Happy Campers

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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In a very sexy online video-game, a team of players succumbs to the greatest of all crimes; spawn camping! :ooo

This short vignette was written as part of my themed Patreon request day for May 2018. The theme for this month was "Going Camping" and the story contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults.

Happy Campers

Patrick had barely finished materialising when he felt his body being tackled to the ground. He cried out in frustration as a pair of hands grabbed at his shorts and dragged them down to expose his bare ass, but mere moments later that anguish turned to pure pleasure as the buff figure of whoever had dragged him to the earth spread his legs and stuffed a sizeable, well lubricated cock into his waiting, suddenly exposed rump. Looking up over his shoulder with a grunt of ecstasy, the dalmatian saw a larger, beefier rottweiler pinning him down. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could do so the stronger dog started to go to work. Patrick's eyes bulged, and he howled in uncontrollable pleasure as the other man's thick, throbbing cock began to hammer at his prostate.

As he was fucked savagely and deliciously by the other dog, Patrick looked around and watched in mixed frustration and eager longing as the rest of his squad were also taken down every bit as swiftly. A lithe fox shimmered into view, only for a buff tigress to practically drag her off the ground, swing her upside down, tear her shorts away and with the vulpine woman still hanging one hundred and eighty degrees away from her normal orientation bury her rough tongue deep into the fox's pussy. A plump skunk with a dyed purple stripe blinked into reality only to be taken down by not one but two nude and rock hard mice, her hands hurriedly delving down the front of her own shorts and a happy gurgle escaping her maw within seconds as both mice at once began to muzzle-fuck her.

"Oh god! Devon!"

The dalmatian yelped as he watched a very familiar avatar materialise, the wolf's shorts emblazoned with the same clan logo as his own. No sooner had the lupine male loaded fully into the game though, he barely had the chance to look around and see who had called his name before a gorgeous snow leopard threw herself at him, knocking him to the floor, peeling back his shorts from the already rock hard length of his shaft within, and plunging herself down onto his erection as she started to ride him with a triumphant, lustful roar. With four of them taken down, the fifth member of their squad didn't stand a chance as they flickered into reality a few short seconds later. The otter saw their squad in disarray, saw a grinning kangaroo standing close by with his hand already upon his exposed and rock hard cock, and with a rosy blush he turned around on the spot, slipped down his shorts, and presented his ass to the marsupial male without even putting up a fight. This round was a bust for sure, so better to enjoy it than draw it out unnecessarily.

Howls, moans and whimpers of pleasure filled the zone in which Patrick and his team had arrived, and as the dalmatian himself felt the rottweiler pounding him so relentlessly reach down beneath him and start to jerk off his own throbbing, knotted cock, even he let go of any frustration at the other side's unfair tactics for the time being. Soon this round would be over and he'd be able to load into a new game, hopefully get a little bit further this time. But until then, he might as well have the time of his life.

"Harder! Deeper! Oh god, k-knot me. Cum in me!"

Patrick howled to the muscular dog in fevered excitement, and barely two minutes later, grunting and panting with his eyes glazed over and his tongue lolling out, the dalmatian got exactly what he asked for. He looked around in a lustful haze as the rottweiler's knot slurped loudly and sloppily into his backside, grinning goofily in his own overwhelmed pleasure as he watched the vixen now fisting the larger tigress while she rode the big cat's now soaking wet, grinning face. He saw the two mice cumming all over the skunk's ample breasts, the position of her hands suggesting she had a finger up each of their rumps while her own eyes rolled back, the two smaller male's dextrous tails having entwined around one another and formed one giant shaft with which to drive her to a shrieking, squirting peak of her own. He watched Devon making out with the snow leopard as he pumped his hips down against her clutching body, the feline's arms and legs wrapped intimately around his trembling body all the while, and he saw the otter already painting the ground below with thick ribbons of his own cum as while still standing the kangaroo gripped at the other man's hips and fucked him long and hard with all the passion he could muster.

Toes curling, eyes bulging, Patrick yelped at the sight of his squad-mates lost in their own individual ecstasy while his ass was pounded and his own knot was roughly milked by the rottweiler's tight yet tender grip. It was too much for him to take. Too much for his already overwhelmed avatar's body to handle. He shuddered, he ground his hips urgently back against the rottweiler's already potent thrusts even with them already locked together, and as a deep, gruff bark of ecstasy escaped the other dog and all of a sudden Patrick felt a thick wet heat lashing the walls of his tender back passage, he too howled to the heavens and began to spill his load out over the starting area's smooth, almost featureless floor.

Feeling his cock throb urgently within the rottweiler's grip, each fresh squeeze forcing a new eruption of cum from deep in his balls just as each time his ass clamped down it seemed to coax yet more from the other dog's own depths, Patrick whined and shuddered his way through the height of his peak. Even as it began to fade though, even as the last few dribbles of hot cum rained down from his twitching tip to the floor below and he felt the rottweiler's own seed beginning too ooze out from the tight but not perfect seal formed by his ass and the other man's thick knot, he looked over his shoulder to regard the panting, grinning, spent male once more.

"S-spawn camping? Really?"

Patrick moaned incredulously to the rottweiler, blushing when the bigger dog just chuckled and rocked his hips, drawing a strangled cry of over-stimulated pleasure from the dalmatian's lips once more.

"I didn't hear you complaining before. Besides, you wanna not get camped? Get good and learn not to spawn in such an obvious place."

The two dogs glared at one another for a moment, then grinned, and pressed their muzzles together in a deep kiss.

"G-good game, camper."

Patrick gasped as he broke their rather lengthy lip-lock nearly a minute later. The rottweiler barked a coarse but genuine burst of laughter.

"Good game, noob."

A few moments later, as the rest of the teams murmured their own affectionate gratitudes to one another and shared their own farewell kisses in the wake of their bliss, the rottweiler began to dematerialise. Looking around Patrick gasped as his suddenly empty ass clenched shut around nothing, and watched as the rest of the team that had camped them so perfectly were removed first, followed by the rest of his team and indeed the dalmatian himself mere seconds later. Everything went black. Everything, even Patrick's own body simply ceased to be, and then...

'Your time before capture this round was... zero minutes and one second. Better luck next time, StealthStud420.'

Patrick pulled off his VR headset, though he left the sensor nodes attached to his forehead and temples. He panted and blushed as he glanced down at his body within the gaming pod. His brown skin was beaded with sweat, and though the mechanical arm holding a thick rubber shafted toy deep inside his ass was currently still, he could feel his backside tingling from where it had been vibrating and fucking him just moments before. His cock twitched inside the fleshlight-like casing wrapped around both shaft and balls, and he moaned softly as he heard a momentary activation of gurgling pneumatic suction, a small trickle of lingering cum oozing from his tip and being hurriedly sucked away by the machine's inner workings for recycling into natural lubricant.

With one hand he tapped at one of the keypads resting beneath his fingertips, and prepared to file a report on the game he'd just had. Spawn-camping was against the rules. If all they wanted to do was fuck rather than actually play the game and hunt them before earning their reward, there were servers for that. He typed in a quick description, uploaded the game replay, and...

He paused.

He frowned, and hurriedly erased the report, unsent.

"Man... you're taking this way too seriously. It used to just be about having fun. About getting chased, t-the thrill of it, and getting fucked at the end. When did you start actually caring about winning, more than having a tight pussy or a thick cock take care of you?"

Muttering to himself, Patrick typed in the requirements for his next game and once they were input, slipped the VR headset down over his eyes once more.

'Welcome to Player Unknown's Humpgrounds. You have selected... Sandbox mode. Free roam. No partner restrictions. No leaderboards. Please enjoy yourself, StealthStud420.'

Patrick took a deep breath, and smiled as he felt the game loading in around him once again.


A plump fennec ran up to Patrick as he spawned into the server, nude this time with no shorts to be tugged aside. He grinned at her, noting the glistening streaks of cum coating her thighs and the similar staining around her beaming lips.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Your avatar is beautiful."

She giggled, and twirled on the spot.

"Thanks. I unlocked her last week! Wanna fuck me? Yours is super handsome too."

She extended a hand, and gestured to a nearby patch of lush grass, upon a broad, sweeping hillside full of entwined and writhing, moaning bodies of all shapes and sizes.

Patrick took another deep breath, and grinned down at the gorgeous, friendly fennec.

"I'd love to. But only on one condition."

The fennec's eyebrows rose, and she bounced eagerly upon the tips of her toes.

"You've gotta let me eat you out first. If I remember right from the last time I played her...your avatar is a squirter."

She squealed with laughter, nodded, and together the two of them hurried over to their patch of grass, and without any hesitation or game mode complications required, they began to play together for the best reason possible.

To have fun.

By Jeeves

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