Iron Stag (4/8)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of Iron Stag

Gambit can no longer resist the siren call of the alien assimilating his mind and the parasite finally finishes the job.

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As the day continued on Gambit found it harder and harder to concentrate on his work. While he had managed to go through his presentation and successfully navigate through the meeting, more than once he had to calm himself down so he didn't sport an erection while standing there. After the usual kudos given to him by his boss he immediately went to the bathroom and stroked himself off, feeling the lust of the session that he had in the coffee shop continuing to linger with him even though it had been hours after the fact. Despite telling himself multiple times that he would be able to indulge in these feelings later time seemed to slow down for him to the point that he would just stare off into space and not realize it for several minutes.

During that time he could only think about Timber, and by the time he got to lunch the images in Gambit's mind had turned increasingly sexual despite his best efforts. It was like someone had the remote control to his mind's eye and every time he tried to think about something serious it would switch to something lewd; from figures that he was trying to put into his computer to a naked Timber laying naked on his kitchen table, and from a conference call he was on to him and the deer having sex on his couch in the basement. When noon finally rolled around it had gotten so bad that he began to wonder if he should just call in sick as he ate his lunch in a daze.

"Hey Gambit," a voice said, snapping the malamute out of his daze to see an arctic wolf sitting down next to him. It took a few seconds before Gambit realized that he was talking to his co-worker, Richard. "Are you and Askim going to come down to the Arena on Saturday? Looks like there could be some wild stuff happening there."

"Oh... Askim and I..." Gambit replied, trying not to sound like he was half-asleep as he caught himself looking over the wolf's physique hidden behind the nice suit. "I don't know, I would have to ask him. I know he was talking about going out this weekend but I'm not sure, and I probably won't be home until late tonight."

"Working late?" Richard asked, Gambit shaking his head before taking a bite of his sandwich. "Ah, so it's something a little more personal then. Going out on a date?"

It took every fiber of Gambit's being not to choke on the bite of sandwich he had taken nor spit it out in surprise as he looked at the lupine. The first thought that came to the malamute was that somehow Richard knew about the meeting he was going to have with Timber later that night, but given the absurdity of how he would come about overhearing that conversation caused him to dismiss that thought. "Oh no, nothing like that..." he said as he tried to salvage what he could. "I'm just hanging out with a friend, you know, playing games and such, like friends do."

"Right..." Richard replied as he slowly nodded his head while watching the malamute continue to fumble. "Well I'll check in with Askim then and see if he's thinking of doing anything in particular, might even see about going tonight and beating the crowds. If you're coming along let me know, alright?"

Gambit just nodded and as Richard went off to collect his food and go to his desk to eat, and when he did the canine couldn't help but watch the lupine's rear sway slightly with his tail as he walked off. Before today he hadn't noticed things like that, but at that moment it made him almost want to start salivating right there and he could feel his arousal start to grow again. "Oh hey Gambit," the arctic wolf said, causing the malamute to bolt upright in surprise and look straight at Richard when he turned around. "You might want to look in the mirror, looks like you got something on your nose."

Gambit just grinned sheepishly and thanked Richard, then put his sandwich down and immediately went back to the bathroom. Had anyone been keeping track they would have thought that he had some sort of stomach flu as he went to the stall once more to jerk off, only this time his thoughts were if the arctic wolf in all sorts of positions... and even in threesomes with his roommate or Timber. It was somewhat shocking how far his mind had fallen; a day ago he wouldn't have ever thought of such a scenario and now he was practically drooling over what it might be like with them. As he continued to stroke his sensitive cock he realized he really was salivating as he felt something start to drip down his chin that he wiped off with the back of his palm.

After he finished himself off yet again he went to get the toilet paper to clean himself off when he noticed something that caused him to pause. What he thought had been saliva was actually something much darker, like he had just spilled ink onto the back of his hand. He quickly finished cleaning his groin off with the paper towel and flushed it, then did up his pants before running out of the stall and towards one of the mirrors over a sink. Though he opened his mouth and didn't see any black stuff where it could have come from... but he did see something dripping out of his nose.

Much like what he had found on his hand the substance was not only an opaque black but also shiny, reminding him of tar or something of that nature. As he leaned closer he saw that it was in fact leaking out of his nostrils, pressing a finger against the tip to look inside to see what the source was. It was a strange sight, but it was even stranger still that he didn't feel all that concerned about it. Something about that made him feel even more panicked then the strange fluid that was leaking out of him, but as he felt himself begin to hyperventilate he looked up once more and his face slackened while his eyes turned completely black.

He continued to stand there like that for about a minute before the new sclera retracted and Gambit blinked, then wondered what he was doing there in the first place. When he looked down at the sink it triggered a memory that he was going to go wash his hands, which he did before returning to work. Even though the lust and arousal that he had been experiencing all day was still there he found himself able to ignore it as it ran in the background in his mind. As he began to type on his keyboard however he did quickly grow an erection, but instead of running to the bathroom he just rubbed against it while he sat with a blissful smile on his face.

Meanwhile the alien let out a sigh of relief as he once more sat there on his bed, though he quickly reminded himself that it was the bed that belonged to the deer host he inhabited as he stood up and stretched. It was good that he had been monitoring Gambit ever since the coffee shop and had he not the malamute might have realized something was wrong with him. Though it might not have completely exposed his plans, most intelligent creatures would think themselves crazy or risk others thinking the same, it would have been a waste of a completely good host that he spent a lot of time and energy on. The experience also showed him that he would have to be careful just how much he put into a link like that since it appeared to have put the canine's libido into overdrive.

Though the parasite continued to want to put up the front of Timber he knew that he could be a little looser now, his assimilation of Gambit's mind not only putting him in more control but also being able to mold his perceptions even easier. But soon that wouldn't matter at all anyway... once more he was going to make sure that he took things slow and steady. At this point he was so close to the finish line that he could probably take him at this moment, but something about what he had absorbed from Timber really wanted this to happen as sensually as possible. It didn't matter much to the parasite, as long as he got what he wanted he didn't care how it came about.

The hours continued to tick by and the alien Timber decided to order more food, this time from a different place that he was willing to try. After he got done ordering enough for a small army he chowed down until it was time Gambit got off of work. He put what was actually a decent amount out on the table and then waited impatiently near the door. When he heard the urgent knock he quickly went over and opened it to see the malamute standing there panting slightly.

"Come on in," Timber said, letting the canine pass by him. "Did you run here or something?"

"You could say something like that," Gambit replied as he immediately began to make his way downstairs. "I'm ready to do this when you are, let's get started."

Once more the alien was impressed by the eagerness of the other male, the day of constant stimulation having whipped the canine up to the point where Gambit was already grabbing at his own groin. The deer followed him downstairs and even though the malamute was sufficiently horny he continued to slow play the canine to make sure that this would stick. His own arousal was starting to show though and the somewhat tight pants that he had worn for this purpose began to swell with his growth. The two made their way to the couch and the food and games that Timber had put out as a comfort to the malamute were quickly forgotten as Gambit once more leaned in to initiate a kiss.

The two made out for a while and it was clear that Gambit's earlier reservations about doing something like this with another male had been almost completely eroded away to the point where he had taken off his own shirt during a brief pause in the action. Timber could see that his corruption had already started to have more of an effect on Gambit with black lines in the otherwise cream colored fur leading down his neck. His ears had also started to turn black and with being in proximity of the parasite it made them begin to leak a black fluid down into his fur. The assimilation process had already started to take root in his body and now it was time to finish the job that he had started... after a little bit of fun.

"You certainly are diving head first into all of this," Timber said after another make-out session, the deer laying on his back while the half-naked malamute was practically grinding on top of him. "Let's see if you can go a little further than your dream self. Moment of truth."

Gambit heard the sound of a zipper being undone and looked down just in time to see Timber's cock get freed from its cloth prison and flop out into the air. Once more the malamute began to feel anxiety as he realized this was in fact the moment of truth, that the maleness in front of him was not only very much real but belonged to his friend. As he slowly began to reach down for it something felt... familiar about the entire situation, but it was something that he couldn't quite put his finger on. But as quickly as that thought came into his head it seemed to dissolve away as he slowly reached out and curled his fingers around the throbbing member.

The alien couldn't help but groan at the simulation begin given to him by something as simple as the pressure of those fingers, the enhanced host body responding to the pleasure. But as much as he wouldn't mind giving in and letting this run its course he was there for a specific reason. He focused all his efforts and continued to monitor the canine's thoughts, urging him to go even further with his ministrations. At the same time he mutated his legs to help shed his clothing, pushing his pants down even further to give Gambit a better view of his muscular thighs and hips.

Meanwhile Gambit continued to stare intently at the now erect member in his hand like it was a snake about to lunge at him. He had already gotten a hand around it and started to stroke, which felt nice, but as he felt the deer's feet manage to somehow get his own pants pulled down he knew that the next step was going to be a big one. His lips quivered slightly as his fingers slid all the way down to the root, leaving the head exposed for him. Timber watched eagerly with a fervent look in his eyes as the malamute's tongue stuck out and his lips closed around it.

This was the moment that Timber had been waiting for, his eyes going completely black as the parasite's true nature took control. Already the malamute had started to bob his head up and down on the cock in his maw, feeling not only the pleasure of the throbbing manhood inside him but also the lust fed directly into his brain. More of the alien goo that had been inside his skull assimilating the insides began to leak out, dripping down onto the fur of the deer below. With every push forward Gambit got more of the member into his muzzle, though as he pulled up it felt like even more was going inside him to the point where it was pushing into his throat.

When Gambit did open his eyes after feeling his throat muscles clamp around what would be an impossible length of cock he let out a muffled grunt of surprise. The already thick base of the deer's member had turned a shiny black that was spreading over his groin like wildfire, covering his abs and thighs as a similar liquid began to pool around it. At first he thought it was his imagination but then he could feel it, the thick ooze dripping past his lips and out of his nose. Soon his ears and eyes joined suit as a wave of euphoria washed over him along with an alien presence in his mind.

"Now you feel it," the parasite said with a grin on his rapidly darkening lips, the guise he had been wearing for the canine's benefit for so long slipping away as he took more control. "My presence inside you, not only physically but mentally as well. Soon I will be completely enveloping you... but why don't we have a little fun until then?"

Gambit was still in shock at what he saw, throat still bulging with the cock lodged deep inside it as he watched his friend turn from a normal muscular deer man into... something wonderful. The way the latex-like skin glistened off his amalgamated form made him look like a statue that some master artist perfectly sculpted with painstaking clarity. The canine's eyes started to grow black around the edges as his corrupted mind could only see beauty in the transformation before him, any thoughts to the contrary filtered out by the parasite assimilating him. The corruption had rooted itself completely into the malamute as he pulled himself off of the alien male and turned around on the couch, presenting his tailhole to him.

"Please..." Gambit begged, tail swishing in the air as more of the goo continued to leak out of his head and onto his fur. "Do whatever you want to me, anything to give me more!"

"You want more?" the alien Timber said, his body fully transformed back into his rubbery state as several tentacles pushed their way out of his back. "I can give you everything... as long as you give me everything in return."

At this point the need and lust in the malamute's body was almost overwhelming, the horny male pounding his fist into couch with desire. "Everything!" he shouted, his breath quickening as all his assimilated mind could think were the thoughts that the alien gave him. "Just take me!"

Even though the parasite really didn't need the malamute's permission there was something about the willful submission of another to him that was... strangely intoxicating. It was something that he logged away in its mind for later study as he took the tentacles that he had just formed and wrapped them around the legs and arms of the canine. Gambit let out a loud moan that made the alien glad that Timber had soundproofed the basement as he took his alien member and began to push it inside the tailhole presented to him. The restrained male wiggled slightly as he was penetrated, but the small amount of discomfort he felt was immediately eased as the assimilation process began at that end as well.

Even with the intense fog of lust caused by getting his hole stretched open Gambit could still feel everything that was happening to him, including his body being lifted off the couch that he had been bracing himself on. Not only did it caused his altered body to slide down even further on the rubbery tentacle cock being fed into his insides but also caused the alien goo in his own body to spread around inside of his head. Already most of his fur there had been assimilated, leaving him looking like he was wearing some sort of latex hood or mask as his lips sealed together to keep him quiet. He was also starting to lose definition in his muzzle and ears, like he was melting into himself as his back became pressed into the chest muscles of the alien deer behind him.

As more of the malamute's body blackened with alien goo, some of it leaking out of his erect member as his hips were thrusted into the air, the parasite moved his newest host into position. The second Gambit's still mostly furred back touched the shiny black skin of the deer it stuck on it like tar. The sensation caused Gambit to attempt to arc his back, only to feel himself get pulled back more into the body beneath him. A bulge began to form in the canine's stomach from where the alien's cock had pushed its way inside of him, transforming and assimilating his insides while producing all the pleasure from ramming into his prostate.

As far as the parasite was concerned this was by far the most preferred way that he had ever taken another host, even better than the deer. These creatures were so geared towards pleasure that Gambit hardly noticed that with every thrust upwards his partially goo-covered hips were sinking lower into the one that was beneath him. This was a true assimilation; as the converted mass of the canine was redistributed to make the deer seem even more muscular. As he continued to absorb the other male however those cervine features were slowly being replaced with ones that he was taking from the male above him.

The pants and moans of Gambit were soon replaced with gurgles as his back was completely enveloped, the alien spreading effortlessly through the canine's already corrupted form. The tentacles on the alien's back moved the malamute's arms down so that he could grab them by the wrist, though it wasn't long after he did so that his fingers slid into the arms of the other male as shiny black goo continued to cover them. The parasite let out a grunt as the mass of his arms swelled, becoming more muscular as he went off of the template that Timber believed to be a perfect male body. As Gambit's groin continued to sink down lower it was soon completely lost save for his own cock, though that began to wiggle of its own accord as the alien's own tool completely merged with it until there was only one spire of corrupted alien flesh.

Unlike the deer the parasite would not need to go in and assimilate the mental state of the malamute, he had been doing that all day as well as imprinting on his memories. Had Gambit not been in a constant state of arousal he would have felt him rooting around, not being able to remember things as the parasite stole them from him. But at the moment the canine couldn't think of anything, his thoughts were the alien's and all he felt was pure pleasure as his legs began to sink completely into the ones beneath him. For a while Timber's couch held the surreal form of their two bodies as they melded to one another, but it didn't take long for the alien to tip the scales and for Gambit's already completely gooey form to completely melt into the deer beneath.

The alien stretched his neck unnaturally and watched as the only thing left of the canine was his head, those black eyes staring into the malamute's. A sudden burst of inspiration hit the parasite and he gave Gambit one last kiss, his tongue piercing through the seal and wrapping around the mostly melted appendage inside the malamute's maw. As he did this he applied a gentle pressure and pushed the remaining vestiges of Gambit inside his body, which caused his own features started to shift and bulge as well. Soon the back of Gambit's head stretched out and the parasite reformed his own face and muzzle as two finally became one.

"Not bad..." the parasite said to himself as fur began to sprout over his new body, one hand stroking his cock as it shrank down to a familiar length. "Not bad at all..." It wasn't the deer's member that he was pumping, it belonged to the canine that he had just assimilated as the malamute's features became more defined and replaced the deer. His mind flooded with all the information that he hadn't managed to absorb before, everything from his mannerisms and personality to all the deeply guarded personal information that he couldn't get at until now.

More importantly the alien creature felt stronger than before; even though he looked identical to Gambit in every way all the extra mass that he had just absorbed was compacted down into his new form. The addition of a new host was just what he needed to accelerate his plans, now having two identities to play with and his enhanced abilities he wouldn't have to play this long game anymore. He hopped up and went over to the mirror, pretending to be the host that he had just taken over. As with Timber he was able to flawlessly recreate the canine using his personality and memories, just like he had done with the deer.

On a whim the parasite decided to see how easily he could switch between the two forms, his one hand still wrapped around his dick as he watched his canine features shift. Without going back to his neutral alien body he saw Timber's traits reassert themselves, feeling the pressure of antlers pushing out of his head as his tail shortened back to a numb while lean muscles grew on his physique. Soon instead of a malamute standing there in the reflection of the mirror it was a muscular deer man, his body slightly bigger than the original he had assimilated. A smirk formed on the deer's face before he dropped out of the guise completely and his shiny form expanded with muscle while several tentacles sprouted from his body.

With Gambit now a host the parasite needed to set his sights even higher for his next one, one that would either directly benefit him or that he could assimilate for even more power. At this point he could take on a number of potential foes or new hosts but still wasn't strong enough for widespread conversion, there were too many of his species that tried to rise too fast and ended up getting destroyed. This would not happen to him, not with creatures like this that he could play with. After playing with himself a little more in the mirror he looked down and realized that he was still stroking himself, immediately stopping before going back to the couch and sitting down to plan his next course of action.