Office territory

Story by Psyote on SoFurry

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Ray's not a terrible boss. Sure he's demanding, never listens, and regards all his employees as tools to help him climb the corporate ladder, but at least he's lenient on dress codes.

This is a continuation of that character sketch I posted and what I'm considering my first full story on FA. Hopefully, more will join it soon.

comments and feedback are greatly appreciated.

It's always important to set aside time for yourself, if you want to be successful. It's also important to realize that time to yourself doesn't exclusively have to be just for you. Take some lessons from me, Ray Leon, youngest executive field crop--you know the one that owns your city block and all the ones next to it--has ever seen. At 23 I'm about 3 rungs away from the top of the corporate ladder and climbing fast. Take it from me, I didn't get here solely on my sharp appearance, silver tong, slim yet demeaning Jackal figure, and incredible work ethic. It's all that and the fact that I can wind down while getting my work done.

"So yeah, I know I had some time off for the wedding, but our honeymoon is next week. We planned this for a few months now and my wife's already been approved and..."

"Hold on a minute, ahhh ahhhh that's it." The dildo usually stuck to my desk had a 3:30 appointment with me today, as it does every day, and I wasn't going to delay it for some employee meetings "Alright go on." I told the rabbit in front of me.

"So, my Newley wedded w-wife..." Rex has a way of grabbing my attention, as soon as our appointments start he comes out the gate with some intense feelings that just sink right into me. "we've been planning this for months and..." There isn't a lot in this office that can engage me like he does. With him busy work days and mountains of paperwork just slide right out of my mind. "I know I h-had time off for the wedding already but..." But despite how intense he can be, I look forward to our sessions. "D-did you get all that." I got everything Rex was trying to give me with one final thrust down, it wasn't enough to make me finish but my cock was leaking like a cracked pen by this point.

Did that rabbit just ask me if I was paying attention. "Yes of course I got all of that, and you know I don't think I needed to." This rabbit's lucky that I let him meet with me at all, and he's meeting with me for... what is he meeting with me for. Glancing at the scheduling e-mail still open on my desk computer answered that, the subject read 'time off'. "You want more time off after that entire week you got last month." This audacity of this rabbit, his presence was getting my blood pumping. I wanted to throttle him, but there was something more pressing that I had to throttle instead. Masturbating while seething feels great too.

"Is it that hard to GOOOHH m-more than a month without e-e-EEXTENDED VACATION TIME. I-I'll make a deal with you, wrap your fingers around your k-k-keyboard then do your fucking job and maybe just maybe you'll get an extra day off next week huh, that sound f-faaaAAIR." I try to resist losing composure during these sessions, but with all the different variables grabbing my attention it's hard to stay stoic. The pre-orgasmic rush could be the main culprit for my outburst there, but by that point I was finished with my motivational speech. I could relax and let the afterglow seep in as my cock violently pumped its contents onto my chest, stomach, and even muzzle. The upper portion of my suit was already neatly hung on the coat rack near my door, no need for unneeded dry-cleaning visits after 3:30 every day. "*pant* so yeah sound good" I said reaching for the tissues on my desk.

"Y-yeah, sounds good."

"Good, now tell whoever's after you to come in." The rabbit left with quickness that wasn't in his step when he came in. Guess this meeting reinvigorated him enough to get back to work, another successful speech on my part. Hopefully I'll have similar results with the Siamese nervously walking in right now. Meanwhile, my appointment with Rex is just getting started.

My appointment went on longer than usual, but after about 2 hours of my employees funneling into my office to ask for time off, or a pay raise, or a new desk somewhere far away from my office--maybe I should soundproof it--I finally let him go. I slowly pulled him out of me and placed him back on my desk, so he could get back to his job of looking pretty, he's damn good at it. Then I reached for the tissue box right next to him, only for my paw to hit the cardboard at the bottom of the box.

Throwing the box might've been a bit of an overreaction, at least it missed the tower of files walking into the room. "Out of tissues sir, I'll getcha some more." The border Collie behind file tower had to peak to the side of it just to say that. "Woah, rough day?" She said as she dropped the files onto my desk with an audible thunk

I wasn't sporting my normal 'ready to start working' look when she entered: I was covered in cum, my asshole was stretched, and I was slouching; rather than covered in my own cum, asshole stretched, and upright, posture is a huge factor in productivity. "Sometimes it seems like you and Thomas are the only worthwhile employees on this floor, if I have to listen to another one of those cubicle cronies complain about their job I'm gonna."

"Don't be so hard on them Ray, they've got their lives and everything. Oh, did you know that Brandon got married he seemed so happy today. Just brightening everyone's day with a permeant smile and the adorable way rabbits' ears just perk up when they're happy. I need to get him a card or something." She said as she picked up the discarded tissue box and through it in the trash for me. I like Jess, she's almost too upbeat but I'd be hardpressed to say it isn't kind of infectious.

"Brandon that's the... the guy at C2 right?"

"Nope, B5, wait you didn't know!?" Well of course she knows, everyone's name she's running around the floor all day with whatever busy work I've piled onto her. Frankly not a lot of the stuff I tell her to do is necessary, but I've heard that Collies tend to get a little antsy if they've got nothing to do. And I don't need her pestering me for more shit to do when I'm working with Rex or the files she keeps piling on my desk.

"Listen, I have to manage this floor's work output not their personal lives. What they do outside shouldn't matter to me as long as they're doing well in here." I got up and did some arm stretches to loosen them up after just being used to pump my dick for about two hours.

"Well did you also know what happened to cliff's mom, the Siamese at C5."

"How should I know what happened to-"

"She's dead Ray, Cliff's been pretty down over the last couple days." Yep she's my secretary alright, telling me the state of my employees so I don't have to go and find out myself. But at least I know now.

"You of all people know how busy I am. Why do you think I 'unwind' during my employee meeting times." I propped my elbow on file tower and supported my head with my arm. On my waste height desk, the damn thing was large enough to reach my elbow and it was about half my self-imposed work load for the day.

"You know you'd look great on the office edition of a gay porn magazine with that pose, shame the personality isn't as pretty." She folded her arms and gave me that pouty look she always gives me when we end up talking about how I deal with my employees.

"Ok fine I'll go out into the office and socialize with them for a bit. Water cooler conversations and all that, I'm thirsty anyway. I expect more tissues when I get back."

"Ok, shouldn't you..." I was out the door before she could nag me anymore. I like Jess, but not when she's telling me how to do my job.

Watercoolers, the unofficial meet and greet location of the office. At least that's what I remember from the year I spent in a cubicle myself. Of course, I never wasted precious work time standing there listening to the pointless ramblings of my co-workers. Although now it seems like I need to make up a pointless rambling quota I'd missed before getting into my new position. Shame no one in this office seems to use this watercooler, at least from what I've seen. Well I was about to strike something up with the two wolves who'd been chatting here while I walked up, but they left as soon as I arrived.

Oh, looks like someone's coming, I even recognize this one "Thomas." I called out to that wonderfully productive fennec, he'd been at the top of our productivity charts for the past several months. "Hey buddy coming to get a drink I want to congratulate you on--"

The fennec froze: his tail frizzled up and ears stood on end as he squeaked out, "Uh c-can't talk right now, forgot something at my desk." Then made a 180 and scurried back the way he came. Shy as ever, that won't do him any good if he plans to get out of that cubicle one day. He has the ethic but not the charisma, he's cute though maybe I should invite him to my office for a lesson.

"Victim of an office prank I'm guessing." I didn't recognize the baritone voice, although I don't have time to commit every voice to memory. When I turned to look at this one's source I knew I had even less reason to remember it.

"Excuse me?" I said slightly irritated that the jumpsuit wearing wolf wheeling around a garbage can would even speak to me.

"Feeling a little drafty bud? Want me to ruffle through the lost and found and getcha something before the boss catches ya." Janitors, if the bottom rung of corporate ladders were occupied by receptionists, then this wolf floor it was standing on. Most of the time I don't recognize them, hell I couldn't even tell if this wolf was a new hire or not but given what he'd asked me.

"I'll have you know I'm the boss on this floor and I'm well aware of my state of dress." I took an audible sip from the cup I was casually holding.

"Oh, you're the boss around here. I was expecting someone more..." he's still talking to me isn't he. "You know, chain smoking fat pig type..." He looks like he's either as or slightly older than me, just goes to show how successful my work method is, when someone who's had the same amount of time to prepare is wheeling around garbage. "But damn, you know I've seen my share of upper managers, but I think I'd enjoy cleaning your office the most..." I wonder what his method was: cutting classes and downing alcohol at the nearest house party he could break into; sitting on his ass all day watching tv. No maybe not that he's got a toned body bet there's some musculature under that suit too. "I'm new to this building but if the dress code is this lax I don't think this might be my favorite one yet. Mind if I"

"Yes, I very much would!" I said as he started to reach for the zipper at on his uniform.

He lowered his arm back to his side and shot me slight frown. "Seems kind of unfair that you're the only one aloud to go al naturale on this floor don't ya think."

"My employees can dress however the fuck they want. As long as they get their work done I don't care what they do." That's the only rule on this floor, aside from don't do anything obviously illegal. "You're not my employee though so I'd appreciate it if you just rolled that can around and picked up our trash before the stench starts to linger."

He looked down at me with and gave me a nearly offended boggle eyed glare. Well he's a janitor, if he's gonna get offended at that me mine as well throw a fit whenever anyone looks at him in that suit. "I think I know why no one on this floor likes you." He huffed then started to wheel away.

"E-excuse me!" I said briskly walking back up to him.

"I've only been here for about 4 days and I've heard nothing but horror stories about you." Now I stared boggle eyed at him, but unlike him I have genuine reason to be.

"Well you seem like the type to get along with the lion who used to sit at, at.


"Yeah, that lazy fuck probably bad mothed me for telling him to do his job." And that's exactly why I sent him packing yesterday, about a week into his job here.

"Alright you're the boss whatever you say goes I guess." He seems like he's done talking to me now, well I'm not done with him oh no.

"Look I'll prove to you right now that my employees love me." I turned to the closest cubicle and put a paw on a somewhat familiar Siamese, oh I think I know this one!

"Hey Ledge, sorry to here about your sister, but just so you know I'm glad you're still here working at tip top shape huh."

"Boss I-"

"Oh, you don't have to thank me, it's my job to be there for my employees whenever they need it."

"Yeah you're--"

"How about I bring you some of my building famous croissants tomorrow, how's that sound buddy. You'll get some outside of our occasional meetings. Bet you'll be the envy of all your piers in this cubicle corner. Heh maybe the guys next to you might start murdering their sisters to get some sympathy goods from me, although I wouldn't put it past some of the guys here." A little bit of office humor, everyone throws their co-workers under the bus

"Yeah, I guess."

With a hardy slap on the Siamese's back I told him to "Keep up the good work," then turned to face that janitor who I found already chatting up one of my other employees. Whatever, what do I care what a janitor thinks anyway.

I couldn't get that damn janitor out of my head. I was ready to sit down and pull rex away from his work space for the 8th time after that encounter but if he wasn't clearing my mind by now then I'd just be wasting time now. Just, the way he got genuine laughs out of that permanently grimacing crocodile, how managed to get back a pair of gloves the resident raccoon clepto stole from his pocket by just asking, how he made Thomas speak at a volume that was audible to the non-candid members of the floor. Why did I even notice all that, I left my office a few more times than I usually do just to spy on him. I even bothered getting dressed so he wouldn't make any more comments about me.

"Hey, you alright there, you've been staring at those files for a few minutes now." Jess said from across my office. She's been helping me sort out these files, I only managed to get half of the ones she put on my desk earlier organized, and it's almost the end of the work day.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine." I said as I started sorting through the mountains of manila.

"Well, if you want me to leave for a bit so you can... regain your focus." She said with a knowing glance at rex "I'm fine with that." Then she let out a yawn. A yawn? Of course, she's yawning its dusk and she's still at work, helping me with these files. Maybe I'm working her too hard, even collies have limits right. She probably hates me as much as the rest of the floor.

"Hey Jess." I said with my best attempt to mask the concern in my voice. "You're, gonna get that rabbit a wedding gift right."

"Oh yeah of course, I always try to get something special for everyone when something important happens. Not like birthdays though, that'd be too often, but like once in a life time thing you know weddings, funerals, divorces, births... no those things can all happen more than once."

"Well you want some extra cash for the gift, just put my name on the card when you give it to him." That's not what I wanted to ask her, I wanted to know if she doesn't hate with me but I don't want to just ask that, it sounds pathetic in my head.

"Alright, I'll bring you the receipt and then you can reimburse me." She shot me a smile after saying that.

"What no, there's a limit"

"Too late, I'm picking out the gift, you'll provide the funds." Crafty little collie.

"Fine but if I see something other than a wedding gift on that receipt I'm taking a cut of your next paycheck."

"Anything else, like what"

"You know stuff you like, like... like." Why am I racking my brain for this, she's been my secretary for as long as I've had this position and I don't even know what she likes.

"Like a fully functional state of the art VR headset complete with motion trackers and adjustable head straps." She likes tech, good got to remember that

"Yeah that."

"Alriiiiiiiight." We went back to sorting for a while and her yawns got more frequent. She shouldn't even be here right now, she's free to leave the office at anytime after her shift ends and that was over an hour ago... is she staying here just to help me?

"Hey Jess, you're done for the night."

"Huh, want to go already?"

"No, you're done, just get out, go spend the rest of your night not here I'll finish this by myself."

She tilted her head at me and gave me a puzzled stare. "Is something wrong."

"No just," she knows me too well "can you tell that janitor from earlier to come up here and clean up some stuff in my office."

"The one from earlier, not just any random janitor. That janitor, the wolf, that massive hunk, the one with obsidian black fur and bright blue eyes that look like they're always undressing you."

"Yeah I guess that guy."

Ugh I wanted him first." She shot me a wink and darted out of the room before I could say anything.

About ten minutes of sorting through files later my door opened again. I looked up to see a mass of beautiful black fur covering the toned muscular body of a massive wolf leaning against my door frame. That seductive pose highlighted his side curves and gave me full view of a bare and beautiful sheath sporting a half chub that I could tease the rest of the way out if I got my muzzle around it. Wait, why is he naked.

"You called." He said with a sly grimace before walking toward me. I could smell his musk from here and I wanted nothing more than that hot piece of meat in my muzzle right now. But then a rough tug which tore open the buttons on my shirt also brought me back to my senses

"Wait- wait." His paws stopped on the second button of my dress shirt, then he gave me a slight head tilt and that familiarly dumbfounded look that all janitors should ha--no that's not what he has normally.

"Do you want to do it yourself or."

"I don't want you to fuck me damnit, I just wanted to talk about some things from earlier."

He let out a sigh and grabbed a chair from across the room. I swear the way he bent over to grab it, he's fucking teasing me. He put the chair backwards in front of my desk, sat his bare ass down--I made a mental note to whipe it for the next person-- and leaned forward paws on the top of resting his head on them.

I re-buttoned my shirt and as he started to say. "Do you interview your fuck buddies like you interview you employees. I didn't bring a resume, sorry."

"Not everything on my mind is bureaucracy or sex." Although, recent events made me doubt that. "I just want to know how you do it, get guys to talk and be friendly with you."

"Is that why you called me down here, man that Jess girl really made it sound like you needed to get your brains fucked out. What a secretary, schedules your one night stands for you."

"I wanted to tell her otherwise, that's not what I want right now." Of course, I said this while eyeing that space between the chair head and seat that was framing his junk like a portrait. "And can you put your suit back on this is distracting."

"But Ray it's hot here." he said in a pouty voice "and you're complaining about me flaunting, well now you know how your employees feel."

"Yeah that's what I wanted to talk about, how are getting them to like... how do you make them... what do you do to." My normally articulate voice was floundering like the rest of my body near this wolf. "How do you get them to talk to you... what's your name?"

"I was about to fuck who didn't even know my name, well that's not a first for either of us I'm assuming. Mason, or Mace, or son, although I don't think you call anyone son. But that's all you wanted to talk about, how I to talk to people? Dude you're like an executive how do you not know how to communicate."

"I know how to speak: I've taken classes on presenting and my presentation on presenting properly was the best that professor had ever seen, I rehearse what I prepare to say days before every boardroom meeting until every syllable and pitch inflection is perfect, and I can even tell my employees what they need to hear while fucking myself with this Goodman dildo!" I was practically yelling when I yanked the toy off my desk. Mason was wide eye staring at me like I was about to stab him with it then calmly stuck it back.

"I think I get why you're not so popular around here." He gave me a nervous chuckle before re-establishing his casual leaning forward position. "You know the rabbit that sits at C3, think his name's Brandon, he had some colorful things to say about your 'encouragement speeches'. None of which were 'oh he told me exactly what I needed to hear, and man he's so hot when he bounces on that dildo' although I think he's straight, so I doubt he'd say the second thing."

"I gave that ungrateful long eared fuck a pep talk about why he should be keep working at the pace he is and not need more time off."

"Oh, I guess his work is more important than his new wife."

Brandon, rabbit, marriage, this is probably the third time I heard those words together and it still hasn't gone through in me. "I worked day in and day out as hard as I could to get into this position as early as I did, and I don't plan on stopping. But if I want to get higher I need to make those cubicles pump out work at rate that passes all the other floors in this building. If everyone here hates my guts then they're not going to work, but if I let everyone off when they want then I'll get even worse results."

He let out another sigh, this time it seemed slightly annoyed. "Maybe working isn't the most important thing in everyone's lives, but what do I know I'm a janitor right. I should wipe away the shit from your bathroom walls with a smile on my face, knowing that eventually I might be promoted to the dizzying heights of window washer."

He's backtalking me, the nerve on this guy I shouldn't take this I should leave right now kick him out or... "That's, I guess you could take what I said like that."

His ears shot back up and he smiled when I said that. "Hey, you listened, well maybe you aren't hopeless after all. Tell ya what, I need to head out in about 6 minutes ago. Tomorrow I want you to practice what you learned here, call a floor meeting or meet with the guys who saw you today."

He got up from his seat then walked behind my desk and gave me a slight pat on the back. "But I want to see you practice what you learned, I'll be here early and I'm sure other janitors can clean up my slack, just put in a report that I helped clean some horrible spill all day on this floor after tomorrow. Good night buddy." He said as he picked up his jumpsuit and slung it around his shoulder before making his way out.

Damn even his ass is chiseled like marble, wait what did I learn, wait did he just get an excuse not to work tomorrow?

One sleepless night and a barely enough breakfast later I was back at my office before everyone else arrived. Everyone except Mason who sat in that chair I forgot to wipe down, dressed this time at least. "What!? How'd you get in?"

"I have keys to all the rooms in all the floors I manage, technically I'm not allowed to do this, but our talk yesterday gave me the invitation."

"You invited yourself, and I should report you. But I don't want to lose more likeability from firing everyone's favorite janitor."

"Aw that's sweet, save it for when you prove what you learned to me later, and bout that what're you gonna do."

"Floor meeting, already sent the e-mail, starts three hours from now. I even brought some baked goods for everyone." Most of that sleepless night was spent baking these brownies. And masturbating but this took more time. And I like both an equal amount, it's just that baking while working here isn't as plausible as jerking off.

"Aww you're a baker, can I try some." I swiped his paw away after he tried reaching for one of the tin foiled trays.

"If there's still some left over after the floor meeting then yes, these are for my employees, to show them that their boss cares."

"Hmph fine, but you're gonna need more than a couple of brownies to win them all back."

Board room meeting; one of the biggest misnomers in the English language. Sure, some of the suit wearing fucks sitting at the table might not be too keen on keeping their eyes open for the entire meeting. But after it ends they may find that they've just signed to a 30% pay doc or have transferred ownership rights of their company to the guy sitting next to them. It's a dangerous game, board room meetings, but I'm one of the best players. It may be risky for me to invite my entire floor to one, not sure if this table can accommodate 20 or so people, but if I need something to change this is the place where it'll happen.

"Not gonna strip before this address here, it'll show some humility for to your audience. You need the sympathy points too." Mason of course did not sit at the table because he wasn't a member of this meeting, instead I designated him a little plastic chair in the corner. It informed him of his place and gave him a front row seat to watch me gain my floor's respect.

"This is one of few situations where I hold myself to a strict dress code. A wrinkle in your tie could get you laughed out of meetings like this. Let alone not having a tie, or anything for that matter. Besides I've already put the brownies out, I even had Jess put plates with a few slices at every seat."

"That's cool and all, but what are you going to do, give em another speech?

"No... I'm going to listen, that's what you wanted me to do yesterday, listen right. Well this meeting's a full-on forum, we're going to talk about what they hate about me and resolve issues like that."

Mason looked like he was chocking back laughter as I said that. "Ray I could tell you what they hate about you. If that's all you want then you can cancel this meeting, I'll take a few brownies as payment."

"I want to hear it from them." And I was ready to hear it, I won't react that badly, I'll just let my employees vent and take the roasting. A few deep breaths and a quick mind rehearsal latter I told Jess to tell everyone about the floor meeting.

I was right, the table was way to small for the entire floor but at least there were enough brownies. So, the cramped feeling between my employees might add a little discomfort to this, although they're used to working in stuffy cubicles already.

"Now, you're probably all wondering why I've called you here today. Well it's been brought to my attention that more than a few of you have some issues with the way I run things on this floor." Upright posture, voice projecting from the chest, a straightforward address to the crowd about the topic, this is a picture-perfect way to start any meeting. "I've always seen myself as a fair and understanding boss, you do work for me and I'll pay you. If anything is inhibiting your ability to do that work, then you can come talk to me about it. Not a lot of bosses set aside time for their employees like I do." Of course, getting to the crux of the issue is the most important step of any meeting. "So here I ask, why is the 'reported' opinion of me," I shot a quick glance over at Mason "so low. I'm all ears don't be afraid to bring up anything, anything at all."

I could hear the metaphorical crickets chirping after that; turning the meeting onto the audience is never a good idea cause that might just lead to an unexpected ending. Not at all what I want I've still got a post meeting pep talk I need to deliver. I was ready to cancel the whole thing after the only feedback I was getting were audible throat clears until a wolf in the corner of the room once again forgot that he's just a casual observer of this meeting.

"Well I've got a few points, Jack." A lynx sitting about three seats away from my edge of the table lit up after hearing what I assume was his name. "You don't like your cubicle space, right?"

"W-well it's not terrible I mean." The lynx stuttered out

"The moans coming from Ray's office get distracting right? Not just for you though, you don't like em either right Ryan" at that a raccoon sitting across from the Lynx tried to give a smile and sink into his seat as if it'd help him disappear. "In fact, I think that entire section just thinks those noises are a liiiiitle too loud"

"Is that true." I aimed my question directly at the two Mason addressed, they gave me a slow nod in response. "Alright, well anything else."

More silence and then another outburst from Mason.

"Oh Mike," a German Shepard perked up at that. "You sit at one of the hottest corners in the office, air over there's at least 90 degrees on good days I can't imagine anyone can get anything done in that condition." This domineering looking German shepherd slumped back into his chair after hearing his complaint broadcast. "But not only that, you sit across the kitchen, the one Ray there gets his morning coffee from every day. Ryan does seeing your boss bother you."

"N-no nothing like that." He stuttered out.

"Ok then" Mason continued "Does seeing your boss's low hanging balls and nice ass cheeks bending over the coffee machine get ya bothered. You get hot and bothered in that little corner of yours. Wonder if you're meeting his impossible standards in those conditions."

I was staring at the Shepperd the entire time and when he finally noticed he looked like he was about to get up and run straight out of the meeting room before averting his gaze back to the Mason.

"Gentlemen, your boss might be uptight and demanding." Mason said as he moved from his spot at in the corner to the front of the room where I was standing. "But he wants the best for all of you, take it from me." I don't know where this sudden vouching came from, or the sudden paw on my shoulder. "So there's no need to be afraid of him. I mean just look at him what's the worst he could do to you." In an instant I felt his other paw unbuckling the belt on my slacks and before I knew it they were loose before I had the chance to push his paw away. He's good at undressing people I'll give him that.

"What the fu-" I could barely get that out before my pants were thrown down to my ankles and my entire upper body was pinned against the table.

"I mean seriously look at him, come on eyes up here it's nothing any of you haven't seen by now." Shame, I was begging to think I forced that word out of my lexicon considering all the shit I had to do to get into this position. But no, being pinned against a table, with your pants down, in front of all your inferiors reminded me of the word once again. "So please don't be afraid to speak up, especially now that he's actually planning on listening to you guys, I'll even help with that."

That's when I heard a long zipper being brought down, then the feeling of an object meatier than what I'm used to being pressed against my tailhole. Not gonna lie, I was still projecting what I was saying so at least I didn't break that part of presentation 101. But whatever message that my desperate whimpers could deliver had no effect on anyone except the man eliciting them.

"Ahhhh yeah, so who's up first, anyone wanna bring your issue to the table now."

"I do." A familiar sounding voice said in front of me said, one that I was conveniently positioned to face when Mason pinned the side of my face to the table. I gave a light smirk between desperate guttural moans to the familiar rabbit. Wait no not familiar that's Brandon, yeah, the one that got married.

"H-hey Brandon, h-hooOOWS the wife." I managed to sputter out.

"Oh, she's fine, she's fine. So, I know that asking for a vacation a week after my last was unreasonable, but my wife managed to get her days off moved to next month, we re-planned the honeymoon and everything to fit the new time. So how about it vacations next month." I'm not sure if he was being smug about the way he talked to me in this position or if this was the first time I've ever genuinely had him talk to me without a hint of anxiety.

"N-Next month That sounds--it SOUUUNds" Mason might've been trying to influence my decision by suddenly picking up speed and knot ramming me, but damn did it feel good. "SOUND GREAT!"

Brandon gave me a nod and said "than you" then left without another word.

"That went well Huh Ray, oh looks like someone else wants has something to say." Mason lifted me off the table by the scruff of my neck then positioned me upright all while keeping his cock inside. He held me by my scruff as an angry looking cat approached.

"H-Hey Ledge." At that mason pulled my scruff back and started forcing his knot into me. "No Cliff, Cliff I'm sorry. S-So sorry about your mom and"

"I don't need to hear it, I just want time off for the funeral tomorrow." Straight to the point, nothing I appreciate more.

"Yeah take as much time off as you neeEEEED." The way Mason angled his dick with the next few thrusts felt like a reward, and the pre-gushing from my dick was a testament to that. Cliff left without another word and I was shifted in positions once again.

What felt like the next two hours was a series of shifting sex positions and coming to compromises. I offered a mouse a slight pay raise while being pinned against a wall. My legs were stretched above my head while I settled a cubicle positioning dispute. I even did it doggy style when I gave this one gecko permission to bring his feral dog to work on to help with his anxiety or something. Soon almost everyone on the floor got what they wanted aside from me and Mason, who to this point was displaying a ridiculous amount of stamina.

"I-is that the last one." I forced out through panted breaths.

"Not yet, hey Tom you got something you wanna tell him." We were in standard missionary on the board room floor by now, so I had to cock my head to look and sure enough there was a nervous looking fennec with his paws entwined right in front of his chest.

"Uh I wanted to bring up the... Um there was a... N-nevermind I'll see myself out." And then the fennec practically darted out of the room without another word.

"Man, poor guy, *pant* someone should help him get over his shyness."

"Fuck that fennec, everyone got what they wanted now give me something you fucking janitor stud." I said not even trying to mask the desperation in my voice.

"Heh, alright you earned it." From there, Mason grabbed my Knot and squeezed eliciting some of the grisliest sounds I've ever had the pleasure of discovering in myself. I came, I came harder than rex had ever let me, harder than anytime I'd ever spent in my office. I coated myself and even some of the carpet. Meanwhile Mason was doing the same, pulling his cock out and coating me in volumes of his own seed.

"Whooo, haven't had one that good in a while." He said as he stood up and grabbed something off the floor. "You're not gonna put this back on right." I tried to respond before he wiped his cock with my 300$ blazer. But all I managed to get out was an exhausted groan. "Tuckered out huh, hey I'm proud of you, actually listening to them instead of telling them pointless bullshit about doing their jobs. Soon maybe I won't be hearing as many complaints about you. The day I hear none, I'll be sure to stop by and report exactly what I didn't hear."

With that Mason put his jumpsuit over his shoulder and grabbed a brownie off the table, all of which were still there last I saw, then left without another word.

"Hey boss I saw Mason walking around naked and I couldn't find you in your office are you in here." Consciousness was slowly fading the moment I heard Jess's voice. "Oh, that explains it... So, should I get tissues or. You know what I'm just going to leave you to enjoy your afterglow I'll sort out the rest of the files for you." You're a godamn angel Jess.