Valentine's Special - Clarion's Dream

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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#9 of Family Matters

So, I suppose as a little bit for Valentine's and the fact I wanted to play with these two a little more, specifically with Clarion's long growing obsession with Nero since they were younger. So this is just brief and really its kinda sweet in its initial stages, but this is before Clarion drugs Nero in the Family Matters story and more of a an indication into what's going on with his mind.

This story contains a character playing with toys, cross-dressing, masturbating and experiencing a 'dream sequence' or 'sexual fantasy' in which they are the opposite gender and the other character is involved - just to make that clear.

*Clarion's Dream *

A brief Valentine's Piece between Clarion and Nero from Family Matters

"It's just a quick visit, you were looking for this black lace stuff in the fabric store yesterday and well, I spotted mum had some and asked for it. She gave me a funny look until I told her it was for you. This your textiles project? I saw you making the designs but, it looks awesome." Nero had decided to walk to Clarion's house that Saturday on Valentine's Day to hand him the fabric he'd wanted and just see him for a few minutes. The rules were strict, even when his parents were out for a few hours, Clarion's parents did not permit the 'thug' to come into the house and well, it meant Clarion was often incredibly lonely on weekends where he was not allowed to leave the house until his parents came back. If he'd been a little stronger and known the times, he might have snuck Nero in anyway and he beckoned if he wanted a drink all the same but Nero gave a chuckle and then lifted something else up. "Oh yeah...corny and weird as it is, my mum still likes to give us all a Valentine gift so we don't feel left out and well, I used to do that when we were kids and... and I think you could use the confidence now so... here you go, don't read much into it."

"Awe... the card says 'you got a sweet ass' and it's a marshmallow donkey... I like it, my thoughts on you exactly Nero." Clarion stated as low and sarcastically as he could whenever presented with this kind of torment as Nero's teeth flashed with a grin of amusement. He then gave Clarion a pat on the back, pulling out another little rolled up gift and giving a snigger that made Clarion's eyebrows curl. Was this going to be a massive picture of a butt? That would not be something he'd put past Nero with his strange sense of humour as they sat in Clarion's kitchen before he unfurled the picture and then was dumbfounded as he looked at it. Somehow, Nero had pulled one of his little stunts and gotten a gift that only he could know Clarion would adore and Clarion had been convinced he'd never probably even listened about. It was a poster of an anime with the cat girls in that Clarion collected models of, but it was the romantic image of the main character and her enemy embraced, seemingly naked but wrapped in ribbons and flowers to make it tasteful as it gave a hint to plot of the story. Clarion grasped it and cuddled against it before looking at Nero with wavering eyes as the half-lion, half-jaguar gave a grin in response.

"Though it was the right one... when I bought that at the store I had this hot little filly serving me and she asked me if I was a fan. I actually remembered everything you told me about it and ended up scoring her number. I'm just heading off to go hang out with her anyway, so I wasn't going to hang around long. But I knew you'd like it." Nero grinned, that cocky expression on his face to say he'd reckoned that girl would have gone after him no matter what and Clarion understood that well. Every girl liked Nero for being a bad boy and they would do or say anything to get him to go out with them and well, Clarion would have been impressed if he hadn't felt jealous. Nero though turned his head about to look at the black dress attached to the dummy that Clarion was working on, his textiles project for one of his school subjects. It was a beautiful dress, would look really sexy and Gothic on whatever girl got to wore it and he had his suspicions. He looked to it was a grin as Clarion then seemed to bury himself back with his work and then Nero gave a chuckle. "You know... whoever gets to wear that dress is going to be the sexiest mammal in the room... you really can do wonders Clary... but I've gotta get going, I'll text you tomorrow to see if you can come over and hang out with me and my brothers. Seeya."

"Bye Nero, have fun and use protection... also, thank you." Clarion's eyes were shinning and Nero ruffled his strange strands of black fur that stuck out and where gelled to the side slightly. Clarion smiled as he watched Nero leave and when the door closed, the ocelot suddenly shuddered in upset and looked towards the dress with joy mingled in despair. This was a beautiful dress indeed, a dress that Clarion had poured his heart and soul into because when it was done... it would be his dress! But then he swatted the upset over the thought of Nero going to meet up with some horse to a different thought of Nero's compliment. He would think Clarion was the sexiest mammal if he wore that dress? Oh, he hoped that was the truth... he begged that to be the truth so that he and Nero could be together and then Clarion's eyes turned towards the candy left for him. "He always gives me Valentine's... I just wish... I wish I could be his Valentine..."

For a while, Clarion sat there despondently as he stretched his paw to the poster and unrolled it, staring into the picture of the two beings and sighing heavily as he looked at the two characters, how small she was, how big he was and just... he grimaced. He squinted his eyes, allowing his imagination to draw great rosettes on each of the characters, pull back the male's fangs and make him look just a little sharper and more beautiful before he turned to the other. He turned her fur darker, splotchy, her hair black and flopped over her face but she was still a female and he sighed. Here was the image in his mind, no longer those characters but Nero clasping on to Clarion in the gender he wished to be and then Clarion shook his head. As the vision departed he began to nibble at his lip, knowing that his body was reacting and that he was alone and it was safe!

Clarion picked up the spare black dress he was using to help make the right shape and lines upon the fabric. He bolted from the kitchen and took the candy and poster with him, rushing to his special private room filled with anime paraphernalia and that his parents never went into. Clarion went to put the poster up on the wall in the only space big enough for it before he turned to the dress and to the television. He quickly turned it on, skipping to a channel that only played romantic movies and then pulled out some items from his cosplay draw where he was hiding some very conspicuous items. He put a note on his door to say he was taking a nap, just in case his family were to come back and make a mistake of looking into the room, before he stripped naked. He looked at himself with a grimace, he was not badly endowed but whenever he looked down it was not a cock, he wanted to see attached to him and he gave a grimace.

Swiftly, Clarion pulled out a pair of fancy looking knickers... crotchless lace knickers from a fancy lingerie catalogue he'd managed to get by ordering them online with his father's credit card. Well, it was not his father's credit card, it was one he'd made out in his father's name that he paid into, so his father never got any information about what was paid for with it. He then turned the knickers the other way down, the hole not over his front so that his balls might fall through but instead sitting that part over his backside. He felt a little embarrassed over it, but shook his head as he then pulled up the matching bra and then strapped it on, pushing the back tight enough to push what little breast tissue Clarion had together. He then grasped the dress and pulled it onto himself before grabbing some big clip-on hoop earrings and then looking at himself in the mirror, only to grimace at the bulge below and then awkwardly shuffle to tuck himself in.

Looking into the mirror, Clarion could seen that there was no way at all that he could ever be mistake for a guy like this, because he was so lithe and had strange broad hips compared to usual and well... he looked feminine. As Clarion looked into the mirror he heaved a wonderful sigh of affection before looking into the mirror and stroking at his body with it. The dress felt right, the bra felt right, everything about these clothes felt so perfect and Clarion gave a soft sigh as he then gave a flirtatious wink and kissed at the mirror before stepping to the blind-covered window and then giving a gasp. He shifted his voice to something lighter, sweeter, something feminine as Clarion then cooed and went off into his dream world.

"What's that sound? Oh Nero... you came to sneak me out with you again? You know we're only just old enough to start thinking such things... you sure you want me to run off somewhere private with you... or maybe we should insult my parents and make love right under their noses? If we're quiet... they'd never know..." Clarion giggled to himself, imagining the form of Nero climbing into his window and then snorting that he was such a tease. Clarion could then imagine Nero grinning and pushing him up against the wall and so Clarion pushed himself to it, throwing and arm up over his head. He imagined Nero grasping his paw up, purring at his face and nuzzling his neck before forcing him to face him in a passionate kiss. He imagined the sensation of that tongue inside his mouth, rolling against his, sucking at it and making him moan as his teeth then nibbled softly and lovingly at his body and his chest before imagining Nero dropping to his knees and feeling him nuzzle and lick at his chest and Clarion's fingers quickly pressed onto his nipples, pinching, squeezing and teasing them erect as he gave a heady pant. "Oh Nero... be gentle..."

Puh, like Nero would ever be gentle with him... every time he thought about it he could only see Nero grasping him by the hips, hoisting his legs up around his waist and pulling the dress up and it made Clarion quiver. He shuddered in excitement as he felt his body rising to the occasion and he could feel his insides boiling with joy as he thought about that jaguar face with its lion's mane nuzzling against his body and nibbling at his fur, biting his neck and just the thought made Clarion whimper. He brought his own paw to his neck, imagining that he'd been bitten there firmly but finding no sensation of fangs upon his neck all the same. But then he gave a sigh as he then stepped back to his bed and the box beneath it.

He gave a sigh of frustration before pulling the drawer out and then pulling out a large and vicious looking dildo from a special little box. He pulled out some lubricant too and swiftly he hopped over to the wall again, glad of the empty patch here as he grabbed the larger plunger shape on the bottom of the dildo and then licked it firmly. He pushed it right against the wall, hurriedly coating it in lubricant before he spread his legs and hitched up the dress. He whimpered to himself, trying to close his eyes and imagine that it was Nero going to take him and not some inanimate object. He was trembling as he smeared the rest of the lubricant onto his digits and then lifted his paws down to his backside where he'd worn the knickers to wrong way around so the crotchless part was about his backside and he shuddered as he grit his teeth and teased at his hole.

Though it might be easy to think of Nero touching his backside, that never got Clarion as excited as if he thought he had a pussy to be felt up. He closed his eyes as he moaned loudly, teasing his digits in and tickling at his passage. He moaned as he curled and wiggled the digit, begging the passage to widen as he then slid in another digit, desperate to get wet enough, soft enough, wide enough to be able to accept the fat, prickled cock based on a lion's that was looking precarious against the wall. Clarion moaned and strained out, his throat tightening as he thought of the idea of those massive black paws pushing into his passage, stretching it wide and getting it ready and then... when he managed to get the third digit in, Clarion knew he was ready.

Dropping onto his four paws with the dress almost thrown over his head, his tail up straight for balance alongside his dribbling backside, he stepped back and managed to wriggle himself into position. When the slippery dildo was pressed to the fabric of the panties, he shifted his backside to angle his backside to it and then he thumped his backside straight against him. He bit his lip, holding back the scream as he forced the object straight in and then was gasping and clenching his teeth together as he kept his legs as splayed as he could, trying not to cry as he trembled. His passage was twitching and pinching, it hurt but it was in so deep and it felt so good against the pressure and Clarion was shocked to feel that he had drool forming in his lips.

"Oh God... if this is what you feel like Nero... I'm never going to walk again... fuck me... oh fuck me Nero!" Clarion whimpered, locked in his dream ad pushing his hips back, not caring to be careful but thumping his backside firmly against the wall and the object, gasping and gulping, hurting himself but not caring. It felt so good, it scratched and scraped at his insides, rubbing raw every inch of him that pinged with pleasure to make him whimper. He ground his backside against the wall, pinching and clenching the passage despite any pain as he imagined Nero pounding into him so hard and then Clarion bent his head down. He could just see the edge of his bra strap against the skirt of the dress hanging over his shoulder and as he continued to move his lifted a paw. It was hard to keep balance and his great long tail fought to keep him upright as he grasped at the bra strap and jerked it into his jaws. He nodded his head, drooling and clenching his teeth as he hissed through his nose.

He could feel the bottom of the bra rolling and rubbing against his nipple, scratching at his chest like Nero's paws might and he closed his eyes as tears dribbled down. He wheezed and snorted messily as he kept pressing his backside back and forth along the soggy length, feeling it just slip in and out with such ease now that he could feel the tight building of pressure within about to blow. He was so desperate to think it was still Nero doing it to him, that this was his real Valentine's Gift and Nero was claiming him at last. Just thinking of his heavy breath against his fur or the way the crossbreed would smack his form deeper and deeper into Clarion's body, the ocelot began to whimper as he choked and gagged against the fabric in his mouth.

As his eyes rolled, his body confused and overwhelmed by so much pressure and so much pleasure, Clarion had to open his mouth and stick his tongue out to try and breath against the strap wrapped around his jaw. He was snorting and wheezing, his body about to burst and he felt his form completely erect against the tight fabric of the panties, pushing over the edge and aiming into the fabric of the black dress. Clarion's eyes closed and he imagined what it must feel like to have another male ejaculate within his body as he thought of Nero roaring out in pleasure and then, suddenly, he felt something like a ping in his spine and he almost retched forward as he was slapped by an orgasm and fell forward onto his chest, the dildo falling from the wall with a firm rubbery bounce.

Clarion was gasping softly, whimpering upon the floor as he drooled over the bra and then just remained lying on his side, crying from exhaustion and then he heard the sound of a door close. His parents were back and Clarion was thankful for the note as he remained perfectly still and just let himself remain collapsed upon the floor, snivelling softly. He then shifted his paws back to touch his backside and then he rolled onto his knees, his legs wobbling and shaking, and he was aware of the wet splash upon the dress. With a grunt, he pulled the dress over his head, unclipped the bra and then shifted himself out of the panties before stuffing them into his box before he grasped a large flat mirror from the draw and a selection of intimate wet wipes as he shuffled on his knees, his tail sagging and dragging across the floor. He pushed the mirror up against the wall and then picked up the dildo, wiping it clean and shocked to see a few flecks of blood and a lot of slippery mess that he was not quite sure what it could be expect perhaps his orgasm? Clarion then put the dildo away carefully and then put his backside to the mirror and ducked his head between his arms to look at the damage done.

He was shocked, his backside was gaping, he'd never seen such a thing before, that tight ring so wide compared to usual and it was still dripping a little of the lubricant he'd covered himself with. His body shuddered in utter delight to think that one day it could be Nero's seed leaking out of his ass or better yet... his pussy ripped and gaping from Nero claiming its virginity. But always it was Nero that made him feel so good, always that strange aggressive bad boy that made his heart flutter and his balls clench. As he shuffled back across to his bed, grasping the intimate wipes to clean himself up, Clarion's eyes locked onto the marshmallow that Nero had gotten to him.

"I hope you really do think that..." Clarion whispered to himself, before cleaning himself up, pulling on his clothes and then collapsing onto his front on his bed. But so quickly, just as he was feeling the exhaustion overcome him... Clarion knew that he needed more and just dreaming about Nero and playing with his toys could never quite be enough. He did not know how... but he needed Nero to claim him!