Distracting Paws of Pleasure

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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While on business, and likely to be fired afterwards for providing a bad report, a werewolf orders an escort for a last bit of fun on the company dime.

Commissioned by Rayoelgatubelo

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Distracting Paws of Pleasure For Rayoelgatubelo By Draconicon

Lowell hated everything about Merad. Everything that the tourists loved, he hated, mostly for the fact that they were denied to him because he was here on business rather than on pleasure.

He looked out the window of his hotel room, glaring at the oil fields in the distance. They had barely passed inspection, and he had every doubt that they would pass again in the next six months. The company was going to be pissed about that, and they would take it out on him. On him, and on his paycheck.

Might as well stick it to them before they can stick it to me, he thought, pulling one of the company cards from his wallet. If they're gonna get pissed at me for telling them to spend money, might as well spend a bit of it on someone I like.

He dialed one of the escort services for the city. Not that hard to do in a place like this, and far from illegal, as long as you actually paid for the work that you got. The girls could be a royal pain in the ass if you didn't, and so could their lawyers.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring. Ring -


"This is Lowell. Do you have anyone there that's any good with...shifting tastes?"

"I believe we do, sir. Are you looking for anyone in particular?"

"Someone slight and small, with a bit of red to them."

Translation: he wanted one of the smaller girls, a red panda if they had one.

"We have just the one, sir. Shall I send her over now?"

"Yes. Triple the rate if she gets here in five minutes."

"She'll be there in four, sir."

The call ended, and he hung up on his end, as well. No more than a minute of chatter, just as always. It made it easier for them to keep the chats from being picked up on by anyone that happened to be listening.

Lowell turned to face the oil fields again, the sides of his face already starting to get scruffier, the cheeks starting to turn gray with the tufts of hair that came with his fur coat. It was getting thicker on his chest, too, starting to poke out of his sweat-soaked suit.

He leaned back against the chair a bit further, narrowing his eyes at work in the distance, and hoped that the madame was right about how long it would take the girl to get there.

Thankfully, she was.

The door dinged, and he grunted for the person on the other side to come in. He turned in his chair, and then raised an eyebrow at his whore for the night.

She was still in human form, unsurprisingly, dressed in an abaya and face-veil, though she was barefoot as she walked across the room. It was not the usual look for one of the faith, for sure, and one that he immediately knew was faked for more...practical reasons.

But what stood out for him was the fact that she was most definitely not local. Her human form was eastern, somewhere between the border of China and the Koreas, or perhaps a little further south. She looked at him shyly, her eyes flicking back to the floor a moment later.

"You have summoned me, my lord?" she whispered.

"You speak like that all the time?"

"Most people like it. My name is Honey Buns."

Obviously a pseudonym, though one that was pleasing enough. He rested his chin on one transforming hand, feeling the fur tickling against the remaining skin on his face, the claws pricking against his neck as they started growing in.

"Do you have any specialties, besides fucking?"

"I have been known to give lovely footjobs, and worship paws well."

"We'll see. Change."

She nodded, sliding out of the abaya and revealing her 'working clothes'. Which was to say, nothing. She was bare beneath it, her golden skin already damp from the heat outside, the hot weather doing nobody any favors. She bowed before him, her slight breasts already starting to bear the reddened marks of her fur as it began to sprout from her flesh.

The transformation was slow, well-contained, and she squirmed delightfully as her fur spread out from between her breasts, gradually consuming her skin and leaving more color behind than what it started with. As she changed, her breasts slowly grew, as well, though not as much as a werewolf woman's would have done. Still, the slow, pleasant plumpness that filled them was a lovely sight.

His eyes followed the tide of fur as it spread across her body, rolling down her belly and up her neck, out across her shoulders and along her arms. Bit by bit, it covered her in a way that was both modest and exhibitionistic, showing her off while giving her a hint of shelter behind it. Well, somewhat; her nipples were easy to see, and as she continued to transform, other things weren't so hidden.

She sat down at the hotel room desk, her legs spread as her fur spread down to her sex. She arched her back, hissing softly as she continued to change, her sex swelling, growing plump and ready, heated and wet. Shimmering strands of her juices rolled down from inside of her, soaking against her flesh and then slowly streaming down to her other hole.

He smiled, his cock growing in his pants, and he reached down, undoing them as they got a bit too cramped for his liking. As the woman continued to change, she continued to moan, reaching down and touching her damp, swollen sex with fingers that were slowly growing claws, slowly getting more and more animalistic.

His cock popped free as he got his zipper down, the bottom of his shaft already out of his sheath and his knot forming. He kicked off his slippers, knowing that his socks were going to rip when his own transformation reached his feet, but he didn't care. He had a half-dozen changes of clothes in his suitcase, not to mention a card to buy more if there was need.

The company would pick up the bill. They'd pick up everything, this one last time.

Honey Buns rolled onto her side, extending her legs towards him, exposing the soft, damp soles of her feet. As her tail grew out from her spine - probably the real reason that she'd rolled over - she curled her toes and showed off her soles, running her arches against each other, curling her toes and then fanning them out to show them off.

He had never really tried something like this before, but the slow elegance of her show was rather...pleasing.

As brown, nearly black fur ran down her legs, she arched her back again, obviously in pleasure - or at least, well-acted pleasure - as her feet began to change. Black fur started to sprout along her feet, no pads forming, but rather a soft pelt that would make someone feel a tickling feeling if those feet were to press against them.

She curled her toes as the nails pushed forward, gradually curling into claws, her five toes wiggling continuously, forcing him to keep staring at them while they were in motion.

His eyes, however, continued to flick up and down her body whenever she went still, taking in the view of her. Her face was warping, stretching, her muzzle pushing out as she moaned for him. Her head leaned back, and he had the lovely view of seeing her face push up and out, her nose and lips stretching towards the ceiling as her ears pushed up along the sides of her head.

As her tail finished growing, as the last bits of fur popped in, she rolled back onto her back, extending her feet once more. They were soft and elegant, growing slightly longer as she offered them to him, and he could see the way that they rubbed against each other made it almost look like she was hungry for them to be touched.

He had shifted with her, his clothes in shreds along the floor. His cock stood out at a randy ten inches in length, his knot already half-inflated from the transformative display. Lowell grinned as he slid across the floor, pulling his chair along as he dragged himself closer to her.

"Well, that was quite the display."

"Thank you, my lord," she said, bowing her head. "May this one offer you the pleasure of her feet?"

"You'll be giving me a lot more than that for what I'm paying."

"I am sure that my lord has much stamina to spend. Please, allow this one to begin offering her pleasures to him."

She extended her legs, her soles pressing against his thighs and helping to spread his legs. He could have stopped her, could have taken control, but he was more curious as to what she planned on doing. So, he leaned back, letting her have the space to work, and just watched.

Honey Buns nodded her thanks, and her hand reached down between her legs. She touched herself, slowly, gently, rubbing her finger in little circles around the hood of her clit. He watched that, and her feet, his eyes going from her sex to her soles, watching as her toes moved closer and closer to the base of his cock.

When she touched her toes to the edges of his knot, she suddenly rubbed her clit directly. Her breath caught, she gasped, she moaned.

"Oh, sir...my lord...you are so big..."

She brought her feet together on either side of his knot, the slender, gentle, petite soles making his cock look all the bigger against them. He knew that it was large, but to have it laid there in comparison made it look huge, reminding him how far apart he could split a pussy or an asshole with his knot.

He grinned. It was an ego trip.

She pressed her soles together, the soft, smooth fur tickling at his knot as she rolled her feet from side to side, polishing his shaft with her soles, her toes curling as she kept touching herself. The way that she bit her lip, the way that she gasped every time that her toes touched his rod, made it seem more like she was getting pleasure from using her feet on him than from touching herself. It made him feel like he had some sort of magic dick, able to make the ladies moan no matter what he did with it.

Again, it boosted his ego, and that in turn, boosted his cock.

He growled as pre-cum started to run down along the sides of his shaft. Honey Buns collected it against the soles of her feet, pressing them together to make a slippery mess between her paws before returning her soles to his shaft. She stroked him hard, fast, and firm, and not once did she stop reminding him how big he was and how much she enjoyed this.

I might have to buy her again...if she can keep up with me for the rest of the night, he thought.

The End