In a New Light [Patreon Preview]

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#8 of Patreon Previews

This is a Preview for my January Patreon Story, available in full on my Patreon for Patrons to enjoy!

Ray has a kink that he's never gotten to enjoy: being hunted down by a big bad pred who casually eats any bystanders he comes across on the way. Ben, his boyfriend, is big and a pred. He's also a softie who loves Ray deeply. With the help of their mutual friend Chad and a few willing volunteers, Ben finally can give Ray his dark fantasy...

This Preview is mostly just setting up the characters. There's some vague suggestiveness, but the bulk of the kink material begins after this clip concludes.

Full story Contains: Play-hunting, nudity, body writing, role-play, blacklight paint, oral vore, mixing panic with arousal, anal vore, struggling for effect, rapid digestion, muscle growth from vore, masturbation, size difference, reformation.

This story is being posted at the same time the poll on my Patreon is going up. Again, people who pledge $1 or more can vote on those polls. $5 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from. Patrons of $10 or higher will receive monthly Rewards Vignettes if their payment went through for the previous month!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Ray fidgeted. His mind was clouded with thoughts of what was to come later that day, and his jeans felt a bit too tight around his wide hips. The rat looked over to his hunk of a boyfriend as the salamander drove, biting his lower lip bashfully.

Ben was focused on the road, his smooth dark skin glistening a bit where it was exposed beneath his clothing. The amphibian blushed as he glanced over while stopped at a red light. "You're... really excited about this, huh?" His eyes darted down to the rodent's lap and back to his flustered face.

"Y-yeah." The rat fiddled with his tail between his bare fingers. "T-thank you again for agreeing to this."

Turning at the light change, the larger male returned his attention to the road. "Anything for you, honey." Another turn into a driveway and Ben was navigating through a parking lot to a building set in the middle of it, away from the strip mall nearby.

Standing out front was a skinny deer. He waved at the car as it approached.

Ben parked in the space next to the one the deer was standing at and shut off the car. The salamander pressed the driver's side door open and slipped out, his heavy tail dragging across the plush upholstery as he stood upright.

Ray popped the passenger side open and hopped down, holding his own tail in front of his groin to hide the tent he was still showing. "Hey Chad! Is everything set up?"

The stag nodded, itching around his bare pedicles unconsciously. "Just need the players, yeah." He dug some keys out of his pocket and turned to walk to the glass double doors. On the inside of the right door was a hung up sign that read 'Closed for Private Engagement'

The salamander closed and locked the doors on the car before following his excited shorter boyfriend in after the deer. Once they had all gotten inside, Ben took stock of his surroundings. The techy stylized print on the carpet, the early 2000s sci fi design, all things he expected. A couple comfy couches for waiting as well.

Ray sat down on one of the couches, fidgeting still. He looked up at his amphibian partner. Nearly twice as tall as the rodent, the hefty male's weight was mostly gathered in his round belly and thick tail, which he hardly managed to keep from slumping to the floor most of the time.

The rat didn't have much time to sit and oogle Ben, however. Chad hooked his arm around the taller male. "Time to get you nice and prepped for your role. Ray, wait out here until I come get you. Hopefully the others will be here by then."

Ben walked along as he was guided. "See you soon, hon." He called back before both males disappeared through an 'employees only' door.

Ray tugged out his phone and tapped at it, checking his messages. He wasn't really able to focus much on them, however, his mind continuously wandering to the planned event.

Shortly after, however, his dish-like ears caught the sound of cars approaching and actually parking. The rodent could hear car doors opening and chatter between the drivers. Then the door into the lobby opened from outside.

First through the doors was a tall blue jay wearing a letterman jacket and jeans. He pushed his aviator sunglasses up over his brow and grinned. "Bet you weren't expecting to see me."

"Freddy?" Ray twisted further in his seat, partially to put the couch's arm between the doorway and the tent in his shorts. The rat recognized him as the track star of their high school, someone he hardly interacted with even before graduation. "I didn't think you'd be..."

"Into this?" Freddy continued, strutting into the room. "I am a runner, after all."

"On a straight track, maybe." The monkey entering next snickered. He had a toque covering up his bare ears and was wearing a flannel jacket. "This boy would trip on a pebble." The rat recognized him as well. He was a parkour junkie who graduated a year ahead of him. He'd not really talked much with him, but the times he had the primate seemed very chill.

"I'll have you know, Tommy, that I did hurdles and steeple chase." Freddy's tone was playful rather than confrontational, as if this was a recurring volley of verbal jabs between the two. "You can't get anywhere without a six story drop to motivate you."

"My heart aches." Tommy held his hands over his chest in feigned pain. "How could you cut to the quick?" He broke into giggles and reached one hand out.

The avian accepted it and grasped the offered hand, pulling the simian close.

The monkey slapped Freddy's back right over the logo on the letterman before releasing. "What I didn't know was that Ray here got himself an honest to fuck pred as a boyfriend." He turned his thumb towards the rodent.

Ray blushed deeply and fidgeted in place. Of course they'd know. Why wouldn't they know if they were here? "Y-yeah... I... uh... I didn't know Chad was getting guys I'd met before to play along..."

Another car could be heard pulling up.

"I just hope he's as hot as his photos." Tommy winked to the rat before flopping onto the couch at the other end.

A car door slammed, then the door into the lobby opened once more. A heavyset ram slipped in, wearing a zip-up hoodie and sweatpants. "Am I late?"

"Norm?" The other two made sense to Ray for the situation, but the chess club president and anime club treasurer was quite a different matter.

The ram's wool appeared recently sheered, which went some way in explaining his bundled up attire. Norm bashfully grinned. "Yep, me! Ray, you never post on myFace anymore."

The rat stuck his tongue out. "The algorithm's garbage anyway. Billy Fletcher tried to get me into a pyramid scheme via DMs there last year and I figured I was better off not checking it at all."

Tommy started cackling. "Of course that fucker got in on a pyramid scheme."

The 'employee only' door opened up and Chad came back out. "Oh good, you're all here. Let's head into the range." The dropped stag gestured to the customer entrance from the lobby.