong was luxuriating in the thrill of having conquered another male's mind, having wiped away his free will and enslaved him completely, enjoying that knowledge as much as he was enjoying physically dominating and fucking the hell out of his latest conquest...

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Demon From Beyond

Beralus the Mighty stalked through the panic-stricken town, searching for the demons.

At least, he assumed that was what he was dealing with. The few running and screaming townsfolk he'd managed to stop and get to talk to him had told of strange beings appearing out of thin air and magically subduing any males they got close to, easily capturing them and causing them to vanish before their very eyes. If it wasn't some sort of demon attack, he wasn't sure what else it could be...

The town around him had become pretty quiet, most residents having presumably fled or hidden themselves away. Or been taken by these demons. The big musclebound grizzly bear stopped for a moment, listening for anything that might lead him to his quarry.

He wondered momentarily if he should have gone back to the tavern and donned more of his armour before going demon hunting. When he'd been woken from his slumber by the cries and shouts he'd hadn't thought to get fully dressed, only stopping to pull his boots on and grab his sword before sprinting outside to see what was happening. And the possibility of facing an opponent as worthy of his skills as an otherworldly demon had been such a thrill that once he learned what was happening, he'd immediately started his search, not paying much heed to his state of dress.

As such, he was wearing only boots and his loincloth. Probably not the best attire for battling a demon. But what the hell, lack of armour would make the fight more challenging and therefore more enjoyable.

His ears suddenly picked up a cry of alarm to his left, probably just a few streets over from the one in which he was standing. Brandishing his weapon, he dashed off towards it.

He turned the corner into the street in question in time to see what he presumed to be one of the demons subduing a terrified raccoon peasant. It shone some sort of bright light from its raised palm into his face. The peasant immediately stopped, shoulders slumping, his expression suddenly going neutral, his eyes glassy.

Sorcery of some kind! Beralus assumed. This was definitely either a demon or the minion of some dark wizard. It certainly looked the part. Black and leathery with large horns atop its head...

As he looked closer, he realised the horns were actually decorative, part of a helmet the creature seemed to be wearing over a mask. But it would fool anyone who didn't take the time to stop and look, which wouldn't be many.

And the black leather wasn't the demon's skin, but clothing, some form of skin-tight outfit hugging its lithe physique. And the bear saw a belt about its waist, with various pouches...

While he watched, the demon reached into one of these pouches and pulled out a metal disc with glowing lights on its surface (some form of talisman perhaps?), which it proceeded to slap on the raccoon's chest. A moment later, bluish light enveloped the poor peasant and a moment after that, he had vanished without a trace.

A rumbling growl built up in Beralus' chest. Damn demon! Enchanting innocent peasants with sorcery and then magicking them off to whatever demonic hell they hailed from! He would put a stop to this!

His grip tightened on his sword. The momentary concern about facing a creature with such magical power at its disposal flickered across his mind, but he pushed it aside. He was Beralus the Mighty! World renowned warrior and adventurer! He had faced and defeated villains far more dangerous than some upstart demon!

His temper getting the better of him and instincts kicking in, Beralus let out an almighty snarl and charged at the demon, his sword raised. "Prepare to die, foul demon!"

The creature turned to face him, inclining its head slightly in a gesture of bemusement. It raised a hand with a glowing palm toward him...

The bear warrior attempted to dodge, believing he could easily avoid any blast of magic directed at him. And he did, but he glimpsed the beam of brightness as he did so. As soon as he saw that light, it was over. All thoughts were suddenly driven from his head and his body skidded to a halt, every muscle in his body relaxing. His sword slipped from his grip and clattered to the ground.

Beralus stood frozen and unthinking, unable to move or even think about moving, as the demon strolled towards him, chuckling a deep raspy chuckle.

"Well." It said. "You put up more of a fight than anyone else, bear. But it was still inadequate to escape your fate." The demon crouched down to pick up the dropped sword and took a moment to examine it. "So pathetically primitive. But still would have cut through my uniform if you got close enough. Good thing the hypnotic beams in my gloves still had enough charge to deal with you. That would have been an embarrassing way to die..."

The blade was tossed aside as the demon focused all its attention on Beralus. "And my, you are an impressive specimen." A leather gloved hand reached out and caressed the bear's body, fondling his muscles. The bear warrior simply allowed it, his mind remaining devoid of thought or will. "One of the best I've seen in all my years of slaving raids."

The demon reached up and lifted off its helmet, and then pulled off its face mask, revealing green scaly skin and reptilian features. On one side of its head was adorned with a round metal object, with a thin piece snaking down to the side of its mouth. It smiled at the bear with a thoughtful look in his eyes. "In fact, you give me an idea..."

He reached up and pressed the object on the side of its head with one finger. "Captain Argus to ship. Give me a report on the status of the raid."

A raspy voice replied, emanating from the demon's object. "Excellent rate of acquisition, sir, cryo-storage holds are filling up fast. Good range of age and species. The slave-techs have already started processing and programming them..."

The demon interrupted. "And how are we on our quota?"

"Same as with every other primitive backwater planet we've hit in the past six months." The replying voice sounded happy. "Well above quota, Captain."

"Excellent!" The demon grinned broadly. "Give all raiders another half hour. Then I want everyone teleported back aboard so we can head for home."

"Understood, Captain."

"Argus out." The demon removed his finger from the thing on the side of his head and started fumbling through the pouches on his belt.

"Since we're above quota yet again." He explained. "And the Reptile Star Empire is going to be getting plenty of new slaves for the labour market, no one can object to me claiming one for myself. It is in my contract after all." He glanced up at Beralus. "And to think, so many mocked me for not claiming one before now, for wanting to wait until the right specimen came along!"

The demon found what he was looking for, pulling out a small metal square. "There's my claim collar! Was starting to think I'd never get to use it..."

Captain Argus stepped forward and placed the metal square against the side of Beralus' neck and gave it a light tap. In an instant, the metal extended into a long strip, which wrapped itself around his throat, both ends joining together to form a tight circle of metal pressing again his flesh.

As soon as it was done, a small flicker of basic thought ignited in the bear's mind. He blinked, feeling as if he could move again. But he had trouble remembering anything or putting together any complex thoughts.

"The collar now marks you as my property." Argus said. "It also keeps most of your mind and memory suppressed while imprinting some basic obedience and enslavement protocols. Which will be enough until we get you properly processed and programmed."

"I..." Beralus said, stumbling over his words, his confused brain trying to put his thoughts in order. "I... I don't know..."

"What are you?" Argus demanded.

The reply cam quick and automatically to the bear. "I am a slave." Although Beralus knew it to be absolutely true, it seemed odd somehow.

Argus didn't give him much time to think about it though. "And who am I?"

Again the answer was simple and quick for the bear. "You are my Master."

"And what is your purpose, slave?" Argus asked, smiling.

"To serve and obey you, Master." As Beralus said it, he knew it was true, no matter how confusing it might have seemed. He had no other purpose than to dedicate his every waking moment to the service of his Master.

"Excellent." Argus nodded. "What is your name, slave?"

"Beralus, Master."

Argus' reptillian features frowned. "No, I don't like it. Until I decide what your name will be, you will simply be 'slave'. Forget your old name."

"I understand, Master." Slave said, bowing his head submissively, the name 'Beralus' already gone from his brain.

"Now, let's get you up to my cabin on my ship." Argus giggled, patting the bear on his bulging muscular chest. "I want to get you started on your duties, slave. You're going to be my personal slave, servant and fucktoy." His grin grew wider. "And I want to get started on the 'fucktoy' part away!"

"Whatever you command, Master." Slave said, feeling happy that his Master was happy and that he was going to get to serve him and fulfil his purpose.

Captain Argus tapped the device on the side of his head. "Captain Argus to ship! Two to teleport aboard!"

A moment later, they were enveloped by blue light and were gone...