Commission: Welcome H'ome

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions and Rewards

5246 words

A commission for FeatheredTrash on FurAffinity featuring their characters

A couple with both a unique line of work and a rather interesting way of pranking each other go a little far. But when it spills into the real world, there's really only one thing for the prankee to do.

Warnings: contains somnophilia, hypnosis, a bit of (non-sexual) violence, and situations that would seem non-con to just about anyone else

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H'ome chuckled to herself, putting the bottle down carefully as she looked at the rag she'd use with it. The white martian with the purple claws, nose, and tail locked her black eyes on her unsuspecting victim. Corvus, the crow and owl hybrid, was walking up the path to their house, a long night of work finishing with him finally arriving home in the early morning light. It had been a long time coming, and most would consider their little couple play quite extreme, but it was going to be one of the best pranks H'ome had ever pulled on her husband. She rubbed her claws together, then placed them on the grey diamond on her belly, just below her grey tinged breasts. This was going to be fun.

Corvus walked in the door, stretching his dark grey feathered arms and letting out a soft yawn. He was tired after a long night out, and his yellow eyes scanned the room as he called out. "Honey, I'm H'ome!" He laughed a little, knowing she found that joke a little annoying, and stepped into the building proper, swinging the door shut behind him. From behind the door she struck, lunging forward and holding him tightly from behind, a slightly sweet, alcohol smelling rag landing over his yellow-grey beak. He gasped, taking in a deep breath of the gases seeped into the rag, and groaned as he immediately got dizzy and sleepy. He smirked, about to say something, but the intake of breath to form the words had him unconscious in her arms, his body immediately slumping into unconscious weight.

She finished closing the door, dragging him upstairs and onto the bed. She removed his classy black coat with the golden buttons to reveal the cream colored feathers fluffed on his chest and the matching scaly skin of his clawed, bird-like feet. Knocking out a loved one would probably rank really highly on the list of things most couples wouldn't do, but for H'ome and Corvus, honestly, this was an average Friday evening, just happening on a Wednesday to catch him off guard. She stood over his unconscious body, as naked as she'd been when she'd been laying in wait, the three dots on her forehead furrowed in wicked glee as she prepped him for the next steps.

It always surprised her how she could get the drop on him like that considering he was a hero. She smirked as her eyes started to softly glow red. Out in the streets she knew he was a lot better at everything he did. But feeling safe and vulnerable in his own house... that was why this worked so well. She opened his eyes, seeing him still dazed, the chloroform doing everything it needed to. In fact, it did a little more, his erection standing on end. She chuckled. Of course it would be, it _was_their biggest kink, after all. She lined up her own lower lips over it, purring to herself slightly. Would it be mean to take away the fun? Would it be better to put her plan in motion first?

She grinned as she re positioned her body, pressing herself against his body and growling dominantly. "Now, my dear, let's have some fun, shall we?" She propped his eyes open, the red glow radiating from hers, swirling over his pupils and making his eyes seem to spin as her psychic abilities took root. "Corvus, darling, we're going to play a little game. Whenever I grab your tail, or you grab mine, you're going to feel very faint. In addition, anytime someone says 'Shake a tail feather' you're going to get very, very sleepy, understand?"

She could practically see his eyes swirling red and yellow, and he nodded in a very slow motion, his body still unable to really react after her trick. She smiled deeply, then kissed the sleeping bird on the tip of his beak. "Good! Now, sleep well dear. After all that work you did, you earned it." She tucked him in gently, knowing he liked to be comfortable when he slept, and went over to her workbench, beginning to tinker on one of her many projects while her husband rested. She chuckled to herself. "That was even easier than I thought."

Hours later he awoke, yawning and stretching in bed, wondering how he'd gotten there. He'd been coming home, and then... hmm. "Must've been more tired than I thought..." he said to himself, swinging himself out of bed. He checked on his gear, seeing his weapons and coat in perfect condition, neatly placed away, and could smell breakfast being prepared. A smile crossed his face as he moved through the house, peeking through the door to the kitchen. H'ome was cooking away, whistling a tune from her home planet to herself, shaking her hips slightly and smiling brightly. He looked over her gorgeous features, not hidden at all behind the apron that kept grease off her front.

On light claws he tiptoed over, sneaking up behind her, one hand sliding under her apron and playing with her breast, while the other slid down playfully, grabbing the small, stubby tail that stuck out of the base of her spine. The instant he did, his eyelids felt heavy and he slumped forward, his head landing on her shoulder as he gently snoozed.

She jumped at his sudden appearance, the tug and the weight surprising her, but once she realized what had happened, H'ome laughed with glee, twirling the unconscious bird into the chair of the dining room. "Aww, such a good boy, Corvus! Taking to the suggestion like that. I didn't even have to go for multiple hypnosis trials." She looked him over, seeing his eyes shut so innocently, his chest rising and falling from his soft breathing... and the shock of red that stuck up between his legs. She purred, licking her lips as she set the pancakes she'd been working on to the side. "Since you've been such a good little subject, I suppose I should reward you."

She knelt down between the sleeping crow's legs, looking up at his handsome face with a playful grin on her own. She took off her apron, letting it slip to the floor as she licked up his shaft, her long tongue swirling around it and massaging the whole length. She heard his breath catch in his throat, quickening a little, and grinned to herself. This was one of her favorite games to play with him, and she knew from experience how wonderful it felt to wake up so satisfied, all your sexual needs taken care of while you slept. She swirled her tongue around his cock, teasing the whole length before she wrapped her lips around it, sucking softly.

Immediately she could taste the sweet and salty pre leaking from his tip. She purred, vibrating his cock in her mouth while her tongue slid around it. She slowly sank down, feeling his length throbbing deeper and deeper in her mouth, before she could feel it throbbing in the back of her throat. She suckled gently, then looked up at him with a great bit of focus, her mind reaching out to his receptive, dreaming one. Slowly she shaped his dreams, making sure he knew exactly what was going on, even though he'd wake up thinking it just a memory.

She could feel his arousal, and honestly she was having problems with her own, her claw reaching between her legs and teasing the lower lips there. She moaned softly as she explored her own folds, slowly pulling up off of his length, then placing her chest on either side of it. Unfortunately, with her claw between her legs, she hand to shift her mental powers from changing his dream to pressing her breasts together, but she was pretty sure he'd get the idea as she slipped her breasts over his length, giving him a tit job with her soft, smooth flesh.

His hips moved ever so slightly, his beak spreading in his adorable smirk as she watched it, wanting to read his reaction. The feel of his throbbing member between her breasts had her moaning, then taking the tip of it into her mouth again, making sure it was never cold as she bobbed up and down on it. Her claw played with her other set of lips, teasing over her clit and causing her to drip onto the kitchen tile, while she continued to bob and suckle, feeling him throbbing and getting near. Having him completely at her mercy like this made her feel so powerful, so in charge, she moaned, suckling faster, feeling the pre pooling and spurting in her mouth, soft moans escaping the sleeping bird.

It was then that she got a brilliant idea, pulling her mouth free of his cock and just massaging with her breasts. She watched it throbbing, drooling pearls of white down its red length, feeling them slicking his shaft and letting her speed up her ministrations. She purred, watching intently as it throbbed again, the vein flaring as it was all set to deliver his seed right onto her face. She watched the first spurt, almost in slow motion, as it flung itself towards her, and stopped it with her telekinesis, holding the globs of cum in her faint red glow. She heard his moans, feeling his cock throbbing between her tits, releasing his essence into the air, and she just purred triumphantly, loving every second of it.

Finally his release slowed down and she pulled herself away, feeling her lower lips dripping... but she held off. She was having too much fun. She took the floating glob of cum in front of her and brought it down, tasting his wonderful gift, before she went over to his stack of pancakes. "Well, since you gave me so much sweetness, I might as well use it, right?" She drizzled it over the whole stack, following it with syrup, and placed it before him. With that she tied her apron back on and worked on making her own set.

Slowly Corvus came to, shaking his head a little as he watched her cooking. "Morning sleepyhead. How are you feeling? You dozed off pretty quickly after last night. A tough one?" He nodded, staying quiet as he tried to piece together what happened. He wasn't in the chair when he got in here, right? And he felt so... drained, but in a good way. But he shook his head. Clearly a nice dream. She smiled, turning off the stove and walking to the table with her own stack of pancakes. "Well, I thought I'd make you something fun to cheer you up after it, my noble defender. So dig in!"

She poured syrup over her own stack, but just watched as Corvus smiled. "Thanks dear," he said simply, cutting into the stack and picking up a piece on his fork. She watched him raise it to his beak, slowly biting down on it, and she could practically watch the realization slowly pass over his face as he tasted the odd extra something on his pancakes. He couldn't figure out what, but they tasted off. He tried another bite, frowning a little. "Is the syrup still good?"

She nodded, taking a bite of her own meal, then offering him one. "Tastes fine to me. Maybe I

over salted the batter or something with the first set?"

He took the bite from her fork, chewing it slowly, before taking another bite from his own stack. He shrugged, then finished the whole stack, not seeming to care too much about the 'mistake' in the recipe. This just had H'ome giggling to herself the whole time, wondering what his reaction would be if he ever found out.

When the meal was done, Corvus got up, putting the plates away, and started to head to the door. Before he could get too far, H'ome reached out, grabbing one of his tail feathers. "Hey, where do you think you're..." her question trailed off as he flopped to the ground loosely, her claws moving to her mouth as she laughed. "Right! The other trigger. Oops. And after you'd been so nice..." She then, with him laying there, got an idea. She picked him up and brought him into the living room, placing him in front of the TV with one of his favorite shows on. She then ran upstairs and grabbed his wallet, smirking to herself.

Since she knew his triggers, and wanted to see what he'd do outside the house, she focused on his wallet, projecting just a little bit of her psychic energy into it. Juuuust enough to be able to see whoever was holding onto it. She then placed it back in the pocket of his jacket, walking back to the living room. Her claws gently played between her legs as she watched him sleeping, even straddling his body and grinding herself against him. He was so beautiful as he slept... but she stopped herself again, standing up. "No, no... patience. The time will be just right." She kissed him on the cheek and went back to the kitchen to clean things up.

Corvus shook his head, slowly coming to as he watched the TV in front of him. He knew something was off, but he wasn't quite sure what. He did feel amazing, though... and could smell his love's arousal clinging to him. He chuckled, flicking through the channels for a bit. Whatever it was, he wasn't going to complain if she was having fun.

As the day proceeded to evening, the phone rang, and Corvus sighed. He knew that ring, and he answered it as dutifully as he ever did. "Uh-huh. Yeah Mayor. Central bank? I'm on it." He got on his outfit, the snazzy coat, and put away his weapons. Crime fighting was a hell of a job, one he was never going to complain about, but he really wished he could get a day off from time to time. Especially when he was having issues with sleeping, apparently. He put on his hat, put away his wallet, checked his sword and his pistol, and headed to the door. "H'ome, it's a call, I'll see you later!"

The alien nodded, kissing him on the cheek. "Be careful out there, dear." She waved him off, then grinned mischievously as she ran to her drawing room. She set up her easel to paint, then waited, ready to tune in on her telepathic node and watch the fun of her husband's day.

He drove himself near to the bank, looking at the police barricades and the people watching the mayhem. As soon as he arrived, there were people cheering him on, calling out his name and letting him know he was needed. He waved to them just once, letting them know he was ready, before he walked up to the police chief. "Okay, what's up in there?"

The eagle in the police uniform called over some of his officers, including a slightly portly rooster that had a map of the building. As the rooster held it open, the eagle nodded. "Thank you Ramirez. Okay, Corvus, there's five people with masks holding themselves up in the vault, and they have hostages. Anyone entering the building has had to deal with explosives planted at the doors, and the few who got through were met with so many bullets they were forced to back up. Somehow they got a minigun in there, and they are demanding an armored truck or a military transport copter for their escape. You think you can handle it?"

Corvus looked at the blueprints, gently massaging the lining of his bulletproof coat. It had handled some impressive things, but a minigun was going to be a new test for it... He'd have to let Avis know how it went when it was done. He nodded to the chief. "Just be ready to clean up these barricades and get some cuffs on them." He then walked off, heading towards the fire escape to the building next to the bank. Back at home, his wife smiled, sending him her love through her telepathic link and ready to watch him being amazing.

Corvus wound his way up the fire escape, then leaped over the alley, pulling himself up onto the roof of the bank. From there he checked the roof access door, finding it trapped as well. _Huh, clever,_he thought to himself. _These guys were really prepped._He then went over to the skylight, preparing a rope from under his jacket, made of the same fibers as his coat. He hooked it onto the edge, then opened a panel in the roof, wanting to make sure it was a quiet entrance. A quick leap out had him swing down and around, landing on the balcony of the upper level. The pathway to the vault was obvious, and unfortunately, there was really only one entrance to it, so he was going to get spotted eventually. Still, maybe he could catch them off-guard.

He went over to the stairs, seeing a set of elevators that would take him right next to the vaults, and he got an idea. He hit the button for the elevator, then sent one down, immediately running down the stairs behind it and ducking into an alcove behind a pillar. He peeked out, his eyes sharp, and saw the people in question. Five robbers: a woodpecker, a raven, a finch, a swallow, and a falcon, the last one being the one with the minigun pointed down the hall. Behind them, about a dozen people were tied up inside the vault, bound by zip-ties and blindfolded. He looked at the shadow across the hall from him, then closed his eyes, blinking into it. He then prepared his gun and his sword, ready to run in. In the back of his mind he could practically hear H'ome cheering for him.

When the elevator door dinged open the minigun swiveled to it immediately, revving up and launching a barrage of bullets into the wall and machinery there. He took that moment, as the muzzle flares blinded the robbers and the noise echoed through the vault, to slip out of his hiding spot, charging down the clear side of the hallway. The woodpecker spotted him, calling out and starting to fire with his own gun, but Corvus dipped, then ran up the wall with his speed, throwing the gunner off. By the time the falcon had moved his gun from the elevator, it was too late, Corvus was on them.

He leaped off of the wall, firing a few shots from his gun that hit the woodpecker in the hand and feet, dropping his weapon and making him fall to the floor. The minigun trained on him, a few shots biting directly into his coat, but stopped by the fibers there, the impact hard on his chest, but he'd be okay past some bruises. He then swung his sword at the heated barrel of the minigun, the blade slicing through the overheated metal and wrecking the rotation of it. He quickly brought it up from that, smacking the falcon with the flat of the blade and throwing him off balance.

The finch managed a shot that grazed Corvus's hand, making him drop the sword, but he snapped and a blade of shadow formed in his grasp, and he slashed across the man's chest in retaliation, causing him to gasp in pain and drop down. As the finch dropped, he brought up his foot, knocking him out and sending him flying into the hostages. The swallow ran forward, swinging a punch that connected with Corvus's beak, but he used the momentum from it to roll over his assailant's back, dropping a kick down on the falcon right as he was starting to recover, bringing him crashing to the floor. A quick shot from the pistol hit the swallow's leg, dropping him to his knee, and Corvus kicked back, sending him flying into the far wall, unconscious.

The raven looked at his comrades, all fallen to the ground, then at Corvus, who looked at him with clear intent, and just held up his hands, dropping his assault rifle. "Alright, you win. I know when I'm beat." Corvus took a few steps forward, watching carefully, while the raven kept talking. "Just, promise me you'll remember I surrendered, okay? I don't want any issues." The raven's hand moved, and between the feathers Corvus could see a faint bit of plastic with a button on the end, looking suspiciously like a detonator.

He shot forward, grabbing it right as the raven reached for it, holding the raven's hand so he couldn't do anything. He shook his head. "You missed your chance, there." He then brought his head forward, bashing it into the raven and making him slump to the ground. With the robbers down, he walked calmly to the front of the bank, disarming the explosives there and opening the door. "Alright Chief, you better get these people to safety." A cheer went up from the crowd that was watching, chants of his name echoing through the streets, while the officers rushed their way into the building to deal with the robbers.

The eagle walked up to Corvus and shook his hand. "Once again, well done. All you do for this city is quite amazing, and we don't know what we would've done without you." Corvus just nodded, smiling like it was part of the job. With that, the chief looked over at Ramirez, who seemed to be hesitating and looking at all of the bullet holes that riddled the hallway. "Shake a tail feather, Ramirez, we've got places to be!" A moment later there was a heavy sound as Corvus hit the floor like a sack of bricks, snoring away. The chief looked at him, then around the area, before shrugging and continuing on with his day. He'd worry about that later.

At the house, H'ome laughed as she watched Corvus hit the ground, taking a well-deserved nap after all he'd done to those robbers. Her claw was between her legs, soaked with her arousal as it played with herself, his heroism and ability turning her on to watch. However, even as she laughed, she moaned, playing with her clit and watching the sleeping Corvus. Knowing she had that control, that she could do so much to him whenever she wanted... she cried out, plunging her fingers as deep as they would go and shuddering as she orgasmed, arousal dripping down her legs and pooling beneath her. She panted, flopping backwards as she lost her telepathic connection, taking a few moments to bask in the afterglow... she'd check on him later. For now, she was feeling too good.

Corvus woke up a little while later in a familiar place, hearing the sounds of welding and metal on metal off to his side. He groaned as he got up, stretching a little and yawning. "Okay, what happened?" He looked over at Avis, his small owl friend with metal wings and claws. The owl lifted up his goggles, his narrow eyes looking at Corvus seriously.

"Look, I don't normally care when you and your wife do your weird lovey-dovey stuff, but you can't be letting her do this to you on the job. That could've been really dangerous." Behind him, on the table, the jacket and the sword were both being worked on, repairing the small bit of tear that the minigun put into the fabric and sharpening away the damage done by dropping the weapon.

Avis was like a brother to the crow hybrid, but he looked a little confused at the owl's words. "What are you talking about? There wasn't a sleep bomb or something at the bank?"

The owl laughed. "Like you'd care about that. I've seen you get hit with horse tranquilizers and been fine. No." He flicked on a computer monitor nearby, and on it was a visual of the bank from one of the news cameras. They were talking about the heist and how Corvus had, once again, saved the day, and while it was a little hard to see, in the window Corvus just seemed to collapse without any warning. Avis sighed. "I came out when I saw it to check on you, in case that gun had done some damage. Glad to know I'm good against the higher caliber stuff too."

He then walked over to Corvus, his talons clinking on the ground before he hopped up next to the bed Corvus was laying on. "Apart from some bruises and minor cuts, though, you're fine. But I did a couple of tests, and... well, I think I'd recognize your wife's psychic signatures by now." He pulled over a nearby monitor, where Corvus had a red glow coming from around his head and, strangely enough to him, his wallet. "Now, I don't know what she DID, but she's got something in your head that, I think, made you pass out. You been having any weird moments of memory loss or waking up in weird places lately?"

Corvus frowned at Avis. "All day today, actually..." He then chuckled playfully. "Oh, that wily minx... I'll get her back, but good." He stood up, smiling. "Hey, is my stuff ready to go?"

"Yep. Just put it on and you'll be good to go." Avis looked at him sternly. "Though, fix your love life, man. Don't let it get in the way of what you do."

Corvus waved him off, putting on his coat again. "Yeah, yeah. I'll make sure it's fixed, don't you worry." He then set off for home, already formulating his plan.

H'ome stood at her workbench, smirking to herself as she tinkered on one of her latest ideas. She'd been painting for a bit, and then had let her mind daydream with all the fun things she was going to do with her husband once he got home. As she was working on her stuff, she realized she hadn't checked in on him since he'd passed out, and slowly she began to focus.

She could see her house. In fact, her work room, with her standing there, eyes closed, as he lunged forward. Her eyes shot wide, her mouth opening to gasp, but only for it to inhale everything on the rag placed over her mouth. She purred a little, moaning as she drifted off to sleep.

Corvus smirked, holding her slumping body and groping her breast, his favorite part of her body to play with. "Darling... you know you don't have to trick me like that, right? We can have all the fun you want. In fact... I plan to." He brought her into the bedroom, placing her gently on the bed, her legs spread wide and her eyes closed, a soft smile on her face. He slowly stripped himself, his cock throbbing out from between his legs.

"I was wondering what had had you so giggly lately. And all that arousal I was smelling... I honestly should've known." He slowly crawled himself over her body, kissing along her neck. "Now, as much fun as that is, we're going to have to have a talk when you wake up. But for now... let's give you some sweet dreams." He lined up his length with her lower lips, feeling how hot and damp they were, just ready for him, and he just chuckled. Even asleep, she knew exactly what she wanted. He slowly pressed forward, her body spreading open and accepting him in without a problem.

She moaned softly in her sleep, her unconscious mind sending out waves of psychic pleasure as he pressed forward into her. He sank in slowly, feeling her muscles pulling around his cock, sucking him in until his hips met hers. He moaned gently, kissing her cheek as he prepped himself. He thrust in a few times, feeling her arousal coating his length and matting his feathers, while every push deep into her pulsed another wave of pleasure through the whole house. He groaned, grabbing her thighs and angling her up a little, getting a good, deep, spearing angle into her body as he took her sleeping form.

His eyes roamed over her body, watching her snoozing gently, seeing the way she moved with her moans, his thrusts rippling through her form. He put a hand to her breast, massaging and groping it freely as he thrust into her, loving the feeling of the soft flesh in his hand and around his cock. He kept it slow, savoring every moment he had with her at his mercy and hearing the wet slap of their bodies connecting. He groaned, holding himself close to her as her body milked him on instinct, their deep connection meaning she could truly feel every last bit of his lust for her as it throbbed inside her.

The waves of pleasure rocking from her only made him harder, his cock throbbing and leaking inside her pussy. He picked up the pace, driving his thrusts deep and hard into her body, her relaxed muscles giving no resistance, only milking him and pulling him deeper, her body truly wanting him inside her. Soft moans escaped her lips, drowned out by his own deep ones as his need took over, knowing how she'd been playing with him. He wanted to do everything to and with her, his enhanced strength making the whole bed rock with his thrusts. Her toned body took every one, her muscles clenching faster and tighter, her body nearing its orgasm as he approached his.

He held himself close to her, moaning as his feathers ran across her skin, thrusting faster and faster as he lost himself to the lust, both his own and hers radiating from her. He moaned, feeling his cock throbbing right on the edge, wanting to hold back for her. He didn't have to wait long, as moments later she let out a soft cry, her psychic arousal pulsing through the house as she came, her walls milking his cock and soaking his crotch with her liquid lust.

He slammed home in time with that, moaning loudly and arching his back, his talons curling as he emptied himself fully into his love, rope after rope of thick cum pouring into her sleeping body, claiming her as his. He shuddered, nuzzling her sleeping form as he ground his cock deeper, milking out every last drop of cum he had into her, wanting her to know how much he loved her prank and was getting back at her.

He kissed her cheek softly, basking in his afterglow as he continued to play with her breast, chuckling at her. "I hope you enjoyed it, love. Because there's plenty more where that came from. And, really, you should've told me! We could've been having so much fun together. But since you didn't... well, the best revenge is going to be getting you to hypnotize yourself." He kissed her again, then slowly pulled free, watching his cum oozing from her used, but satisfied, pussy. He whistled softly to himself as he left her a mess to clean up when she awoke, preparing a meal for them to talk over. Mostly he just wanted to know his triggers. He wanted to have fun with this now that he knew~.