Bat and Cat 0

Story by neosate on SoFurry

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Origionally written by verbmynoun HERE

This is a work of fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only. All names and characters in it is fictional, a composite drawing from several individuals and from imagination. No reference to any living person is intended or should be inferred. No animals were harmed in its production. Businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. All art of minors are simulated pictures. All models over 18 years of age. Some actions and activities may be illegal or dangerous and should not be attempted. All products, services, and characters copyrighted to their respective owners. Some content may not be safe/suitable for work or school. Some content and depictions may be illegal to view in some areas. Some content may be illegal to view by those under the legal age of connect.


<divtalon2poin0Ross Goldmain, Tundra Lion F/16Kristin McDaniels, Ferret F/16Megan Conroy, Bat H/16Alice Rikkers, Tundra Loin FXavier Rikkers, Cheetah MPopi Goldmaim, Tundra Lion FNini Goldmain, Tundra Loin FDianna Goldmain, Tundra Lion FElena Rikkers, tundra lion/Cheetah F

CBat and Cat Temptation Waits by VerbMyNoun This is a work of fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only. All names and characters in it is fictional, a composite drawing from several individuals and from imagination. No reference to any living person is intended or should be inferred. No animals were harmed in its production. Businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author?s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. All art of minors are simulated pictures. All models over 18 years of age. Some actions and activities may be illegal or dangerous and should not be attempted. All products, services, and characters copyrighted to their respective owners. Some content may not be safe/suitable for work or school. Some content and depictions may be illegal to view in some areas. Some content may be illegal to view by those under the legal age of connect.

Characters talon2poin0 Ross Goldmain, Tundra Lion F/16 Kristin McDaniels, Ferret F/16 Megan Conroy, Bat H/16 Alice Rikkers, Tundra Loin F Xavier Rikkers, Cheetah M Popi Goldmaim, Tundra Lion F Nini Goldmain, Tundra Loin F Dianna Goldmain, Tundra Lion F Elena Rikkers, tundra lion/Cheetah F

Sheylara Sheylara Loire, Wolf H

neosate Wendy Nicole O'Donnell, mouse H/13 Alimia Watters, otter F/23

draconm Tabby Malone, red fox F/15

Ninosai Torban Mordreik, Brown bear M/15

Jacinth Melissa Josephine (Lissa'Jo) Parker, dear F Justin Parker, dear M/18

cormenthot Reginald (Reggie) Muldowney Tags: Genders: Male, female, Herm

Species: Bat, ferret, lion, wolf, mouse, dear red fox, brown bear, bear, fox, otter, bondage, filming, camera, foot job, stomping, cunnulingus, Male/Herm, vaginal, voyerism, Themes/Kinks: dom/sub, valentine's day, Other tags: Marblecliff, Alimia Watters,

Inner Dialogue ?Whispered Dialogue? ?Normal Dialogue? ?Shouted Dialogue? *Telephone Dialogue* [10:30 am - Name: text messages] Copyrighted/owned by others

Author?s Notes? ?at the end of this story, to avoid spoilers. Happy Valentine?s Day, and Enjoy!

Temptation Waits February 14 Megan Conroy wrung her paws nervously as she prowled the halls of Chimera Prep. Her presence in the building after school hours was likely to raise some questions she'd rather not address - the cute, skinny goth bat-girl wasn't really known for her after school activities. No, she was looking for something in particular, something special for her Mistress... the perfect Valentine. Kristin wasn't interested in the useless baubles and trinkets found in the mall. Flowers and candy would be insulting. Something from Sheylyra?s Toybox, a sex shop a few miles outside of town on 101 was an enticing idea, but only being 16 made that idea improbable. Still, the sexy, dominant ferret had given Megan ample hints about what she really wanted. Glancing at the time on her cell phone, the bat doubled her pace. Wendy O'Donnell, the only hermaphrodite in all of conservative-minded Marblecliff brave enough to come out, should have been somewhere around the building. Megan hoped to intercept the mouse on her way to diving practice, but she had asked her Mistress to meet her at the school library at 3:30. Time was running short, and Megan was beginning to panic. If she were even one second late, the consequences would be... unpleasant.

Justin Parker finished packing up the rest of the equipment and loading it onto the cart. He hated when the school held an assembly during last period, since it always meant that he?d be forced to stay after school to break everything down and put it away. His fellow A/V Club members, Tabby and Torben, were conveniently nowhere to be found, likely having snuck off together for some alone time this Valentine?s Day. Back in rural North Carolina, most of the other boys were the macho types, doing what they could to show off their manliness and impress the ladies. The stunts were often reckless and stupid, and for whatever reason, the girls were usually impressed. He was thankful when his father had landed a better paying job at an electronics manufacturer up north, and they transferred to New Hampshire. Thankfully, circumstances were better here for Justin, and traits like intellect seemed to matter more. Not that any of the women ever paid him any attention. For some reason or another, he always ended up in their ?friend zones,? and was mistaken for being gay on more than one occasion. His little sister was having better luck meeting local girls. Melissa - though she preferred to be called ?Lissa Jo - managed to adapt right away, and found herself a cute girlfriend almost immediately. Still, attending Chimera Prep had its benefits for Justin. The A/V Club here had a substantially higher budget than his old school, with significantly better equipment. Mr. Muldowney, or Reggie, as Justin called him, was probably his favorite teacher he?d ever had at any school. Best of all, this was his senior year, so all he had to do was keep his head down and focus on getting through these last few months. After high school, his world would open up to include women mature enough to look deeper than the surface, and see him for who he really was inside.

CRASH! As Megan turned the corner near the auditorium, the distracted girl walked right into Justin, knocking over the cart he?d been pushing and spilling thousands of dollars of audio/video equipment all over the cold, hard, tiled floor. As they both knelt down to collect the scattered microphones, cables, cameras, battery packs, and other miscellaneous gear, Megan offered a brief apology. ?Sorry.? ?Oh, shit!,? the older buck cried. ?If any of this gets broken, Mr. Muldowney is going to kill me!? Megan held back her surprise at how feminine the boy?s voice sounded. Together, they gathered up the thankfully-undamaged apparati and reloaded it all back into the A/V cart. She was careful not to look up at him, not wanting to meet his gaze until he regarded her. Once everything had been picked up, the pair stood awkwardly in the hallway, as if each were waiting for the other to dismiss them. Realizing that she was running out of time before having to meet her Mistress, Megan caved first and briefly glimpsed at the male deer. As far as boys went, Justin had been dealt a poor lot in life. He was tall, with short, stubby antlers. At his age, Megan imagined that he should at least have three pointers by now, but he had barely anything more than nubs. His body had developed curves in all the wrong places, with a nice hourglass waist and shapely legs, wide hips, and narrow shoulders. He fidgeted nervously under Megan?s mild scrutiny. ?I?m so sorry about that,? he spoke softly, sweetly. ?I didn?t see you coming.? Suddenly, the submissive bat girl had an epiphany. The poor boy was even more submissive than she was! While she didn?t necessarily like the idea of sharing her Mistress with another sub, let alone a boy, Megan reminded herself that it was Valentine?s Day, and her Mistress?s happiness, not her own, was what mattered most. ?Don?t worry,? Megan reassured him. ?I probably shouldn?t have been walking so fast. I was on my way to the library. Are you going back to the A/V booth? We could walk together, if you want.? Having finally been spoken to, Justin looked up to see a pleading look in Megan?s eyes and found himself unable to refuse. Giving a slight nod, the duo made their way to the elevator that would take them upstairs just outside of the library entrance. Megan caught herself and the boy off-guard by opening the heavy steel door for him, allowing him to push the cart into the library and toward the back left, where the audio-video control booth for the auditorium was located. As they walked, Justin kept his head down, but eyes looking upward so as to not run his cart into anything else. Megan, for her part, kept glancing around nervously, looking for her Mistress. It was now 3:29, and Kristin could be quite unpredictable, sometimes arriving early to test Megan?s punctuality, arriving late at others, to test her patience, but always arriving at whatever time she intended. As near as the submissive bat could tell, her dominant lover was not anywhere in the library yet. Inside of the Audio-Video booth, Megan unloaded the equipment from off of the cart, passing things to Justin helpfully as he put them away. ?You know,? he said, in his shy, feminine voice, ?you don?t need to help me with this. I?m sure you have better things to do.? Still, Megan remained, helping the young stag with his duties. Close to finishing up, Megan was knelt beside the cart removing some cables from a compartment when a shadow fell across the dimly-lit room. Kristin?s imposing silhouette blocked out most of the light pouring in from the library, leaving only a few streams to get through around her figure, and the soft glow of the various buttons and monitors, to illuminate the small space. Without looking, Megan knew that she and Justin had been found, and despite her excitement for upcoming Valentine?s Day fun, she found herself tensing up. Justin, for his part, gasped aloud, and stood transfixed, held in place by the ferret girl?s commanding gaze. ?What do we have here?? Kristin cooed soothingly. ?My loving Slut brought me a new friend to play with?? She stepped into the room, and pulled the door shut behind her. ?Tell me, my dear deer,? she chuckled at the unintended repetition, ?what?s your name?? The ferret girl placed her finger under Justin?s chin and forced him to lock eyes with her. She could feel him swallow nervously, and a slight tremble travel through his body. ?Justin, ma?am,? he blushed a little as his suppressed Southern accent slipped out. ?My name... my name?s Justin Parker.? ?Awwww,? Kristin said in mock pity, making a pouty face as she did. ??Justin Parker? is a terrible name for a slave. I?ll have to think of a better name for you, Justin.? As she said his name, Kristin used her free paw to make quotation fingers in the air. Megan crawled across the floor of the A/V booth, lovingly molding the contours of her body against her Mistress?s leg. Kristin hummed softly, biting her lower lip and rolling her eyes up pensively as the mused to herself. ?How about ?Venison??? Justin flinched at the name, and Kristin took the free paw to caress the tips of his underdeveloped antlers. ?Slut,? the ferret said, and Megan sat upright and held her paws together behind her back. ?Yes, Mistress?? the submissive bat asked, still keeping her focus on the tiled floor. ?You did well, bringing me this tasty looking deer meat for Valentine?s Day.? Kristin pulled a leather collar from the waist of her skirt and slipped it around Megan?s neck, buckling it securely. ?And for that, I will allow you to have your pleasure tonight.? She could sense the bat?s happiness at this news, and the smile forming on her submissive?s face. ?Thank you, Mis -? Megan began, before she was cut off. ?Let me finish!? Kristin grinned wickedly, sending a chill through Justin?s blood. ?Venison is a lovely and thoughtful gift,? her tone had shifted instantly from reprimanding to soothing, ?but I truly had my heart set on a certain mouse-herm tonight. You failed to deliver, Slut, and for that, I am mildly disappointed.? ?I?m sorry, Mistress,? Megan whispered, ?I tried looking, I swear, but I couldn?t find her. I checked the pool to see if she was at diving practice, but Ms. Waters said she wasn?t. She must be with Ethan and the others.? ?That?s not my problem, Slut,? Kristin hissed, grabbing Megan by her hair and forcing her to look up. Justin, meanwhile, stood petrified, at the show that was being put on, unbeknownst to him, to demonstrate the price of disappointing his new Mistress. Kristin still held his chin with her other paw, and jerked his attention down toward the kneeling bat. ?Still, Venison here will make a very worthy sub, and I will still reward you for bringing him to me,? Kristin stroked Megan?s purple hair affectionately will staring intensely at Justin. ?Thank you, Mistress,? Megan said, kissing the toe of Kristin?s heavy black boot. ?I?m not worthy of the kindnesses you show me.? ?No, Slut, you aren?t,? Kristin said derisively. ?That?s why instead of servicing me, you?ll get your pleasure from Venison here.? Turning her attention to Justin, she told him, ?Set up one of those cameras. Since you?re new, I?ll give you one chance to disobey me. I suggest you not make it now.? ?Yes, ma?am,? Justin said meekly, not realizing how easily he was able to just step away from Kristin?s fingers the entire time. As he set up the tripod and camera, Kristin cleared some space in the center of the small room, pushing the cart off to the side by a nearby closet. As she made room, she picked up a rolled up microphone cable. Crouching down beside Megan, she whispered into the bat girl?s large ears, ?When he?s done, you?re going to take this and tie his arms behind his back, tightly. Do you understand me, Slut?? She took Megan?s paw and shoved the coil into her fingers. ?Yes, Mistress,? Megan said, clutching the provided cord tightly and rising to her feet. She walked over to the control console for the auditorium, leaning up against it while the girlish stag finished setting up his camera. ?All set, ma?am,? Justin said, backing away from the tripod and nervously casting his eyes downward, awaiting further instruction. His paws were suddenly grabbed from behind and roughly bound with the mic cable, before Megan pulled him down to the dirty floor, laying him down with his wrists pinned uncomfortably beneath his lower back. ?Excellent, Slut,? Kristin cooed, ?Now, take off his pants and underwear. Let?s see how big of a present you brought me.? Megan sighed softly to herself; dominating a boy was not on her ?to-do? list, but pleasing her Mistress and staying in her favor was what mattered most. She knelt down and unfastened the feminine stag?s belt, the buckle jingling as she pulled it through the loops and casting it aside. The bat deftly used her fingers to unbutton the navy blue slacks, and she tugged the zipper down, revealing a pair of plain tighty-whities. Justin flushed bright red with embarrassment at the display, but he still kept his mouth clamped shut, afraid of what the consequences would be if he didn?t comply. Megan yanked off his shoes, tossing them aside, and tugged his slacks and boxers down together, pulling them off around his ankles. Megan kept her eyes cast at the floor, not wanting to see poor Justin?s cock. She felt bad for both him and herself, the two of them in this situation together because of her inability to lure Wendy into her Mistress?s paws. ?What?s the matter, Slut?? Kristin asked, coolly. ?Does somebody not like the sight of a big, bad penis?? Megan shook her head, but found herself looking up suddenly when Kristin?s claws balled up in her hair and yanked her gaze upward. Her Mistress continued, ?Look at it. Look at him. You don?t have any reason to be afraid at all. See? Look, that?s probably the smallest little dick I?ve ever seen!? Kristin broke out into cold, mocking laughter. Megan couldn?t help but look, disgusted with herself for being curious. As her eyes settle on Justin?s crotch, she could see that he was definitely below average in size, and while he wasn?t fully erect, he was getting there, and couldn?t possibly be any more than 4 and a half inches long, and not very wide around. She jumped at the sound of Kristin?s voice and the feel of her cruelly sharpened claws on her shoulder. ?I think he can do better than that, Slut. You should help him.? ?Mistress?? Megan asked. ?Encourage him. Play with him, like a good Slut,? Kristin ordered. As Megan slowly reached forward to touch him, Justin?s eyes became even wider, and it was obvious he was holding his breath. The both sighed in relief when they heard Kristin say, ?No, wait.? ?Stand up, Slut, and take off your shoes,? Kristin commanded. As the submissive girl followed the commands, her Mistress continued, ?You?re going to play with him using your pretty little feet.? The ferret gave Megan a gentle push forward, and she found herself standing over Justin?s prone and panicked form. She turned her head to look at Kristin, but a sharp ?Do it!? changed her mind. As he felt the silky fur and coarse skin of her footpads brush against his sensitive cockflesh, Justin let out a soft whimper. ?Keep quiet, Venison, or I make Slut punish you,? Kristin knelt beside him and whispered into his ear, before looking back at Megan. ?If he makes one more peep, I want you to put some pressure on his balls. Make it uncomfortable, but not too hard. I don?t want to break my new toy on the first day. Do you understand, Slut?? ?Yes, Mistress,? Megan said, hesitantly, still stroking her feet against the captive stag?s penis. Justin, for his part, stifled the urge the whine and groan. ?Is this good, Mistress?? Megan asked, looking down at the ferret as she raked her claws through his chest fur. As if to test her Slut, Kristin applied more pressure on Justin?s nipple, the point of the claw poking hard at the sensitive skin. Justin gasped loudly. Megan, knowing what to do, stopped her gentle ministrations, and stepped down, planting her heel firmly on Justin?s scrotum. He cried out at the pain, but she held firmly, until he learned that he was being punished for voicing his displeasure. After a minute or so, his cries died down and Megan eased her pressure on his tender balls. ?Good boy,? Kristin teased. ?You learn quickly.? She licked the side of his face, getting a taste of some of his tears. ?As a reward, I?ll give you a special treat.? With that, the dominant ferret stood up, and removed her black lace panties. She lovingly traced her fingertip along her slit, looking down into his terrified eyes. ?Have you ever tasted a pussy, Venison?? ?No, m- ma?am,? he stuttered nervously. Placing a heavy-booted foot on either side of his head, Kristin straddled his face and slowly lowered herself. As her glistening slit approached his muzzle, Justin shuddered from fear, but the reaction caused him to draw in a deep breath of her musky, feminine scent. He cock twitched involuntarily at the smell, his instincts beginning to override the paralyzing terror. ?A senior and never eaten a cunny before?? she teased. ?Poor, sweet, Venison, we?ll need to fix that.? The ferret girl lowered herself the rest of the way down, forcing Justin?s nose to part her netherlips, smearing her juices across his muzzle and drowning him in the pungent smell of her arousal. Justin?s response was immediate; needing no further encouragement, he began lapping away at the first pussy he?d ever tasted, let alone seen. His tongue flicked back and forth, from Kristin?s taint up to her shining pearl, swirling every couple of strokes around the sensitive nub and eliciting a squeal of pleasure from his Mistress. ?My sweet Venison, I think you were born to eat cunt,? Kristin mewled appreciatively, grinding her hips down against his face in time with his licks. ?Are you sure this is your first time doing this? Nod if ?yes,? shake your head if ?no.?? Beneath her, she felt his head move, his nose moving delightfully along the length of her slit, bumping against her swollen love button. ?Well, I think you deserve a reward. Your Mistress is very pleased with you,? she churred softly. Looking Megan in the eyes, she commanded, ?Slut! Take those panties off. You?re going to help me break in my new toy.? ?Yes, Mistress.? Megan did as she was told, pulling her violet silk panties down and throwing them aside to land on her backpack. ?Are you horny, Slut?? Kristin asked, the tone of her voice edged with mockery. ?Yes, Mistress,? the bat replied, her eyes focused on the front of Kristin?s skirt, the material hiding what was happening beneath from her lustful gaze. ?Show me.? Doing as she was told, Megan spread her lips open, and ran an index finger up and down her slit a few times, before plunging it into her folds. When she removed it, her finger glistened in the pale light of the room with her copious nectar. Kristin took a moment to think about it, and then said, ?Fuck him, Slut. Put that little cock into your worthless cunt.? Megan balked at the command, having never taken anything vaginally before other than some of the toys that Kristin liked to use on her. Her cunt had always belonged to her Mistress. ?What are you waiting for, Slut? Do it!? the ferret practically growled. As she did, he pinched Justin?s nipples, causing him to gasp and sending a puff of warm air over her clit. She murred happily at the sensation. Justin moaned into Kristin?s pussy as his cock slid into Megan?s. This wasn?t how the feminine boy imagined he?d lose his virginity, but women weren?t looking in his direction, either. Megan clenched her vaginal walls around his undersized member, desperate to seize at least some pleasure from this experience. As she rose up and down, Justin could feel something hard and phallic-shaped tapping against his abdominal muscles. He swallowed, nervously hoping he wouldn?t be asked to take the strap-on anally. Justin soon forgot about the potential anal intrusion when Kristin resumed pinching his nipples. The sudden pain was exquisite, and his surprised gasps and grunts mixed with the excited licks of his tongue to drive Kristin over the edge. The dominant ferret girl cried out in pleasure, leaking her girl cum all over his nose and lips. Justin lost control of his body, his hips jerked, his balls tightened up, and he fired his first orgasm off into... open air, his cum landing on his belly as Megan scrambled off his lap. ?Slut! I didn?t tell you to get off him! Look at that cum you just wasted,? Kristin pointed at the splatters of deer jizz on the fabric of Justin?s school jacket. ?Lick it up!? ?But, Mistre-? SLAP! Megan began to protest, but the stinging pain of Kristin?s paw across her cheek silenced her immediately. Tears began to streak down Megan?s cheeks as she obediently knelt down over Justin?s stomach and tentatively licked the salty cream from the tweed fabric. Once she had removed most of it, she sat up and opened her mouth, showing her Mistress that she had eaten all of Justin?s seed. ?That?s better, Slut. You should know better by now than to talk back to me or disobey. Still, you?re my precious Slut, and I know that poor little Venison came too soon for you to find satisfaction,? Kristin tenderly rubbed her thumb over where she had struck the bat?s cheek, massaging the tears into Megan?s fur. ?I?ll tell you what, since Venison came so quickly, I?ll let you fuck him in his ass.? Justin began kicking and squirming beneath Kristin, his head thrashing back and forth as he pleaded for her to change her mind. Pinning his arms with her paws, she told the trapped stag, ?That?s the one ?no? I told you that you were allowed to use without punishment.? Justin eased up with his frantic attempts to escape upon hearing this, before she continued. ?Of course, I didn?t say that it meant anything to me - Slut here is still going to fuck your ass raw for cumming so quickly, but I?m not going to punish you for saying it. I dare you to see what happens if you tell me ?no? again.? Justin tensed up beneath her, but he was no longer fighting. A muffled whine of resignation could be heard from beneath Kristin?s pleated skirt. ?No,? Megan said quietly, standing up. ?What did you say, Slut?? Kristin growled. She pushed herself off from Justin?s face, and rose to her feet to stare the bat girl in the eyes. Justin gasped for air, finally able to breathe. His eyes quickly sought out the arguing girls, and he was rendered speechless when he finally found them. There, peeking out from between Megan?s cute plaid skirt, was a cock. Not just any dick, but the only other one Justin had ever seen, and she was definitely larger than he was. While he didn?t want to see it, he found himself unable to look away, jealous of her semi-erect seven inches. He could feel his cheeks burn crimson from his embarrassment and insecurity. ?No, Kristin, I?m not going to fuck him in the ass,? Megan said, a little more confidently. Kristin flinched slightly - it had been years since Megan had called her by name in private. She raised her arm angrily, and Megan raised her paws in self defense, before Kristin did something that hurt much worse than another slap. Reaching out, the ferret grabbed the collar and unbuckled it, yanking it from around the bat?s neck. ?Fine, Megan,? she said coldly. ?You don?t have to sodomize my new pet. You don?t have to do anything I tell you. Ever again. Get out,? she said, pointing to the door of the A/V room. Megan walked over to her backpack and panties, slipping the discarded underwear back on over her ankles and pulling them up. As she slid her winged arms into the straps, she heard Kristin talking to Justin. ?Well, Venison, it?s just you and me now. Megan was going to pound my tailhole after she got done with you, but since she?s leaving us, you?re up. Don?t come before me, do you understand?? ?Yes, ma?am,? Justin squeaked. ?If you prove yourself worthy, I?ll let you have something I never let that slut have: my pussy. Would you like that, Venison?? ?Yes, ma?am,? he answered, softly. ?Before she walks out the door, what do you say to Megan for giving you to such a wonderful Mistress?? ?Thank you, Megan,? Justin said. Megan couldn?t tell if he was being sincere or not. ?Happy Valentine?s Day, Megan,? the ferret said as she slid the stag?s small cock into her pucker. ?I?ll give you a copy of the tape once we?re done. Venison, how would you like a pretty new collar??

Tabby Malone and Torben Mordreik scrambled away from the door to the Audio-Video booth, ducking behind the library?s check-out counter. Both were panting heavily and deeply aroused by what they had just seen through the tiny window. The young couple had been certain that Justin would have managed to put all the equipment away by now, and that the small room would be available for them to use for their own privacy and pleasure. When the door opened, they could make out the sounds of Justin moaning in sexual gratification and Kristin sharply barking commands at him. Megan slammed the door shut behind her, and ran off down the empty corridor, crying. ?What do you think that was all about?? Torben asked, his massive bear paw teasing Tabby through the front of her soaked panties. ?I?m not sure,? the plain jane vixen replied back, ?but it sounds like they?re not done in there. Do you want to keep watching?? ?I don?t know,? the chubby bear said, ?I think it?s kind of kinky being here under the check-out counter, don?t you?? ?I don?t care, just finish me off already,? Tabby whined, pulling him in for a kiss. ?I was almost there when that bat girl left.? Epilogue Meanwhile, almost 800 miles away, Ross Goldmane sat with her arms crossed, listening to her mother lecture her. She really didn?t see what the big deal was. The rule was simple: she wasn?t allowed to have sex with a boy until she had found her mate for life. Her grandfather had never said that sex with other girls was unacceptable, so why should she be in trouble for a little Valentine?s Day fun? If Dianna Goldmane had known about the other girls Ross had shared a warm bed with over the past few years, she?d likely have been shipped off to a nunnery. Ross was snapped out of her contemplations, however, when something her mother said caught her attention. ? choice but to send you to Marblecliff to live with your Aunt Alice and Uncle Xavier. There?s a good private school there, Chimera Prep, where your cousin Elena attends. As it is, I can?t have you -? ?But, Mom! Why -? ?Sweetie, let me finish, please.? Diana placed a paw lovingly around her daughter?s shoulder. ?I can?t have you here setting that kind of example for Nini and Popi. I love you, Ross, but I think it would be best for all of us.? Dianna kissed Ross softly on the top of her head, before standing up and walking out of the room she?d caught her daughter in earlier, naked with another girl. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw Ross pouting, sniffling softly to herself and trying unsuccessfully to wipe her tears away. ?I?m going to call your Aunt Alice now.? Ross sat in her room, wrapping herself up in the darkness but finding little comfort. The irony didn?t escape her that it was she that was being called the ?bad influence? by her mother. At sixteen, she was the oldest of Dianna?s three daughters, and was the only one that hadn?t been with a boy. Nini, four years younger, was having anal sex with her boyfriend, Alex. Even more extreme was Popi, who at only ten had her hymen taken by another girl and her boyfriend. Ross sat in her room, wrapping herself up in the darkness but finding little comfort. The irony didn?t escape her that it was she that was being called the ?bad influence? by her mother. Nini, four years younger, was having anal sex with her boyfriend, Alex. Part of Ross wanted to chase after her mother and prove to her that between herself and Nini she was the better influence for Popi, but she couldn?t do that to her. As badly as this punishment was going to hurt, it was Ross?s mistake, and she couldn?t punish Nini for her mistake. Ross flopped back onto her bed and curled up in her blankets, crying herself to sleep. Her final thought before her dreams claimed her was, ?Worst Valentine?s Day ever!?

Author?s Notes So yes, Ross Goldmane is the same Ross from ?A Good Day for Firsts,? written by Jacinth and owned by talon2point0. I fell in love with her during that brief appearance, reached out to my buddy, talon, and we started a great collaboration to get her moved up north from Riverview and her friends at Griffin Heights Academy. Thanks again, talon, for trusting me enough to write such an awesome character. Don?t feel bad for Megan, either. Kristin was clearly a bitch, so if anyone should get any sympathy, it?s poor Justin. This may be the last we see of him. Hopefully his new Mistress won?t devour his soul entirely. I gotta admit, I?ve written d/s before, but never humiliation. I have a new ?dislike? to add to my list, that?s for sure. Still, I hope you all enjoyed my first story giveaway, and that you all have/had a wonderful Valentine?s Day.