Showing the Goods

Story by MellowMink on SoFurry

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#5 of Felix - Erotica

This works as a standalone story, although it's technically the fifth entry in an erotica series, so check this story's folder if you want to read any previous entries! You certainly don't have to, but I appreciate any views, and thanks so much for clicking on this page!

Taking place about a few weeks after the last story, this is again split into three parts, the first involving explicit consent review and buildup, and the third section taking place later after the sex-club session; the second part is the longest. This erotica is told from Felix's present first-person perspective, the writing sometimes influenced by how he's currently feeling, although there are other developed characters too.

The sexual content of this story has a M/M focus, with themes this time including bondage, pet play, and especially exhibitionism, the last being a first for Felix. Everything is consensual and safety is explicitly confirmed.

Both positive and constructively negative feedback is appreciated, along with any general reactions. I hope you enjoy reading this, and thanks so much if you finish the whole story! This is also on my Fur Affinity gallery if you prefer to read it in a formatted document.

Like always, much thanks go toward The Stickman for peer-reviewing and general motivation, also helping with some thumbnail edits. Please look at his art-related and writing projects sometime, especially with entries involving his epic Space Penguin series! Leave comments on those pages too.

Some thanks also go toward Vir-no-Vigoratus for part of the thumbnail, which is cropped from a cute commission I got from him before.

Except for a brief cameo of The Stickman's lizard character in the third part, all other characters in this story are my own and belong to me.

Part 1: Preparation

I stand in a familiar locker room, my shower finished, lingering warm water absorbed by a freshly cleaned towel; naked, I face the wall as I get ready for my weekly session. Without my glasses to help me see clearly, I keep my eyes shut and dry the rest of my fur; I imagine the towel being delicately moved by Master, his sharp claws pressing through the fabric as he takes his time with exploring. In my mind, the strong wolf complements my monochrome appearance, and I don't feel any shame as my member tingles over time, though I don't dare touch it, wanting it to last. Softly breathing in and out, I move the rest of the dampening towel everywhere across my tall figure, wiping my white ferret mask and front chest, and as I start drying my light-gray limbs, as the touched fur transitions into a darker color almost halfway down, his grasp feels stronger... I harden.

"Turn around and hand me the towel, Felix," I hear Master say from behind; my hair's still wet, but I immediately turn away from the wall and hold my right arm out. He's wearing black clothes, his slightly sweaty T-shirt loose enough to hide his strong chest, his gym shorts firmly in place. "Actually, just stand still and keep your arms to your sides," he continues with; I relax and do so. "Besides, you should get used to being explored, since there's plenty of that in tonight's scenario." While I make out his brown fur and darker hairstyle, it's not until he slowly walks up to me and snatches the towel that I'm able to more clearly see his red-orange patches of fur, his green eyes...

Like a good trophy, I don't say anything, staying still as he wipes off the water from my nearly black hair; he pulls out a comb afterward, brushing down my bangs while asking me a question: "So, you wanted to try some exhibitionism tonight, right?" Master waits for a response, so I blush and repeatedly nod. "I mean, besides me and the occasional guest, of course." Sam's always fun... "Well, I think we can do that, and I've brought plenty of gear to help get you prepared." I-I'm a little nervous, but also really excited; maybe he'll plug me up and force some poses... I don't know.

Glancing around, I can make out white patches, rags I think, across the tiled floor, along with wooden benches, but whatever's on them is a mystery. Lots of steel lockers too, one with my work clothes... I usually arrive with only shorts, but it didn't matter tonight, since Master said I'd be undressed the whole time; it's only in the club, so I trust him. "Cute as you are disoriented," Master kindly states as I continue to stay still, "I'd like you to see anyone we run into, so I'll fetch your frames." As he walks around the room, I remember to keep still, but my thoughts race more. My sight's terrible, so I can only imagine- Fuck, I'm horny. Cover me up. Restrict me. Show me off...

Despite nearby steam warming the place up, I shake a bit in excitement, feeling tiny bits of pre leak as my mind rapidly remembers bondage porn and subby experiences- I think of jerking some, but my ears perk toward Master's hums as I gently hear him come back; I shake my head and snap out of it. Repeatedly blinking as his barefoot, muscular form advances, I don't move at all as he puts my black-framed glasses on. "I've said it before, but these do fit you really well. Such a nerd."

I like it when Master takes care of me; he's really sweet... and hot... Feeling a smile form with my fangs showing, I turn my head and peek around the room through my rectangular frames, seeing white towels more clearly, some still looking damp, along with another red one hung up on a nearby open locker, it looking freshly dried and perfectly matching my eyes. That said, I don't see any gear, so I open my mouth to ask Master about it, but I soon stop, not having the order to reply.

"What is it, Felix?" Master asks me. "You can speak; we still have some things to review anyway."

I stretch around some, taking in the room's moderate lighting; I'm pretty comfortable being nude in front of my canine instructor, but other club members seeing me too has me pretty excited. "I was just wondering where..." Slight pause as we maintain eye contact. "I-I mean, gear and all." Master smirks and mentions it being by the door to the main hallways, and that he already has everything planned out. There's still some tingling down below... "Sorry, I'm very weird, I know."

Master's sweat still noticeable, he remains composed, rests his left palm under my chin, and moves his snout closer to whisper compliments: "You're perfect, pet. So obedient, knowing your place." Soft hairs along my face tingle as Master kisses a cheek before he starts to move back; I shake some- God, his touch is pleasant- I-I thank him for the opportunity and ask what else is wanted for tonight. "Well..." I hear as I'm released, "I can see you're still pretty excited," he continues with, "so let's confirm some stuff while we wait for your boner to go away, you frisky little sub, okay?"

I feel my cheeks redden again and meekly respond: "Y-yeah... And I'm ready, just shy and stuff..."

There's a pause, then Master walks away. "Follow me then," he commands with a serious tone, so I do just that, slowly heading toward the entrance with him. "So, first of all, I wanna remind you that nobody else in the club will ever touch you without your permission," something I already knew about but nod to anyway. "Some of our staff like helping with tours like this, so they may get super into character and get close," Master calmly states, glancing sideways, "but I'm the only one who gets to be physical." As we turn at more lockers, stepping around rags and benches, he stops and turns to me to make sure I'm listening, so I repeatedly nod. He smiles and continues: "Also, I'll probably be more verbally degrading than normal; I know you liked that a lot last week, but just reminding you, okay?" The four fingers of my right hand are individually and softly held.

We talk back and forth some, going over the usual consent rules, that he's clean, that I can stop whenever I want, reminders that the exhibitionism is in a controlled environment, just usual stuff. When that's done, Master takes me to the entrance, his bushy tail occasionally brushing against my side, and points a brown claw toward a square table covered with materials: a metallic yet internally cushioned collar, a chainless leash, unopened lube, thin black ropes, and other things... My gray tail can't help but jerk around as I start breathing faster; Master looks at me in amusement.

"Heh, alright, it's almost ten," Master expresses. "There should be a few guys walking around." I excitedly shake as I see him take a short, red rag out of his black shorts before handing it to me. "I'll be talking for you tonight, so if you wanna stop or take a break, for any reason, just drop it." Grabbing the rag, I firmly hold it behind me when he commands so, watching him pocket the lube.

I stare at the table as Master grabs some ropes and a red ball-gag off it; he blinks, grins, then assertively speaks toward me: "Now get on your fucking knees and open your mouth." Without objection, I kneel and don't struggle as he quickly walks behind me, pushes my glasses back, and firmly fits the large gag into my maw. He orders me to loudly moan as he starts binding my wrists...

Part 2: Presentation

It's a few minutes later as I hear the door slam behind me; I try turning my naked form around to look, but Master assertively tugs on the red leash, demanding my attention remain forward. "Mmph?!" I try faking some verbal resistance while tightly tugging the rag behind me. "Hmph!" Another yank, Master pulls my collared neck toward his brown snout. "Mm..." The firm gag is large yet comfortable, letting me swallow, but noises are limited to quick hums. As my eyes gaze toward his, my hands bound behind me, right below my knees tied together, he rubs along my face.

The red leash moved to around his left wrist, Master strongly holds my head still and maintains a stern expression: "Stop making noise." I try quick moans and squirm, but he growls and responds: "Listen, slut," he whispers as he pulls the leash closer, my facial fur feeling his warm breath, "you're coming with me, and unless you'd like to be chained in the lobby for everyone to see, you'll be a good pet and let me take control." Quickly nodding, I stay silent and happily play along. He lets go of my face, adjusts the bridge of my glasses, and smirks. "Now behave, my little trophy."

I look downward at my exposed privates, trying to adjust my legs more to cover them up, but the rope makes it difficult and only really allows small steps. Still fully clothed and leading the way, my mostly brown-furred Master very slowly guides me along a fairly lengthy hallway, the room slightly darker than the showers, but it's still visible enough to make out the cushioned ground. Perking my triangular ears around, I can hear some fans slowly moving, circulating the warm air. Carefully, I move forward- H-heh, I've been in groups before, but this is new to me... Every now and then, there's a muffled moan behind a door on the left, with similar hums and light slaps coming somewhere from my right; other lucky clients. Master occasionally turns to check my stance, but I'm obedient and try not to disappoint; my gagged expression isn't dignified, but despite my weak movements, I stand upright to look more presentable. My wolf leader continues forward.

There's a right turn further ahead that leads to more open hallways, multiple wooden doors scattered on the left and right walls; most are soundproof save for a few with less hidden intimacy. I breathe in and out, darting my eyes to different directions before Master comes to a stop. Now closer, he turns around, holds the leash steady, and steps toward me; I stare toward his green eyes, those lovely eyes... The musk from his black clothes reaches my pinkish nostrils as the aftermath of exercise turns me on; I softly murmur as a tiny bit of drool falls from my face. "I'm exploring around a bit," he strongly conveys as his shirt tickles my fur- I close my eyes and tilt my head back as I feel the grip of his five right claws around my needy shaft, rubbing it... "Cock's nice, but I think we can make it harder, don't you think?" Rubbing it and- Mm- Mmph! Moans force their way past my gag as I feel my cock pulsing. I'm such a fucking whore right now; my arms tightly behind me, my red collar proudly displayed, he could grasp both hands around my dick, stroke me to completion, rub the load around my mask fur, and I'd faithfully comply, all while he invites nearby doms to watch. More breaths, I keep my eyes shut and squirm as my cock presses outward.

Damn, can't finish right now, need to be good- Master's scent is so pleasing, and my pinkish dick angles further forward as I feel breaths from his black snout- "Hey Hunter," a slightly higher-pitched yet still masculine voice says, "how's it going?" I instantly snap out of the moment and turn my head left to see a tall and slender fox, him having short-sleeved summer clothes over parts of his gray and light-brown fur. Awkwardly, I try holding back moans, Master still fondling my genitals but more slowly- Mmph, it's so nice. A-ah, can't hide my... My focused dom grins at him.

My tail stiffens a bit, my cheeks blush from embarrassment, but I can't move... "Oh, hey Jason," Master casually replies with, "thought you didn't start 'til one tonight." I-I'm at a loss of words, but my cock- A-ah, so erect... The fox peeks below, licks his lips and chuckles, but then mentions some schedule error, needing to shower now. Master continues: "Three clients in a row, I heard." Jason responds with a playful yes, cracks most his knuckles, then claws back his black bangs, the hair not too long- I'm dripping some; I just look away. Master's grip doesn't let go at all. Urgh... "Give them a good time, alright? Clean up afterward too," he tells Jason, "I need that room later."

Jason nods, then with a brownish hand over his junk, he walks next to me and kneels by my waist; I turn further toward him, but my monochrome neck feels pressure as I'm quickly tugged forward, my dick pressing against Master's hand- F-fuck, pre, I stumble a bit too as my light-gray ass shows, but my tail helps me balance. There's giggling, then a flirtatious tone: "Who's this sexy ferret of yours, Hunter? Don't think I've seen him around here before." I pant as Master stops rubbing me.

I keep staring forward as Master shifts his eye contact, orders me to stay put, then drops the leash. "Oh, he's a regular," he casually states, "just doesn't go outside much. Don't mind him, he just likes the attention." Staying still, I slowly breathe, waiting for my penis to- Mm, so exposed. My eyes close, my head tilts up as I hear the two stepping around, me standing, accepting my fate. "Actually, this mutt loves it when you call him a slutty pup." My legs shaking, I try to murmur but fail. "Loves that shit; isn't that right, Felix?" I try forcing a defense, but only unintelligible phrases come out as they both walk in front of me again; I feel my face redden as I grip onto my rag tight...

Master picks up his leash, tugs on my collar- Mnn... Whispers something to Jason, who smiles and makes seductive gestures to me. They both tease around but keep their distance, with my leader talking about my chained fantasies some too, which I try denying but fail as my member hardens... A minute later, Master smiles and advances; he adjusts my black glasses and rubs along my neck... The feminine fox suddenly interjects: "Think you can make him do something embarrassing?" Master scratches his claws from my white throat to the bottom of my front coat, smirks, and nods. "He sure looks like an attention whore..." I-I can't say no... "How about a better view of his ass?"

Instantly, Master places his palms on my shoulders and presses me against the stone-like wall, ordering me to lower my stance and thrust my rear outward. The wall's plastered, and the smooth texture lightly presses against my right ear; I-I shake and comply, moaning a lot and posing as if Master was about to fill me up again, pounding my ass with his warm seed. "Lift your tail too," Master fiercely whispers into my ear. "Show him the goods, pet." My penis tingling with warmth, I shrug off the distraction and focus on lifting my tail as I feel hands slowly pull my cheeks apart. Fuck, I wouldn't mind him lubing my hole too, b-but... It'd be weird with someone else watching...

"Very lovely," Jason states. My legs shake a bit as my rear keeps being further presented, Master fondling me. "So obedient too..." I groan as my hole stays revealed and my instructor slowly moves his crotch against me; he's a little hard, his knot slowly pressing outward. My gratitude is muffled. "That's all, just wanted a view." Mmph... I'm released, pant a bit, then am slowly helped back up... "Be gentle with this one; he's pretty cute." Master scratches my hair; it's so nice... I'm in heaven.

Silently standing upright again, I hear some slaps a room away, but I can't make out more. Seconds later, I'm able to see Jason wave, the red and black patterns of his clothes shining brightly. "Anyway, sorry but I gotta get going," I see him mention as I stay still. "Catch you later, Hunter."

Just as the fox walks past me, there's a ticklish whisper in my ear: "That's a nice hole you got, slut; I hope you moan loud enough for me to hear when your master fills it up..." My cock tingles as I lower my head... I hear Jason's footsteps move further behind as I see Master smirking. He lifts the leash again, points ahead, and continues toward the corner while I slowly make tiny steps.

We're about to make the turn, where there's a slight view of the lobby, when Master stops moving, slowly moving his hands toward the metal loop of my proudly displayed collar; the bright leash stays around his left wrist as I hear a very slight metallic noise. I stopped preing, but my needy cock is still up, the head slightly wet; I-I can't hide this... My red eyes are locked toward his green ones, and despite initial panting, I slowly calm down and keep quiet for the next directions. He stands still, tugging an index and middle finger between my collar and throat, pulling slightly, but I try my best to keep silent. Master stares down, smiles, then fixes my frames with his other hand.

My triangular ears perk toward some footsteps further away and think of who else might be walking, but my focus is lost. "Bet you wanted to blow him," Master teasingly states, "didn't you?" He knows my answer; I try muttering a no, but my collar is tugged again- Nn... Bet I look so stupid right now... "You did? How adorable." No movements from me, but I still feel his fur touching my throat. "How badly does the little whore wanna show himself off to more people?" I rapidly breathe in embarrassment, attempting incomprehensible noises that don't make it past my fangs. "Oh, the toy wants to cum in front of them too?" Moans of fake resistance, but it doesn't matter what I do; what he says goes. Master smirks, releases his grip, then continues: "Really should get you a dog tag for our next walk: I'm thinking 'Spike' might be a cute name for you. You like it, pup?" Cock throbbing, my eyes roll back, can't touch myself. "Well, I'll decide something later."

Moving the leash's handle off his wrist, Master's quick to start moving again as he orders me to stay close, which I do from behind without hesitation. Before I know it, we walk toward a longer hallway as I can distantly make out the thankfully not-too-occupied lobby... Wooden furniture is in the distance along with a desk, but I can see through my frames a dressed, very feminine hawk and a much skinnier raven sitting close; the bright raven has blue, tight aerobics gear on. She smiles while he impatiently sits. There are more doors along the whitely painted walls, only a few doors open. "Move to my right," I overhear from Master, who's still looking forward. I-I'm embarrassed but still excited; they might see- "I said move to my right!" Mmph! I'm yanked ahead, stumbling a bit b-but catching my balance, all my monochrome fur exposed as the hall's brightness increases... I'm leaning against Master's side, facing him before I'm softly pushed away. Visible...

An arm firmly held around me, the presumed couple glances toward us while I accept my position. Intermixed with brown and gray feathers, the professional hawk licks her beak while the eager guy turns and starts muttering something to her; I don't know what, but Master holds me still for minutes- F-fuck me... S-someone with forms at the front desk too, but they're preoccupied- Nn... As I shake, Master periodically nudges me, one time crouching to feel around my butt; I blush... It's when the few guests are called up that we end up moving again, soon into a different corridor.

No longer visible to the lobby, I still hear occasional noises from submissive folk, like shaking noises through a room toward my right: someone getting humped really aggressively, if I had to guess, along with... barking noises? It's hard to tell for sure. Unlike my own sessions, the door's partway open, like the dom wants us to hear; it sounds intense, lots of rapid movements happening.

I stare forward again and compliantly inch with Master, obediently moving at an exact rate, although I'm leashed at a perfect distance to remind others who I belong to; I want to please him and be rewarded. It's kinda fun being judged while naked too... "Good dog," Master calls me, briefly patting my head... H-heh... I'd smile, but only my fangs show, mouth movements limited. "No more ruckus, right?" Instant nod. "...Right?" I nod again! "Dogs don't nod; they bark. Now howl." Taking a deep breath, I try pushing as much noise as I can past my gag, but it's still muffled. My tail flicks around very quickly as the two of us are talking. "Does my pet want some release?"

More hard breathing from me, desperately trying to answer with some manner of English. My tail shaking, I hear two people walk from behind- Sh-shit, there's still people. I'm visible... I feel embarrassed and don't turn around, trying to wiggle my arms, but they're firmly locked behind. "Don't mind us," Master playfully says to someone behind me, "this whore just wants to get off." N-no, not with people watch- Mm... My eyes look down, Master grabbing onto my cock again and slowly stroking it; f-fuck, can't cum right now! H-he slows after a few seconds but keeps teasing me, and my cheeks redden in embarrassment as my tail slowly lowers. I hear some higher-pitched giggles from behind, but the noise thankfully stops as I think they soon move further away. H-hah, I look like such a needy dork right now, fully exposed, leashed around, only wearing my glasses. The thought of being made to cum out here is weird, but fun in such- Mm... such a wrong way; my dripping penis perks upward as it hardens more. Master allures, forcefully pulling me forward.

Low-pitched barks; that's not me though? Master's brown ears perk as he faces the other direction and makes me walk with him a bit. Coming out a further-down door is an average-sized badger, leading around an incredibly muscular lion who's on his fours with his tongue out; save for a few brown bits and a smoothly brushed hairstyle that's dyed a darker brown, the badger is black and white. "Stay quiet and watch," Master seductively whispers into my left ear, pointing to the light-brown and red-striped man on the bottom, "that'll be you later." I'm silent and look as the large and clearly athletic lion is pet by his short-sleeved and jeans-wearing owner. They have to be aware I'm here; why aren't they reacting? Another bark, the playful lion isn't muzzled or anything, just obedient; naked, his thick shaft fully exposed, he happily pants as the weaker badger leashes him.

The rope partly below my knees still restrictive, we move together as Master slowly continues forward, but he mutters more words to me: "That could be us next time, maybe even go outside in the back some." I... Excited breaths but also nervousness- Master moves directly next to my face. "My toy needs to be shown off some more; got some features to explore, so don't you _dare_fucking move, okay?" Readily nodding, I stand perfectly still he adjusts me from my left, a few feet away from the other two. Master kisses my cheek- So hot... I feel his covered member press against me.

"Hey Gavin," Master states with a casual tone as he moves mostly behind me, "long time, no see." I hear my own leash hit the ground, my sight focused on the incredibly muscular lion, who has an innocent look in his eyes; his walker pats him then looks up toward us, but he doesn't react to my presence. I feel Master's long and sometimes patched arms wrap around me. Growling, he nudges my tail aside to make room for his bulge; it's large and slowly presses against my hole... He rubs my chest some more and embraces me, making very slow humps; I only have air around my crotch.

Unable to rub against anything, I'm forcibly silent and kept still while I feel Master's knot start to emerge, but the impact through his clothes is limited; I'm so hard, flustered... "Hunter! Haven't seen you in at least a week," I hear the confident badger state as a firm grasp remains around my chest, "how's it going? Still plenty active as ever, I see." The lion rolls around, continuing to pant.

"Oh, not much," Master responds with as different parts of my torso feel his warm embrace, exploring different parts- Nn, he fingers around my crotch; can't... can't touch it. "Daytime's going well," Master c-continues with, "club's getting a gym room built, you hear? It's behind the lobby." My cock erect, Master's canine claws gently scratch along my legs before moving up to my chest, his embrace forceful- Master thrusts- Mm! A drip below- Need to cum; I don't care if others watch!

The professional badger kneels to whisper something to his pet before dropping his leash. "Yeah, good stuff; would help with getting ready, what with the musk fans and all." He pulls out a red bone toy from behind and tosses it behind him; the lion yelps, sprints to firmly bite it with his mouth, then shakes around while growling, wildly waving his tail around in the process. "Business going well too; everyone's happy and the revenue's stable." Master keeps his gaze forward and doesn't say a word to me as his hands move to the fur around my nipples, lightly pinching before continuously fondling the rest of me... Urgh... Lion's just circling with his toy; he seems satisfied.

Nobody acknowledges me as they continue talking to one another, Master grabbing behind one of my legs at one point before soon feeling up between the gray limbs, c-careful not to touch my dick. "Schedule change? I used to see you each night," Master states as I pant... and calmly breathe through my nose. "Everything okay?" My glasses are pressed back as I start squirming around, but Master firmly hugs me again and keeps me facing forward, h-heh... So fucking exposed; I love it...

Gavin, that's his name, right? He gently nods and casually replies: "Oh yeah, no worries, got it squared away with the club owner and all." I focus on his bluish eyes; they don't stare back at me. "Husband's teaching that night class of his again," Gavin states with a smile, "and I wanted to help him prepare more, so some of my days are different." Another thrust from behind- Mmph! I moan, trying to squirm again, but I can't move except for my gripping hands. Please let me cum, Master!

The humps stop as I'm partly released, Master taking half a step back; my tail relaxes again with less pressure against my ass, but I'm still wanting. "Speaking of which," Gavin says with a masculine voice, "how's you and your girlfriend doing? Don't think I've met her yet." Master's sweat still overwhelms my nostrils as I softly murmur... "She sounds really nice, and she can stop by whenever, you know." I miss some sentences, taken away by Master's warm embrace; so soft...

"She moved in earlier," Master replies with, "and we're getting along great, also busy with work." Gavin offers an invitation again as Master's blackish snout lays against my neck. "Oh, it's not really her thing, but she doesn't mind of course." Drool falls from my face, hitting the floor, my member rising as Master extremely slowly teases it again. "Hobby-wise, we've been attending some conventions lately; she likes cosplaying most and I mostly watch the concerts. Lots of fun."

Smiling, Gavin and Master continue talking as I'm explored for what feels like an eternity, from the back of my lighter neck all the way to behind my darker knees- Scratches. Rubs. Objectify me. My ears catch some random sentences from Gavin: "Alright, fair enough. Husband's been given the tour here before; don't worry, he signed the forms too." For a short bit, Gavin walks toward his feline pet and sits, stroking his fur all over. "How many customers you have right now again?"

As I feel wet saliva around my gag, Master wipes it off and tightens the restraints; I look upward. "Well, you know most the guys I'm with. Can't really get into details here, but we'll have a meeting soon, alright?" If they're making any looks, I don't know what. "Sam helps too, but we need more staff; not all our clients are male and all." Gavin, still petting his striped lion, talks to him some more, but I'm distracted by the pleasure and don't catch Gavin's next sentences. Urgh, I really want someone to finish me off, so I try moaning loudly, but it's so quiet. "...Well, she's an exception," I catch Master saying. "Anyway, my schedule's already full." I pretend to resist again, even as others walk behind. Everything's still perfectly visible, green mats clean, the lights stable.

I loudly moan more and start shaking a lot, my naked body in sexual ecstasy, my tail shake- Mmph! My collar's tugged against; Master moves in front and pulls me against him- God, he's so strong... "Have fun with your pet, Gavin. Happy you're doing well." He sternly stares at me and I freeze. "Think I need to remind this bitch not to be rude to his owner." Can't see them, but I hear the other two walking away, not sure where. Cock's against Master's shorts, leaking some; I-I can't help it.

Master's face right next to mine. "Just can't keep quiet, can you?" I'm not sure how to reply; I attempt some sort of humming noise, but my mouth's held open, me looking like a useless fool. "Oh, you _want_me to fuck you in the ass, is that right?" Mm... "Oh, I bet you do, you needy bitch." Y-yeah, I'd love that, I mean- Oh God, I fucking love being exposed like this- This feels so good. Smiling, Master starts walking at a much faster rate than earlier, leading me along as I stumble a bit trying to keep up, but I'm used to my predicament by now. Master periodically looks back to check on me, but he knows me to be accepting as we eventually turn right into a celled area, albeit a comfier one without a door... Anybody who walks by could see inside, but the lobby's far away.

It looks like a jail of sorts, but there are towels and a long table, it covered with soft-looking fabric. Chains all over the walls... I could be displayed like before. Blindfold me. Blow me to completion. "Get inside," Master instructs me, "now." Like an obedient servant, I inch my collared self forward. From behind, I hear clothes, gym shorts, brush against fur; staring forward, I see them flung to the table's front, then his shirt, their black coloring only contrasted by sweat and a tiny spot of semen. I'm excited and ready to do whatever he wants, but I hear his footsteps move toward my left as he whispers a question, more calmly this time: "You fine with this?" Gripping my rag, I rapidly nod!

There's a satisfied chuckle, then I'm assertively pushed onto the soft table- Oh God, yes, please! Master's strong grip positions me in a stretched yet comfortable manner, with my face buried into his sweaty and slightly cum-stained shorts... I can smell his pre; it's so fucking hot... "Turn your head some," I hear as I tilt it left to breathe better, but his seducing aura still charms my senses. I'm fully on my front, still unable to speak, my hands still behind me. Stiff... I'm further bent and objectified as my kneeled legs are held against the furniture, Master shimmying between. "That's right..." I feel my bushy tail pushed to the side; my hole's exposed and ready to take his thick knot.

Some footsteps again, but I don't care if anybody watches. I hear some lube squirted from behind and get myself ready; Master makes some sticky noise with his hands and rubs it on my ass... F-fuck, M-Master applies the slightly cold gel around my hole, repeatedly pressing a palm to help with the lubrication; my vision worsens when my eyes roll, not looking through my dorky frames. His other hand plasters the rest onto his own cock, which should also be erect by now; he growls and doesn't say anything while concentrating. When that ends, Master delicately- MM!! M-Master sticks a lubricated finger up my asshole, getting the lube around as I squirm yet stay held in place.

"T-there we go, t-that's it..." Master exclaims with a shaking in his voice; I still hear him stroking. Hard breaths continue until both his hands stop and my rear feels more receptive. I take a strong sniff of Master's clothes again, feeling my dick ready to fire, but it's off the mat; c-can't stimulate. "Now then," my leader says as he presses his erect knot against my ass, tingling so much, "maybe this'll remind you who's in control here. The only noises I want are your gratitude." Closing my eyes in bliss, I slowly breathe in and out as I feel his erect tip touch my- t-touch my rear, so smooth.

Breathing increases- Use me and fill me with your seed, please! I loudly moan grateful sounds, Master's cock feeling so good, so perfectly hard. "Take it, you fucking queer..." Nn... I breathe out as the reddened member slowly presses its way in, not being too difficult; I-I have lots of practice. "T-take that fucking cock," he continues with. "I know you like it, being filled by guys." Mmph, Master keeps pressing as my ass slowly lets him in, my dick swaying, pre hitting the floor. I open my eyes again and s-stare forward, seeing the stone wall, catching his strong physique through peripheral vision. Master's mostly in, which my body whorishly accepts as he further lays on me.

MM!! Master's left hand grips onto my member, the right onto the table for support, and starts rapidly stroking me off. "Gonna make a big display," I hear sharply whispered into my ear, "showing off for everyone." I murmur ecstatic moans as my pleasured ass graciously lets him hump without stop. His knot's still trying to press through, but my prostate is so excited, and I'm- I'm like fucking seconds away from ejaculating, making a huge mess. "Come on, slut, exhale..." Call me more things, y-yes, I want your cum; so demeaning. D-deep breaths... in and out. In... Out-

Fuck, that's it! That's it... fucking tons of pleasure as I fully take Master's knot, it pressing outward as I feel him pulsating more, controlling my cock- "Gonna..." Master's rubbing so fast, thrusting around as h-he growls and- "F-fucking take it, all of it!" He starts panting as I feel his release, my rear warming as his hot, sticky load fills, spreads everywhere. Trying to hold, I'm gonna- I-I can't-

Fast breaths, so filled- F-fast breaths as- F-fuck!! I fire a big fucking load, Master verbally satisfied. Extremely pleased moans through my gag as I desperately try yelling for more, my ass pounded! More cum, my white mess hitting the floor, some on the table, a bit getting on my legs; God, yes! Master doesn't stop while I orgasm, as I try verbally thanking him through anything besides moans.

Still on the table, Master and I calm down as we wait for his cock to relax before he moves back. I'm still gagged and tied, still having my wolf dominator embraced against me, me feeling so happy. "Heh, you did a great job, Felix," my exhausted self hears, "just another minute, okay?" Murmuring a yes, I'm still in a state of bliss; mm, that was amazing. For a short while, we lay together, Master delicately scratching my hair, whispering sweet compliments, kissing my neck; he hugs me as I calm down and smile. "You alright? Did you like it?" I murmur in utter happiness.

Part 3: Completion

S-so close... I'm so close as I keep imagining different versions of earlier, wanting to release the tension before having another drink; fuck, I'm so hard. My left hand firmly presses around my mouth as I rapidly stroke with my right. Kneeling in a restroom stall near the bar's entrance, my red shorts and underwear sit around my ankles, my left armpit holding up a similarly colored and fairly loose T-shirt; I changed into comfier clothing after a quick apartment visit. I wiggle around in place, ready to ejaculate into the seat in front of me. "Yeah, that's right, slut, make a mess in front of them," I imagine being aggressively whispered into my ear while I'm physically bound, other eager subs kneeling, ready to be covered in my load. Still wearing my glasses, my eyes are closed as I try ignoring a loud ruckus outside the restroom, urgh... Shut up, everyone; let me finish!

Okay, okay, nobody's in the other stalls; need to focus. I keep stroking as my submissive fantasy resumes in my head. "I'm in charge here," I imagine Master say as others in the distance watch, "and when I say finish, you're gonna fire your load and enjoy it, right?"_Nodding, I start moaning out loud too, but immediately stop myself before anyone outside can hear, my nearly naked form physically acting things out. _"Look at this fucking geek," Master states to eager watchers, "who's ready for him to go?" Others cheer us on, viewers in my mind tossing around insulting terms too.

I hear the bathroom entrance open, but I shake my head, trying to ignore the distraction. It's harder to stay quiet as my breathing accelerates though... Screw it! Pushing back my frames, my eyes are still closed as I increase the stroking speed, getting ready- Getting ready to- Oh my God. "Okay, Spike, we've worked up enough," Master sternly says as I'm about to- Still stroking. I-I'm ready! "Finish everywhere!" Woof! Loads of semen fire out as I angle downward, still pumping my cock.

"Jack, you in here?" I lightly hear, trying to ignore the lower-pitched guy outside the stalls. Hah... quickly breathing as the rest of my load lands in the toilet, shaking my dick some to get the rest- Aah, that feels nice... "Our driver's here," he adds, my mental image stopped; I open my eyes. "Where the hell are you?!" D-damn... I struggle to limit my own audio, holding my mouth and trying to breath more slowly through my nostrils, but I'm worn out; please don't notice... Nervous, I remain frozen, struggling not to gasp, but the other dude thankfully leaves within seconds; I instantly get up, adjust myself as I pant through my mouth, then get toilet paper to clean my crotch.

...I'm so weird. Wait, shit, how long was I in here? Before anyone else comes in, I quickly pull up my shorts and underwear to past my darker gray knees, then fit my tail through. I rush out the stall to wash my hands and face, making sure to splash some water around my whitish mask fur too, combing down my blackish gray bangs with the tips of my claws. Bathroom's surprisingly not that dirty despite it being... Peeking at my phone, it's slightly past twelve. Fridays are usually rowdier.

I walk out into the familiar bar setting, a decent gathering of customers sitting around and chatting, nobody stumbling around or looking sick yet, so that's good. Stalls are mostly filled with canine and feline adults, with some other mammals scattered around; somewhere around half look like they came out of business meetings, while the rest are extremely casually dressed. The lighting's slightly dimmed with a reddish tint around parts of the ceiling, mostly polished tables are rectangular and covered with partly finished glasses, the pool table's unoccupied, and the air conditioning is flowing; the only distracting things are some loud celebrations, which I'm used to.

Nobody here I closely know besides Ash, although there are a few familiar faces: some members of a fraternity who partied here before, and one stall has a formally dressed red fox happily sitting with a purplish coyote, the latter woman having light-brown fur bits and long-sleeved clothing; they're enjoying fruity drinks as they both gaze into each other's eyes. I almost reach my usual barstool when I spot the blue-hoodie-wearing lizard regular, him being alone at a square table; he looks a little nervous, his light-blue eyes showing concern as the green-scaled dude repeatedly swipes through his phone. He still has vodka and an unfinished field greens salad on the table, a finished glass and plate even further across from him. I'll talk to him later, see if he needs anything.

I soon sit down on the somewhat tall barstool, the cushion being comfy. There's another glass of red wine in front of me, my second for the night. "Not the strongest drink we have," Ash casually tells me while organizing receipts, "but it's got some pop to it and I know you like the fruity taste." She's wearing a blue midriff top along with lengthy black shorts, the lime-green lizard's clothes also wet, which I ask about. "Oh, just had to run outside to get a late-night delivery," she instantly responds with. "Shit's fucking pouring outside, plus the dumbass thought to leave the box out in the goddamn rain rather than bring it in. So, you know, that's fun," she says with an irritated tone.

Thanking her for the drink, I grip the glass and start chugging, still pretty thirsty from earlier. "Sorry to hear that," I calmly respond with, "I know what it's like dealing with idiots at work." Work... maybe I shouldn't have brought that up, but whatever. I push back my frames again and adjust my posture. "Had a really fun time tonight though..." A smile forms, then I drink more wine.

Ash takes her hands off the register, grabs some napkins, and wipes remaining bits of water from her long and light-brown hair; she tosses them aside before facing her red eyes toward mine. "You know I have a good sense of smell, right?" ...Fuck, fuck, I should've washed there more! "Felix, if you made a mess anywhere, I swear to God..." Awkward silence, b-but I finish my wine and reassure her that I cleaned up after myself... Still thinking about earlier, I keep silently holding my glass. "Heh, I'm just teasing," Ash jokingly states with a smirk on her face, "it's fine!" Oh, right, yeah, she's fine with that, I guess, right. I try to awkwardly laugh as she hands me a glass of water.

I briefly peek around the bar again, but nobody else has left yet; if anything, it's louder than earlier now. My tall ears perk as I hear Ash speak: "Anyway, need to take care of more crap; don't wanna spend a lot of time after shift, what with Ollie back in town now. We got fun plans tomorrow." Ollie being her otter boyfriend, I wish her a fun time and thank her again. "Back in a few minutes."

Nodding my head, Ash walks to the back, so I take out my phone to start checking social media statuses: There's a group message about a party going on with some friskier friends of mine, while a former roommate is showing off her ceramics collection. Robin shared around some professional photography for a café and other areas; looks like he's doing advertising, but he seems to enjoy it.

I keep scrolling until I suddenly get a text from... Sam? Wasn't he working at the club tonight still?

Someone mentioned a new frisky ferret shown around earlier - 12:17 AM

Was that you? ;) - 12:17 AM

H-heh, guess he was nearby. I trust Sam though, so I reply with a yes as I feel my face warm up...