Interview with a Villain Part 2

Story by TastyBisexual on SoFurry

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#5 of Hunters and Hunted

Follow up to the first Interview with a Villain story, a way for me to explain the world of these stories.

Anyways, leave votes, faves, and or comments if you want to encourage me to continue.

Interview with a Villain, Part Two

This is a follow up to my "Hunters and Hunted" stories, "Interview with a Villain" in particular, but all you really need to know is that it's a furry superpower world with resurrection and vore. This one in particular is oral-vore focused with a male pred and two female prey.

Grace Williams excitedly ran up the stairs to her apartment. She had capitalized on her first interview with "Red Raider" to pull herself out of her financial hole, and for the first time since graduating her life was looking up. As the only reporter willing to accept his requirements for an interview, she finally had a steady source of money she didn't have to fight other reporters over. Sure, every interview meant she got fucked and eaten, losing days of her life as she resurrected, but at this point she viewed that as a perk. And today she was going to get a tour of his lair!!! This would be the perfect opportunity for her to tell him how she felt about him. How she loved the way he treated her, how she spent every day in between resurrections waiting for the next moment he would have his way with her. This interview would be perfect.

30 minutes and one monorail ride later, she was wandering the streets of Hunters Corner. Passing by a park, she saw a group of anthros dressed in Red Raider merchandise. One of them recognized her, and a collection of encouragement and jealous looks came her way. Grace blushed, realizing that they probably knew what was going to happen to her. At first she hadn't uploaded the videos of Red Raider fucking and eating her, but after testing it out once and getting a massive amount of donations, she always uploaded them. Her only warning that the interview was about to start was an excited shout from the group in the park before she felt herself be lifted up in the big, strong arms of a red-and-black clad mountain of a wolf. Her head covered by a bag, the rush of his movements set her heart pounding.

After a few minutes, she felt him sit her down in a chair, and the bag was pulled off to reveal a professional-looking studio.

"You like it?" he asked "I put it together to make our interviews more professional."

"Thanks, this is pretty neat." She answered, looking around.

"Now, I actually have something I want to discuss with you before the interview." He told her.


"Well, how do you feel about seeing each other outside these interviews? A bit of rough sex, maybe I eat you for breakfast the next morning, you know, standard relationship things."

Grace paused, internally freaking out. Oh my god it's happening I'm getting a romance with a dark mysterious pred who will love me all night long then eat me the next day Holy Crap I can't believe it!!! But before she could say anything, he continued.

"However, there is one condition. You have to not get jealous."

Grace blinked a bit "What, you mean you're rape patrols? I won't get jealous of those bitches, even if I wish I was them."

"He means jealous of me." Came a feminine voice from offstage. A brown rabbit with speckles of white in her fur walked on stage, wearing a skimpy set of booty shorts and a skimpy top. "Hi, I'm Emma Harper, currently the only girlfriend of The Mysterious Red Raider, but with business booming we're looking at taking on new members. So how about it? The positions yours if you want it."

Grace froze in shock, trying to understand what this woman was saying "You... are you asking... What the hell is going on?"

"Alright, let's start over" Emma sighed "You are interested in my boyfriend, you get along well with him pretty well, and I want a piece of you to. If you say yes, we'll both be his girlfriend, but hopefully we can end up with a bit of lesbian side action and avoid all the jealousy issues." As she spoke, she stroked the rat girl, fingers brushing her tits and crotch.

Grace stared at her for a few moments, her mind racing Is... is she flirting with me? Oh my god what sort of woman is she to keep up with him? She wants me?!? I turn into mush with just him and she can match his endurance? This is going to be either the best or worst decision of my life... "That... that sounds nice. I'll need to think about the offer but... I look forward to getting to know you, Emma." She said, forcing the words out and reaching out for a handshake.

A wide smile appeared on Emma's face. "Oh you really don't need to worry. I won't bite, much." Before planting a kiss on Grace's lips. "Now come on, we've got an interview to prep for!" She exclaimed as she moved towards the seats. Grace moved on autopilot towards the interviewers chair, her shocked mind noticing the quality and how much effort setting this all up must have been. Sitting down, she pulled out her notes and focused on the job. In a few moments, she saw that both her interviewees were ready, and pressed the handy button to start the recording.

***The interview is an excuse for exposition, if you want to skip it the other end is marked***

[G] "Good evening, I'm Grace Williams, interviewing 'The Villain of Hunters Corner' Red Raider and his... I'm sorry how do you want to be introduced?"

[E] "Like I said, just call me M, I'm currently the only girlfriend of Red Villain, but we've extended an offer to an interested candidate to make her the second."

[G] *blushing* "Alright..." deep breath"So, let's start with some stuff about you. I'm sure that many of my viewers want to know your whole story."

[E] *laughs* "Well many of you can probably guess how our first meeting went, but saying anything more would put his civilian identity at risk, so I'll just say I was very persistent and lucky."

[G] "Alright, if that's all you are going to say, let's move on to something else. Red, what is your plan for the next five years in your territory? Do you even have one?"

[R]*laughs* "I thought I was supposed to be the one who assaults people on camera. My plan for the next five years is simple, gather strength and focus on research. Right now I'm following multiple leads for young villains who would be willing to sign on with me, as well as some more exotic research leads that will increase my ability to tell others to fuck off. As it is, the only thing keeping me independent is the switch built into the defenses around the neighborhood that let the killer fungus in if I trigger it. That means beating me will mean destroying everything valuable in this area, which basically makes it not worth the effort for anyone capable of beating me."

[G] "So your plan is to just make it not worth it for people to attach you while gathering strength? What about the people living here? What will you do to improve your neighborhood, or are you just going to let it stagnate?

[R] "Well, right now the plan is simple, I'm building up for an expansion south and west, which if succesful will increase the area under my control by 12.3 times, while bringing the old transit center at 33rd and 69th under my control. In fact, I have a map I made for this" *Presses a button, a map appears on the wall behind them*

[G] "That's a pretty large increase in territory. Are you worried that announcing this will make you a bigger target?"

[R] "Yes, but again, if I go down everything of value gets lost with me. I'm making a gamble, short-term risk for long-term gain, and I think everyone else has bigger problems to deal with than me."

[G] "Alright, back to the map, you will take a huge chunk of highway that goes from nowhere to nowhere, what will you do with it? It just kind of goes through the territory you're claiming and makes it harder to get from one side of your territory to the other."

[R] "And this is where I reveal my grand plan for my territory: I'm going to rip up all the highways, replacing them with smaller roads, parks, and transit. I know you're going to ask why, and the answer is simple: People who drive everywhere are no fun to hunt. People who walk to and from a monorail or tram station, maybe stopping at a park and going window shopping on the way home? Much more fun. So, I make it harder to drive in the areas I control, encourage walking, and now I have more people on the streets to choose from. It's why I haven't rebuilt the 27th street bridge, that would make it easier for people to drive in and out, and that would mean less walking."

[G] *Blinking and staring at him* "So you're telling me, that you are going to conduct a major infrastructure remodeling project, investing who knows how much time and effort, just to make your hunting hobby more entertaining?"

[R] "Basically"

[G] That's... actually pretty clever. Plus if there are fewer cars on the road then the people living in his area will be less likely to leave if someone decides to cut off their fuel. "Do you have any other big societal engineering projects you want to talk about?"

[R] "Nothing that's finalized. I'm working on a plan to encourage free sex and casual consumption of anthros, but those are still in the drawing stages. Could use a look from someone who's into that sort of thing and minored in Political Science" *winks suggestively*

[G] "... That is an incredibly interesting idea. So, could you tell me what you plan on doing with all this new territory?"

***This is still exposition, but exposition about dominance and submission in Hunters corner, which might be more interesting to some people than infrastructure.***

[R] "Well first off I have to get people to move in, encouraging people who agree with my plan to remake society and converting people who are on the fence."

[G] "So what can you tell me about that plan?"

[E] "I can answer that, I've been doing a lot of the research on the details, he's more of an overview kind of guy. So to start with, you have the idea that most people belong below others, ruled by them."

[G] "Standard villain rhetoric."

[E] "Yeah, with a difference. Our main goal is about letting people know it isn't shameful to be submissive at all times, to give in to the desire to be ruled. I wear this collar by choice, to show that I have found someone to belong to. I can also take it off by choice, because belonging to someone is a state of mind, and if you leave that state of mind it's bad for the sub and the dom if you stay."

[G] "So it's not just a way of weaseling around calling it slavery?"

[R] "Slavery is for cowards and fools. I don't need chains and whips to keep people from leaving me, they stay with me because they wish to, and that alone makes everyone who submits to me worth 100 beaten or brainwashed slaves."

[E] "Although chains and whips are fun."

[G] "So what about the rape? If you're all about people choosing to submit, why rape?"

[R] "If you look at my record, the first reports of me raping occurred after I setup this neighborhood and announced the rules. All occurred within the boundaries I claimed as my territory. With the exception of some heroes and villains who tried to force me out and were punished to send a message, all my "victims" were people who choose to move here knowing what the rules were."

[G] "So you're saying your victims choose to live here, and that makes it ok?"

[R] "Basically"

[G] "Alright, now M, a question for you..."

***Interview continues, but we'll skip to the end now***

"Well, that's all our questions for today folks, this is Grace Williams, signing off." Grace pressed the button ending the recording. "well, how was that?" she asked.

"I think we did good." Red Raider said "Now, before we do anything else, I need a firm yes or no to the relationship thing. If you say no, that's fine, if you say yes we have something planned for you."

Grace stopped, thinking. The interview had been fun, and M seemed like a nice girl to know. Taking a deep breath, she said "Yes"

At that the two of them both grabbed their masks and took them off. "Hello" Red Raider said, his voice clear and calm as his eyes stared into her, free from the visor. "I'm Blake Hunter, it's good to finally meet you."

"And I'm Emma Harper, we've met" Emma said as she took Grace's right arm and guiding her up the stairs. "We're going to have such a good time together. Now, I know you have had plenty of experience going into his stomach raw, but tonight we're going to try something new."

"So what's the plan?" Grace asked, looking around as Emma guided her through a kitchen full of anthro-sized appliances up another set of stairs to a master bedroom.

"Blake's gonna eat us together!" Emma exclaimed. "Now, let's get those clothes off."

As Grace stripped, she reflected on how weird her life was. What had started as a desperation bid to try and get back on her feet had ended with her being part of some weird threesome. "So what now?" she asked after they were all naked.

"Now" Blake said "Put your clothes over there in the containers. I'll mail them to your apartment."

The girls quickly stowed their clothes and stood next to the bed. Grace looked up at her new boyfriend. A foot and a half taller than her, the giant wolf made her feel puny. But even with his size, she had to wonder how he was going to eat both of them together. Before she could ask, Emma pulled her onto the bed. Landing on top of Emma, she found herself staring into the other girls face. Blushing, she tried to pull back but Emma kept a firm hold of her. Before she could struggle much, she felt a muscular arm press her down as Blake's cock slid in the gap between her crotch and Emma's. In moments, her body was alive with pleasure, the musk enhancements in the air and the thin coating of aphrodisiac on Blake's cock driving her body into a state of ecstasy. Pushing down, she felt Emma arching her hips up, and together they squeezed his cock between them as he slid back and forth. Grace looked back, but Emma put a firm hand on the back of her head and pulled her down, locking lips in a passionate kiss.

The next few minutes were full of pleasure, as Emma's hands roamed Grace's body, their tongues chasing each other around their locked mouths, until Blake pulled back. Grace whined needily at the removal of his cock, only to shudder as she felt him line up at her cunt and slide in. After a few thrusts, she felt herself go over the edge. Her orgasm rolled through her body, and as she stopped to catch her breath she noticed Blake slide into Emma's cunt to give her the same treatment. Leaning down, Grace nuzzled Emma's shoulder, feeling the rhythm of his thrusts through her body. Soon, Emma had her own orgasm, crying out in pleasure as her back arched and arms grabbed at Grace. Emma had barely finished orgasming when Grace felt Blake enter her once again, his cock reigniting the embers of lust within her. This went on for nearly an hour, Blake swapping between each girl as they recovered, until finally he reached his own orgasm. Pulling out of Grace and sliding between both of them, he came all over their stomachs and chests.

Grace rolled off of Emma, gasping for breath. He really went all out on those "enhancements" to his dick. Lucky me... As she looked over and saw Emma with a huge smile on her face, she amended that thought ...lucky US.

"Now" Blake growled "It's time for my meal. I worked up such a massive appetite, I think I'll have a double tonight." He sat on the bed and guided the girls to lay down, legs towards his him. As Grace and Emma pulled closer together, he opened his mouth wide and took their feet in first. After a few moments, he had them both in up to their hips, where their combined hip size seemed an impossible barrier, even with his size advantage. But he persevered, and with a lot of helpful wiggling from his delectable meals, Blake was able to get his mouth around their hips.

Feeling herself slowly dropping into Blake's stomach, Emma kissed Grace on the lips and said "Call me sometime, we'll do a girls night while he's off patrolling or fighting the forces of justice."

Grace blinked a few times "Uhhh, you never gave me your number."

At that, even Blake froze, the two girls halfway down his throat with only their upper bodies outside it. A low chuckle came up from him, vibrating both of them as Emma flushed. "Ah well, just ask Blake, he can get it for you. I guess I was kind of a bit excited to get to the main event." As she said this, Blake resumed swallowing, pulling the two girls down deeper and deeper.

"It's ok" Grace said as the end of Blake's muzzle reached her tits "I had fun, this was a nice first date."

"Oh good, I was worried you wouldn't like it." Emma replied as their shoulders slipped past his lips.

"No no, I like the rough sex and vore stuff, it's totally my thing." Grace reassured her right before Blake closed his mouth and gave one last swallow.

Patting his belly, he laid back on the bed, feeling the squirming of his girlfriends in his stomach. As he rested, he thought What should I do with the studio? Seems like such a waste to build it and only do interviews from it. Maybe I could do an announcement sort of thing like some dictator? Maybe I could do a cooking show, that might be fun. As he imagined all the possibilities of having a mini tv studio setup in his lair, the squirming in his belly ceased, and the exhaustion of a day of being a villain and keeping up with a pair of women in bed caught up to him, and he drifted off to sleep.