Michael and Amanda, Chapter 24

Story by MviluUatusun on SoFurry

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#43 of Michael and Amanda

Michael and Amanda return to their hotel rooms and Amanda receives a telephone call from her mother. Her reaction is as expected and a mild argument ensues. After she hangs up, Michael comforts Amanda and they return to his room. The next morning, they go to the first day of the computer show and Amanda is amazed at how little space there is to even walk around. Michael collects numerous pamphlets to read later so he'll have an idea as to what each system has to offer SoGa Industries and to allow him to ask more intelligent questions at the seminars they'll be attending.


The Computer Show Begins

Michael and Amanda returned to the hotel and went to their rooms. Amanda had walked beside Michael, holding his hand and talking happily about returning to "The Arctic Wolf" Friday evening. It took about three times as long to return to the hotel as it had taken to walk to the Golden Panda because about every fifteen steps or so, Amanda was stopping and kissing him. Michael had started dating when he was 16 and he had never had a human girl want to kiss him ¼ as much. He knew he should have stopped her; but, he was enjoying the attention too much, plus her lips were the softest that had ever kissed him. Surprisingly, the "Voice of Reason" that had plagued him since he had moved into the Panthera home left him alone while Amanda kissed him tonight. Michael guessed it had finally accepted his decision.

When they finally reached the door to Amanda's room, she opened the door, turned and gave Michael a lingering kiss. When she pulled away from him, she said, "I never get tired of doing that."

"So, I noticed. Do you not plan on slipping into my room and getting into bed with me tonight?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Well, that's the kind of kiss a girl gives a guy she doesn't expect to see for a while."

"Didn't you like it?"

"Now, Amanda, you know better than that. Of course, I did."

"Then, do you want me to sleep in my bed tonight?"

Michael slipped his arms around her and said, "If you do, I'll be very lonely tonight. Is that what you want? You've entrapped me in your feminine charms and now you're planning on denying them to me?"

She looked at him in shock and said, "No fair! You're using female logic on me! Now, I have to come to your room even if I didn't plan on it and I had planned on it!"

Michael just smiled somewhat mischievously and said, "Didn't think a guy knew those games, did you?"

"I'll be in your room as soon as I change clothes. You meanie!" She said, laughing.

Michael was smiling as he unlocked the door to his room. Just as he closed the door, he heard the telephone in Amanda's room start ringing. Then, he heard Amanda answer the telephone in a happy singsong voice. "Hello, Daddy!" Her voice changed quickly, "Oh, hello Mother. Why are you calling me?"

"We went to dinner and then we went dancing."

"Mother, he's got a name."

"I know you know that. I'm just asking you to stop referring to him as 'that human'."

"Mother, if you would just get to know him, I believe you'd like Michael."

Michael had changed clothes while he was listening. He eased the connecting door open and slipped into Amanda's room. He had a feeling that she was going to need him before this phone call ended.

"Yes, I know what humans did in the past; but, humans aren't like that any longer."

"Well, you know, they could say the same thing about humanimals!"

"Mother! I'm eighteen years old now! I have a job and my own place to live! I don't depend on you or Daddy for my support! So, I'll talk to you any way I please!"

Michael got Amanda's attention and shook his head. He mouthed, "Apologize, please." She took a deep breath.

"Mother, I'm sorry for how I just spoke to you."

"Michael is standing here and he asked me to apologize. That's why."

"Well, I'm sorry that I'm such a disappointment to you. Maybe it would be best if I didn't visit or talk to you anymore. That way, you won't be so disappointed in me."

"Yes, mother. I'm still a virgin."

"No, it isn't because I fought Michael off. It's because he's fought me off."

"That's right, Mother. And I've got news for you; he's going to be my first, sooner or later."

"Good-bye Mother. Please don't call me anymore. I'll just leave the telephone off the hook and I'll probably miss an important call." Michael saw a mischievous look cross her face just before she said, "But, they'll be able to reach me in Michael's room. Bye-ee." When he heard her say this, he winced visibly.

Amanda hung up the telephone and looked at him. As she looked at him, he saw tears in her eyes. She stood, put her arms around him and buried her face in his chest as she cried. He stroked her hair as soothingly as he could and let her get her anger and frustrations out of her system.

After about half a minute, she raised her head, looked at him and said, "Michael, why does she do that? Why does she say those things? She knows they hurt me."

"Because you let her."

"What!? I don't let her."

"Oh, but you do. You play her game. You respond to the hurtful things she says in the way she wants you to respond. Why? Because you listen to her like a good daughter who wants mama's approval does."

She thought for a few seconds and, sadly, said, "You're right, Michael. She says hateful things about you. Things I know aren't true. She must be attacking you because her attacks against me don't have much effect any longer."

"Don't let what she says about me bother you. Okay?"

"I'll try."

Michael impulsively kissed the top of her head. She rubbed her face on his shirt, drying her eyes. He said, "Are you marking me again? I think I'm marked enough, you know."

She balled up her fist and lightly hit his chest as she laughed. "I'll mark you as many times as I want to and you'll enjoy it."

Michael laughed as he said, "You know, Amanda," he said, "As strange as it may sound to you, I believe your mother really does love you."

"Are you crazy? You don't talk to someone you love the way she talks to me."

"A lot of people maybe; but, there are those that have a hard time expressing their love openly. When I was growing up, I had a friend whose father never said anything good about him. No matter how good my friend did his father thought he could have done better, at least that's what he told my friend."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if my friend made the A honor roll, his father said, 'Why didn't you make all A+'s. When my friend made the A+ honor roll, his father asked him if he aced all the tests."

"Wow! What a hateful person."

"Was he? My friend's father knew that life isn't fair. He knew that, no matter how good you do in life, someone isn't going to be impressed. What my friend's father was doing was preparing my friend for real life by reminding him to not be arrogant in his abilities. I actually overheard my friend's father tell my father how proud he was of my friend. Sometimes love is shown in what you don't tell someone."

"So, you're saying that my mother says those things to prepare me for bad things people will say about us when we're married?" She looked at Michael out of the corner of her eye.

He looked at her, smiled and said, "Don't you mean, if we get married."

She smiled and said, "You weren't supposed to be listening to what I said, you meanie."

"That's me, mean, vile, vicious, and nasty."

"You aren't those things and you know it."

"But, you keep calling me a 'meanie'."

"You know I don't . . ." Amanda thought for a second, looked at Michael for a long time, and added, "Thank you, Michael. Now, I understand what you were telling me. I guess I had to say it for myself before I'd actually believe it."

"You're welcome. Of course, there could be another reason your mother talks to you like that."


"She's a hateful person." He smiled at her.

She smiled back and said, "Thank you, Michael."

"What did I do?"

"You lifted my spirits and made me smile. Now, let's go to bed. I want to cuddle with you."

"If you're waiting on me, you're backing up."

Michael put his arm around her waist and she reciprocated. They walked to his room and the bed. They got in and Amanda, once again, surprised him by leaning over and giving him a good night kiss. She slid under the covers and pulled him down with her. She shifted back against him and took his hand, wrapped it around her and held it between her breasts. She looked over her shoulder at him, smiling happily, and gave him another quick kiss, rolled over, and fell asleep. He snuggled up to her, took a deep breath, smiled, and fell asleep.


Once again, sometime during the night, Amanda rolled over and was facing Michael. She had both hands folded across her chest and her face was pressed against his chest. His arms were wrapped around her in an embrace and his chin was resting on the top of her head. As he opened his eyes, he took a deep breath and noticed that the orchid scent of Amanda's pheromones was noticeably weaker but still plenty strong enough to notice. Her heat was ending and he was a little sorry to realize it but he was glad that he had, once again, managed to not succumb to her feminine charms.

Michael rolled onto his back with a small smile on his face. As he rolled, Amanda shifted with him pulling herself halfway onto his chest. He looked down and continued smiling as he saw how childishly innocent Amanda looked with her head lying on his chest and her hair spread out on his chest like a halo. He heard a small moan as she flinched in her sleep. He found himself thinking back to yesterday and he wondered if she was just playing possum again. The call of nature being what it is the first thing in the morning, Amanda's weight preventing him from fulfilling his need made it even worse. So, he tested her wakefulness by starting to ease out of the bed.

As he moved, Amanda tightened her grip on him and groggily said, "Whu' goin'?"

"I've got to go to the bathroom." He whispered.

"Hu' ba'."

"As fast as I can, Sweetheart."

She released her grip on him and, as he slipped out of the bed, he noticed a small, happy smile on her face. As he was entering the bathroom, he looked back and saw that she had moved to where he had just vacated and had curled into a ball. He shook his head and smiled.

Michael finished in the bathroom and returned to the bed. He stood beside the bed for several seconds watching Amanda sleep. As he stood there, he thought how lucky the guy she eventually married would be. As that thought crossed his mind, he actually started becoming jealous of this nameless, faceless individual and he couldn't understand why. After all, she wasn't human, but at the same time, he had said to himself last night that he would refuse a human girl's offer of love and companionship. Has he really fallen in love with her, emotionally as well as a friend? He shook his head to clear these thoughts as he touched Amanda's shoulder.

"Sweetie, move over and let me get back in bed."

She opened her eyes, blinking. She looked at him sleepily, smiled and slid over as she patted his place on the bed. "Sorry." She said. "I was enjoying the way it smelled just like you."

She smiled seductively at him as he got back into bed. He stretched out and she curled herself around him, her head on his chest and one of her legs across his. He looked at the clock and saw it read 2252. He took a deep breath, smelled Amanda's wonderful scent mingled with the orchid scent of her pheromones. He looked at her and saw that she was already asleep.

He was surprised to hear her say, "Michael?"


"Do you love me?"

"Yes, more than you can imagine. Why?"

"Why won't you make love with me?"

"I've already told you, Sweetheart. I love and respect you and your future husband too much to do that."

"Michael, you know that virginity at the time of marriage isn't that important to humanimals."

"What if you meet someone, fall in love with him and he asks if you are? What would you want to tell him, especially if he's a virgin himself?"

"If my virginity, or lack of, is that important to him, then he isn't in love with me. If he truly loves me, he wouldn't ask."

"Good point. However, if he truly loves you, he won't expect you to have sex with him until you're married."

She paused in thought for a few seconds before she said, "Is that why you don't ask me to make love with you?"

Michael knew what she was trying to get him to do. But, he played along anyway. "Yes, Amanda. That's exactly why."

She paused again before saying, "Thank you, Michael."

"You're welcome, Sweetie."

A couple of minutes later, they both were asleep.


The next thing Michael heard was an incessant high-pitched chirping sound. He opened his eyes and looked around. He saw the clock and realized it was the alarm he was hearing. He reached over, turned off the alarm and looked down. Amanda hadn't moved since they had fallen back asleep an hour and a half ago. In the half light of the room at 0030, he could see a half smile on Amanda's tiger-fox face. Either she was having a very pleasant dream or she was, once again, playing possum.

Michael reached down and started to lightly scratch the top of her head, the sweet spot right between her ears. Her smile broadened as he scratched. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I knew you were awake. That alarm is loud enough to be heard in Brantawick."

She tightened her grip on him, stretched her legs and pulled herself on top of him until she was looking him in the eye. She slowly closed and opened her eyes and said, "Good morning, lover." Then, she kissed him. The kiss was soft but lasted for several seconds. After the kiss, she said, "Do we have to get out of bed? I'm so comfortable and happy."

"Yes, Sweetheart. We have the computer show to go to. Remember?"

She groaned unhappily. "I guess work takes precedence over pleasure."

"Get used to it. It's life's conspiracy to keep us from becoming complacent."

"When we get married, I'm not going to work."

"If we get married, you can quit work if you want to. But, until then, it's work your fingers to the bone." Michael paused for a second and smiled conspiratorially before he said, "You know what you get when you work your fingers to the bone, don't you?"

He saw her thinking for a couple of seconds before she said, "No. What?"

"Bony fingers." He said, smiling.

"Ooh. You! You and your stupid jokes." She said as she slapped his chest.

"Now, get your little butt off me and go get dressed. We need to eat breakfast before we go to the convention center."

"Yes, Daddy." She said in a child-like voice as she rolled off him and started to her room.

She got to the connecting door, opened it, looked back at him, and blew him a kiss. He laughed and thanked God she left his room before he got out of bed. His body had started reacting to her lying on top of him and he didn't want her to know. He got out of bed, collected his clothes and headed for the bathroom.

It took Michael a little longer than normal to get dressed. He found himself stopping as he thought about how nice it had been these last three nights having Amanda sleeping next to him. He still didn't feel a desire to make love with her; but, the warmth of her body, the softness of her fur and the innocence she had as she said the things she did as they lay there were really making it hard for him to accept this weekend as just sharing a bed with a friend, especially when she would cuddle up to him.

Michael finished getting dressed and, without thinking, opened the bathroom door. Just as he got the door open, he realized he had made a mistake. Amanda had been waiting outside the door and launched herself at him. If she had had a tail, it would have been flicking back and forth in preparation for her pounce. He had just enough time to catch her in his arms as she struck him. He stumbled backward a couple of paces as he felt her lips on his.

"Surprised you!" She laughed after the kiss.

"Yes, you did. I should have known you'd do this. I guess I took too long to get dressed." Suddenly, he realized that she had her feet on the floor and he still had his arms around her.

She looked at him sexily and said, "You're still holding me, Michael. Are you trying to tell me something?"

"Actually, I was enjoying the feel of your body against mine." He took his arms from around her and continued. "Are you ready for breakfast?"

She grunted and said, "Why can't you go with the flow once in a while, Michael?"

"Because Mr. Blaidd isn't paying us to stay in bed. He's paying us to investigate new computer systems and select the best one of SoGa Industries."

"Ooh! That's so boring!"

"Well, my dear, this is a working vacation. So, we have to work to earn our keep. Come on." She took his hand in hers and they left the room.

When the elevator opened on the ground floor, they headed to the hotel's restaurant. She suggested they order the chicken bacon again but Michael laughed. He told her she could but he was going to take advantage of the buffet. They ate and returned to their rooms to prepare for the day at the computer show.


Bertha and Wanda met at the door to SoGa Industries and walked together to the elevator to ride to the 12th floor. Bertha said to Wanda, "Well, today's the first day of the computer show and Amanda's heat is almost over."

"Yeah. I wonder if she succeeded in getting Michael into bed with her."

At the elevator, they met Michelle. She overheard the conversation and said, "I don't know, Wanda. Michael seems to have a problem with the idea of sex with a humanimal."

Wanda said, "Well, remember Michelle, Michael is both human and male. Those two things combine to say to me that he's had his fun with her and he'll probably stop seeing her as soon as they get back to Catlanna."

Bertha said, "Wanda, you're so jaded and cynical, and you're letting your prejudice against humans cloud your perception of Michael. He's a nice guy and I believe he really cares about Amanda."

Wanda said, "Humph! We'll see."


Ophelia was pulling her dress up and zipping it as she said, "Jacob, why won't you listen to me? That human is going to hurt our daughter, physically or emotionally or both."

They had started walking toward the dining room as they continued their conversation, "Ophelia, if you'd take the time to get to know Michael, you'd change your attitude about him. He'll never admit it right now but, he loves her and he'd do anything to protect her from being hurt. I bet he'd fight someone over her."

"I absolutely refuse to believe that about him."

"We'll see when she gets back home next Sunday."

"You mean, if she gets back Sunday."

Marshall, who was sitting in a chair nearby waiting to leave for school, said, "Mother, I wish you'd listen to dad. Amanda's told me about Michael. She called me yesterday and told me that Michael's a very honorable human. She said that ever since Friday night, she's begged him more than once to make love with her and he's politely refused. She also told me that a Kodiak bear threatened to fight Michael for her. She said that Michael knocked the bear out with two punches to protect her honor."

Jacob looked at Ophelia and she turned to Marshall and said, "Marshall, why do you always take up for your sister?"

"Mom, dad and I are the only two who do. Amanda's a smart, beautiful girl. She may not be world-wise but she knows when someone's trying to use her. Give her a chance to prove it to you."

"You're quite right, Marshall. Amanda isn't world-wise. That's why I need to protect her from herself. You and your father want to molly coddle her. Life's hard and I want her to understand that. If treating her the way I do teaches her that, then I've done my job.

"Now, excuse me. Marshall, you need to go to school, Jacob needs to go to work, and I need to make an important telephone call."


Since the Convention Center was only about seven blocks from the hotel, they decided to walk rather than drive. As they walked, Michael told Amanda "Today, all I'm going to do is look around and see what's being offered as computer upgrades and systems. I'm going to ask questions to determine which ones might prove to be useful at SoGa. I'll take any pamphlets that are offered and read them tonight. Tomorrow, we'll attend all of the seminars we can, take notes and ask questions of the presenters. On Wednesday, we'll go to the seminars we miss tomorrow. I should have an idea as to which systems would work best for SoGa and we can call Mrs. Gatopardos and discuss cost and how much SoGa is willing to spend to get the system they want and need, including the software. Thursday, we'll return and go to the representatives and place the orders. When the new system arrives. I'll be able to supervise the installation. So, I may not be able to make the 0400 meeting and we may not be able to have lunch together. Of course, by then, you may not want to spend as much time with me as you have before."

She looked at him with a sour look and said, "I would never feel that way, Michael. We've spent almost every minute we've been in Jaguarville together. I'm as happy to be with you today as I was Friday morning when we boarded the train. So, there."

He smiled at her and, after they showed their prepaid entrance badges, they entered the Convention Center. When they entered the auditorium where the show was being held, Amanda stopped and stared.

She grabbed his arm and said, "Michael, is this normal?"

"Define normal."

"There's barely any room to walk down the aisles. They're hardly three feet wide. It looks like there are over 1,000 vendors here. I didn't know that there were that many computer manufacturers in the whole country."

Michael looked at her out of the corner of his eye as she spoke. He said, "Well, your society is the equivalent of the late 20th Century human era, about seventy-five years before I was born. At that time, there were close to 1,000 computer companies based all over the country; by the end of the 20th Century that number had dwindled to a few hundred. By the early 21st Century, it was down to a few dozen. The weaker companies or the ones that stuck with outdated technology fell to the wayside or were bought by the stronger companies. The trick then was to find which companies were more likely to survive and deal with them. It's the same today. That's the purpose of the questions I'll be asking today, tomorrow and Wednesday. Being a 20,000-year-old computer tech gives me a slight advantage over the humanimals of today."

As he talked, Michael had been walking. Amanda was holding his hand as they walked. He wanted to keep her from getting lost so he held her hand as tightly as he could without possibly hurting her. When he would stop to look at a server or computer system, he made sure to request paperwork on whatever he was looking at. When she saw the cost of the servers and systems, Amanda gasped audibly. She had never considered that these items could cost in the millions, he guessed.


After Jacob, Marshall and the other kits left, Ophelia dialed a telephone number. After several rings, she said, "Hello, Harold. Is Reginald home?"

The voice on the telephone said, "No, ma'am. He's not here. He left Friday evening and hasn't returned as yet. Shall I ask him to give you a call when he returns?"

"Yes, Harold. Please."

"Yes, ma'am. Is this Mrs. Ophelia Fuchs?"

"Yes. Reginald has my telephone number, Harold. Please tell Reginald that this is important and to call me as soon as possible."

"I'll do just that, ma'am."


They wandered around the hall until lunch. Michael remembered a sandwich shop they had passed as they walked to the Convention Center and suggested eating lunch there. When he, off the cuff, mentioned that they might have chicken sandwiches, Amanda gave him a dirty look and slapped his arm causing him to laugh. They got to the shop and Amanda surprised him by ordering a ground beef sandwich, with a side order of fried potatoes and a glass of flavored water. When he looked at her in shock, she stuck out her tongue and gave him a smug smile. He laughed and ordered his sandwich, a BLT. He also got fried potatoes and flavored water. After they received their meals, arm in arm they found a booth to sit in. When he started to sit across from her, Amanda frowned so he moved to sit by her. He guessed that, even though her hormone count was dropping, she still enjoyed knowing he was close to her. If he was honest with himself, he enjoyed it, too.

After lunch, they returned to the computer show and started their tour where they had stopped before lunch. Michael continued to ask questions and collect pamphlets. He received quite a few compliments on the exotic looks of his mate from the vendor reps which caused Amanda to "blush". (Her pupils would dilate noticeably and she'd turn her head away slightly and she would look down.) He knew they were attempting to persuade him to purchase their product by complimenting his taste in females. He knew the compliments were sexist because the vendors thought that she was just window dressing. It was a trick that was old a thousand years before he was born so he smiled and accepted both the compliments and brochures about their computers.

The vendors started shutting down the show around 1000 so Amanda and Michael made their way outside. It was still too early for dinner; so, he suggested that they take a walk along the river walk. Amanda held his hand but she wasn't walking close enough to be considered a conjoined twin. The hormone count in her system was low and dropping. He already knew that in less than twenty-four hours her heat would be over and she probably wouldn't even want to hold his hand. That thought caused Michael to be a bit reflective on the near future; consequently, he was going to enjoy this as long as possible.

"Amanda," he said, indicating a bench, "Let's sit here for a little while."


They sat down and she scooted next to him. She linked her arm through his and lay her head on his shoulder. Her actions caught him off guard a bit but not terribly so. Michael slipped his arm around her shoulder and she snuggled closer to him. She sighed happily and, the next thing he knew, he felt her nuzzling his neck. He enjoyed her attentions so much that he found himself closing his eyes in pleasure.

Suddenly, Michael felt her weight on his lap. He opened his eyes and found himself looking into hers and seeing a somewhat sad smile on her face. She leaned forward and gently kissed his lips.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

She looked away as she said, "Tonight's the last night that we'll be sleeping together. I've really enjoyed these last three nights. I'm going to miss sleeping with you."

Michael reached up, put his finger on her chin, turned her face toward him, and said, "Amanda, tonight's the last night you'll be in heat for 13 weeks. The deal was that, as long as you're in heat, you can stay in bed with me. Remember?" She nodded. "However, I'm willing to make this deal with you. As long as you can forget about sex, and, if you still want to, you can sleep in bed with me as long as we're in Jaguarville on this trip. Okay?"

She smiled happily and said, "Okay! But, why did you say 'if I still wanted to'? Do you think I'd not want to?"

"Let's just wait until tomorrow night. You'll be out of your heat and you may change your mind."

"But, Michael, I love you. My love for you is the same whether I'm in heat or not."

"That may well be, Amanda, but, you've never wanted to share my bed except when you've been in heat." Michael looked at her knowingly.

Amanda opened her mouth to say something, thought about it, closed her mouth and, once again, turned her head away from him. He pulled her close and said, "Sweetheart, I didn't say that to hurt your feelings. I said it to, hopefully, make you understand that I know the inhibitions that you experience when you're not in heat. It's also one of the biggest reasons that I refused you when you begged me to make love with you. You might enjoy it while you're in heat; but, after your heat ends, you'll likely regret what happened, possibly to the extent of hating me. I love you too much to ever intentionally do anything to cause that to happen." She was still looking away. "Okay?"

She took a deep breath, turned back to look at him, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay. I guess you love me more than I thought you did." She, then, kissed him and said, "I'm hungry. Let's go eat."

Michael smiled at her and she got off his lap. He stood, took her hand and they walked to a nearby restaurant. After they ate, they went back to the hotel. They went to their rooms and got ready for bed. He sat in a chair and waited for her. After a while, he got up, walked to the connecting door and knocked on it.

"Yes?" She said.

"May I come in?"


Michael opened the door, walked in and saw her, still fully dressed, sitting in a chair. He walked over to her and knelt down.

"What's the matter?" Michael asked.

"Nothing, I've just been thinking."

"About what?"

"What we talked about before we went to dinner. Do you really think I won't want to sleep in bed with you after tonight?"

"Well, let me ask you this. Have you ever wanted to sleep in bed with me when you weren't in heat?"

"I love you, Michael, even when I'm not in heat."

"I'm not saying you don't, Amanda. I don't doubt that you love me. I'm just asking if you have an overwhelming desire to feel me in bed with you when you're not in heat."

She paused, thinking. He knew the answer before she said it. "No. No, I don't. But--"

"You don't have to explain, Amanda. I'm not upset. I just know that you have inhibitions, just as I do. The big difference between us is this. You go into heat and, as a result, you lose your inhibitions. I don't go into heat so I never lose my inhibitions.

"Now, do you want to sleep in my bed with me tonight?"

She smiled and said, "Yes."

He stood, took her hand and helped her stand. "Then, take your little furry butt into the bathroom, take a shower, dry off, put on your night clothes, and come get into bed with me."

Her smile broadened and she said, "I'll be there in less than half an hour."

"I'll be waiting." Just then, the telephone started ringing. He said, "You better get that; it might be the telephone."

She looked at him with a half-smile, picked up the phone as she said to me, "You are so stupid."

He blew her a kiss causing her to laugh as she said into the phone, "Hello?

"Oh. Hi, Daddy."

"No. I was talking to Michael."

"Well, he said something that was funny and stupid at the same time."

"Huh? Oh, the telephone started ringing while we talking and he said, 'You better get that. It might be the telephone.'"

"I know, right. He's so stupidly funny sometimes."

"Oh. I was feeling a little depressed and he was trying to make me feel better."

"Well, he reminded me of something and it depressed me a little."

"No, Daddy. It wasn't something bad. It was just how I act around him most of the time and how I act differently when I'm, uh, when I'm, uh. . ."

"Yes, Sir. When I'm in heat." She rolled her eyes as she said this.

"Oh, yes. Our first day at the computer show was interesting. Michael asked questions and collected pamphlets. He's going to read them while I take my shower."

"Uh, after I take my shower? Uh. Well, we might talk about the information in the pamphlets before we go to bed."

"Of course in my own bed! Where else would I sleep?"

She paused and her eyes grew large enough that Michael could see the whites. "Daddy! If Mother heard you say that, she'd be back down here before morning, again."

"Yes, Sir. I'll let you talk to him while I shower."

"Here, Michael." She handed him the phone and walked toward the bathroom door.

"Hello, Mr. Fuchs." Michael said.

"Michael, what was Amanda talking about?"

Michael started to reply when he noticed that Amanda had stopped in the middle of the room and had started to disrobe. "Amanda! What--are--you--doing?"

She had gotten down to her bra and panties. She looked over her shoulder and, in a sexy voice, said, "I'm getting ready to take my shower. Want to join me?"

Michael glared at her and said, "No. I've already showered and, if you will recall, I am talking to your father." He could hear Mr. Fuchs chuckling as he said, "Now, finish getting undressed in the bathroom."

She had removed her bra by now and was giving Michael a bit of a hard look; but, she obeyed him and walked into the bathroom. However, she stopped at the door, turned and made certain that her right breast was visible to him. When she saw his shocked face, she grinned, exposing her vulpine canines, and seductively sashayed into the bathroom. He just shook his head as he vaguely heard Mr. Fuchs's voice.

Michael said, "I--I'm sorry, Mr. Fuchs. What did you say?"

Jacob was still laughing as he said, "Did she fluster you, Michael?"

"To say the least, sir. Did Mrs. Fuchs ever do that to you?"

"She still does, especially when she's in heat."

"What am I going to do with her? I think she gets some kind of obscene pleasure out of it."

"Not just her, Michael. All humanimal females are like that, especially when they're in heat. She's testing you to see if you are worthy to mate with her. So, get used to it."

"Great." Michael muttered.

Jacob laughed and said, "Now, what was Amanda talking about?"


"When she said she was a little depressed. What was she depressed about?"

"Oh. I had pointed out that tonight is the last night she'll be in heat and how she probably won't want to, uh, sleep in bed with me after tonight."

"Michael, you don't have to be embarrassed. I told you Saturday morning that I wouldn't be upset if you and Amanda became sexually involved. I know how much she loves you."

"You do? How?"

Jacob chuckled a little and said, "The day she ran into you, she came home that evening and couldn't stop talking about you. When I found out that meeting lasted all of 30 seconds, I knew she was in love."

"Wow! I knew she was infatuated but I didn't think it was that strong."

"Oh, yeah. Believe it or not, I believe that Amanda's constantly talking about you in front of her is part of the reason Ophelia despises you."

Michael snorted and said, "And all this time I thought she just hated humans in general and she hated me simply because I'm human."

Jacob laughed and said, "Well, those reasons, too.

"So, what do you think about the computer systems you looked at today."

"Well, sir, to me, they're rather primitive. They're like third or fourth generation computers from about seventy-five or so years before I was born. I saw a lot of the same mistakes made by computer manufacturers back then. Unfortunately, the errors will have to be corrected in pretty much the same way, trial and error. As soon as transistor miniaturization becomes a reality the computer systems will increase in speed and efficiency and decrease in size at the same time."

"Will that be a good thing?"

"Well, sir, consider this. Smaller, faster computers will mean that each individual will have his own computer to work on his own projects without having to share time on a mainframe. All the mainframe will have to do is provide the read only memory, also known as ROM, and storage memory to save the projects to. Each individual, personal, desktop computer will only need a hard drive and random-access memory, RAM. This will mean that personal projects can be completed faster thereby increasing efficiency. Increased efficiency will save time and time saved equals money saved.

"Uh, oh."


"The fur dryer just shut off. Amanda will be out here in a couple of seconds, probably wanting me to brush her back fur."

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll let you two have some alone time. Michael?"

"Yes, sir."

"Please take good care of her. She's my oldest and holds a special place in my heart."

"Don't worry, sir. She has a special place in my heart, too. That's why I won't do anything sexual with her unless and until we get married."

"All right, Michael. I'll talk to you later."

"Yes, sir. Me, too."

Michael hung up the telephone and, just as he did, the bathroom door opened and Amanda raced out of the bathroom, completely naked, and jumped into his arms, knocking him backward onto the bed.

"Amanda, what are you doing!?"

"I want you to brush my back fur."

"Amanda, you're naked."

She giggled and said, "Yep. I sure am." Then, she said, seductively as she kissed Michael's neck, "Nice of you to notice."

"Amanda, you need to get dressed."

She pulled back from his neck and said, "No. I want you to brush my back."

"You need to put on a bra and panties, at least."

She whined, "Oh-oo."

"Amanda, don't act like a petulant kit."

"But, I like being naked in front of you."

"Well, you have two choices. You can either, cover your breasts and put on some panties, or I won't brush your back."

She let out a heavy breath and got off him. She walked over to her dresser and, despite the fact that he didn't want to, Michael followed her with his eyes. He noticed that, even though she wasn't trying, her hips moved in a fluid, rolling motion that held his undivided attention as she walked away from him and he was reminded of the old saying, "I hate to see her go but love to watch her leave."

She reached the dresser, opened a drawer and pulled out a rather flimsy looking bra and panties. With her back to him, she put them on and turned around. When he saw her, Michael just closed his eyes. Her underclothing was so flimsy that, if it wasn't for the color, black, he would have never believed she had put them on.

"Better?" She asked, somewhat sarcastically.

"Not much, but yes."

"Now will you brush my back?"

He laughed. "What?" She said, a little offended.

"I'm sorry. I still have a strange visual every time I heard that phrase." She glared at him. "Okay. Come here and sit between my legs. Bring your brush."

She smiled and brought the fur brush. She sat on the bed as he had instructed. Michael took the brush and looked at her back. He thought, "I'm about to get a dirty look from her but, I've got to say it."

"Amanda, in order to brush your back properly, I've got to unhook your bra."

She looked over her shoulder at him, gave him a bit of a dirty look and said, "Well, you said I needed to put on my bra."

"Well, excuse me. However, keep the bra on. I'll just unhook it long enough to brush your upper back. After that, I'll rehook it."

Michael unhooked her bra, took the brush and started brushing her fur. Each time he would draw the brush down her back, she let out a small moan of pleasure. She would arch her back to receive as much of the brush as possible. As he continued to brush, she pressed her back toward him until he finally had to take her shoulders and ease her forward.

When she looked over her shoulder at him again, he said, "You were too close to me. I couldn't brush you properly."

"Oh." She said, contentedly. "Sorry."

Michael continued brushing for a couple of more minutes. Finally, he looked at her back and said, "It looks like your fur is nice and brushed. Your stripes are beautifully smooth and even. So, you're ready to put your nightgown on and come to bed."

"I thought you were going to rehook my bra."

"Do you sleep with a bra on? If you do, I'll rehook it. If not, I'll let you take it off so you can put on your nightgown."

She giggled and said, "Oh, yeah. I forgot."

She got up and let her bra drop into her hands. She walked to the dresser and removed her nightgown. Surprisingly, she kept her back to him as she placed her bra on the dresser and pulled the nightgown on. After she brushed out any wrinkles, she turned and walked seductively back to him. She put out her hand and, after Michael took it, helped him to stand. When he stood, she wrapped her arms around him in a hug, reached up and gave him a quick kiss.

She smiled at me and said, "Did I surprise you?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"When I was standing at the dresser. I didn't turn around until I had put my nightgown on. Did that surprise you?"

"Well, actually, yes it did. Although I could see your reflection in the mirror, I fully expected you to turn around and let me see your bare breasts."

"You watched me in the mirror! You pervert!"

"Don't go there, Amanda. I never said I watched you; I noticed you in the mirror. Besides, why are you getting so upset. You're always trying to show me your naked body."

"I've got to keep our relationship interesting. Right?"

"We aren't in that kind of relationship, Amanda."

She smiled and said, "Yes, we are. You just don't know it yet."

She gave him another quick kiss, released him from her hug, took his hand, and led him to the connecting door. As they walked, she said, "You really didn't think that by allowing me to share your bed I wouldn't think we were in a relationship, even if all we did was sleep. Did you?"

Michael laughed and said, "Actually, I'm surprised it took you this long to say it."

They had entered his room when Michael slapped his forehead. "What's the matter?" Amanda asked.

"I've got to at least scan these pamphlets."

She groaned and said, "Do you really need to do that?"

"If I want to ask intelligent questions at the seminars, I do."

"I want to go to bed."

"There's the bed, Sweetie."

"I want to go to bed with you in it."

"All right. But, as soon as you fall asleep, I've got to get up and read those pamphlets."

Dejectedly, Amanda said, "Okay."

Michael walked over to the bed and got under the covers. Amanda got in on the other side and snuggled up to him. She lay her head on his chest and they talked for a few minutes interrupted by her occasional kisses on his neck and mouth. As she would talk to him, he would find himself fantasizing about them. He would fantasize about them getting married, making love and even having kits. He hoped that if they married and had kits they would look more like her than him. The idea of a hairless fox or a furry human he found somewhat revolting.

Michael noticed that Amanda's speech pattern started revealing how sleepy she was. Her words were starting to slur and her thought processes were slowing noticeably. He talked to her as soothingly and monotone as he could in the hope that she would fall asleep quicker and, after about twenty minutes, she didn't respond when he said something to her. He looked at her and noticed her eyes closed and her breathing was regular. Even her ears indicated that she was asleep. He gently rolled her off him. She grumbled under her breath a little but, otherwise, she gave no indication that she was being moved.

Michael eased out of the bed and walked to the writing desk. He opened his briefcase and removed the pamphlets. He checked the clock and was a bit surprised to see it read 1346. They had been back in the hotel less than two hours and Amanda was sound asleep. He wondered if she was going to be difficult to awaken in the morning.

Michael returned to his reading fully intending to stop no later than 1600. Soon, he was completely engrossed in his reading. As he closed the last pamphlet, he looked at the clock and saw 1648 displayed. He cursed himself for not paying closer attention to the time.

He got up from the desk, turned toward the bed and saw Amanda looking at him sleepily. She looked like a she was both upset and disappointed.

"Are you finally coming to bed?" She asked.

Michael walked to the bed as he said, "Yes, after I use the restroom. I'm sorry. How long have you been awake?

"This time, about a minute."

"This time?"

"Yes, I've woke up three times since you got out of bed."

He smiled sheepishly and walked to the bathroom. A couple of minutes later, he got into bed and put his arms around her. He kissed her forehead and said, "Forgive me?"

She smiled, laid her head on his chest and said, "Yes, but don't make a habit of it."

He laughed and said, "Yes, ma'am."

As she snuggled closer to him, she said, "And don't you ever forget that phrase."

Michael laughed softly, turned off the bedside lamp and, within 10 minutes, they were fast asleep.