Mekid Chapter 1

Story by Vamoos on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

Teaser chapter 1 of the patreon storyline.

Welcome back, the world didn't end.

That's what they told us that weren't rich enough to be frozen as children; growing up into adults to keep us working, complacent, and calm. After the famines, the wars, the collapse of most technological advancement; it was only a hiccup, we didn't fall. Whatever, I was told I needed to let people like you know the way of the world, how it's changed. Somehow telling you my story will effect the way things will become? Doubtful. But science requires knowledge, and you may well be the future of that science.

Let me start over. My name's Vanessa, most call me Vamoos. It's an old nickname from another life, one where I was known for being the bitch who got you out of scrapes. Anyway, if you're reading this you have absolutely no clue what the hell is going on with the world, so I'll try and fill you in.

2012...13...something like that? The world didn't end. No Doomsday Prophecy, no Armageddon Clock, nothing. This was generally perceived as a good thing I'm told. I mean, who wants shit to go to...well, shit? A select few however had a real strong self-fulfilling prophecy kink as we now know.

The original archaic technology I heard about in school was called crisper? Crispy? Something like that, it altered the DNA of things, changed minor details on fundamental level of whatever you chose to fuck with. In more modern times it's called Palindromology, it's became an entire branch of science specializing off biology. Believe me we need it. Before we talk about the reach around though, let me get to the butt-fuckery.

I'm told that Influenza is, or rather was, one hell of a nasty disease in it's own right if left unchecked. Some brilliant son of a bitch decided to mix it with a sexually transmitted blood disease. Human Immunodeficiency, Pulmonary, and Respiratory Virus became airborne in the late 2020's. The world had never encountered something so...reaping. Only 50% of the population remained after 3 years. We had to fight back, collectively as a species. We called it "Hyper" cause we felt the hubris to name shit that killed us with cool sounding acronyms. For a short bit all we could do was die off slowly

Our damnation though became our weapon. Crisper research or whatever it was went into high gear with the greatest minds of the generation. In the end the solution was so simple and horrifying they almost didn't choose it. A human based disease.....only affects 'humans'.

Around the world people began gene therapies, there was no saving what we were, we could only fight for what we would become. The first generation that came out was a horrible wake up call to what we'd done to ourselves, how far we'd sunk to have to put our sins on our children like that. Animal and human pairings, on the genetic level, produced what you might imagine. Anthropomorphic hybrids. Some called us Furries, Scalies, or my personal favorite, "wetfurs" a play on the abbreviation "what the fuck" or WTF'ers. My great-grandmother was in that group. Just a simple small town girl born to a couple of half-dead farmers. My Ni'Nana didn't survive the plague despite the attempts, the gene therapies didn't fully take hold in the first gen; I was by her side holding her hand with my tiny little paw when she blew her last blood bubble 5 years after contracting the disease. My last connection to any semblance of humanity slipped through my fingers at the age of 5 with a long heaving rasp. The second generation, more genetically stable, were fully immune, crisis averted at great cost.

The incredibly wealthy of course had more refined methods than the mass produced supplements they gave the general populace. Some were allowed to keep their humanity for the most part. Occasionally you'd have one born with animistic features; a pair of slotted eyes, some super-cranial animal ears. For the most part though, only the elite were still considered human. And that's when things went to shit. Human rights only exist for humans. That's for another time though, I should probably fill you in more about life around this fucked up little rock now.

Most of the established governments of the 20th century were fucked when the economy collapsed. What rose in their place were something humans had relied on for centuries, city-states. Regions became autonomous citadels that allied with each other for protection against the whole.

We can probably go into this in more detail later, for now know that you aren't alone...

The soft grey furred hand closed the book as the Bus came to a stop. Without much ceremony the last rays of sunlight tried in vain to wrap around the towering skyline. It was not a common mode of transportation for her, but she did her best not to choke the fuck out of all these random people filing out to go about their lives.

The click of heels on concrete barely registered in the din of the city. The world was a less populated place by old world standards, but you could hardly tell that walking around these bigger cities. Smoothing out her jacket and pencil skirt the larger woman clutched her handbag to her stomach and made for the intersection to her left.

Long lapin ears swung along with the tight braid for ginger hair down her back as she clicked her way to the crosswalk and beyond. The city lights slowly popped on, one by one as she made her way to the office building across the street. Looking over her shoulder out of reflex she watched the other side of the street curiously and cautiously before she pulled the door open.

"I'm sorry we--"

"Vanessa Morrison." The woman rolled her eyes huffing.

"Left elevator, good luck mam." the younger man behind the desk, a horse fellow in glasses way to big for his face waved her on. The large woman loomed for a second, her figure for the first time becoming readily apparent. Lust gave way to fear as she smiled down at him. The woman winked as she pulled a pen from the cup on the desk, dropping off the one she'd been writing with on the bus.

The door to the elevator closed with a woosh as the young man stared after her. She smiled to herself, he seemed like an alright guy, if a little too forward with the stares. It was usually the younger ones who looked after a woman like her. The more mature men didn't seem to care for a girl a foot or more taller than them. She didn't make it easier with the heels, but she wasn't here for a date.

As the doors opened the sound of clamoring and the general panic of office work behind filled her over-sized ears. Stepping into the hallway she immediately braced on the inner frame of the elevator door as someone smeared across her hip like a bug on a windshield.

"Oh-my-god-I'm-so-sorry!" The little man clamored to pick up his paperwork, some sort of lizard folk by her guess but he was moving so fast she could barely tell if he was bipedal with how he scurried off in haste. Leaning down she took a knee and curled her fingers around a file that fell from the folder. She'd barely lifted it from the carpet when the man returned and snatched it away in a flash.

Chuckling, she rose and continued down the center of the 'T' shaped hallway. The inner walls were glass, showing labs, offices, waiting rooms and tactical maps.

"Ms. Morrison."

She nodded at the big man at the end of the hall. Branson, a good fellow. His grey hide matched hers almost, but far lighter and a hell of a lot thicker. She admitted to herself more than once she'd found him attractive if she wasn't so busy with her little brother complex. His big broad ears and stature spoke of his spliced African animal heritage. He was a hybrid generation like her, but a fair bit younger. She made a note to speak on the complex mixed ancestry issues of being part human and part animal. The big elephant man had a snout face and no trunk, something he had confessed to getting picked on. His "brush guard" however had come in full use when he'd taken up with the infantry. Elephant tusks and Boar tusks had a lot in common genetically, and anyone who tried to hit him in the face usually broke their hand on the two big teeth that scratched his hair line near the temples.

"Vanessa please, Bran." she smiled up at him. It was sooo nice to have a man she could actually look up at. The Pachyderm-Swine hybrid gave her a small salute and held the door open with a heavy massive hand. She made extra sure to put a little wiggle in her step and puff out her chest as she walked past. She knew nothing could ever come of it, but that didn't mean she didn't want to preen a bit. Wishful thinking more than teasing, she reasoned with herself.

The inner office was quiet, the leather bound furniture and paneled walls reminded her of some man-cave than any professional environment. Sitting behind the desk she opened the book and grabbed the pen she clipped to her jacket.

Let me tell you about the day my whole life changed forever, the day I met 'them'. It was snowing, I remember that clearly because I remember thinking about how cold she looked, there on the sidewalk holding a sign that said "any help please".

I was fresh off the bus naive, well as naive as I could ever be, just finishing my degree with the colleges. I guess those have changed too so I should speak about those. You know what, later.

So there I am, waiting on my 'Charlie's Donut' on the sidewalk because the fucking line goes down the block after 4pm, and there is a family of four sitting against the wall huddled up with a bucket in front of them selling food. Badly. I found out from her later, but they had to move on a regular basis from running the deal. The food was obviously from a food bank, but they were selling it as such a slash they were making enough to actually eat and put fuel-gel in their car.

Reaching over she took a swig of the glass of water that had been sitting there, ice still in the glass. Stopping for a second she smiled at the glass, her mind wandering to whomever had brought it.

Perhaps I should give you a better visual of this moment. The woman, Chai for short, on her tallest day is barely 4'11 and a half. I am well on my way to approaching seven feet, 6'9 or 10 on a normal day, not counting the fucking ears, that hurt to make stand so don't ask me how tall they get. I am one of the late gen's, 'the mixers' as we were called. Some people tried to increase their lineage along the same racial patterns, cat people with cat people and that sort of thing, since similar genetics increased the birthrate by over double. Quite a few of us though...well, people gonna fuck, accuracy by volume and all that. My mother was a Lop-Eared Bunny, like grandma, just a good girl from the sticks. My dad was an inner city kid, appropriately enough a rodent since that's how the world viewed those below the poverty line anyway. So yeah, I got my mom's ears, my dad's tail, and a fuck ton of issues about both. They met in college on active duty, which is funnily enough how I met my husband too.

So back on point; there we are, two women on the sidewalk in front of a shitty little coffee shop somewhere off center of the pucker of the asshole of the Midwest Continental United Alliance. By the record books we called them the States way back when. She looks at me, and then up, and up. I see all kinds of reactions from people this way. Anger, some people are just put off by my size. Fear, because despite the tits and the tubby ass fat I still got some guns on me. Curiosity, because my gender, from the back, my race, from the side; it all depends on what angle and from where you see me that colors your first impression. She was looking up at me through the valley of death I call a sternum gap, or "El Escote Grande" if you will. What I saw though, was happiness. Not at a hustler seeing potential mark, not lust at my features, not humor in my form. Just genuine good will. I'd not seen a smile like that since my grandmother held me in her lap.


She was the one who broke the silence between us. I was shocked. If you don't know the long history of rabbits and carrot stereotypes. One second, search engine time. Okay, I'm told here that there are similar connotations with humans of old involving foods. Rice, Fried chicken, Macaroni and Cheese, Watermelon? Wow you people had some weird assumptions. Anyway, I immediately bristled. She didn't waiver, she just looked up at me and opened a bag, revealing a bushel. Now here's where I have to be real. I love carrots. Fuck stereotypes. What I was looking at was a wonderfully full bag of the most succulent Nantes. She wasn't bullshitting me, she wasn't speciest, she was honestly offering me a delicacy. Most Nantes now a-days only grow in the European countries. How some ended up at a food pantry in my little three dog town, no fucking clue.

"Ms. Morrison?"

The woman looked up from her journal at the woman standing in her doorway. The human looked on with the usual superior attitude she'd become accustomed to. The man's back might as well have been a flagpole to hold up the patch on his shoulder.

"Yes, Commander?" She tried, she really did, not to sound annoyed by his very existence. The way his jaw tensed told her she'd failed spectacularly. The man who had only been peaking into the room stepped in fully and closed the door. "The meeting will be pushed back to 1900--"

"Real time, please." Vanessa rolled her eyes, earning a scowl as she ticked off her fingers, "7pm. Got it. I assume they will be in full attendance, or is this another--"

"We expect the counsel. Please prepare accordingly" He said curtly, taking a slight bow and turning about. She smirked at the man's back as he closed the door behind him. She waited for a full count of 20 seconds before leaning back over the journal.

The words left my mouth out of reflex; asking how much she wanted for them, and I actually looked side to side like I was pulling off a drug deal in the middle of the street. She smiled at me, took the bag and looped it over my index finger. I looked at it for a second before she closed my fist for me and patted my hand.

"No charge darling, you take them."

I am not a, lets call it trusting, individual. Most would be like "oh wow really?" I was fucking pissed. The only thing I hate more than bigotry is charity. Something that gets my ass in trouble even today.

"No," I almost growled before I caught myself, "You have to take something for this." I tested the weight. Three bags that size would be a weeks pay for me back before I'd changed careers. I felt the thump on my side and looked over startled out of the conversation at a cussing man. Some big feline thought I was as timid as I currently looked and tried to shoulder his way through the crowd. Soft or not, this brick shit house has deep roots, and he was mumbling at me on the flat of his ass when she leaned in and caressed my cheek.

"Buy me lunch then." She smiled, and as if on strings the lot of 'them' stood and walked behind her. Husband by the look of him, two sons and a daughter. Seeing me eye them she shook her head, "just me, but they can come?" I don't know why but it hit me right between the feels and my honor.

"No no," I smiled, "I got this." No sooner than I'd agree they'd packed up shop. I should probably mention at this time what Chai and her kin even looked like. Furry otter snakes? That's the best image I can put in your head in under 10 seconds. The wider tapering head, the long tail and more streamlined bodies, most of the time at least. The big guy, I'd learn his name later, stuck his tail through the handles of all the bags they had and lifted them up, resting the tip of his tail against his collar bone over his shoulder and holding onto it like a backpack strap as they all bunched up back down near his ass.

"This way then." She smiled and took my hand. I'd never felt so frail as when I was in her grip. We walked maybe a few blocks, and I scowled down any second glances.

The big woman looked up at the door, worrying her lip with her teeth and shrugging before continuing to pen her words.

I was normally, okay almost always, the top in my relationships. I'd had a few girlfriends, and a few boyfriends in college. This was the first time someone had kept me this off balance for so long, it was terrifying. "Here." She smiled and led me through the door to a black-label restaurant. The air was pleasant. It was the kind of place you normally had infused water and free bread.

My fiancée and I were both, well you by your standards would call it military. 'College'' these days includes a kind of compulsory service mixed with higher learning. Much like this selective service you had back then? But automatic like your old draft system. Huh, reading this I guess this must be where they got the idea. Instead of just combat though you work in all branches and fields. I ended up in Healthcare and Pharmacology, my boyfriend at the time Donnie was in Aviation and Logistics. Part of my job, and his, is not telling you anything fucking specific, so that's as far as we'll go, even I don't know what he did in there. Anyway, I told you that so you would understand how broke ass I was as a 'college' kid and fresh out of the service could be. I was a fully grown adult, with years of my career behind me, and I could count the number of meals I'd bought out of my own purse on both hands that day.

"I'm," I bit back on my pride rising like vomit, "not sure I can afford this." I looked down at her and she smiled and took my hand.

"It's okay darling," she smiled and began walking further in, only then did I realize my hand was full of something. I opened it and nearly dropped the roll of bills. Big bills, not chump change. I quickly closed my hand and followed the woman in, feeling the tugs on my elbows as the two boys took my arms like little gentleman. I shouldn't really call them boys, other than being short they looked as old as I was if maybe a few years shy. Together we all sat down to the table, waiting for the waiter. I noticed that they were all looking at the menu incredibly fast, and the woman was making notes on a small piece of paper. Just as the horse like fellow came to the table setting down waters, she reached across the table and slipped the paper into my palm not holding a roll of bills.

"How can I--" He stopped mid sentence seeing who I'd brought with me. The sneer that rolled up made me concerned, I hadn't even bothered to get to angry yet before he started taking waters off the table. "What can I get YOU." He turned his glare on me, I could tell he was pointedly ignoring the family I was sitting with, and as I glanced out the corner of his eye I could see that none of them had been surprised by this reaction.

The woman took a deep breath, closing her eyes as the sounds in her hallway grew louder, looking up she bit her lips and began quickly scribbling lest she lose her thoughts.

"Well we'd like--"

"Just you ma'am," she cut me off, another large mistake with me, "we don't serve their--"

"If the word kind leaves your mouth," I barked up loud enough several other patrons turned to look at us, "Not only will I add this place to the blacklist, I will break your fucking nose, long-face." Everyone sat in silence as we stared each other down, after a moment she pursed her lips over gritted teeth and set the waters down on the table. I handed her the list Chai had made and she left without a word. I was still in the college listings for another two weeks; I'd took my leave at the end of my term of service.

Now the 'Blacklist' I'd talked about was no fucking joke, and you didn't do it lightly. It cost five year's pay off your retirement to do if they found you did it without good cause. Marking an establishment and it's employees, any kind of business, with the blacklist financially killed them. Instantly. The mark was for being unnecessarily cruel or belittling to members of the government colleges; all licenses, contracts, any kind of dealings with the government were pulled. They instantly owed any outstanding debts and they had the choice of operating illegally and be fined or shut down until investigations could be completed, the employees being out of work and unable to take any other jobs until they had been cleared of wrong doing. It's understandable then why she decided to cave in the face of being the person that got everyone in the building put out of a job for the next couple weeks.

"Bless you," she smiled and whispered softly. I realized at that point why she'd used me, and I couldn't even be mad. She had a family to feed, and looking at the gratitude of the others at the table made me feel alright about slamming my old status down on the table light so much phallic metaphor.

"So where are you from?"

I asked the question innocently enough, but they all looked instantly downcast. I thought for a second about their reaction, their appearance, their ragged attire. My mind was screaming about something I couldn't quite place until the patron behind me got up to leave, and I heard them mutter under their breath.

"Mekid lover."

The door opened once again, and this time when she looked up the big woman beamed a tremendous smile. Rising to her feet she ran around the desk to hug the shorter woman. The plump matron wagged her tail happily as the taller amazonian kissed the top of her head.

"I was worried you weren't going to make it!"

"Exactly where did you think I was going to go?" The woman known as Chai looked up at her, "this place is on lock-down ever since you got here. I gather the news tonight will be quite big. Did you want a coffee or..." The shorter stature woman stood back, brushing her short cropped hair out of her face.

"No, I'm fine Chai." The tall rabbit like woman's tail, rather more rodent with its naked flesh, flicked back and forth as she whispered. "I fear we're going to see a head to this tonight." She patted the other woman on the head and sat on the edge of her desk. "I was actually just writing about you." She smirked.

"Nothing good I bet." The shorter woman crossed her arms sticking out her tongue. The two stood like that before the older one took a deep breath.

'I...need to get this finished before the meeting, while my brain is still solid and not political soup." She shook her head, letting her undercut braid flop across her back along with her huge ears. "We still on for dinner tonight?"

"Only if you show up." The shorter woman scowled.

"Hey hey hey!" the one called Vanessa had the decency to look affronted, "I tried dammit, they had me a hundred miles away for over a week." She waived the other woman off who collected the cup of ice minus freshly quaffed water and dashed out the door in a hurry. Taking her pen back up she didn't even sit, her time running out she began to write with renewed vigor.

The mythic wars, the one's I'd just helped out in for the last 5 years to fight came rushing back to me.

Ah shit, the Mythic to explain this? You know how it is in 'human' nature? We fuck things up. If we have a good thing going we have to complicate it as our internal complex desires struggle... in order to achieve triumph, a repeating cycle of success and defeat to find meaning. We called it the "Eden Complex" in college, in human history studies.

Well, someone else had a complex right about the time I was old enough to finish primary school. It wasn't enough to combine human's with existing animals. Someone, we're not sure who got there first, saw the weaponizing potential of this technology. Palindromologic Weaponization was the new nuclear weapon of the world. Dragons, Gryphons, you name it. It was easy since archaic human history combined so many animal innately to create the fantastic beasts. The Mythic Wars, it was called. I was in the 5thgeneration(of the arms race, not the people)working, doing what I did.

One country out east, a small island that is by reasons I'll talk about later not there anymore, designed one of the pinnacles. Until then Mythics were special forces, used to supplement existing troops the way old military used vehicles and artillery to gain an advantage. When your tank can fly and your submarine can hold a rifle it changes the battlefield. All that changed with Mythical Ekidna.

We're not talking about the cuddly yet spiky stoner dudes with the amazing tongues who skateboard all the time. They were named after the original Echidna Mythos, the mother of all monsters. They weren't made to breathe fire or fly or regenerate limbs. They were averaged sized, average weight...all in all meant to with a modicum of effort blend into a general populace. From about a hundred feet out they would look like a snake, maybe an otter or a reptile? They were regular everyday design with only one severe augmentation.

They bred. Well, and quickly. The average altered now has about a 5% chance to conceive without assistance or mitigating circumstances. Despite popular opinion and porn, most women do not go into a full heat, ever. Five out of ten pregnancies now a days are by women who barely realize they are ovulating. Most younger girls don't even track it compared to the way it was back in the past.

I tell you this to impress how horrid this design was; you need it known.

Mekid were rapists by design. No other way to sugar coat it, they were made to breed not just each other but indigenous populations, against their will if necessary. Depending on how units deployed the odds of impregnation were between 45-100% I was made to understand. Male-female teams would literally leave medically verified barren women pregnant, with a Mekid child no less. The wars had ended a year or so ago, the country that was responsible for manufacturing the breed was, in a word, nuke-fucked. Five times, I still keep a picture of what is now known as "the Tree of death". Since then surviving Ekidna have sought asylum as refugee all over the world to prevent them from being forcibly used to instigate another conflict. Supposedly you can make a legion out of a handful in a decade. Where most Mythics are considered a specialty, Mekid made the bulk of several countries boots on the ground general infantry. Cheap and prevalent, they were tossed into places where even things like drones and robots were considered too costly to lose.

"Ms. Morrison, it's time."

The big woman looked up, nodding to Branson as he ducked into the doorway and held it open. Putting her journal in her handbag she patted the big man on the chest on the way out.

The atmosphere in the room was tense. That was putting it mildly. The humans, dragons, lions, wolves, various primates and a few avians all gathered around the semicircle table. The only rodent in the room other than Vanessa was the stenographer in the corner.

"In short we hope to enact the plan immediately." The one standing, a rather large leopard in a silk shirt as self-important as his smirk sat gracefully just to the right of the images up on the screen.

"Without proper.....this is suicide." On of the bigger canines didn't even bother standing up, simply gesturing from his chair at the lush jungle images shown on the screen. "No one is going to go there. There is no military or science personnel desperate enough for fame to try such an endeavor."

It almost seemed like a setup, and she rolled her eyes as she raised her hand, "we all know it's me." She eased her chair back and stood slowly as the room collectively took her form in, "we all know it, lets not pretend to be ignorant, innocent, or clever." She scowled at a few she made eye contact with, "some of us are horribly incapable at all three."

"AH, Ms Morr--"

"Doctor." She cut off the leopard, "Dr. Morrison."

"Of course of course, our resident Ekidna expert. You think you can lead a settlement under these conditions?" he gestured to the blueprint still rotating on the screen. A man made island, floating off the coast several hundred miles and several dozen miles across.

"As long as we have tertiary support, I don't see why not." She looked around the room, sneering as she saw more dropped heads than she liked, "or will this outreach be standalone like my last one?"

"it's a mission, Doctor."

"I'm not a soldier," she cocked an eyebrow, "My team and I don't do missions."

"What do you do again?"

Everyone turned to see the rather large black feathered man leaning back in his chair with bravado, "other than Mekids." the room took on an uncomfortable silence, "I hear you even tamed a couple, or did they tame you? I forget."

"I've kept 5 of them under my roof for years...." she smiled sweetly, "and all my children are adopted..." she sat on the edge of the table, turning to face him and crossing her arms, "perhaps I've never learned how to breed properly. Why don't you go get fucked , and send me your notes on--"

"Ladies and gentleman," the leopard took over, "please, we're all... if not respected, still colleagues here. Doctor Morrison and her team have been instrumental in consolidating and isolating Ekidna populations and drawing them to a centralized location."

"All I did was give them a place where they didn't feel like whores and vagrants." The woman brushed her chair aside, refusing to sit back down and facing forward. "So yes, I'll take the job. I can mobilize whatever resources you give me. How long would the assignment take to rehabilitate and naturalize?"

"That's up to you really," one of the canines, maybe a fox? It's fur was far to hard to make out in the poorly lit room, "our projections say 10 years."

"I'd have to take my family."

The reaction to that was, in a word, utter shock.

"You would be willing to risk you children--"

"My children are almost fully grown, have lived in the same house as Ekidna for years." She didn't want to put it out there that they were all borderline almost claimed by an Ekidna, making them untouchable in that society. "And they were raised Morrison, my youngest daughter's got bigger balls than some of the--"

"Yes. Thank you." The leopard cut her off earning a glare. "We will start as soon as your emissary gets here."

"My what now?" Vanessa's eyes grew wide.