Roommates Part Three

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#114 of Commissions

Another for Factanonverba, and continuing the series of the hot college roommate boys who fuck.

If it was anyone else, sleep-sex would be bordering on non-con. But Mahiri's made it very, very clear he approves of such a thing. And wow can he sleep through anything! Tristan's all too happy to oblige, even if it feels a little strange at first. His hesitance melts away when he realizes he can do whatever he wants, and the cute kitty will just keep snoozing, and making those cute little mewly noises.

Contains: m/m sleep sex, cum marking, rimming, anal sex, knotting, and a generally friendly, casual tone.

During the day, Mahiri was prone to all sorts of accidental elegance, stretching himself out in ways that made it look like he was intentionally striking a series of sexy poses. Their open attitude towards nudity only helped with that, leaving those pretty spots on display in such eye-catching fashion that Tristan couldn't help but look, and sometimes he just had to look for a while. From his best scientific observations (mostly staring), he felt pretty confident to conclude that Mahiri wasn't doing it on purpose. He was just naturally prone to showing off without even thinking about it. Such things came completely unconsciously to cats like him, to the point it even carried over to when the leopard was fast asleep. On a hotter day like that, it was especially noticeable, given the nude feline was slumbering away totally uncovered, spread out across the sheets in a pose that looked almost angelic.

Normally, he wouldn't have thought such things about a sleeping person, even one he was so sexually open with. Sleep was private time, and admiring someone when they were dreaming bordered pretty heavily on creepy, even if it was from afar. And that was exactly where it would have stayed, the dobie content to let his friend and roommate get his beauty rest without any sort of interruption, if it wasn't for the feline's urging. Mahiri was always horny in such unusual ways, rather than just generally. He was already big on the idea of Tristan just going ahead and getting himself off with the cat's help, anytime he liked. Through a series of winks, nudges, and then outright statements in case he wasn't being absolutely clear, he'd also made sure Tristan knew that such a policy applied during sleep time too.

He had to admit he was hesitant to do such a thing. Even with permission, he didn't want to ruin a cat's sleep with his comparatively clumsy canine ways. That just seemed rude. Maybe if he was really careful, if he did his very best not to do anything too drastic, he could grant that feline's kinky wish. And even if he messed it up, maybe Mahiri wouldn't mind the accidental awakening when it was done in the name of something hot. So up he got, sliding his chair back as slowly as possible, doing his best sneaky leopard impression, crouching low and trying to make only the smallest amount of noise. The girly cat was softly snoring, nothing noticeable unless one leaned in close, which Tristan did, hovering over that sprawled cutie, feeling a little strange, a little awkward, but plenty aroused all the same.

At first, it was just a touch. He treated the kitty like he was made of glass, every so slowly bringing his fingers down to stroke along the leopard's chest. Even with that subtle touch, he summoned the rumbles, resonating deeply out of the soft feline, rattling right down to the feet of the bed. Mahiri told him once that he didn't actually know how to purr, that he'd just practised something similar to serve as a replacement, but he apparently was so good at it he could even do it in his sleep. Either that, or he was wide awake, and just toying with the doberman. Tristan hoped not. That would certainly ruin the appeal of the lewd thought that popped into his head.

Despite how often he got to see the leopard naked, such a pretty sight rarely lost its effect on him. Just lingering there a while, doing nothing more than touching the cat's soft chest fur was getting him firm, making his sheath drop heavy and start pulling back all on its own as his cock pushed into the open air. He bit his lower lip and took his hands off the feline, standing above him, casting a shadow over his bed like a horny sleep paralysis demon. There was no need for him to touch, or play with that sexy leopard. All he had to do was stand there, admiring those naked curves, and before he knew it, he was stroking at himself without even thinking about it. Such a thing just felt natural when he was admiring a girly beauty like the spotty cat, especially knowing just how into it Mahiri would have been to know what was going on in the moment.

Of course, he wasn't, and that was the whole point. Tristan massaged his cock to full and throbbing, rubbing the bead of pre from the tip onto his thumb to smear down the rest of his shaft. The sound of him jerking off right above the cat turned slick after a few slides up and down, and he squeezed tight around his knot once it started forming, the pressure encouraging that pulsing bulb to get even thicker. He tried not to moan, but he couldn't help the doggish panting as he rubbed himself faster and faster, the gliding of his palm up and down that solid shaft loud enough to wake a sensitive sleeper. Thankfully, Mahiri was anything but, remaining right in place, breathing slowly and steadily, completely undisturbed despite the increasingly frantic jerking off going on just to his left.

If it was anyone else, Tristan most certainly wouldn't have gone so far. But this was Mahiri he was stroking off over, and he knew the cat would absolutely insist he follow through with his naughty idea if he mentioned it in waking. For such a perpetual bottom, that cat really did know what he wanted. Sometimes. So, the big dog remained where he was, picturing the result of what he was doing before he even finished. Even in the dark, that kitty was going to look good all fast asleep, covered in dobie cum, and the thought gave fuel to Tristan's lust, keeping him stroking, jerking, squeezing, faster, harder, letting himself get lost in the moment, in the desire to simply claim the cutie, even while he was unaware of it happening. It was exactly what Mahiri had been all horny just thinking about, after all, even if he couldn't share in the moment himself. That could come later.

Soon, that fantasy, that enticing image in his mind became reality, and Tristan had to fight off the urge to bark or moan too loudly, settling instead on a gasp through clenched teeth as he thrust his hips forth and hit a climax that had his swinging nuts going tight, his knot bulging and flexing, and a vein running the length of his entire dick stood up firm and thumping. Then he was cumming, hard enough he jolted back as if from recoil, and his seed went soaring up through the air in a virile arc before raining down upon the sleeping cat in long, hot ropes. They spattered audibly as they came down on his pristine fur, matting it down beneath the weight, marking him in intricate patterns like a spider web before the ropes blotted together in a puddle of cream clinging to the sleepy kitty. The warmth and sound did nothing to disturb him, though he did let out some kind of faint murmur. If he was saying something, Tristan couldn't tell. He was busy panting as he milked out a few more drops, letting the last touches of his musky load trickle down onto the leopard's thigh.

That would have been more than enough to satisfy the cat's lusty desires, he figured. In the morning, he could tell him all about what he did, if it wasn't already obvious. But, even as he let his cock fall partly softened in his grip, he couldn't help but wonder. What about more? After doing all that without so much as making the cat stir, he had to feel like he could get away with anything. Though he was still going to take it slow, leaning in inch by inch, until he was bent down and breathing hotly on the leopard's middle, his orgasmic panting steaming hot over that cum-painted fur. He knew Mahiri really was asleep given how soft and inattentive the kitty's sheath still was. If he was awake, there was no doubt he'd have been rock hard by then.

Tristan was just going to have to help him with that. He made sure to take it slow, as much as he was wiggling with excitement over this idea. It was making sense to him now. He had full access, and he wasn't going to have his way with that cat so much as he was going to pleasure him, and to fill his unconscious mind with all sorts of happy feelings to make sure he had pleasant dreams. First it was a touch along his inner thigh, just stroking his fingers there where rosettes met white fur. When that didn't get a reaction, he pressed a little harder, massaging into the muscle rather than just touching. That was finally enough to get Mahiri to react, giving another of those sleepy mumbles, something that was a little groan at first and then higher pitched, like a mewl. He looked so cute like that Tristan almost felt bad getting lewd with him, but then, he'd already covered his top half with cum, so it wasn't like he hadn't crossed that line already.

A closer touch, and he was swirling a single finger against the kitty's balls, playing with them ever so softly at first, and then a little more firmly when he still wasn't waking Mahiri up. The cat's sheath started to twitch, flopping down in time, and a few little squirms went through the kitty's muscles, but his breathing remained as steady as ever. Either he was a very good actor, or he was still slumbering away. Nothing changed when Tristan moved on to stroking that pink shaft as it emerged, playing with it between two fingers before upgrading to an entire hand. The motions of his stroking looked like he was trying to cast a spell or charm a snake, so to speak, every so slowly gliding his lubed-up palm along the inches of kitty cock, making them lightly glisten in the moonlight shining through the window. Mahiri gave a dreamy little sigh and shifted slightly, but that was all for a reaction. Aside from all the throbbing, anyway.

Even fast asleep, some part of the kitty really liked the attention. He was rumbling away while he pulsed with arousal, spitting some gobs of pre right up into the air, letting it rain down thickly upon Tristan's digits. The dog pleasured him a little faster, a little firmer, taking it slow so as not to jolt him awake and ruin the whole thing, though it was hardly necessary. Mahiri was such a deep sleeper that he could snooze through a full-fisted handjob, even once the dobie was tugging on him hard enough to make the bed lightly creak. Of course, it was easy to get those standard-issue dorm beds squeaking like upset mice, as they knew well after their months together. He eventually drew back, raising his hand to his lips and licking off that tasty feline pre, smacking his lips quietly as he regarded the murmuring cat's sleep-boner. There really was no reason to doubt he could keep getting away with whatever he wanted.

One taste was enough to inspire him. His mouth was watering with the want for more. A few more rubs of that feline dick, running just a single finger up its underside as it rigidly remained in place, he eventually took hold of its base in a tight but careful grip so it he could point it right at his approaching lips. He simply held that position for a while, breathing on the slightly prickly shaft before him, those soft barbs extended, firm. Then he was stealing a little lick, swiping over those sensitive nubs just like he knew the kitty loved. That brought out the biggest reaction yet, though it was still nothing more than a little huff. He wasn't awake, or opening his eyes, twitching just a little. Then came the muttering, that sweet-voiced little stammer that sounded like a pretty language all its own. Tristan couldn't make out a word, but it sounded like Mahiri was having a very pleasant conversation with whoever it was he was dreaming about licking his cock. The dog had to admit he hoped it was him.

A more thorough slurp still wasn't getting any sort of startle or other such reaction, so Tristan figured he was in the clear to simply go wild. He worked his tongue all the way down that shaft, really taking in its every detail, treating it like it was his to taste as much as he liked. With no involvement, no interference from Mahiri, he could spend as long as he wanted just savouring the taste, the scents. Burying his nose right against the cat's sack, he took as long of a sniff as he could manage, indulging himself while fulfilling the sleeping feline's fantasy all at once. Then he was slurping again, making those balls bounce as he worked them to dribbling with doggy spit, shimmering his way up that shaft until he was kissing at the tip once more. He parted his lips, took a breath, and finally just started slurping the cat's cock right inside his mouth, planting his hands behind those girly hips for support while he went down on the mewling sleeper. His reward was a long, breathy sigh, one that didn't for a moment indicate any sort of disruption in the leopard's slumber.

Really, Tristan wasn't sure why he was taking it so slow. Not that the leopard wasn't worth savouring, but when nothing seemed to even come close to waking him up, he didn't have to hold back. Soon he was shoving down, getting his muzzle all stuffed with kitty dick, pushing some of it into his throat while he mashed his nose right up against the cat's crotch. Holding that position like a pro, he didn't gag or choke, simply swallowing the pre that flowed down his gullet. He'd grown a lot better at this with such a cute trainer to help him practice. It took an expert to suck so smoothly and elegantly like that, tipping his head to the side to make his way back up. The sound was an intense schlurp that really should have woken the cat up if the pleasure didn't do it first, and Mahiri was showing his very first signs of stirring in the form of some squirming. But his eyes remained shut, his mouth just opening a little more to incoherently rumble out some delighted nonsense, his body still frozen in that blissful sleep while the studly doberman sucked him off.

Being lost in dreamland didn't lend well to sexual stamina. Not to mention the dobie was doing a perfect job, not just mindlessly bobbing up and down, but pleasuring the leopard just how he knew he liked best. Tristan made sure to get his lips on those barbs, squeezing and kneading with the roof of his mouth, slurping up and down all the while with his big sloppy tongue. The cat was twitching before long, his cock flexing up between the dog's lips, bulging, dripping, spurting, before finally erupting. That orgasmic mewl was always music in his ears, but Tristan almost ended up laughing to hear that usually impressive sound coming out so sleepily. It was so much smaller, so much more kittenish, a tiny yowl that he would have had no choice but to lightly tease Mahiri about if he was awake. Instead, he settled for taking that cumshot right in the mouth, feeling it splatting to the back of his throat before he started gulping generously, swallowing most of it down while the rest trickled down to the back of his teeth, creaming across his tongue, filling his mouth with delicious kitty taste.

One more slurp, and the cat really did twitch. A slight gasp came from him, and that was when Tristan knew he'd found the limit. No toying with an oversensitive cock, at least not immediately after making Mahiri blow his load. He pulled off with a pop, flinging a few drops of cum and spit alike into the air, feeling it raining down on himself. Then he was fondly rubbing the leopard's creamy white belly, smearing some of his own seed into that fur, blushing a bit at the rush of possessiveness that came over him. There Mahiri was, a cat so hot for him he wanted to get cummed on in his sleep. Licking his lips for the last of that flavour, Tristan considered the rumbling cat's sleeping form a while longer. That could have been enough to call it a night, but all that looking was making him hard again. And it wasn't a mere few twitches, but his knot fully forming, his cock pressing up against his abs with those urgent thumps of need. Clearly he wasn't ready to be done just yet.

He had to wonder if he could really go all the way with his urges. Everything so far told him yes. But first was going to be the tentative process of turning Mahiri over. It would have been easy to just grab him and flip him around, but he was pretty sure that would mean waking the cat. Leaning down, he pressed one hand against the leopard's hip, giving a gentle nudge, and found no response. A little firmer, and the cat was inhaling deeply, sounding like he was on the verge of waking, but Tristan didn't stop pushing. He every so slowly got one spotted asscheek off the sheets, managing to very slowly encourage Mahiri onto his side. Once he got that far, the leopard's subconscious seemed to pick up on the suggestion, turning right over the rest of the way, flopping onto his belly with a little squelch of cum squishing into the bed, leaving the dobie considering the full expanse of that brilliantly spotted back and butt, the cat's flopped tail lightly twitching but lacking in the usual exuberance that came with their intimate times together.

Part of Tristan almost hoped that would be what finally woke Mahiri up. Who could possibly sleep through a good rimming with a doggy tongue? That cat, apparently. Even as Tristan pressed his muzzle right up under that lifted tail, he wasn't getting any more of a reaction but for some sleepy squirms. At least he was getting those. Otherwise he'd just be concerned, especially once he was laying kisses on the kitty's tight hole, massaging up and down with smooth swipes of his tongue, slathering up that rim in spit. He couldn't help but drool a little. Eating out the cute cat was always such a delight, just knowing how much pleasure it was bringing him. Mahiri wasn't making the usually happy mrowly noises, which was a little disappointing, but he made up for it with more of those sleepy whimpers, sounding like he was trying to moan with his mouth partly stuck closed. .

Soon, the leopard was rocking his hips back and forth, subconsciously following the rhythm of the heated slurps. Even his sleeping self knew a good rimjob when he felt one, and the bed lightly creaked with the motions as Tristan lunged into it more and more with every slurp. Soon he wasn't just licking, but sloppily penetrating the tight feline, spreading out that squeezing hole with his tongue while he clutched tightly at those spotty cheeks. Such a bottom-heavy feline was perfect for squeezing, and he got big palmfuls of butt squishing between his fingers while he plunged his tongue back and forth. He wasn't even trying to be subtle anymore, but the leopard remained sleepily huffing, not showing any sign of being fully aware. Though enough of him was to have his pink kitty cock swinging and firming up again, eventually thumping him in the stomach with a solid thud as Tristan let him down.

Cumming on him, sucking him off, eating him out, those had all been good for initially testing the limits of a catnap. But as he loomed behind that well-eaten booty, licking his chops, he couldn't resist the challenge of going all the way. He had to leave the leopard where he was for a moment, allowing the huffing cat to settle back into slower, steadier sleep-breathing as he remained sprawled out flat on his jizz-soaked belly, settling right back into normal slumber as if nothing had ever happened. Aside from the boner, anyway. Unconsciousness was doing nothing to diminish such arousal. It still pulsed away with such force, such urgency that his whole body was twitching with every needy throb. The pre he leaked onto the sheets just making even more of a mess of them where that cum hadn't already soaked it.

Tristan needed to step away just to retrieve a little accessory. Sometimes cum and drool was enough for a quick fuck, but if he really wanted to make sure he got away with everything without waking the kitten, he was going to need lube, and lots of it. They went through enough of it between the two of them they'd started buying in bulk, and the dobie hauled out a tub so large from a draw in his bedside table that he needed two hands just to balance it. From there, he squeezed out a great double-palmful of the slippery stuff, making sure to get his cock utterly glistening, slicking up plenty of sound in the messy process. A glance over at the cat had him noticing Mahiri's ears were perking up at the noise, so he slowed it down. Looked like the leopard was highly attentive to the sound of Tristan lubing up his dick for some reason.

He crept back over, cartoonishly sneaking on the tips of his toes, his short tail giving some wags as the anticipation got his cock twitching. A string of pre was swinging from his tip with every step. He never thought himself hot for this kind of kinky fantasy, but knowing just how much Mahiri liked the idea kept him going. As selfish as it might have looked to an outsider, he was doing it all for the kitty. Spoiling him, really. But the true final test came as the dobie climbed onto the bed right along with the sleeping cat, planting his hands beside Mahiri's shoulders, mounting up behind him without actually touching anything yet. The shift in weight didn't wake him, nor did the initial touches of cock to rump, a very gentle hotdogging up between spotty cheeks producing the first of the schlicking noise to come. The question was, was that kitty a talented enough bottom he could literally take a dick in his sleep? Tristan wasn't sure that was possible, but he'd greatly underestimated the sleeping prowess of cats before.

The initial prod got a little sleep-groan out of the leopard, but nothing more. Tristan treated Mahiri like he was a delicate virgin, trying to be as gentle as caninely possible, spreading that spit-shined rim out with the slightest application of pressure, easing forward a tiny bit at a time, looking like he was making no progress at all for a while. That hole slowly spread open around the tip of his dick, taking those hot spurts of pre. There was a rising heat in the dobie's muscles, an urge to just jam himself forth and fuck that cute cat stupid, but he fought it off, gritting his teeth with the effort. It was a shame Mahiri wasn't awake, because he surely would have admired the restraint. Or told him to stop holding back, more likely. Either way, he kept that very subtle shoving going, until he'd popped the head of his dick inside, feeling the femmy feline clenching down on that first inch, hips swaying in his sleep as his body fell into the natural rhythm of getting fucked by a big dog. It was just part of his instincts by then.

A little more, a little deeper, his lube-soaked cock gliding inside, and Tristan made it to halfway down his dick. He held that a moment, letting the leopard squeeze on him, those pleasured contractions enough to make him cum if he really focused. But he knew he needed more, pressing his chest down against that spotted back, putting a little more weight on to pin the slumbering feline down, as if it was necessary. Mahiri's eyes were still closed, but he was purring so powerfully at that point it was hard to believe he wasn't at least partly awake. His murmurings were starting to sound less sleepy too, almost forming words, thought it was mostly just a happy humming, a little song from his lips while he remained partly stuck in dreamland with a big fat dog dick spurting pre in his booty.

Tristan wanted to at least get balls-deep, pushing, grinding softly, finally feeling his nuts tapping up against the kitty's own and holding that position for a while. That was an accomplishment all its own, and he felt a particularly hard clench on his every inch, squeezing tight around his forming knot, and he could help but groan out hard. He tossed his head back so he at least wasn't projecting it right into the leopard's ears, but surely Mahiri was going to wake up any moment now. But not yet. He could still get away with a little more. Bracing himself, flexing those arms taut, he got the perfect angle and pulled slowly back, quicker than he'd penetrated the leopard, but still careful and quiet. The gradual schlurk of pulling out followed a solid pop of his partial knot slipping free, and then he was pressing in again, plunging all the way to that snug position, balls to balls, after a good twenty seconds of sliding forth, finding himself rewarded with more full-throated mewls than before, the leopard gradually waking up a little more with each slow thrust.

On the third motion of his hips, pulling all the way back so just his tip was inside Mahiri, that feral urge got even stronger. He didn't mean for such an aggressive-seeming thing to come out of him, but he was snarling for just a second. Holding back with that thick-assed femboy just felt wrong. He lingered there a moment, spurting pre so hard he could hear it splatting inside the femmy cutie, and finally, he couldn't help himself. Plunging down, he slammed his hips into that butt, smacked the cat with his nuts, and started pounding that juicy rump about as fast as he possibly could. From a slick, slick slide, he was suddenly thumping down, making that bed squeak rapidly as he sank all the way in, putting his muscular force to use to ram that cat stupid before he could properly awaken.

At first there was a gasp, then a groan, then a confused giggle as Mahiri jolted awake under the assault of doggy dick plunging in and out of him. He stretched his jaw with a yawn, and then just laid his head over his folded arms, relaxing as he got fucked. His tail started twitching, his purrs got more active and intentional, and now and then he moaned when he didn't just dreamily sigh. Tristan went to town on that butt, making it jiggle with the forceful impacts, rapidly drilling Mahiri while he panted and finally just drooled on the back of his head while he went. His knot got fatter with every stroke, and soon he was halted as it smacked up against that tight hole, stretching it out, rutting up against it. From sighing, Mahiri was soon yowling, quietly at first as if worried about waking up their neighbours. Then he was simply screaming it out, filling the middle of the night with screechy leopardess sounds as he got his ass roughly knotted, rammed full of that lubed up and feeling it seal tight inside of him, completely stuck.

Tristan could barely even move that knot around once he got it sealed in the kitty's booty, but that just meant he had to thrust even shorter, even faster. The bed groaned with increasing distress as he fucked that free inch back and forth, the slick sound mixing with the constant slap of big doggy body against soft cat. There was no more relaxing, no more simply enduring it. Mahiri gave a happy whimper out with every sound, his usual voice growing more feminine just from how hard he was getting fucked, mixing in with those truly piercing leopard noises. Tristan was a blur, thinking of nothing but the feeling of hot leopard wrapped tight around his dick, flexing on his knot, faster and faster, while he moved with such a steady, tireless pace he better resembled a machine than a living canine. He was built to fuck that fine ass, completely enveloping and blanketing Mahiri in his muscular form, squeezing his arms around the cat's shoulders, closing his thighs around those girly hips, ensuring the leopard could do nothing but happily squirm while he got himself rocked and rutted until he could barely even yowl anymore.

Eventually Mahiri was just gasping, falling almost silent. At least, until Tristan bit him. There was just enough scruff on the back of his neck for the big dog to use those teeth without hurting him at all, even when he chomped hard like that, sinking his teeth right in and making the leopard's spin arch, his hips jumping up to smack against the dobie's body while he got his prostate rubbed numb by those constant slams and grinds. Tristan probably could have finished any moment, but he held on, keeping the pressure going, until it was finally too much for Mahiri to endure. Another jerk about, some spasms running through his body, and that cat was cumming. It seemed almost violent for him, thrashing about, trying to get free from that muscular pin while he showed his teeth in a snarl that became a shriller scream as he erupted all over himself.

There was no where for all that seed to splatter but his own fur, painting himself from belly to chin in cream while the dobie finally bottomed out inside of him. One more lunge, making sure he was shoved inside the cat, his balls smothered up hard against those spots and curves, and he was unloading all over again. It was all sealed inside, that knot working perfectly as a barrier, ensuring every last drop milked out by those heavy squeezes on his shaft stayed right inside the leopard. The feeling of getting filled with canine cum just made Mahiri clench down harder, which meant more of it, gushing, then spurting, then spraying, then finally flowing. Tristan was pounding all through the whole process, before abruptly halting as he felt himself going dry. He held himself up a few seconds longer, his tongue hanging almost all the way out of his mouth with his manic panting, and then finally, he flopped right down.

Mahiri was just going to have to deal with a well-muscled blanket panting and sweating all over him, because that knot wasn't going anywhere for a while. Now and then, he felt another shot of cum. He was plenty familiar with this position by then, and he just gave a twitch of his tail as he sighed out and settled right back down. His chest kept rumbling, but he closed his eyes, the sensation of his muscles relaxing against the dobie's firm body something Tristan couldn't help but notice. It was like he was just slipping off back to sleep, as if nothing particularly unusual had happened, just with a belly full of cum and a knot stuck tight in his butt for a good thirty minutes or so, unless Tristan pulled out hard enough. When he spoke, his voice was already taking on that sleepiness again.

"Mmmm ... just leave it. I bet I could sleep like this. You can do more if you want."

That just made the dog laugh a little, and he leaned down to lightly lick the cat on the cheek once he caught his breath.

"Shhh. You're asleep. I never woke you," he insisted.

"You're right." Mahiri gave a dazed-sounding giggle, then fell into a sultry moan that was no less sexy for the sleepiness in his voice. "You did suuuuch a good job. That was exactly what I wanted. I think. Tell me more about it in the morning..."

He trailed off, sounding like he'd fallen asleep mid-sentence. Tristan kept right where he was, letting himself throb. He was supposed to be getting a little softer by then, but just that feeling of being so close to the leopard as he slowly fell asleep beneath him, something about it kept his arousal going, just making sure his knot wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Maybe he was just going to have to stay stuck in that fine rump all night long. Or maybe he was just going to have to fuck that leopard awake in another few minutes. The night was his, and so was that cute cat, at least for a while, that knot tying them together, even as Mahiri drifted back into the dreams he'd temporarily broken out of, his rumbles growing softer, more indistinct as he relaxed beneath his roommate, fully accepting of any lewd shenanigans that might have occurred while he slept. That was the kind of freedom that didn't come easy, and it was even better knowing it went both ways. Though he was pretty sure he wasn't as deep a sleeper as Mahiri. No one really could be. But maybe he'd find out soon.