ECS: The First Bond

Story by Mune Cinteroph on SoFurry

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#1 of Edalon Chronicles

The first installment in a series of stories taking place in the Edalon Universe. This first chapter takes place well before the historical happenings of The Shattering.

The First Bond

An Edalon Chronicles Story

By: Mune Cinteroph

[Club Hakujitsumu]

[Entertainment District, Torho City, Tor'mio Continent]

[Five Years Before the Shattering]


The small stone sake glass was firmly planted upon the polished surface of the table. Across from him, his drinking partner slammed down his own. The server poured in silence, folf and dragon eyeing one another over the stacked sake glasses. Steam rose from the warm liquid, fragrant, it danced into their nostrils. Arinmal lifted one of the freshly filled glasses to his lips and threw it back. The warm alcohol tickled his tongue and burned a path down his throat to warm his belly.


They both slammed the emptied glasses once more upon the polished mahogany surface. The serpentine dragon offered a grin across the table. "I've named my price."

"Seven-thousand. Yes. You and I both know well how over the top that figure is, Estof," The folf retorted firmly. His violet eyes bore into the dragon's amber eye and the scar that made up his other eye.

"If you want the information I have, that is the price, half-breed." The dragon snorted a puff of smoke across to the irritated folf. The information broker was nowhere nearer budging on the price he named than he had been before the first drink had been poured. "Need I remind you, that you are lucky I do not demand more or not do business with you at all after our last encounter," He reminded, pointing to his scarred right eye.

Of course, he needed no reminding, Arinmal snorted back, violet eyes flashing in agitation. "Come on now."

"Tis' fine, I am sure others will pay handsomely for the information I have." Estof made to rise from his cushion but a hand upon his own drew his attention back across the table. He resituated himself upon his seat and offered a toothy grin. "Have you reconsidered?"

Arinmal huffed his response and waved the dragon to continue. Estof shot the server a glance. With a bow, the server excused himself and the briefest din of the heavy thumping music beyond the private room filled the space only to be cut off once more by the thick drapes. The dragon made himself more comfortable, making the folf wait impatiently for him to spill the information he needed. He reminded himself, he had to find some less irritating information brokers to buy from.All dragons are assholes, he thought irritably.

"Word is, he has made contact with a sect in the Tor'meld Continent but a week ago." Estof began. When Arinmal's brow rose, he continued. "Whether the Lord Kitsune deemed to remain there for any length of time is uncertain. That said, the Institute of Magical Sciences have become agitated in Tor'meld's capital just two nights ago."

"The kitsune?" Arinmal pressed.

"Could be, we know they hunt kitsune down whenever the opportunity arises. They are creatures that live and breath magic after all." Estof explained. "It is feasible they are looking to continue... it."

"'It' completely obliterated the Drac'muh Region. Wiped it off the face of Edalon in no small way."

"Cities flattened, no survivors. Oh, I am very aware my friend." The dragon grinned viciously, "Has that ever stopped the IMS before?"

The folf's brow furrowed in a frown.

"Of course, you and I both know Cinteroph is too good to be caught by the likes of them. Hells, his family is too good. That is why you are tracking him." Estof poured the sake in the absence of the server, the steam piping into the air between them. He poured his guest a fresh cup and slid it over with a thick talon. "Who hired you to tail him?"

"The contract came through uncertain channels but... "

"Pays well, hmm?"


They slammed their empty cups upside down and let the warmth crawl through their veins. Arinmal thought over the involvement of the Institute and frowned once more. He did not like their being involved.

Estof rose, "You can pay the server on your way out, Vultee."

The folf heard the rustle of the drapes as the broker left him to his deliberations. He eyed the bottle of sake left behind. Without a moment's hesitation, he snatched the bottle and chugged the contents. He left minutes later in a satisfied haze of booze. The noises of the city flooded back to him all at once upon exiting the club. Cars sped past, neon lights stained the sky vibrant hues that blocked out the stars. Boisterous laughter from down the street, a gang of kids either high or drunk making the best of the late hour.

The folf turned right and began his walk back to the hotel he was staying at. He had tickets to book to fly out to the Tor'meld Continent first thing in the morning. He wondered how many steps behind he was, or had his quarry already moved on. It was a safe bet he had moved on if the IMS were after him for whatever nefarious purposes. It is a lead, he reminded himself, there is nothing else to go on anyway.

[Aleonis Airport]

[Tourist District, Aleonis City, Tor'meld Continent]

Twelve hours hence, the jet descended and he was setting foot into the capital city of Tor'meld. Aleonis' skyscrapers reached wantonly to the sky far above. Arinmal waited patiently among other passengers going through the checkpoint before they could move on to whatever plans they had made in the city. He wondered at what his own next steps would be to track down his bounty. He flashed a guard his papers and was waved onwards. He retrieved his rucsac from the luggage conveyor before joining the bustle of the overpopulated Aleonis.

A jumbo monitor nearby flashed the news of the attack, the announcer loudly reporting on the details of the attack. Arinmal slowed his pace and listened in.

Unnatural fire... kitsune fire? Arinmal continued walking to the hotel he had booked nearby the airport.

Within the hour he was checked in and settled. He showered to get rid of the airplane grime he imagined clung to his fur. He glanced himself in the mirror. He stood tall, obviously getting his height from the wolf part of his ancestry. Thick white fur, broken by purple marks and cloud grey gloves hid the corded muscles in his arms and legs. A thick brush of a tail swept light behind toned thighs and handsome posterior. He brushed a hand through his grey and purple head fur and regarded himself for a moment before he finished towelling his fur dry and grabbed fresh underwear from his small stack of clothing.

Night fell, and the folf was soon on the streets. Perhaps he thought clues would fall into his lap. Nightclubs were raging all around him, music thumping into the night. He passed them without a second glance. Boisterous furs of all variety were laughing and yammering as they stumbled from club to club. Scantily dressed females hung off the arms of their men, tarted up for a night on the town. Gay couples made free with their love for the world to see. Arinmal glanced at two male wolves groping each other openly. His ears tilted forward. He huffed and carried on along the sidewalk.

For a week, his routine went unchanged. Another IMS lab was hit, again no one had been injured. Arinmal watched the news curiously, making note of anything strange in the images flashed across the television screen. Injuries were reported but no deaths.

The clubs again seemed to call out to him with their loud music and boisterous nightlife, as he strode through the city streets. He slowed in front of one such club, one that seemed to draw his attention more than the others. He entered, eyes wandering over the assembled club goers. They danced to music that was not near as heavy as the music in the surrounding clubs. It seemed softer, more subdued. Bodies gyrated. Male, female, and others, they were grinding and slowly swaying. The entire room seemed an orgy of blissful motion. Enraptured muzzles, closed eyes, the crowd moved and flowed.

The music filled his ears, even as the scent of sweat and musk filled his nostrils. He skirted the dance floor and made for the bar where a sandy furred rabbit tended to the thirsty patrons. Grey eyes caught violet ones, and the folf gave a nod of greeting before taking a seat.

"What is your pleasure handsome?" The rabbit asked in a singsong tone.

"Old Fashioned."

The rabbit winked and went to mix the drink.

"Spencer mixes a mean Old Fashioned."

Arinmal's attention turned to a fox that had taken the seat beside his own. He was momentarily taken aback by brilliant, ruby eyes. He caught himself quickly and grunted a non-committal response. The fox smelled strongly of musk and had obviously been among the dancing crowd. Sweat dampened his fur, and he briefly saw the long tongue out in a hard pant before the vulpine slurped it back in to regain some semblance of class. The folf smelled the musk with every breath through his nostrils.

"Not very sociable, are you," the fox quipped with a wide grin. He leaned in, his nose nearly brushing the folf's. "A good looking guy like you should really be a bit more open to conversation."

The folf made to turn his head towards the fox and their whiskers brushed. A jolt like electricity passed between them and the folf had to remember how to breathe. The fox' ears splayed and it was an oddly cute reaction. Is he now playing coy? The folf huffed and turned back to the bartender as his drink was placed down. He sipped the deep amber liquid within and felt the warmth of it hit his belly quickly. He was not wrong, this is damned good.

He turned to say something but found the fox had risen to pad off back to the crowd. He stared at the beautifully groomed tail that swayed behind a shapely rump. He noted for the first time that the fox was mildly overweight, but not horribly so. It added a rather attractive curviness to his form. The pink markings and bangs were just a sweet touch to an already attractive male. The bartender cleared his throat and Arinmal's eyes snapped around.

"Careful. He bites." Spencer chuckled and carried on to help another patron.

Four drinks later and the folf rose to leave.

The fox smiled, his eyes were bright with mirth. With a sway of a tail, he invited the folf to follow and follow he did. In a tangle of limbs and tongues, they tumbled into the fox' rented room above the club. Arinmal pressed the other male's back hard against the apartment door, slamming it shut. Their muzzles mashed together, tongues lashing at one another. It did not cross the folf's mind that he did not even know the fox' name. Their bodies pressed together, ears laid back, breath shared as their bodies vibrated with electricity. Every kiss, every lick was fire through their veins. The folf growled hungrily into the fox' mouth, tongue scraping against the other canine's teeth. He could not get the fox out of his pants quickly enough. He shoved them down the other male's thighs.

The fox kicked them aside only to feel his thighs grabbed and yanked up. His legs wrapped around the larger male's hips. He felt the folf pull his throbbing length free from the fly of his pants, felt the wetness of it against his buttox. The heat of the other male pressed so needily up against him brought a soft moan from his muzzle into the folf's mouth. The fire threatened to engulf them both. With a cry, the fox was opened up, the shaft pressing up under his tail to sink into his depths. His claws dug into the door at his back, digging gouges into the paint.

Arinmal felt the warmth of the fox surround his shaft as he thrust inwards. He opened so easily, so ready for him. The folf plunged his length in until he was hilted in the smaller male. His hands grasped the chubby rump of the fox, giving a firm squeeze. His claws dug in, drawing slight rivulets of blood before he began to roughly piston in and out. Every thrust drove the fox hard against the door to the apartment.

For an hour they went at each other. Arinmal lay panting, the fox between his thighs bobbing slowly, sucking at the throbbing dick. The fox' ass ached but in a pleasant way. He licked along the length, eyes locked with the larger male's. Arinmal closed his eyes and what felt like moments passed and morning had snuck up upon him. The fox was gone, likely gone to his job for the day, he thought with a pleasant sigh. The fox' scent was everywhere, the folf sat up and breathed deep. It filled him with a pleasant warmth, but nowhere near the electricity, he felt when he was in contact with the male. Decidedly, he could not sit around the fox' apartment until he returned. He had his own work to do. He could not help but reflect on how uncharacteristic it was of him to leap into bed with a complete stranger. He realized then that he still had no clue what the guy's name was, even as he left the apartment and bounded down the stairs and out into the street.

"Hello, Estof."

Silence on the other end of the line for a moment before the dragon snorted into the phone. "You've never phoned me before."

Even the video of the dragon on the screen showed the information broker's amusement. Arinmal made sure his distaste was clear for the camera on his end. "I was hoping you had some more information. There is shit going down over here."

"That is the word, Vultee. You know my information does not come free though."

"I am quite aware," Arinmal snarled.

"Hey. Listen asshole. Don't you go snarling at me. I am not a charity, fucker." Eztof snarled back.

"Okay. Okay. Calm down. I'm sorry."

"I suppose I'll accept your apology this time, prick. Don't call unless you plan to pay next time."

The line went dead and the video feed cut off. Arinmal stared at the receiver before slammed it into its cradle. He grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the hotel for his rounds.

Mune's eyes took in the sight of the lab sprawled out before him. Tanks filled with all manners of strange creatures stood tall over him. The place felt like something from nightmares, something evil. His eyes narrowed and he thought on the sins of the Institute. He thought of his brother's orders and could smell the burn of ozone before he heard the crackle of magic dancing along his tail.

"Don't worry brother, I have this handled."

He raised both hands and traced the symbols upon the air one after another until the circle was forged. Then with a loud crackle, the magic was unleashed and danced along the consoles. The entire building erupted into brilliant flame within minutes and the shadow of the kitsune was long gone by the time authorities arrived.

The folf was waiting outside the club as he approached. The smell of smoke clung to him, he hoped the folf would not mind so much. He approached and offered a sheepish grin. "I did not expect to see you again so soon, folf."

"Arinmal Vultee."

"Oh, I like that name." Mune's smile brightened some.

"Well... I was hoping for yours in exchange."

"Oh, sorry, it's a secret." The fox grinned impishly, his ruby eyes shimmering.

"Do I need to fuck it out of your plush ass?" Arinmal returned the grin.

"Mmm... maybe..."

They did not make it to the fox' room before their clothes were off. Arinmal had him against a wall of the hall leading to the apartments, taking him right in the open. From there, they stumbled, with the fox' ass leaking cum, into his apartment where Arinmal sunk into him once more in his bed.

In a tangle of blankets and limbs, the fox muttered softly. "My name is Mune."

"That is a beautiful name."

"My brother named me," Mune explained.

"Your sibling named you?" Arinmal arched a brow.

"Had to, my parents could not. He raised me"

Arinmal's claws traced up and down the fox' forearm, raising goosebumps. His other hand stroked along the fox' skin until it cupped one of his rump cheeks and gave a squeeze. "Does he know he raised a cum guzzler?"

Mune smirked, "How do you think I kept him in a good mood?"

The folf blinked, unable to think what to do with that bit of information. Pushing it out of mind, Arinmal nibbled at the soft fur at the fox' throat with a light growl, making the fox shiver in delight. The folf was ready to go another round, and so he grasped the boy's scruff and drew his head down, stuffing his muzzle with thick folf dick. He put the fox' muzzle to work and conversation ceased.

Sirens blared. The building was a ruckus of activity. The Institute's elite guard moved with purpose from floor to floor, their boots pounding upon cold linoleum. Mune kept ahead of them. He raced through one hall after another. Turning a corner he was faced with another locked door. He pulled a strip of paper from his jacket and stuck it to the cold surface. He drew a mark upon it and gave a command before the lock jarred open and the door swung into the stairwell. He heard the boots pounding upon the stairs below and cursed his luck.

Up it is. He hurried into the stairwell and bolted up the flights of stairs.

He heard vaguely the communication from somewhere below.

Upwards he continued until he burst out into the cold night air. The wind surged past him. He jerked sideways, a blade arcing viciously through the space he had only just been occupying milliseconds before. A massive metal arm swung in his direction, a great fist meant to do some serious damage passed over his head. The Rune Knight thrust the tip of that wicked sword towards his chest. Mune leapt and landed on the flat of the blade. He slapped a talisman onto the arm of the metal beast before leaping over its head. The sound of an explosion followed as the machine's arm was separated violently from its torso. The smell of hydraulic fluid filled the air mixed with the blood of the suit's wearer.

He heard the familiar tones of a helicopter overhead. Shit! The sound of the second Rune Knight being dropped onto the roof came as a loud clang. Mune turned in time to see his assailant take aim.

The bullet tore through the air. Mune focussed, he felt the sizzle of magic through his veins. He surged forward and dropped into a slide under the line of fire. Blue flame engulfed him and he vanished from the targeting systems of the mech. The man within blinked and the kitsune was upon him. Up the vulpine leapt, through grasping arms, and landed on the suit's back. Three tails fanned out behind as he gathered energy, kitsune fire engulfed the back of the armour and the explosion that ensued shook the rooftop. Other machinery on the roof ignited and exploded violently.

Mune was thrown free, the ground rushing to greet him. In a rush of blue flame, he vanished and took shape once more on the safety of the ground, tongue hanging out as he panted heavily. He glanced up at the helicopter overhead before bolting into the embrace of the surrounding buildings and alleys. The sound of sirens was everywhere, emergency crews rushed to the site. Mune kept to the shadows, his hood tugged over his features while he kept his white-furred tail tucked in close.

Arinmal checked his cell phone for the time and frowned. Three in the morning. The clubs still went strong, yet he had not seen the fox all night. He was hoping to end his evening with getting off, preferably in a fox. The explosion across the city had come distantly to his ears. Without hesitation he was heading for the action, keeping to back streets and alleys. Seems waiting works, he broke into a brisk run. Twenty minutes found him winding a corner and nearly running headlong into a hooded figure. Smoke clung to what he assumed to be a stranger. Telltale tears in the fox' clothing put the folf on the alert.

He drew one of his swords from under his jacket and held the point at the fox before him. "I suggest you get on your knees and show me your hands."

Mune froze.

"I said on your knees!" Arinmal ordered.

In other circumstances, Mune would have gladly done so. There was no telling how far behind him the authorities were. He eyed the sword, tracing the line of it to the hand that held it. The folf was steady, he noted, confident. The kitsune was unsurprised, even his lovemaking had been confident and sure. Mune made to bolt past him with a burst of speed.

Arinmal grabbed at the fox' hoodie and whipped him off his feet and with little effort flung him at a wall. Mune twisted and got his feet under him, hitting the wall crouching he used it to launch himself back at the folf. Arinmal swung his sword in an arc. The sound of steel on steel rang through the alley, the edge caught upon the flat of a short dagger. The folf used the momentum to shift his assailant's trajectory.

Mune hit the ground in a roll and was back on his feet. His hood slipped and they found themselves face to face.


The fox winced.

"So... am I safe to assume you are Lord Cinteroph?"

Mune grinned toothily, ears laying back as he raised his dagger. "Lord Cinteroph is my brother, sorry to disappoint."

Brother? Arinmal blinked. Cinteroph has a brother?!

"You are a kitsune then," Arinmal inquired.

The fox' eyes narrowed but his grin stayed mischievous. "Am I? Huh... I don't know, I seem to only have a single tail. Are you sure?"

Arinmal snorted, "Oh come off it, demon fox."

"Actually... kitsune are not necessarily demons." Mune pointed out in a matter of fact tone.

His magic does not work on me, how did he seduce me with his kitsune powers? Did he use his powers...? Arinmal frowned, perhaps it was more than just a passing attraction to the fox that had made him get up on that ass.

Mune circled slowly, remaining in a crouch. His eyes studied the folf, he could hear the helicopters in the distance, sweeping the city. If he got flashy, he knew he would draw attention if they were nearby. "Listen, I need to go, I don't know if you know this, but the IMS is not exactly someone anyone wants to deal with head-on."

"So you are the one that has been attacking them."

"I am stopping their grotesque experiments, yes," Mune confirmed.

Arinmal drew his second sword and Mune knew he was not being allowed to just walk away. He cursed under his breath and Arinmal charged. Mune followed his movement until the folf seemed to disappear from sight. He sensed the break in reality behind him and felt a slight void in space upon the folf's reemergence. The kitsune twisted with a curse, the hell is he?! The swords rent the air. Mune felt them brush the fabric of his hoodie. With a growl, Mune drew upon his own energy and kitsune flame exploded along his right arm. He directed the flames at the folf.

Arinmal felt the flames lick his clothing and fur but they did not touch him. His violet eyes glowed brightly as the magic was nullified and made harmless, the magical energy devoured by the void. The folf shifted his weight and his left sword cut a vicious diagonal slash meant to take his opponent at the hip. The attack was caught on the fox' dagger and turned aside.

"Give it up, Kitsune, your magic does not work on me."

Mune hopped back a couple of steps, three tails twitched lightly behind him. The blue flame danced among them. Arinmal leapt forward, his swords coming down together. The kitsune focussed his power on a point in front of him and in a burst of kitsune fire the swords were stopped within inches of brushing his whiskers. The fire whipped about, dying out where they touched Arinmal's body.

"So, the magic needs to make contact to be nullified huh," Mune noted out loud.

Arinmal frowned, sweat dampening his brow. He could see clearly Mune's breathing was heavier. He wondered how much power the kitsune had already used in his attack on the IMS and how much more he could tap into before he exhausted himself. He has a limit.

A helicopter passed overhead. Mune wondered if they could detect the surge of magical energy. When he heard the helicopter turning back on its path he cursed. "You need to back the hell off, Arinmal!"

"Scared to get caught?" Arinmal grinned.

"By those assholes? Yes." Mune growled, his hackles high, his ears flat againsthis head.

"Should have thought about that before you started destroying their facilities."

Mune focussed more power on the swirling vortex of fire between them. "My reasons are just!"

"Sure they are, cause demon foxes always do what is just." The folf retorted.

"What is it to you anyway!?"

"It is nothing to me, admittedly, but... I am being paid to capture a Cinteroph. We'll just have to see if it matters if it is the elder or the younger they get."

Mune growled. The swirl of flames dispersed and the folf's swords crashed down. He jerked to the side and his dagger snapped out. Arinmal twisted, the dagger cutting a line through his shirt above his stomach. His sword lashed out and drew a line of blood across the kitsune's right hip. A trail of crimson followed the blade and bark of pain escaped the smaller male. Arinmal swung his second sword down but the kitsune caught his wrist.

"Make this easy, demon..."

"Oh shut the hell up, I am a kitsune, not a demon!"

The crash of a Rune Knight entering the alley caught their attention. Arinmal's ears shot straight up. "They sent a fucking Rune Knight after you!?"

"That is the third one! Run!"

Too quick, the mech opened fire. The bullets ripped apart the walls on either side of them. Mune supplanted himself in front of the folf and his kitsune fire whipped forth to create a barrier. Arinmal felt the blood spatter his cheeks and growled.

"The hell, Mune are you crazy?!"

The kitsune grit his teeth, trails of blood running from wounds opened in his right shoulder and right thigh. The kitsune fire flashed and melted the bullets caught in their swirling mass before they too dispersed. The mech whirred and clanged a heavy foot deeper into the mouth of the alley. The hydraulics worked and they both knew it was reloading for another hail of ammunition. Cursing, Arinmal grabbed the three-tailed beast and bolted.

They raced to the other end of the alley, Mune stumbling along with the folf's help. A second mech crashed to the street from a dropship above their heads and they found their escape blocked. Arinmal was quick to release the kitsune and continue his dead sprint forward. He saw in slow motion the metal beast raising its gatling gun to open fire. The void opened its jaws wide and the folf roared in defiance of the metal monster. He launched one of his swords forward, the steel plunging into the armour of its right leg. The folf vanished from existence only to spill forth from the void under the hulking form of the armour suit. He gripped the sword and ripped it free only to plunge it into the thinly armoured armpit. The machine went down and blood dripped from the gap in the armour, mixed with hydraulics. The pilot incapacitated, if not outright killed.

The ground shook, Arinmal's eye rose in time to see another mech taking aim. Mune was there again and the rain of ammunition struck another wall of fire. Mune panted hard, hunched at his shoulders as sweat dripped from his fur, mixed with blood.

Arinmal surged forward. He leapt through the blue flames, untouched by their swirling mass. He blinked through reality and landed in a slide behind the second mech. He was on his feet coming out of the power slide and slashed up in a wicked arc that took off the mech and pilot's gun arm. The Rune Knight turned with a metallic fist aimed to take the folf in the skull. Arinmal moved to block. The sound of his sword snapping was all the warning he received before the world flipped on itself and he was sprawled upon the cold asphalt with his ears ringing. Blood trailed from his left ear. The mech lifted a fist to pulverize his skull but the kitsune had leapt upon its back.

Mune's clawed feet scraped uselessly to gain purchase on the smooth armour. He grabbed at the mech's shoulder, trying to hoist himself higher. The mech reached back, trying to dislodge the assailant. With a yelp, Mune felt the metal fingers grasp at him and rip him free before throwing him at a storefront. The glass exploded inwards and he tumbled through shelves of product. He lay prone in the mess of debris. Blurry eyes saw distantly the one-armed Rune Knight raise its remaining arm where it took aim with a wrist rocket.

Move Mune... come on... please body, move! His everything ached, his head pounded. He could not focus to draw on the natural energy around him or in him. His vision swam. A white and purple blur leapt atop the monster that threatened his life.

Arinmal roared out and his remaining sword plunged into the thin membranes between plates where the head met neck in the armour and the pilot died instantly. Down the armour went and Arinmal's paws crunched in the glass as he approached the downed kitsune. He frowned deeply at the sprawled form of his quarry.

"You had Rune Knights after your ass... and you failed to mention it!?"

Mune laughed, exhaustion making it hurt. With a grunt, Arinmal helped him to his feet and they stumbled out of the debris. Helicopters signalled more enemies on the way. They moved, with effort, into the shadows and what they both hoped would be safety.

[The Blooming Lily Tavern]

[Aleonis City, Tor'meld Continent]

"So... he gave you a key to the rear doors?"

"Sure, why not? Spencer is great like that." Mune chuckled and winced. He was, with the folf's help, wrapping bandages around his wounds. He kept interrupting the process to paint sigils along the length of the gauze.

"Would you stop that."

"Oh hush, I'll do yours too."

The folf rolled his eyes. "Listen, I still have to take you in."

Mune growled distractedly, "You can try."

The folf pressed on the wound in the fox' thigh and Mune nearly fainted. "I think it will be easy with these wounds, so, do not force me to make you come."

"Ooh... that sounds delightful."

"You are so frustrating! Why the hell did you put yourself between me and the first Knight?!"

"They were after me... I was not about to let them shoot you full of holes." Mune argued, his voice lowering. "I fight my own battles. Cinterophs fight their own battles."

Arinmal drew in close, their noses nearly touching. He stared into the ruby eyes of the kitsune as if searching for answers there before he huffed his musky breath across the other male's muzzle. "What if I had not been there?"

Mune's ears perked then a wicked grin crossed his muzzle, "Then I would not have had a battle on my hands. They only found me because I used magic."

The folf finished binding the kitsune's shoulder and switched his focus to the wound in his thigh. "Looks like the bullet is still in this one... this is going to hurt." He grabbed the tweezers from the first aid kit and started to dig the bullet out. The kitsune cursed and fought not to scream. "Well, what happens when you catch bullets and keep them."

Mune glared, his eyes feverish.

"Oh don't be a pansy."

"How's your head?" Mune asked, trying to distract himself.

"I've taken worse."

"Sorry about your sword," the fox muttered.

"So, three tails huh?"

Mune nodded slowly, choosing not to elaborate. He smiled a bit, "My brother is the elder, not me."

Arinmal nodded some, removing the bullet finally before reaching for needle and medical thread. He began to suture the wound gingerly. Mune watched, wincing every so often. They spent the time in silence while the folf worked. It was not long before he wrapped the wound with more gauze. He helped the kitsune to his bed and excused himself.



"I am with Cinteroph right now, but, seems, it is the younger brother, not the elder. I need you to dig up some information for me. I need to know who put out this contract." Arinmal explained quietly into his cell phone.

"It was anonymous, was it not?"

"It was. But I... something is nagging at me."

"He is a kitsune, he could be playing you."

"Kitsune are fond of their tricks and manipulations, sure, but... there is something more here." Arinmal explained calmly. He waited for the dragon to respond before adding, "I don't believe he is manipulating me."

"You fucked him."

"Hey! No... that..." He huffed, "I'll pay, Estof."

"Listen, if you want to fuck the job, that is your business... You'll pay?"




"Give me a couple of hours, half-breed."

The line went dead and Arinmal sighed. He returned to the sleeping kitsune and let himself down gently beside him. Without thinking anything of it, he drew the kitsune in close against him and nuzzled at his ears. Sleep took him quickly.

The folf scratched himself and grumbled softly. The vibration of his cellphone had woken him and he had snuck off to the bathroom to take the call. Estof was on the line and did not sound overly enthused.

"You heard me... the IMS put out the contract. You were to turn him in to authorities where they would then acquire him. They're targeting an elder kitsune and going through back channels to acquire one." Estof explained.

"What do I do?"

"Hey. I am just a broker of information, Vultee, you are the merc."

"Shit. Okay. Thank you. I'll wire you the money."

"Stay alive."

"I am harder to kill than a cockroach, don't you worry."

He returned shortly to the still sleeping kitsune and frowned. He eyed the sleeping form of the demon fox and huffed. You just had to go and fuck the job, even if he is the job's younger brother. He sighed and gave a light stroke to Mune's twitching ears.

"Mune, wake up, we need to talk."

The kitsune's eyes cracked open. The slivers of splendid ruby looked up at the looming folf. Groggily the kitsune closed his eyes before opening them fully. The aches and pains of the night before greeted him when he made to sit up.

"The contract was put out by the Institute. Seems they were hoping to use back channels to acquire an elder. Any idea why?"

Mune eyed the folf for a moment before speaking in hushed tones. "They research magic, magical energy and its applications. A kitsune is in very large part a being of pure magic. We are constantly producing it, and are as capable of tapping into naturally occurring wells of magical energy."

Arinmal nods then furrowed his brow, "Like a battery."

Mune shook his head, "More like a generator."

The folf rose from the bed and paced the small room before turning his violet gaze back on the kitsune. "Is it just kitsune?"

"There are plenty of other magical critters about. Even dragons can generate magical energy in varying quantities." Mune explained.

"Ugh... magic..." The folf frowned and eyed the patched up fox before him. "Kitsune never cease to make things difficult do they."

"Why would we not? Where is the fun in that?"

Arinmal threw his hands up and grumbled. He paced back and forth for another moment before stopping directly in front of him. "What now that you've been discovered?"

"I have to assess the situation. I lost a lot of blood out there... if they have any of it they can theoretically track me or..." His eyes narrowed. "If they have the knowledge to, they could bind me if they know they are dealing with a magical entity, like a kitsune."

"A binding spell?"

"Yes... As I said, I need to assess the situation."

"What does that mean exactly."

"Well, to be precise, it means they could potentially enslave me." Mune rubbed his aching thigh absent-minded manner. "They could use it as a focus to chain my power to the caster."

Arinmal shook his head and eyed the kitsune, as though he were uncertain he was serious. He fought such nonsense regularly though, he reminded himself in annoyance. He met the fox' eyes, "How long before they can track or bind you?"

"Hard to say. Depends if they managed to get my blood. We fought Rune Knights, I saw no uniformed soldiers. The helicopters were above us during the fight, however."

The clearing of a throat and both snapped their attention to the entrance of the room. Spencer leaned against the door frame, his grey eyes boring into them both. He offered a charming smile that calmed both of them immediately. His gaze shifted to Mune before he tossed a small leather-bound book to him. The kitsune deftly caught it, wincing as he moved his right arm to do so without thinking. He flipped it open to the marked page. "I happened to find myself eavesdropping and thought I had a solution for you both."

"Us both?" Arinmal asked.

"The IMS will undoubtedly analyze the details of your fight and realize who you are... their hired gun." Spencer explained in his succinct tone. His accent was oddly formal and high classed. It went well with the classy slacks, tie and silk vest. The rabbit turned his gaze on Mune.

The kitsune looked dubiously at the book in his lap. "You think..."

"Well?" Spencer asked.

Arinmal padded to Mune's side of the bed and glanced at the open page. "A Familiar?"

"I am not an animal, Spencer." Mune shot in the rabbit's direction.

"Aren't you? Tell me, how did you spend the beginning of your life?"

Mune coughed, nearly choking. He looked completely dumbfounded at the rabbit. "Hey! That is... shut up!"

"That's right, Arinmal, a kitsune is born a mundane feral fox, by all appearances that is. Until they awaken.*

The look on Mune's face was incredulous. Arinmal eyed the fox beside him then glanced to Spencer. Mune crossed his arms and huffed. "It would override any attempt anyone would take to try and bind me through magical means... Spencer, how did you...?"

The rabbit was already leaving the apartment. "I just know things. Just like I know a unit of uniforms is on their way, one is a mage."

Mune cursed and leapt to his feet. The pain shot through him from his thigh and he bit back a cry. Arinmal grabbed some clean clothes and helped the kitsune into them. His head still swirled with all the information he had just been handed. Mune did not seem overly impressed with the situation himself. With Arinmal's help, they made it out into the alley and Mune guided them. "My brother has a place on the other side of town, we just have to get there."

The kept to back alleys and lesser used streets. It took most of the day. By dusk, they were letting themselves into a rather lush loft. Mune nearly collapsed into the bed with a shuddering sigh. He was feverish again. Arinmal dug through the cabinets for something to eat, nearly starved. He sat on the edge of the bed and eyed the fox.

"Listen, demon fox, this may not be so easy, us running away."

"I am not an animal..."

"What? Oh. What the rabbit said." Arinmal dug through a bag and removed the book. "I am not even sure what any of this means to be honest."

"It means... I become your Familiar, our souls become linked."


"It means you assert your dominance..."

Arinmal smirked and turned the kitsune over so he lay on his back. He grabbed both of the other male's wrists in one hand and pinned them above his head with a growl. "Oh, well, there are ways of doing that."

The kitsune gasped, a deep blush suffusing his hears. "That is... that is not the... Oh."

The folf slipped two hands down the vulpine's pants and firmly groped him while a finger wandered to tease over his pucker. Mune could not help but squirm his hips, the pain slipping slowly from his mind. The folf continued to firmly tease, claws stroking along the fox' taint before two fingers slid up into him bringing a loud gasp from the smaller male. He brushed his muzzle along Mune's own. The electricity was as jarring as it had been the first time their whiskers touched. Arinmal's muzzle brushed along Mune's own until his nose touched along the fox' ear and he whispered. "Consider yourself dominated, little demon fox." He smirked.

Mune squirmed and gasped loudly again, feeling the fingers plunging in and out of him, then feeling the folf lift him slightly by his hooked fingers. The kitsune's eyes rolled back as his arousal grew to full attention in his pants, straining against the fabric. A wet spot of pre grew rapidly.

"O..o...okay. Okay... ung..." Mune shuddered against the folf.

Arinmal smirked and withdrew his hand and released the fox' wrists. He grabbed the book and flipped through a few pages. Mune lay panting, dazed. The folf tossed the book down and rummaged about the loft, gathering items he deemed appropriate replacements for some of the items in the instructions for the ritual. Mune tried to rise to help twice but was told to sit his ass down and rest. Mune watched the folf work, mostly he watched the other male's handsome rump as he bent down to draw one symbol or another. He watched from start to finish as the circle was put together in its entirety and candles were lit.

"So... an intimate act... Was this not something most done with ferals, or feral shaped spirits or demons?" Arinmal eyed the instructions.

"Intimate does not always mean shoving your dick in something, folf."

The folf shot the fox a grin and Mune realized he was messing around. He rolled his eyes and with some difficulty managed to get up and move to sit in the circle. Arinmal returned with some cushions.

"We have to assume they are tracking you, so, we may already be nearly out of time."

"You can still leave you know. They are after me and all. Or, my brother, or something." Mune muttered.

"Did I say to talk?"

Mune shut up and the folf nodded, glancing at the shadows cast on the walls by the flickering candles. He helped Mune out of his clothing before stripping himself and straddling the smaller male. He reached over and retrieved Mune's brush and ink before beginning to mark them with intricate patterns. Mune only squirmed when the brush touched more intimate parts of his anatomy. He was unsure what they attempted would even work, or if his void would devour whatever magic was raised.

Mune felt the heat of the larger male above him, the strokes of the brush. Then he felt the strong muzzle press against his, and that tongue brushed his. They began to kiss, bodies pressed together. Blue kitsune fire danced along the sigils that marked his body, purple void flame crackled along Arinmal's own. Their bodied became entangled, the electricity becoming much more of a need at that moment. Arinmal wrapped the kitsune's legs around his waist and pressed in, never did their kiss break. He grasped Mune's wrists and pinned them above his head while his hips worked to slam himself all the way home in the still weakened body. Every thrust pushed Mune down into the cushion supporting his shoulders and head. He felt the heat of every thrust so deep in his depths. His eyes rolled back and a drawn-out moan escaped him into Arinmal's kissing muzzle.

The candles flickered and crackled, flames shimmering to purple and blue. The circle itself began to glow. Arinmal broke the kiss with a deep, guttural growl. He grabbed Mune's dagger from where it rested and, still holding his wrists in one hand, he drew the knife carefully in a line from Mune's solar plexus to his navel. The blood welled up thickly, escaping in a thin rivulet that slowly the folf licked up with his tongue. Mune noticeably shuddered below him. With a growl he cut a line into his own flesh, across his collar bone, keeping the wound shallow and leaned over the other male, continuing his firm thrusts.

Mune felt the blood drip down onto his muzzle. With ears splayed, he sat up as best Arinmal's hold upon his wrists would allow and slowly dragged his tongue along the part of the bloody line he could reach. It was like the sweetest bourbon upon his tongue and burned a trail down his throat. He knew from the flush in the folf's ears that he had felt that same heat. Every thrust filled him again with the folf's thick, purple length. He felt the heat of it burning so deep within. The blue flames of his kitsune fire danced along the markings of the folf's body while the purple danced along the markings of his own body.

The void opened and engulfed them both at that moment. Images whipped through their minds. Destruction. An unfamiliar world. Great oceans and crumbling land masses. Fire. Death. A silver collar. Mune gasped, the image faded and his breath came ragged. Arinmal lay over him, breathing harshly. "The hell was... that?"

"I don't know." Mune panted, feeling the slickness and blushed. He looked into the glowing, violet eyes.

The moment was ruined by the shattering of the loft windows. The sound of helicopters filled the space. Arinmal's eyes narrowed. "Give yourself to me!"

"I'm yours."

Mune felt the fire engulf him, the void flames seared through his flesh to his very soul. The door to the room was ripped from its hinges by an explosion from the other side. Limbs warped and snapped within the maelstrom of flame. The shadows of three tails fanning out stood out against the stark purples and blues of the fire. Ruby eyes gazed out as the kitsune's body dropped low and his shape became visibly quadrupedal. Muscle and bone warped. When the flame dispersed Mune stood in his feral fox form, his tails lashed about. Bullets ripped into the room behind the splinters of the door but none made it to them. Blue flame engulfed each bullet as it tried to take them. Naked as he was, Arinmal rose from the floor. His foot found Mune's dagger and kicked it up to snap it up in a hand. He flung the weapon, planting it blade first into the visor of one of the soldiers. In an instant, Arinmal vanished and reappeared, his hand upon the dagger's hilt to rip it free and slash the throat of the next assailant.

The power that hummed through his veins, it was as though a circuit between the two was open and power was roaring through it. Bullets whipped by his head, the folf twitched sideways then bolted forward, vanishing in a wisp of purple smoke before he reappeared behind them. The dagger slashes through the back of one soldier. Mune was among them the next moment, his teeth tearing the throat from another.

A soldier turned to open fire on the beast but Arinmal blinked between them. He thrust the gun aside then elbowed the soldier in the gut before he jammed the dagger up through his jaw. Blood spattered the folf's white fur.

Mune felt him before he saw him. The mage drew on the link between blood and body. Mune felt the threads pulled tight. He turned ruby eyes on the chanting weasel. Ruby eyes that burned bright with shared power. The kitsune scoffed and the threads were rent asunder and the mage stumbled back. Confusion flashed through the eyes of the mustelid. Mune was upon him, lips curled back in a vicious snarl only a beast could make. Together they hit the floor, the air exploding from the mage's lungs.

Mune leaned in close and whispered low, "You cannot bind what has been bound."

He tore the mage's throat out, spattering himself and the floor with spatters of vivid crimson. The helicopter tilted away, but Arinmal was far from done. He whipped the dagger into the chest of one of the men remaining within, blinking into the machine. He ripped the weapon free and thrust it through the pilot's sea to find its mark through the pilot's heart. He blinked free of the vehicle before it tumbled to the city streets below with an explosion that rocked the building.

The circuit flipped and both gasped. The glow faded from their eyes and all that was left them was exhaustion. With a glance, they knew they had to move. Clothing was gathered by the folf in a hurry. "Come pet, we need to go!"

Mune snorted at the title but was not about to argue.

[Club Hakujitsumu]

[Entertainment District, Torho City, Tor'mio Continent, A Week Later]

"So, when do you think you'll be able to shapeshift back?"

Mune glared, "I don't know! I've never been a Familiar."

"Hey, do not get so testy with me. It worked, demon fox."

"I am not a demon!"

"Whatever. Demon fox."


Arinmal smirked down at the kitsune who could only glare. "If I give you dick will you feel better, pet?"

"Insufferable asshole..."



"Animals off the furniture Vultee. I've already warned you once!" Estof snapped from the bar.


Arinmal motioned for Mune to get down with his free hand while he poured more sake with the other. "You heard the man, PET."

To Be Continued...