The Wolf in the Room Ch. 2

Story by Volatus on SoFurry

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If you haven't done it yet, I highly recommend reading chapter one first.

Day one of Trevor's unwanted new life is over, and the second one begins. Things are not getting better for him. Further, a new character appears.

Words: 2462

Excitedly I went down the stairs to visit my recently acquired pain wolf again. As expected, yesterdays torture ended with him passing out. His next session will be later today, but for now, I need to take care of him. Pain toy or not, he needs to eat and use the restroom. Hence why I wore casual clothing, because as much as I enjoy dressing up in my rubber apron, it was only meant for the actual torture sessions.

"Hello, sweetie! Did you sleep well tonight?" Quite frankly, he looked horrible and probably hadn't slept at all. His eyes were reddened from crying, and chafed skin showed beneath the cuffs around his ankles and wrists. Shallow breaths and sweat-soaked fur hinted his fear and discomfort. Though the most delicate view gave his cock. After yesternights torture session and with those needles still buried deep into his skin, it has swollen to an impressive size. In fact, it lost its ability to fully hide into his sheath, which by now was stretched quite a bit due to the inflamed cock inside. Yet half of the clearly flaccid length still protruded. The swelling will grow back over time, unfortunately, but at least the needles will always be there to provide discomfort.

The wolf's eyes widened as he noticed me.

"No, NO! Stay away from me, STAY AWAY! Leave me alone, please go! No no NO, don't come closer! DON'T!"

"Shhh, calm, boy. I'm not here to hurt you. You need to eat, and I bet your bladder is full, too."

"No just go away, please" he replaced his active panic quickly with desperate crying. It's the usual reaction of most subjects, panic, hysteria and desperation alternate in quick succession.

"Calm, sh-sh-sh, it's all fine."

"Nothing is fine you freak, go away! Please! Go away, let me go, just let me go, please!"

When closing in toward him, his begging turned into hysterical screaming once again. He seemed to be quite scared of me already. I sat beside him and attempted to calm him down. My hand lovingly stroked his cheek, and over time, his hysterical screaming very slowly died down to resigned crying, or maybe he just became too exhausted to be loud. "Yeah, good boy! See it's all fine."

"Well, boy, I'm sure you're quite hungry by now." I snipped my finger, and the door opened. With little surprise on my side, the wolf's eyes widened with shock once more.

"What the fuck is THAT? This is crazy, you fucking freaks!" his voice almost broke.

"May I introduce you to my most loyal servant? Isn't it a beautiful creature?"

"What? Fuck, this is insane! What is this?"

"This is Trevor, a long time ago, 15 years to be precise, he used to be a happy 18-year-old teen like you. Yeah, 'same name as you, funny coincidence isn't it? Now, this rat is my trusty servant. Get used to him, he's going to help me to take care of you."

"W-what the hell did you do to him?

"I'm so glad you ask! And will it explain to you in detail, with pleasure."

"Wait no, I don't even want to know... you're fucking crazy.... I want to go home, I just want to go home; Please."

"First, we removed all his hair; permanently, of course. Unfortunately, you will never be able to witness that due to the thick latex we covered him with, from head to toe, as you undoubtedly already recognized. But, boy, believe me under that black latex hides the nudest, most hairless rat you could ever imagine. Oh, and here's where the real fun begins, the suit never gets removed! And while I take care and wash him regularly to keep him shiny, everything under the suit hasn't seen any fluid other than his own sweat for the whole 15 years I owned him. Bet there's quite a dirty rat underneath!"

"What the freaking fuck...!? But... wait... there is a way...I mean... you don't kill your victims after 12 years?... I mean... I don't want to die... please!" he pled.

"Well, sorry, boy, I hate to crush your hopes, but no promotions for my captives. I abducted him to serve me, and you to die for my pleasure."

Explaining in detail my toys, to my toys is just so much fun, I just couldn't hold back and continued: "However, where was I? Ah yes of course, next we did cut off his balls as well as his cock because let's be real, he doesn't need either and it would be unnecessarily cruel to keep him horny forever. Also, it smooths out the crotch area, so we don't have an ugly bulge there."


"Yes, castrated. Still wanna be promoted? Haha! However, that's not even the best part! Do you see that tiny metal hatch at the entrance of his urethra? Yes? It is kept closed by default to prevent any leaking. But guess what! Yes! The remote control in my possession is the only way to open it! I'm allowing him to pee once every other day if you were wondering. And even better, there is a similar contraption installed at his anus, just bigger, of course. I allow him to shit twice a week; Wednesday and Sunday, if you care to know."

"What the fuck! No! I don't care to know... dude, that's just fucked up! Y-you're insane, I... I.... I... what the fuck, that's not real... it can't be..."

"Yeah-- whatever boy-- but now let me talk about the centerpiece, the elephant in the room so to speak, not me though, HAHAHA, pun intended, I guess, hahaha... well-- however, I obviously talk about the gas mask he wears. As you can already take by its look, it's not your vanilla fetish gas mask. It got some amazing additions! First the eye lenses, by remote control they can be darkened, to render him blind, that's quite handy when he is not in use as you probably can imagine. Secondly, tubes can be attached to those valves you can see at the sides, that allows me to feed him without removing the mask! He obviously can only be provided with liquid nutrition. And something you can't see from the outside; but inside, the tubes that protrude from the valves are permanently sewed to the corner of his mouth. Yet thirdly and most importantly, of course, is the part you're eyes seem to be glued on since he entered. That nice rebreather bag at the front of his mask. Yes, that thing is always there and impacts his ability to breathe drastically, and also makes this nice sucking and blowing noise when he breathes. Actually, he hadn't had a deep lungful of air since I forced him to wear that mask. It seems to have impacted him quite a bit over the years since his movements have gotten slower over time. Seems like a strategy of his body to counteract the undersupply with oxygen, funny how that works. But with that, I think we covered all his alterations. As I said, he is a beautiful creature."

"Y-you are crazy. Like, what the fuck, how can you do this... to him... to me... it's barbaric, it's insane... just how..." slowly his voice failed him as he started to cry once more.

"It's easy I just do it, it's a drive, uncontrollable, undeniable, I'd rather not to, but I can't. I'm sorry, boy."

"But now let's feed you. Yeah-- look at that nice plate of meat, Trevor has brought for you. Here let me help you" With my hand I put the meat in his mouth, feeding him like an animal. He didn't resist, of course not, he was hungry despite his dire situation.

"Good boy-- tastes good, doesn't it?"

"Fuck you! I hate you! Let me go!"

"Hush now, here have a bit of water too, yeah good boy."

"Just let me go please, I can't do this, please!" he kept pleading, I kept ignoring.

I slowly unlocked the shackles on his wrists and ankles. As expected they got chafed bloody since he tried to free himself. Then, slowly, I helped him to get into a sitting position. "Slow boy, you've lain there for quite a while."

"D-do you let me go now?"

I couldn't suppress a hearty laugh when noticing the hope in his voice. "No, boy, of course not, I'm only helping you toward the toilet." His head sank down while he closed his eyes and cried. I hated to crush his hopes, but nothing is going to change his fate; he was my pain toy now.

After helping him up and standing, I quickly bound his arms behind his back. With his lower arms horizontally fixated, by a rope going vertically up and connecting to the metal collar around his neck, he was rendered positively helpless. He won't need his arms anyway, and I enjoy my toys tied up proper.

The room had a toilet as well as a shower and sink, all located at the northern side of the room. Hence why the wolf couldn't have seen them yet since the table, he had been bound on forced him to face the southern wall, which mostly contained whips and other pretty torture devices. I slowly walked him toward the toilet. Fear, agony, and the long time on the table made his steps unsteady, but slowly we moved forward. We stopped at the bowl, and I held and aimed his member toward the bowl since with his arms bound he obviously couldn't do it himself.

"Pee, boy!"

"W-wait, what? But... but... I can't... not when someone watches... please, let me at least do it myself... c-come on..."

"Shush, now, just let it flow. I know how a boy looks down there, no reason to be embarrassed. You know, there is no privacy for a pain toy. Get used to it, we're going to do that always together from now on. Now just relax and let it flow, boy."

"Please, I really can't, please please." he bounced a little bit up and down as to try to emphasize his pleading.

I sighed and began to firmly masturbate his sheath, causing the needles buried into the base of his cock to pinch and shift painfully in his swollen aching cock.


"Shhhh, boy, it's fine, just let it flow, and I'll stop. Focus on your task, don't think about anything other than filling the toilet in front of you with your golden shower. I know you can do it." I kept stroking his cock. And finally, after a few minutes, which the wolf spent screaming, he managed to let loose and pee. Satisfied I stopped stroking him and simply aimed his cock so everything ended up where it should.

"Good boy, I knew you could do it!"

"Just shut the fuck up, I can't take this, I really can't, just SHUT UP! FUCK, it hurts!"

"Yeah, shhh, it's fine, I understand. You need a bit of time for yourself. We will do the second session this evening until then you have all the time you need for yourself."

I led the wolf toward the western wall, more precisely to a peculiar quadratic hatch with just half a meter [1.6 ft] side length. Without hesitation, I opened it and revealed that nothing hid behind but a long empty space, about two meters [6.6 ft] deep and angled downwards about 20 degrees. The metallic walls were, like the hatch, soundproofed. Any noise produced inside this box will never reach the outside. Still not wasting any time I hoisted up the wolf and shoved him headfirst with his belly down into the box. He fitted in perfectly, and the dimensions of the box, combined with his still bound arms, will prevent him from turning onto his back or even to his side.

"Wait, what no, No, NO! Please NO! What are you doing? Stop! Please!"

"Shhh, boy, it's all good. I'll be back in the evening, you'll see time will fly."

"No please, I don't want this, please let me out, no, I can't take this, please, please, no no no, please, AHHHH, please it hurts!"

"Hush boy, it's alright. I know it's not fun for you. Hurts to lie on your swollen cock, doesn't it? I'm so sorry, but I promise you'll get used to it over the months and years to come. And having your head lower than your feet needs getting used to as well, I guess. But you're a good boy, you'll manage am I right? In no time you won't even notice the ache it causes to have your head pressing down on the metal wall for hours. You'll do fine, I know it! Your such a good wolf!"


Poor boy, but well, nothing I can do for him. Noticing that only a small stump was left from my cigar, I took that opportunity to stump it out on my wolf's pink foot sole. Adding a third brand mark to his body, on his heel. Which he acknowledged with another loud scream. The extinguished stump, which I snicked into the box landed on his buttcrack, what looked cute and hilarious in equal measures. However, it's time to rest for my wolf, and thus, I slowly closed the heavy metal hatch.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT! NO PLEASE NO! PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE NOOOOOOOOOOO! I'M CLAUSTRO..." And the moment the hatch closed shut, no more noises escaped the box. Perfectly soundproof as it should be.

Only one last thing to do. The final touch; the icing on the cake so to speak. On the control panel attached to the hatch, I choose the options low-intensity and ten-second intervals as well as one-second duration. Now the whole box will be electrified with low intensity current every ten seconds for a second. While the current will only have the strength of an electric fence, it will be quite draining for the wolf, considering he has to endure it with no chance of escape. Annoying at first, infuriating later on and mind breaking after several hours, it'll prevent him from distracting himself with meditation or thoughts. Oh, imagining his intensifying screams greatly aroused me. The anticipation of the view of the exhausted wolf when I let him out eventually filled me with joy.

But first, I had to wait eight more hours before I can tend to my wolf once more. In the evening, as I promised and not one minute earlier. The waiting, as yesterday, will be torture for me. Fortunately, work will keep me busy and distracted for the most part.