Marphi's Valiant Effort

Story by WhimsicalSquirrel on SoFurry

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Just gonna upload this as a story on the assumption that it might actually get looked at unlike literally any art submission.

If you're just in it for the drawing, there's a bigger version here:

As the breeze fluttered through her mostly bear coat of fur, Marphi stood on the deck of the female's cabin, looking around the area, and seeing...not much. Everything was blurry and out of focus. The near-sighted doe slipped the glasses back onto her nose. Much better. And yet, impossible. You weren't allowed to wear them, they said. Traditional garb only, they insisted. She looked down at herself. They could at least let you wear a top. Otherwise it was little more than this far-too-thin strip of cloth dangling down between her thighs. That and the two bracelets on her wrists. The darker one on her left, that was the Chastity Band. In other words, they hadn't found her this time around, yet. The lighter colored one on her right, the Purity Band, indicating she'd never been caught in a Chase, period. The bucks sure seemed to like that one more. Creeps.

This was all Hillet's fault. The shy doe's friend kept trying to drag her out to this sordid affair the past few seasons and somehow she'd finally done it. "You need some attention like, now," Hillet had said, referring to Marphi's lack of exploration on the 'romantic' side of life. What was so wrong about solitude? She got a lot of reading done, her community chores were always finished on time...she'd probably think of more, later. And in any case, is this really the best time to begin that journey, when your suiters are literally chasing you down and jumping on top of you? The mating season Chases were a longstanding tradition, the kind that you just took at face value until you really stopped to consider them. You already go to school and try to convince the other kids that you're not a weirdo and Everbrook is not a cult, all while glossing over that part where you'd say 'Oh yeah, and sometimes we go out into the woods where the boys chase the girls around and try to breed them to simulate the way it used to be done centuries ago. Oh no, it's not illegal, because we agreed to be chased for some reason.' Which wouldn't even seem that strange as a reenactment alone but the females were specifically meant to legitimately try to escape. Hell, most of them were out there now on the ceremonial gathering task, basically just to give the boys a chance to catch them. Everyone hated to 'lose' so the girls generally took it pretty seriously, and sure as the Gods, the boys were going to try their best.

How had Hillet convinced her to come, again? Perhaps it was the other thing she said, about how the pretense is basically gone. Hard to argue that, everyone's barely dressed, chasing each other around, feeling 'awkward' about saying hi would be kind of silly. She said hook-ups happened all the time, after the sun set and the chase was suspended. You weren't supposed to be doing that, but these were, mostly, a bunch of young squirrels barely into their adulthood, so what did anyone think would happen? And maybe it was that morbid curiosity. You couldn't help but blush when some of the girls came home and told you a little about what happened out here, even though it was supposed to stay out here. So maybe she had been noticing some bucks. Maybe she had been having some thoughts. And Zyn didn't seem so bad. He was here. He was cute. He was quiet. They'd talked a little before. Maybe they could, again. Plus...Hillet gets really annoying when she wants you to do something for the last three years.

So, here she was.

But all of that aside, there was the issue of the stupid glasses. She hadn't really thought this out, perhaps some part of her figured she'd just stay in the cabin and read in this beautiful and secluded part of the woods for a while, which to be fair, had mostly been the case. She hadn't gone out at all the first day. How could she? She couldn't see a damn thing without her frames, she'd just end up walking right into one of those boys, costing the girl's side in whatever weird scoring system was at play here, and getting ravished in the process. She took the glasses off again, confirming nothing had improved in the last two minutes. Why wasn't there some kind of exception for this kind of thing? Well, she'd asked, and the answer was quite something. 'Natural disadvantages such as that were paramount to ensuring a successful chase and a plentiful brood." So, because my eyes were bad, they were basically said it was my fate to wander around blindly until one of those beasts finds me and knocks me up.

"It's more fun than it sounds," HIllet had claimed.

Well, Marphi would have to just take her word for it, as she slipped the frames back on and reentered the cabin. Maybe she'd try for one of those hook-ups during the bonfire later but she wasn't going through with this. Too dangerous. Too hard. Too...weird. Instead, she trotted back into one of the bedrooms, looking for her standard clothing. Hillet would be disappointed but at least she could say she made it through the front door before running back inside. She cast away the silly loincloth and fished out a nice, normal pair of white panties from her belongings. As she was stepping through the leg holes, her eyes shot toward the window. Something moving around out there, maybe a bird or just that breeze. Hopefully not Hillet realizing she was bowing out, again. Marphi was reaching down for a shirt when her head snapped back again, this time at the sound of the front door slamming shut, before being latched. Crap, maybe it is her.

She figured she'd go meet her, holding off on putting on the shirt for now. Maybe if she weren't fully dressed, she could still convince Hillet that she was at least thinking about it. However, she stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the voice call out.

"Marphi! Come on out, I'm here!"

Not wasn't Hillet, or any female she knew of. That most definitely sounded like Draysin. At first she said nothing, standing frozen in that bedroom as she tried, and failed to assess the situation.

"I know you're in here, Marph! I saw you walk back in!"

"Dray? What are you doing here," she called back. Why did you answer? "You're not supposed to be in our cabin!"

"It's way easier to follow that rule when you remember to lock the door! You may as well have invited me in!"

"'re cheating!"

"Hey you didn't come out all day, yesterday, you're not following the rules either!"

Her eyes widened. The door. They'd said it a million times, keep that door locked, keep that door locked.

"Alright, I'll come find you," Drayson called. Marphi could hear the creaking of the wood floors as he approached. She'd be trapped if she stayed in the room, she realized. The doe ducked low and crept toward the door, peering out just in time to see his robust tail disappearing into one of the other bedrooms. She took her chance, slipping out into the hall and into the bedroom between. She was quick to hunker down beneath one of the beds, just as Draysil entered. She could see his strong looking feet passing by as she tried to hold her breath. He stopped near the window for a moment, appearing to scan the area. As risky as it was, she peeked out to get a better look. There he stood, the light from the window reflecting off of the undulations of his strong body. He was wearing that cloth style the males always did for this, which Marphi was sure was for no other reason than to accentuate what they were packing, there. He also wore multiple bracelets from the female's he had caught previously. His face was adorned with the black paint that the bucks would put on to appear more fearsome for this. Yeah that's completely normal, wanting to look scary while you... In any case, it was an intimidating sight, to be sure. She slipped further underneath the bed.

"So, you're either in this room, or the next room," he called out, sniffing the air. He slid open the doors of the nearby closet, looking around inside. With nothing of interest to see, he turned and walked back out of the room.

Marphi was sure he'd be checking the room she started in, and he'd already determinined she was in one of the two, so she knew she'd have to keep moving. Scurrying out from under the bed, she stole toward the first room he checked. Hoping he wouldn't be quick to double back, she scampered into the room, this time opting for the closet, as long as the doors were already open. She nestled herself in with some of the belongings of the other girls, all of whom were still out in the woods, fighting their good fight, completely oblivious to what was happening at their home base. She was careful not to let the sliding doors slam together when they closed. She thought quickly, slipping off the lighter bracelet and using it to tie the knobs of the doors together, a makeshift lock of sorts.

From here, it was the heaviest bout of tension she ever experienced as she heard the creaking footsteps of the buck continue throughout the cabin. She had hoped that perhaps he'd think she found a way out and would leave. It was extremely dark in there, save for whatever light could stream in through the cracks. Her tail twitched in aggitation. The creaking became louder. Marphi held her breath as she saw the shadow eclipse the light through the cracks, the footsteps stopping just outside of the closet. The doors, her heart quickened as they rattled, being jostiled from the outside before going still again. An eerie silence filled the room during this pause but he was definitely still out there. She could smell his masculine scent, quite easy given what he was wearing. She couldn't help it, leaning forward just a bit to peak through the crack in the center. From her kneeling position her eyes were about level with his cloth which was...something she'd put out of her mind. Draysin's paws were on his hips as he just stared down the door. He spoke.

"Here's the thing, clearly didn't leave, since both doors are still have me to thank for the front door, by the way...also, I was already in this room and this closet door definitely wasn't shut, I remember seeing Yonny's spotted shorts and thinking they look as ridiculous as ever. And, of course, I can smell that you're ready for it, so...I'm about 99% sure you're in there. Since I'm going to force the door open, anyway, can we at least agree that this is the situation?"

Oh, fuck...

"Um...yeah, I guess."

Self! Why are you still talking to him?!

"Great," Draysil said, trying the door some more. "Since you're probably not just going to open it for me, let me at least see if I can get in here without damaging it, or else Haron and I are going to have to come back out here and fix it...."

What is even happening right now? The door trembled and shook at his efforts. She glanced around but what could she do or where could she go from here? She rose to a standing position, looking at the knobs. She could see the bracelet was starting to give way, which perhaps she'd have to attribute to her own shoddy craftsmanship since the females generally made their own.

"Look can't we this outside?" At this point she had nothing to lose, might as well try to reason with him. "I'll go outside, I promise just...give me a minute."

"Marph, I've been waiting for you to come out since yesterday," explained Draysil, still working on the door. By now he'd figured out the problem and was trying to slip a claw between the cracks to undo the binding. "We're all heading home tomorrow, and the day's halfway done already."

"What do you mean waiting? Shouldn't you have been out looking for the other girls? They're still out there, you know." That's good Marph, just throw your friends to the wolves...

"The thing is, I know we don't really talk a ton and we probably don't have all that much in common, but the truth is, I think that shy, bookish, nerd-thing you've got going on is pretty cute. So as soon as I heard you were coming out here, I knew I was going to come looking for you. You...totally don't belong out here."

That's what I told Hillet. "Well...what's even the point if you're gonna cheat?! You should at least catch me out in the woods fair and square...I might have come out, eventually!"

"Right," Draysil said, continuing his work on opening the doors. "So sure, I broke into the cabin, which is technically against the rules, even if you made it needlessly easy...and you never went out for the harvest. We're both wrong, and we should both make amends, we both need to mutually do right by the other, a gesture to clean the slate, and start all over the right way."

"What do you mean," she said, ending in a gasp. The bracelet snapped. The door was open. He stood there before her, paws to his hips again, looking down upon her with a buck-toothed grin.

"We're gonna have sex."

She drew in a sharp, squeaky breath as he reached down and snapped off his cloth, the girth it was containing finally springing from its prison. He took a step toward her as she made a desperate dash beneath his arms. She made it out of the closet but not much further as he grabbed a hold of her waist, pulling her to his body.

"But wait," she squeaked, trying to wriggle free from him. "The cabins are safe's not going to count for anything!"

"Right," he said with a chuckle, as his amusement grew by the second. "This one will just be for fun."

"This isn't fair," she wailed, trying to push away from him. She could feel him tugging at her panties, the only thing protecting her, now.

"You know - hey, sit still - this might not be happening to you if you had just come outside," he reminded with another chuckle.

" glasses! They said I couldn't wear them!"

Marphi slipped downward toward the floor, through his grasp which he had to admit had become lax. She scrambled from her paws and knees back to her feet and out the bedroom door. Draysil continued his laughter, not pursuing her with particular urgency, merely following in her direction. The frantic doe hadn't thought to run for the front or back door and instead ended up down the hall again, making a hard right turn for the bedroom where she had been trying to get dressed before. With no other options, she headed for the window. These old panes were weird, she had thought while looking at them the night before, they didn't lift up or even swing open like others. Instead there were two fasteners on either side of the frame you had to undo, to take the whole thing out. Her fingers barely worked with all the stress but she twisted the fasteners over as fast as she could, successfully dislodging the pane and haphazardly casting it aside, lucky not to have shattered it. She vaulted over the sill, one leg out, and then her upper body. She felt the breeze of a successful escape for a brief moment before she cried out in despair, feeling his arms wrap around her, the warmth of his body once again tight against her.

"Why didn't you just wear contacts?" Darysil laughed, as he pulled her back inside. Her fingers gripped the edge of the frame but gave way easily under his power.

"Dray, no...Dray wait! Just hang on a second...! Mm! Dra - ah! Oh, oh no...! Mm...!"



Around that point, the situation became hazy. She knew a struggle was taking place, she knew she was losing, and eventually she felt herself lifted up off of the ground. The feeling of her underwear being tugged to one side was brief, but she definitely felt it when he put her on. She didn't hear the whimpers and chitters she was letting out, despite how tantalizing they were to the ears of the dominant buck doing this to her, but she did see the bedroom walls and furnishings ahead of her bouncing up and down in her vision while he rode her on and off of himself, at least during the brief bouts that her eyes weren't squeezed shut. She had only briefly glimpsed his penis during the chase but to have inside of her now, it felt twice as thick as it looked just a moment ago. It was so warm. That's the part she felt the most, how warm it was, not just between her legs but throughout her whole body, as if it was traveling through her veins and down her extremities. She might have been shy but she was still a doe, and plenty of times fantasized what it was going to be like to have a buck inside of her, but she had never imagined anything like this, never this intense. Her entire body rippled at what he was doing to her, enough that occasionally one of her breasts would make light contact with the tip of her chin. It was madness. He was an animal. In the very brief moments she could speak clearly, she would ask, more like beg, that he at least slow down just a little, but there was never any relent. It was the season. The smells on the wind, and the overpowering scent of his body. There was no denying it, she might have been scared, she was unquestionably overwhelmed, but her body was receptive to it. Her mind, well, maybe it would catch up eventually. Squirrels of the Everbrook woods were known for the size disparity between their males and females, something she had studied on a bit herself, but nothing made it clearer than this experience, generations of bucks his size and what they could do with a doe her stature. Any attempt to reason with him was lost in his grunting and panting. She couldn't believe how this felt. Nothing she was told could have prepared her for it, to have this done to you, to do it in this way, to be stuck on a ravenous buck's body, almost like you were becoming a part of him. In the intensity of the movements, her glasses slipped from their position. Once again, everything around her had become a blur.

"...And that's more or less when you showed up," Marphi said, with a blush, looking away. It was the point of the night where the girls gathered in the main room of the cabin and described their experiences of the day.

"Yeah," Hillet said, shaking her head. "I tried to chase him out as best I could, but by then he'd already...well, you know."

"Yeah. I know," muttered Marphi, remembering her very necessary shower afterwards.

"I mean, I told you guys to keep that damn door locked," Yonelly reminded, unsympathetically.

"Don't worry about it, Marph, happens to the best of us," Hillet insisted, eating from her bowl of the soup prepared from that day's harvest. "Like, Dray's especially, getting his is almost a fact of life."

"Or Haron's," Seret scoffed, reminding Hillet of what happened the day before. "Except Dray's is better since he's at least sort of charming when he's not out here acting like a randy idiot."

"But the kind of charming where you know he's going to be an ass in this kind of setting," explained Hillet, giving Marphi a consoling rub of the shoulder. "This is kind of exciting though, like, there's this whole new kind of doe talk we can finally have together."

"Speaking of which," Seret started, putting down her own bowl, "let me tell you girls the story of Seret, Qwase, and the Inconveniently Placed Tree Branch.

"Oh fuck, you got horror-movie'd!" laughed Hillet.

Marphi just looked on with a puzzled look while the other girls chatted away about how their mating season went. Apparently, this was the new normal. He'd said it was 'just for fun' but it was easy for him to say. She should have probably gone in to a doctor but, of course, out here they said you were just supposed to leave it up to fate. Later, all the girls and the boys would meet at the bonfire. Everyone would be there. He would be there. Marphi bit her lip, then adjusted her glasses.