Story by DrNoshtau on SoFurry

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#1 of KORIGANZA Saga

I am very distant from closing and declaring my proper saga finished. This is Act J, readers. The very first thing you read in the book.

I have tried not enough to have motivation to write since 2011 when my idea was birthed. This saga is a collaborative invitation. Input your own ideas! Help the story grow! Bring OCs to life, see what happens. I'll update the main story with a blend of everything and credit you. Don't rush.

_ I am very distant from closing and declaring my proper saga finished. This is Act J, readers. The very first thing you read in the book. _

_ I have tried not enough to have motivation to write since 2011 when my idea was birthed. This saga is a collaborative invitation. Input your own ideas! Help the story grow! Bring OCs to life, see what happens. I'll update the main story with a blend of everything and credit you. Don't rush. _

**the saga is not inherently X-rated and has very sci-fi and other types of tones; it does not mean pure clean. some aspects of the story can suggest some 'x' hints**

*the thumbnail of this story is not Jermaine. It is Dr. Saccharum. Jermaine is an African-American refugee from Terra addicted to meth. the story does not happen on Earth*

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_ KORIGANZA/Act_J/Crystal_Code_001.docx _

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At the last drop of a medically induced high, a fangy vocalization sheeshes 0.5 steps to your sweaty forehead and licks the failed drug trial out of your glands. "Correction:", a finger points to the door as you, the trialee, regains your senses. "This is not acid-compatible. Domestic? Wild? We cannot be sure. Your reaction cannot guarantee if we are to release this scaley odor. Pwad. The predictions are so inconsistent I accuse you of... a sneaky non-organic lacing of your blood as to prepare yourself to a killer date, statistically. Trumper." His snickery fault-guilt had changed to a mistrustful gentleman beyond a ppm of time.

"I did get cleared, doctor!"

"Plightful. The humidity is killing you, you have been in a coma for five nights, your adrenals wore out, pyrrolines accumulated in your muscles and bone marrow, your kidneys had to be on dialysis and your bladder has passed NO urine, your muscles went solid stiff four times, and we are all dried to excalibur but your own fish-odored brain and skin in a status of indeterminate stasis. Very out of the usual prognosis of an excavader! Only a short amount of accomplishment is necessary to revolve around Venus. Heartrate was that of a panicked rare meat. My aura cure was an extreme urgency and your symptoms were numbed by decreasing the unit cubicule temperature to -2 Fahrenheit and immunocompromise your system in a sterile environment with probiotic saline IV. I am thankful that you were not retractable. Your brain could have tricked itself into a non-specific withdrawal reaction and more neurologically, damaging, a prolongated delirium or an acute kundalini coma episode! Data-blind is not a proper way to write off this scientific debauchery."

"Or we time travelled and you are doing a farce to me", you pitch in as a mild attempt to disclose HIS laced-knowledge debauchery. Look again. An usual symptom is how awake, confused and sensitive you are. There's an eye-corner hint of your memory you forgot the password of. It is a very dark room and you feel in high pain. Your legs are very numb. There is an IV with a saline solution clumped in your nose, your left eye is partially blind, and a brown rash zebring you.

"You did have some blood stroke and compression damaging your eye, I was daring to just let it pass, there was little amount of supply at a near-death phase and I expected it to resolve itself before you wake", convoluted the never-tired old ravenid.

"I don't even remember anything, shut up!"; emptiness poured out of your sore eyes.

"That is the reason you are informed. Parsing error in the database could have been plausible when configurating the parameters of the trial. Just today, I discovered you have a chromosome micro-mutation that could have foiled half of my curative procedures and has risked you to death. You became fragile from this mutation. Your name is Jermaine, you are twenty-four and you are now in the repository Sic-U. Ten days ago, you were administered to volunteer in a trial experiment but I foresee yourself gathering the memories once I restore them in you. The partial amnesia was voluntary". Another action-filled "Cedar Sinai Controversies" day.

"My name is Dr. Saccharum. Complimentary to know you're here. Therapeutic emergency first, patent later"

_ ~~~~ _

A memory retrieval in Jermaine's cognizance.

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_?We have advanced far it the future. I'm starting my own 'closedverse' again as I press that little button on my controller.

In my past incarnation, in my precious intimacy with Internet 1.5... I used to have a laid low community with 42 people on a forum. We were early memers but we were extremely close, we were in the same state or regional area. We posted videos and it was funny. That user was the center of the forum with me. I opened my internet one morning and he was inactive, I thought he was only busy, but he didn't even turnt that online status green for months. We have departed from loss of interest, the community quickly drowned and laid low, and the forum remained inactive. The owners, twinlets running dead RPG sites, could not pay the domain after 1 year of running. They told us it would close at midnight and we saluted all the team.

"Running out of time. We are apoligizing for the unexpected shutdown. We can not afford it. Gratitude to everyone for making this experience fun. Keep gaming."_

502 Bad Gateway.

It's now the year ??????_. I don't remember how I 'went Doctor Who' but I do have unconscious 'flashes'.

I do remember my past body life vividly. And this life seems foggier. I was male, still a male.

Many of our videos were private. For nostalgic reasons it occured to me that I answer the question to 'what happened to _ ????????_'. This question appeared in my head every day, or even when I sleep. I used a web history archive to track down the URL and there were a few screenshots available that I could click. Two of them worked. I then searched the kid's profile....

There was a video he had published that he had never responded when I asked him to give me the link, the day right before he quit. He had been very insistent that he would not show it. That was very out of character in his tone. This video was in a historical remnant._ -- purelifebeginsnever, ????????_ 18:12_

_That's what happened.... -- purelifebeginsnever, *???????? * 18:12 _

_I see. -- GameOfLoans, *???????? * 18:12 _

_jermaine? Are you active now? -- GameOfLoans, *???????? * 12:11 _

_I AM ????????! -- GameOfLoans, *???????? * 12:12 _

_ <GameOfLoans has left the chat> _