Essential Services

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Just a little story that I started working on as a kind of refresher/palatte cleanser in between commissions. Turned out a bit more than expected, but that happens a lot with my stories it seems.

If you want to see some other stories I haven't posted yet, and if you want to support me, feel free to join my patreon over at where I've got other things including some larger projects.

"Another day, another eight hours of sitting around," Simon sighed as he slumped into his chair. The rabbit letting his bag thump to the floor and stay there for a moment. Just that little bit of chaos before he couldn't stand it and quickly put his pack beside his desk. Busying himself with unpacking and getting set up for the evening.

"Could be worse," Willow called from her desk, "could be ten of us out here doing nothing all night long."

Simon's ears lifted as he leaned back to look over at the other rabbit. As usual, her desk was mostly clean, if a little cluttered, her 'nightly nibbles' of light snacks competing with her personal laptop and work computer. Though gone was her office casual, the rabbit taking full advantage of the fact that everyone else was remoting in by wearing a somewhat looser tee and a pair of jeans. Her shoes already off and tucked under the desk, bare toes flexing as she leaned back. "Makes it so much easier to relax," she grinned at him.

He quickly returned his focus to getting set up for the night, "You can relax all you want, I want to make sure that the data center doesn't catch fire."

The sable gave a slow stretch, "It'll be fine. I mean, what's our routine anyway?" Willow began to count off on her fingers, "We do a check over the floors. That takes all of twenty minutes, less if we split up. Then we check emails which there are..." she rolled her head to look at her computer, "two. One of which is Bill checking in on us. Then we throw on Netflix or read a book until something happens. Speaking of which," she popped an alfalfa bite into her mouth and crunched, "what are you reading on tonight? Exotic rocks of Europe?"

"No," he said a bit too quickly, "I had been reading about Tonga since Jane and I had been planning on vacation, but they closed their borders last week." Disappointment rolled through the buck. He'd been looking forward to some rock climbing.

Willow was only half-listening, one ear turned towards him, her eyes on the screen, and an ear bud parked in her other, "Thrilling." Her ear twitched before she cast a quick look over, "Sorry, didn't meant to sound so sarcastic but..." the doe trailed off for a second. "Isn't going to Tonga just like going to Hawaii, but not?" he started to say something but she cut him off with a, "Didn't you guys go to Hawaii last year?"

He nudged his glasses higher up on his nose, "We did, and we had a great time."

A quiet, "Uh huh," came from her as she reclined. Uttering a weary noise as she tapped her bare feet together, watching as Simon finished organizing his desk. "Before we start tonight, I wanna ask you something and I want you to keep a fully open mind." He turned an ear towards her as he wrapped the octopus mess of cables coming from his bag. "Do you want a blowjob?"


Willow held up both hands, "I said keep an open mind, not 'I'm coming over there to rip your pants off right now.' I mean..." she bit her bottom lip and leaned forward with a smile, "It's that bit of taboo isn't it? At work, I'm younger, you're boringly married."

The question stunned him enough that he had to stare at her for a minute and let it process. He'd been with the company for over twenty years, he was her senior by almost two decades. Some might say that she was young enough to be his daughter, but only if he'd been having sex in high school. He'd been married to Jane almost as long as he'd worked here and they were perfectly happy together.

And yet...

He found his eyes roaming over Willow, just that quick scan. They'd worked alongside each other for a couple years now. When she was first hired on they'd been practically attached at the hip, since he'd been the one training her. She'd always been cute, but now he found that primal male part of him examining her again. Taking in that rich tan body fur and chocolate brown face. Jeans that, while relaxed, still hugged a pair of legs that were kept tone by regular runs. Loose as her shirt was, he could readily imagine what was waiting underneath. Had she even bothered to wear a bra today? It looked like she was pretty casual, so there was no telling yet he still found himself wandering.

Simon turned his head and coughed, "Happily married..." Before she could say something, he grabbed the radio off its charger, "And weren't you dating," he trailed off for a second, "Frank?"

A look of mild disappointment flashed across her features, "He decided that it wasn't me, it was him." She heaved a sigh and stood as well, getting her own radio. Flashing her soft belly as she picked up her untucked shirt to fix the radio to her belt. "Guy had a needle dick, so fuck him." A smile curled across her lips as she turned, rolling her hips just enough to show off her rear to the buck, "Offer still stands. Be our secret, so keep it in mind."

His eyes lingered on that rear a little longer than it should have. Especially as she took the lead out of the office, wiggling her hips and cotton tail. Rather than follow right on her heels, he took a sharp left out of the office and made for the stairs.

Willow's ear twisted at the sound of rapidly retreating footsteps and smirked. Maybe it had been a little mean to spring the question on Simon like that. Truth was she and Frank had split up weeks back, and it had been a bit of both. Only difference is that when she'd cheated on him, she hadn't been caught. Normally she'd recover by spending some time at bars and see if she could get a guy that she'd be interested in. The whole 'shut down everything but essential services' thing had put a damper on that. Wasn't a bar in the city that was open right now. Not that she'd have gone to one anyway, she was horny not stupid.

A guy like Simon though? He was always the safe bet. Someone that had a career, a wife, house, dog, but no kids? Granted, he was a rabbit and his wife was a hare, but there was always adoption and surrogacy. Not that she could ever imagine Jane going through the physical strain of bearing a child or the indignity of changing a diaper. She'd met that woman a few times at office parties and, holy fuck. If you looked up Snow Queen, her picture would be staring disapprovingly at you. She had no clue what attracted Simon to her. The woman had to keep Simon's balls in her purse.

Which meant this could be a fun distraction. Much more entertaining than binge watching another series.

It was hard to focus on work. Good thing Simon had literally helped write the procedure book. He could do this job in his sleep, and had a couple times when things went pear-shaped. That was as much a blessing as it was a curse. While it meant he didn't have to dedicate his full attention to making sure nothing was breaking, it also meant he could let his mind wander.

Which is the last thing he wanted right now.

Simon tried to focus on his job. Right now it was wandering the racks and checking that nothing was on fire, that the baffles were up, and other standard tasks. Which was tedious and boring but necessary. Only made worse by the fact he had to wear some serious ear protection to guard against the hundreds of fans that were all whirring away. With just the sound of his breathing and the dull thump of his heart to keep him company, his mind readily wandered to Willow.

Oh she was certainly pretty, but he knew that she'd had a practical revolving door of partners. Well, he didn't know if they were partners, but she certainly wasn't quiet about it when one called her up or was sending her texts.

He could see why a lot of people might wanna get with her. She was both intelligent and smart, two vastly different things in his book, and certainly quick to pick up new skills. Then there was that ever-present smile and her easy attitude. She'd even told the others to call her Will if they felt like it. 'Make me one of the guys,' she'd teased them. Not to mention that she was pretty, with her rather lovely sable coloring. Something she loved to show off, keeping herself well groomed and her pelt shining with the help of a good diet and natural beauty products. The doe took pride in her beauty and took care of herself. Something that she had gladly displayed at one Christmas Party after a few too many drinks.

Ah hell, now he couldn't get the flash of her breasts out of his head! Not huge, but certainly enough for her slender frame. Just the right amount of bounce with pink nipples looking so deliciously perky. Made him just about drool as he longed to wrap his mouth about one and just savor.

The tightening of his pants and heavy throb of his cock reminded him just how long it had been since he'd had sex.

Simon sighed and turned to start down the next row of servers, nearly running straight into Willow. "Sorry," she mouthed at him, flashing a quick smile. He tried to return the smile and waved it off. Between the sheer noise in the room and their hearing protection, most everyone picked up on talking with gestures.

Her hand coming out to grasp the bulge in his slacks was a pretty clear indication. Simon jumped and stumbled, his back quickly bouncing into the side of a rack.There was that smile again, just a quick flash across her muzzle as she tilted her head. "Do you want this?" her eyes asked as she traced the outline of his member. "Stop me if you don't," came the quiet tease as her fingers found his zipper. The sable rabbit smoothly lowering herself to her knees, never once taking her eyes from his.

Simon worried his bottom lip as she knelt in front of him, holding his zipped. Just waiting calmly for him to indicate one way or the other. Why she even leaned forward, nose twitching before taking his zipper in between her teeth.

The slightest nod was all it took. Willow gladly pulled his zipper down, nuzzling his bulge as it appeared. Her ears lifted as she nuzzled him, casually unbuckling his belt without taking too long.

Willow looked up at him with a quick grin as she ran her hands over his boxer-briefs. Just feeling the outline of his length, giving him a quick look of approval before she drew his underwear down. That approving look taking on a measure of surprise as the rabbit's rather impress member leapt out at her. Her lips pursed into a whistle as she looked up at him with a sparkle in her eyes.

Holy fuck, how did she not know that Simon was packing? Did he have special TARDIS underwear or something to keep this in check? Felt like she was putting her fingers around a soda can just trying to grip his base. And his balls!

Burying her nose against his sac, she took a deep breath of his scent. He was clean, cleaner than the last few guys she'd been with. Just a hint of musk clinging to his flesh. And his taste... She brought her head up until his tip was against her lips. Tongue darting out to sweep his tip. Gathering the precum that was already appearing with a quick lap before greedily taking him into her maw.

Clean, fresh, hung, and with a sweet taste? She hit the jackpot!

She turned the lick into a slow swallowing. Lips stretching over the cock as she bobbed her head forward. Simon's cock pulsed within her maw, straining against her tongue as she teased his tip. Oh it was nice, giving her lips a good stretch as she kept him there in her mouth. Her tongue casually rolling around his cut tip. Oh this was going to be fun and she could think of so many things to do with him. Willow trailed her hand over his shaft and down to cup his balls. Was he pent up or was he always this heavy? Hard to tell with a cock as big as this boy was packing.

Lifting her gaze, she smiled at the look he was giving her. He was torn between aroused, scared, and worried. There was no fear that they would be caught. While there were cameras at the entrance to the server rooms, there weren't any inside. Only authorized people could come in. If they stayed too long, it would seem suspicious. Never took her long to get someone off when she set her mind to it.

Willow lifted herself a little and dropped her gaze. Both hands falling to rest on his belt as she lowered her head. Moaning around his cock as his length drove deeper into her muzzle. It slipped further until it almost touched the back of her throat. Simon shuddered under her and gave a half-buck.

That was all the encouragement she needed.

Jaws shook with her pleased hum as she drew back. Only stopping as his tip brushed her teeth before she dove back. Her nose buried greedily into his lap, throat flexing as his tip burrowed right into it. Willow stayed there for a long moment, gazing up at him as she swallowed about his tip. That look of shocked bliss brought a smile to her face before she repeated it.

Oh... Oh! This was good. Simon hadn't even considered that she might sneak up on him like this. If it had been any other time he could've resisted the urge. The way she looked at him paired happily with his need. Not only had it been a long while since he'd been with Jane, but he hadn't even had the chance to seek any self-relief. Between work, his home life, and everything else that was happening, it had been pushed aside. Pushed aside, but not forgotten. That primal male part readily shoving aside his thoughtful, calmer self as soon as she knelt before him. Once his pants were open, all those societal worries were cast out in favor of what was going on now.

Her moans grew louder as he put a hand on her head. The doe looking up at him with those smiling eyes again. Pressing her head into his hand before she dove back down. Lips stretched to the point where she was practically drooling around him. Nearly choking herself on his cock in her greed to take more.

Well, if she was that eager with just one hand on her head, he had to experiment with two. Willow hummed her pleasure as both his hands came down to pet and massage her. Fingers roaming through her hair and mussing the one perfectly groomed pelt. Her tongue danced across his flesh as she pulled back. Willow looked gazed up at him, not with adulation, but with a playful challenge in her eyes. Well, what was he going to do now?

Willow fully expected Simon to lay back and keep petting her head. She was not prepared when the drove himself forward, burying his cock back into her maw. His hands readily twining through her hair and holding on as he started to fuck her.

Caught off guard, the doe's hands flew up to his thighs and held on for a moment. Keenly aware of how she was swallowing about his cock. The deep 'gluck guck!' of his member pounding into her throat echoing in her head. Oh it was certainly unexpected, but not unappreciated. Thighs rubbed together as she tried to match his pace, tongue darting over and around his cock. Lips strained under the constant assault as drool started to roll down his sac, dripping onto her shirt as the male went full force on her face.

It was exciting, certainly more than she'd expected from the male. Oh she'd figured a blowjob would've been easy enough to get, but this? This was fucking hot! Easy as it was for her to get a partner, too many of them wanted to be careful because she was a cute little bunny rabbit. To have a buck, even one that was older than she, just go full throttle on her? Why she was getting a little choked up.

He tapped her head, drawing her attention up. "I'm close," he mouthed, drawing her attention back to his length. Her hand dancing up to his base, feeling how it was throbbing. Down to his sac as it drew up. "Where?" he barely managed to convey through gritted teeth.

Willow pulled back with a gasp. Both hands jumping to his cock and pumping faster. The doe smiled up at his as her tongue played the underside of his tip. Which was more than enough to set the buck off. His sharp call barely heard through their hearing protection as he came hard. Thick streamers of his seed splashed across her face and open mouth. Her hands slid up and down his length, over his balls, and everywhere to keep his orgasm going as long as possible. Keeping her mouth open to show off his seed that was pooled there.

With a smile and a wink, she swallowed it down. Willow took a moment to tuck him back into his pants before standing up, winking, and walking away. Her tail twitching behind her as she vanished between the racks, leaving Simon standing there.

Simon finished his rounds as quickly as he could and went back to the office. No sign of Willow, though with the mess that he'd made on her face, she was likely cleaning up. So he distracted himself with emails. More of the same. Clients checking in, notes from other shifts, and updates from management. Nothing that took more than a few minutes to sort out.

Then came nothing.

No emails, no calls, and no sign of Willow. Simon cast a look around, wasted some time checking there was nothing in his junk folder, and finally resigned himself to making a run at the vending machine. While he had snacks and his lunch waiting for him, well sometimes you just had to eat something horrible for you. In for a penny and all that.

There were few things that contained horrible delights than the break room vending machine. All he had to do was walk into the room and hew knew just what he wanted. Money was happily exchanged for the preservative packed parcel of pastries.

"Those things are gonna kill you." Willow was back at her desk, feet up on it, hair damp and pulled back into a ponytail. There was a playful smile on her face as she nibbled on her treat stick. "Don't worry, I won't tell Jane you're cheating on your diet though." Now that made his cheeks flush hot as he hurried over to his desk and dropped into it with a huff. Distracting himself with the coconut donuts so he didn't have to look right at her.

Not that she was going to give him that long. "So," Willow's voice was softer as she leaned over the low wall of his cubical. "How long has it been since you and Jane last..." she thumped his wall with a knee. He jumped and shot her a look. "I'm just curious, Simon." Willow's smile was so sweet and made her eyes light up, "Don't have to tell me if you don't want."

He chewed on his donuts for a second before, "About two months," he coughed. Her ears shot up as she gave him an incredulous look. "Closer to three... maybe four."

"Jezuz H, man. No wonder you damn near choked me." There was that lip bite again as she squirmed, "Gotta say, I've been with my share of bucks and you're by far the most impressive one I've been with." Leaning forward, she gave him a near perfect lien of sight right down her top. Yep, no bra on today. "If you want," her voice dropped to a husky, conspiratorial tone, "I wouldn't mind a bit of no-strings attached fun. The way you grabbed my head and... mmph, got a girl all worked up."

It was really, really hard to keep from staring down her top. Especially as she swayed slowly and set the twins in motion. "Willow... you're a beautiful doe, you really are. If I weren't married, I would be..." he let out a slightly panicked laugh, "I would be all over that offer."

That got a smile from her, "I'm flattered." Leaning in, she stole one of his donuts, "Well. If the mood strikes you, I'll be right over there."

Oh that was an offer that he was going to be thinking about all night long, that's for sure. Especially as Willow stepped away from his cubical, revealing that the doe had dropped her jeans! Not only was she not sporting a bra, but she was without her panties as well. Her bared cotton tail wiggling against her equally bare ass. Which she happily shook at him as she ventured over, dropping to sit on her jacket, which she'd draped over her chair. Flashing him a smile as she leaned back just in time for her phone to ring.

"Intergen Data Service," she answered the phone with a smile, "How may I be of service?"

Never in his life had Simon wanted to just bury himself in work, leap across a room and ravage someone, and burrow under his desk all at the same time. Yet here he was.

And it was only Tuesday.

Wednesday shift started about like any other. Willow was on her best behavior and didn't surprise him in the server room for another blowjob. Though he was a little disappointed since that had been good. Which, now that he was thinking, she hadn't done anything other than tease him last night. Sitting where she was on full display, ask leading questions, and more. Tonight? If he were more suspicious, he would have suspected she was up to something.

Willow came in a few minutes after he did, her jeans and tee having been traded for a cute skirt and top. They didn't have much of a chance to chat, since there was a minor outage and a dozen emails. While he went to check on the physical side of things, she handled the customers. The rabbits keeping in touch over radio as they did some trouble shooting. It actually kept them on the move until midway through their shift.

"Want me to head up your lunch for you?" Willow's voice chimed over the radio.

Ears perked, "Sounds like a deal to me. I'll be up there as soon as I get the cart put away." An easy enough task, he was already winding the cables and hanging them off their loops. "We hit the ground running too, might need a bit of a cheat." Cheat meaning he needed something sugary and/or caffeinated rather than his usual tea. The crash cart rattling along as he shoved it back to the hall.

Her yawn made his ear twitch as he took off the headset, "I'll be getting me some coffee going for sure." Simon hummed to himself and turned to take the stairs. Get that extra bit of exercise in during his shift. With the gyms all shut down he couldn't get his usual post-work workout in.

Willow was in the break room, nibbling on her lunch and looking over something on her tablet. She'd already set his lunch out, loosely covered, at the table with her. His bag found its way into a chair before he just plopped down into the seat she'd offered, "I certainly owe you." Her ear swiveled towards him. "I hate handling Jeffers, guy is about as dense as they come and just thinks that IT is easy. Shocked he hasn't trashed his data worse than he already did."

She snorted a laugh, "Well, you'll be happy to know that he's got a similar attitude to women. Though it helps that I can get him to laugh with the 'Call me Will and think of me as one of the boys' line." Peering up at Simon, she smiled; "Come to think of it, you're one of the few that still call me Willow."

He pointed his spork at her, "It's cause you pulled that joke on them and I'm certain half don't get it. Don't forget you told me which name you prefer. Hell, you proved you're more capable than some of them out here, it's why I asked to get you on night shift. Would rather I spent the nights with someone that knows their ports from a hole in the ground."

"Probably doesn't hurt that I smell better than Mark." She took a victory scoop from his yogurt, "I watch less porn at work too." Willow licked her spoon clean with a wiry grin. Her expression dropped, "Have you seen his screen share since he's been on remote?"

Fending her spoon off with his superior spork, "I have been avoiding that. Got a look once and..." the rabbit shivered. "Really glad he didn't have his webcam on."

That got a retching sound from her. "Now that's a way to kill my appetite. Thanks for that." It only stopped her from stealing some of his lunch for a second. "This is good. What brand is it?" Once again spoon met spork in a clash of plastic on metal.

"Homemade. I am going to have to start bringing some for you aren't I?"

Willow grinned, "Could do, or we could share it. I enjoy your white, creamy treat." And there it was, that sultry smile and scoot closer. Though he didn't jump nearly as hard when her hand traced over his thigh. Not going full for his groin, but close enough that his soldier was readily jumping to attention. "You've got your one cheat," she nodded at the soda can, "what about two?"

Simon shuddered even as he leaned back to give her more room to work. "I really don't know. Giving me head is one thing, but..."

The doe took the unspoken, unintended invite and slid into his lap. Table squeaking as it was pushed back to give the rabbit pair more room. "I was thinking of another blowjob or maybe," she mimed jerking off with one hand as her other slid up his chest. Toned thighs gliding over his as as she settled into his lap. "If you want more though..." her voice dropped to a husky whisper. Willow leaned in until their whiskers brushed, noses twitching millimeters from each other. "I brought condoms unless you want to be extra naughty..."

This close he couldn't help but inhale her scent. Clean, a little grassy, and very natural. Shaking hands found their way to her hips and traced the curve of the doe's rear. He took his time to examine her backside before letting his grasp drop to her thighs. Gently tracing that line where skirt ended and legs began.

"We really shouldn't..." he breathed at her, leaning towards the doe, "I'm married..."

Her arms curled about his neck, "Then tell me no and I'll move."

Would she? Could he? The question hung unanswered for a second. Willow waiting patiently, holding Simon's gaze with her patient gaze. That second stretched into a moment, then crept towards two.

Simon leaned forward and kissed her. Just a little peck that made Willow bounce in his lap. The barest hop of surprise before she leaned in to meet him. Lips parting so tongues could meet in a shy embrace. A moan soon muffled as lips met, the buck's arms wrapped about the doe and pulled her closer. Slender form arching into his as her thighs squeezed his hips. Her warmth pressing against his contained length, teasing it as the pair rubbed each other right there in the break room.

The kiss broke as she worked his belt off. Willow leaning back just enough to let her open his pants and push underwear down to expose the buck. "Fuck," she breathed, flushed ears darkening as she reached to stroke him. "I dreamt about this, you know."

Her hips rolled under his wandering hands. Willow lifting her skirt to reveal her bare pussy. "It's not that big," he muttered as she arched, rubbing her bare folds across his underside.

"Size," Willow ran her fingers over his shaft, "isn't everything." She slapped her pussy with his cock, shivering at the solid smack. "I've dated a horse before and they're impressive, but can't fit half of their cock in you." Smack. "And I've dated a mouse that drilled me until I was drooling."Smack. "I think you," she laid his cock against her belly and rubbed, "might be a near perfect fit." Slick, warm lips ground against his exposed sac and base, "Though it doesn't matter if you can't handle it." Both shivered as she let her fingers trail up and down his cock slowly. "Got me curious, what does the Wifey think of this?"

His lips parted, breathing picking up as she kept playing with him, "W-well, there was some stumbling when we were dating, and she refused to marry me until I could satisfy her in bed." It was getting really hard to focus, especially as she started to grind against him. The slender doe driving the buck back in his seat as her bare puss rubbed across him. "S-so," he gasped, "what do you want?"

Willow leaned into him, pushing Simon until the chair was only on two legs. Her bare feet pressed tight to the linoleum floor to keep them from tipping over. "That's what a lady likes to hear."

The chair came back down on all fours with a clatter. Willow lifting herself off Simon as teasingly as she could. A thin string of juices connecting his cock to her folds as she stepped away and bent over the table. Her skirt riding higher to show off her bare rump, which she wiggled enticingly at him. Before she could even tell him what she wanted, Simon was on his knees behind her. Spreading her cheeks open so he could dive in. The buck groaning as he nuzzled her privates, licking over her outer folds.

Words caught in her throat as his tongue found her clit. Shivers racing up the doe's spine as his tongue and teeth played with her. Willow practically melting into the table as her coworker began to service her like a pro. His tongue darted over and around her clit before working deeper. Simon's fingers swept in his tongue's wake, probing and testing her. Even as he found her eager and ready, the buck wasn't going to stop at just that. He probed deeper, burying his nose into her privates with a quiet chitter. Willow echoing the noise as her foot lifted and thumped quickly. It had been a long time since a guy ate her out and Simon as a fucking trooper at it!

"Ffffuck me," she moaned through chattering teeth. His fingers pressed deeper and hooked, making the doe buck with a squeak. Simon's laugh getting buried into her buns as she pushed back. "S-stop," He sat back and looked at her over her rear. "Don't want to have my fun too fast." She smiled as she rolled her hips back and forth.

He didn't need to be told twice. Standing up and getting into position behind her. Both shuddered as his tip found her entrance, "Simon," Willow gasped as she felt him just start to part her folds, the offered condom completely forgotten.

"Y-yeah?" he panted as he watched his cock vanish into her pussy. The doe's softness gladly parting for his raging rabbithood. She was tight and soft, her body fitting perfectly under his as their hips met. Both taking the moment to savor as their hips bumped. Much as he loved his wife, it had been months since he'd been inside her. Even then she was readily taller and larger than he, so she wasn't nearly as perfect of a fit as Willow was. It had been a very long time since he had a rabbit doe under him, and he really couldn't have asked for a better one than Willow.

There was that rapid thump of her foot on the floor as she ground into his lap, "Mmm, remember last night?" Looking back, she found herself nearly nose-to-nose with the buck. "When you grabbed my head and started fucking my mouth?"

"Uh huh?" he breathed as he gave a shallow thrust. Willow clenching around him with a breathy moan.

She nuzzled his nose, "I want you to act like that again." The doe rocked as much as her position would allow. "Just grab me and take charge."

It was hard not to start matching her pace. Each thrust coming faster than the last as they began to learn what the other liked. "You mean..." he panted as a hand caught her hip and pulled her back. The shakingly tight grip drawing a moan from the doe, "like one of those Daddy dom guys?" That made her ears perk as she twisted to look at him more. "I..." he blushed, "experimented a bit a couple years ago. Watched some videos and tried a few things..."

Willow threw an arm around his head and drew him in close, "Fuck me, Daddy."

"Intergen Data Service." Simon leaned back at his desk, narrowed eyes dancing from the phone to his computer screens. Thursday, the end of his work week and for once he found himself a little disappointed. While the week had its up and downs, there had to be something said for almost having the office to himself. Then there was the fun that he and Willow had...

To say that was the highlight of his week was an understatement.

Bill's voice crackled through the headset, "Ah Simon, good. Was hoping you'd be at your desk. Just wanted to check up on everything."

"Hmm," Simon clicked about on his desktop. "Everything's going fine here. Had a minor issue yesterday, but it was all hardware. Sent you the ticket copies about what I had to pull from storage. Overall, everything's been quiet around here since traffic's been down."

"Good," the tiger coughed into his phone, "ugh, excuse me. What's Willow up to? Haven't seen any activity on her computer in a few minutes."

"Willow?" Simon leaned back. The doe looked up from her seat on a cushion he'd tossed under his desk. Her clothes were folded neatly and set aside, baring her beautiful body to him and him alone. The fluorescent lights glinting off her pierced nipples (something he was delighted to learn about) as she leaned forward. Panting quietly as she tended to his erect cock. "She just went to the break room to get a snack." A light pat sent her forward, the doe happily taking his cock right into her mouth with a quiet suckle. "Been so slow she's been bugging me with stuff that I just have to watch." Her moan shook through his cock as he rubbed her head. Gently massaging the base of her ears between finger and thumb. "Oh, here she is if you want to talk to her."

Another burst of coughs, "Please, just want to check up." A low growl rolled up the phone, "Feel useless being stuck at home."

Simon mouthed, 'Bill, he wants to talk' to Willow as he scooted the chair away.

There was a naughty glimmer in her eyes as the doe stood up and took the headset from him. Neatly fitting it over her ears as she turned and sat down in Simon's lap. Pressing his erect cock up between her cheeks as she wiggled on him, "Hey Bill, how's things hanging?"

Leaning forward, braced her elbows on the desk as she ground back into Simon's manhood. His nose twitched at her scent. It wasn't just arousal, that was something deeper. Every one of his senses screaming that this doe was at the start of her season. Young, healthy, and just needing a buck to fill her up. The primal side was screaming at him to bend her over and rut her, but the civilized side was just keeping him in place as she chatted with their boss.

As calm as he was sitting there, his cock was throbbing painfully. It wanted nothing more than to be buried in her little bunny fufu. Judging from how wet and inflamed her pussy lips were, she needed it too.

"Okay, I'll make a note and leave that for the morning crew." Willow leaned forward, sneakily lifting her hips until his tip was just pressed against her labia. Her weight lowering just enough to nestle him against her petals until he started to ease in. "See ya later, Bill!"

The instant she hung up and took the headset off, his hand came down on her ass with a crack. Willow bit her lip and jumped off his cock. "Brat," he smiled, "I told you no."

She pouted, scribbled a quick note down, before turning to face him. Leaning against his desk, legs draped over his armrests. Her pout only deepening as she tried to wiggle against him enticingly. "Oh come on," she wiggled her hips, "doesn't Daddy want to fuck his little girl?" Reaching down, she ran her fingers over his cock, "Just been teasing each other all night long." She moaned, gently pressing him down until his cock was resting against her muff, "Getting your bunny all worked up. So mean."

Another clap, this time on her thigh. His hand stayed there, kneading as he leaned in until they were almost kissing. "Lop Punk." Grabbing her hip hard and pulling her tight, mashing their privates together and drawing a breathless gasp from her. Locking into a kiss with a hungry growl as his hips lifted and ground into hers. Her thighs shaking as they pressed to his flanks.

Simon broke the kiss, "Just a couple more hours on shift." He motioned at the cushion and Willow pouted as she slipped back under. Though the doe eagerly leaned back in as he slid his chair in. The buck sighing as she leaned in to start cleaning his cock in. "Make it another... ninety minutes and Daddy will reward you." Tilting his head, "Deal?"

Willow lit up, "Deal!" and readily dove back in to worshiping his member. The doe moaning quietly, one hand resting on the base of his cock, and the other tucked between her legs. Happily burying soft whimpers into his flesh. Willow took her time with this and he was enjoying it as much as she was.

A chime made him reach for his headset. The noise blooming into a more synth heavy beat that he knew well. "It's Jane," his voice dropped as he grabbed his cell. Willow's ears perking as the doe looked up at him curiously. "You can stay down there," he kept his voice down despite not having answered the call yet, "just keep quiet."

There was a too-innocent look on her face as she sat there. "Hey, Honey-Hare."

His foot bounced as Willow took his tip into her mouth. Lips stretched into a smile as she let her tongue dart back and forth against his head.

A quiet groan came from the phone, "Hey. Just woke up and figured I'd call to remind you that I've got that trip." He could just imagine Jane as she stretched in the bed. Her groans coming out as the Alaskan hare worked the sleep from her. "Hate that they're making me travel during all this, but you know how it is." His ear strained as Jane just breathed for a moment. Trying to divert his focus from just how far Willow was cramming his cock down her throat.

"Yeah, I'd almost forgotten about that." Willow's ear perked as she looked at him, nuzzling his groin. The doe chittering around his cock, staying quiet as she neatly tucked his tip right down her throat.

Jane muttered a weary, "Yuh. So... no one's at work?"

There was a particular tone to her question that made his ears perk, "Well, Willow is here, but..." he trailed off as he looked down at the doe. The sable looking up at him with a curious expression as she pulled back and focused on his tip. Her efforts making the buck shudder, "She just stepped away to check on..."

"How long?"

Simon had to bite his lip, and only partially because of how Willow's teeth grazed against his tip. "Should be ten, twenty minutes?" He thumped her head with a finger and mouthed, "Brat," at her. Willow grinning around his cock, but calming down. She pulled back to kiss his cock, watching with silent curiosity as she toyed with his cock.

Jane's voice dropped to a huskier, "I'll call you right back."

A low worry rolled through him as he lowered the phone. Willow stroking his cock as she licked over his tip, cleaning up the drop of precum, "What did you forget about?" Before he could reply, his phone began to trill it's synthwave tone again. Simon motioning for her to be quiet as he answered.

Jane appeared on his phone's screen. Her silvery white pelt looking extra fluffy as she lay in bed, eyes hooded. "So," came the husky murr over the speaker, Jane's voice loud enough for Willow to hear. "You've got about ten minute of privacy?" She held her phone out, a smile crossing the Alaskan hare's features as she revealed her nude body. The bedside lamp casting just the right amount of light to make her appear that much more sultry. "Better hurry..." she bit her lip with a hum. That bite turning into a naughty smile as she angled the camera to show her jackrabbit toy. "Unzip your pants and let me see."

Simon waved at Willow, the doe backing up as he brought his phone down. The hare almost purring, "Oh... already hard, Hunny Bunny?" Jane shifted on the bed, hooking her phone's ring stand over a toe and stretching it out. Letting him get a full view of her from the bottom up. His wife breathing out a husky, "That's my good bun," as she brought the toy around to her already damp mons. "Let me see your face as you..." she arched with a pleased groan, the toy pressing into her smoothly.

Was this really happening? Willow's cheeks flushed as she listened to Jane's moans trill from the speakers. No sooner did Simon move the phone than he was motioning her up. The doe hesitated for just a second, thighs trembling, before she moved in. Giving Simon head had been fucking hot, she needed to take some time to get off in the bathroom after. Then getting fucked in the break room yesterday? Oh fuck that had been even better. The way he shifted from that slow, cautious pace to grabbing her throat and fucking her until her ass stung? She'd gladly taken his load right down her gullet and begged for more. Which he'd given her more in the parking lot. Pinning her against a wall and fucking her in the stairwell, letting her screams and squeals echo down at them before just caking her thighs and belly.

Now her she was, her loins aching with her blooming heat. She'd honestly figured he would've bent her over a desk and rutted her. Instead, he'd laid a little cushion out for her to kneel on and teased her the entire fucking night! Fingering her, grinding against her, eating her out, making her suck him, all without once letting himself go off. Now here she was, listening to his wife fuck herself while she gave him a blowjob? There was a fetish she'd never known she had.

Hips lifted as she leaned heavier into the buck. Simon's hand setting the pace as her head bobbed over his cock. Willow keenly aware of every beat of his heart and pulse of precum that filled her muzzle. Her hands fell to her thighs, kneading them as she looked up with a pleading look. Simon's attention was on his phone. Then he looked up and around as if checking to see if someone else had come in the office. His gaze swept over her and he gave her head a little tap with his fingers. Yes, she was allowed to play with herself. Something she happily did, digging fingers into her needy cunt. Her moan getting buried into his cock as her spine arched and body shook.

If you had told Simon earlier in the week that he'd be watching his_wife_play with herself on facetime; while his _coworker_gave him head under his desk, he would've laughed. Now he could only sit there with mouth open, hips lifting towards Willow's eager mouth as his eyes stayed locked on Jane's privates. The hare's moans rolling down her body, competing with the steady thrum of her rabbit toy. Her hooded eyes staring him down as the glistening, partially see-thru pink toy vanished into her again and again.

Jane's head rolled with her deep moans. The toy humming right on her clit as she buried it within her muff. Twisting and rolling the rabbit before drawing it back with a wet, glistening slick. A dart of her eyes reminding him to keep up the act. Simon looking around the office before he saw Jane. The sable doe looking up at him with a pleading expression. His nose twitched, bringing him the scent of that fertile, needy doe seated under his desk. All it took was a tap and she started to play with herself. Her moans vibrating through his cock and making him gasp.

"That good, Baby?" Jane breathed, "You like that don't you?" Simon stroked Willow's cheek before cupping the back of her head, driving the doe down on his cock. His ears strained to pick up not only his wife's slick noises, but his partner's soft sucks and throaty pants. "So naughty, playing like that at work." She moaned and lifted her hips, "Bet you're gonna make a big mess. Better not ruin your shirt or Willow will know you've been naughty."

Simon nodded, breathing out a shaky, "Uh huh..." as he unbuttoned his shirt and lay back more. Willow perking her ears as she looked up at him curiously. His ears folding back as he rubbed her cheek. A twitch of his fingers and a look enough to convey to his longtime coworker what he wanted. She readily arched her hips and scooted closed to him. Breathes puffing harder against his lap as she engulfed every inch. The doe swallowed about his length greedily, cheeks flushing as she nuzzled his lap. Letting just her throat muscles squeeze around his tip.

"Fffummm," Jane bit back the curse as she arched herself into the toy. The quake of her thighs enough to make the phone tremble, "I'm gonna..." she breathed out before arching off the bed. The jill uttering a somewhat restrained noise as her toes arched and curled. Her hooded eyes locked on the distant screen as Simon nudges Willow back. Quickly replacing her with his hand.

"A...ahh!" cried the buck as he came, thick streamers of his seed. Pent up need from hours of teasing with Willow covering his chest and even landing on his face.

Jane's gasped approvingly at him, "Oh... oh my, you did make a mess." Moving slowly, she shifted the phone back to her hand. A weary smile on her face, "Let me see." Without question or asking, Simon moved the camera to show off the strands of cum that covered his lighter underbelly, traced up to his neck, and marred his cheeks. "Delicious. Just wish I could lick it off..." she leaned in to give her phone a slow lick.

The jill hummed pleasantly as she lay back and watched with narrowed eyes. "Should let you get cleaned up before anyone finds you." Jane winked, "Remember, I'll be heading out by the time you get home. I should be back by Monday if everything goes right. Love you, Hunny Bunny." She kissed the phone.

"Love you too, Honey Hare." The call ended, leaving the buck to heave a sigh as he slumped in his seat. Looking down his body to the doe that knelt between his legs. "Should get cleaned up..."

She smiled, "Well, could always use my tongue..." she leaned in to lick at his fingers. "Fuck..." she panted, "I never thought that could be so exciting." Willow moved slowly as Simon rolled his hand, letting her get at every nook and cranny of his fingers. Then higher, taking her time to groom the buck. His hands readily fell around her shoulders. Traced down her back as she moved to straddle him again.

His voice dropped to a quiet rumble, "So, what are you up to this weekend?" The buck grinning wryly.

Ears flushed, folded, then stood up, "Well, I was going to settle in with my favorite toys, but I might be able to scrounge up some condoms..." The way she trailed off showing that condoms were not her first choice. The heated mons pressing against his semi-hard cock again.

Simon almost took her then and there. Whiskers twitching as he pressed closer, "Know what I think you want and need?" he nearly growled.

"What's that?"

Willow could hardly breathed as Simon slammed her into the wall. Her hands shook as she tried to help him strip, only to have her shirt ripped open and twisted, forcing her arms back down. Shoulders pressed to the wall as he dove in, tongue pulling her nipple bar just enough so his teeth could catch it.

That last hour at work had been torture. He made her clean up and get dressed so they could do some actual work. Getting the end of shift reprots ready, and then filling in the next shift. As bad as that was, it had been doubly worse when he told her to get a bag ready and wait for him. Leaving her to race home, gather an overnight bag, then wait in her car until he gave the all clear. She'd never been to his house, but her GPS never failed to get her where she needed. With the driveway partially screened by brush and a curve, she was certain no one saw her pull up. The garage door stood open for her, Simon's e-car on charge and off to the side, giving her plenty of room to pull in.

She'd only just hopped out of her car as the door rumbled closed. Butterflies danced in her gut when she walked into the house, Simon intercepting her with a kiss. After the office tease, she'd expected a slow build up, not this primal ferocity.

Willow didn't remember moving, just that kiss and those hungry hands grabbing at her. The house a blur as she was led around, clothes and belongings getting dumped as they went. By the time they actually got to the bedroom, the lapins were shrugging out of the last shreds of their clothes. Simon's surprisingly strong grip latching onto her and lifting her. Willow ready to sling her legs around his hip before he caught her off guard again. The buck simply hurling her onto the bed before lunging as she hit.

Grabbing her thighs, he nearly folded her in half as he stepped in. Wasting no time in lining his cock up with her muff. She twisted on the bed, but his weight drove her down as he plunged into her tightness. Her squeal silenced as he kissed her again.

There was no gentleness to this. No careful tease or savoring. Simon was going for a full rut and Willow couldn't begin to complain.

Hard, sharp thrusts pounded the buck against her. Walls clenched and held onto his cock as he nearly bottomed out with each stroke. She'd had larger partners, thicker, stronger ones. What she'd told him a couple days ago had been the truth that size wasn't everything. This buck was almost perfectly sized for her, that golden ratio of thickness to girth. He stretched her just enough to make her insides clench, yet not so much it hurt. Each thrust threatening to ram her deepest reaches, but never quiet achieving it.

"FUCK!" she gasped as the kiss broke, throwing her arms around his neck. The doe tried to squirm under him, driving herself into his thrusts. Eager words leaving her mouth as feral pants. Her entire body arching into his thrusts as he railed her.

Simon loomed over her, his common brown form seeming somehow larger as he railed her. "You like that?" came the growl. The crack of his hand off her ass drawing a squeal and shake if her foot against his shoulder. "That's Daddy's girl, she needs it doesn't she?" Feet dug into the carpet as he put everything he had behind each thrust. Slamming the bed into the wall with the unexpected ferocity.

Willow's tunnel clenched around him as she arched, exposing herself to the buck that was so readily putting her in her place. "Yes..." she panted. "Yes... D-d-addy!" her teeth chattering as her pleasure spiked.

His hand tore itself from her shoulder and pressed to her throat. "What... do you... need?" He gasped, trying to keep up the act even as his sac began to jump and lift. So close to his climax already. It had been so very long since he'd been inside of any female as tight as Willow. Much less as hot and needy. Her scent filled his nostrils, everything he had screamed at him to fill her up.

"" she tried to talk through chattering teeth and the pressure of his hand on her throat. Writhing on the bed, "KNOCK ME UP, DADDY!" She managed to squeal as she came hard. Toes curled as she let out a shuddering moan under him, head rolling about. Willow trying to both pull him closer and shove him away as he fucked her through one of the best orgasms she'd ever had. The doe's head spun as he leaned over, pressing her ever tighter to the bed.

She caught sight of a figure in the doorway. The shape barely even registering as estrus-spiked pleasure coursed through her. "Yes Daddy," the voice was smooth, with just that slight accent to flavor the words; "knock that bitch up."

Jane's ears folded back just a tad as the large Alaskan hare stepped through the doorframe. Her stride was confident and sure as she approached the pair who were... well so that's how rabbits fucked.

Her tall boots thumping quietly on the carpet as she approached her marital, where her husband was fucking his coworker so vigorously. A smile slid over her lips as Simon's thrusts took on that familiar hitch to it. She dropped to a crouch behind her buck right as he drove in. Almost purring as she watched his taint flex and sac jump with each shot of his seed.

As smoothly as she knelt, the hare stood and planted a booted foot firmly on his ass. Pinning Simon to Willow with her weight as she casually leaned forward. "And don't you dare let a single drop of_my_cum escape her. Understood?"

"Y-yes, Mistress."

Willow's eyes went wide as Jane leaned forward, "Good." Keeping her foot on Simon's rear, Jane casually began to take off her blouse, "Now, which would you like, Dear, an explanation or an example?" The hare locked eyes with Willow's questioning look and smiled, "Yes, I am talking to you. Simon knows what's coming, don't you?"

It was really hard to focus "Ah..." she breathed, "explaination?" She hesitated, "Mistress?" She'd seen the hare several times before and she'd always been large. While Simon and she stood just below the average height, which was normal for rabbits; Jane was easily a foot taller than either of them. Not to mention that she was larger, her form sporting more muscle than either of the rabbits. In the best of times, Willow had been slightly intimidated by the larger female. Right here, right now, in her bedroom, the jill felt like a giant. Her presence practically filling the room. Willow had the feeling that she could've held the rabbits to the bed by her force of will alone.

"Oh please, call me Jane."

The hare smiled as she pulled her jacket off. "As you know, rabbits and hares can't breed. Which is a shame because Simon is so wonderfully built." She pressed down, making the pair moan, "As you discovered." Jane calmly counted on her fingers, "Which left: sperm donors. Not my favorite option. Adoption. Always a viable last resort and one we had been looking into. And a surrogate." Jane leaned forward to give Simon's rear a swat, "Don't move."

He only shuddered as she pulled away, cock still pulsing in anticipation and the heated warmth that surrounded him.

"Now that last option was somewhat promising. Though real surrogacy tends to be expensive." Jane's skirt whispered to the ground, revealing the hare's smooth muscles and silvery-white pelt. A pair of dark, lacy panties clung to damp pussy lips, but were soon discarded as well. "We had started to screen a few possible canidates when Simon here made a comment. What did you say? Oh, and let her up, you're going to break her hip."

Willow's eyes danced from Simon to Jane, eyes widening as the hare calmly walked to a chest of draws and pulled out a harness. Simon panted into Willow's ear, shifting enough to let her legs slide down his flank. "I..." he gasped in Willow's ear, "I said it'd probably be easier to knock up someone at a bar then adopt."

Jane clicked tongue against teeth, "That's it." She started to pull out a line of dildos, arranging each on top of the dresser. They ranged in size from mouse up to clydesdale. "Which got me thinking, fantasizing really, about how fun that could be. Of course he's a buck and thinks with his cock, so he was ready for any old girl. Me? I wanted to pick. So I made him wait and watched." The hare smiled, "Two years ago we met at the Christmas party and I thought... Oh I like her." Jane crossed the room in two long steps, leaning in until her nose was against Willow's, shoving her husband's head aside. Her voice dropped to a husky purr, "Then you flashed you breasts and I thought I _really_like her."

Her gaze dropped, "Though, these are new..." Jane's touch was so light. Brushing her teats just hard enough to make the doe suck in sharply. That smile returning as she toyed with the piercings, "They suit you." She turned to look at Willow again. Lingering just long enough that the doe was certain that she was going to be kissed.

Except the jill stepped back to the dresser, "I told Simon as much. Silly boy, he offered to just ask you one night. Tsk tsk. I told him to wait, tell me about what you did, and if I felt like it might come to that, then ask. My lovely Simon told me about your boyfriends, your girlfriends... Everything. Why, he even..." she trailed off as she reached for a remote. Willow's attention shifting to the TV as it came on. A familiar moan breaking free of the speakers as a slightly skewed image appeared. Willow, bent over the break room table, Simon slamming into her from behind. It soon faded to another shot, one from behind Simon. Almost perfectly showing Willow kneeling under the desk as the buck talked to someone on his phone.

"I have to say, watching you give him a blowjob while I... Mmmph, never expected that to be that sexy." Jane licked her lips and shivered as she fitted the harness. "I was thrilled when he mentioned you giving him head. Then he started asking if he should rig up a camera in his backpack. Rather naughty of him, don't you think? So I'm going to make you an offer, Willow the Wonderful." She nodded to the door. "You can leave, we'll delete the videos and never speak of this again. I can leave, you can continue your tryst, but after this weekend, we can go no strings attached. Or..."

The way she trailed off made Willow's ears perk, "Or?"

Simon shivered over her, his cock seeming to get harder in anticipation. "Or," Jane clucked, "you can pick which of these dildos I will use to teach Simon how he should fuck a doe. Trust me, he can take each and every one of these."

Willow lay back and looked from the hare to the buck over her. Wow, this was a lot to take in all at once. Here she'd thought that she'd seduced Simon into all this? Surprised maybe, but to find out that Jane wanted her? Jane, the hare that acted like a frozen bitch each time they met? Not only had they planned this behind her back, but they'd recorded her too? That screamed so many trust violations.

And yet...

She rolled her hips, "Do I still get to call him Daddy? I mean, that's kinda hot and gets him riled up."

"Mmyes," Jane hummed, "That surprised me too. He tried that on me, but I had to show him how it was done." The hare's fingers drummed on the dresser, "I don't want to rush, but I really do have a flight to catch. I do have an hour or so to fuck around. Literally."

Willow thought again, then looked up at Simon and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Legs coiling over his hips, "So long as it's you asking and he doesn't get any retaliation?"

"Oh no dear, this is me asking you. He wouldn't dare buck my choice."

Smiling, she pointed at the dresser, watching as Simon followed her gesture. Willow tried to read his reaction as her finger swept back and forth, "That one."

That one was the second largest, sporting a somewhat spade-like tip, ridges along the underside, and a sizable knot towards the base. A very fantastically designed toy. "Ahh, Draco is one of his favorites." Jane readily slotted the toy into the harness, checking it's fit and hold before approaching. The hare clucking more as she applied a heavy coat of lube to the toy, then her husband's backside, "Now... I want you to show Willow a good time, while I show you how you break a fucking bed. Be a dear and spread his cheeks for me."

"Only if you give me a kiss, Jane."