Twokinds Smut: A Hot Shower

Story by Mandag_Morgen on SoFurry

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The first thing I ever finished.

Not to be confused with the first thing I started, which was Clovis' Inferno.

Almost a year ago, I held a very informal poll in the 4chan thread dedicated to this webcomic, where I aired a few ideas for smutfics. This one won by quite a bit (in front of Thicker Than Water), so I felt compelled to write it.

I've received complaints about Natani's pronouns for this one. Thinking of maybe editing in an alternate version so people who prefer her with male pronouns will feel more comfortable. But only if there's an interest for that.

_ A Hot Shower _ Written by Mandag _ Twokinds _, and all the characters in this story _ © Thomas Fischbach _

Natani pulled the robe closer around herself and hastened her pace. The halls of the great human estate were not cold, far from it. In fact, she was sweating rather heavily under the great black garb, her fur probably glistening, she thought as she walked hurriedly down one of the great marble staircases, her rough pawpads unfamiliar with the thick, soft carpets. No, what made her cover herself so overtly even inside the warm building was the smell radiating from her every pore, a sort of womanly odor she had apparently exuded for over a week now. She hated that smell.

She had tried her best to hide it, but even with her scent-blockers did it seep from her fur, clothes and bandages. In short, what she needed was a shower. A hot and long one.

Which was why the pattering of her paws echoed through the oversized building in the middle of the night, and why she was pacing rapidly past huge doors with signs in a language she didn't understand. She sometimes wished she had learned how to read. The large wolf mumbled as she walked. "Down the hall... Left down the stairs... Bend back to the alcove behind the ....stairs..." She muttered to herself. Navigating such a massive house was oddly difficult for the canine; She had lived in the forest her entire life. Her economic situation had always ranged from "poor" to "starving". Only once had she been in such a grand building, and that was not an experience she liked to remember. "I think this is an alcove... And then take a right- NOT A LEFT... that leads to the dungeons..." She shuddered. The thought of what could have transpired in the cellars of the tyrannical Grand Templar over the years still made her uneasy. Her ears perked up. There was a sound coming down the hall from where she stood. Something like a strange, gray static. She stood petrified in the dark corridor for a few seconds, fur bristling. Despite being almost nineteen palms high, the overwhelming architecture of the human's dwelling made her feel very small at times. After a few moments of heart-thumping fear, she realized with a quick bark of laughter what the sound was. "Of course. Aheh. Running water. The showers. Hrmph" She started up again, and the womanly stench around her seemed to flow as well.

Gods, she needed that shower. Not only did she feel like trash after apparently being in a coma for a week, but the "bitch-smell" made a sizeable dent in her self-confidence; She just felt meeker and smaller whenever it flowed from her, like it would be so much easier for her enemies to find her secret. In short, she felt vulnerable... And womanly. One thing puzzled her, though. Who else would be using the showers at a time like this? When Keith had given her directions, she had planned it so she would get there in the dead of night, when everyone was asleep. How... And it dawned on her right there, just as she heard the off-kilter tune from behind the door under the "Male" sign; At least the gender-dividing symbols were mostly the same for keidran and humans, Just with rounder ears and no tail. The horribly out-of-tune singing lured an anxious smile from her lips; It was Keith's voice. She had never heard him sing, or even hum before, and she felt her heart flutter a little at the sound, musically grotesque as it was. She looked back up at the signs. Now here was a dilemma. She COULD, in theory, sneak into the women's showers, cast a sound-blocking spell, and turn on the water. She could then scrub off the disgusting girl-scent and sneak back out without having to confront anyone. ...

Buuuut on the other hand, it was just Keith. They'd been naked before, multiple times. Just as friends. The guys. Buds. Washing each other's backs. Man-things. She was pretty sure those were things that guys did. For each other. Completely platonically. Besides, she REALLY wasn't ready for the humiliation of (technically correctly, she groaned) walking in under the "woman" sign. So she steeled herself, and grabbed the doorknob. 'He's just a guy,' The wolf thought to herself, imagining what he had looked like the last time they had been together, her hand resting uneasily on the warm handle. 'And a skinny, short-furred wimp at that. I-I mean, he's not really hot at all, and seeing him naked shouldn't.. I mean... Oh just do it, you pussy.' She growled angrily and turned the handle.

Steam flooded out of the showers like a wall of water, and hit her in the face. Through the ensuing fit of coughing and sputtering, she didn't manage to catch anything of what was happening in front of her, much less keep her thoughts of how un-sexy Keith was. When she wiped the tears from her eyes, she noticed that the whistling had stopped. Anxiously, she looked up, and no amount of mental self-conditioning could've prepared her for what she saw.

Last time she had seen Keith without clothes was in the baths of the Na'Rella. Back then he had been tiny and helpless in her arms after the strain from the illusion spell she had placed on him, and she had been genuinely scared he would pass out and drown if left on his own. That image was what she had tried to envision when she had opened the door. What met her now made her jaw drop, and she felt like her heart was trying to escape through her mouth; The Keith that stood in front of her now was like an entirely different person. With his straight-backed stance, he looked much taller than she had remembered him. Bathed in the mysterious mage-light of the shower room, his already short fur lay flat against his skin, so she could see every little ripple of his toned musculature shine brilliantly. The bulges of his pectorals and abs stood out as if they were straining against his very frame, trying to break free. The water poured down over all this, over his detailed navel, and down behind the much-too-tiny wet towel that he was clutching over his groin. In the back of her mind, she came to the conclusion that he must have grabbed it hastily when he had heard her opening the door. She couldn't help but rest her eyes on that towel, though. With how he held it, it just barely covered his crotch, and he was pressing it up against himself in a way that made it cling a bit too close to his bits, forming a veritable bulge.

"Oh. Hey, Nat." He exclaimed., and she tore her eyes away from his groin to meet his gaze. His voice was casual, with just a hint of surprise. "You taking a midnight shower too?" He fixed his yellow eyes on the wolf, and she felt the ground sway dangerously beneath her. Those kind, gentle and deeply caring eyes. How in the world could anyone look into those eyes and not feel their knees weaken a little? It took her a full moment to realize that he was waiting for an answer. She tried forming a pointy and nonchalant remark, but found her tongue to be glued to the floor of her mouth. A mouth that was somehow completely dry, despite being filled with steam mere moments ago. "I... Just uh-" She stammered. Her eyes had somehow fallen back down to the towel, and true enough, she was pretty sure she could see the tip of his sheath outlined clearly against the wet fabric. With a massive mental push, she forced herself to speak. "I-I was just... You know. B-been in bed for over a week. I smell like a bitch."

He chuckled heartily, and Natani felt his merriment reflect right back onto her. Keith's laughter was like a treasure, rare as it was. And whenever she heard it, she felt like everything would be right in the world. "Ahaha. Yeeaah, I didn't wanna be the guy to tell you, but..." He sniggered. "But why in the middle of the night? For me, I personally can't stand the thought of trying to evade my fellow countrymen when trying to take a bloody bath. Both Madelyn and Lynn are stalking me like vultures, you know. Apparently the basitin ambassador doesn't even have the priviledge of showering alone." He took a step to the side, and Natani could've sworn the fur on his cheeks bristled just a little, like he was blushing. Or at least she was pretty sure he did. She was too busy trying to keep her eyes away from the outline of his manhood. "Oh, and call me racist, but I-I also really don't wanna risk having to shower together with a human. Something about how their furless bodies work, like they're always naked..." He shuddered, and the towel shifted a little. "Gives me the creeps."

A short pause followed.

"So... What's your reason?" "Oh..." She ripped her eyes away from his groin yet again, and gave herself a mental slap on the wrist; 'Get a bloody hold of yourself, man!' "I... I don't know. I guess..." She sighed. She hated how high-pitched and meek her voice sounded. If it was anyone but Keith, she would've avoided this subject entirely. But as she looked to his eyes, she knew it would be okay. He would understand. "I... I know people already know about..." She motioned towards her body, and a waft of that damnable smell invaded her nose yet again. "About this. About... me. But I still don't know if I'd ever be ready to let them see me. N-not like this, anyways. I wouldn't..." She felt her throat choke up. Why was she so emotional all of a sudden? She never had this problem around others. His eyes grew worried, and there was an affection in them deeper than she could fathom.

Affection for her. Only her. "Hm. I... actually feel a little bad about my own petty reason for avoiding the others now." He muttered. There followed an uncomfortably long silence, only broken by the continuous sound of rushing water. The two just stood there for a while, staring at each other.

After about five seconds, Natani felt her knees starting to tremble. "So, uh..." Keith started and cleared his throat. "I don't know all that much about magic, but I'm pretty sure it can't heat an infinite amount of water. Wanna at least come in while it's still hot? I won't look if you don't want me to." Something about that last bit made Natani a little sour, though she didn't quite know why. Did he mean to imply she was THAT afraid of anyone seeing her womanly form? "Pff... No, it's f-fine. I'll... Just give me a minute." The wolf started fumbling with her black robe. The fabric had become all soggy in the steamy air, and clung to her fur. Eventually she got it off and let it land in a wet heap on the marble floor, her fingers suddenly clumsy.

Natani looked down at herself. Under the garb she was only wearing her bandages, and the boxers with little swords on them.

The bandages were a problem, though. Even with the enchantment to displace her breasts, she had tied them extra tightly this time, and her leaden fingers struggled to undo the knot at the back. She fumbled for a while, her legs growing a little faint as Keith kept his eyes on her, one of his massive ears tilted to the side. "You want some help with those?" "N-no, I..." The wolf paused. Why shouldn't she let him? She had already spent enough time being coy around him. Last night she had even offered to let him fondle her, why did she feel so abrasive now? Admittedly, she had been a little drunk back then, but still... "Actually, you know what? G-get over here. This thing sits like a damn shackle." She beckoned. Bloody hell, it was just a shower. With a platonic friend. Time to get over it.

"Alright!" He replied and trotted over, still clutching the towel. "Just turn around." The large wolf complied, and raised her arms to give him access. Soon she felt his hands fumbling with the bindings, and the warmth from his body at her back. She could've sworn she could feel his hot breath at her neck, but that might've just been steam from the showers. After a few seconds of untying, the enchanted bindings came loose, and her breasts slipped out from the pocket space. She couldn't stop a satisfactory sigh from escaping her chest, and gave the girls a little massage; The mini-dimension inside the bindings wasn't cramped, but the air was stale, and the feeling of fresh steam coating her chest was immensely relieving. "Uh... Natani...?" Keith's voice came from directly behind her, and she startled a little. "Mhm?" "Last night... You...uh..." His voice was a little unsteady, like he was suddenly bashful. "The thing you said... About your chest." "Yes?" "Can I... Does the offer still stand? It took her a moment to realize what he was referring to, but she blushed and felt her tail starting to wag uncontrollably when she did. "A-are you asking to grope me?!" She meant to sound offended, but it came off as feigned. The thought made her heart race.

"No, I- of course not... Uh, what I meant was... nevermind." he stammered, and she could feel the disappointment from where she stood.

She couldn't see it, but she could easily envision his huge, fluffy ears lowering, and his shimmering eyes receding behind an emotionless wall. Just the thought of it made her angry at herself for being such an indecisive coward.

She gave herself another mental slap on the wrist, but this time in the other direction. "Of course you can, you idiot. What, do you think I'm still... Look, just... Here!" She fumbled behind herself until she found his hand. She grabbed it firmly and, forcing herself from thinking, placed it on her right breast.

Despite how much she hated this form, Natani had actually groped her own chest rather often throughout the years. It was satisfying to massage the two outlandish lumps of fat on her otherwise rippled chest, feeling how soft they were compared to her hard body. She had never taken any sexual pleasure from it, but it had always felt at least a little satisfying.

Now though, as Keith's hand was placed on her breast, it felt like her entire body softened under his touch. And as his hand formed itself around it, she couldn't stop a little "yip" from escaping her mouth. "Wow, Natani..." Keith mumbled. She could definitely feel his breath down her neck now, hot and heavy. "They're so much softer than I thought! The rest of you is so... hard and... hnf." He puffed, and she could feel his other hand move up to join the other, lifting and examining her female parts. Her helplessly wagging tail brushed back and forth against his groin as he stepped closer, and she felt her nipples starting to perk up under his slick pawpads. "Are you... Are you sure you're okay with this?" She heard him mumble into her back. "I never knew you to be so... open about this. At least not before the whole coma thing" "I don't... know how I feel anymore." She replied. "About anything, really. I know I feel like a man, yet -haah-" She gasped and shuddered as one of his fingertips brushed over a nipple. "Y-yet it doesn't feel so bad to let my... 'Womanliness' show. Having you grope me like this feels... some part of my brain still wants to call it "gay" but I don't even know." The sigh she gave sounded eerily close to a moan. "A-all I know is that none of it matters..." her voice softened, her breath uneven; "As... long as I'm... with you. I said we don't have to put a label on what we're doing. Call it friendship, love, idiocy... I don't give a damn anymore. I..." Suddenly, she got an urge to kiss him again. To feel his hard chest pressed close against her own, like she had on the ship just a few days ago... No, it had been longer than that. She kept forgetting about how she had been out for a week. "Mhh, Keith..." She lifted her hands up to his and cupped them. Having him this close made her feel warm and restless. With a movement more forceful than she had intended, she ripped his hands away from her chest, and whirled around to face him.

When she saw his eyes, she was a little surprised to find bashfulness in them.

He smiled akwardly, and cleared his throat. "Uh, I..." Natani looked down, and felt her heart jump into her throat. Not only had the groping made her a little steamy herself, but it clearly had a similar effect on the basitin. She assumed he me must have thrown away the towel to help her with the bindings, because he was now completely naked. Moreover, what stared up at her from between his legs was not a humble sheath, but a bright pink shaft, dotted with tiny bumps near the tip, rather thick and roughly six inches in length even when partially sheathed. The wolf staggered backwards, her eyes transfixed at Keith's member. She suddenly felt a little faint, and her knees were shaking; Though she had spent years feeling like she had one herself, she had never actually seen a fully erect penis with her own eyes. What she felt wasn't exactly disgust, but rather just a complete shock. She hadn't seen this coming. She had just come here for a shower.

"I..." She tried to form a snarky remark, but the air stopped somewhere between her lungs and her mouth. She just couldn't take her eyes off the cock as it slid another half inch out of the sheath, coated in a thin layer of translucent liquid.

Her vision darkened, and the room seemed to have turned ninety degrees, because she was suddenly staring at him sideways.

Then everything went dark for a second.

"Natani! Hey, what's wrong? Oh dear sweet Gods not again!" Slowly, the sound of his voice came to her, panicked and full of worry, backed by the continuous sound of rushing water. He said something in human, and the water under her grow cold. Natani opened her eyes and sat up, blinking. "Is... is something wrong, Keith? Why are you shouting?"

She suddenly realized she was sitting on the white marble tiles, with Keith squatting beside her. "Wait... what happened? Why am I on the floor? How..." She looked up into his worried eyes, and realized, shamefully, that she had fainted. "Oh... It-it's okay, I just n-needed a little sit down." She knew full well how ridiculous she sounded. "You passed out! Again!"

"Look, it's not a big deal, okay? I just got a little shocked by your, uhh..." She stole a look at his groin again. The long red member had slipped back into its sheath, and only the tip was visible.

"...Your naked-ness. Never seen you from the front before. Also, I'm pretty sure my mind isn't completely alright yet. Been feeling a little dizzy at times." This was partially true; the re-opened link with Zen made it surprisingly hard to concentrate, and he was still on heavy painkillers as far as she knew. Keith sighed, and brushed his ear nervously; "Well I can't claim to understand what's wrong with your head, but I swear if you keep having bouts of pained groaning and passing out, then I'm gonna flip. I can't stand seeing you go through pain and hardships for no apparent reason."

He extended a hand to her, his eyes and voice slightly less worried now.

"Come on up. Gonna be pretty hard to shower while you're on the floor. Besides, if you're so tired that you're losing consciousness just from looking at me, then maybe it's best if I help you wash your back. You know, just to return the favor from when you took care of me back on the ship, when I barely had the strength to sit, let alone walk.." She looked at his hand, and then into his eyes.

And the urge to kiss him returned tenfold, overcoming her completely. She didn't know what it was, be it the kindness in his eyes, the softness of his voice, or his slim yet toned body, but there was just something about how he crouched over her, ready to help her, that drove her into a complete frenzy. "Oh, Keith..." She mumbled. "You really don't give a guy a chance, do you?" She grabbed his hand, and used the traction she gained from it combined with a kick to the floor to pounce at the naked basitin face first. Completely unprepared, the weight of the great wolf knocked Keith onto his behind, and then his back. They landed under the active showers, their fur doused by rays of cold water.

"What are y- -mmf-!" He never got to finish his sentence, as Natani's tongue came in to block his own, pressing it to the back of his mouth.

Natani could feel him struggling under him, but it only made her push even harder, locking the basitin to the floor as she straddled on top of him. What she felt was akin to a desperate hunger; She NEEDED him, and she needed him NOW. What exactly it was she wanted, she didn't know for sure. But the feeling of pressing her body against his, and the warmth of his breath in her mouth was enough for now. After a while, his straining body started to relax, and she could feel him starting returning the kiss; His tongue swirling and wrestling with hers, his arms coming up to gently embrace her body.

She soon had to acknowledge a pressing problem, though; With her mouth locked with his, and her nose clogged by the running water, she couldn't actually breathe.

She ignored this for a few seconds, fervently exploring the back of Keith's mouth with her tongue. But soon her lungs were screaming, and she had to reluctantly break the kiss to come up for air.

With a gasp reminiscent of that of a pearl diver, the wolf unlocked her jaws from the basitin's, throwing her head back in what looked like a silent howl. She shut her eyes and took a few wheezing, ecstatic breaths, gaping skywards

Panting, she sat back onto Keith's belly. Her whole body was shaking with pent-up energy.

"Well... -haah- this is... different." he said, also out of breath. "Are you sure you're not in heat? I've never... aahh... seen you like this."

"I don't know. I don't think- hah- I am. I went through that less than a month ago. At least I think it was less than a month."

She tried counting the weeks.

"I know it definitely hasn't been six months, though. And I don't feel... No, I'm in control of myself." Though that wasn't quite true, the urge she had gotten to kiss Keith was very unlike the intrusive thoughts and emotions that assaulted her every half year.

"S-speaking of heat..." she shivered. "Why is the water so cold? Did you do this?" The cold streams had already soaked through her thick fur, clinging to her skin and making her shudder.

"Uh... Yeah. You passed out, remember? Cold water usually helps wake people up." "W-well can you change it back? This the worst... Well, no, I-I've been in worse showers, but this one's pretty bad."

He chuckled, and the feeling of his abdominal muscles contorting under her was more arousing than she would have thought.

"Huhum. Yes. Behold the fabled basitin black magic:" He switched to human speech. "Room: Hot water."

The change in temperature was almost instant; The cold water in her fur gave way for the warmth after only a few seconds. "Gods, I love magic." She mused. She cleared her throat. "Um... Ruom... Hotter." Her efforts in human were rewarded by another increase in temperature. The steam was rising off her like a weightless cape.

"Mhhh... Hotter."

She bent back down onto Keith, sliding her rear down along his stomach towards his groin. And though it came as no surprise, she still jumped a little when she felt his member poking against her underwear, hard once again. She raised her butt up a little to let it slip by, before lowering herself onto him with her full body pressed directly against his as she went in for another deep kiss.

This time she could feel him return it fully. His lips latched onto hers with a fervor that caught her off guard, his tongue driving hers back. His arms came up and locked themselves around her back, and pulled her even closer, so her breasts squeezed against his chest.

Natani spent a good while like this, rubbing herself slowly back and forth against Keith's body, feeling his member poking against her belly. Only a few days ago, this feeling had made her uneasy and nervous. And if she were to be completely honest, it still did. But here, under the almost scalding water, kissing him deeply and passionately, feeling his wet tail wrap around her own... She felt like it would be okay.

"Uhmf... Ktgh" She tried to break free from his kiss, but his grasp was too strong; She'd forgotten how misleading basitin physiology could be, and that despite his size, he was actually as strong, if not stronger than her.

After a few moments she decided to just let it be, and softened herself on top of him, letting him take the reins. Seeing the normally shy and laid-back Keith so assertive aroused her to no end, even if only for a short while. She spread her legs a little further and pressed her nethers against him, still through her now soaked boxers.

Then he shifted a little, and to Natani's slight dismay, receded out of her mouth, panting.

"aah- haah- What... are we doing?" He huffed, breathlessly.

"I don't know. Don't care. No one can see us here." she replied, stroking his soft left ear. "Yeaaah, well..." He went silent. Through her fur, she could feel the warmth from his cock resting at her belly. After a few moments of ear-stroking, he started pushing his head against her hand, and closed his eyes.

"Does it really feel that good to have someone touch your ears?" She pondered, scratching it at the base.

"Mhhh... Yes..." He mumbled. His voice was a little slurred, almost like he was asleep. She could feel his hips gyrating slightly under her, sliding his member back and forth between them. Through the showers she could hear a low rumbling starting to come from his chest.

"Are you... Do basitins... Are you purring?" "N...No..." It was the most un-convincing reply she had ever heard.

"You totally are!"

"Okay, maybe I am. It's a basitin thing." He opened his eyes and looked up at her. "Are you rubbing against my crotch like that on purpose? Because I.. -nghh-"

She felt his member throb beneath her, pressing through her underwear, directly at her uncomfortable lady bits. It made her shiver, despite the hot water soaking her fur.

"I don't think..." She hesitated. "I don't think I'm quite ready for that just yet." The sensation of his warm cock resting against her upper pelvis made her cringe a little, and she felt slightly nauseous; The thought of anyone else... entering her was still a bit too far-fetched.

Keith gave a slight nod, but kept an eyebrow up.

"I understand. But, er... What are you doing here, exactly? You got me all..." He looked down, and the fluff on his cheeks bristled again "...all excited with your kissing and groping."

Natani sighed, frustrated at herself.

"Could we just stay like this for a while? It's nice, being this close to you."

She laid back down and rested her head agains this neck. She could hear his heartbeat through a thin layer of wet fur.

"...I can see that, yeah." he mumbled back, his voice a little drowsy. Natani could still feel his hard piece of meat poking at her belly, thrusting ever so slightly every few seconds.

With a sudden urge, she angled her muzzle up and licked his neck. His short fur tasted a little dusty against her tongue, but still so good.

"Wh-what are you doing?" She heard Keith's voice in her ear.

"Just helping you get clean, the Keidran way. Showers are good and all, but they don't really..." She nibbled at a tuft near his collar bone, and felt his fur ripple under her muzzle "...Get out all the dirt. Just stay still, alright?" The part about showers not being good enough was a lie, she just wanted to get a taste of him. And as she laid heavy licks down from his neck and onto his chest, she found out she liked it even more than his scent.

His soaked fur lay matted to his chest, so it really did feel like she was licking his skin directly; His pectorals heaved and lowered slightly under her tongue, and his breath started getting a little uneven as she went past his nipple. She felt something hard poking into her breast.

"N-natani... I'm..." She looked down, and once again she came face to face with the tip of his bright pink peen, only inches away from her nose now. Seeing it up close, it was actually a lot bigger and more imposing than she had first thought. The little bumps at the head jutted and throbbed lightly along with his pulse, and as her eyes followed its shape down towards the base, his shaft slid even further out of its sheath. She was pretty sure she could see the outline of his knot down there as well, straining against the tight slit above his balls.

She swallowed. No way was she ready for this. But just as she was about to withdraw, she caught his scent.

It was quite similar to his regular smell, but amplified tenfold, and with a certain spicy tinge to it, stinging her nose a little. It reminded her a little of herself in the times she had been in heat; The smell of pure arousal.

For a moment she froze, indecisive.

Then, after a short moment of hesitation, she slid backwards off his body and onto the warm marble floor, and lowered her face until her snout touched the base of his shaft. Then she extended her tongue and licked it.

The taste of his exposed meat was unlike anything she could have imagined; Where his fur had been rather bland and tasteless, this was like a shot of liquor compared to water; It shocked her system completely, and she huffed, breathless. She could hear Keith's gasp, muffled as it was through the water and blood rushing through her ears.

She laid another lick along the shaft, pressing heavily against it until it laid parallel against his own belly. Slowly, she traced her tongue up against the center, feeling every vein throb under her touch. She sniffed and panted as she went up, and absent-mindedly slipped her hand into her soaked boxers.

And as her tongue finally worked its way up to the tip of his cock, a slight tremble went up its length, the little nubs flaring as it came by. As it reached the tip, a spurt of clear, heavily scented liquid shot straight onto her tongue.

She swirled it in her mouth for a short moment; It tasted almost heavenly. It tasted like Keith.

Her fingers had found what they were searching for in her pants, and made their way to her sensitive bits. Without waiting, she slipped one finger into herself, moaning helplessly against the basitin's erection, smearing his precum across her snout.

She felt his hand sift through her wet and tangled hair, stroking her head tenderly.

"Are you alright, Natani? Y-you sound a little -ah!-" She answered by hungrily threading her mouth down onto his head, feeling the bumps scraping softly against her tongue. She made sure to retract her front teeth and fangs as far back as possible; she didn't want to hurt him.

She felt his grip tighten, gathering a bunch of her hair in a fist.

"Gnh... God damn! I... aah"

Keith's voice faded into little strained moans as Natani crammed more of his member into her mouth. She only stopped once his tip bumped into her palate, and she gagged softly, her eyes glazing over from the sensation. Down in her underwear, she drove her middle finger in up to its second joint before pulling it out, and then jammed it back in again in a rotating motion. The sword-patterned boxers were slowly getting soaked from the inside as well.

She gagged again, this time more violently, and she tried to pull her head back, but found herself stuck in Keith's grasp.

"Mlgh kh- -Ghk!" Her cry came out as a muffled moan accompanied by a half-choked cough, and a few tears rolled from her eyes. As a last-ditch effort, she tapped her hand desperately against his thigh.

And finally, Keith snapped out of it and let go of her hair, allowing her to rear back, coughing and sputtering.

"Oh... Oh Gods, I'm sorry!" She heard him burst out. "Are you okay? I don't know wh-what came over me, I...nnhh" He gasped through his teeth as Natani pressed her tongue heavily against the head of his cock once again. She felt the little nubs again rub against her muzzle, tickling her snout. She could also feel his veins starting to bulge slightly.

After just a few hungry licks however, she had to stop, gasping; The sensation of fingering herself was so intense, she felt like she would explode. Her entire body was trembling lightly, and her sodden fur weighed her down to the point where she could hardly hold herself up on all fours. So she didn't, and let herself slump down chest first between Keith's legs, her face snuggled up to his meaty member. She pulled her middle finger out, and let it rest lazily in her boxers stroking at a tuft of thick fur.

As she laid there, with Keith's shaft throbbing lightly against her cheek and her body pelted with dangerously hot water, a lazy tiredness came over Natani, like her body telling her that now was the time to relax, perhaps even sleep. But the intense pulsing sensetion from her groin, and her own quickening pulse disagreed rather strongly with this; Some part of her just wanted to once again squeeze her muzzle onto that glistening rod of his, wanted to feel another few drops of clear precum run down her throat as she pushed her head down towards his sheath. Some part of her wanted to see how far down she could go before her gag reflex stopped her.

The two conflicting wishes irked her, and she tried to groan in frustration, but it really came out more like a sigh.

After a few seconds of internal struggle however, she settled with gently stroking his bits with her left hand, whilst very lightly rubbing herself with the right.

She only started a little when she felt Keith's hand on her ear, fondling it.

They stayed like that for a short while, neither saying a word. Natani could feel his breath slowing down, and the low rumbling from his throat returned.

"Hey, uh...Nat?" he said suddenly, as if he had just remembered something.

"mhrryes?" She replied throatily, her more canine growling seeping through.

"I was just wondering about that mind link thingy... You know, the one that lets you switch places with your brother and such..."

This surprised her a little. It felt like a strange question to ask at this time.

"What about it?"

"Well, ever since that one time on the boat when Zen started talking to Flora through you, I've been feeling a little... paranoid. Like, can he see through your eyes all the time? What I'm trying to get at is just... Can he see us now?" "Hm. I don't think so...?" Ever since she had walked into the shower and been blinded by Keith's body, any thought of what her older brother might be doing had been out of her mind.

But as she took in the scent of Keith's throbbing shaft, and with its aftertaste still in her mouth, she felt just the slightest bit of guilt for how Zen might feel about all this. Even though they knew how to block each other out, more base instincts and emotions could bleed through from time to time.

She did a quick scan of her mind, and found only herself. But she could never really been sure, especially these last few days after the coma.

"Uh..." she mumbled, gazing languidly at Keith's bumpy tip. Gods, she wanted it so bad. But she also felt a certain obligation to check if she truly was alone.

"I'll go and check. Just a moment." She closed her eyes and felt the heated floor below her fade away, as it did every time she entered the little world inside her mind. The sounds of rushing water and Keith saying "It always weirds me out when you do that" disappeared and gave way for the quiet rustling of leaves from the green treetops above her.

Natani looked down at her smooth chest and smiled. While she had lately come to appreciate the two heavy lumps of fat, there was still something reassuring and comfortable with regular pecs. Her body had also cooled to a perfectly sustainable temperature, from the nearly scalding heat she had felt from the showers just a moment ago.

She threw a quick look around the ever-bright grove, the mental recreation of her previous home. But her brother was nowhere to be seen.

"Probably asleep" she mumbled to herself. "I mean, it is the middle of the night. And he's injured to boot. Poor guy could use some rest." She gave a sigh of relief, and was just about to return to the showers when she heard a strange noise. It came from behind a tree, and sounded like a short, muffled gasp.

Wary, Natani stuck her ears up to get a closer listen. And sure enough, from behind the tree came another short, high-pitched gasp, and then a huff. The gasps sounded much too feminine to have come from her sibling.

And as she snuck around the tree to get a look, she remembered that she and her brother weren't the only ones in there anymore, and her suspicions were confirmed when she came around and saw the young copy of herself, sitting on the ground with her eyes closed.

The young wolf had her back propped up against the bark of the huge tree, and was leaning heavily against it. Her eyes were closed, and her face contorted by a concentrated expression.

But the first thing old Natani noticed was how she sat with her legs spread and her tail twitching along the ground, her right hand busy pumping two fingers in and out of her wet privates, and her left hand at her mouth, sucking vigorously on her index and middle fingers.

The elder wolf stood watching this spectacle for a few seconds, speechless. The scene almost gave her a little vertigo; It was like looking into a lewd mirror. That was HER on the ground there, completely lost in her own needs.

She opened her mouth to interrupt, but stalled. Why should she? The girl, while slightly intrusive in her mind, wasn't doing anything wrong. Sure, it was strange and awkward to see herself panting, huffing and moaning like that, especially in such a young form. But intruding on her like this would surely make things even more uncomfortable for both of her.

Young Natani shifted a bit as her tailtip beat against the ground and angled her head back, huffing towards the canopy. She slipped her left hand down towards her chest, and cupped her diminutive breasts.

The old wolf actually felt a slight stirring in the smooth part between her legs where her groin would've been, as the young one moaned and gasped, her perky nipple just barely visible under her trembling fingerpad.

Her gasps and puffs grew in intensity.

"Aahhr... haah... Keith-..." She mumbled.

Her voice was so light and weak, old Natani felt a little guilty for spying like this.

It also gave her a reminder; Keith. With how protective he had been lately, she got the feeling he was probably starting to get worried out there in the real world.

She gave one last look to her trembling younger self on the ground. She actually didn't mind having her spy on Keith like this; they were literally the same person after all. It wasn't like having Zen's judgemental eyes on her.

The wolf closed her eyes and felt the groves fade away.

When she opened them, she was once again on the hot floor of the showers, her head resting in Keith's lap only inches away from his privates.

Along with the heat, steam and smells came the feeling of his hand gently stroking her head, sifting through the thick locks behind her ear.

"So, are we alone?"

She hesitated. "...Yes. Well, Kinda."

Though her eyes were resting on his cock, she could FEEL him raising an eyebrow. "...Kinda?"

"Uh. Zen's asleep. But that younger version of myself is watching as always." Keith cleared his throat. "How... How old is she again? Seven?"

She felt a sting of annoyance. "I don't know, like seven or eight, it's been a while. Why the hell does it matter? She's literally me, and she's already seen me suck on your... thing. She actually seems more than okay with all this, and I'm starting to get the feeling she's part of the reason I'm even doing it in the first place. Need I remind you that keidran are fully grown adults at the age of eight? B-besides, a lot of them reach sexual maturity before that a-" "Alright, okay, you made your point." Keith cut her off. "As long as what we're doing isn't... a problem for her. She can hear me, right?" Natani could just make out a faint "y-yes, haah-" from the back of her head, accompanied by a subtle twinge of pleasure in her sternum.

"oh, definitely. She's a little... busy, though."


The wolf groaned. "Oh will you shut up about my mental sister and just... rrrrngh..."

She growled and buried her face in his crotch once again, right at the base of his member. Gods, his scent was enough to drive her crazy. But the taste...

She pressed her muzzle against his shaft and gave it another lick, tracing it all the way up from the sheath, along the slightly thicker part near the middle and all the way to the head. Without thinking, she slipped her hand back into her shorts to pleasure herself as well.

Keith gave a shuddering gasp; "O-oh dear gods! I never knew you would -hngh- do this. You've been so... different after you woke up."

She replied by closing her lips around the head of his manhood and slowly lowering her head onto it- The feeling of his bumps against her tongue was driving her up the wall, and she considered squeezing a second finger into herself.

But after a few seconds of passionate sucking, she had to break away to draw air again- Her nostrils full of water and her mouth full of meat.

"Guh- Can we get away from this stream? I can't breathe with my mouth full."

He scratched the back of her ear and sat up.

"Fine by me." He nodded towards a wall a bit out of the way of the hot sprays of water. "Over there?"

"Mhm." Swiftly he rose to his feet, steam and water coming off his short fur in little cascades. Natani scurried after him, weighed down by her long, soggy pelt. "You know..." She mumbled as he set himself up with his back against the wall. "I still don't think I'm even attracted to guys. Not in general, anyways. I used to work with quite a few huge, muscular guys back in my assassin days, but I never felt anything for them. Never found male bodies sexy in any way. I liked women more, despite..."

She looked at Keith's member, and then down at herself.

"...Despite lacking the equipment to do anything interesting with them."

She looked back up, and felt herself nearly melt as the tip of his cock bumped into her snout, leaving a stain of scented precum right between her nostrils.

"Ahaah- b-but with you... I just can't help it! I can't... Mhh." She let the rest of the sentence hang in the air and thread her lips over Keith's tip once again. She closed her eyes and leant in to let his head fill her mouth, feeling his bristling bumps sliding over both her tongue and palate. She felt Keith's hand in her hair once again.

"You're... aahh... sure you're not in heat or something?" He huffed, struggling to keep his breath steady. "This remi-hngh-reminds me of that time on the boat. Reme-hah-remember that?"

She opened her eyes and locked gazes with him. Her battle against estrus was not something she liked to remember, and seeing the hint of worry in his eyes got her just a little annoyed.

She gave the nubs on his head a good lick, savoring the taste, before drawing back, giving his tip a little smooch on the way out.

"Look, Keith..." She started, but had to pause for a few quick breaths; Her chest was heaving with arousal. "Look. I don't really want to talk about estrus right now... but...When that season comes around, my body tries to force me to do things that my mind doesn't agree with. I'm not in control. I hate it. " She fumbled with him, felt the slick, warm meat between her fingers. "But now... I know my mind and body both want the same thing... You..."

She ducked in under his groin and planted her nose into his fuzzy balls, letting his cock rest on her head. Gods, she had never been so aroused before.

After a few deep sniffs, she came back out and faced his slightly flustered face again.

"So... even though I appreciate it, you can stop worrying so much about what I "want". I have it all right here." She gave him a firm stroke to underline the last part.

He answered with a short grunt, and the veins on his bare meat became more visible as it throbbed.

"Ahh... Just... Just be gentle. It's very... intense when you do that!" He groaned.

Natani gave a looke to the huge, veiny lump of meat. She wanted nothing more than to squeeze it as far down her gullet as she could, to please him as far as she was able. But... She had an idea for something even more appealing.

"Uh... Keith? "Nh- Yes?"

"You know that thing you did earlier... Where you pushed my head down and didn't let go until I almost choked?" His ears lowered a little. "Y-yeah, sorry about that. I don't know what came ov-"

"No." She cut him off. "Don't be sorry. I..." Gods, she hoped Zen really was asleep. He would never get over hearing her say something like this. "I... actually liked it. You... You're always so busy apologizing and worrying about stepping on my paws that I don't get to see you... take the reins, so to speak.

I-I like that side of you. I know you have a more self-confident and assertive side, but you hardly ever show it. I want you to... to show me. Don't worry about my health, I've spent over half a decade as an assassin; whatever your equipment can do probably won't compare to an actual stab wound."

She looked up at him again, and saw nothing but compassion in his face.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked warily, but his voice had a sort of deep rumble behind it this time. "You looked like you were about to pass out last time..." "Mhn... Yes, I'm ready... I think." She threw another look at his member, and felt a slight wave of worry, like a school of butterflies fluttering in her stomach; The thing was actually a lot bigger than she had given any thought to as she had gently nibbled and sucked on it. It was almost completely unsheathed now, and she could see the top of his knot poking out of its cover, red and alluring. She really didn't know if it would even fit in her throat.

But the sense of uncertainty was drowned in the waves of arousal that assaulted her at the thought of what she was about to do.

And echoing that thought came a faint voice from the back of her head, breathless and desperate.

"Yes..D...Do it..." Natani turned her ears backwards, but realized it was just her younger self speaking from inside her head.

"Nnhah, come on! I'm... so close. What are y... you waiting for?! it!" She ignored the voice and locked eyes with Keith.

"Okay, Keith. I'm yours." She swallowed as she felt his hand at the back of her head, pushing her closer to his groin. "J-just be gentle at the start, alright? I don't know if -guk-" Mid sentence her lips were pried open, and Keith's member found its way in past her fangs; She subconsciously made sure to keep those out of the way.

"Alright." Keith growled, the deep rumble behind his voice stronger now. "Here we go."

She couldn't help but give a constrained moan at the sensation; This was completely different than what she had done earlier. Instead of bobbing her head slowly back and forth, she now got to feel his girth slide in until it met resistance at the back of her mouth, before slowly pulling back past her lips until it was almost out of her mouth, and then gently thrusting back in. All outside her own control.

Sitting on her knees with her legs spread and her tail swishing back and forth on the wet floor, she closed her eyes and let two fingers sneak into her dripping privates.

She felt like her moans would have been rather loud if her mouth had been free, but as it was, all that came out were muffled breaths and gagging.

She felt Keith's grip harden, and heard his breaths grow deeper.

"You... hnah... Okay down there?" She had never felt more okay in her life. He gave a gentle thrust, pushing his meat furher back into her throat than before.

Against her will, she gagged deeply and felt tears form in the corner of her eyes.

"I've heard that... ahn... Curling your hand into a fist can help against your gag reflex." He said, pulling back.

Though she couldn't speak, Natani raised a highly telling eyebrow.

His ears lowered a little, flustered. "I-I heard it from Alaric. Pretty sure he mentioned it a long, loong time ago. Don't judge me!"

She meant to giggle, but it turned into another gag as the basitin thrust forcefully down her throat. She decided to stay silent and actually follow his advice, since her stomach was getting a little upset from the constant abuse of her palate.

His hips were gyrating now, pumping in and out, forcing her jaw open on the way in and leaving a slight vacuum on the way out. Natani could do nothing but enjoy the ride, closing her lips around his shaft and feeling it slide past her tongue. The bumps on his cock-head were jutting out sharply now, scraping over her tongue and throat every time it passed by. Saliva and precum were dripping from her jaw and onto her chest, and her boxers were quickly becoming a mess of her own juices. Her eyes were watering, and she was starting to wonder how much longer she could hold on before reaching an orgasm; Her whole body was ablaze with pleasure, from the tip of her ears, through her chest and all the way to her lady bits.

But right then he gave one last thrust, deep into her hungry throat, before ever so slowly pulling out. Natani could've sworn she could feel his pulse through the jutting veins, and the nubs on his head were almost like spikes as they slid across the sore roof of her mouth.

And as the final bit drew out, she suddenly felt exactly how tired her trembling body was. She plopped helplessly onto her butt, panting and moaning uncontrollably. She could see him throwing his head back, heaving and panting towards the ceiling.

For a few seconds, they both remained like that, trying to recover from the intense experience. Natani's hair had fallen into her face, so all she had to go by was sound as she sat there, tryng to catch her breath through the thick steamy air.

Keith was the first one to recover.

"That... -haah- Dear gods. I feel like I'm about to... burst."

The wolf brushed back a lock of hair, and true enough; Keith's thick manhood was bulging and visibly throbbing now, a drop or two of precum spurting out with every pulse. Not only that, but his knot was fully visible, fat and glistening.

Natani wasn't far from the edge herself. Her right hand was completely soaked, and not from the showers this time.

She tried to gather her tongue and form a plea, asking him to keep going. But all that came out was a raspy whine.

To her delight however, he understood. Though she had momentarily lost her voice, her body language must have been obvious. Tail wagging, mouth open, eyes begging.

"Okay," He breathed. "Give me a tap if it's too much, alright?"

She nodded, staring at his knot. It was so damn thick. No way would it fit in any part of her.

Then his hands were on her head again, and she moaned one last time before she was shoved onto his mighty member, all the way down until the hair on his groin tickled her nose.

His throbbing head slid straight past her tongue, palate and uvula, squeezing its barbs down her throat. Her gag reflex kicked in, but she curled her left hand around a tuft of his crotch-fluff and rode it out. Natani shut her eyes and felt a tear run down her cheek; It was so much more intense than she had imagined. Down in her boxers her right hand worked fervently in and out of her lady bits. She was riding the edge now. She heard Keith moan, and managed to get an eye open.

She could only see the underside of his jaw, as he had thrown his head backwards in ecstacy; His cock was sending heavy throbs down through her mouth and down her throat, and she could feel every vein, every bump on his head as it pulsed against the inside of her mouth.

She only got a few seconds to savour it, to lick his knot and comb through his fluff before he started retreating. This time however, it was not slow or comfortable; His hands took a steel grip on her head as he pulled out, and slammed back in again with even greater force than before. But this time she was prepared, and managed to keep her lips closed around him all the way without gagging or wincing.

His knot slammed into her snout once again, sending a shock through her entire system. With his hands fastened in her hair, he pulled back instantly, giving her no time to relax or even draw breath. And once again he came back, her muzzle crashing into his groin with an audible smack.

Natani lost count after five thrusts or so, as she had to concentrate on trying to breathe between them. With her eyes shut, she could only hear and feel Keith's pleasure. Low moans had started to roll from him with every thrust, which were coming with increasing frequency and fervor.

On its own, the experience had started to become a little unpleasant physically. The bumps on his head were jutting out painfully, scraping along her sore throat with every vigorous thrust as he humped her face. Even with her left hand thoroughly clenched, the repeated intrusions to her digestive tract were making her queasy. And with how strong his thrusts were, Natani was pretty sure that she couldn't have stopped him even if she wanted to, he was simply too strong.

But there was one thing that truly brought pleasure to her, despite the discomfort from all this; It was the sound of his huffs and moans, the feeling of his pulse in her mouth, the smell of his arousal; She was truly pleasing him. She alone had managed to put a smile on his face, arouse him and bring him to this point. After having seen him go through so much undeserved hardship, she could reward him with this, lending him her body to use as he wished.

And with that thought in her head, she followed his movemnts, closing her lips down around his tip, head, shaft and eventually base. She pressed her tongue onto him as hard as she could, squeezing his meat against the roof of her mouth.

With her right hand, she dug her fingers into herself until the third joint, and pushed herself over the edge.

The orgasm hit Natani like a tidal wave, and she cried out loudly. Or she would have, had her entire throat not been blocked. Instead, all she managed was a weak "Glk".

Her entire system convulsed and trembled, her fur bristling in all directions as she struggled to breathe, her throat squeezing snugly around his cock. She coughed and gagged meekly, and she heard him speak with a strained voice: "Oh, gods. I... I'm gonna... gnrghhh." He grit his teeth, and the wolf felt him tremble inside her. With a great groan, he flexed his muscles and forced her even harder into his rod.

Natani heard her jaw creaking as it opened wider than ever before, her fangs brushing against his bulging knot as it started forcing its way into her.

Seeing where this was going, she helped him by leaning even further in, cramming more of his member down her already strained tract.

Before she knew it, the wolf was treated to the feeling of having every single square centimeter of her mouth and throat completely clogged; There was absolutely no space anywhere from her muzzle to her esophagus not taken up by Keith's meat. Her throat was filled to the brim with hard basitin meat, and her mouth occupied by an even harder knot. Keith had somehow managed to fit every single inch of himself inside her, and her lips closed around the thin stem behind his bulbus glandis.

She tried desperately to breathe, but the only thing meeting her was a heavy throb running from his knot and all the way through the length of his shaft, until it came out as a spurt of warm seed directly down her esophagus; He had finally caught up with her.

Her entire body was screaming for air now, but she still took time to savour it. Breathe she could do later.

Another rivulet of cum spewed down her gullet, and her entire body convulsed at the feeling. It was so warm, splashing into her belly. Every convulsion was accompanied by a short, hushed huff from Keith as he came down her throat, gush upon gush, moan upon moan, until her entire sternum was swelling with warmth and comfort from his loving seed.

It wasn't until Natani's vision started fading that she realized she was about to faint. Her lungs were screaming for air.

Instinctively she tried to pull back, but found her mouth locked fast by the knot still swelling in her mouth. She cried out, managing only a choked "Gk- nk-."

Keith looked down and winced when he saw her wide, runny eyes.

"Aah! S-sorry! I -hnh!-"

He reached down, and Natani felt another throb and shot of warm love shoot down her throat. With a trembling but firm grip, he grabbed her lower and upper jaw, and pulled them apart.

Retracting, she felt his cock slowly starting to slide back out her mouth. The nubs felt like thorns scraping at her ravaged throat. As the tip passed her palate, she was surprised by another spurt of cum. It took her completely off guard, triggered a sporadic cough, and she felt the pale grey juice shoot out from both mouth and nostrils.

Eventually, the barbed head slipped out of her mouth, and without anything holding her up, she fell to the floor, gasping.

She didn't know quite how long they both spent like that, snapping for air, him propped up against the wall and her in a pile on the floor. But it felt like several minutes. At some point she could hear him sliding down onto the heated marble tiles, legs spread and still huffing like he'd run for a mile.

She eventually caught her breath. But when she tried to speak, all that came out was a hollow rasping and a fit of coughing; Her throat hurt like hell.

She heard Keith move. Her hair had fallen into her eyes again.

"Are you... alright? I... haah..."

She brushed a lock away from her face, and saw him extending a hand to her. She grabbed it and felt his strong arms pull her into his lap.

She tried again, this time slower.

"I'm akh-... alright... Hurts..." She paused to swallow and hold back a cough. "But it's... fine. I- mrhnnnk." She gave up, and let her head rest on his heaving belly. His member had left a smear of cum right next to his bellybutton, which was where she put her head. The taste was still in her mouth, and without hesitating for too long, she took to licking his belly clean.

"What are you doing?" she heard him huff.

"Just... cleaning." She rasped back between two licks. Now that she got time to savour it, the flavour really wasn't that great. But the act of such an intimate and personal gesture more than made up for it.

"Just... The keidran... way." she mumbled.

Now that the aftershocks of her orgasm had started to abate, Natani felt a profound fatigue come over her; The hot, steamy air, Keith's soft embrace and the faint sound of his strong heartbeat all decended on her at once, and she found herself struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Ahkn... Keith?" She murmured. Her throat was feeling slightly better now.

"Mhmhrm?" He replied. She could hear from his voice that he was in the same state of exhaustion.

"Should we really... sleep here?... What if the oth-hkh" She stopped. She still needed some time.

Keith scoffed. "Pfsh. Screw 'em. I get the feeling half of them already thought I was gay even before they found out about you."

He scratched her ear, and she couldn't help letting out a puff of satisfaction.

"Besides," He continued "The only one who would care is Lynn. And I REALLY can't say I trust him in the first place. He says he's here to serve me, but he really only serves my country. And my country has never given me anything but crap, so why should I care? To hell with them all, I only want you." He leant his head back against the wall.

Gods, she loved how confident and manly he sounded. She had always hoped he had a more masculine side to him.

Exhausted, she closed her eyes. With Keith this close, it felt like nothing in the world could harm her. She checked the back of her head briefly, but found no trace of her brother. All she heard was a faint breathing from her younger self.

She felt the warm seed in her belly, some of it still painted on her face. The smell of her own womanhood had been completely washed out by Keith's manly aroma.

"Now I REALLY need that shower" she murmured, and fell asleep.