Futzler Files #5: Some Enchanted Weekend Part 2

Story by GranTrofeo on SoFurry

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#5 of The Futzler Files

Finally, after leaving chapter 4 hanging for over a month, I bring to you the next installment of The Futzler Files; now with more marital drama. As always, any comments, votes, or follows are greatly appreciated.

Raw, primal heat engulfed my body. A percussion of loud smacks echoed throughout the room as hips collided, accompanied by the melody of rhythmic creaks from the straining bed frame. Our voices performed a duet over the bodily symphony, Rodney's possessive growls backing up my shrill squeaks and moans of utter bliss as his barbed member rapidly pumped under my flagged tail. Wet, sloppy squelches resulted from our lubricated locomotion, the lewd sounds being a perverted favorite of mine during our naughty play time.

I wore nothing but my bra and slack-jawed grin; not that anyone could see my face anyway, considering it was buried in the bedsheets. Rodney's teeth were smarting the side of my neck as he clamped down in lust, his arms hugged tightly around my torso to hold me steady through the vigorous reaming. Each thrust pushed a moan from my lungs, with only just enough time to inhale before Rodney bottomed out again; I could feel his own breaths against my throat, rapid pants passing the intimate body heat to my furs from his thrusting efforts. The sheets under my crotch were likely drenched in the many dribbles of pre leaking from my aching erection if the strong scent was any indicator. Pressure was rapidly building in my loins as my body prepared for sweet sexual nirvana.

"Ro-od-ney-ey... ha-ar-der...," the request bounced between my ragged breaths in tune to our fucking.

Fucking, that's what it was. No other word could be more apt to describe our bodily actions at that moment: rough and without romance, guided by deep rooted animal instincts to reproduce. There was something inherently erotic about the idea of simply turning our brains off and letting our dicks do the thinking, though my battered sphincter would have me thinking otherwise tomorrow. This primal release of pent up sexual energy had become our norm over the past year, around the time when...

"Ahhhrrrrm!" I mewled, thoughts quickly brought back to the moment as I felt Rodney crank it up to jackhammering speed. I managed to hang on for a few seconds before I finally popped, whining pathetically as my seed burst forth. A few hot ropes landed on my torso while the rest marked the bed in dark streaks. The lion kept up his tempo as I unloaded, making my balls feel like they were on fire as my prostate was milked. Sticky white streams ran down the front of my body, giving me a few stripes to compliment my proud mottles.

His thrusts soon became erratic in my clenching hole, signaling his own orgasm arriving. In classic mating fashion he hilted balls deep and bit into my neck hard, shy of drawing blood but definitely enough to leave a mark. I rasped out a groan as a deep warmth soaked through my lower body, toes curling at the wonderful sensation of my guts being painted by a flood of hot lion seed. Rodney's roar was as spine-tinglingly feral as the first time he came that night, and I shivered as a faint vibration ran through my ribcage.

Once he'd come down from his peak, my golden stud slumped over me in a spent heap, soft pants taking the place of our raucous rutting noises. We said nothing for the moment and let our mess speak for itself as the afterglow washed over us, and I briefly felt weightless from the pleasant warmth spreading through me.

The peace was quickly shattered by the obnoxious buzz of Rodney's phone against the surface of his nightstand. My ears reflexively swiveled in the direction of the interruption and flattened once the familiar orchestral ringtone began to play, as it was one I'd come to loathe. Said phone's owner quickly yanked himself free of my rump to pick up the call, leaving me to clench my teeth with the raw stinging caused by the sudden exit. I hissed in pain while Rodney gave his breathy greeting.

"Oh *huff* hey Mama Dee...just got back *puff* from my nightly jog...yeah, *huff* I can do all that tomorrow...8:30 and noon, gotcha..."

I sank down from all-fours to lay on my tummy, the spunk coating my fur and the bedsheets squishing together in a lukewarm mess. My right arm drooped off the side of the mattress lazily, eyes closed as I listened to one side of the conversation. Please don't do what I think you're going to, I thought with a quiet sigh. Don't choose work over me again. Especially not this weekend, OUR weekend...

The nude lion soon said his goodbyes and hung up the call. My eyelids parted to reveal a giddy grin on his muzzle.

"Sam, good news! Mrs. Derlo has a couple new clients lined up for me tomorrow, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon."

"Great," I replied flatly. "But uh, what about us going to the lake?"

"Well, I mean there's nothing stopping you from going if you want."

I frowned at him. "If I wanted to sunbathe by myself I'd just take a day off and sit in the backyard. The entire point of going to the lake was to spend time with you, Rodney."

"What do you want me to do Sam?" he threw his paws up to shoulder height. "I'm the head project manager, and that means my name is first on the list when something like this comes up. I can't control when someone wants to get some shit planned out."

By then I was sitting up on the bed, arms folded and tail snapping dangerously between my legs. "But why can't you let someone else do one of these client meetings? Surely you're not the only one who can do planning."

"And I'm not," Rodney admitted. He padded over to the dresser across from me and leaned his beefy self against it. "But I don't wanna look like I'm coasting all because I got promoted to be a team lead, and that means I have to be willing to sacrifice my time sometimes. We wouldn't have all this if I wasn't willing to do that," he waved a paw to indicate our comfortable living situation. "I wouldn't have gotten my promotion if I wasn't willing to do that." My husband pointed a claw at me. "Hell, you should know better than anyone the importance of putting customers first."

"I do, yeah. As you said, you've still gotta be responsible even when you're the boss..."

A gentle grin creased the lion's lips. "Damn right it is kitty-cakes. Say, wanna join me for a shower?"

"I'm okay," I replied softly. Rodney shrugged and sauntered into the ensuite bathroom, leaving the door open just a crack as an invitation to change my mind.

I remained where I was on the edge of the mattress however, no longer in any mood for intimacy. My fluffy arms wrapped themselves around my spunk-caked torso. This sense of frustration and disgust was one that had become routine whenever we talked about Rodney's habit of running off for work on nights he promised to spend with me. I'd tried to convince him the first couple times of the pain it caused me, told him how I felt we were growing apart and that these little 'dates', stupid as they might seem, really meant a lot to me. Of course, he'd told me what I wanted to hear, about how much they meant to him too, and that he'd try to make things work better to accommodate "us time". However, it quickly became apparent that he wasn't listening to my bleeding heart as we continued the same cycle of planning, cancelling, and promising to spend time together ever since.

By now I'd resigned myself to waste as little energy as possible fighting it, savoring what precious little time we would get before my husband's focus would be taken elsewhere. Dearly as I wanted to speak my mind to him, I knew that conflict wasn't worth the potential fallout. At least we still had our sex, that much I could always rely on. Really it had been foolish to hold hope for getting anything more than mindless boning outside of our normal routine, but that was my fault more than his by now. He'd made his intentions clear from the beginning, and I'd let my hopes run amok once again.

The shower's rumbling din continued to vibrate through the wall.

Gingerly, I stood up to dig some pajama shorts and a tank top out of the dresser, tossing my bra into the hamper along the way. I ran an unwieldy paw over my chest, feeling the sweat-matted fur under my pads, along with the occasional streak of sticky residue. Now that the mood had passed I simply felt...gross, the thought of being aroused by my current used-whore-like state a foreign idea. That's the thing I've come to realize about sex: you never realize just how nasty it is until it's over. The once arousing aroma of musk was now starting to cause a headache, and I wanted nothing more than to leave the reeking room behind for a while. My empty stomach rumbled in approval as I made my way down to the kitchen.

A quick rifle through the fridge revealed a frozen margarita pizza that Rodney had likely planned for us to share. The cheeky bastard probably counted on us screwing in the kitchen while it cooked too, on account of the lube bottle I found hidden amongst the soaps on the sink. To say my loins went entirely unstirred at the thought of getting railed over the counter would be a gross embellishment, though it wasn't enough to revive my arousal either. Once more my stomach growled, bringing my focus back to stuffing myself with food rather than fantasy phalluses.

Screw it, if he wants pizza, he can make it himself.

I decided on throwing a quick turkey sandwich together, complete with swiss cheese (Bell-Holland brand of course), a slice of fresh tomato, and a dash of Lard Queen mayo all comfortably resting between two pieces of rich rye bread. A simple glass of water was my refreshment of choice, pairing well with the slap-dash theme of my meal. I'd made a few bites into my dinner before a red robed Rodney appeared, wordlessly walking past me on his way to the fridge with a light soapy scent following close behind. My ears swiveled to catch the telltale sound of the freezer drawer rolling open, a few ice cubes crashing around, rustles of veggie bags, and finally the unmistakable crinkles of a pizza wrapper before the drawer rolled shut again. A flurry of beeps followed as he set the oven before the room was quiet once more, the silence abated only by my chewing and the oven's muffled whistle as gas warmed its innards. I had just finished washing my most recent bite down when Rodney spoke up.

"Thought you wanted pizza." His delivery was somewhat accusing, an edge of annoyance at the rejection of the generous gift. I shrugged, not bothering to look at him.

"Well, there's nothing stopping you from eating it if you want."

The lion let out an annoyed grunt. I winced at my small outburst and immediately wished I could take it back. Careful now, don't start any stupid shit. You might not get any Rodney time if he's upset with you...

"Still wanna watch that movie?"

"Of course."

"Alright, I'll go pick one out and get it going before it gets too late."

Little was said between us in the time from Rodney's pizza cooking and settling down on the couch. Mostly mundane small talk, the majority being taken up by the topic of our entertainment for the evening. I was only half listening while he gushed about it, only catching something about a rogue spy having to kill his way to freedom. All that mattered to me at that moment was being able to do something with my man for the next few hours that didn't require lifting my tail.

Rodney brought his food over to the living room with him to eat while we watched. He plopped down on the left side of the couch, reclining casually like a king upon his throne. I curled up on the cushion next to him, leaning over to rest against my lion. Rodney flanked me with a bulging golden arm and snaked down to lightly grip my side in a gentle hold. I purred at the touch and affectionately nuzzled his mane as best I could from my position.Tails curled over legs while paws absently roamed over familiar bodily territory as I tangled myself as much as possible with his body.

My snuggling ended up being very one-sided however, as Rodney didn't do much outside of the aforementioned grappling. All of his touches felt more like subconscious tics rather than anything purposeful. Then again, I suppose there's no reason to complain when I have a chance to be close to Rodney for a few hours. This is what I truly craved after all; that unspoken closeness only lovers were privy to.

A real shame, then, that I only got to relish in it for a few minutes before the clutches of sleep stole my consciousness.

I awoke to the early sun's golden rays gently streaking across my body, sprawled across the couch as I was. My left cheek felt damp, the most likely culprit being the embarrassing puddle of drool that had formed in my deep slumber. With a deep breath I pushed myself up from the couch to my feet. I lifted my arms above my head and leaned back a bit, giving my spine a wonderful wake-up stretch that made my tail flow happily behind me. The alluring smell of coffee made its presence known to my nose, accompanied by the steady gurgles of the life-saving machine that produced it.

Making my groggy way to get a cup for myself, my foot caught on something. I looked down to find my discarded clothes from last night still strewn across the floor, bringing a sly grin to my maw as I recalled the trouble that had begun in that very spot. It also brought a frown as I remembered that Rodney would be off meeting his two clients today. I rummaged my pant pockets to retrieve my phone, clicking the side button to reveal 6:47 A.M. on the screen, along with a million notifications I'd missed.

Well, maybe I can have breakfast with him. There's still time before he has to leave yet.

The pants dropped back to the floor as I hurriedly made my way to the kitchen. To my relief Rodney was there, already dressed and leaning against the counter, clutching a travel mug and phone. My lion looked up from scrolling through the internet to greet me.

"Mornin' princess. You zonked out pretty early last night heheh."

My jaw split open as a yawn suddenly came over me. "Hmmm, yeah. Guess I didn't realize how wiped out I was."

"Yeah. Oh, I was gonna tell you that my brother texted me last night and asked if I wanted to go for a round of golf with him on Sunday."

I could already see where this was going, but I decided to play along anyway.

"And are you going?"

"'Course I am. I haven't seen Terry since...shit, Thanksgiving two years ago. You know how hard it is to find time with him."

Trust me, I know what it's like every single day honey.

"Alright. When were you gonna head out for work?"

He glanced down at the steel banded watch about his wrist.

"Eh, probably in a couple minutes; this first lady is all the way out in Madison."

I let out a long breath as I tried to prevent the disappointment from reaching my face.

"Well, you have a fantastic day sweetheart." I hugged him tightly. "Good luck with those clients."

"I don't need luck when I already know I'm the best." He pecked a kiss on my forehead before striding out the door. "I'll catch ya later babe!"

All I could do was stare as the door swung open and left me minus one lion for the day. With a heavy heart I turned around to pour myself a coffee. I sat down at the island counter while I slowly indulged in the hot liquid, contemplating what to do with my newfound freetime. The weather was supposed to be nice last I checked, but I really didn't feel like doing anything by myself at the moment, besides wrapping up in a blanket and sleeping through to Monday.

Maybe Kelly's up to do something? Nah, she's probably busy getting prepped for audits, and there's brunch with her mom tomorrow...Hmmmm...

Before I could overthink it and change my mind, I whipped out my phone and called the lynx's number. It rang for quite a while before the other end finally picked up.

"Rrrrh...the fuck do you want?"

"And good morning to you, too sunshine."

"Jesus you're *hrrAAWhh* cliche. Now what am I awake two hours early for?"

I swallowed. "Well, I was wondering if you had room for an extra snow leopard at your mom's brunch tomorrow."

I could hear a faint hmm as she wracked her groggy and likely hung-over brain. "Mmm...sure, you can come. Mom's always happy to have company, and I bet she'll be happier 'en shit to see your fluffy ass."

I smiled wide. "Thanks Kells. Just let me know when you're planning to come over so I can be ready."

"Yeah yeah. I'm gonna go back to sleep. Text ya later."

"Alright, bye."

I hung up the call with a mixed bag of feelings. I was happy that I was going to spend some time with my friend, but the sting of Rodney ditching me was still present. And Kelly was probably going to ask why I was spending a day with her on the weekend that I'd been so excited to devote to my husband, once her brain was working.

Tomorrow's gonna be a fun one.