Security Force! Ep.1

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#1 of Security Force!

three months after the Breeder Titan attack on Hyper City, Leon finds himself with a disagreeable new partner. With the city slightly destabilized from the destruction of district four can Leon and Fiona put aside their differences to do their jobs in the SECURITY FORCE!

Three months ago.

Hyper City, the greatest city state on the scorched earth, a collection of thirty four connected massive domes called districts. Unmatched technologically, financially and militarily much to the ire of it's contemporaries. However this great utopia stands on the proverbial slanted floor, ready to slide at any moment. its great wealth and laissez-faire population has always run the risk of over burdening itself to the point of collapse, but now Hyper City is in the midst of it's greatest battle.

Security Force!

Case File 001

Episode 1: Partners in Crime

Leon breathed heavily, his focus zoned in on a single imaginary point on the floor. He sort of teetered back and forth clutching an assault rifle to his body armour, gear he had minimal training with. This attack was unprecedented, larger then any other Hyper City had ever faced. Light poured into the armoured transport as the others around the shepard started to rise and make for the back hatch. "We gotta move Leon." He heard one of the other officers call to him. "Yeah..." He snapped out of his trance. Standing, feeling the weight of the extra gear he followed the others out into the open. Leon looked around him, district four, or what was left of it. A thick cloud of dust hung in the air and he could taste it in his mouth. A great commotion was all around him as officers ran about with weapons and gear, the tall mecha suits passed the armoured trucks at a jogging pace. "Move, move you lazy bitches, this is what your paid for!" The lead mecha suit broadcasting the feminine voice of Commander Bliss as the other female mecha pilots responded. "Yes ma'am!" They said together.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen!" The officers of precinct nine's attention was grabbed by their commanding officer, Chief Hershey an older and over weight pitbull with dusted thinning hair, walked up among his officers. Even he managed to squeeze into body armour and he looked a little uncomfortable for it. He was followed by a red panda, dark hair twisted into a spiral bun at the back of her head with a pair of decorative sticks pushed through them. A lock of hair coming down one side of her face. An Asian beauty in combat armour and a holo-screen tablet in one hand. Officer Izumi Miyamoto, Chief Hershey's personal assistant. "I'm sure you all know what has happened by now." Gun fire could be heard in the distance. "We have been hit, and hit hard. The Breeders are here in force and we have to slow them down long enough for the Mobile Brigades to get into the city with their big guns."

"Now I now your all fuck ups! But even a broken clock is right twice a day, this is that time of day people, the Chancellor.....the people of this city are counting on us. Rescue teams, move out!" The end of Chief Hershey's speech was punctuated with the piercing bellow of a colossal monster, it's roar, so loud it made everyone in the staging area stop and recoil in fear. Leon looked out into the dust clouds, hearing gun fire, the incessant sound of alien clicking and screeching. This was not supposed to be what police work was about. He wished Nina was here, his mind pondered, where was his partner?"

Leon followed a line of other officers, guns at the ready pressed against their shoulders, beams of light from their weapons cut through the dust in the air. "Look at the size of that thing!" He could hear in his ear, the radio chatter from the mecha suit teams. "Take it down!" Bliss commanded. Leon and his team suddenly heard a distant explosion and the droning buzz of beam weapons fire. "Commander Bliss, it has civilians!" "Nix the explosives, go for the eyes!" Bliss called back. "Man, things sound intense out there." Leon looked back at the speaker and nodded. "Yeah..."

They had been at this for some time now, sallying out from the staging area's to find civilians in need of rescue, encountering Breeders. The fighting was fierce as casualties mounted, the aliens were ruthless and the titan running rampant through the city was on everyone's mind, Leon could feel the ground tremble as it moved. Female officers were rotated away from the more intense combat zones, without mecha suits they drew more attention to the rescue teams then desired, but man power was in dire need. "Help, help, over here!" The lights of the rescue team all beamed in a single direction into the dust clouds seeing the figure of a boy trying to pull someone out of the rubble. The team leader raised his hand with two fingers then pointed at the civilians, hand flat like a slicing blade. The next two officers in line nodded and advanced while the others fanned out to cover them.

"My mom, you gotta help my mom, she's up there!" The boy yelled out as one of the officers shushed him. The leader looked up at a crushed building then eyed Leon. "You and one other, scout the building, try to find anyone." Leon straightened his back. "Yes sir!" A door in the darkness burst open as the shepard booted it down, the two officers filed in, shining their lights around. "Clear." He heard from his teammate. They proceeded up stairs where they started to hear the faint sounds of moaning, they knew what this meant. A pair of big tits bounced quickly as hard nipples flicked, the woman was on all fours screaming in pleasure. The thick studded bug cock fucking her wet pussy as the alien bug warrior clicked, mounted on her as it slapped against her jiggling ass. " no aaaahhh. Sto...stop!" She cried out as the alien continued it's savage attack to impregnate her.

Suddenly a gunshot rang out in the dilapidated room as a bullet punched through the bugs neck. The Breeder warrior hissed looked at the two officers that entered the room and pulled it's big studded cock from the moaning girl before attacking, clicking. "Kill it!" Leon screamed as they open fired, their weapons lighting up the room as the girl screamed, brass casings ringing on the floor as the Breeder warrior staggered, the bullets punched through or ricochet off it's body. It continued to advance soaking up the damage like a sponge. "Die you bastard!" Leon cried out as the giant insect finally hit the floor sliding to a stop. The two officers huffed, the bigger ones always took so much to bring down. The officer with him plugged it in the head with one final shot lighting up the room briefly. "Got it." He smiled.

Leon nodded and ran over to the girl huffing on the floor, looking around there was no sign of pupae. An explosion suddenly rocked the building from outside as the shepard looked out seeing the massive Breeder titan stomping through the city. A forest of tentacles slithered under it's long armoured carapace, Leon used an eye piece over his left eye to enhance his vision to see countless girls caught by the tentacles. Stripped naked as the tentacles thrust and fucked them. Tits of different sizes bouncing and heaving as pupae pushed out and fell from cum dripping pussies. Just then he saw a mecha suit being snatched by the tentacles as it struggled. The powerful appendages ripped open the suit like a tin can and slithered inside, he was shocked to see Commander Bliss being pulled out by her waist as she kicked her legs. The tentacles grabbed and ripped her body suit open, her tits bouncing free. "Damn..." Leon bit his lip, things were not going well. The tentacles forced Bliss to spread her legs as a thick inseminator pushed into her pussy with little effort. If he could hear here he knew she was screaming as the tentacles started fucking her, her ass bouncing from the thrusts. More mecha suits were being snatched off the ground, their pilots awaiting the same fate. This creature seemed unstoppable. "We need to get these people out of here, get back ASAP." The team leader called in his ear. "Roger six, found one survivor, coming back."

Breeders danced from repeated shots to their bodies, grenades thrown and detonating to clear a hole. Civilians escorted by teams of officers firing into the air at the flying buzzing scouts. A pair of scouts swooped down and snatched a female officer who screamed as she was pulled into the air away from her team. An explosion rocked a building as gunfire filled the air. A female officer moaned with pleasure, her armour laid ripped apart behind her as her big tits bounced under her, a studded bug cock fucking her wet pussy. Another female officer was near by who cried out arching her back. The smaller bugs crawled around her body scraping against her armour as a pair of inseminators thrust and fucked her pussy and ass.

A rescue team picked their way through the debris, they had civilians with them. "We need to get back to the staging area." Their team leader call out. Suddenly an officer yelled as something grabbed him and pulled him into the darkness of the building they were near. "Fire! Fire!" Gun fire rang out as Breeders crawled down the walls and popped out from holes unseen. "Snipers! We need sniper support!" The team leader called out. Up in some dilapidated building the comm call could be heard over an ear piece on the floor as the sniper moaned with pleasure next to her rifle. She was on her side with her vest ripped open as her big tits bounced. A slithering tendril wrapped around one of her hard nipples as she bounced on the floor with a leg in the air. A warrior's studded inseminator fucking her vigorously.

Her spotter screamed in pleasure beside her with her tongue out another warrior reclining back. Her ass jiggled as she rod the studded inseminator, her wet pussy sliding and bouncing on it, the reflection of her bouncing tits seen in the blackness of the giant insects eyes. Somewhere else a missile fired from one building to another and exploded above some action on the ruined street below. A woman lay on her side naked as small bugs crawled on her body, she sucked on an inseminator stroking it with her hand as another fucked her ass making her cheeks bounce. A pupae squished and pushed from her cum filled pussy as more Pupae latched onto her big tits as milk dripped down the curves. An officer on all fours screamed beside her as a giant bug mounted her. Her armour was still in tact but her pants were ripped off her body, her ass jiggled behind her as she got fucked fast and hard.

The battle dragged on like this, sally after sally, fight after fight and Leon's team was getting smaller. More civilians were evacuated each passing hour and officers were lost, some noticeably, others simply failing to report back. The shepard in battered combat armour limped with an arm around a fellow officer as he huffed in pain. "Got damn it, they were all over us, so many of them." He heard the panicked voice of his team mate helping him. "Yeah, damn.....I just...." Leon looked back seeing the massive titan creature coiled around a building but something else caught his eye, the fire shimmering of engines hovering in the air over the creature. "Is that...." Leon stopped and watched.

The exo-frame performed a back flip and ignited it's engines darting down at an incredible speed. A hail of missiles launched from the exo-frame, the ordinance hailed down on the giant Breeder setting off many explosions catching the attention of the alien invader.

The creature looked up and bellowed at the attacking tiny thing, a swarm of tentacles shot up to intercept. Alpha twirled, dodging them, letting loose her surviving beam blade as it twirled and navigated around her, slicing up the tentacles trying to snatch her out of the air. It finally came back to its resting place and she held it out aiming right for the roaring open mouth of the giant Breeder. "Sabre scouts..." Leon and the other officer watched in awe at what was unfolding. suddenly the pilot ejected away from the machine. The giant Breeder reached up and closed it's massive mouth around the exo-frame.

The creature reflexes in pain as the single large beam blade sliced it open from the inside, the blade slid down the giant Breeder's long body and without warning an explosion burst from inside followed by another smaller one. The giant Breeder gave out a last bellow, but it's once terrifying metal scrapping roar was drowned out by the gurgle of it's massive open wound. "Holy shit!" Leon called out then noticed the massive alien creature started lurching and fall off the building. "Fuck! It's coming down! Move move!" Leon started to hobble away as the radio in his ear exploded with chatter about what just happened. The massive creature hit the ground dead as a large explosion of dust and debris burst out in all direction as Leon looked back seeing the massive storm of destruction poised to over take them. "Ooooohhh fuck!" Then...... darkness.


The holographic display of the clock on the table lit up the second it struck 6:30am as it suddenly came alive. "Goooood morning Hyper City! I am please to report that the district four clean up is ahead of schedule! Some of those nasty bugs have been dug up, but they have been dealt with by our courageous men and women of the Hyper City Security Force. The district four dome has been repaired so radiation leak alerts will no longer be transmitted, so no, your personal comm devices are not broken. The H.C.S.F. Would like to remind all districts neighbouring four to stay off the streets at night and look to your safety, the H.C.S.F. Has doubled their patrols to increase their response times."

Leon yawned and squinted his eyes as the windows in his bedroom automatically untinted slowly turning opaque to see through, the upper traffic of the flying cars zoomed by. The shepard sat up and stretched his back and tilted his head making his neck crack. "Uuuuggg, work alright?" He complained to no one. Leon pressed himself through his morning routine, brushing his teeth with one hand while pumping his other arm with a fifteen pound weight. Throwing on his uniform and pulling his black tie up around his neck. Before he left his apartment he stopped himself and clicked his tongue. "Right, right." He quickly returned and grabbed a strap holster with his standard issue sidearm and through it over his shoulder. Leon briefly looked at a motion picture on the table of himself, quickly sliding in from the side and throwing an arm around a very annoyed looking doberman with a high purple pony tail. His former partner Nina Anderson. He quickly remembered how she used to scold him about forgetting or loosing his weapon, a habit he was quickly breaking himself of.

The ninth precinct stood tall in the beaming artificial sun as Leon pulled up into the parking lot in his open topped Jeep. Palm trees lined the walk ways that connected the parking lot to the main building and the property was decorated with flower beds and many types of shrubbery. The shepard walked into the main lobby and was greeted by the morning commotion as officers and civilians crowding the area. People talking, others yelling, ever since the Breeder titan attack many problems have cropped up because of the many displaced people from the ruined district four. Leon smiled when he saw a pair of familiar faces. "Profitable night ladies?" A pair of slutty dressed girls sat at a bench with their wrists bound to the bench with cuffs. "Officer Plissken! You gotta help us, we were just minding our own business when some of you toughs just scooped us up off the street."

Leon gave a sympathetic smile and sipped his coffee. "You know it's your business that you mind, is the problem right?" The girls looked at each other then back to him. "Girls gotta make a liven don't we? I got kids to feed." Leon didn't really feel like playing this game today. "Tina I know you don't have children, look. Things have been tight around the city since the attack. Until we can find a place for everyone you gotta stay out of trouble. What would your parents think?" One of the girls suddenly looked sad. "My parents died in the attack." Leon frowned. "I know, never the less. Look, you know what your doing is illegal, sex work is for the holo-suites and automatons. Just...." Leon's though was interrupted as he heard a loud smack behind him and above average commotion, he turned just in time to see a female officer punching a cuffed kid in the face, dropping him.

The shepard looked shocked and walked over to the action. "Hey now, whats this about?" The female officer turned around, a beautiful looking ocelot with short blonde hair that came down on one side of her face and piercing blue eyes like ice. She wore a stylized uniform, a tight dark blue shirt that stretched up her neck like a turtle neck. A sleeveless vest that buttoned at the bottom that hugged and framed her large breasts that jiggled as she turned to face him. A short skirt that showed off her naked legs that ended with toe-less heeled boots. She had a single earring hanging from her right ear, a handgun round dangled. Leon remembered seeing her around but never knew her name, but those eyes. The eyes looked at him with the same level of irritation he would get from Nina. "What?" She snapped at him with her feminine yet raspy voice, she sounded sexy in a way. Leon's ears perked at her attitude. "There's no need to treat him like that, calm down." The officer raised a brow and started to look angry. "Tell that to Jinkens." She stuck out her thumb pointing at another officer who was sitting in a chair groaning with a hand on his bandaged head.

"What happened to him?" Leon questioned the female officer. "This asshole thought it would be fun to rob parked cars near the mall, Jinkens found him and they got into a fight." Leon nodded. "Well that's not a reason to treat a perp in custody like that." Leon could see the ire in the ocelot's face turn up to eleven. "OK officer Dandy, if things are getting a little rough for you why don't you go to the Mecha-Corps. with the other girls." The female officer said with a sting of disdain, but the shepard couldn't tell if it was for him, or the Mecha-Corps. Other officers came and picked up the cuffed criminal from the floor. "Get this slime ball out of here." The female officer directed the others. Leon had other things to do and wanted to extradite himself from this situation. "Well.....have a good rest of your morning then." The shepard lifted his coffee cup in a sort of salute.

He made his way to the office area to find his desk. That girl really stuck in his mind, he questioned why he had a bad habit of running afoul of the ladies fare. The office bull pen was filled with more commotion and lit up holo-screens, he found his desk decorated with personal effects and across from it, was a blank empty desk that once belonged to Nina Anderson. The doberman had recently transferred to her mother's command, much to his reserved protests.

"HEY LEON, CHIEF IS ASKING FOR YA!" A loud voice pierced through the noise of the large crowded room from among the throng of people. "Ah...thanks Ronnie." Leon made his way to a large office adjacent to the bullpen and the door swooshed open at his presence. "Plissken! Come in my boy." Chief Hershey sat behind his desk with officer Izumi Miyamoto standing next to the desk holding a holo-screen tablet. "You asked for me sir?" The shepard walked deeper into the room and looked over the pair. "It's been two weeks since Anderson left and you finally need to get a partner, lucky for you, I have found just the person!" The pitbull smiled with delight as he pushed a key on a pad build into his desk. "Chase, get in here, stop loafing." Leon turned as the doors swooshed open again and his eyes went wide with surprise as they met with the same ice blue eyes he met earlier. "You?" Was all Leon could squeeze out.

"Officer Dandy?" The female officer named Chase called back. "OH you know each other!" Izumi said with a smile. "We just met." Leon frowned. The ocelot balled her firsts and pressed them against her chest squishing her large breasts under her arms. "Chief! Why? What did I do to deserve this. I'll do anything." Her voice got real feminine and defenceless as she whined, but it was cut short when Chief Hershey slammed his palm down on his desk. "Cut the shit Fiona! You have been bugging me to take you off of parking duty. You get Leon so he can hold your leash!" The pitbull's voice filled the room with his anger which made Fiona recoil in fear when suddenly Izumi interrupted him with a tap on the shoulder. "Mind your blood pressure Chief, it's almost medication time." Chief Hershey huffed looking up at his assistant. "How do you know about that?" Izumi smiled and pulled a bottle of pills from a pocket shaking it with a rattle. "Susie wouldn't be please if I neglected my duty."

Chief Hershey's brow perked. "When did you start talking to my wife?" Before continuing the conversation he looked over at the two officers watching this. "You two can leave now, you'll be late for patrol." He waved them out, clearly finished with that part of his day. The automatic door swooshed closed as the two left the office and Leon looked down at his new partner. "So...." He said trailing off. Fiona looked up back at him. "So." The shepard felt really uncomfortable being left in this situation as he chuckled. "Looks like we got off on the wrong foot, lets head out and I'm sure we will get along." Leon rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Whatever." Fiona said dismissively as she started to walk. Leon exhaled. "Great..."

Down bellow in the bowels of precinct nine or "The Nine" was a vast underground garage complex where all of the heavy equipment used by the H.C.S.F was stored. It was divided into two main sections. The fore where the armoured trucks and pursuit cruisers were parked, and Aft, the maintenance hold and storage for mecha suits. Separating the two section was a large glass work station where people worked away at holo-screens, cataloguing, processing release forms. Attached to the garage was a large gun range and armoury. The smells of lubricants and oils with a hint of cement filled the air while machine sounds filled the ears. Leon and Fiona walked up to a pair working on a mecha suit. "Ha ha, got it!" A bouncy sounding cat cried out pulling a device from the machine bundled with wires. The cat was a fine milk chocolate brown with raven black hair done in a feathered mohawk. She wore a jump suit mostly zipped down showing off the cleavage of her large breasts, she squealed with excitement. "Ha told ya I could reach it!" A fox working with her walk around from behind the mecha suit in a similar jump suit except his right leg was cut off revealing a polymer and metal leg attached at the knee. He had a short crop of brown hair, tight on the sides.

"You only got it cuz you got small hands." The cat smiled playfully and tossed the part in a bin next to them. "Yeeett!" "Leon! Your cruiser is ready, A-15" The fox greeted him. They exchanged a hand shake as Leon grasped Travis' prosthetic hand, that was actually his entire right arm. Injuries he sustained fighting the Breeders, now he works in the garage. "Thanks Travis, hows the leg?" Travis looked down at his fully articulate prosthetic then back up. "It itches." He said with a smile. Travis looked over at Fiona who was quite. "New partner?" Leon exhaled again. "Yeeeaaahh" "What do you mean?" Fiona exhaled in an exaggerated manner. "Yeah!" Before Leon could even address her attitude however. "Well, well, well." A voice echoed among the sounds of machines. Commander Bliss waltz up in her leather like body suit, every curve and crevice could be seem as she wrapped her arms around Leon's neck. "Where have you been hiding Leon-poo, I figured I'd have more time with you after you got ride of Anderson."

Fiona could see Leon looked uncomfortable. "Actually she just transferred, this is Fiona, my new partner." Fiona smiled and pointed a finger. "Aren't you the one that got snagged by that big Breeder three months ago?" The snow leopard in the body suit went from pleasing to serious suddenly, retracting her hug from the shepard. "Leon, it would be best to teach your new partner the etiquette of addressing a superior officer." Bliss pulled rank. "Oh sorry, aren't you the one that got snagged by the big Breeder commander?" The air among the small group got stale and quite. Suddenly "OOOOOOOO CAT FIGHT!" Both the ocelot and snow leopard turned with a look of annoyance. "Fuck off Ronnie!" They said in unison. "Travis? Do you have my suit ready, I want to run some combat sims today." The fox snapped awake. "Right, yeah, your good to go! Lucy, get her to her suit." The brown cat saluted, her cleavage jiggling. "Sure thing boss!" As Lucy guided the commander away from the gathering, the snow leopard turned. "See you later Leon-poo." She wiggled her fingers at him.

Leon looked down at the ocelot. "Lets get out of here before she comes back, what the hell was that about?" Fiona shrugged with a smile as they started to walk. "Relax Dandy, you looked scared by the girl touching you." Leon looked offended. "I was not, she is just a bitch sometimes is all." "Maybe you should do the whole Nine a favour and give her a good fucking. She seems to like you." The ocelot poked at him with her sensual raspy voice. "Funny." The two stood before the A-15 space for their pursuit cruiser with the same designation. Like all others it was wide and low to the ground, armoured with a powerful engine, powered by energy cells. Where most vehicles have standard wheels, these pricy pursuit cruisers had heavy magnetically held spheres. It was strong, fast and easily hugged the road. "Alright, get in." Leon smiled as the two collided with each other. "Wh...where are you going?" The shepard looked down at her, the curves of her large breasts pushing against him. "Where are YOU going?" Fiona shot back. Leon narrowed his eyes. "I'm driving." Fiona narrowed her own eyes as she stood up to the clearly taller man. "Why do you get to drive?" Leon pulled the keys from his pocket. "I'm older and I got these." He smiled as he walked around her to the driver side. "You win this time Dandy." The shepard looked back. "What's that?" Fiona smiled and skipped to the passenger side her large breasts bouncing from her vest. "Shotgun!"

The artificial sun was now high as the day dragged on, or so it felt for Leon. Any attempt to get along with his new partner was met with a wall, this ocelot had a real chip on her shoulder, so it was a long morning. Soon the pursuit cruiser was parked on the side of the street as the pair broke for lunch. Leon pushed the hotdog into his mouth as he looked over at Fiona who put her empty food container onto the dash board and threw her heeled boots up with it as she pulled her side arm from the holster at the small of her back. Leon was surprised, she held it, inspecting it, a six inch barrel polished revolver with a rubberized black grip and an eight round cylinder. Across the vented barrel was stamped with the brand and calibre, Mustang .357. "That's not standard issue." Fiona smiled proudly. "That's right, this is my baby." "It doesn't even have a finger censor!" The shepard pressed. "Nope, slows down the rate of fire, don't worry Dandy, I'm licenced." Leon narrowed his eyes as he finished the last bit of his hotdog. "I wish you would stop calling me that."

"Maybe you should start acting like a damn man, you embarrassed me back there at the garage, you need to stand up for yourself." Leon bridged his brow at her words. "I know you've heard this before too, Oh I know Nina, worked out with her a couple times in the precinct gym." Fiona leaned slightly toward him with a smirk. Leon locked eyes with her. "Listen you...." Before he could complete the sentence a call came over the cruiser comms. "Attention all available units, white van moving down Palmer on route to I-12. Routine stop went south, shots fired." The two's ears perked at the call and Fiona looked out the open window. "That's near us! If we move now we can cut them off!" Leon was egged on by his partner's excitement and hit the holographic button. "This is A-15, understood and moving out!" He turned on the engine and locked himself in. "Put on your seat belt." He called out. "Just step on it Dandy! Lets move!" Fiona shot back.

"I said..." The pursuit cruiser pulled out hard and fast cutting off another car that was moving down the road. "Stop calling me that!" Fiona was surprised by the sudden acceleration as she was thrown back, her large breasts bouncing from the force. Leon suddenly hit the break as he turned, hitting a button turning the cruiser's sirens on, the blue and red lights flashing. The sudden break made Fiona yelp as she slid off her seat onto the floor, her legs forced to spread wide, her ass and panties sliding free from her skirt, her large breasts pressed against her knees. "EEEEEEE!, what the hell are you doing you jackass!" Leon eyed her as he drove. "I told you to put on your seat belt, you did that to yourself!"

Cars in the street swerved out of the way of the siren blaring pursuit cruiser, energy cell powered engine revving. The tall buildings and skyscrapers acting like a concrete and steel jungle that made visual navigation almost impossible. Large holographic billboards flashed and moved with short vids and or logos cluttering the space between the road and the flowing sky traffic above creating a cacophonous distraction of advertisements and movement. Leon jerked the controls forcing the heavy vehicle to shift as it moved hugging the road. Fiona waved her arms around grunting trying to extradite herself from her embarrassing position. "Uhhhh gggrrr!" Leon ignored her, driving. "Luckily they tagged the van with a projectile tracker before it took off." His focus firmly on the road in front of him as he spoke. Fiona, after freeing herself and correcting her skirt, pulling the seat belt over her shoulder it snapped tight between her large breasts. She swiped her fingers across a holo-screen in front of her, watching a map tracking them and their target. "They should be right around the corner!" She called out

Just as she said this the white van screamed passed them heading for a ramp leading to the I-12 freeway. Leon jerked the controls to follow them. "Hold on!" "What?" Fiona's body shifted with the cruiser making her large breasts bounce. "Uuuuhhh!" The security force pursuit cruiser followed the dangerously swerving white van. "What is up with this guy? He's going to hurt people!" Leon called out trying to manoeuvre with the van. "A-15, keep up pursuit we are setting up blockade on your current course." They heard over the comms. Suddenly the passenger side door of the van opened as a figure leaned out looking back at them. "What the fuck is he do...." Fiona got the answer rather quick as he pulled a sub machine gun from the van and open fired! A rapid succession of bullet strikes streaked up the front of the pursuit cruiser pocking the armour and spider webbing the wind shield

"Shit!" The cruiser swerved from taking the fire, lucky none of the small round fire punched through it's armour. Fiona made a quick look around seeing the traffic thinning out from the action as the cruiser weaved back and forth, as the guy hanging out of the van continued to fire at them. "We need to take these assholes out before someone gets killed!" Fiona hit a button making her window slide down and unlock her belt. "What the hell are you doing?!" Leon yelled looking over at his partner crawling out the window. "Just try to keep it steady, I'm putting an end to this." Fiona pulled her gun from it's holster and leaned out the window, her hair blowing in the intense current of air as she took aim. The thug hanging from the van let off another burst of fire as more bullets struck the cruiser, Fiona winced as a bullet stuck the hood near her then she squeezed the trigger and returned fire.

The first shot struck the van bumper then a second shot landed on target, striking the back wheel making it burst. "Got you, you son of a..." The white van swerved, destabilized from the back tire that ripped from the rim. The thug hanging out quickly retreated back in as the van suddenly swerved in a wide arc before hitting the divider in a sudden crash! Leon pumped the breaks as the bullet riddled cruiser came to a sudden stop making Fiona fly forward hitting the holo-screen computer in front of her seat. "Fuck! Uuuhhh." Leon huffed staring at the crashed van. "I told wear your seat belt." Fiona groaned rubbing her side. "Shut the fuck up....." She huffed out dismissively.

Leon and Fiona got out with their guns drawn as they cautiously advanced. On the opposite side of the van a boot kicked the passenger side door open as three armed guys jumped out. "Lets go, go!" "What the fuck are we going to do now? Roland will kill us if we loose this shipment." As the men bickered the lead thug rounded the corner meeting the revolver totting ocelot. "Damn you!" He raised his sub machine gun and pulled the trigger prematurely, as it started to fire off rounds, Fiona returned fire with two rounds. "AAAAHHHH!" The thug took the shots, one in the leg the second in the arm as he flew back hitting the road. The other two thugs rounded the van and open fired, gun shots quickly ringing out. "Watch out!" Leon snagged Fiona by the collar and pulled her out of the line of fire, the security officers ran and dived behind their cruiser making it once again the center of attention for gun fire.

"Where are they getting these autos? I want an automatic!" Fiona called out over the gunfire hitting their car as she sat on the road with her legs spread, her panties showing. "This is not supposed to happen in this city, this has been a shitty day!" Leon called back, checking his gun making sure his thumb was on the sensor and the light was green. Fiona turned onto her knees and levelled her gun around the cruiser and rang off a couple more shots, Leon followed her example and stood returning fire making the thugs duck back before reaching around, firing back. "Damn it!" Fiona pressed her back against the cruiser again and bit her lip. "Gotta get through...." As she flipped out the cylinder and ejected the brass making them jingle on the road in front of her panties.

The ocelot made a look of exclamation as an idea crossed her mind. "Oh!" She reached under her heavy breasts into her vest and pulled out what was clearly a grenade of some kind. "Hehehehehehe" "Where did you get that!?" Leon gave a look of disapproval. "Just cover me!" She yelled back over the gunfire. The pair of officers stood as Leon returned fire making the thugs retreat behind the van once again, the ocelot pulled the pin and threw it into the air. "Fire in the hole!" The grenade bounced off the roof of the van and landed behind the thugs as they looked at it. "Fu..." A loud bang filled the air as the van suddenly jolted to one side then rocked back and forth back to its resting place. Leon and Fiona ran up and rounded the van guns at the ready. They found the two gunmen groaning, stuck to the van entrapped by riot control gel.

"Shit that was intense!" Leon lowered his gun only to see Fiona looking at the blood on the road. "Where is the third guy?" Said gunman groaned and limped down the road toward a car away from the finished fire fight. A guy in the car watched him with wide eyes as he used his gun to smash the window making the driver scream. "Get out you piece of shit!" Pulling the distraught driver from his seat. "Hold it!" He heard from behind as he turned with the gun pressed up against the head of the civilian. Leon and Fiona had their weapons pointed right at him. "Drop the gun, let him go friend." Leon took a step forward. "Back the fuck up!, I want that van repaired and you let me go or this shit stain is meeting the maker!"

"Not going to happen, let him go and come with us, lets talk about this." Leon pressed. "Did you not fucking hear me, I will kill him!" The gunman pressed the barrel harder against the innocent guy's head harder making him whine in fear. "Your an idiot!" Fiona yelled out. "What!?" he yelled back. "The only thing that's standing between you and my .357 is that poor sap. Try to run, I'll gun you down. Pull the trigger, I'll gun you down. In cuffs or in a bag you ARE coming with us." The gunman's eyes widened looking into the serious icy eyes of the female officer. "You better do what she says, she's a little crazy. She'll do it." Leon pressed him. Fiona gave a quick glance at her partner and smiled lining up the iron sights on the thugs head. "I....eeerrr." Blood dripped onto the road. "Damn it...." The exhausted looking thug lowered the gun as Leon moved in with Fiona covering him.

With the three thugs cuffed and apprehended the two officers stood at the van. "Well lets see what these boys were so eager to shoot up the security force for." Leon forced the handle and pulled the back open. "What the fuck!" A sudden rush of familiar figures spilled out onto the street. Leon leaped back and quickly drew his gun again ready to fire at the limp and mangled Breeders! After the shepard's heart skipped a beat, it quickly dawned on him that they were all dead. "What in the......are you seeing this?" Leon looked over noticing Fiona was gone! "Are you OK? They look dead!" Leon turned seeing the ocelot hiding behind the cruiser with her gun pointed at the bodies. Leon smirked. "How the hell did you get over there so fast?" "Shut up! You know what those things do to girls!"

Leon and Fiona looked at the bodies, the van and the thugs. "What are you doing with these huh?" Fiona kicked one in the leg. "I don't have to say shit until i get a lawyer." The blonde ocelot looked at Leon. "Well, this is interesting." Leon bridged his brow contemplating what this means.

End Episode 1.