Minnie Goes Big (Full Story)

Story by Dirty Little Secret on SoFurry

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#13 of Complete Stories

Madeline Fincher, or Minnie, as she prefers to be called, has always been raised to be the utmost example of prim propriety, as befits a young feline of her social status. She has a little secret, though -- or perhaps a big secret -- she's a size queen, and hardly the pure virgin she's supposed to be. The bigger the better, she thinks ... that is, until she meets a truly blessed Clydesdale, who will stretch her limits in more ways than one.

M (Clydesdale stallion) x F (Cat), size queen, stretching, slight belly bulge, cock worship, questionable consent, voyeurism, employer/employee relationship, implied infidelity -- 11259 words in 1 chapter.

Cover art used by permission from Skyesby

As much as she adored her parents, Minnie very much cherished the times when they would be called away from the estate on some errand or other. The cause of their absence today was some sort of dreadful charity ball, benefiting orphans, amputees, the blind, or some such unfortunates ... perhaps all three. There couldn't be that many blind amputee orphans in the world, but surely there were some, and they would certainly need all the help they could get.

Minnie herself was not insensate to the plight of those less fortunate than her, but she knew better than most that such charity balls actually had very little to do with charity, having much more to do with the conspicuous appearance of being charitable. Normally, her parents would insist on dragging her along to such events and then spend the entire evening parading her in front of a motley collection of insipidly well-bred feline suitors. She was, after all, twenty-six years old and still unwed ... and such status was approaching perilously near the domain of the scandalous.

She'd been saved from such a fate by the fact that her family wasn't _quite_as wealthy as they let on. Oh, they had money, yes, and quite old money ... but it didn't stretch quite as far as it had formerly. Given that the ball had a suggested donation of one hundred thousand per participant, her parents had decided that her appearance there wouldn't be strictly necessary.

This all conspired to leave her quite alone at the estate - except for the help, of course - which was the way she preferred. As fond as she was of her mother and father, they _did_tend to keep quite a watchful eye on her - Mother was obsessed about ladylike poise and mannerisms, while Father was always eminently concerned about her virtue and her reputation. When the two of them were about, Minnie found it quite nearly impossible to engage in her own favorite amusements.

Such amusements were - as she would never admit to any other soul - one of the main reasons for her continued lack of a husband. The awakening of her more adult desires during her first heat had been an ordeal, particularly since her parents kept her as a virtual prisoner for the entire season until her hormones had subsided, no matter how loudly she caterwauled from inside her firmly locked chambers. If she'd been of more common birth, perhaps she could have snuck away and enjoyed the company of some young tom, thus satiating her desires. But the enforced deprivation had warped something inside of her, she was sure. It left her with an appetite rather more voracious than could be satisfied with the modestly equipped bodies of any feline. Over the years, she had experimented with illicit and highly secretive encounters between herself and a number of more handsomely _endowed_males of various species. A 'size queen' is what she might have been called, had anyone with such a vulgar tongue known her secrets.

Unfortunately, her parents' attendance at the charity ball had been a relatively spontaneous decision, and Minnie hadn't been able to arrange any opportunity for such dalliances this evening. She lounged most agreeably in the sun from the big bay window in the study, pretending to read a book her mother had given her - a sickly-sweet romance detailing in sickening poetic prose the true love between a delicate pure-white Persian molly and the dashing black-furred prince who was smitten with her and destined to sweep her off her paws and into a glorious pink sunset... She refrained from reading any more of it - it made her feel like she needed to cough up a hairball. Her mother had said it was one of her favorite books when growing up ... and Minnie could certainly believe that.

Before she could make any further progress in not reading the book, Thomas, the family butler, approached diffidently. He was a mink, and he was nearly twice her age, though his shiny black fur still didn't show even the slightest hint of grey. She wondered for a moment if he dyed it. "Yes, Thomas?" she said, acknowledging his presence.

"My apologies for disturbing you, Mistress Madeline, but one of the gardeners has come to the door with somewhat of a request. As the lady of the house for the moment, your wishes on the matter needed to be consulted. If, however, you are indisposed, I could see him off without any further disturbance."

"No, no... I should very much like to meet him." Who knew ... maybe he would be an interesting sort of gardener... "I'll see to it presently."

Thomas made the sort of miniscule bow that you could only really see if you squinted a bit, then turned and left. Despite the appearances, Minnie had no illusions of privacy. Before she'd even been able to talk, she'd learned that the butler was never quite as far away as he seemed to be, and he would always just happen to appear around the corner of the hall at the first sound of any disturbance. No matter. She'd also learned - in the days when she still played with balls of yarn - how to get away with certain indiscretions without his noticing. He wasn't nearly as clever or observant as he thought himself to be.

All the way through the zig-zagging halls and winding staircases on her way to the front door, Minnie didn't catch a single hint of Thomas's presence, and yet she knew precisely where he was at every moment - just around the corner there, behind the pillar, just behind the closed door of that room off to the side... His fault was that he was so very predictable.

He held no interest for her, though. What _was_interesting was to find out who was waiting for her on the other side of that massive mahogany door in front of her. Forgoing the peephole, she opened the heavy door directly. It swung open silently on its well-oiled hinges.

She found in front of her a _massive_stallion - a Clydesdale, probably, though it was difficult to be certain, given that his fur patterns were largely covered by noisome brown smears. He wrung a cheap straw hat between his hands in front of him, and looked only at the ground just in front of Minnie's feet. "Th-thank ya for seein' me, Miss Fincher."

The thick, gloppy covering of all-natural fertilizer coating him made Minnie's nose wrinkle. Her eyes, though... She could see well enough through the intervening filth, and they quite enjoyed the diversion of traversing his broad shoulders, well-defined bare arms, powerful legs ... and the truly impressive bulge in the middle of his coveralls. She had to stop herself from purring just at the sight of him. It wouldn't do for Thomas to hear such a thing. Instead, introductions were in order. "Please," she said, "no need for such formality. I'm afraid, though, that I haven't had the pleasure of your name..."

"It's, uh, Bruno, Ma'am."

'Ma'am?' Had he really just referred to her as 'Ma'am'? Good Goddess above, was she getting that old? "Please, just call me Minnie. What can I help you with, Bruno?"

"Well, um, you see, uh... I was tryin' to fill a wheelbarra from the compost bin, and..." He looked down at himself. "I'm afraid there was a bit of a mishap. So I was wonderin' ... would it maybe be okay for me to come inside and get a shower or somethin'? I promise, I won't be no trouble - I just wanna get this all washed off before it gets all settled in. My ma ... she'd skin me alive if I come home lookin' and smellin' such. She says I oughta have been a truck driver or a deliveryman or some such, but I can't help it that I like plantin' and growin' and the like, so I--" He glanced up at her, for just the briefest of moments. "I'm sorry, M-- Minnie. Here I am, babblin' like a fool. I'm so sorry. I'll, um, I'll just go. Sorry to bother ya."

"Nonsense," she said. "Don't you go anywhere. You poor dear! Of course you can use one of our showers."

He nodded rapidly and smiled a little. "Thank ya kindly."

"There's a lovely shower you can use attached to the Lilac Bedroom. Please, go ahead." She stepped aside and ushered him in with an outstretched hand. "Oh, and leave you clothes just outside the door. I'll have Thomas see to them - I wouldn't want you getting soiled all over again when you put them back on."

He stepped in, cautiously and looking around himself as if something unpleasant might jump out from behind the drapes and bite him. His hooves left gritty U-shaped marks on the marble entranceway. "That's mighty kind of ya, Minnie. But, um..." He looked left and right as he made it to where the main hallways of the lower floor diverged underneath the grandly curving stairwells. "I ain't rightly sure where this Lilac Bedroom is."

Minnie tilted her head to the side. "Haven't you been in the house before?"

He shook his head no.

"Not ever?"

Another shake.

"Well, then... I'm glad to have the honor of being the first to invite you to come inside."

"Thank you." Despite her rather blatant wink as she'd said it, he seemed to have completely failed to pick up on her unsubtle innuendo.

It seemed this would require a rather more _direct_approach... But for now, Minnie simply led him down the ground-floor corridor to the left. The Lavender Bedroom was the only bedroom on the ground floor, and would result in the fewest muddy hoofprints deposited onto the expensive hardwood floors. There was, after all, no need to over-exert the cleaning staff. It had been added to the house nearly fifty years ago, for the convenience of her great-grandmother, who was at the time confined to a wheelchair and found stairs quite disagreeable. Since those days, it had remained vacant for the vast majority of the time, merely functioning as one of the house's several guest bedrooms. Not coincidentally for Minnie's purposes, it was also tucked away in a somewhat remote and seldom-traveled wing of the house, scarcely ever opened except for weekly visits by the cleaning staff.

Once Bruno had been deposited inside the Lavender Bedroom and closed the door behind him, the lock clicked. He obviously wasn't anticipating any visitors. That was unfortunate - Minnie had hoped that he would have caught on by now, at least enough to leave the possibility open.

She looked back over her shoulder and called out, "Oh please stop skulking about, Thomas. I could use a little assistance."

He immediately came out from around the corner of an alcove. "_Skulking?_Mistress Madeline, why I never! It just so happened that I was busying myself with freshening the flower arrangements in these niches and happened upon you by pure coincidence."

She knew he was a better liar than that - he was basically mocking her, daring her to call him out on it. But she hadn't the time for any such games. "In a few moments, Bruno should be depositing his clothes just outside this door. Would you please see to it that they're cleaned, folded, and returned by the time he's finished with his shower? Yes? Thank you ever so much."

Thomas nodded grimly and came over to wait by the door. He said nothing as he watched Minnie skip down the hall away from him. With any luck, laundry duty would keep him busy and out of her way for quite some time.

For all the air of girlish innocence she put on, she had a very specific destination in mind: her parents' bedroom. Not for any licentious purposes - she wouldn't dream of it, even though there had been the one time with that lovely zebra stallion who had seemed more interested in desecrating his business rival's bed than Minnie herself. No, what interested her was nestled inside a hidden drawer inside Father's private study. He still thought it a secret, even though she'd found it before she was even a teenager: a secret key - a master key that would open any lock in the entire house.

Retrieving it was a matter of routine by now. She probably had more use for the key than Father did. Thus, it took only a matter of minutes for her to abscond to the Pinnacle Bedroom, obtain the key, and return down to the ground floor.

Just as she came down the last staircase, she passed Thomas on his way across the house to the laundry room. He held Bruno's clothes in front of him at arm's length, gripped tightly in one hand while his other hand covered his nose. This unusual position didn't prevent him from giving her quite the glare as he walked by, though.

She ignored that. "Thank you, Thomas. Feel free to go home early once you finish with that laundry. I'll pick it up from the laundry room myself. Just please make sure that it finds its way into the dryer, and then enjoy your evening."

He stopped, and although he kept the soiled clothing as far from himself as he could, he abandoned the task of holding his nose and instead used that hand to point at her. "Mistress Madeline, you cannot do this! If word of it ever got out, I can't fathom what might befall--"

"Don't be absurd." She waved a hand at him dismissively. "Word of what? And how would such word ever 'get out'?"

"I... I haven't the slightest idea, Mistress, but these things have a way of--"

"Word has certainly never gotten out about your own little dalliances, has it?"

He jumped back, nearly dropping the clothes in the process. "You... You know about that?"

"How you and my mother choose to entertain yourselves is certainly none of my concern, so I wouldn't dream of making any fuss about it. But, of course, I would appreciate a similar level of privacy in my own affairs."

"Of course, Ma'am." He bowed - a much deeper bow than he'd given her earlier. "I'll get these washed and then see myself out."

"Thank you ever so much, Thomas. I do appreciate your understanding. Enjoy your afternoon off."

That had cost her the only trump card she had against Thomas ... a stupid mistake. She should have realized that it might take more time for Bruno to undress and Thomas to carry away the clothes than it took her to retrieve the key and return downstairs. Oh well, such is life. If this turned out the way she hoped it would, it would all be worth it, and at least now, she wouldn't have to worry about Thomas checking on her while waiting for the washing machine to finish.

She shrugged it off. Just because she'd used Thomas's indiscretion against him once didn't mean she couldn't do it again. It would remain a valuable piece of leverage against him as long as he remained employed with the family. Still, she shouldn't abuse it - he was a crafty old mink, and if she pressured him too frequently, he'd probably devise some way for her parents to find out about her favorite activity that wouldn't implicate himself as the source of such news.

But that was a concern for another day. For now, she had a much more pressing need, a need who was waiting for her behind that locked door.

She unlocked the door to the Lavender Bedroom slowly and silently, then opened the door by degrees.

Everything was still and quiet inside, save for the hissing sound of the shower from the adjacent bathroom. When she opened the door fully, the only sign of Bruno's presence was the trail of hoofprints from the door to the bathroom, with a scuffled area in the middle where he'd doffed his clothes. The bathroom door was slightly ajar. Apparently, he'd thought that the locked bedroom door would be enough.

Minnie allowed herself a moment of fantasy. If it weren't for the locked bedroom door she'd just opened, she might think that the slightly-open bathroom door was an invitation, coaxing her inward with its slight wisps of steam and promising her an enormous stallion cascading with hot water and his enormous...

Enough of that, though. Why fantasize about it when she could _experience_it? She stalked silently toward the bathroom door, using every bit of the stealth cats were so famous for. No, there would be no pressing herself against his huge, hard-muscled body under the warm rain of the shower ... not yet, anyway. Simply walking in on him in the shower - especially when he'd locked the door behind him - would be too forward and most likely scare him off. But she could still allow herself a little peek inside, and as long as he didn't notice, nothing at all would come to harm.

When she nudged the door open just a bit more and peeked inside, she found that he was indeed in the shower, separated from her by the frosted glass of the shower door. There was a bright light above the shower itself, which shone down and gave her a lovely silhouette to feast her eyes upon.

And feast they did... He was facing away from her now, his arms above his head and probably busy shampooing his mane. That didn't give her a view of what she wanted most, but she could still appreciate the way his shoulders tapered down toward his hips and the thick, curved sides of his thighs. The bulk of his wet tail blocked any view she might have gotten of what was between his legs, but she still licked her lips.

A moment later, he turned putting his head underneath the shower's spray ... and as he turned to the side, Minnie's eyes bulged. No - it wasn't possible. That _couldn't_be real! Oh, but it was very real. Apparently, the hot water had some effect on him, and his cock was hanging quite loosely out of his sheath, protruding out and down toward the shower floor. Even when it was nowhere near erect, the girthy curve of it sent shivers through her. The heavy way it swung a little as he moved gave her a nearly irresistible tingle between her legs.

And as if the show wasn't incredible enough already, Bruno stretched in the hot water and then reached down, giving that massive cock of his a couple casual strokes. It hardened slightly, rising a little bit straighter.

Minnie's mouth gaped. Her mother would have scolded her for that, but she thankfully wasn't here right now.

Unfortunately, that meager bit of play seemed to be enough for him. He ducked completely under the shower head again - he had to bend down slightly to get his head underneath it - then stepped back and turned off the tap. Was he finished already? The shortest shower in Minnie's life had probably been at least twice as long as that!

When Bruno shook himself to fling away the water, Minnie knew her time was up. She silently moved the bathroom door back to the position it had been in when she found it, then padded across the Lavender Bedroom and back out into the hall, locking the bedroom door back behind her. For a moment, she considered taking the time to return her father's master key ... but no. So far, Bruno had been surprising her with the swiftness of his showering routine. She didn't want to risk missing the moment he came out of the bedroom, and besides, she could always return the key later. It wasn't as if it was likely to be missed anytime soon.

Instead, she skipped directly to the next step of her little plan. She hurried down to an agreeable spot partway down the hall and took position facing back toward the bedroom door. As soon as he emerged - without his clothes, of course, since they were still in the laundry - she would just 'happen' to be walking down the hall at just that moment.

Only ... he didn't emerge. She had anticipated some amount of waiting at this point - time enough for him to dry himself off, at the very least - but the bedroom door obstinately refused to open. Even after a reasonable amount of time had passed, it didn't open. Even after an entirely unreasonable amount of time had passed - in Minnie's estimation, at least - the door still didn't open.

Just as she began to despair of her plan ever working at all, she heard his voice from behind the door: "Hello? Can anybody hear me? Are my clothes done washin' yet?"

She grinned. Yes, any moment now, he would lose his patience and finally come out. With no one answering his calls, what else was there for him to do?

Even so, the wait still strained Minnie's patience. How long would it take him to figure out what his only option was?

Finally, the bedroom door cracked open. Without the slightest hesitation, Minnie began walking down the hall as if she'd been walking this entire time. Bruno's face popped out through the narrow opening in the door. "Oh, Miss Minnie! I'm afraid I've got myself in a bit of a pickle."

Minnie paused, as if just now noticing him. "Oh, are you done with your shower already?"

He nodded. "Uh-huh. But, um... Do you figure my clothes are out of the wash yet?"

Even a simple wash would have taken longer than this, and with how filthy Bruno's clothes had been, this load of laundry would have been anything but simple. She nearly laughed, thinking of what old Thomas must have been going through, struggling to get those old rags clean. Bottling up her laughter for later enjoyment, she instead just smiled sweetly, though still perhaps a tad mirthfully. She couldn't help it. "Oh, certainly not. I'm afraid our washer and dryer do simply take ages. They're older models." That was a little bit of a white lie - their family of course had the latest top-of-the-line appliances, but she wanted to buy herself a little more time with him.

"Oh," he said, slinking back inside the bedroom. "Okay, then. I figure I'll just wait in here then."

"Nonsense! Please, come into the kitchen and let me get you something to drink. You must be parched from working in that hot sun all day."

"But Miss... I ain't got no clothes to wear."

"Come with me, I insist. And don't worry about my sensibilities. I'm certain you're far less offensive to look at when wrapped in a towel than when you stood on the doorstep covered in fertilizer."

"But I'm not even..."

"Come along, darling." She began walking back down the hall in the other direction, which would eventually lead her to the kitchen. It was a bit of a gamble, but sometimes there was quite a power to simply _assuming_that someone would do as you said. More often than not, such an assumption, followed through with utter conviction, would prove self-fulfilling.

And indeed, it only took a moment for the door to open the rest of the way and the towel-clad Bruno to come into the hall and hurry after her. She smiled, facing away from him where he wouldn't see. Yes, this was working perfectly.

He didn't fully catch up to her until they were nearly inside the kitchen already. It must have been difficult, trying to hurry down the hall while carefully keeping the towel in place. Her own lacy, cream-colored gown was quite opulent and even fluffy, but it was well-designed and well made, and she was utterly at home in it. The dress didn't hinder her movement in the slightest, making it difficult for Bruno to catch up with her brisk stride.

The kitchen was huge, as befitted a house that might occasionally entertain a crowd of nearly a hundred fastidiously discerning dinner guests, and it was smartly finished, as befitted a house where the owners might occasionally prepare their own meals when the family chef had a day off, as was the case today. Minnie didn't stop after coming through the doorway, instead heading directly for the left-most of the three stainless steel refrigerators standing side by side along the far wall.

When Bruno entered the room, he did stop, craning his neck around and staring at all the kitchen fixtures. "Golly," he said softly. With one hand he held the top of the towel around his waist with a knuckle-straining grip.

Minnie opened the refrigerator, then turned back toward him. "What would you like? We have quite nearly everything you might want, naturally."

His moment of hesitation and thought gave her a lovely opportunity to finally get a good, leisurely look at him. The chiseled contours of his chest were cross-cut by the pattern of dark brown fur and sun-bleached brown fur left behind by the partial protection of his customary coveralls. And of course, she wasn't above noticing the alluring V-shape of his abs disappearing down below the towel. Now that it was clean, it was obvious of course that he was indeed a Clydesdale. The patterns of white fur on his face and limbs was an obvious giveaway. The most_interesting thing, however, was that even though the towel bridged the gap between his legs without touching much in between, she could still see a faint outline of _something there. He was obviously fully sheathed now, but she thought she could quite make out where the tip of his sheath must be in there, and Goddess, was it thick!

"Um, actually, Miss..." He scratched the back of his mane with his free hand after breaking the long silence. "I'm not thirsty, but I am a fair bit hungry. I guess I must've forgot my lunchbox when I left home in the mornin', 'cause it ain't in my truck. I was runnin' late, ya see. It's been one of those days."

At least he was coming out of his shell enough to make what _almost_amounted to a request. That was a good sign. And, if she had anything to say about it, his luck today was about to take quite a turn for the better!

"Say no more," she said. "I do believe we still have some of that lovely antipasto salad George put together a few days ago, and it should still be quite good." She was already moving to the next refrigerator over, which mainly held ready-made meals, as opposed to the last one which was strictly for raw ingredients.

"Oh, no... You don't gotta do that..."

"I insist!" she said, taking the covered bowl out and setting it on the polished countertop nearby. Before he could make any further protests, she had two forks and two serving bowls filled - a large one for him and a much smaller one for her. Bowls in hand, she ushered him to the small breakfast nook near the kitchen window and set it out for him.

He had no choice now - it would be incredibly rude of him to refuse at this point. When he sat down, though, her eyes _did_stray to the slight gap in the towel. The poor thing struggled to close around his massive thighs, and she could see a delicious sliver of dark brown fur between the two white edges of the towel. And yes, for a brief, wonderful moment, the gap spread open enough for her to see something: just a quick flash of smooth, dark-skinned, and ponderously huge balls hanging between his legs. Her knees went weak at the sight of that, so she sat gracefully down across from him.

They ate together, him in an awkward and nervous silence, and her in an amused silence - though both were hardly distinguishable from outward appearance, since Bruno made such a show of smiling over his lunch. It entertained Minnie to no end how - despite his voracious appetite - Bruno carefully stabbed and picked up just one noodle, one bit of pepper, olive, or cheese at a time. Of course, he left the pieces of salami and pepperoni where they were. She should have thought of that before offering it to him - horses are vegetarian, as a rule. Still, he was gracious enough to not complain about it.

She leaned in close over the table, her own bowl quite nearly untouched. "So, Bruno... Tell me about yourself. I know it's a trait said to be rather hazardous for cats, but I can't help being curious."

"Ain't much to say, I suppose. I was an only child, and my ma and pa kept me shut up in the house most of the time. My ma was awfully religious, ya see. She figured that if I went outside without somebody watchin' me, I'd end up getting' notions in my head that didn't sit right with the Goddess. Didn't work, not really. Still got some notions from time to time, but I mostly stayed out of trouble."

For a long moment, Minnie stared at him, her pupils dilating down to slits. That was ... surprisingly relatable. She hadn't expected such a simple question to make her feel this way, to make her feel ... so odd inside, and yet so comfortable. Of course, the sight of him as he ate a few more single morsels of antipasto didn't help calm down her beating heart, either.

If she wasn't careful, she might end up... Well, she might end up taking on more of a commitment than she'd intended to. "So, how did you get into gardening?" she asked, eager to change the subject and distract herself before she came to any undesirable conclusions about the way she felt.

He shrugged. "Ma had a pretty big garden out back. Really helped out when money was tight, which was most of the time. And that was about one of the only reasons Ma would let me out of the house, to help her out with the garden. Her knees weren't too good, so she liked the help. Sure, I used it as an excuse to sneak off and play with the neighborhood kids more often than not, but sometimes I actually did work out there, pullin' weeds and waterin' tomatoes and such. Kinda got to likin' it after a while, and got pretty good at it, too. And, you know, one thing just leads to another, like things do." He took another bite - a square of Romano this time - and stared out through the kitchen window, into the ornamental herb garden just outside it. "You ever get the feelin', kind of like you're floatin' down the river, but you don't know where the river goes?"

Why, yes, actually. All the time, in fact, especially when her father paraded her before various unsuitable suitors. She always felt adrift at times like that, wondering which terrible slimy rock she'd end up washing up against. Or maybe the current would just keep dragging her on and on, to who knew where... But just at this moment, this moment right now, she knew precisely, where her river was flowing - and she wasn't only thinking of the warm flow beginning to soak her panties, although that certainly had a part to play. Oh yes...

But she'd gone too long without responding. "Don't worry about it," Bruno said with a shrug. "It's a stupid thing to say anyway." He pushed his bowl a little bit away from himself; only the various meats remained inside.

Her own bowl, small as it was, still held more than half of what it had first contained, but that didn't stop Minnie from rising up from the table as Bruno did. He didn't question it when she took him by his hand - his strong, warm, calloused hand - and led him back down the hall toward the Lavender Bedroom.

Once there, he sat down on the edge of the bed, this time taking more care that his towel didn't slip - she didn't get to see any more than she normally could as he walked. "I suppose I'll just wait here for my clothes to be done? Would ya mind lettin' me know when they're ready? There's still a heap of work out there to do in the rose garden, not to mention that the lawn could use a good mowin' soon."

Instead of leaving him there as he probably expected, Minnie closed the bedroom door behind her. "Oh, I think I have more than enough to keep you occupied right here."

Her earlier hints may have fallen on deaf ears, but he definitely figured it out now. His eyes shot over to the now-closed door, widening as they did. "Miss Fincher! I... I... We can't be in here like this! It ain't proper!"

"I told you, call me Minnie." Enjoying herself, she slowly came toward him.

His lips moved, but no sounds came out, even as she approached quite closely indeed.

Minnie's skirts brushed against his bare legs beneath the towel. "Tell me, Bruno... How do you feel about doing a little plowing today?"

He held his hands up in front of him defensively ... probably not noticing that he'd subconsciously put them in almost exactly the same position as if touching a nice pair of breasts. "I can't, Ma'am! You pa would--"

"He doesn't need to know. And I'm a grown woman - he doesn't have any say in the matter." She leaned herself far forward, quite conveniently placing her breasts right into his hands as she looked him in the eye. "We can do whatever we please with each other."

After a moment's hesitation - which _did_include an experimental little squeeze, Bruno worked up the willpower to yank his hands away from her. "I can't, Minnie! He's my boss!"

She glanced down - there was an enormous tent pitched in the middle of the towel, stretching it so tightly at the peak that she could make out every contour of Bruno's flattened tip. Oh, how she wanted that... And to the pits with it - she needed that, and she'd been holding herself back for too long, anyway. So without any more discussion on the subject, she quite boldly reached down and grabbed the shaft of his cock through the towel.

He gasped, his mouth gaping wide and his eyes staring at hers uncomprehendingly.

"Mmm," she hummed, still holding his cock in her hand. It was so thick, even up here just below the tip, which would be the thinnest point on an equine's cock. She could feel the deep heat of it even through the soft fuzz of the towel. "Bruno, would you mind helping me with something?"

"You... You promise he won't find out?"

She stood back up and turned around, letting go of his cock only reluctantly. "Do be a dear and help me unzip my dress. I'm afraid I can't reach it myself."

The bed rustled slightly. He was standing up behind her ... and then she felt his strong, hoary hand picking out the tiny zipper pull at the back of her neck. He could move with a surprising delicacy, despite his size, and he pulled it all the way down her back in one smooth motion.

Minnie let the dress fall freely from her shoulders, the lace of it slipping down her arms as they hung by her side. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath, of course - the back of the dress was primarily lace, and bra straps would have ruined its elegant lines.

When she turned around, Bruno was already covering his eyes with his hands ... but she could tell that he was peeking between his fingers. More importantly, he'd neglected to keep a hand on his towel.

She reached down before he could react and pulled it off.

And there... There it was. If not for her intensive etiquette training, she might have drooled at the sight of it. Bruno's cock was the largest she'd ever seen, with no equivocation necessary - and that was saying quite a lot, since she was somewhat of a connoisseur of well-endowed male anatomies. It stood proudly erect in front of her, nearly as long as one of her arms, it seemed ... and definitely bigger around. Its broad, flattened tip tapered down to a smaller - but still massive shaft, smooth at the top, that widened and widened as it went down and met a medial ring nearly as wide as the tip all over again. And that was only half of him! The gentle curve of it continued on beyond, to his vein-crossed base widening and widening until it met and filled the enormous opening of his sheath. And, of course, the bit she'd already seen, but now could fully appreciate: his massive balls bulged out beneath, so plump and ready for harvest that it would probably take both her hands to fully cup just one of them ... and oh, how she longed to make just such an experiment!

Taking his towel away hadn't gotten him to uncover his eyes, but touching his cock directly did. She was only able to enjoy the supple, warm skin and solid heft of it for a mere moment before he took her hands in his own, enveloping them entirely in his grip as he pulled her off of him.

"I'm right flattered, Miss Fincher, and turned on somethin' awful, honest. But I can't sully your good name like this. It'd be--"

"It would be more fun than the time I fucked my father's accountant. More fun than the time I let a gang of three bears rail me all night. More fun than that bull I thought would be well-hung..." She paused, lost for a moment in the memory. Honestly, he'd boasted a pair of truly gargantuan balls, but the cock itself hadn't been nearly as satisfactory as she'd hoped before she saw it.

When she looked at Bruno again - at his face, rather than certain other aspects of his anatomy, that is - she saw nothing but unmistakable shock and utter confusion.

He was still holding her hands, but not with any power to his grip now. She slipped her fingers out from under his, then gripped his hands in turn, pulling them forward and placing them on her naked, fuzzy breasts. Her calico fur made one of them brown, while the other was white ... something she could always count on to entertain even the most experienced of males - and Bruno was utterly mesmerized.

It didn't alter much in his expression, actually. His wide eyes still had much the same dazed look about them. But now they were pointed inerrantly at her chest, which was quite an improvement as far as she was concerned. Even better, he began playing with her breasts, squeezing them and rolling them under his hands. Shivers ran up and down her back, making her moan slightly.

When she'd regained sufficient presence of mind, she took her hands off of his and touched his marvelous, massive cock again. "We're simply two animals who are clearly interested in each other. We'll keep it just between us - there's no reason whatsoever we can't enjoy ourselves a little."

Bruno shuddered at the feeling of her delicate little fingers tracing up and down the rugged contours of his enormous cock. He managed to breathe out, "Okay..."

The word found her on her way down. Had her legs simply gone weak, or had she intended to get down on the floor in front of him? No matter - no matter at all. The important thing was that she was now in a perfect position to get better acquainted with Bruno's magnificent specimen of horse cock. Though it was a shame that Bruno could no longer reach her breasts...

Her hands massaged their way up and down his firm length. There was nothing in the world quite like a thick, warm cock in one's hands. The skin of it was so soft and supple, and yet there was a hardness and an unfathomable strength just barely contained within. She had no doubt he'd be able to support her entire weight just with his cock ... and she rather wanted to find out. But the warmth and the sheer mass of it... Minnie licked her lips, then she realized _why_she was licking her lips ... and she furthermore realized that there was no reason she couldn't move right on to licking something altogether more extraordinary.

She brought her face close to his shaft, teasing it with her whiskers, rubbing its thick girth against her cheek, feeling the carnal warmth radiating from its core. Only after hugging it against herself in an effort to truly appreciate the perfection of it did she slide one long, slow lick up from his medial ring to his very tip.

Goddess, it took such a long time just to do that! There was just so much of him! When she reached the tip, she made a valiant effort - she truly gave it everything she had, stretching her jaw open as wide as she could. But it simply was not going to happen. Even at the very zenith of her efforts, there was still a good third or so of his tip pressing against the outside of her lips rather than sliding ever so nicely in. Perhaps she could have managed it if he wasn't in quite such an aroused state ... but she'd have to be careful in such a case, lest he grow to his full size inside her mouth.

She took her defeat gracefully, sliding her tongue and lips back down the other side of his cock while holding it against herself with both hands. Bruno certainly wasn't complaining - the breathy groans he made sounded quite appreciative, actually.

In point of fact, he seemed to be appreciating it almost too much: his legs trembled to such a degree that Minnie feared he might collapse at any moment.

Looking up at him with the weight of his cock against her face and obscuring one eye, she said, "Why don't you have a seat? Wouldn't that be more comfortable?"

It would, of course, but the short trip over to it was anything but - mainly because Minnie refused to release her prize even for a moment, which made it an awkward kind of shuffle as she crawled along in front of him, making an absolute mess of her skirts. She kicked them off as she moved, leaving her in nothing but her frilly pink panties.

But once he sat down on the edge of the bed, Minnie was back in pure heaven. She was prepared to get down to business, as well. While she still enjoyed and explored his cock, those were no longer her only goals. Now she slid her tongue and indeed her whole mouth up and down the front of his shaft, around what she was fairly sure would be the most sensitive spots for a horse. One of her hands busily stroked up and down his entire length, her fingers straining to encapsulate as much of his girth as she could. Her other hand ventured much, much lower, finally finding his gloriously full balls. They dwarfed her hand as it explored their curves, traversed the slight cleft between the two of them, and gently hefted one in her palm ... it was like lifting a warm melon, only softer and more pleasing to the touch.

As she progressed, though, it wasn't enough to merely have her hands and mouth on him. She wanted every part of her body on his massive cock, all at once! This, of course, wasn't physically possible, but that didn't stop her wanting it. What ended up being her compromise between her desires and that pesky rule-maker, reality, was that she slowly came up closer between his legs, and her hand pumping up and down his shaft began to hold it against her own chest ... and thanks to his more than adequate length, she could still lick and suckle to her heart's content even as her heartbeat itself throbbed directly against the warm bulk of his cock below the medial ring.

She wasn't well equipped enough to give what certain 'romance' books she'd read outside of her mother's careful guidance called a 'tit fuck'. Her breasts, while sufficing as modest, satisfying handfuls, didn't protrude from her chest far enough to envelop even _half_of Bruno's girth. So while she might have enjoyed such a thing, she made no attempt. Rather, she was merely rubbing her body against his massive member. The comforting, electrifying shape of it stretched all the way up from her breastbone to even with the tip of her nose. She hugged it against herself and kissed the hole in his tip like a long-lost lover. The hand still on his balls felt them twitch slightly, and a bead of pre-cum the size of her thumb welled up, directly into her mouth.

Even though it was for Bruno just a slight dollop, a mere drop, it seemed to flood Minnie's mouth, filling her head with the musky, salty taste. It was scarcely pleasant by dint of flavor alone ... but there was something about it that poured through her like molten moonlight. Her fluffy tail shot straight up behind her, and her panties dampened further, beginning to drip down one leg. She lost any semblance of control she still had.

Without even meaning to, she slid higher and higher up Bruno's cock. The warm pressure of it slid down her chest, down her belly, down and down as she climbed him almost mindlessly. Sadly, her hand had to abandon on his balls, gently sliding back up to his shaft. But it was all worth it when she felt that hot girth against her lower belly, below her belly button, and then--- "Aah!" She threw her head back and yowled toward the ceiling. She wasn't even supposed to be in heat right now, but the desire she felt when his warmth touched her pussy through her soaked panties was easily the strongest she'd ever felt. She'd die if she didn't have that gorgeous cock inside her soon - the gaping emptiness inside her would swallow her from the inside out if Bruno didn't fill her right now!

She didn't even notice him coming in for a kiss until their lips met, yet once that happened, that was the only thing she could notice. He was gentle, despite his size and obvious strength, exploring her and giving her a chance to explore him - his broad and dextrous equine lips, his thick and lovely-soft tongue. It was almost enough to make her forget about getting that cock inside her ... almost.

Even as she melted into the kiss, one of her hands ventured down and pulled her panties to the side. Their kiss broke when she lifted her dripping pussy up and placed it against the tip of his cock. There wasn't any other way - she had to lift herself up so very high just to move herself up from his base to his tip.

Bruno's hands held her securely at her sides, but he still stared up at her with the utmost dumbfounded look, as if he couldn't even figure out what was going on, as if he couldn't process it.

Maybe he couldn't. Who cared? She didn't need his help, she didn't need him to move. All she needed was that thick cock of his, sliding up inside her and finding out just how deep she could take it.

The trouble was... Perhaps it was a bit _too_thick, at least at the tip. Her pussy lips smushed up against the broad, flat surface, spreading their copious nectar, but it seemed that how deep she could take it was ... not at all. It wouldn't fit. She might as well have been sitting on a bar stool!

"Are you on the pill?" Bruno asked.

Minnie blinked down at him for a moment. It took some time to reawaken the parts of her mind that could handle something as mundane as speech. "Y-yes, of course," she lied. She wasn't really, but she had a few morning after pills up in her room, a secret 'just in case' gift from her grandmother long ago, so she would be safe enough. And it would be absolutely criminal to mar such a beautiful cock by wrapping it in a condom ... if she could even find one that fit.

Bruno's hands shifted down her sides to grab one ass cheek each, kneading them between his powerful fingers. She let out a feline mewl of ecstatic pain as he began slowly but inexorably shoving her downward, his hands keeping her entrance wide open the whole time.

Still, his tip stuck against her strained pussy lips, despite the mounting pressure. She was sure that this would fail as well ... but she underestimated his strength. There was no denying the sheer power in his sturdy arms, and just as Minnie thought she'd be torn in two, split right up the middle, things finally gave way and squeezed enough to allow Bruno's tip to pop inside.

That warm tip inside her lit her up like a lighthouse beacon. It was like a roaring fire to someone who had been freezing to death, like a solid rock for a drowning girl to cling to. And that was just the very, very beginning. Already, he was slowly - just a hair's breadth at a time - allowing her to sink down lower on his cock. It grew inside her, sliding across her stretched inner walls in a way that let her feel every single detail far better than her hands or tongue had been able to.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

'Okay'? This was the greatest thing she'd ever felt in her entire life! By way of answer, she shoved herself downward onto his cock, wiggling her hips from side to side to help him glide in more easily ... or she tried to, anyway. His hands on her ass held her up, easily taking her entire weight and only letting her slide down a little bit. That was just as well ... honestly, she probably could have killed herself at that moment, shoving herself down on his colossal cock.

"Gentle now," he said, letting her take just a bit more. "We ain't in no kind of hurry, are we?"

As much as Minnie wanted to reach - and even exceed - her utmost limits as soon as possible, there was enough of her rational mind left in operation to realize that there was wisdom in this big draft horse. After that, she allowed herself to relax a little, letting him take charge of wrapping her around his incredible girth.

Relaxing actually helped. She'd never been with someone so big that she had to relax in order to fit him before. It was almost enough to make her laugh at herself. And she liked to fancy herself a 'size queen' - ha! Then again, perhaps she was ... or at least she was becoming one, because now that she was finally getting a taste of a truly substantial cock, she didn't think she'd ever be satisfied with anything less. Some absent part of her mind, one she was surprised to find still functioning through the wash of pleasure and sensation, noted to herself that she'd have to go online and buy herself a selection of larger sex toys - the ones she owned now simply would not do, not anymore.

In what seemed like just a few seconds, or perhaps a few weeks, his cock wedged its way _all_the way inside her, until she felt the distinct searing pinch of her womb being forced open. "Too deep!" she cried out, her voice shrill and thin.

Bruno immediately pulled back a little, relieving the unbearable pressure.

She collapsed down against him, her head resting on the thick muscle of his shoulder; she hadn't even made it down to his medial ring! Shuddering, she held on tight against his bare body, nuzzling her face against his comfortingly warm fur. "I... I can't..."

Moving with a grace and care that belied his size, Bruno cautiously held her against himself and stood, supporting her entirely, even as he filled her completely. He turned and lowered her down with her back against the bed and him standing in front of her. This whole time, his cock remained nearly motionless inside her.

In a dazed sort of way, Minnie felt her belly with her hand. She could swear she felt an extra bulge that pulsed in time with Bruno's heartbeat. It was scarcely possible to breathe.

And then Bruno moved. It wasn't sudden, nor was it rash. Slowly and carefully, he began to thrust inside her, somehow innately knowing just how deep to go without hurting her.

There was no way she could have formed any words at the moment, but a genuine purr came from deep inside her throat. Her whole body was melting around that stiff, implacable cock of his, and she loved it. This was more than she had ever thought possible; this was all she would ever need.

Gradually, Bruno began working up to a quicker pace, nearly to what would have been a normal rhythm for a normal guy. His cock slid almost all the way out of her each time, held in by the tight grip of her entrance against his broad tip ... and it slid entirely all the way into her each time. Somehow, he always knew just when to stop - just before the point of utterly destroying her from the inside out.

And as his pace began to build, Minnie felt herself begin to build toward something as well. It had never happened so fast in her life! Could she truly be---?

She came - she came like she never had before. There was no convulsing, no theatrics or trembling tension ... only a long, brainless wail of pure instinctual passion and a little squirt of kitty cum that flowed like a tiny stream down the remaining length of his cock. Maybe her pussy _was_spasming around him. She could hardly tell. Her pussy was stretched so tightly around his cock that there was simply nowhere to move - the shape of his cock defined her on the inside, and it spread throughout her in coruscating ripples of ecstasy.

Bruno seemed to realize that his work was done, at least. As soon as her orgasm began to die down, he slowly and surely pulled his now-wet cock out of her.

Despite how gently he did that, it still sent aftershocks of post-orgasmic sparks through her, making her arms and legs twitch. There was a slight increase in pressure, and then the thick head of his cock popped free. It bumped her clit on the way out, making her twitch again.

He obviously knew she needed somewhat of a rest after that ordeal, and she was grateful for it.

Well, at least her pussy needed a bit of a rest. The rest of her, though... Goddess, how she wanted that cock of his! Fighting through her deficit of energy, she spun herself around on the bed, turning her head toward him rather than her tail. And before he'd even figured out what she was doing, she'd slid her head and shoulders off the side, gripping his bulky thighs to help support herself as she moved into the position she wanted.

His huge, hanging balls were right there in front of her face, and she didn't hesitate in the slightest. She began with a lascivious kiss to the underside of each one, but that soon devolved into slathering her tongue and nuzzling her face against their every curve. It felt as if there was a vast store of energy inside them, just waiting to be pumped into her.

With his cock lying across her arched chest, she brought her arms one by one to hug it against herself. It stretched nearly all the way down to her belly button! She didn't need his legs for support anymore - she hung like some kind of absurd, lust-crazed monkey, supporting her upper body with nothing but the strength of his thick cock held tightly against her as she practically devoured his enormous balls.

Eventually, Bruno began to understand and appreciate her efforts. He slowly thrusted back and forth, sliding his cock across her chest and letting his balls bump and drag across her face and outstretched tongue. She heard him snort slightly, and felt his hands on her breasts again, pressing them together. They couldn't fully encircle his cock; they couldn't even cover half of its girth, especially not down near the base where they were now. But he held them against his cock nonetheless, getting just a bit of extra stimulation from her soft bosom.

Not long after that, he began to get _very_into it, breathing heavily and sweating slightly. His legs trembled a little as his powerful muscles clenched and unclenched through each thrust. The friction of his cock against her chest fur began to chafe; his balls battered against her face almost painfully.

From above, she heard the grunted words, "Are... Are ya ready to go again? I really wanna get inside again..."

Minnie was all too eager to agree before he got any more carried away. "Yes," she said. "Yes! Oh so much yes!"

She nearly toppled off the bed when he pulled back from it, saving herself only by planting her hands against the richly carpeted floor. But she soon salvaged the situation, rolling the rest of the way off and landing on her feet with feline grace. Of course she landed on her feet - cats always do, after all.

Once down, she wasted no time in turning so she could rest her hands on the side of the bed. She arched her back, sticking up her ass and raising her tail up high as she looked back over her shoulder at him. "Give it to me," she said.

He came up behind her, but only placed the head of his cock lightly against her pussy lips. "You've really got a hankerin' for doggy style? I'll admit, I ain't never been with a cat before, but I figured that wouldn't be a favorite position or any such..."

She rolled her eyes and pressed herself backward a little, not quite achieving penetration, but spreading her pussy lips slightly across his tip. "Just get it inside me already." Shuffling her feet to the side, she widened her stance a little in anticipation of what she hoped would be coming soon.

And it did. Bruno's strong hands gripped her waist. Goddess, his fingers could nearly meet each other across her belly and back! That, led to a slow and steady pressure from him between her legs, naturally. More easily this time, but not without a struggle, her pussy lips parted, allowing the gargantuan intruder access into her desperately quivering depths.

Once again, he found a slow, steady rhythm, the sheer size of his cock sending her over the moon with the unrelenting sensations all stacked atop one another. But, but... It wasn't quite...

A wild idea came into Minnie's head. A certifiably insane idea - a most likely suicidal idea. But there was something inside her, most likely something between her legs, that loved_the idea and caused her to pounce on it before she'd thought things through. "Is that all?" she said, looking back at him over her shoulder. "Come on, then. Why don't you quit playing around and _really fuck me!"

Bruno's grip on her waist tightened. That was her only warning before he exploded into a mind-numbing pace of rapid thrusts, each of which took everything she could give, leaving nothing for the next.

Her arms gave out; her face crashed against the bedspread even as her claws sprung out and ripped deep gashes through the sheets below. Me-ow! This was... this was... Minnie couldn't even think enough to tell what this was like. All that mattered was that huge cock and the way it moved inside her, the way it moved through her. She felt like a thin sleeve covering and pleasuring that glorious pillar of flesh inside her. She was only a puppet to his desires. Her whole being centered around her agonizingly-stretched inner walls.

And yet, he still didn't go too deep. He still didn't hurt her. Goddess - he could move like this and still be in control of himself? Minnie's eyes rolled back. She drooled into the silky bedspread.

There was more! She felt it - she felt his tip growing inside her. His flare, she remembered. Equines flare at the tip when they're about to cum. Her pussy stretched and strained on the inside, struggling to contain the massive tip of his cock as it swelled two or three times its original size. Even Bruno's powerful muscles could hardly move inside her anymore, he was wedged inside her so tightly. She felt that pinch again as the widening forced her womb to open. This time, though...

This time, she scarcely even felt the pain at all. All she could think of was that huge hole in the tip of his cock - as big around as one of her fingers - lining up exactly against the entrance of her womb as it was stretched open. There would be only one place his seed could go. There was only one place she wanted it to go!

"Don't pull out!" she told him. Not that he even could pull out at this point, but she wasn't thinking with any degree of clarity at the moment. "Finish inside! Fill me!"

He gave one last mighty thrust, and his flare swelled even larger, locking it in place directly against her innermost barrier. She slid her hand along underneath her belly, between her legs, and grabbed for his balls, wanting to feel them as they emptied, perhaps even squeeze just a little bit extra out of them.

But she'd forgotten how much of his cock still remained outside of her. All she could reach was the ample curve of his shaft, just below the medial ring.

She was glad she was holding him there, though, because that gave her just the slightest bit of early warning: she could feel the first thick pulse of his cum traveling down the length of his cock and rippling across her fingers before it shot through her entrance and up her pussy. It gave her _just_enough time to gasp in a desperate breath before the hot flood burst free inside her, gushing straight into her womb and filling her to the brim.

Of course ... that was only the first. The first one filled her. The second one stretched her. The third, with nowhere to go, finally burst through the seal between her inner walls and his flare, streaming back down her pussy even as the next copious pulse shot up through his cock, passing along the way.

That's when her second orgasm hit - even more unexpectedly than the first. She lost all control of herself and her pussy clenched down against his unyielding cock as if suckling him and begging him for even more of his hot-streaming cum. The combined power of his pumping and her squeezing hit at just the right moment, when that overflowing wave of cum was just ready to spill out around her pussy lips. It didn't spill, no ... it splashed. Gooey droplets sprayed against Bruno's body, and a miniature fountain of white cascaded down Minnie's legs, matting her fur.

And still, he wasn't done. Every time her pussy convulsed again, it triggered yet another wave of cum from him. Every time she felt one of those long throbs travel down the length of his cock and spill its creamy payload inside her, it set her pussy off convulsing again. How long could this keep going? How long had it gone already? She hoped it would never end. She could quite happily spend the rest of her life this way.

Eventually, though, their energy dwindled. Even Bruno's vast stores of cum ran dry. But yet, even after both of their orgasms had ceased, they remained perfectly in place, neither willing to end the moment.

They only separated when physiology stepped in where psychology was powerless. Bruno's cock gradually softened and shrank back into his sheath. His flare stayed just as wide, but it was more flexible now, squeezing out from between her pussy lips and releasing a slow-motion deluge of white from her pussy as it swung free.

Minnie clawed her way back up onto the bed; Bruno staggered forward and collapsed down next to her. For long minutes, both of them did very little other than just desperately breathe, with the occasional post-orgasmic twitch or shudder.

Eventually, she mustered the energy to roll to the side slightly and lay her head on Bruno's massive chest. His hand came up and began stroking the small of her back. It was the only sign she could see that he was still awake, but it was enough. She purred softly and rested her free hand casually against his crotch, lying over the base of his sheath and the uppermost part of his balls. Goddess, was he ever so_big_. Even after she'd experienced everything he had, it still amazed her as if she'd never seen it before.

As much as she felt like fading away into that warm, fuzzy bliss, her parents had raised her to be a practical girl, and habits were hard to break. She found herself thinking thoughts about the torn and soiled bedsheets. Those would have to be replaced before anyone noticed. It wouldn't do for anyone else to see the claw marks and enormous cum stains. That was simple.

More vexing, however, was the prospect of the more distant future. Bruno was certainly _far_better than she could expect from any of the suitors her father tended to bring around for her ... and yet, she couldn't marry Bruno. It was unthinkable, utterly scandalous. Her family would disown her before seeing their inheritance passed down to such a 'brute'.

She _did_have need of a personal attendant-cum-bodyguard, though ... or at least she could reasonably convince her father that she needed one. Even though she hadn't yet gained access to the bulk of her trust fund - that would happen when she married - her personal allowance would cover a generous salary, so long as she was willing to make a few sacrifices when it came to buying fashionable hats and the like.

Yes ... that would be a most wonderful arrangement. She would keep Bruno with her at all times, perhaps marry into a bit _more_money, and still have him by her side. It was just as her mother once told her, when rather too deep into her wine: 'Marry for money, fuck for love.'

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