Unexpected, Undeserved ~ Chapter 7

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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#7 of Unexpected, Undeserved [Patreon novel]

When something happens like in chapter 6, of course you're gonna be thinking about it for a bit afterwards. Seems like neither Eli nor Lynn can get it out of their heads, though Eli's shaping up to spend some quality time with Marlin. I wonder how that's gonna go.This story is run through my Patreon, where you can read chapters early! I'm about halfway through chapter 10 at the time of posting this!

"...So as I was saying," Lynn went on, reaching down to get another bite out of her stack of pancakes. As she raised it to her muzzle, a fat drop of thick syrup dripped off and landed right along the line of her collarbone, warm amber on smooth slate. "That one place down by the corner of our street, the uh... you know what it is. You saw it. That one's really good." Chew, chew, swallow. "Really good."

"Yeah..." Eli watched that drop of syrup, slowly drifting further down. Though the diner they'd chosen for breakfast was filled with people at this hour - Saturday morning, somewhere between ten and eleven - he couldn't really hear any of them. Not unless he looked directly at them, at least, like the fox couple who seemed a little different every time he glanced past Lynn's shoulder, and even then the noise remained a low, dull rumble, lacking real detail. Maybe it was just that _she_held his attention so firmly: the morning light coming in through the wide window, straight shadows cast across her muzzle and the table between them from the "$7 combo deal" painted across the glass, illuminated her fur and her eyes. The few times the two had gone out together, he'd consistently tried to get a look at the color of her eyes, and still had never been able to pin it down.

But, then... the wild dog licked his lips and swallowed, his own fork hovering halfway to his muzzle and stopping there. The drop of maple syrup continued trailing down Lynn's chest, herself completely unaware of it even as it... as it slowed a bit then picked back up once starting the smooth, heavy arc of her breast. Her _bare_breast. Eli had known about it since they'd first walked in, whenever that was, but it felt that this made him _aware_of it only now. He swallowed again and returned his eyes to her muzzle: she'd finished whatever she was saying but showed no suspicion or concern on her face, instead just keeping her chin on one paw while the other dragged another chunk of pancakes in the pool of syrup at the edge of her plate.

He flicked his eyes back down to her... display again, then finally moved his fork to his mouth. A slight shift of his footpaws caused a brush up against hers, also bare, and a moment later he could feel her start to push her way gently up along his ankles, soft pawpads running along short fur. That made him shiver.

"How about you?"

It took a moment for him to recognize she'd spoken. Odd thing was, he couldn't really taste the pancakes, either. "Huh?" Eli reached over for the syrup bottle, surprisingly light for being near full. When he tilted it the amber-brown liquid inside slowly lurched to the side; with that still held he glanced past it, following the slow trail of the other drop as it now traced down around the striped hyena's nipple. Another rub of her foot against his ankle made him shiver again.

"What do you think about him?"

"About who?" One of the foxes in the next booth over, fur white as a sunlit sheet of snow, raised an arm and called to the waitress. Or at least, it looked like he did; Eli couldn't hear him.

"You know." Lynn leaned forward - and suddenly the table seemed a lot smaller. It still held everything it had the beginning of the morning, but back then she hadn't been able to tickle his cheek with her short whiskers. She smelled of maple syrup and... her. Well, her and him, too. An image flashed into his head of being bent over her, the hyena's arms around his shoulders and legs coiled on his thighs, her muzzle buried into his shoulder and- "Him."

"I don't..."

Then there was no table, and she had to brace one paw against the top of the booth seat to lean in over him. She brought her other paw up his chest, too, fingers slowly walking their way up, short claws poking against his skin through his fur and shirt. Now she smelled of arousal, or at least what he thought would be arousal - that slight drier spice that her scent had taken on when he'd... when he'd closed his lips on her nipple and swirled his tongue around it last night. The syrup drop was gone. "So, then, what do you think about me, Eli? I think by now you should know that I think that you-"

-The slam of a door down the hall jerked the wild dog awake, replacing the foggy image of the breakfast diner with the cool blandness of Marlin's bedroom. Just a dream. That was right: Lynn had taken him to breakfast this morning, but she certainly hadn't taken her top off before going on. She_had_ dropped syrup onto herself, though noticed it right after it happened and promptly cleaned it up; and she _had_poked her footpaws forward against Eli's ankles and lower legs, but...

Actually, that part was all true. He'd made a fool of himself, trying to follow the thread of conversation and then losing it a second later. Good thing they'd taken one of the corner booths, too, or else he might have been too embarrassed from her touching_him like that in public to really do anything. But... the wild dog reached over towards the nightstand and hit the button on his phone, squinting against the sudden brightness of the screen. Not that it hadn't been unwarranted, those touches. Lynn had eyed him before she started, giving him the same sort of look that she had when she'd first slid down between his legs the previous night - that look that clearly said "are you okay with this? Would you rather I stop?", and his body had pushed his own footpaws forward in subtle invitation... just thinking about it now gave him another shiver, and a bit of a _throb elsewhere.

Right. There had been _that,_too. Last night... his phone screen went dark, and he had to hit the button again. Lynn had walked him down the hall to the bedrooms with his paw in hers, fingers intertwined yet loose, and he'd been able to feel his heart pounding in his throat. Part of that was what remained from what the two had just finished doing, and then the other part belonged to the same shy nervousness he'd felt on and off since it began. The hyena showed him to the guest room, just across the hall from her own bedroom, and had watched as he looked between the two of them... but then showed no disappointment when he thanked her and headed off to it. Part of him had wondered, had worried, if she'd expected him to ask if he could sleep with her.

Part of him wanted_to. That particular part had also kept him up half the night, replaying what had just happened, extending that scenario forward into what _might have happened if they'd remained, or if he had decided to join her. She'd held her arms out for a hug before saying goodnight, and the feeling of her soft warmth against his chest, her gentle scent in his nose - and his own musk on her breath. It was just so... so absurd, almost.

He rolled onto his side and pulled his phone closer as he scrolled through one of his social media feeds, upright ear perked and naturally tilted towards the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. Lynn was just something. Listening to her last night, watching those blades of rough-edged emotion pierce through her usual demeanor, feeling her warmth and weight on him... listening, watching, feeling her. Same things she'd always made him feel, even from that first day at the music shop. Now, though, those feelings came out stronger, tickling at his heart and chest, put that little fizzle in the base of his spine that he knew would result in a wag if he stood up.

That last had been what had kept him up the most. He'd always thought he was gay, had always identified as such... throughout high school and his two years of college, he'd never thought otherwise. Never had any reason to. Multiple boyfriends, Marlin some near-countless number of times... and then, suddenly, a striped hyena woman in rough jeans and a crop-top, a hyena who could make him laugh, and whose own laugh filled him with... with-

"Ah! There you are." Marlin slid into the room, immediately tossing his jacket to the side and moving to strip off his shirt. "Shit. You look tired. Y'know, usually when you come over early it's because you really wanna get railed, not 'cause you just wanna fuckin' sleep..."

Well. Eli swallowed and squirmed, rolling over onto his back and smoothing the blankets down atop him to make sure that that little throb remaining from his dream could be seen. This was Marlin's place: of course he'd gotten naked before getting into bed. "Yeah. Sorry. I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night..." Another smoothing of the blankets, pressing his paws down along his hips and thighs as he went to ensure that his morning wood - though it was middle afternoon - showed through the sheets. Fox was right about one thing. "And - sorry I couldn't make it yesterday. Um... something came up. Unexpected plans."

Unexpected indeed. Marlin shrugged, back to the bed, before tossing his shirt off to the side and starting in at the fly of his pants. "Well. You're here now, so, that's alright. You know..." Slender white-furred muzzle turned to the side, looking over his shoulder. "I do charge interest, and I intend to collect."

So that's alright._That didn't much line up with the texts that he'd sent late in the night, when Eli had been preoccupied with other things, other people. He hadn't bothered checking his phone - well, he _had; he hadn't bothered checking the multiple unread messages from this fox in particular - until after he and Lynn had finished breakfast up, and once he did... "Where are you? You know I don't like it when you go back on your word"; "I spent all this time getting things ready only for you to not show up", "Rude", things like that. Bullshit like that. The very same bullshit that made him hesitate from doing this...

...at least until the fox turned again, slim boxer-briefs halfway down his thighs with his plump sheath and sack just now coming into view. That always changed his mind; Eli pulled himself up a little bit to rest on his elbows, letting out a soft rumble as Marlin climbed in on top of him and straddled his lower body. The rich scent of vulpine musk floated up and wrapped around his muzzle, thick and clinging like hot syrup; it took all he had not to dive forward and press his nose right between those legs, right up against the base of that sheath or around the back, along the soft region of skin hanging between there and the fox's lower belly.

Places he'd been several times before, basically. On a few separate occasions Marlin could swear that Eli had spent upwards of thirty minutes huffing his scent. He licked his lips and looked up at the fox, sharing that electric hunger in his gaze, then reached forward to rest a paw on his bare thigh-

"It's hard, Eli. It's goddamn hard to take that step."

Then it was the warmth of Lynn's leg under his paw, the slight shaking of her body palpable even then. Eli swallowed, suddenly hit by a wave of... of something. Something that slowed him down, that made him hesitate, that actually caused him to resist the pressure of Marlin's paws on his shoulder trying to push him back down to the bed. Not that the fox noticed, of course; at least, he didn't say anything about it, instead just shuffling forward closer towards the wild dog's muzzle and then sliding his sheath a little bit back between a finger and a thumb.

Then Eli's gaze settled back on the prize, rich reddish-pink flesh protruding from smooth white fur, glistening in the afternoon light coming in through the window. His nose, his whiskers twitched with the aroma, and his body gave an instinctive - or would the word be reflexive? - buck of the hips upwards.

Lynn wouldn't... she..._He swallowed again, licked his lips, let his mouth hang open. Marlin slowly worked the lip of his sheath back and forth over his growing length, other paw still in place behind one of the wild dog's ears and none too gently trying to pull him forward and down. It was quite hard to resist, and before long Eli found himself dragging his nose up underneath the tapered tip of that cock, pulling in slow, steady breaths through his nose and letting them waft back out through his parted lips... and yet, still, part of him wasn't sure. The same part that felt so _something around Lynn. She said, that... she said...

_ _

"So you hang on to that relationship, clinging to what it used to be, hoping it'll come up again, imagining that it's still there."

Another breathy swallow. Eli brought his paw up to replace Marlin's, giving a firm squeeze as he did so: he'd always loved the feeling of soft, supple sheath skin around firm cock. He must have been a bit slower in his nuzzling than he thought, though; a little bit later, the paw behind his ear turned from a grip and pull to a gentle rub.

"What's wrong?" Marlin asked. Still, though, he kept on churning his hips gently forward and back against the wild dog's face - and Eli still reciprocated, pushing his nose and cheek down along that length until he had to wrap his paws down underneath the fox's thighs and pull him closer, to get where he wanted to be.

"I don't know." Slow, deep inhale right from the lip of his sheath, swallow, shuddering exhale... and he rested back, the headboard of the bed bouncing briefly with the sudden change. "I just... kind of don't feel, like..."

"I need to know that you do want to do this. I need to hear you say it."

_ _

That paw tightened again, pulling him forward and down. Eli let a small smirk touch his lips - right before the tip of Marlin's length did the same, smearing a small drip of warm pre across his fur. "Well..." The fox gave another buck, this time ending with his other paw at the base of his shaft to tap it against Eli's nose. "You'll feel better once this is buried under your tail. You always do."

That smirk turned into a scoff, but whether it was in actual humor at Marlin's words or directed to himself... Marlin was right, after all. As always. No matter how much he hated it.

Eli swallowed again and let his tongue hang out for another slow, deliberate lick, fingers adjusting their grip on the fox's thighs to hold him at a more comfortable distance.

~ ~ ~

Lynn just continued drawing the spatula around the pan, arm on the same autopilot it had been on for the past five or six minutes since she had first mixed the egg into the rice. Richard had gotten back home early in the afternoon, though the first thing he did was retreat into his bedroom and close the door so he could talk on the phone with his boyfriend... who he'd just gotten back from seeing. The female hyena rolled her eyes and scoffed every time she thought of that. Once dinner was finished, he'd certainly have all sorts of questions for her, the first of which would be so did he spend the night?

And, indeed he did. That had been all she'd been able to think about since saying goodbye to him earlier in the day, with a warm hug and the briefest of nuzzles to his cheek once they returned from the breakfast place. She could still feel his nervousness in that hug, the wild dog still as unsure about himself and his feelings as ever: Lynn had draped her arms down over his shoulders, and he'd tried to wrap his up beneath hers, then shifted to the middle of her back, then dropped them to her waist, then brought them back up... so she intentionally pressed herself against him a bit, there. It had gotten a reaction for sure, if the twitch to his dinner-plate ears said anything. Call it an excuse to get another whiff of his scent, too, that little nuzzle to his jaw and cheek just before breaking apart. Sure, it wasn't the scent that she'd gone to bed wearing and smelling, but it still made her feel... something.

So strange. Absurd, almost, if that was the word for it. Lynn forced herself to focus on the meal again, tilting the pan towards herself and scooping the gathered rice, green onions, little chunks of chicken, and fried egg all into one pile, then flipping that clear to the other side.

Just... fuckin'... God. Wow. The whole thing actually made her a little shaky, truth be told: she paused for a moment to hold her paw up in the air, spatula held lightly, and chuckled at seeing the little residual shiver. Like my first damn time on a rollercoaster. Haven't had that much fun in a long time, and I still can't really believe I actually fuckin' did it.

And Eli, too! The way he'd nearly lost himself swirling his tongue and working his lips on her, the little tweaks and twitches to his facial expression when she'd dove down between his legs, the way he gripped at the couch and bucked up into her muzzle... Lynn had definitely had to revisit those fresh memories when she'd first woken up, early in the morning before any sounds of him had come across the hall from the guest room. She'd wanted him to decide to come join her, too, but... maybe that would have been going too fast. That much, she understood.

Her understanding, though, didn't mean that she didn't have trouble actually getting to sleep. All those thoughts swirling around in her head and in her chest, odd feelings, things she hadn't expected... things she wasn't fully sure she'd welcome at this point in time. Just - wait and see, though. Wait and see.

Somehow over breakfast - "somehow" being of her own damn doing - they'd gotten into a conversation about those same things, about interest and romance and love. "My first kiss," Lynn had offered, "was with an otter. First girlfriend. If you can count it that; it lasted, like, a week before she moved away."

_ _

"Oh! Mine, too," Eli had replied, right after taking a sip of his drink. She remembered because he missed the last drop, and she'd watched it roll down the colored line on the straw.

_ _

"First kiss, or first girlfriend?"

_ _

"First kiss. With an otter."

_ _

Then, how could she have resisted an opportunity like that? Lynn remembered crossing one leg over the other and leaning back in her seat, bringing her own drink to her lips. She always liked to imagine herself as having a... a sort of sharp confidence to her demeanor, something that had honed and developed after dealing with so much bullshit in so many relationships for so long. Already once, though, she'd let that down around that wild dog. "Have you ever even had a girlfriend?"

_ _

He'd hesitated, then. Usually the only pauses that made her heart skip a beat came when her mom called her and waited a second before speaking, or when Sven intentionally held off on telling her his blood test results since he thought it'd be funny, or...

"Well." He was always cute when he shrugged. Lynn uncrossed her legs as though she hadn't literally just done it, so she could lean in again. "I mean. Sorta? Like... that's usually how it works, like, you see all your friends are doing something, and they're liking it, so you try it too, and maybe find out you don't." Another shrug. "Video games, or, like, weed. Some kind of food. Or girls."

"Sure." Then she'd reached her footpaws forward to brush against his - and, hell, just thinking about it now made gave her one of the sweetest smiles. The hyena reached down to turn the burner off, making sure to stir the rice just a little longer afterwards. "And you didn't like it. So you figured..."

The way he'd nodded, then... it had been more of an understanding, more of a concession, than something done to defend himself. As if to say, yes, I didn't give it its proper chance, and now I know I'm wrong. Or maybe that would just be Lynn putting his words into his mouth. "And you never thought your tastes would change?" she'd gone on, pushing her other footpaw against his ankle, still squeezed against her first. The reaction that that brought out from him would definitely be something to remember, whether it was the touch itself or the paws. It was cute, and besides, it had been a long time since Lynn had had someone she could touch like that who would actually enjoy and respond. Maybe soon he'd reciprocate, too.

_ _

"I mean... I guess I never really had the opportunity. And I never had the interest enough to try to make that opportunity happen."

Lynn swiped the pan off the stove and strode over to the other counter, a moment later reaching up to grab a plate for the rice. It smelled good this time. "And then you met me."

His smile, then... his _damn_smile. Sweet and shy, just as she'd learned Eli to be, a little embarrassed, a bit reserved. But in that moment she felt him lift his own footpaws up and return her touches, just a few small rubs against her.

But they were enough. After that she'd had to hide her muzzle in her drink again, since she could feel_the blush heating her cheeks. Long time since _that had happened. Even now, remembering it ignited that vaguely familiar little blossom of warmth in her chest, and-

"Whoa." Richard suddenly poked his head around the corner of the next room, nose twitching. Lynn had been so lost in thought that she must've missed him leaving his room and coming down the hall. "That smells good. Oh, shit, you did say you were doing fried rice today, didn't you? Man, I'm excited."

Lynn realized she'd been standing with the pan half-tilted for a few seconds, and moved to actually slide the rice onto the plate. "Yeah. No thanks to you, pal. I hope you've got something good planned for your turn tomorrow, 'cause I think this is gonna be the best I've ever made."

The other hyena rubbed his paws together. "Shit. I'm excited. You wanna sit down at the table with this, or d'ya wanna sit down and continue watching where we left off on your show?"

That gave her a smile, too, though it paled in comparison to what Eli had done to her today; Rick liked to make fun of that show and pretend he didn't like it, but he'd asked her about it nearly every day for the past week now. As for that damn wild dog, though... Lynn reached up to the cupboard again to get two more plates, for herself and her brother. Hardly four hours gone and she already wanted to text him again... though, then again, she'd wanted to text her last boyfriend within... well, the same day of him leaving.

But. Eli wasn't a boyfriend. She'd check in on him after dinner.