Tya's Family Fun - And Things Keep Getting Better

Story by Tyaishia on SoFurry

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#9 of Tya's Family Fun Folder

"Thank you mom," I smiled and rubbed a paw up and down her thigh, "I'd like to know how you taste, if you don't mind."

"Oh Tya, that would make mommy very happy." So she spread her legs for me, laid flat on her back and murred anxiously as I lowered my muzzle to her tender lips. I had never done this before. I had always found women attractive, but I had never acted on it sexually. My mother was already the first women to ever go down on me and she was about to be the first women I'd ever gone down on. It was like Ryan could sense my inexperience and as a helpful older brother he crawled over next to me.

"It's not going to bite you Tya," He smirked at me as he laid his head softly down to rest on one of mom's thighs. "I can talk you through it. It's your first time, isn't it?" I knew he was teasing me, but he also looked like he really wanted to help me through this first. I didn't have many first's left, just this and anal. He smiled at me and held my muzzle in his big strong paw as he pulled me to his lips and kissed me tenderly. "I want to help you do this Tya," he murred happily at me. I nodded that I understood and accepted his help and once more lowered my muzzle to my mothers velvet folds.


The scent of her musky desire was so strong I couldn't smell anything else. It affected me in a way I had yet to understand and as my lips met her's I could feel myself getting wet with excitement. My mother whimpered softly in anticipation, her folds were slick with her musky wetness and it was very clear that my mother was just as excited to be licked by me as I was to lick her.

"It's kind of like eating an ice cream cone, Sis," Ryan softly urged from off to my side, his head still resting on mom's leg. "Just stick out your tongue and lick."

"Where?" I felt so stupid, I blushed very hard. I had been eaten out many times before, but I never paid much attention to where they were licking me.

"Anywhere, everywhere," Ryan smirked. Mom seemed to be enjoying watching our sibling bonding, as she let out a giggle.

"Don't worry dear," she murred, "I promise you will enjoy it." I nodded in reply to my mothers cooing and with a resolve to pleasure my mother like she had pleasured me, I stuck out my thin rough feline tongue and licked the complete length of her slit. "Oooh! My little girl!" Mom moaned quietly.

Her moan encouraged me to do more, and so I lapped away between her folds hungrily. I brought my paws up to each side of my mothers gorgeous sex, and with my thumbs, spread her lips like I had felt Ryan do to me earlier. With her lips out of the way, I could clearly see where her clit lay and with some creative thinking I decided to tease it with my nose. Rubbing the tip of my cold wet nose against her clit seemed to feel amazing to my mother, as she growled low and lustfully while simultaneously murring happily. I continued to lap away at her delicious sex. My mother tasted amazing. I could lay here for hours and just lick her.

"Mmm," the moan escaped my lips before I knew what was happening. Ryan had gotten off the bed while I was distracted with pleasuring Mom and had gotten up behind me. I was on my knees and elbows bent forward to lick away at my mother, which had given my brother the best access to my pussy. Before I knew he was even back there he was sliding his hard throbbing cock into my soaking wet slit.

"I told you I wanted to fuck you dear little sister," Ryan growled lustfully as his length pushed further into my tight velvet walls. "Oh god, you're so incredibly tight!" He was now fully hilted inside me, his balls pressing firmly against my clit as his paws on my hips held me tightly against him. I couldn't help but murr and moan into my mothers wet flesh. The tip of his cock was pressing firmly against a fairly sensitive spot inside me I had never knew existed before. My hips rocked back and forth as I tried to keep his tip rubbing up against that wonderful button inside me.

"Don't stop now honey," my mother cooed down at me. Ryan had completely taken my attention. I blushed up at my mother from between her legs and apologized quietly before trying to multi-task. My muzzle went back to work, my tongue licking, lapping and my nose nuzzling at my mother making her growl and moan out lustfully, bringing her closer to her own well deserved orgasm. Ryan finally pulled back away from my hips and begin thrusting into me, concerned only with fucking his littler sisters young tight pussy. We were all moaning and growling in pleasure, and it's a miracle we didn't wake up Dad.

With every thrust of his hips, Ryan fucked me faster and harder. I'm positive that it was just as hot for him to be fucking his littler sister as it was for me to be fucked by my big brother, especially while I ate my mother out. She seemed to be in heaven, moaning and squirming in ecstasy until finally her paws came down on the back of my head and she held me in place as her orgasm hit her hard. She came all over my face, and I lapped up as much of her sweet delicious juice as possible. Seeing mom cum all over my muzzle must have sent Ryan over the edge, because with one last deep thrust he buried his panther cock deep in my cunt. Grunting and panting he released his sticky seed inside me.

We stayed like that for a moment or two, my mothers paws holding my face firmly between her legs, my brother's cock buried deep inside my slit, so overflowing with his own cum that it was slowly drizzling out and down his balls. Then finally it was over. My brother pulled out of me, my mother released me and we all collapsed on my bed in a musky heap of sex.

I don't know which of us fell asleep first, but when I passed out I slept deeply. I dreamed of that very night, replaying every moment in my subconscious and loving every second of it in dream as I had out. Reliving the exciting moments when both mother and brother revealed to me their lust for me. Reveling in the feeling of my mothers tongue between my legs and how my brothers thick cock sliding inside me had felt. When I awoke in the morning I was alone in my bed. My room still smelled of sex, but both my mother and brother were gone.

'Was it all a dream? A wonderful amazing dream?' I wondered to myself as I lazily pulled myself out of bed. Stretching as I walked I headed toward the bathroom, as naked as the day I was born, and slipped into the shower Ryan and I shared. I didn't bother closing the door to the bathroom, as on my way out of my room I had glanced at my bedside clock and noticed it was only 5 am. Geoff was the only other person in the family who ever got up this early, and he was off at College. I missed him and our early morning runs we would take. As I rubbed my lemon grass soap through my fur I thought of the way we used to playfully race. Geoff would randomly let me win, and I always knew he was letting me win, but I didn't mind. It made our mornings together even better. My running outfit was always the same, short's and a tank top. Even as I developed more I continued to wear the tight tank tops. I thought about how strong and manly Geoff always looked when he ran. Whether it was in the light of an early morning sunrise, or the mid-day light that often overlooked his track meets. I loved watching him run. Those big strong powerful legs of his, pushing him forward at speeds that few could keep up to. He was definitely the sexiest member of my family.

"Oh Geoff," I moaned softly as I realized I had dropped my bar of soap and was now rubbing two fingers against my clit as I thought of my oldest brother's body. Normally I would have stopped myself, believing the thoughts I was thinking were wrong and bad, but last night had shown me that it could be a beautiful thing to physically love your family. Mom and Ryan had shown me just how fantastic it could be to keep it in the family. The more I thought about him the more I realized that I had a huge crush on my oldest brother. Ryan was sexy and all, but Geoff was mature.