Commission: Twisted Summons

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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A summoning leads to the fusion of demon and human, corruption spreading within. How will the professor master the heat?

An academy sat at the very center of a city where the roads and streets were ripe with wisps of magic floating through the air. The people walked through and around the wisps without ever considering their presence truly. It was simply part of nature here but there were a few people from outside of the city who looked with starstruck eyes as they walked through the streets. All of the streets and roads led to the center of the circular city where the large towers and buildings of the academy awaited all those who were willing to put forth the effort. The school was widely acclaimed for arcane studies and the wisps of magic all seemed to congregate there. One of the largest buildings on the academy grounds was a library. Students and professors flocked alike around the outside of the library but the flow was petering out as the sun started to come down. The people that were around the library were mostly students and professors heading back to their rooms with books held under the arm. Even though the crowds around the library were thinning and the orange of the twilight sky was giving away to bruise purples and blues, the lights could still be seen from the windows of the library.

The inside of the great archive had multiple levels. There were shelves with great tomes in strange languages that had yet to be deciphered, books of powerful magic that could only be learned by the most dedicated, and powerful grimoires that could summon creatures from other worlds. It was here that a tall woman with red hair and deep onyx eyes stood by a table surrounded by a pile of tall books. She wore a long skirt with a short-sleeved button-up that hung off of her shoulders. The woman was thin but her figure and stature spoke of her standing and strength. Her eyes were narrowed and staring down at an open tome while one of her digits tapped against the table.

Ravenna brought a hand up to her face, digits pushing just beneath her eyes as if she could somehow will away the dark circles beneath them. She had secluded herself to the library each evening for this entire week in an attempt to prepare for a summoning. Every previous attempt had yielded pathetic results that were barely worth her mention. She had called small imps and creatures that could barely hold their own. The most successful of her summons was a demon that she called her assistant but the pathetic wretch was still nothing compared to a proper creature from another world. Even Ravenna had more power than that supposed success of hers. Tonight that would change. This very evening she believed she had everything that she needed to make a summoning circle that would call a creature that could shake the air with its power. In truth, she could do it right now if she wanted to but she still needed her tools and the ingredients necessary to call the demon. Unfortunately, it seemed as if her assistant was running late.

The professor breathed out and remembered to steady herself. Instead of focusing on the fact that her incompetent assistant wasn't here yet, she put her eyes on the grimoire on the table and began taking inventory of what she needed to do. A circle was drawn plainly before her with symbols etched in the various corners. There was a triangle at the center meant to hold the demon itself with marks at the tips of the triangle to denote the various elements. It was a complex circle that required concentration to not only draw but to also charge. The circle could be drawn by an artist of the finest nature and it wouldn't matter at all if it could not be charged with the proper energy and intent. Ravenna smiled just a bit as she felt pride swelling inside of her. Maybe a line or two would be stray but her intent and her power were more than enough for this.

When she moved to stand up straight, she heard a small whistle and frowned. Turning her head she saw that her assistant was standing there obscured by various tools and ingredients that she required. Ravenna snorted as she began taking them and setting what she needed on the table, "Finally. I was wondering if you had fallen asleep on the job or if you had simply decided to loaf about."

The sleepy visage of her assistant her dark blond-haired assistant was revealed once everything had been set on the table. She was a demon with golden eyes surrounded by pools of black with horns that were tipped with the very same gold in her eyes. Ravenna had kept the girl partially because she needed an assistant and partially because she enjoyed looking at the pretty little thing even if the demon was a reminder of her lack of success. There were many times that she considered simply returning the creature and if it weren't for that beauty then perhaps she would have. Shara never obeyed properly, never seemed to answer her with the right amount of respect and they were certainly not friends. The only reason that Shara obeyed her was their contract. In exchange for having a home in this world, Shara would answer to her commands.

When her assistant only yawned in response, she clapped her hands together much to her assistant's dismay and called out, "Come now, Shara! Get your tail in gear! If you're going to stand around like a lump saying nothing then at the very least say nothing while helping me clear this table! We're going to use this for the summoning!"

Shara groaned, "You're so loud even though we're in the library. Are you a professor or just some rowdy student?"

"I am most certainly a professor and one that is well respected by all except you apparently. As for this being the library and the volume of my voice, it is the evening and most of the students and other professors have left so let's get to it!" She said while clapping her hands.

The demon leaned against one of the bookcases while rolling her eyes, "Wouldn't we be vandalizing the library? You know, I never thought that a human would have summoned me for common labor like this. It really seems like you could do most of this yourself instead."

Ravenna scoffed, "Please. I did not summon you on purpose. You are a mistake that should not have happened. I was aiming for something much larger but instead, I got you. Our contract was set so that you would serve me as an assistant in my studies to correct the mistakes of the past. Now, are you going to help me or do I need to invoke our contract to speed things along?"

Shara crossed her arms, "You would do that just for a little manual labor? How pathetic are you that you feel the need to boss supposedly lesser creatures?"

Their gazes met for a moment, onyx on gold. Ravenna could see the defiance swimming within the glow of her eyes, could see that she intended not to budge on this silliness. This too was another part of her failure. She had not managed to tame this mewling animal but she had a leash that she could tug on to force that very creature to kneel before her as it should be. It had been a simple spell that came with their contract. She found herself using it almost every other day but Shara continued to be defiant. There were no qualms about using the spell and so Ravenna brought her hand up and a gold circle began to etch itself in the air around her wrist.

Shara's eyes grew wide for a second before she hissed and narrowed them, "You wouldn't dare."

Ravenna squeezed the air and the circle around her wrist brightened. The same circle appeared around Shara's neck and the glow in her eyes seemed to dim while she reached up to clasp at the circle and hiss. The professor took a step toward the suffering demon and she muttered, "I have no desire to keep this up all night. I am tired, you are tired so let us be done with this before my patience grows thin and I throw you back where you came from. I can find an infinite amount of people willing to be my assistant but I doubt you could find even one or two others in this world willing to summon such a wretch."

The demon recoiled her cheek as if she had been slapped. She bared her fangs and lowered her hands, balling them into fists so tight the whites of her knuckles appeared while her words came, "I'll do what you want."

She tightened her grip while huffing, "With proper respect now."

Shara hissed, "You bitch." Again Ravenna tightened her grip further and the light began to shine with such heat that small pinpricks of shared pain began to sink into her wrist but she paid it no mind while she watched Shara gasped out, "Fine. I will help with whatever you need mistress, whether it be simple labor, magic or otherwise."

Ravenna raised a brow but eased her grip slowly on the spell before letting it fade into dust. Flicking her fingers, she turned back to the table and sighed, "Very well. That will do for now. Come and help me clear this table before the night is done."

Despite a few curses said under breath that she decided to ignore, Shara helped Ravenna moved the books from the table back to where they belonged until the grimoire that they were using was left. Ravenna began to draw the circle on the table, walking around the edge to make the circle as big as she could manage. She had to lean over to get most of the symbols near the center along with the triangle but it was worth it. The result was a fully-fledged circle that was ready to be used. From the tools that had been taken from her lab, she took a dagger and very gently pricked the tip of her finger to add a bit of blood in the center. Sprigs of sweet-scented herbs were added to the surrounding portions of the circle to appeal to the scents of demons who could not experience such earthly beauties in their homeworlds.

When everything was ready, Shara yawned, "Can I go now?"

Ravenna narrowed her eyes and looked at the small demon with a frown, "Yes. You may go and put away my knife where it belongs. I'll need the chalk still most likely so you can leave that. Once you are finished, come back here because I want you to see what a real demon is. It'll be a lesson for you as well but worry not, I won't be pushing you back to whatever hole you came from. I am a kind mistress after all and I still need someone to carry my books. Now, run along."

Shara balled her fists and those bright eyes seemed to burn as she turned tail and walked away. The girl could seeth and cry for all she cared but it would not matter in the slightest. Ravenna had failed with her summoning of Shara and in her eyes, that's all the girl was. A pretty failure that was pleasant to the eyes because of some golden glow but weak compared to even competent humans with even a speck of magic. It didn't matter. Soon she would erase all of her failures at once with this one single summoning. All of the ingredients were in place, everything she needed was right here before her eyes! Was there anything missing? There always had to be some sort of delicacy with this type of thing. All the herbs were in the right places and the circle had been drawn perfectly. She wasn't an artist but the circle before her was a thing of beauty

Each little portion had been drawn to perfection! There were no stray symbols that might've caused some sort of incident and the blood at the center would ensure the demon would be trapped by the triangle. Now, all she needed to do was focus. Her eyes shut, lids falling down like curtains over the living world. There was no reason to think that she would get this wrong, there wasn't even a need to look at grimoire to remember the incantation. What she desired was a powerful demon that could shake the air with its very presence, a powerful creature from another dimension that she could bind to her will and body.

Both of her arms extended, hands opening as the light began to pour from them and into the white of the circle. The chalk began to glow with golden light as her power took hold on the circle. Her energy poured into the seams and symbols of the circle until the entire thing was bright enough to drown out the lights around her. She could feel the intensity against her closed eyes but even then she understood that it was not yet finished. Ravenna began to whisper the incantation. The words curled out of her lips with a particular tingle to them. Magic laced the air and her entire body felt as if she should be feeling some sort of electrical charge.

She needed to focus on what she desired, on what she wanted out of this or else the words would mean nothing. A demon, powerful enough to prove that Ravenna could control any arcane force. Something that could be easily contained by her. This was what she needed. Success seemed so very close. The air began to ripple in the middle of the circle but she kept her eyes closed as her focus continued to be maintained on the charge. That ripple in the air grew and twisted as the very fabric of this world began to tear. A powerful force beckoned her forth and she could feel something behind the ripple writhing as if it were asking for permission to break open and free the creature waiting to enter this world.

It was when that ripple in the air began to become a full tear that she heard a whisper in her mind, "What is your desire?"

Her desire? That was easy. She wanted to bring forth a demon known as Baphomet to this world. It would bring her standing among her colleagues if she could successfully call a powerful demon and bind it to her will.

The voice in her mind seemed to chuckle with such strange glee, "Is that so? Do you hunger for power, for the might of a real demon?"

Ravenna shuddered as she heard that voice, her guard lowering as she felt herself being pulled into that presence. Her voice came out to state her intent aloud, "I wish to call you to this world to combine your might with my own. Together, we could accomplish more than I could by myself. I am a prideful creature but true demons have such power! This would mark a success in my career and a springboard!"

Again the voice laughed, "I see, I see. So you wish for my body and yours to be bound? For our souls to be intertwined so that we may charge forth into the future?"

Her eyes opened wide and she called out, "No! That is not what I want at all! There will be no binding of our souls, no combination of our bodies. I simply wish to take you into this world!"

"Deal." Said the voice, "But you're a terrible negotiator."

Ravenna blinked as she saw the tear with her own eyes for the first time. It was a simple hole floating above the circle leading into a world of bruised shadows and strange lights. A large eye opened, staring directly at her causing her to gasp before the table began to shake. Deal? What had the demon meant by deal? There was no deal yet! She could feel her hold on the circle loosening, the world around her shaking as she tried to keep the demon from breaking into the world but a deal had been struck in the terms of the demon and she was not powerful enough to rewrite it. A crack of thunder echoed through the library and the light surrounding the circle shattered along with the table. Shadows lashed out at her and Ravenna closed her eyes thinking that the worst had happened!

She kept her eyes closed expecting something to occur but her body felt no different and her mind seemed clear. Ravenna opened an eye and tilted her head as she looked at the wreckage of the table. With a small frown, she moved to rummage through the ruins of the table searching for any sign of the demon that tried to get out. She swore that she had called something terrible into this world and had ruined her own body with a botched deal. The professor kept on rummaging until she reached the floor of the library. It seemed that nothing had happened at all and that the only repercussion would be needing to pay for a broken table. Part of her might've preferred something terrible happening if it meant that her summoning was a success but it seemed that she might need to count this one among her failures.

With a sigh, she got up and kicked a stray wooden shard out of the way before crossing her arms. She was about to try and figure out what went wrong when she heard a familiar chuckling in her ear, "Don't be so sure it was a failure, dear. You got what you wanted but maybe not exactly how you wanted it."

She turned around trying to figure out where the source of the voice was coming from until she realized, the source was her mind. Ravenna felt a mixture of pride and terror mixing within her. The demon had been successfully summoned but it was inside of her mind! Why was it not taking her over? Why was it not breaking her will at this very moment!? The deal had been to combine will and body together. Had that not been her mistake?

"Yes, it was your mistake." Said the voice before it cackled, "But I promise you the mistake will be worth."

The sound of the demon's voice chilled her to the bone. She searched the immediate area until she found the grimoire she had used to summon the demon. Ravenna flipped through the pages with quick flicks trying to find something that would let her reverse the summoning or figure out what the consequences were of allowing a demon to combine bodies with her but there didn't seem to be anything in the book. Frustration began to build inside of her like kindling being set ablaze at the pit of her gut. She continued to try and search for the answer in the grimoire only to find that there was nothing yet again. The book was useless! As useless as Shara!

Boiling and seething anger began to bubble out from her core. She gnashed her teeth and threw the damnable thing. It flew from her hands much further than she expected and her eyes grew wide as it struck one of the bookcases. Ravenna slowly got up, her breaths ragged as she moved to check the book. Had she been that upset that she did not realize her own strength? More importantly, why was it so hot? The heat that had been boiling on her insides felt as if it were in the air now. Had someone lit a fire or had it suddenly become summer localized within the library itself? Every breath felt as if she were taking in steam and her chest began to tighten. The cackling at the back of her head returned without any words but even that was nothing compared to the irritation of the heat she was feeling throughout her entire body.

Ravenna leaned against the bookcase, her legs failing to answer the call of her brain as she clung on. There hadn't been anything wrong with her body when she came into the library so why now did she feel so feverish? The demon continued to cackle and gave her the answer she needed before their voice faded into nothingness. A dull buzzing sounded in her mind to replace the demon's irritating voice. Even still, the buzzing seemed to grow more intense alongside the heat that was burning her. It was her hands that betrayed her next, unable to hold onto the bookcase causing her to fall over on her hands and knees. Her body began to shift, her eyes growing wide while she felt something long and slender sprouting from her lower back. The heat of the new growth caused her to double over further as she tried to make sense of what was happening. She groaned as horns sprouted from her head along with a pair of small black feathered wings.

That had to be the worst of it; it had to be! Ravenna managed to turn around to sit on her rear and bring her tail around so she could examine it. She trembled as she passed a digit over the length of the tail. Her touch brought a shiver up her spine and she withdrew her hand immediately after she was finished. This is what the pact had brought? She couldn't even hear the demon anymore but she could feel the power coursing within her. Along with the power, she could feel that heat that seemingly did not cease. Was her transformation not over yet?

When she tried to stand, Ravenna found it incredibly difficult. Her legs were still not responding to her commands and every movement seemed to cause her more of that feverish heat. Even the smallest brush of cloth on skin caused her to tremble like a pathetic leaf until she was finally up and on her feet. Breathing out even felt like a fire was exiting her body only to be replaced and rekindled deep within her. Everything felt strange to touch, strange to feel. Her hands clung to the bookcase again and she could feel the small flaws of age on the usually smooth wood. The air itself felt as if it had a proper flow despite the fact that they were in a library and there was no wind to speak of.

Ravenna grit her teeth and let go of the bookcase. She wobbled a moment before she managed to force her body to remain still. There was nothing that she could handle. If this was going to be her lot in life then she would accept it with grace. There was no need to fear what was happening. If her body was transforming then at the very least it was still her own. The professor took two steps before she felt the heat inside of her doubling. She clenched her fists tight enough that her knuckles grew white as she kept on trying to triumph above this damnable transformation until she could handle it no more. Down onto her knees, she fell with a gasp, her hands coming down to the floor as the anger rushed through her like a hot whip across the back. There was something else growing beneath the surface that she did not want to acknowledge. She focused on the anger, irritation at the loss of control but the other feeling kept on surfacing until she had to squeeze her legs tight, her cheeks flush with color now while she hummed in a desperate attempt to keep it away.

Lust gripped her body in a heat more sickening than the anger. She thought of Shara bent over and being railed by various creatures and she gasped and fell back on her rear from the sudden image playing across her mind. Why had she been thinking that? That nagging fire that she felt burning inside of her gut and rising seemed to now be falling between her legs. She squeezed them together just a bit harder as if she could will away the heat with just a bit of pressure. Ravenna leaned against the bookcase, grateful for the sudden cold she felt from the material pressing at her back through her clothes. At the same time, the cool sensation contrasted too perfectly with the heat boiling within her body.

Slowly, her hands began to move of their own will as if being drawn on puppet strings. They both clutched the folds of her skirt to bring them up. She was almost muttering her disapproval like a madwoman, body trembling while her legs were revealed. Up and up she kept on tugging her skirt until her crotch was revealed. Down her underwear went and her legs spread to reveal her cunt. The air felt cool against the heat of her pussy but something was wrong. It wasn't just arousal burning in her body but something else.

Her digits stopped just above her crotch as she found everything to be painfully sensitive. Even just the barest touch at her crotch caused her to double over, her new cloven hooves kicking as she tried to make sense of the sensations that were striking her body. Ravenna couldn't even satisfy herself with this sensitivity preventing her from even grazing her body. Her pride did not matter at all anymore. The only thing that she desired was to get rid of this heat inside of her. Eventually, she ignored the painful sensitivity and brought two digits down against her slit to push inside of her own cunt. She arched backward in response and gasped aloud while her inner walls clenched tight on her digits. Up and down her fingers moved, rolling inside to try and work her heat but nothing seemed to work. She dug in deeper, curled her digits but it only got worse.

Ravenna tried to stop so she could catch her breath and try to see what was wrong but her fingers kept on darting inside of her while her other hand began to press and push down on her crotch as she felt something changing. The transformation was ruining this part of her body as well? What was going to happen? Her darkened eyes watched with trembling glee and terror alike as something stretched out of her cunt from the clit. She gasped and folded her together, knees locked, eyes shut tight while something continued to grow. The digits inside of her tugged out to reach and grasp the growing shaft, both of her hands soon clutching the sensitive length while she squeaked and groaned.

Her mind turned to thoughts of Shara and of people still yet wandering at this hour. There would certainly be many questions if anyone caught her looking like this. It wasn't her appearance at a demon that would be questioned but this equine cock that was growing from her body, this corrupted state she was in where her lips were drawn into a crooked forced smile that drooled at the edges. Ravenna continued to fall, continued to dig deeper into depravity.

There was a moment where she recovered her sense of self long enough to stop her shaky hands and look down at the new member that had grown. Her clit had engorged and grown into an equine-like cock that twitched violently and sprayed pre with every movement. It was an unforeseen consequence of her summoning and a permanent mark of her failure. She scowled and for a second thought of trying a cold shower but the heat in her mind began to take over again. Slowly, her digits moved to clutch the shaft, both hands taking hold to begin stroking up and down. It was still painfully sensitive but the feeling of pleasure outweighed any sort of discomfort. All she needed to do was pump her lust out and she could go back to her lab to try and figure a solution out to this botched summoning.

Her shaky digits moved just a bit faster as she thought of being caught by Shara but there was something sweet about that thought. If she were caught by Shara then she could simply command that failure of a demon to service her. That's right, she was a superior creature now, her own body was proof that she had succeeded in summoning a demon. It was only right that Shara should accept her every command even without the use of that leashing spell. Faster and faster her hands moved while the shame and disgust she had once felt were pushed away by beautiful pride and lust. She kept on pumping until she felt every speck of heat inside of her burst from her bestial cock as a blast of cum.

Ravenna gasped and cried out as her tainted seed shot out over the ground, staining it with her mark while her cock continued to pump out more and more. Each twitch of her shaft brought another blast of cum that rivaled the previous one. It seemed as if it would never stop! When the torrential orgasm finally stopped, she shuddered and breathed out while letting go of her cock. Slowly, she stood up and looked at the mess before her with a clear mind.

She cleared her throat and looked around before muttering, "Shara is going to need to help me clean up this mess."

At the mention of Shara's name, her body began to grow warm again. She shivered as she felt her cock beneath her skirt begin to twitch in response. Perhaps if her assistant came back then she would do more than just use her to clean this mess.