Kalderan Forest Part 3

Story by Dehner on SoFurry

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#3 of Kalderan Forest

Randal felt consciousness slipping into his body. His opened his eyes and looked at the insides of the cave with bleary eyes. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, and for a moment was confused. He rubbed the cloak that was covering his body, remembering the instances that brought him to where he is. He took a quick sharp look around, suddenly fearing that his new friend was still around, a sudden sharp fear struck him as he could see no one.

"I'm here," came the equines voice from behind him.

Randalf looked back to see the naked Falroth back there, cooking something over some red coals.

"You slept a while, it's just a little past noon. I went to get us some food, you're probably hungry there. Come one over and join me."

Randolf stood up, his body stretching and tensing up, a squeek of a yelp coming from his open muzzle. He staggered a little, and walked the few short feet to breakfast. What was handed him looked more like a ham sandwich, the breading, if that's what it could be called, was toasted and warm. The taste was more like an egg sandwich with a bit of pepper liberally added. Randolf chewed it strongly, filling his stomach with the first solid food in days. It was gone in a manner of five hearty bites, and another was quickly offered to him.

"Eat up little guy, we got a few days travel. We have a few places to go through, and it'll be about time for you to... relieve yourself soon." Falroth let out a rather wide grin, his eyes tracing down to the pup's exposed sheath.

"What about my fur?" Randolf asked, between bites of his second sandwich. "Am I going to be furless forever now?"

"No," Falroth consoled him, "it will grow back soon, probably a few days. Your metabolism has been sped up some from the travel pod. You'll probably have half an inch of fur by tonight."

Randolf looked down at himself, and did notice a rather bristly layer of fur growing back. He rubbed his belly and felt a strong sexual urge rise inside him. His cock suddenly pressing out from his sheath.

"We'll take care of that need later, little puppy. Just eat for now."

Breakfast was short, after the second sandwich was done, Falroth took care in snuffing out the red embers with some water, and cleaning up a few spots. Leaving the cave clean for the next needy people was simple enough, and the two left the cave amidst the slight molestation of the guard vines.

It was so warm outside that Randolf walked without the cape on, his body drinking in the heat of the sun. They walked around strange plants, Falroth keeping him away from a few, pointing out only one plant that could be dangerous to them, and a couple that would help bring them to orgasm rather pleasantly, if they didn't have the need to hurry to the next safe spot.

As the sun began to set, and Randolf's stomach begin to growl, they reached a rather strange sight, at least to the puppy. They stopped just on the inside of a large circle of grass. The plants seem to have just stopped, and in a perfect circle around a 40 foot tall tree. The tree had a thick truck, smooth white, with small vines hanging down under the thick green canopy. Falroth looked at Randolf, and grinned. "This is our stop. We have to pay a toll for safe coverage during the night, but I'm sure you're up for the fee."

Randolf gave a quizzical look, and wasn't quite sure what he thought was the fee would actually be a fee. He found his head rubbed gently by the strong hand of the equine, and watched his friend walk into a few of the dangling vines.

"Come on, don't worry little one," he said, as a few vines dipped down and looped around the big horse. Falroth's cock growing rather stiff sand pushing to slap up at his belly while he gave himself up. "It's quite safe, come on before something get's you."

Randolf watched as his friend was lifted up slowly into the leaves, and disappeared. He stood there a moment, alone, listening as the soft whickering moans drifted down. He took a deep breath and steadied himself, before stepping under and into the reach of the vines.

There seemed no reaction at first, the vines just dangling around him as he walked closer to the trunk. He had a sigh of relief as he thought perhaps they weren't going to ensnare him, but that was short lived.

He twitched back as a vine moved and tried to circle around his arm, the gentleness was a bit of a surprise for him. Three more vines attempted a gentle grappling of his body, and he pulled away from those, turning his body around to make a retreat from them.

The plant didn't have any intentions of letting him get away, and slipped a vine quickly around his waist and tightened down firmly. More slipped around, aggressive and strong, gripping at all portions of his body and beginning to restrain him. Though he wiggled and fought back now, the battle was over and he was slowly lifted up to the leaves.

He was pulled through them and got a glance as Falroth, unhindered by as many vines as Randolf was in, as he was being suckled upon by a long orange colored vine. The outline of the flared-equine shaft easily visible amongst the undulations of the covering and his masculine splendor was torture to his eyes, the though of wanting to touch him was overwhelming to the canine.

His sight was cut off by a few vines as they slipped over his head, and the cocooned him in the writhing vines. Something grabbed a hold of his cock, a warmth and slickness slipping down atop it and engulfing him strongly. His hips attempted to buck up into what had grasped him, but he was too tightly held to assist in the milking about to commence.

A strong whickering greeted Randolf's ears as the equine shot his load into the plant's feeder. This moans bringing more torturous pleasure and causing his knot to swell. There was a strong pressure at the base of his knot as the vine fastened itself to him, and a strong shuddering of all the vines surrounding his body. He felt hundres of small nodules rubbing his skin, tickling and pulling his engorged shaft.

Randolf moaned in his tightly held muzzle, his muscles tensing as he felt the pleasure ripping down his newly awakened cock. Time seemed to slow for him as his mind had a singular purpose, and all his being was concentrated inside his genitals.

He was distracted for a second as he felt someone lay next to him, a few vines moving aside to let the touch of his friend through and rub his chest, a finger gripping and pinching at his hardened nipple. A shot of pain was washed away as the vine on his cock sucked harder, and worked the captured canine to a frenzied orgasm.

Randolf opened his mouth when the vines released him, and he howled out his orgasm for a mere moment before the musky equine's mouth planted itself and cut off the cries of rapture. His tongue was manipulated easily and succumbed to the equine's positioning, the whole while his cock bursting forth it's ejaculate for the plant holding him.

The vines departed quickly, slithering away and leaving the pup again within the warm hug of his new friend. The equine having kept a strong lip-lock on him, and sucking on his tongue was keeping Randolf in a state of mental euphoria.

After a few sensual moments of keeping his first kiss with Falroth, he was released from it. With a gentle sigh he laid back in the soft leafy floor, looking down to see both his and the equine's shaft still held within the grasp of the orange vine. His knot could clearly be seen with the orange vine held fast to it, his elongated ejaculation feeding it nicely.

"The canopy likes you, as most other plants around here will," Falroth said in a sighing tone. "These trees are always safe, and they will give us shelter until morning. If you ever are separated or alone, remember this type of tree if you need a safe place to stay."

"But," Randolf inquired, "is it, I mean, will it not let me go if I need to?"

"As long as you are up here, it will keep itself attached and feed every few hours or so. In the morning you can climb down the trunk, there are plenty of hand-holds to get down easily. We have 2 more days of travel, so we will be fine here. I have some extra food as well, if you're hungry."

Randolf nodded quickly, and was handed another spicy sandwich. He ate it while the last of his orgasm sprayed out his semen for the plant. The sun was barely filtering through the leaves now, almost completely gone down behind the horizon.

As the sun stopped illuminating the inside of the canopy, the vines began again on the two within their protective leaves. Randolf was enjoying himself, now that he could walk around freely, and nearly fell to his knees when the vine began to feed again. Falroth found his way to the puppy, and they spent several orgasms within each others arms during the night, awakened only three times to pay the plant for it's protective nature.