
Story by pigglesworth on SoFurry

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Something set in summerlong's October Universe which he was nice enough to let me borrow and I wholeheartedly reccomend you give a look if you like kinky stuff... chastity, tentacles and demons... oh my

It was barely approaching noon as Bernard leaned back for the umpteenth time this morning. His heart was pounding in his chest, adrenaline rushing through his whole system followed by a small ball of anxiety swelling up in his chest. He closed his eyes, listening to the hum of the incandescent light, the white noise of his colleagues talking while typing away at their reports and emails. But even then the sound he heard most clearly was his heart; like drums in his ear every beat reminded him about what was to come this evening.

As the nervous energy began to build up his tail began to twitch and the rat jumped to his feet, needing to move around otherwise he felt he would explode. His way through the office lead him to the kitchen, really the only of two options without drawing too much attention from either his colleagues or his boss. His mind was elsewhere, not that it needed to be in the here and now, Bernard could probably get a coffee and go back to his desk with closed eyes by now, but just before his hand touched the pot this time he realized that just maybe caffeine wouldn't be the best thing to drink now, not unless he actually wanted to make it through the day without a heart attack.

He filled a small kettle with water, dumped the most relaxing sounding blend of tea into a cup and waited. Unconsciously his hand reached for his his chest, making sure the unnecessarily ornate card was still sitting securely inside his suit's pocket. Even through the fabric he could feel the embossed letter that made up half of the invitation. He reached for it, carefully pulling it out to look at it again. The raised cursive letter D on a simple matte black card, the promise of an evening he wouldn't forget, had actually stumped him when he first picked it up.

Nowhere on the card was an address, or even a name. Just the one golden letter, as if people instinctively knew what that meant. It had taken Bernard hours to find out that what somebody had slid under his door was a VIP, all expenses paid, invitation to either the most secretive club in the city, or a very elaborate scheme to rob some rich guys. The club apparently had a reputation for parties that went well into the next day and ended with very satisfied guests.

An ear-piercing whistling startled him, sending the invite to the floor and Bernard backwards into the nearest wall. While daydreaming he had completely forgotten his surroundings and the tea that was supposed to calm him down had nearly made him jump to out of his skin.

"Everything OK in there?" a fox's head appeared in the door.

"Y-yeah, just was somewhere else with my thoughts." Bernard replied.

"You sure? I don't think I've ever seen you drink tea."

"I uhm ... I'm trying to cut back on caffeine, my nerves and all that." the rat poured the hot water into his mug, not entirely convinced by the aroma that was rising from it, maybe decaf would have been a better idea.

"Hmm?" the fox crouched down, reaching for something Bernard quickly realized to be his invitation.

"Ah, that's mine, I must have dropped it!"

"Oh, did Bernie get somebody's number? Is it anyb- Holy Fuck!" In one swift motion the fox nabbed the card of the floor, rose back up, checked outside the kitchen and finally closed the door.

"Where did you get that? Is it real? Can I come?" the foxes eyes stayed practically glued to the glittering letter on the front of the card, until Bernard reached for it.

"I won it", he lied, "and I'm not exactly sure I can bring someone else."

"How about i buy it off of you? 200 bucks?"

"So i guess the rumors are real?" Bernard of course had no idea about any rumors, he just wanted to fish for information while he had somebody who at least knew more than the one and a half pages worth of information he found online.

"Dude, I've heard that they invite more hookers than guests for each event, so absolutely nobody has to go home without getting lucky at least once. 300?"

"How come you know so much about that place anyways? I got that card and a vague description of where the place even is."

"Well sorry, but you aren't really their target audience Bernie, so it doesn't surprise me you didn't know where Depravity was."

Finally being able to put an actual name to the club as something of a victory, maybe now he could finally find out a bit more about-

"So? 300? I really don't think it's for you. I mean you barely even come to a bar with us after work. Also they tend to be a bit more ...exclusive," the fox patted Bernard's belly, "350, final offer.

"Sorry Jake, but I kinda wanna see the place after your sales pitch." Bernard chuckled.

"I demand details!"

"We'll see."

With his tea in hand and a progressively tightening pair of pants Bernard quickly made his was back to his desk, hoping work can distract him a bit and hopefully speeding up the agonizingly long five hours before he could go.

Even with a proper name, finding out anything more about the place had been next to impossible. A crappy picture here, some vague information in an old thread on a forum, but that was it.

Walking the last block to where the club was supposed to be were probably the most exciting thing that happened to him this last year. As he was getting closer he thought he heard some music, or more accurately felt it. It was subtle, but there were certainly vibrations coming from somewhere, and they were too rhythmic to be anything but the baseline of a song. Each step he took the vibrations were getting a bit stronger, but not once could he hear an actual note of the music.

When he reached an old warehouse with the letter D sprayed on a door he was kind of sure he was in the right place. There were a few people sitting around nearby, smoking and a bit further away a group was ranting about not wanting to get into the stupid thing anyways.

Bernard took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It opened up, still no sound to be heard as a bull, nearly twice the size of the rat, stepped out. Bernard froze in place as the bull stared him down, sizing him up and immediately making Bernard regret showing up here in only a shirt and jeans.

"No." was the only thing said by the bull before turning around to go back inside.

"But I-"

"I don't care."

"I have this." Bernard reached towards his back pocket, apparently a tad too fast for the bull's liking as the next thing the rat saw was the sidewalk quickly coming towards his face. The bull's weight on his back quickly pushed the air out of the rat's lungs as he felt a hand grabbing his butt.

As quickly as he had been dealt with he was pulled back up to his feet. The bull's expression had completely changed, from one of clear superiority to one slightly worried.

"I-I'm sorry sir. Members usually use the back entrance, I thought you were reaching for a weapon and I just reacted. I'm terribly sorry, please-"

"It's ok, my fault really. I'm kinda new myself and forgot about the back entrance."

"Thank you!"

"So, uhm," Bernard looked past the bull, "just down the stairs then?"

"Yes, down and then just follow the hallway. Enjoy your stay sir."

Making his way past the bull the rat couldn't believe that had worked. Granted, the poor guy had been worried about something, but Bernard was sure his bullshitting wasn't on a level anywhere close enough to make it past a bouncer in any kind of club.

As he followed the way down he was starting to understand why he couldn't hear anything up until now; the damn place was built entirely underground. Approaching the end of the hallway he once again was greeted by a familiar looking door. Having learned from his previous one he made sure to have his invite in hand before knocking this time.

After being wordlessly invited inside, and equipped with a brightly colored bracelet, it felt like walking into a different world. Sure it looked kinda like every club did. It was dark, loud music flooded the room and the sheer amount of people dancing inside made the first few steps feel like walking into a wall of hot, humid air. Once past that the smells were the first thing that was different. Again there was of course alcohol and various bodily odors, but as a whole the place had a remarkable fresh smell, clean somehow.

Bernard quickly got the hang of things. The bracelet helped, as he pretty much felt like he was being treated as royalty. On every visit to the bar he was being served first, no matter who was there before him. On the dance floor people seemed to gravitate towards him and after an hour he had lost count of how many people had accidentally bumped into him, grabbed his ass or even less subtle his groin. One fur in particular made Bernard's legs weak, promising him a massage with a very happy ending if he were to take the lynx up to one of the private rooms.

The rat was just about to agree when, in an incredible moment of awareness, he realized that probably no amount of bullshitting would get him into a private room, those probably were locked, and locks tended to be pretty resistant to bullshittery. So he had to promise the lynx to take him another time and then was on his way.

Kinda lost in the moment a hand being placed on his shoulder startled Bernard, turning around another grim looking bull leaned in close.

"Please come with me sir."

The rat swallowed and nodded. This was it. He was sure somehow somebody had figured out that he didn't belong here at all. Still, he have had his fun, so getting thrown out now wasn't the worst thing, though if they wanted him to pay for his drinks that might be another thing entirely.

He was led to the back of the dance floor, through a door, guarded by two wolves that made the bouncers up to this point look like children. Not that they were as big, or muscle-packed as the bulls, but around them there was this air of pure and utter calm, as if you could throw them into a war zone and they would be the only thing left standing when the dust settled.

The heavy door closed behind him, the sound of it echoing through a room, that otherwise was eerily silent. Hundreds of people turned around, black, hooded robes covering their bodies while the shadows the hoods cast hid most of their faces. Some of them didn't bother wearing the hood and at the far end of the room on a little stage stood several people not wearing anything at all.

Bernard's mind fell as silent as the room, 'Welp, this is how I die.' he thought to himself, half joking. He was being led through the crowd, towards the stage in the back, but before being let up onto it a hooded fur spoke one word to him.


"No thanks, I'm good."

The hooded fur snapped with his fingers and several others stepped forward.

"Okay, okay, no need to get them involved."

He unbuttoned his pants while kicking off his shoes, letting them drop to the floor. His shirt quickly joined the pile of clothes, revealing his white, chubby belly. With a sigh he hooked his thumbs in his shorts and pulled them down. Now naked, he was allowed to join the other two naked furs on the stage, a grey and brown goat to the far right and white lion next to him.

All lights went out, then a second later one single spotlight drew everyone's focus to an very ornate chair, that could very well be described as a throne, sitting on a platform above the stage. Into the light stepped a wolf with stunning, almost golden fur, also no shirt. The way he moved reminded Bernard of a field of rye in the evening sun, a mix of flowing gold with the occasional amber stand.

"Welcome my friends, and welcome new initiates." the wolf mentioned towards Bernard and the other furs on the stage.

'Did I just join some sort of sex cult?' Bernard wondered.

"Tonight we celebrate the new season, and with it the growth it brings. These three wish to join us and benefit from us as we will from them. But first they must show their submission. Prepare them and then let's begin."

Somewhere in the back doors opened and when the sea of furs parted Bernard could see something being carried towards the stage that he hadn't expected. He had definitely joined a sex cult.

The heavy looking wooden benches were completely black, with the exception of bright red padded leather on the beams intended for arms and legs of the submissive. One after the other was carried to the stage and Bernard had the misfortune of being the first to be ordered to climb onto one of them.

'I should have sold the invite.'

He did as he was told and climbed onto one, knees first. Once on it he leaned forward, letting his belly rest on the slightly raised centerpiece before moving his arms to the armrests that were on the same level as his legs. Without much ceremony leather straps were fastened around his limbs, chest and neck. Secured in place like this the last thing that was being added was a blindfold, making the whole thing at least ten times more intimidating, something Bernard would not have thought possible.

Just as earlier that day his heart began pounding, the sound of blood rushing through his body drowning out any other sound. His chest felt tight, though that could be at least partly blamed on the restraints. Then nothing happened.

His ears scanned around for any sort of sound, but outside of the sound of hundreds of furs breathing and the occasional cough there was just nothing. Somewhere in the room a door opened and slammed shut, people muttered something, very quietly, and even with his good hearing Bernard couldn't make out more than a few words of disappointment and contempt. Hurried steps ran towards the stage and came to stop in front of the rat.

"Ugh" came an almost silent muttered sound, followed by "Hey, let's switch. I don't want the first one I fuck to be some pudgy rat." Two people changed places and Bernard had heard something unsettling, hooves.

A hand grabbed Bernard's head, startling him in the process, "I'm just gonna take your blindfold off, nothing to worry about, ok?"

The rat nodded, not entirely prepared for the light that assaulted his eyes once the fabric had been removed. Slowly he adjusted, the blurry image getting sharper, taking form and pretty much all he could see was a rather long, floppy horse cock dangling in front of his face. The cock had to be at least a foot long and, at closer inspection, apparently had been upgraded with various piercings. He could very clearly see one ring sitting at the head, secured deep within the horse's urethra. Also various smaller piercings to the side of the shaft in a symmetrical pattern.

Probably due to the rat's panicked expression the owner of said cock crouched down, smiling at the rat as both their faces reached about the same height.

"Hi, I'm Ben."

Bernard wasn't sure exactly how to reply.

After several seconds of awkward silence the horse cleared his throat.

"So, yeah. I know this isn't ideal for you, unless you happen to have experience with horses, but don't worry, well not too much at least. I'll take it slow, this isn't some weird fetish porn where I just shove it in and take it from there ." Ben laughed, something that somehow didn't reassure Bernard as much as it probably was the horse's intention.

"It is time, " the Wolf above them started, "for you to take your rightful place among your brothers and for you to pass the torch -"

Behind him Bernard heard the horse try, very hard, to suppress a giggle and were it not for his current position he would probably have joined in.

Not really paying attention to the overly cliche monologue the Wolf was reciting Bernard looked around as much as his restraints would allow. Next to him his fellow initiates were set up pretty much as he was, with one exception, their blindfolds were still in place. Behind the lion a scrawny chihuahua could barely contain himself, his cock was already fully hard, and just by looking at him it was clear he was barely listening.


That one word made the rat shiver, expecting full well to feel the horse immediately trying to shove his cock into him, but when he closed his eyes to brace himself all he felt was a tongue. Bernard moaned as the horse's tongue slowly slid over his hole. Each lick starting at his taint, slowly traveling upwards until it reached his puckered muscle, where it remained a while before beginning to circle it and finally pushing in very carefully.

When the tongue vanished a finger finger replaced it, making sure to wiggle around while hitting all the right spots inside the rat, only to vanish as the tongue took its place again. This continued for several minutes, the ebb and flow of different kinds of pleasure and the occasional stretching, until finally the horse stood up.

Bernard wasn't sure when exactly it had happened but, judging by the different sensation, Ben must have managed to get several of his fingers into him.


"Can I get your number?"

"Heh, I'll take that as a yes."

Bernard felt the tip of the heavy cock being pressed against his hole, not pushing in just yet, but waiting for the rat's ass to relax. Doing the best he could he pressed back, feeling the tip slide in slowly but without any pain except for the stretching sensation that just continued to build.

"AHHHH" the lion next to him screamed, causing Bernard to clench.

"What the hell are you doing, Peter?" the horse asked.

"Showing the bitch who's boss!"

"Are you insane!?" Bernard felt the horse pull out and walk towards the dog, grabbing him.

"Let go you fucking fag, I've earned this!"

A gust of wind hit Bernard's face, as only a few steps in front of him the wolf suddenly stepped on the stage. Walking towards the arguing pair of furs he simply placed a hand on Ben's shoulder. The horse just nodded and stepped aside. The angry chihuahua apparently wasn't paying any attention as he continued to thrust into he whimpering lion, only to be brought back to reality by one of the wolf's hand, reaching between his legs and forcefully grabbing hold of his balls.

The dog's body instantly froze, while his throat managed nothing more than a pained yip. With one pull the wolf practically threw the dog backwards, coming to a stop only inches before falling of the stage.

"This is not how you treat a fellow initiate. It seems you are not fit to ascend after all. The 15 months it took to train you should have been obvious enough. Ivan, take him downstairs and then find whoever trained him. I'd like to have a word with him. Sebastian, take the initiate to a bedroom and then call once of the doctors."

The two wolves he had seen earlier appeared to the left of him, slowly making their way onto the stage towards the dog and lion respectively. Knowing full well he had messed up the chihuahua did the only thing logical, he jumped to his feet, quickly trying to make a run for it. He managed an impressive 2 steps before being tackled by one of the wolves. Kicking and screaming he was being dragged off-stage and out of the room.

"Continue." the wolf's voice boomed through the room.

The scene that had just happened in front of everybody sure had an effect on the whole room. It was dead silent, even as everyone else resumed their positions. Ben quietly resumed where he had left off. Placing his hands on the rat's bottom he gave the plump ass a gentle squeeze. Bernard, as tense as he was after that scene, slowly managed to relax as the horse gently played with his butt.

The rodent could feel the pierced lengths being aligned again, only to feel it sliding in effortlessly seconds later. The horse certainly knew what he was doing, as even somebody who bottomed as rarely as the rat barely felt any pain. Whenever he though he'd reached his limit the horse behind him seemed to instinctively stop, giving Bernard ample time to adjust before sinking in further. Slowly both of them were finding their way back into it. Bernard was the first one to groan just as Ben's medial ring bumped into his stretched muscle.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, b-but I think that's it, I doubt I can fit any more."

"That's fine, I'm close anyways. You up for some movement?"

"Go ahe-ooohhhh"

Slowly Ben began to pull, turning the rat into a moaning mess. Inch by inch reappearing as the horse's hips moved backwards, stopping just shy of pulling out the tip, only to sink right back in. The horse let loose a deep guttural moan. His hips shaking and twitching, his fingers squeezing the rat's ass as he unloaded. Bernard was thankful when he felt the first throb, that the horse still had the presence of mind not to hilt himself, but instead to simply stop, with the exception of some very minor thrusting.

The rat was starting to feel bloated. He knew that horses came a lot, but knowing and experiencing it certainly were two very different things. Just as things were becoming uncomfortable Ben pulled out and without his cock holding back the cum it burst out as well. Dripping down Bernard's crack, soaking his balls and finally splattering the stage below him in big, lewd sounding drops.

"Feels like somebody needed that, huh?"

"You have no idea!" huffed the horse.

"Care to untie me now?"

"This isn't over yet, not until Rogg-"

The horse was cut short by the Wolf jumping off his chair, landing before both of them. Wordless he circled the rat, a hungry look in his eyes, his tongue licking his lips. The low growl emanating from him sent shudders down Bernard's spin. He felt his ass cheeks being grabbed, spread and then felt the wolf hilt himself deeply.

He screamed, more in surprise than pain. His time with Ben had more then prepared him for this. The wolf however was completely different. Each thrust seemed to hit a spot deep within him, making him grunt, moan and whimper.

The wolf's cock meanwhile had finally reached full hardness, its knot threatening to enter, spreading Bernard's increasingly sore ass wider and wider than even the horse's cock had.

Deep inside him Bernard felt a need growing, but not only the need to cum. While that was certainly there he needed more, he somehow knew he needed the knot, so he pushed back, as much as he could. Seemingly having waited for that the wolf leaned over, grabbing Bernard's shoulder and tying them both together with a triumphant howl.

Bernard's mind was flooded with euphoria, his whole body a twitching mess of pleasure and satisfaction. This was the closest thing to pure bliss he had ever felt as slowly his consciousness faded and everything turned black.

The first thing he saw, waking up in a dimly lit room was the horse sitting in a chair in the corner, reading through a magazine. He wrestled off the blanket that had been wrapped, or at least tried.

"Sorry, I might have overdone that. Here let me help." the horse said, getting up.

Bernard blushed slightly when he was picked up by Ben like he was next to weightless. The horse's big hands reached down his back, tugged, and the blanket uncoiled itself, falling to the floor.

Bernard looked up at the awkwardly smiling horse.

"T-Thanks, I can take it from here"

"Sorry. I just remember how I felt after my initiation, and figured I'd make yours a little less ... Nevermind I guess I'm making it worse."

Bernard shuddered as his foot made contact with the floor. His whole body felt like it had just been dropped into freezing water. A shiver shook his entire body, making him lose control of his legs, sending him falling forward, head first into the horses groin. Strong arms made sure he didn't fall to the floor as Ben slowly pulled the rat up and set him onto the bed.

"That's what I was hoping to avoid."

"I- thank you."

Slowly the haze in his head was beginning to lift making the rat realize one thing: he was still naked.That was quickly remedied by using the blanket to cover himself, something he wasn't entirely sure was necessary, given what had happened earlier. While doing so however he noticed something much more disturbing. While he had been unconscious someone had locked a piece of metal around his cock, effectively cutting off any access to it.

Awkward silence hung between them for a few seconds before Ben spoke up.

"They really take it out of you, huh? I mean you see them happen from time to time but once it comes to your own initiation it's completely different."

"I'm actually here the first time." Bernard answered absentmindedly.

The horse just raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so strange?"

"People usually don't get initiated on their first visit. Who's your sponsor?"

"I... don't have one? I just got an invitation to the club. Wait, initiation? Did I really just join some weird sex cult?"

The look of utter shock and confusion on the horse's face told Bernard more than enough.

"So, about that thing between my legs, I'm assuming you have the keys?"

"No, sorry. Only Roggen has those, it's part of the initiation."

"Great. When do i get them?"

"That, uhm ... might be a while. That stays on until you fully join, which isn't until after your training is done."

"Which will take how long?"

"Until your trainer, uhm me I guess, thinks you're ready."

Bernard sighed and let himself fall backwards onto his back as he listened to the horse explaining the general roadmap. He had to learn traditions and humility, which apparently the chastity device was meant to instill, however both of them agreed it was probably because it was cheaper than paying trainers for their time. There would also be tasks involved, as generally new initiates worked as wait staff during meetings, to observe and learn.

"... and that's about it. It's really not that bad, you get used to that cage surprisingly fast and there are always other ways to get off, as long as you... swing that way."

"Well lucky me. Sorry, it's not your fault."

"You're taking it better than me actually. I made a mad dash for the next hardware store after I left, which by the way won't help, they really didn't get the cheap ones. Luckily for me I'm a bit more of a bottom, so it didn't really affect me that mu-" the horse blushed, only now realizing how much he has been talking, and more importantly about what, "Sorry."

"It's fine, but for today I'm done. Can we maybe meet up tomorrow? I'll have a new load of questions for you by then."

"Uh, yeah, sure."

"Great, " scavenging through various drawers in the bedside table Bernard a pen. He scribbled down his address on a page of the magazine, ripped it out and handed it to the horse, "my place around 8? I'll get us something to eat and we can talk."

"Sure, I'll be there."

After hunting around for his clothes for the next half hour Bernard finally left the club and took the first cab home. Arriving there his tired body fought his way up four flights of stairs and down a hallway. The rat never had felt this exhausted in his entire life and then the door to his apartment swung open he sighed in relief.

The door slowly closed by itself behind him, thanks to the slightly crooked walls, but Bernard did not mind this time. Slowly he made his way to the bedroom, getting rid of his clothes along the way.

"Had fun?" a deep voice asked him from the general direction of his couch.

Bernard finished pulling his shirt over his head before looking. A pair of orange eyes glowed in the dark. The rat blinked a few times before mumbling and headed straight for his bed, falling asleep before even laying down completely.