William and Samantha, Intro

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#1 of William and Samantha

The small red fox trotted quickly through the densely growing oak trees, tracking her prey through the damp grass and underbrush. The wind blew lightly, laden with moisture from a recent late summer shower. She could smell the mouse she was hunting, among the many other rich foresty smells in the air. She kept her nose to the ground though; she knew full well she could easily lose track of her quarry that way as she ran if she wasn't careful. She slipped slightly in the mud as she wound her way around a particularly imposing oak tree. She regained her feet and continued on. She soon came across a small pile of droppings and cautiously sniffed. Still warm, she noted. Knowing that her dinner was finally near at hand, she continued onward, nose still down to the ground. And after only a moment, from out of the corner of her eye, she spotted movement. It was small and light gray, and it looked delicious. The chase was on.

She dashed after it, streaking through the underbrush towards her prey. It squeaked in terror and began scrambling away as fast as its little paws would carry it. The mouse was smaller and more agile the her, but she was faster and stronger. She chased it under bushes, through puddles of mud, and around trees for several seconds, held off mostly by the sudden zigs and zags of her little prey. But soon, the little fox caught up enough to try and put an end to the hunt. Energized by the nearness of her night's hunt, she pounced. But alas, she did so just a little too soon. She came down just short and to the left of the mouse, who darted off to the right. The young vixen, not ready to give up over a single mistake, pounced for a second time, but again came up short. She whined with frustration, and from exertion. The mouse shot off in a right angle to her between two trees, towards a small hollow formed where the roots of the two mighty oaks met. Desperate, she dug her paws into the softly yielding soil and lunged forward, hard as she could, angling her paw and pushing it violently down into the hollow after her quarry.

A single claw on her left paw snagged the terrified mouse, sinking into its fur, and stabbing deep into its flesh. It wasn't enough to kill it, but that was just as good, if she was careful. The mouse's squeaks of terror intensified and were mixed with agony as the fox slowly pulled back her paw, carefully dragging her prey from its place of safety. Finally freeing her meal from the safety of its hidey-hole, she flipped the mouse onto its back to deliver a swift and final end. But to her horror, the fox saw not the face of her food, but a face that she knew. She recoiled. She couldn't comprehend her own recognition. She was a simple fox and knew not the reason behind what she was now feeling. Thoughts and memories, surely not her own, of a far distant place and time swirled through her mind. It was vaguely felt, but impossible to resist. A place she remembered as 'school', and a mouse she knew as 'Rebecca'.

The mouse struggled free and fled while the fox was distracted, squeaking its pain and panic the whole way. She was aroused quickly from the confusion of the strange and whirling thoughts and memories of other times and places by a low growl. A large wolf, whose attention was attracted by the commotion of the mouse, her own frustrated whining, and the sent of blood parted the brush before her. Instincts kicking in hard, she turned and ran as fast as her little legs could propel her. The exhilaration of the hunt and the confusion of only a moment ago turned in an instant to blind panic. Adrenaline filled her veins as the wolf gave chase to her; she was no longer the hunter, but the hunted.

The wolf was fast. Too fast for her. She was smaller and more agile, but she was already beginning to tire from her night's earlier exertions. She dodged around trees, and ducked under bushes, her fur snagging on brambles and scratching her skin, drawing blood. The wolf, smelling the young fox's growing exhaustion and her freely bleeding wounds, put on an extra spurt of speed. Sensing the growing excitement of the wolf and feeling her impending doom, the young vixen about faced in a desperate ploy to use the wolf's added speed to put more distance between them. She spun, and saw the wolf's brief glimmer of surprise as it lunged past her. The vixen darted forward, back the way they had come. But as the wolf sailed by, its tail slapped her in the face, blinding and putting her off balance, and she came down crooked. The fox's fore paws crumpled beneath her and she slipped, face first, into the mud. She desperately tried to scramble to her feet but slipped again, and she knew then it was already to late.

The wolf behind her had stopped, turned, and closed the distance to less than half of what it had been by the time she made her second attempt to stand. Failing again, she laid there defeated. As she laid there, staring death in the face, she again recalled the swirling mass of memories that had besieged and perplexed her just a short while before. She knew this face too, she realized. It was the face of someone who had hurt her before. When she was just another little fox girl going from one class to another in that strange place she had felt like she should know. The wolf lowered its head down to it prize, sniffing. It gave her a cold look, a hunter's look. She wondered if this was what the mouse had seen when she looked down upon it. The wolf leaned in close, opening its maw. The light of the moon shined down through the trees, glinting cruelly off its white teeth. The fetid stench of a killer's breath wafting to her nose. It lunged forward, and the vixen's world went black.

Sammy woke up, heart hammering in her chest like she had just been running. And for a brief, almost surreal moment, she thought she had been or still was. Her beautiful russet fur was damp from a cold sweat, brought about by the nightmare she'd just had. But she was safe in her bed. She was still scared though, and the dark made her uncomfortable. The way the shadowy limbs of the trees crept in from outside her window like the grasping arms of the stranger who had tried to snatch her away was keeping her on edge. She thought back to the nightmare that she had just awakened from. She'd had dreams of hunting before, it was a normal enough kind of dream for those whose species were predatory in nature like hers. But she couldn't believe that she had been hunting her best friend! Even worse, that strange man from school who had tried to kidnap her had then come and hunted_her_! Even if it was just a nightmare, the thought of that strange man chilled her to the core. She shivered. She all too vividly remembered the tall dark gray wolf man who had come into school one day last year. He had tried to snatch her and Rebecca away, cornering them in a stairwell near the school's back exit. The whole time he kept telling them all the terrible, terrible things he was going to do to them. Horrified and overwhelmed by the traumatic memories, she began to cry. Had it not been for Will, she and Rebecca might still be in that wolf's clutches. She sniffled and hiccuped quietly to herself. She drew her bushy tail up between her legs and hugged it to her chest, trying to draw comfort from it like a little kit. It took her several minutes to get past the the almost viscerally vivid imagery her mind had forced upon her and calm down.

She looked down at the tangled bedspread about herself. It was wrapped around her small body, blankets untucked and sheets pulled up at one corner, from the throes of her nightmare. Her pillows had even found their way off the bed. She sat up and smoothed the sheets down as best she could. Moving her legs to the side of the bed, she sat there, her paws still not quite long enough to reach the floor. She examined the space about her, the dark but familiar room helping to ease her troubled mind. She looked at the plush, pink colored carpet, pink painted walls with red and gold accents, and the deep, rich red cherry wood dresser, end table, and bed-frame. Her night clothes lay in a little pile on the floor, beside the double size mattress she slept on. She had taken most of her bedclothes off before climbing into bed, leaving her only in a pair of frilly light yellow and white striped panties and a too small, similarly colored sleeping shirt that just barely went past her navel. Her white plastic clothes hamper stood in the corner by the not quite walk-in closet. The hamper was half-filled with various clothes, some of it girly, but some of it was not so much. She looked to the odds and ends on her dresser. Her furbrush and hairbrush. Her little jewelry box; a birthday gift from her Mom and Dad for her tenth birthday. Her prized third-place trophy for her soccer team's victory last year. There were pictures, too. A picture of her Mom and Dad, loving parents both. A couple of her friends, including her best friend Rebecca, a light gray mouse girl she had been friends with for as long as she could remember. But most importantly, a picture of her beloved brother, Will.

William was her fourteen year old brother and only sibling. He was only four years her elder, but no matter what happened, he always seemed to know exactly just what to say, or do, to make her feel better. Their relationship had always been a close one. He had come just in time to protect her when the stranger came. Since then, their relationship had gotten even closer, and now ran much deeper than that of most siblings... She blushed a little just thinking about it. She was always safe when he was around, even when it was herself she needed to be protected from, like now. He was the best big brother in the world, and she loved him with every ounce of her heart and soul. What she really wanted right now, was to be near and talk to her brother William. Sammy hopped out of her bed, her little paws sinking deep into the plush carpet of her room and padded over to the door, silently as the night.

William was flying over his home town of East Windsor. His dreams were usually lucid, just like his precious sister's, and as such took full advantage of his dreams whenever he realized he was dreaming. He soared over the town, looking down on all the little furs moving about on their way to work and school. He watched cars stopping at lights and people as they walked their dogs and played on the sidewalks. From his vantage in the sky, he could see the low semi-developed skyline of the town center, and further off in the distance, some dairy farms. He floated lazily to the closed down movie theater on Bridge St and King. He regretfully reminisced about all the movies he and his friends had watched here, and mourned for all the movies that he wouldn't be able to now that it was closed. William drifted from place to place, exploring as his whims directed. He went from park to market to business, going over the Connecticut river a few times, looking on gleefully as furs everywhere pointed up at him and exclaimed with wonderment as he flew past. Soon though, he became bored. It was becoming more and more apparent to him that as amazing as flying was, it was lacking something important. Integral even. Even in his dream, where he could be fully in control for once, something was missing. 'But what could it be?' He thought to himself. Unfortunately, he just couldn't put his finger on what it was. William started moving with purpose as he began searching for that missing something.

He went to the nice two-story house his family called home. It was a nice, modern affair, all white and and glass walls. It was surrounded by woods, very near to the Connecticut river. Neither Mom's nor Dad's cars were in the driveway, and there was no buzz of activity here. 'Duh,' he thought to himself. 'Of course no one is here, everyone is at work or school.' Mom and Dad worked too far away for him to fly out to where they were, but the school he and his sister attended was near by, and so he was drawn there instead.

It was late in the day, and buses and parents were beginning to gather as school got nearer to getting out. While he waited for the day to be over, he made a game of finding furs that he knew. He peeked into classroom windows, but he couldn't see any of his friends. He moved up and away from the high school he attended and across the joint parking lot of the high, middle, and elementary schools.

After what felt like forever, William finally heard the bell signaling the end of the day. He moved in towards the front of the Elementary school. He shielded his eyes from the glare of the sunlight off of the cars and buses as he swooped in closer. William saw his best friend, Mike, a lanky looking cheetah across the parking lot. With him was his current fling, Lillian, a very pretty lioness from their homeroom class. In the parking lot near the shared gymnasium of the middle and elementary schools, he saw Mom and Dad, chatting together with a few other parents in the parking lot while they waited for their children. He saw his sister's beautiful auburn hair bobbing in among her friends, a short ways off. They were making a bee line for the parking lot. Sammy said goodbye to her friends as she neared, splitting off from them to greet her parents. As she reached them, William came down from the sky and landed next to them. He greeted his Mom and Dad with a warm smile and hugs, then turned to his sister as she arrived among the circle of waiting adults. When William turned to look at Sammy, he realized, she was what had been missing from this dream. He knelt down in front of Sammy, took up her paws in his own, and kissed her full on the mouth. Suddenly the parking lot was empty, all noise and commotion gone. All that still existed were the two of them on the backdrop of the now empty school grounds.

Standing back up, William tugged his sister's hand, lifting back up off the ground to go flying, fully intending to take her with him. But to his astonishment, she tugged his hand, pulling him back towards the pavement. He rose higher, tugging again on her paw. He pointed up into the sky, hoping she would go with him. But she smiled a sad smile, and pulled back on his paw again. He felt himself pulled out of the air falling, and was filled with the sensation of vertigo as he closed his eyes. But the impact never came. He instead felt the soft presence of his bed, and his sister.

They occupied the finished basement together, with their parents all the way up on the second floor. Sammy crept quietly through the playroom and into her brother's bedroom. She still didn't want to make a sound, lest one of them was up for a midnight snack. She closed the door softly behind her. She padded over to the bed and climbed up onto it, and gazed upon her brother's form. The light from the open window was only just enough to see by. She gazed upon him; his russet coat, so close to hers in color. His strawberry blond hair was so handsome to her. A warm breeze blew briefly in through the window. It was refreshing to her in the fading dampness of her fur. His handsome smile brought more of the much needed comfort she sought. She sat there, watching him for a long time, propped up languidly on one hand. She lightly stroked a patch of his exposed cream-colored belly fur, between his night shirt and underwear, where the sheets had been pushed low. He seemed so peaceful, there in his bed.

She watched as he turned in his sleep, unconsciously turning towards her. He heaved a great, deep breath as he turned, nose and lungs filling with his sister's sent. His soft smile widened and he let out a contented sigh. She moved her hand to his side, pushing the sheets down a little further and continued to pet his fur, now on his outer thigh. On an upward stroke, she felt her hand brush her brother's, and Sammy felt her hand being wrapped up into it. Even in his sleep, his touch conveyed such soft tenderness and love. He must have been dreaming about her. A small tear ran down her cheek fur, but it was a happy one this time. It followed the tracks so recently left by the ones from her horrible nightmare and the subsequent memories upon waking.

She felt a tug on her paw. She looked down at her brother, mildly surprised. He appeared to still be sleeping. She tugged back gently, almost as if to say, 'I'm here, and I love you'. After a moment, he tugged on her paw again, but more insistently this time. It felt like he wanted her to go somewhere with him. 'It must be something to do with what he's dreaming' she thought. She felt just a little badly about waking him up from his clearly pleasant dream. However, If she waited until morning, she wouldn't be able to get the comfort she needed now. He would also feel hurt that she hadn't come to him as soon as she had needed his help. Again, she tugged back, but more firmly this time. She conveyed to her sleeping brother as best she could, 'I need you, here. Please, come back to me'. She wanted to talk now, and to be comforted and she needed him to be awake for that. This seemed like the perfect opportunity for her to wake him up.

William twitched hard, like a person bracing for an impact as they fell. Then opened his eyes. He saw his sister reclining languidly on the edge of his bed. She squeezed his hand gently, as she leaned in.

"Sorry I scared you," she whispered.

William sat up, and pushed himself against the head board of his bed, and pushed his sheets off of himself. He reached out with both of his arms and pulled Sammy into his lap and hugged her tight to himself, as if he could protect her from all the ills of the world just by doing so. Wrapping an arm around her, he stroked her side comfortingly.

"Nah, it's alright. I was just dreaming about flying, and I woke up as I was falling. What's up?"

Sammy didn't answer him right away. She instead leaned in closer, moving her hand up his thigh and to his chest, steadying herself against him. She put her lips to his, and parted them slightly; William accepted the invitation. His tongue entered her mouth and he explored it, vigorously. He traced her eyeteeth and canines, and wrestled with her tongue. But with his nose so close to her damp cheek fur, William's sensitive nose could easily pick up the scent of fresh tears and drying fear-sweat. He reached up and put a paw to her neck, to hold her steady as he disengaged from their kiss. He gently slid his muzzle up the side of hers, whiskers tickling them both as he did so. He paused at the tear streaks and licked them from her fur gently, before continuing. When his nose reached her ear, he whispered to her.

"What's wrong, Love? Why were you crying?"

Sammy shivered. "I... I had a t-terrible dream, Will. I..." She trailed off, her eyes beginning to tear up again. The surreality of her dream and the wash of painful memories returned to her full force.

"Shh, Sammy. It's okay," he whispered back. "It was just a dream. It can't hurt you. Talk to me and get it all out and you'll feel all better." William returned to her cheeks, grooming her facial fur and lapping away her tears as she spoke.

"I-I know," she replied tearfully. "But... In it, I-I was h-hunting, and I cornered a m-m-mouse... and when I caught it, it was R-Rebecca."

William momentarily paused in his pursuit of keeping her face free of tears. "You mean you friend Rebecca?"

Sammy nodded her head yes, and Will resumed his grooming. It was quite soothing, having his warm tongue combing through her fur. It felt cleansing. Sammy sniffled lightly before continuing, "But th-that isn't all that happened. It... it got w-w-worse."

"What else happened?" Will asked, pausing again in his grooming of his sister. When she didn't answer right away, he again returned to his licking, trying his best to help her keep the tears at bay.

William waited patiently as she settled her head down against his chest. He didn't want to rush her. She would continue when she was able to, he knew, and he was content to wait. She loosely curled into the fetal position in his lap and cried for several minutes. She listened to the steady beat of Wills heart as she let it all out. She focused on the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he inhaled and exhaled, and the gentle strokes of his tongue on her fur. It was a little uncomfortable for Will to keep lapping her tears away in this position, but he continued anyway until she stopped crying. When she continued, it was with a steadier voice.

"A-after discovering that I was hunting Rebecca," She continued, "I was surprised by a wolf. I ran and ran, but I couldn't escape it. I slipped and fell, and it caught me. When I looked into its eyes, I saw the face of the wolf who tried to kidnap me and Rebecca. When I woke up, he was just about t-to..." She paused to take a deep breath and she tried again, "He was about to k-kill me."

All was silent for a moment as William took that statement in. Sammy looked up, into his eyes, and she could see anger there, but it was short lived. He squeezed her tightly to himself again.

"He's never going to hurt you again, Sammy." William said quietly, but firmly. "He was put away for a very, very long time."

"I know, Will, but I wasn't expecting it, and when I woke up... I- I thought I had almost killed my b-b-best fr-friend! And then I-I was hunted d-down and k-killed by that monster!" She cried. "I know he won't hurt me, and I know you won't let him, but I was just so scared that I was about to do to Rebecca what he was going to do to me!" She stopped and gulped down some air, chest heaving with emotion. "I know it wasn't real. But right when I woke up, I still thought for just a moment that I_had_hurt my best friend, and that I _had_just been attacked by him, again."

"Oh, Sammy," William said, conveying to her that he felt her anguish. "Just don't ever doubt that I'll always be here for you."

William and Sammy cuddled on the bed for a long while in the dark of his bedroom. Outside, the wind picked up, rustling the leaves on the trees loudly. The breeze was nice and cool on their bare fur. William held his sister close, content to be with her. Likewise, Sammy was happy just to be near to her lover.

Sammy shifted slightly, and began stroking William softly and slowly along his thigh, up and down, up and down, going just a little lower each time. His fur was so soft, and she loved petting it. She would've sat there petting him all night if she hadn't felt so oddly compelled to do more. She sat up a little further, the better to keep moving her hand downward, along his knee, and then his calf. She continued going further down, in that slow up and down petting motion, to where his calf joined his heel, and then down his long heel to his paw. She savored every bit of sensation of his fur passing under her small fingers. When she reached his paws, she gently touched his claws and rubbed his paw pads in a light, sensual, and teasing tickle.

William enjoyed the feeling of her hand through his fur. Being petted by anyone felt good, but when it was Sammy, it was just magical. As her hand caressed the underside of his calf and round the joint to his heel, he felt a shiver run up his back, causing the fur on the back of his neck to stand up. It suddenly felt twice as hot in his room.

After a few seconds of toying with the underside his foot paw, Sammy moved into a kneeling position in front of her brother, between his spread out legs. She looked into his eyes with all the love she had for him, and with more than just a little lust. She saw all the love he had for her mirrored in his deep, emerald eyes, and a little lust of his own too. She reached out her paw to take his, and his hand came up to meet it half way. But rather than take it, Will ran his paw up and along, using her arm as a guide to her shoulder. He brushed his hand up her neck to the ruff of fur on her cheek and guided her head down towards his own, lifting just a little to meet her in another lovers' kiss.

Sammy placed her paws around her brother's neck in an embrace as they made out, the heat and intensity building swiftly. She shuffled forward, closing the gap between their bodies as best she could and pushed herself firmly against Will. William's paws roamed across her sides and back, her neck and her round, soft bottom. They worked almost of their own accord, seeking exposed fur, making her feel good as best he knew how. His paws moved around and down until they reached the hem of her shirt just above the base of her tail, then confidently slid one paw up underneath. He drew back, thinking to ask if he could undress her, but she would have none of that. She leaned in with him, not ready to let the kiss end. However, reading his intent correctly, she took her own paws and guided his other paw up under the front of her nightshirt. She felt him move his paws across her fur as he rubbed her belly. He moved further up, a sigh escaping her lips, seting her body tingling. She finally allowed Will to break the kiss, and as he did so, she put her hands up.

William moved his paws out to her sides and slowly slid them up, lifting her form fitting pastel yellow and white stripped nightshirt with them. He gently lifted the garment from her body and guided her arms out through shirt sleeves. When she was free, he tossed it carelessly to the floor beside the bed. He stared hungrily at her bare chest, her little nipples standing out vividly against the soft creamy white fur of her belly. He felt his sheath begin to plump as he became fully aroused, tenting his briefs. He swiftly moved his paws up to her immature breasts, only the very slightest bit developed, and thumbed both of her nipples. She gasped at the sudden sensation, her nipples hardening under the stimulation. William tilted his head down, seeking her other nipple. Finding it, he carefully licked and nipped it, before latching on and sucking. He swirled his tongue around it, teasing it without mercy. She gasped again as the building tingle in her loins became a small flame, her cunny becoming moist with arousal.

Sammy likewise roamed her brother's body with her paws, diving in under his shirt. She rubbed his belly and chest, reciprocating the nipple rubbing as best she could with his nightshirt still in the way. When Will let go of her nipples to explore lower, she tugged his shirt up, looking to remove the unwanted barrier to their intimacy. He helped her to remove it. William cupped his hand over her soft mound, on top of her panties, as she pulled his shirt up over his head. She inhaled sharply, then exhaled a long, soft moan. She finished removing his shirt, then reached into his underwear. She felt the fullness of his sheath, the tip of his penis just poking out of the top to greet her paw. She caressed it, tracing the edges of it, before caressing his sac. She drew her hand back up and rubbed his sheath up and down a few times swiftly, before tugging the waistband down in an attempt to free his penis of its prison. William obliged, lifting his butt off the bed and helping to pull his tail from the back of his underwear, and she slid them down his legs and off. She held her brothers briefs to her nose and sniffed greedily. She couldn't smell his still light, boyish musk as well as she would have liked through her lightly stuffed nose, but she loved his scent. What she could smell made her shiver visibly in the moonlight. After a moment, she tossed it over her shoulder. She placed a paw firmly over his on her crotch, and ground herself into it softly. The electrical tingles of her lover's touch on her intimate places and the friction of her panties on her undeveloped button drove her wild.

Under his paw, Sammy's panties were becoming damp with moisture. William could feel it seeping into them, smell her pheromones wafting to him in thick waves. Her immature pussy was going into overdrive just for him and it set his mind aflame with lust. William's penis slid slowly from his sheath, standing at full attention to his sister's soft sighs of pleasure. Her face had been tilted up, eyes closed as she reveled in his touch. William began to contribute some soft rubbing of his own, and she soon looked back down at him. Sammy stopped her grinding and backed down the bed a little. When she had enough room, he watched as she leaned in close to his shaft. She licked his seven inches, from the base of his knot all the way to his tip, and planted a small kiss at the top. She could feel the warmth emanating from it, and the faint throbbing of his pulse in it.

Now it was William's turn to gasp, as Sammy took him into her mouth, sliding it as far back into her narrow vulpine muzzle as she could without gagging. She could fit it down to his knot, and so, with one hand holding Will's paw to her pussy, she used the other to grip the base of his penis. She squeezed his knot gently as she bobbed up and down. She swirled her tongue around his tip as well as she could on her up strokes, just like he had taught her. She wasn't very experienced in giving blowjobs yet, but she was getting better, based on the look of bliss half-glimpsed upon her brother's face and the whispered cooing sounds he made as she slid his penis back deeper into her muzzle. Sammy sucked softly, minding her teeth as best she could, feeling the steady pulse of him in her mouth. It was not long before she could taste pre-cum oozing from his tip. She greedily sucked it off. It was sweet, with only the faintest suggestion of the saltiness his full load would taste like. She loved that taste, the taste of him, and the feeling of his cum in her mouth. She squirmed as she slurped more and more messily, more noisily, trying to get it from him. And before too long, the throbbing of his penis in her muzzle began to intensify.

William could feel himself getting close, and could tell Sammy knew it too. But tonight, he didn't want to just get off. What he wanted was to make Sammy feel good. To get her mind away from the nightmare and the memories. His needs were secondary to hers tonight. She seemed to need it so much more badly than usual. He could feel it in the way she was so narrowly focusing in on him, and he was going to make sure she got to cum as many times as was necessary. He put a paw down on her shoulder as she drew back towards his tip and held her there, away from his twitching foxhood, until he had backed off the edge. He saw her looking up at him, confused and briefly hurt that he would deny her his sweet release, but then she saw the tenderness in his eyes. He brought her face back up on a level with his own and kissed her on her cool, wet nose.

"You first tonight." William said to her. "I want you to cum first."

Sammy nodded and beamed her love and joy at him with her smile. She rocked back just a little and removed her paw from his. He teased her pussy lips through her panties before moving his other paw to the tail strap and undid the snap. Then he slid his paws under the waist band of her panties and slid them down just far enough to see her soft-furred mound. His breath caught in his throat as he took in his sister's special place. He saw her little underdeveloped nub, peeking out from under its hood. He took in the soft fur gently curving in towards her slit, fading to a barely detectable russet peach fuzz right at the inner edges of her labia. William watched as a single droplet of her juice beaded up at her entrance before dripping down into her panties. The droplet seemed to fall in slow motion, taking its time, before finally landing into them. Sammy raised herself up on her knees, allowing William to pull them down further, and he maneuvered them skillfully to her foot paws. He watched as she shifted her paws out of them and brushed it away hastily with a backward kick. William watched as she settled back onto her paws and knees, spreading her legs much wider now, straddling his own legs and leaning back to allow him a better look, and better access.

William inhaled deeply, taking her scent into his sensitive nose. The smell of her young cunny was like a drug to him and clouded his mind with desire. It seemed more potent to him tonight than normal. He sat up and exhaled. He let his paws caress her inner thighs, rubbing in elongated circles from knees to crotch. After a few passes, he let one hand move to her bottom, cupping her rear gently and supportively, pulling her in towards himself. With his other, he found her labia and gently teased her, stroking up and down, rubbing just firmly enough to almost but not quite slip in. With every few passes, he would go a little higher with his palm, brushing her urethra and touching her clit, eliciting a low moan. He expertly touched and rubbed her sweet spots until she was shivering almost nonstop, whining and quivering with the force of her need. Just as she was beginning to get frustrated at being kept on the edge without release, he thrust into her. He pushed into her tight opening with his middle finger and ring fingers, as deep as they would go and curled them back into her G-spot. She cried out loudly as she came. The walls of her passage suddenly became sodden with her juices, squirting out around the two intruding fingers. Her passage convulsed rhythmically around his fingers, like it was trying to pull them in further. Her fluids continued to leak slowly out of her and into his hand, wetting it and spilling a little onto the bed below them.

"Shh, Sammy, we don't want Mom and Dad to hear," William whispered urgently to her, using his other paw to muffle her pleasured cries. "Do you need something to bite on? Would that help?"

After a moment, she regained control of her voice. "No, I think I can keep my voice down. I'm sorry. It's just so hard. I just feel so...so..."

"Feel so what?" He prompted.

"I just need it... I need this so bad. I don't think I've ever wanted it so bad before."

Sammy felt her brother removing his fingers from her passage. She whimpered and clamped down on them in protest, but she couldn't keep them from slipping out. He withdrew, and held them up between their muzzles. William sniffed deeply, again taking in his sister's soft girly scent. He licked his fingers clean of all of her fluids from his paw. He murred with delight at the light, tangy flavor of her pussy. She felt depressingly empty and ached to have Will fill her again. Will, for his part, finished sucking his fingers clean.

"Mmh, you taste so good, Sam. But it tastes better direct from the source," he said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye she barely caught. She found herself grabbed up, her world spinning. Will swung her around and down on to the bed, so that she was now looking up at him from his previous position rather than down. Her legs were still spread, but now he was kneeling between them. She watched him back up, shimmying down the bed, his butt and tail wagging in the air as he did so. She looked on in anticipation as Will lowered himself down onto his tummy, his muzzle positioned inches above her cunny. He lovingly and possessively rubbed his cheek against her belly, just above her privates. He brought his muzzle straight down into her pussy, his cold nose rubbing her button. She took in a sharp breath at the sensation of it touching her, while simultaneously feeling his hot breath on her folds. She felt his tongue flick out along her labia, tasting her sweet spot.

William licked her in slow, broad strokes from anus to clit. He traced the edges of her inner lips, and let his tongue alternate between direct and indirect stimulation of her nub. After several passes, he pushed his tongue inside, tasting her flower fully. She really was horny, he could feel the heat pouring from her; he could feel it on his tongue. She murred with delight as it pressed upwards into her passage, but he only stayed a few moments. He pulled out and moved back up to her button and sucked on it, licking in little circles around it before placing several firm laps directly to it. Her disappointment with the removal of his tongue from inside her evaporated in the sudden stimulation to her little nub. But just as suddenly, he was gone, and worming his tongue back into her tunnel again, pushing deep to reach all of her spots.

Will lapped at her walls, reaching for those places in her that he knew with long practice would drive her to the heights of pleasure. He pushed and probed, prodded and poked, then withdrew for a second time. He loved the taste of his sister on his lips, filling his mouth with her flavor and her scent in his nose. It was enough to drive him mad with desire. He returned to her little nub, assaulting it with a battery of licks and gentle sucking. This time though, replaced the empty feeling left by his tongue's absence inside her with his middle and ring fingers, thrusting them slowly in and out of her pussy several times.

Sammy gasped. It was almost too much! She could feel the rise of another orgasm as her brother's fingers pushed into and pulled back out of her while he aggressively sucked on her button. Again, he pulled off of her nub and pushed his tongue back up her pussy. He placed his middle and fore finger over her button and rubbed vigorously, setting about bringing her to her next peak. It wasn't far off, and with the amount of effort Will was putting behind his tongue and in rubbing her, it hit her like a bag of bricks.

"Oh! Oh god, Will!"

He watched over his sister's undeveloped chest as she pushed one of her clenched fists into her mouth to stifle the sounds of her pleasured cries and fevered moans as she came. Will felt her walls contract strongly around his tongue and was almost drowned in the wave of juices that followed. He drank of her offering greedily, not willingly allowing a single drop go to waste. He craved her taste in his mouth, and it was like sweet, sweet water to a dehydrated man. All throughout, he kept tonguing and fingering, keeping her in a state of bliss as long as he could. William's own privates throbbed and ached with his arousal and the lack of attention. He could feel the faintest stirring of an orgasm of his own, a shadowy, mirror feeling as he watched and partook of his beloved sister's own bliss.

As her orgasm waned, Sammy felt Will withdraw from her tunnel one last time. He placed a parting lick to her pussy, ending with a quick brush of her button. He crawled up the bed, his penis hard, throbbing, and dribbling pre down onto her thigh as he went. He laid down gently upon her, his penis touching her special place; She could feel the heat coming off of it, the gentle pulse of it. She looked into his eyes, and he stared back into hers. They conveyed all the love he felt for her, and all of the excitement that he felt.

William leaned close and pushed his lips to hers, pulling her into a furiously passionate kiss, their tongues twining and wrestling. He ground his penis against Sammy's groove, spreading his pre around and covering his member in her sodden crotch fur. He pulled his hips back a bit, and with great care, lined himself up with her pussy. After a couple tries, he felt his elongated vulpine tip catch in her folds, and he slowly, gently eased his tip in. William felt himself penetrate her. Sammy moaned loud and hard into their kiss, enough so that some sound escaped. After about an inch, William paused, pulled out about half way before resuming his inward push. Sammy was tight, and he wasn't that small. He knew she could take him, knot included, but he loved her so, so much, and couldn't bear to hurt her by being rough.

Sammy felt him enter into her, and it was exquisite. So much so she just couldn't contain it. She huffed and panted as he pushed into her. She was a little apprehensive though; she could take him, but he was big. though she needn't have worried, she realized as Will pulled out partway, paused, then resumed his push up into her most intimate places. She tried to be patient as he pushed in an inch, then pulled back just a tiny bit and paused before he resumed. It might have been frustrating to her if it weren't for how touching it was that Will was so dedicated to making sure he didn't hurt her. She could feel him sliding into her, spreading her wide around him. It felt like it took forever for Will to get to where his knot was forming, but it had only taken a moment.

William waited for a few more seconds. He pulled back from their passionate kiss.

"Are you ready, Love?"

Sammy only nodded, not quite trusting herself to speak. They both looked down between themselves at where they were joined together. The sight of him filling her, the feeling of it inside her, spreading her open, was so erotic to them both. Their breaths caught in their chests at the sight. In that moment, they were so happy to be together, as one. This was how they were meant to be, united in body, and in their love for one another. William slowly pulled himself half way out, then thrust his hips back up into her. She dipped hers down, then ground upwards, their combined movements causing Sammy's nub to rub against Will's inflating knot.

William worked his penis in and out of his sister, holding back as best he could at first; he wanted to be sure she had as much time to adjust to his girth as possible so as not to hurt her. He could feel the wet, silky smoothness of his sister's walls. He loved the way she clenched down on him whenever he started to pull back, her vaginal muscles gripping him hard, trying to keep him inside her for just another second. The warmth of her passage was incredible, and it made him feel like he was pushing into an oven.

Sammy could feel the heat and friction of Will's cock moving in and out of her, cautiously at first but building slowly in speed and intensity. It was like all the nerves in her body were being electrified. Her little cunny was getting wetter and wetter, working as hard as it could and barely succeeding, trying to ease the strain of mating as he rutted against her. Soon the moisture was causing lewd noises as his knot thudded into her. She dripped profusely, saturating Will's cock and the fur of his sheath and around his balls. She felt it trickle down into the fur on her thighs, slowly working its way onto the bed.

Huffing and panting with exertion, William asked, "Do you want me to knot you?"

"Yes, please!" Sammy gasped, nodding vigorously to emphasize her desire to have him fill her as completely as possible.

"O-okay," he replied, huffing and panting into her ear. William leaned forward over her and began thrusting into her harder, grinding his inflating knot into her tight passage. His knot slapped wetly over and over into her tight pussy. He ground as deeply as he could get into her with each pass.

Sammy could could feel Will's knot pressing at her opening repeatedly. She could feel her cunny stretching, trying to admit his growing flesh, and she was lost in the pure, carnal lust of it. Her heart beat out of control. The vibrations of him thudding into her ticked her little nub, bringing her ever nearer to orgasm. His thrusts started becoming erratic. A few hard thrusts later, she felt his knot sliding into her, but it stopped halfway in as it met resistance; the tip of his penis bottomed out within her, pressing firmly into her cervix. She felt Will slide out of her, almost completely, then felt him thrust home one last time.

His knot slammed into her labia, and it stretched her young cunt to its limits. She gasped, calling out his name as softly as she could manage, his tip pressing solidly into her, pushing and straining against her cervix. Then it slipped in, his knot filling her and locking them together. Will's tip spread her in her deepest, most intimate recesses, pushing directly into her womb.

As his penis finally penetrated her completely, she went over the edge into orgasm, her walls rippling and contracting upon William's penis, milking it and pulling him over the edge with her. William felt Sammy's vagina clench down on him as his knot filled her, and they reached climax together. She felt him throb inside of her, his cum splashing on her inner walls. It felt like he was filling her with lava, but it was ecstasy, satiating her hunger for him and putting out the raging fire that had been burning inside her. He felt it rush down his length and explode outward into her womb. He filled her special place with rope after rope of hot, thick, and fertile cum, painting her insides white. His penis pulsed in time with her contractions. William pulled his head back from her shoulder and took her into an intense, aggressive, and passionate kiss, muffling the fierce moans and gasps of their twin pleasures.

William kept thrusting into Sammy for as long as he could, but after only a few more pushes, he could no longer keep going. As carefully as he was able, he relaxed himself completely down onto his sister. He tugged back a couple of times to make sure he was properly tied to her, then he snaked his arms around her, under her lower back. They hugged hard. William used this to pull another positional change. He rolled over onto his back, pulling his beloved sister on top of him. He pushed up into her a couple more times, pulling back as far as his sister's pussy would let his knot go. Using her own weight atop him to his advantage, he pulled her down into him as he thrust upward. William resumed his erratic thrusting, while Sammy ground down into his groin with as much force as their growing exhaustion would allow. The heaved into each other, pushing one another along into a final frenzy of motion. Unable to continue thrusting properly, William used his legs to leverage his entire lower body off the bed while grabbing her hips and pushing her backwards into his groin with all the strength he had left. She felt his tip push even deeper into her womb. Sammy bit down into his shoulder as she orgasmed so explosively she couldn't keep from yelling. Clenching, she bore down on him so hard, that at first, it kept him from cumming himself. But the pressure built up and overwhelmed the tight confines of her cunny as he reached his own, second release. He almost couldn't keep himself from yelling out from the incredible feelings washing throughout his body. Again, William pumped his sister full with his rich and fertile seed.

Finally, brother and sister collapsed, tired.

It always felt just a little weird to Sammy to have Will's knot buried in her after sex. She felt like it should be painful to have something that big stuck inside her. And yet, it always felt so incredible; the way it stretched her, pushing out at the tight confines of her passage and how it tugged on her whenever either of them moved. It just felt so good. It also felt so amazing, feeling how deep her brother was in her, filling her with his sticky white cream.

William had enjoyed the feeling of being tied ever since the first time when he was eleven years old. He had always enjoyed the sensation of snug walls bearing down on his knot. But none of his previous boy or girlfriends had ever made him feel so loved or complete, and none had been as tight a fit as Sammy. He felt right now, that if he could, he would stay tied to Sammy forever. And on the other side of the tie, Sammy was thinking the exact same thing. So they stayed close, held together as they were by Will's knot, but neither of them would have had it any other way. They reveled in the enforced closeness brought by it, laying quietly together in the afterglow of sex, both satisfied and happy; content to be in each other's embrace.

At long last, but still all too soon for either of them, William's knot shrank enough to slip free of Samantha. William carefully lifted himself off of her and laid down next to her on his side. Samantha reached down and touched her gaping pussy, feeling Will's cum trickling from her.

"I love you, Will," Sammy said to a still-panting Will. "I love you with all my heart and soul."

"And I love you, too Samantha," Will whispered back. "And I always will. Nothing will ever change that." William pulled Sammy into a last passionate kiss.

Samantha returned to her room, feeling Will's cum drip down her leg as she left. Once in her room, she went to her hamper and used the previous days' shirt to clean her cunny up. She licked up what she could from her paw, placed the shirt back into the hamper, and crawled back into bed. There was still a slight damp spot from when she had sweat during her nightmare, and soon there would be a new damp spot on the bed, this one a mark of William's love for her to cover the old stain of fear.

She stared at the ceiling, thinking. She felt more fulfilled than she had ever felt before after sex. Of course she had always enjoyed having sex with Will, and did it often, but this time it had felt like her body had been screaming for it in a way she had never experienced before. And it had been_amazing_! She had never cummed so hard before in her life. She tried to describe the feeling to herself. In the end, she decided, she felt satisfied. A burning hunger had crept up on her out of nowhere, consuming her. She had given in completely and fed it. Tired, she fell asleep, dreaming loving thoughts of her beloved brother.

William slowly descended back into the world of dreams. But where his dream before had been happy, and Sammy's troubled, this was the opposite. It was not lucid, and William would be grateful for that fact in the morning. His subconscious mind had picked up on what his and Samantha's waking minds hadn't. Now it was showing him what had just happened in the only way it could and he couldn't accept it. He didn't_want_to accept it. In the end, just before he awoke for school the next day, he was tormented by horrid visions. He watched, powerless to stop it, as Samantha's body warped before his very eyes, stomach and flat chest swelling, inflating like some twisted balloon. 'Help,' she cried out to him. 'I don't know what's going on!' He wanted to help his love, to be there for her, but he didn't know what to do. He wanted so badly to reach out and protect her, but all he could do was run away...

William had no idea how close his nightmare was to the reality that was about to be. For deep inside Sammy's body, a change was fast occurring, and had been for some weeks now. She was passing through the first stages of puberty, hastened by the hormonal winds of their repeated mating. Unnoticed by both, Sammy was experiencing the beginnings of her first heat. And as such, late the previous morning, the very first of the many fertile eggs she would have in her life had dropped from her ovaries. In his nightmare, watching from the sidelines as Sammy's belly distended, one of his sperm was breaching the walls of that egg.