Unnamed Mousie - Ch 11: It never rains around here it... just comes pouring down

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#11 of Unnamed Mousie

Unnamed Mousie - Part 2: On the Job Training - Chapter 11: It never rains around here it... just comes pouring down

© 2015 - 2019 Nameless

I woke up in the middle of the night. At first I wasn't sure why but then came the rumble of thunder. The hood muffled the noise a little but it was clear enough. The wind must have picked up as well, I could feel a cold draft. It came again a few times but then it stopped. The guard must have closed the small window-slits because I could hear the howling of the storm outside get stronger and I could feel the wagon tremble. It wasn't long until I could hear the drumming of the rain. I had no idea what time it was, but it must have been well before sunrise. I drifted off to sleep several times more only to be woken again by a particularly loud thunderclap, or a particularly strong gust of wind that shook the wagon.

We were woken earlier than usually. Well, I couldn't be entirely certain about that as all the windows were closed, but the wagons had not yet started moving. The glass panes at the top let in a little light, but it was quite dim. We were released from the bonds and changed the wagon to the day configuration. It was still raining, I could hear the drumming clearly and it was still windy, but the worst of the storm seemed to be over. With the windows closed I couldn't see the outside but the noises were clear enough. We started our warming up exercises. After the rather unpleasantly cold night I was happy to move my limbs and get the chill out of my bones. Not all of my body had been cold, my cunt had stayed, if not hot, then at least warm. We stopped the exercises after a short while. One of the guards opened the cupboard on the left and removed a small box from which he produced wooden sticks. Each of us got one. The sticks had a think part about four inches long. It was well rounded, about an inch thick at the tip and widened to almost two inches at the bottom where a thin stick less than half an inch thick added another two inches to the length. Connected to the bottom of the thin part was a string a little more than two foot long with a metal ring at the end. A shiver of anxiety and anticipation ran through me when I realized that I would most likely have to stick that into one of my holes. I did not have to wait long for the confirmation, the assistant explained, "This is called a butt plug. It goes in your ass hole. You may want to get it a little wet first, use your mouth or cunt. The males may use the cunt of the female next to you. Now put it in!" I did as he suggested and poked the big part of this butt plug into my wet cunt. The friction felt good, had I been allowed, I would have liked to play with this toy for a while. But I didn't dare to dawdle too long so once the stick was as wet as it was likely to get, I set about getting it in my tailhole. I lifted my hips (we had been kneeling when the butt plugs were distributed), rested the narrow end on the floor and lowered my rear until the other end poked at my tailhole. Now that the stick was held in place I used my paws to spread my tailhole as much as I could and did my best to relax the muscles. Then I lowered my hips slowly until the tip slipped into me. It stretched me painfully but the pain was bearable, some of the males had been worse. I lowered my hips inch by inch and the plug slid into me, stretching me wider and wider. Finally the widest part slid into my tailhole. My muscles contracted once more, holding the plug firmly in place. A part of the narrow end stuck out. The device felt interesting. Once all of us had the stick firmly set in the tailhole the assistant commanded us pull the string up behind the back and to touch the ring at the end of the string to the back of our collar where it stuck. Then we resumed our exercises. Having this stick in my butt felt interesting, very interesting. It shifted minutely as we moved around and excited me almost as much as having a male cock inside me did. Soon I had to struggle to keep my attention on the exercises and then I had to fight the urge to come. Needless to say, the exercises heated up my body twice as fast as they had before.

At the assistant's command we knelt. He grinned down at us and declared, "I know you sluts like love all the cum on your fur, but it is getting a bit much for civilized people. Time to get cleaned up." Cleaned up? He meant for us to go bathing in this weather? He didn't, well, not exactly. The guards distributed narrow iron cuffs which we had to put around our wrists. They seemed to be magical, like the collars, once they were closed they formed a smooth band that showed no hint on how they could be opened again. There was a ring with one chain link and a metal disk at the end. I had to hold my wrists behind the neck and a guard touched the disks to the collar where they stuck. Next the guards produced rods about three foot long. At each end of the rod was one chain link with metal disk. They attached one end of the rod to the front of each collar. Two of the guards put on heavy cloaks and one opened the door. They want us to march naked in this weather? A few of us protested but they were quickly subdued. We were led outside one by one and the free end of the rod was connected to the collar of the fur in front of me (or to a metal part of the wagon for the first fur in each line). Soon all of us stood there in the freezing rain. My whole body was exposed to the elements and the rods kept us separate so there was no chance to huddle together for warmth. After the exercises I had felt very hot, the pads on my paws and feet were sweaty. Yet by the time the wagon started moving I was cold again. I trotted along behind the wagon, feeling more miserable with each passing minute. I felt, and most likely looked, like the proverbial drowned rat. The only part of me that wasn't cold was my cunt, the big plug in my tailhole kept me aroused despite my general misery. But soon the warmth I felt between my legs didn't even reach the lips of my slit. After some time I relieved myself. Why not, I was walking in the pouring rain and nobody would notice. Even if I got some on my legs, it would be washed off quickly. The rain wasn't very strong but it just kept coming. The trees around us gave us some protection against the wind, but that didn't mean all that much. When I looked up, I could see the treetops swaying in the wind, which must have been much stronger up there. Still, without any protection from the elements, the water and the cold wind sucked the warmth out of my body. Soon I was shivering violently. The cold hurt and there was nothing I could do about it, I felt so completely helpless. I have no idea how long we had to march like this. I think it wasn't all that long, perhaps as little as half a bell, but it felt like forever. I felt utterly miserable, from time to time I cried but the tears were quickly washed away. Actually towards the end it got a little better and for some reason the cold bothered me less and less by the minute.

I almost fell over when the wagon suddenly slowed and stopped. The two guards came out and released us from the coffle. In the wagon they had laid some towels on the floor around the entrance. My paws were released and the cuffs and the rod removed. I squeezed as much water out of my fur as I could and then I knelt in my spot. A servant gave each of us a cup of a hot herbal potion. The warmth was very welcome. He rolled up the towels while we started with warm up exercises once more. It was not until I suddenly started shivering that I realized how bad things had been. I remembered a story one of the veterans had told us about a long ago campaign in the winter. How you stopped feeling the cold before you froze to death. I had been cold sometimes when I lived on the street or in the army, but never like this. It rarely got really cold in Arno and I had always had some shelter in really bad weather and usually someone to curl up with to keep each other warm. I did not know if the others had been as badly off as me, but I was one of the smallest and thinnest furs in our group and my body would likely have cooled quicker than a larger fur's. The damp fur was really unpleasant, the smell of so much wet fur wasn't all that nice either, but at least the exertion warmed up my body slowly. Unsurprisingly the exercises warmed my cunt much quicker than the rest of my body, the way the stick in my tailhole shifted with every move made sure of that. After a while the servant returned, carrying a basket. Breakfast! I could smell it. He opened the pot, letting the wonderful smell fill the air. We had to continue exercising for several very long minutes before we were finally told to stop. He ladled gruel into the bowls and placed them in front of us, one by one. As number three I was one of the first to get her bowl but I had to wait until all the bowls were distributed before I was allowed to eat. It was gruel, similar to what we had gotten yesterday evening, just with a little more water. But it was actually warm, well by the time I finally got to eat it it was lukewarm at best, but it did have grease and bits of burnt meat or bacon in it. I was glad for the food and equally glad to resume the exercises when I was done eating. My fur was still wet, it was not all that warm in the wagon and I needed to keep moving to keep warm. After breakfast we mostly did position training, but it did warm us up, as they had us to moving rapidly from one position to the next. Kneel, lie down, stand, kneel, make a handstand and so on. After while we had a short break and the assistant commanded us to remove the butt plug and clean it. The last one produced a few not quite suppressed groans. He told us very emphatically that from now on we had better clean the plug after every use and clean it well. He didn't say what would happen to anyone who disobeyed, but there was no doubt that it would be unpleasant enough none of us wanted to find out. I licked and sucked at the wooden stick, obediently if not particularly happily. The guards smelled each stick and punished a few of us who had not cleaned them well enough. Once all of us were done the assistant commanded us to put the stick back in. That produced more groans, but we all obeyed. Then the exercise continued as if nothing had happened. It took a while for the bad taste in my mouth to disappear. At some point I noticed that the rain had stopped.

The next exercise also warmed us up, but in a different way. We were paired up and this time I was with a female squirrel I knew. She was from my unit but had bunked in another barrack room. We had to assume what the assistant called the sixty-nine position. Once he showed me the symbols they used to write this number the name suddenly made sense. I lay on my back, my legs spread with my knees bent and she knelt above me, her cunt just above my muzzle while her muzzle was above my cunt. At the assistant's command we had to try to get each other off, the one who came first would be punished. I was allowed to put my paws on her rear to make sure she wouldn't cheat and lift her cunt so far that I couldn't get at it easily. The assistant gave the command to start and I thrust my muzzle forward and my tongue deep into my partner's cunt and began to lick as hard and fast as I could. Her tongue invaded my all too eager cunt. I had been with other females on occasion and licked them to an orgasm or three, but I had never done it like this. It was an extremely intense experience and the competition we had mad it even worse. Or better, I couldn't quite decide. She tasted good and the scents of her arousal filled my nose completely, exciting me. And her tongue seemed to touch every sensitive spot inside me at the same time. It didn't take long before I was panting and struggling against the rapidly approaching climax. She was probably not much better off, but I had little attention to spare, apart from trying to find the best spots to lick. It was a close match, but she got me with a little trick. Suddenly she pushed her muzzle deeper into me and nipped at the sensitive nub inside me with her teeth. The shock at the sudden pain broke my concentration and I came with a squeal that almost set her off as well. I could feel the tremors in her body, I could smell it, I had been close, so close. Somewhat reluctantly I let my head fall back as the assistant had been very insistent that we had to stop as soon as one of us got off. I looked up at the wet lips above me. Every now and then a drop of her juices fell on my muzzle or chest. After a little pause I lifted my head once more to lick the juices from the fur on her thighs and around her cunt, as we had been instructed to do. She stopped licking me for a moment and looked at me. She grinned, but it was a friendly grin, tinged a little with... I was not sure what, maybe lust or regret at having won the competition. I had climaxed, at least for the moment it seemed more like I had won; of course that would change once it was time for the punishment. With a start I realized that I could not recall her name. I had known it, but like my own it had been removed by the bishop's curse. Suddenly I wondered if my name had been completely lost, did anyone still recall it, or was it just us who had been cursed? I returned her grin to show her that I wasn't angry she had won. It had been a sneaky trick, but as they say, everything's fair in love and war. When she was more or less clean, I stopped licking with some reluctance. She tasted good and even if we were not allowed to talk I cherished any body contact, we had so little, apart when we had to service someone. Especially when it was just a gentle touch. Eventually the others finished as well and the assistant asked each pair who had lost. I admitted to having lost. I got twenty hard licks on each butt cheek and five on each breast. It hurt, it hurt a lot, but I could not really decide if I had won or lost more. Well, I had lost in one important respect and that was in the assistant's eyes. From his point of view I had lost my control and I knew I would have to do better. Otherwise the punishments would increase until I did. We were allowed to rest a bit and then we had a rematch. This time I was on top and the squirrel girl was on the bottom. At the assistant's command we started lapping at each others cunts once more. This time our contest was even closer and I wanted to try the same trick. Somehow I noticed her body tense as she prepared herself for the final assault and I started my own. We nipped each other at practically the same time. I was somewhat ready for the sudden pain, but it still got the better of me. But she came as well. I could not say who had come first and I think neither could say. At least that was what she claimed. We both got the full punishment. I guess the main challenge had been not to come rather than to bring off your partner. The males seemed to have an easier time than us, none of the three lost in the second round. And if I remembered correctly, only one of them had lost in the first round. We had a short language lesson with position training before the wagons stopped for the lunch break.

We were led outside so we could relieve ourselves. The air was warmer and the wind had died down a little, but the ground was still wet and muddy from the rain earlier. We had to take out the butt plug once more and 'store' them in our mouth while we did our business and then put it back into the tailhole afterwards. While I waited for the rest to finish (as Aleph three I was one of the first to go) I saw several Hessans enter our wagon. Apparently they would eat inside. When we were all done we climbed back into the wagon. There were twelve Hessan soldiers inside, sitting cross legged in front of the symbols that marked the stalls where we slept. They were naked, their clothes stacked next to where they sat. At the assistant's command we crawled to our place and lay down on the back in front of a soldier. We had to lay so that our legs were lifted and the crotch touched his feet. He grabbed my rump, lifted me and pulled me closer until my back rested on his boots and my knees touched his hips. My legs were spread wide and my cunt was in easy reach for him. The assistant told us that those who had not climaxed during the previous exercise were allowed to come once. Everybody else would be punished if they did, no matter the reason, and of course the others would be punished if they came more than once. The punishment would increase with each climax. Then he told us to play. My Hessan was another mixed breed canine, I could not really tell if he was more wolf or dog, but I thought there might even be another race mixed up with the canine ancestry, further up the family tree. Maybe bear, he looked kind of brutish, the dark brown fur with black splotches made it even worse. His cock was almost but not completely flaccid, but from what I could see it promised to become quite big once he was aroused. He looked more than a little scary, especially to someone who was more or less at his mercy. Still, I grinned up at him, spread my cunt lips with the fingers of my left paw and began to tease my body with the right one. I played with my breasts and squeezed my still hard nipples. With a little start I realized that it seemed that my nipples had been hard practically the whole time since I became a slave. After a short while my paw moved to my cunt and my fingers started teasing the sensitive skin inside. I grinned up at the male canine. It was an honest grin, I really enjoyed myself, enjoyed showing off my body. He seemed to enjoy it as well. I couldn't quite read the grin on his face, his misshapen face made the grin look lewd, even scary, but I could detect no anger in his yellow eyes. From his pack he produced his lunch and laid it on my stomach. A thick slice of bread, a slab of cheese, a sausage and an apple, typical trail food. He poked a finger at my cunt, lifted it to his nose and inhaled the scents of my arousal deeply. He licked my juices from the finger, grunted appreciatively and his grin widened. It seemed that he really liked my smell and taste. He apparently liked my taste so much that he used my juices like a condiment, smearing them on the bread and cheese before taking a bit. I felt a tinge of embarrassed, but mostly I was pleased by it. And very, very aroused. Playing with myself like this with his full attention on me turned me on like crazy. It wasn't long before I was panting. I looked around a couple of times and from what I could see the others were in pretty much the same state I was in. And the scents of arousal were getting heavy once more. The windows and the door had been opened while we relieved ourselves, so the air in the wagon had been pretty fresh (but very cool) when we came back in to be the lunch entertainment, but soon after they had closed the door and some of the windows to keep the draft down. He picked up the sausage and almost bit into it, but then he got another ides. He looked at me speculatively and his grin turned a little sinister. He put the sausage down again. Then he took my right wrist and gently but firmly moved my paw to my chest. Apparently he wanted me to play with my breasts. Then he picked up the sausage and poked it at the entrance to my cunt. He pushed it in slowly. Fuck! That felt good. The sausage wasn't as thick as most male members but it was bigger than some and it was gnarly and had a rather rough outer skin. He began to fuck me with the sausage. It felt wonderful, soon I was panting hard and wheezing, struggling not to climax. The way he used me as if I was nothing but a toy embarrassed and excited me. Try as I might fighting it, he got me closer and closer to an orgasm. I wheezed, "Please." He stopped for a moment and asked, "Yes, my little tasty morsel? Want me to stop or fuck you harder?" I tried to answer, but the only thing I managed to bring our was a, "Yes?" He laughed, genuine humor mixed with a little condescension. His grin grew wider and wider, "You're a delightful little slut, aren't you?" I nodded, what else could I do? "Look at me." I was looking at him, but then I realized that it was not his face he wanted me to see. I lifted my head to get a better view. Playing with me had aroused him a lot. I didn't know if he was fully hard, but his cock had grown, grown a lot. Not quite as big as the one of the male who had used me on the first day, but close. He chuckled and only then did I realize that I had licked my lips in anticipation. "You want to feel me inside you, don't you?" "Yes, Master." "You're a total slut, aren't you?" "Yes, Master." I realized that I did not mind being called that. Alright, maybe I minded a little, but definitely less than I wanted to feel his cock in me. And I definitely preferred 'slut' to 'cunt'. "Tell you what, if you keep from coming until I have finished my meal, I'll fuck your little mousehole." He touched my cunt with the sausage to make sure I knew which hole he was talking about. "You'd like that, don't you?" At the touch a breath escaped my lips, sounding almost like a moan, "Yes, Master. I would love to feel you in my cunt." "Good, good. If you want to, I'll fuck you. I'll fuck you good. But only if you don't come before then." He grinned at me and bit off the end of the sausage. He flicked the rest of the sausage down and a drop of my juices hit my muzzle. "If you come, now or later, I will spank your rump. Hard, very hard. Do you think you can manage not to come if I fuck you? Well, think about it." With that he went back to eating. The sausage with the end bit off excited me even more, the edges scraping against the hot and wet skin in my cunt felt incredible. It was a real struggle to keep my desire in check. He finished the bread, cheese and the apple first and took only small bites from the sausage he teased me with. Damn! It felt so good lying here on his lap, had I not struggled against it, I would probably have climaxed at least half a dozen times.

I almost relaxed a moment too early. He poked the last bit of the sausage into my wet cunt and then put it into his mouth. But instead of swallowing he held it between the teeth. I almost jumped up when his other paw grabbed the end of the stick that was still in my tailhole and started moving it around. I almost lost it, a loud moan escaped my lips but somehow I managed to keep from coming at this unexpected assault on my senses. He chewed slowly and finally swallowed the last bits of the sausage and stopped playing with the stick. He asked, "Do you want me to fuck your cunt or would you prefer to suck me off?" "Fuck me, please, Master." The words were out of my mouth before I had really thought about it. I had considered the matter before, but to be honest most of my attention had been taken up with the struggle not to come. I realized that I had just earned myself an almost certain punishment and that was without even considering the spanking he would give me. I was so close to cumming already I doubted that I could hold out long. He commanded, "Come here." grabbed my wrists and pulled me upright so I sat on his legs. "Lean your head against my chest and cross your wrists behind my neck" I obeyed. His pleasant and exciting male scent filled my nose. "No talking. Get me hard. You may use the fingertips of your left paw." I obeyed eagerly. He didn't need much help, he was pretty hard already, the head poked almost all the way out of the protective sheath already. But I enjoyed touching him, feeling the heat of his huge male cock. My fingers excited him, I could feel him grow harder quickly. He nibbled at my ear and whispered, "Don't come before I do, or I'll have to punish you a lot more. And I won't be the only one who punishes you. Do you understand?" I nodded minutely. "As soon as I am inside you, cross your wrists behind my neck again." When he felt hard enough he grabbed my rump and lifted me up and pulled my hips close to his belly. I held his cock so it pointed at my cunt and he lowered me until I was fully impaled on him. I whimpered with arousal, just feeling him in me almost set me off. At least I didn't have to do much so I could concentrate on keeping my arousal in check. His strong paws lifted me up and down, sliding his wonderful male pole in and out of me. I still did what I could to make it good for him, alternately contracting and relaxing the muscles in my cunt. Fuck! This felt crazy good. I felt his hot breath on my ears. I was panting, moaning and wheezing, desperately trying to delay the inevitable. I felt so full, so wonderfully full. The stick in my rear entrance made it ten times better, or worse, depending on how one looked at it. I didn't quite make it, but perhaps it was close enough. The muscles in my cunt began to spasm, and he came on the next thrust, shooting his hot cum deep into me. I bit my lip and managed not to shout out my passionate joy until he came and the second, much harder climax hit me. We sat still, holding each other while our bodies cooled down, He spurted a couple more times into me and then I felt the cock grow flaccid. My breathing slowed, as did his. It was wonderful, to sit like this, relaxed and aware only of each other, the air full of the scents of our mating. And yes, it had been that, perhaps one could even have called it making love. It would have been even better had we smooched and such, but burying my head in his muscled chest had been nice as well. Of course such a wonderful thing could not last.

"Try not to make a mess." With that warning he lifted me off his cock. I squeezed the muscles in my cunt as much as I could, but it wasn't quite enough, some of our mixed juices dripped out. "Lie on your back." He held my rump until I lay on my back once more, much as I had before. We grinned at each other, I know I had enjoyed myself and from the look on his face, so had he. Still, the fun part was most likely over and my anxiety about the next parts, especially what punishments I would receive began to grow. I had a little respite before that part, however, "Lap my cum out of your cunt." "Yes, Master." I managed to bend forward far enough that I could lick the cum out of my own cunt. Like many furs, especially smaller ones, I have a much more flexible spine than a human, though I did not know this at the time (that humans have a much less flexible spine than us, that is). It wasn't easy for me to bend my torso that much, but we had practiced similar positions during the stretching and position training. He had also moved my paws to his hips which helped me keep the position. I shoved my tongue deep into my own cunt and began to lap up our juices. The mixture tasted really good. And having my tongue in there excited me. Not as much as the tongue of somebody else would but it did not take long before I was panting once more. I didn't notice it until later, but my headfur brushed against his wet cock repeatedly so some of our juices soaked into the fur. My master stopped me once I had lapped up some, but not all, of the mixed juices inside me and commanded me to clean him. I leaned forward a little further and began to lap at his sack. The fur was drenched with our juices and they tasted just as good, even better, than they had inside me. I worked my way up his shaft slowly, cleaning him carefully. By the time I had reached the tip he was almost hard again. And then it was time to owe up to my mistakes. The male commanded me to kneel with my knees touching his right leg at the outer side of his knee, my face on the floor between the legs, looking towards his feet and my paws on the floor on the outer side of his left knee. This forced my rump to stick up in the air. He commanded, "Beg for it. Count to forty." "Please punish me, Master. One, please Master." He left me waiting until I was almost ready to repeat the request. I had tried to steel myself, but he still manage to surprise me. I squealed at the sudden pain in my left butt cheek. He had slapped me with his open paw, pretty hard, but compared to the pain the 'tongues' could inflict it was not too bad. He gave me ten on the left butt cheek and thigh, ten on the right side and then another ten on each side. The pain got worse with each hit as my skin got more and more sensitive, but I managed to keep counting. When he was done my ass burned with a dull fire. The spanking had been painful but compared to the other punishments it had not been too bad. It had also excited me, if he had hit me a little less hard, I might even have enjoyed it. Still, I counted myself lucky, it seemed that he had either not noticed that I had actually climaxed before him or he had pretended not to notice. Or at least I hoped that he had.

When he was done he commanded me to return to my previous position, lying on my back with my legs around his hips and my paws playing with my cunt. I was glad the position kept my burning rump mostly up in the air. By the time my body was arranged to my master's satisfaction I had my emotions under control and I was actually eager to continue playing. I grinned up at him, then I raised my head to look at his cock, still almost hard, looked back at him and licked my lips. He stared at me for a moment and then he chuckled, "Can't get enough, can you, you slut?" "No, Master. I could never get enough of you. May I taste you? Please, Master." "Well, knock yourself out." "Thank you, Master." I leaned forward and he put my paws on his hips. The new position hurt, now that my back was not resting on his feet any more, my very tender rump rested on the floor instead. I gritted my teeth for a moment and then I leaned forward until my nose almost touched his cock. His exciting musky male scent filled my nose and, it seemed, my whole body. As I usually did, I started licking his sack and then worked my way up the shaft. By the time I reached the top he was almost completely hard. I started using my lips, massaging him as I slid the huge pole into my mouth until it hit the back of my throat and then out again. I also used my tongue, sometimes I hummed a little. I enjoyed his male taste, I could feel his heartbeat in the veins of his cock. It did not take very long to bring him off. I sucked down his cum as fast as I could, but some of it dribbled down. I kept licking and sucking and he spurted his seed into my mouth again and again. Finally I tired him out and so I stopped, somewhat reluctantly. I let his rapidly softening cock slip out of my mouth and went back to lapping at it and his balls to clean his cum off them. When I was done I thanked him. He offered me a 'drink' and I accepted gladly. When I had drunk all that he offered to me, I lay back down. We smiled at each other and played with my body, waiting for the others to finish. The assistant came and asked about my performance. The Hessan male told him I had come once but claimed it had been after him. The assistant looked at me speculatively but didn't ask me anything. I breathed a sigh of relief when he move on to the next pair, I was very lucky he had not asked me, I doubted that I would have dared to lie to him. When the assistant told us, well the Hessan soldiers, to stop playing, my male thrust his whole left paw into my cunt, for a moment and I gasped at the sudden intrusion and almost came. Then he helped me up on my knees. For a moment my mouth was close to his ear and I thanked him quietly. He held the sticky fingers in front of my muzzle as if he wanted me to clean them, but when I extended my tongue he pulled the paw away and licked at the fingers himself, making pleased noises. He ruffled my fur and scratched my ears and then he pushed me away gently. I watched while he dressed quickly and then he left with the others. I was sorry to see him leave.

And then it was time for the punishments. Before the punishments started I (and all the others) had to take out the butt plug and put it in my mouth. The guards produced narrow leather band that had a hole which fit exactly over the small stick at the end of the plug and was bucked at the back of my neck, making for an effective if rather unpleasant gag. To be honest I was almost glad to have a low number, watching those before me getting punished was not fun. We had to kneel in a rough circle so we could and had to watch all of the punishments, which made it a lot worse. It seemed that almost all of us, at least the females, had come at least once, or at least one more time than they were allowed to. We got twenty hard licks on each butt cheek. Those hurt, and since my rump was still tender from the spanking I had just received, the licks hurt more than they usually did. Then we got ten on each tit. Those hurt a lot more. And finally we got five full on the cunt lips. I screamed, a little muffled by plug in my muzzle, as did practically all of us. Three of us had climaxed a second time, those got three times as many licks. I shivered just at the thought. When we were done I had to put the butt plug back into my tail hole. Then we had a short language lesson with some position training. It lasted maybe half a bell. After that we had to march behind the wagon once more. I had to put on my hood and then my wrists were tied behind my neck, like they had in the morning. Once more they used the rods to assemble us into a coffle. Marching blindfolded wasn't much fun, but it was still a lot better less unpleasant than it had been in the morning. The ground was still muddy and the air a little cool, but by now the sun was out much of the time. I couldn't see it, but I could feel the warmth. The sun and the wind finally dried my fur. After a while, maybe a bell or so, we were led back into the wagon. They removed the rod but didn't bother to remove the hood as we had a 'rest' period after that. I had to lie on my back and bend my legs until the knees were next to my neck. My arms went around the knees and the guard pulled them back until he could fasten my wrists to the back my neck. I now lay helplessly on my back. The position was a little unpleasant, but I was flexible enough that it wasn't really bad, at least not as bad as some of the other positions they had tied me up in before. After a while I actually dozed off a little.