Ergo the Hive Begins

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Bheni finds himself with an uninvited guest in his hotel room...

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Bheni sighed as he got into the hotel room, putting his coat away as soon as he got inside. He had been away from Danny and his homestead for nearly a week now traveling with work and it was getting to be tiresome. While his company made sure to foot the bill for something nice it wasn't the same as relaxing in his own bed. Even the view was starting to lose its appeal as he watched the lights of the research facility blink underneath his hotel window.

"Suppose I should get something before the kitchen closes," the blue-scaled dragon said as he went over to the couch and flopped down on it. "I wished that there was something that I could get delivery from other than the hotel menu. I know that the company pays for it all but I wish there was at least a bigger menu that I could order off of."

In truth Bheni had gotten bored of all of it. There was only so much that one could do while in a hotel; he didn't even have his latex suit to relax into, leaving it behind since he had to pack for an entire week and didn't want to bring more than one suitcase. There was only so many times that one could use the pool, exercise in the weight room, and eat off the room service menu that he currently looked at. Even television had gotten boring, especially since it was only a few dozen channels that didn't really have much of anything on.

Just as he looked out the window while putting in his order he happened to notice something interesting happening at the research facility that served as the backdrop to his view. Normally there were just lights on in the building and a few red orbs that were probably some sort of airplane indicators. At this point however he also saw a number of flashing orange lights all over the place, first appearing in one spot before spreading outwards. Soon the entire building was completely covered in them, causing the dragon enough concern to ask the one that had taken his order if he had heard about anything going on with their neighbors.

"We're actually receiving word that they're having some sort of issue concerning an experiment that they had been running," the one on the other end of the line said. "So far they said there was nothing to worry about, whatever was happening was contained and that there was no reason that we were going to have to evacuate the hotel. If there is any additional information we are sure to keep you and the rest of the guests up to date."

Bheni thanked the man on the other side of the line before hanging up, his thoughts getting the better of him as he continued to look at the flashing lights that had continued to light up the facility. Why was he having this anxious feeling, he wondered to himself as he took the curtains and closed them. It wasn't like worrying about something that he had no control over was going to fix anything, he thought as he went over to turn on the television. Still, part of him wanted to call his brother Danny and see how he was doing, but with the time difference it was even later where the red dragon resided then at the hotel.

He was also really starting to miss the feel of latex against his scales; his clothes feeling almost constricting against his body as he sat there and waited for his food to come. Part of him just wanted to get naked and feel the cool air from the air conditioner against his body... though as he looked over towards the vents he realized that there was no air coming out of it at all. While it wasn't a serious matter it was something that was rather irksome as the dragon went over to the thermostat and attempted to click it on. It was set to the temperature that he had desired, but when he saw what the actual temperature of the room was he realized that it was way above where it was supposed to be.

"That's strange..." Bheni muttered to himself as he tapped on the thermostat. "Everything looks like it's working and it's not saying there's any problems. I wonder if there's something wrong with the vent itself?"

The vent made up most of the corner near the window and when he went over to it, taking a look through the slats of the vent in order to see if there was anything that he could see inside. When he didn't he decided to take more active measures and used an omnitool that he had on him in order to unscrew the bolts that kept it on. Once he had gotten the grating out of the way he began to look inside, finding the ventilation shaft surprisingly spacious as he continued to push his head inside and look around. At first everything looked normal... but when he managed to turn himself so that he could glance upward a frown formed on his muzzle.

For some reason there was an exchange valve that had been closed, something that was easily rectified as he wiggled his arm past his body to reach up and get it. His tongue started to stick out of his mouth as he struggled to get up, grunting slightly before reaching the lever and flipping it open. Almost immediately he was hit with a blast of cold air and he let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes when it came, though before he got too comfortable something caused him to open them once more. It sounded like something was rattling around, and the longer he laid there the closer it seemed to be getting.

Bheni suddenly jumped when he heard a sharp knock, but the noise wasn't coming from the vents. He wiggled his way out and heard someone say that they were with room service before knocking on his hotel room door once more. The blue and white scaled dragon gently leaned the grate back against the vent in order to hide the fact he had been doing anything before going up and answering it. The hyena waiter that stood on the other side gave him a nod and confirmed that it was his food, making him sign his receipt before leaving the cart with the meal on it inside the room.

For the next hour the dragon ate his food and watched television on the couch, eventually the rigors of the day taking over and lulling him to sleep. If he had managed to keep his eyes open a few minutes longer he could have seen the grate that covered the air vent pop open, or the creature that slipped inside the room through it. But Bheni remained sleeping on his stomach and it allowed the strange being to slide through it. It looked somewhat like a large slug, the only defining features on its otherwise gooey purple body was the glowing green eyes and similar jewel in the middle of its forehead.

The strange creature was definitely not of this world, had the dragon been awake and given a chance to examine it he would have found it unlike anything he'd ever seen before. As the creature continued to slither around the room it seemed to be attracted to Bheni and slid up on top of the couch like a cat. Those glowing green eyes looked down at the blue-scaled creature, who had gotten naked the second that he had finished getting his room service order delivered. It continued to stare down for a few seconds, then began to slither across the back of the couch and make its way right for the dragon's head.

As Bheni dozed with a full belly he suddenly awoke when he felt something heavy and wet plop against his back. At first he thought he had accidently put a drink on the top of the couch and it had knocked off on top of him, but when he tried to roll back there was something that seemed to block him. He was able to sit up though and when he did the weight of whatever had fallen on him seemed to shift, except not in the direction that he had thought. Whatever it was seemed to defy gravity and slid up his mane instead of down, his eyes shifting upwards as something went between his horns and over the top of his head.

What he saw caused him to gasp; the strange purple body of the creature felt like goo or some sort of thick liquid latex as it loomed over his head. At the same time he could feel its lower body clinging to his sides, the purple goo clinging to him as he tried to make sense of the situation that was going on. Was he being attacked by something? Despite the initial panic as he began to feel more of the shiny substance starting to slide its way over his body, causing his scales to tingle as he attempted to sit up.

When he did he felt the heavy weight of the creature on top of his head, clinging to his back as he tried to slide his hands underneath the thing to get it off of him. Though it was hard to tell he could see in the reflection of the television that had turned itself off that this strange shiny purple slug was now fully perched on his head, those strange green glowing eyes seemingly staring at his reflection as well. There was also what looked like a similarly glowing jewel on the top of its head, and when he looked at it the panic and concern that was growing in him seemed to... ebb away, like he had just started soaking in a hot bath instead of sitting on a couch with some sort of slug on him. He had also started to feel something else as the purple goo began to cover over his head, blushing slightly as the latex-like substance on his body was actually a bit arousing.

As though able to sense the decreased panic in its new host the creature seemed to shift before Bheni's eyes, its upper body flaring out as more of its lower body began to push down onto his face and head. By the time he realized what was happening it had already covered his eyes, the strange substance of the creature even pushing into his ears and up into his nostrils and mouth. He tried to put his hands up to his face to get it off but the substance seemed to solidify against his ministrations until it was like clawing against a sheet of latex. As it continued to ooze down his neck and over his shoulders the arousal also continued to build in his body, particularly in the areas that were already covered.

Just when Bheni didn't think things could get any stranger he began to hear... something in his head, which should have been impossible considering he had an alien latex tentacle stuffed halfway int his earhole. With no ability to see the dragon tried to reach up and pull off the transforming creature but the latex-like substance that had cascaded down his chest and upper arms was causing them to stick together. "Host..." the word seemed to echo in his mind and when he attempted to speak back he found that the latex on his muzzle had already infiltrated it, making it impossible for him to speak as the shiny purple substance coated his tongue and began to push its way down his throat. "You... are host..."

I... what is this thing, Bheni thought to himself as he began to feel something shifting on his chest. This time instead of an alien voice in his head a word bubbled up in his brain, parasite shifting to the front of his mind as the latex continued to coat down his body. This was a parasite? The creature seemed to agree with that and also gave him a burst of pleasure though his partially coated body as though rewarding him for getting the answer right.

As the parasite continued to infiltrate his mind he could feel it doing something to his body as well, his physical features shifting as the goo assimilated more of his body. The most noticeable changes he felt were to his chest, huffing as something began to weigh on it. Though his upper arms were still being somewhat bound together by the latex-like substance he was able to bend them up and feel what was growing there. His arousal spiked as his fingers squeezed into the growing orbs and he felt a tremble of pure pleasure coming from what he could only guess were breasts.

Bonding together... the words once more came unbidden to his mind, summoned by the creature that was still infiltrating him as he felt the parasite's goo body get down towards his groin. Just as the head of the creature slid down until Bheni could sense that it's nose or tip had gotten over his own he suddenly found himself able to see again, gasping slightly as his gaze immediately went to the reflection on the television to see what happened to him. At first his vision was still blurry, but it quickly cleared until it was better then how he used to see as he saw the purple latex had clung to the entirety of his chest and stomach. Even more shocking was the pair of breasts that hung there, giggling slightly as he tried to crawl off the couch to find some sort of help.

Bheni saw that he wasn't the only one that was changing though, the parasitic creature on top of his head also shifting in his coloration. They almost seemed like they were color-swapped, the creature now the same bright blue with a white underbelly as he had been before the latex had covered him. As his hands went up to his rubber breasts he saw that there was a green gem in the middle of his chest, not knowing how it managed to get there as he continued to stare at himself. He felt his rubber tongue pressing out of his mouth, panting as his latex covered body continued to grow flush with the pleasure coming from it rubbing against his care body.

As the parasite continued to spread over him he began to see... images? Thoughts? He began to see something that he had never witnessed before, a place that he had never seen in his life. It was completely bare and smelt of ozone, and when he tried to look around he found that his head couldn't move. Had someone managed to find him in his infected state and locked him away somewhere, like the research facility that was just down the way from his hotel?

There were a number of machines that were there, all of them seemed to monitor his condition using a variety of equipment that he had never seen before. When he looked up at the screens he also realized that he was looking at everything from a... much lower vantage point then before. Had they strapped him down to the floor... or what if it was something worse?

There was shift in his perspective and he was suddenly in another room, this one he seemed to be in a plastic box that completely encased him. This time he was able to move... but was unable to control where he did. His vision was practically bouncing around as he finally gathered that it wasn't his body that he was currently a part of. He was looking into the memories of the parasite, seeing as the box that he was in started to shift before it was wheeled over to another part of a room where two creatures looked down at him.

Though the parasite had no idea who or what they were Bheni did; the one on the left was a wolf and the one on the right was a cheetah. From the look of the lab coats that they wore they were scientists, and given the fact that there was really only one major research complex in the area that would warrant such a thing. Where they the ones that created this thing that now rested on top of his head? They were talking about something, but the nature of the box that they had put the parasite in made it impossible to hear.

That didn't last long though, they had opened a small hole in the case in order to put something into it for another test. "Don't know why they're keeping this thing around," the cheetah said as they looked into the box. "If this thing slithered out of the portal then why not just send a research team in instead of making us spending dozens of hours trying to run all these superfluous tests?"

"You know that there was two of these things, right?" the other scientist said, the wolf looking at the cheetah as the feline shrugged. "One of them managed to get themselves on the head of one of the exploratory teams... and the transformation, oh man. You do not one of these things on you, and if this was just the stuff that came through when the portal after a minute imagine what else is lurking on the other side."

That seemed to put the fear into the cheetah as Bheni watched him swallow hard. "I see..." he said, his hand shaking slightly as he continued to feed the probe into the cage. "What uh... what happened to the other scientist? The one that got infected with the other parasite?"

"Oh, you can still visit him," the wolf said with a small smirk. "Oh whatever is left of him after the autopsy they did. Should be in specimen containment... four I think?"

The shock at the fate of the other research had caused the cheetah to drop the probe, and as it did the hooks ripped out the seal in the box. The wolf shouted immediately as they scrambled from the box before the creature jumped out of it. "Contain specimen E-RO!" the wolf shouted as the parasite scrambled out of the box. "Containment protocol seven!"

Whatever they were planning on doing didn't seem to work however, the creature escaping into the vents before they had a chance to lock them down. What came up next was a long crawl through a series of shafts before escaping the facility itself, going through a park and a road, then went into the vents again of hotel before coming on the form of a nude sleeping dragon on the couch. At that point his vision seemed to return to him and he found himself still sitting on the furniture, though what he was now was definitely not the same as the dragon that he had seen lying there in his mind moments ago.

By this point the purple latex of the parasite has managed to completely coat his lower body now, though on his arms he saw that the upper parts had turned blue and white like his old coloration and had the same gemstone eyes like the creature that had gotten on his head. It almost looked like some sort of armor and when he poked the creature-like greaves on his arms he half expected them to wiggle like the parasite that was on top of him. Remembering that prompted him to look over at the reflection in the television... but that was no longer good enough for him to get a clear picture of what was happening. That was when he remembered that the hotel had a full length mirror that was near the entranceway, if he could just get to that then he would be able to see himself more fully...

But the second that he stood up and began to move Bheni realized just how alien his body had become. Whether the parasite had somehow been able to have him not notice or he was just so preoccupied in the story he was being show he hadn't realized how strange his body was even to him. "Wh... what did you do to me..." he said, feeling himself shudder from the strange sensation of his latex tongue moving in his own mouth. "What am I?"

Something better... though it didn't exactly come in the form of words he could feel that was what the parasite was telling him, or maybe it was some voice in his own mind? Either way the words seemed to bring a certain amount of pleasure with it as he took his fingers and stretched the purple rubber of his stomach. Even without the mirrors he saw that he had more feminine curves to his body, complete with wider hips that he rubbed his hands against. Along with that as he saw the rubber on his legs beginning to swell and puff out like blue and white covering on his arms, but what really drew his attention was what was between his legs... or rather, what wasn't.

The immediate first thought that went through Bheni's mind was that this creature, the E-RO as the scientists had called it, had made him into a girl as he put his hands against the smooth latex of his groin. He could feel himself once more grow flush with arousal as he touched himself... or was it she? He felt his body tremble though as his fingers played between his legs and something began to emerge.

Spread... the thought was so powerful that it nearly brought him down to his knees. It was something that had driven the parasite to merge with him in the first place, the creature that he had encountered merely a larva before joining with him. As Bheni could feel his body continue to shift and change physically he knew that mental changes were happening as well, and with the pleasurable sensations that came from the alien latex that was shifting his body he was finding it very hard to resist. There were also the hypnotic commands that had been fed to him when they had made eye contact, which was still filtering through his mind except that it was now going directly into his skull.

"Ugh... it feels so good..." Bheni vocalized, trying to calm himself down even as another wave of pleasure fed to him by the parasite brought him down to the floor. "I don't... want to be a host... letting the parasite... control me..."

But even as his own words echoed in his latex covered ears they rang hollow, his mind already corrupted by the creature. Unbeknownst to him as he continued to writhe on the floor, a tendrils had formed out of the blue and white portion of his headpiece that had used to be part of the alien itself. While he was focused on his feet shifting as the blue and white completely covered his shins the pointed tip of that tendril arched around and jabbed itself into the head of the one that inhabited it, and almost instantly his body went from squirming to relaxed as his alien latex maw let out a sigh.

With his chaotic mind calmed the parasite seemed to be able to communicate with him better, the whites of his eyes turning black and his irises beginning to glow with a bright green light. He felt his thought patterns aligning with the creature that had completely coated his body, feeling a thrum of pleasure coming from such a realization as he slowly began to try and get himself off of the floor. When he tilted his head up he saw just how much his body had changed, looking down at his feminine form save for the thick purple latex cock that was jutting out of it. It was so... sexy that he couldn't believe that it was him as he took his fingers and pinched himself, pulling the latex and finding that it was just like his own skin.

With the sensations of the physical and mental transformation complete he was able to get back up with no more problems, save for the unusual weight distribution of his new form as he moved over towards the mirror. Even his gait was different, swaying his hips back and forth while he did so. Before he got to the reflection however he wanted to see his body in its natural state, willing down his erection to slide back into his body.

This was met with a bit of resistance as the E-RO that had integrated with him didn't want to do such a thing, feeling a desire to use it to help continue to spread his... or rather, their new form. It was a powerful instinct, but one that he knew he had to keep in check if he was going to continue to survive out in the open. No doubt the creature escaping lockdown had triggered all sorts of a response and they were looking for him as he stood there... he could only hope that hadn't figured out a means of locking onto his unique morphology as he used the worry to help clam himself back down.

Bheni made sure not to touch himself as he felt his maleness shrinking back into his body, sliding back inside of him and until he had once more regained the feminine appearance that the parasite had given them. His sense of self had been surprisingly eroded from all this and it was becoming increasingly hard for him to think about himself in the singular. Plus every time he thought of himself as a they or themselves he felt a little trickle of pleasure, as though it was attempting to make him enjoy being a host to this thing. The worst part about it was that it was surprisingly effective as he finally moved himself in front of the reflection.

The second that he looked at himself in the mirror he gasped, his fingers going up to his muzzle as though he couldn't believe what he had seen in the reflection. The parasite had completely taken over his body; gone was the larva thing that he had seen in the screen of the television as well as the blue and white male dragon that had entered into this room. It was more than just parasite and host, Bheni had thought as he rubbed his hands over his new body with a contented purr. It was exactly like rubber, something that helped the dragon succumb to his desires in order to grow the hive even more and create more just like him... them?

It didn't really matter anymore, the combined creature thought, soon he was going to be able to feel the intense lust of spreading once more. But before he could do that he needed to do something else, his green and black eyes looking down at the empty tray that had been brought into the room. Whatever the experiments that had been done, or perhaps still adapting towards the new environment with the E-RO, he still felt intensely weak. The conversion of the dragon's body had taken a lot out of the parasite that now infested their rubbery form, he was going to need something more before he could take his proper place as a queen of the hive.

Queen Bheni... the thought caused a shiver of pleasure down the dragon's latex body, continuing to look at his reflection while stroking down the feminine curves of his body. Even though he still thought of himself as a male he really liked the sound of that. But first he needed more food... he was a growing boy after all as he giggled to himself. Thankfully this was a hotel, which means that such things were quite plentiful if one knew where to look...


The hotel employee turned on his flashlight as he went down to the basement, looking around the corridors that he illuminated before pressing forward. He had received numerous complaints from the staff that they had heard noises coming from the passageways in the basement, sounds of something moving around even though the only thing they used these tunnels for was storage. "Hey Darren," he jumped as he heard the voice on his walkie-talkie. "You almost done checking out that noise complaint?"

"I just got down here guys," he said after grabbing his own radio and bringing it up to his mouth. "You sure that we just haven't had a delivery down here and they forgot?"

"There's nothing down there and none of the guests are allowed," the radio voice said with a sigh. "Just quit your whining and finish the sweep, and maybe next time try not to draw the short straw."

Darren sighed and put the radio back on his belt, then brought up his flashlight once more to continue looking through the area. Part of him wondered if they hadn't just done this as a prank and either looked him down there as a joke or were down there ready to jump out at him with some sort of cheap Halloween mask. It wouldn't be the first time his co-workers had been jerks to him like this, just because he was the new hire they could just entertain themselves by torturing him. This was only a temporary gig for him though, the second he finished his thesis work he would be applying for a job at the nearby research facility and getting the hell out of there.

After the first two hallways he was definitely thinking that he was getting messed with, but as he made his way further down he started seeing disturbances that weren't there before. At first it was just things that were moved slightly, carts that were slightly askew or boxes that had been knocked over. Eventually he started seeing other things as well, tin cans that had been emptied and candy bar wrappers from boxes that had been ripped opened. It was like a giant rat had been going through their corner store supplies, except this rat had the ability to cut open tape using a nearby blade.

"Better not be some parent's brats that got down here..." Darren grumbled as he continued to follow the trail around the corner. Just as he was about to check the next sector he saw something that caused him to quickly dart back behind the wall. The brief second the flashlight had illuminated the hallway it revealed something that he had never expected to see down there.

At first glance it looked like someone in some sort of latex suit, some sort of strange outfit. It wouldn't be the first time that he had seen such things, working in the hotel business for even as short a time as he had been he walked in some really weird stuff including things involving rubber. From what he had caught a glance of that wasn't what he had just seen, especially when he had turned his light off he could still see a green glow coming from where the creature stood. Very slowly he began to peek his head around the corner once more, this time not being caught as much by surprise by what he saw on the other side.

The human definitely didn't know what the creature was that he was looking at, except that it was maybe a female just from the body shape. He also saw that he was right that the purple skin looked unnaturally shiny, especially with the green lights that were embedded in it. As he continued to watch he found his initial fear being replaced with a strange sense of curiosity, watching the creature lying on the ground appeared to be moaning and shifting about. Was it... in distress?

Just when he thought about actually calling it in his eyes widened as he saw a split forming in the rubbery skin of the head of the creature. His jaw practically dropped to the ground as something began to emerge from the tear that had formed, a bright blue and white bulge pushing its way out. As the rip continued down the back of the creature's body the thing underneath it continued to push its way out until finally its head emerged with a pleasured sigh. Darren couldn't believe his eyes, he was literally seeing double as an exact duplicate of the creature's head continuing to emerge from the husk of the rubber body beneath it.

All Darren could do was stand there and watch as the new creature fully emerged, its latex body glistening as the bright blue and white hands roamed over their body. As he continued to stare his awe began to shift to something else, his eyes gazing up and down her feminine form. He shook his head when he realized he was actually admiring the creature, even as strange as it looked while it seemed to enjoy her own form as well. As her hands drifted down her breasts and that taut, latex covered tummy the human saw that she wasn't entirely female as a very male rubber cock pushed its way out from between their legs and gave it a few strokes before it moved on in the direction opposite where the human had been hiding.

Even a few minutes after the strange creature had left Darren found himself still standing there, though without the glow of the green stones on the creature's body the entire hallway had become completely dark. He finally turned his flashlight on, the beam shaking slightly as he slowly raised it up towards the location where the creature had been. When it landed on the body laying on the ground his heart skipped a beat, though it quickly calmed down once again when he saw the big gap in the back of the suit. When a scan over the rest of the area revealed that the... alien creature had moved on, leaving its strange molted rubber skin behind.

Was it some sort of alien creature? Darren's scientific mind kicked in as he slowly began to walk over to the skin, noting that aside from the monochromatic purple that the latex was it looked almost exactly the like the one that had shed it. A voice in the back of his mind told him he should probably be calling someone like the police or at the very least letting the front desk know, but as his fingers touched the glowing green orbs on the wrists and head of the empty vessel he found those ideas melting away in favor of exploration. He shifted it around and opened it up to reveal that the inside still had a bit of the clear goo that the creature leaving it behind had dripping from their body, and despite his better judgement when he reached in and touched the bright green insides it was like latex padding. It looked just like one of those padded rubber bodysuits they used for movies or something like that and as he continued to stare into the suit a rather naughty idea came over him.

Those guys upstairs were always scaring him with stuff like this, he thought to himself as he examined the insides further and saw arm and leg holes in the hollowed-out body. If he put it on and went up there wearing this skin he could scare the pants off of them as he began to put his arm inside. The thought of the creature it came from had completely left his mind as he was bout to push in entirely before he touched the clear gooey substance with his skin and wondered if it would stain his clothes. If that was the case then why not just take them off... the idea seemed like a genius breakthrough and he found himself pulling of his pants, shirt, and finally underwear before grabbing the suit again.

It was only when he found himself standing there in the storage access of the hotel he worked in completely naked holding an alien rubber suit did he realize that this was just as strange as what he had seen unfold before him minutes ago. Why was he not reporting this in? If this really was some sort of latex alien he found then he could probably skip the grant process and go directly into working for the research facility. But as he held up the shiny purple suit, seeing those curves practically sparkle in the beam of his flashlight he had set aside to illuminate what he was doing, he just got an overriding need to see what it would feel to look like this increasingly sexy creature.

Finally the allure overrode the last of his common sense as he found himself putting his foot into the leg of the creature, gasping slightly at the softness of the rubbery texture within. It was like he was putting his leg into a latex pillow, and as he did he saw the supple curves of the legs already starting to move with him. He quickly put his other leg inside and found it to be a similar experience, moving the suit up around him until his feet slid into those of the creature finding several of his toes squashed together. Even though it had come off an alien being that looked nothing like him the bodysuit it left behind felt like it was made for him, the green latex clinging to his skin and making the movement all the more realistic.

"I don't know if this is some sort of extremely elaborate prank," Darren said breathily as he saw his rapidly hardening cock pressing against the inner folds that hadn't yet been pulled up. "But at this point... I really don't care..." even though the human knew that making a lot of noise would bring someone else down here just like he had been called he couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he pushed his member down into the suit and felt it slide into some sort of rubber sheath. Maybe this was some sort of elaborate suit and someone was just having an alien roleplay experience, he thought to himself as he continued to pull up the suit and saw that his erection was now showing as a bright purple latex alien member between his otherwise feminine legs.

Though it was an erotic sight to behold he wanted to see what it was like when the other creature had it before, willing himself to grow soft despite the luxurious feel of the shiny, slick substance against his skin. Eventually after quite a bit of trying and a lot of willpower he managed to suck the stiff rubber rod back inside and smooth it over completely. Without anything jutting out between his legs he looked from the waste down like a female... alien creature? One other thing he noticed was that occasionally there was a soft green glow that came from the gemstones embedded in the purple latex, making him wonder if it was some sort of chemical reaction or if they were motion activated.

Not that it really mattered to the human, his thoughts consumed with what he looked like with the suit on him completely. With the lower half of his body now complete he was starting to find a logistical problem as he shifted the puffy hands around in order to slide his arms in without letting the heavy suit fall back to the ground. He thought that they maybe ended in those mitts but when he brought one of the arms of the suit up he saw that underneath the green gems and purple latex, which made it look like some sort of creature was attached to it, he did see a pair of purple gloves on the ends of them. He decided he was going to have to get on his knees and put both his hands through them at the same time, then have to adjust the suit later to made sure that it fit.

Darren was careful to get down in the lower body of the suit, once more the feel of the soft material causing him to grow aroused again as he positioned his body. This time however his didn't feel his cock sliding out of the suit and he assumed that there must have been a catch he didn't realize was there, keeping him inside the suit until he wanted it to come out. That was just fine for him, looking down as the smooth contours of his groin while licking his lips. He quickly snapped out of it and shook his head, saying mentally to himself that he could ogle himself later once the suit was completely on his body.

To his surprise when he put his hands inside and pushed down the bright green latex on the inside seemed to pull it up around him, sliding up against his arms until he felt his fingers fill the gloves at the end of it. The slightly gooey confines also managed to wrap around his chest and stomach as well and with the padding being relatively thin down there it gave him a truly female appearance that was driving him wild. Everything fit seamlessly around him, the only human parts of him were his back, head, and shoulders as he reached underneath the sagging top part of the costume to squeeze the breasts on the rubber skin. Once more he had to bite his lip to stifle the grunt as it felt a bit like he was squeezing and fondling his own chest, causing his body to tremble from the sensations.

Seeing so much of his body enveloped inside this alien skin also suddenly gave him a moment of clarity, especially as he felt his skin beginning to heat up. What was he doing, he thought to himself as he looked down at his rubber-covered hands, at best this was some elaborate cosplay outfit and he just got into it while completely naked! At worst he was putting on the skin of some alien creature and aside from being just wrong he was also blowing his big break to make a name for himself because of some perverse pleasure that overrode his higher brain functions. Yet as he looked at the glistening green eyes that were on the parts of the arms that looked like little creatures, or maybe some sort of latex armor, he found himself compelled to continue the process as his fingers went up to hood of it.

It was the only piece that even looked vaguely like something from this planet, the draconic muzzle still leaking with a bit of the thick goo that had covered the creature when it had come out of its... previous skin. That didn't seem to deter him one bit, the human continuing to press on as he jumped slightly to get the latex shoulders over his own. Soon he was staring down into the empty head and once more he started to feel slight trepidation, wondering if this really was the best idea. There was still plenty of time, no one knew that this was down here and he could just get out of it, clean himself up, and then call it in over the radio. It would be like it never happened that he tried to get into it while his trapped erection throbbed against the confines of the purple latex...

What Darren didn't realize was the entire time he had been putting it on the skin of the parasite infused creature had started to activate once more, the latent energy being absorbed causing it to come to life. While it didn't have the thoughts and personality of the Queen it came from there was still enough of the parasitic programming to know what it needed to do. As the head slowly began to get closer to the distracted human the rip that had formed on the back from Bheni's emergence, and subsequently allowed the human to get inside, was slowly starting to close. It wasn't until he could feel the touch of the latex against his throat that the human realized something was wrong, but that just caused him to let go of the head that was already drifting up towards him.

The human let out a muffled cry as the confines of the suit completely blinded him, his hands going up to attempt to pull it off of him as the rubbery substance that was inside it began to conform to his face. When he tried to pull it back however he realized that this suit wasn't just pressing against his skin, it was fusing with it! Whether it was the fact that the skin had gotten activated by his own energy or if it had been doing it the entire time Darren didn't know, the only thing he could think about at that moment was getting it off of him before it was too late. When he put his fingers behind his back to try and pry the seam apart to pull it off all he could feel was rubber pressing against rubber, which made him realize... it was too late.

Even though his mind tried to fight it he could feel hopelessness set in as her opened his mouth only to find the suit doing the same, feeling it pushing into him and pouring down his throat as the tongue of the creature seemed to slide over his own. Even the bulge in the purple latex of his cock seemed to be shifting, which only caused the feelings of horniness that had also started to flood his system to kick into overdrive. Part of him was trying to look at the bright side, saying of all the things to get stuck as a beautiful alien latex babe wasn't bad. He had been finding the whole thing attractive before, he thought to himself as he squeezed his new breasts, seeing that while he had a feminine form he was still very much male from the rubber cock that had once more decided to show itself.

As the purple latex creature continued to examine himself he failed to realize that someone was watching him from around the corner, just like he had been doing only minutes ago. Queen Bheni had managed to consume enough calories before to trigger a growth in his body, causing him to molt his skin and grow into a more powerful, better connected hivemind for when he infected new creatures. He had only gotten a few meters away from his shed skin when he could clearly sense that it was becoming active again. Since that was impossible for what was essentially a suit he decided to go back and see what was happening with it.

When he had gotten back, being careful in case feeling its call was some sort of trap, Bheni's eyes widened as he saw his skin panting and walking around, its mouth open in lust as one hand was squeezing his breast while the other moved down between his legs. The new creature looked exactly like him, and as the green orbs on its body began to flash and glow it was clear that he was starting to think like him as well. The human inside was no match for the power of the parasite, already he could start to sense the thoughts of the creature, including its overwhelming lust. His own rubbery alien cock began to harden as he could no longer help himself, he had to get his hands on this new creature.

Darren was still pulling on his own latex skin and examining himself when he was nearly knocked over from behind by something. At first he thought maybe one of the guards or someone from the front desk was wondering where he had gone, or somehow men in black suits had figured out there was an alien in the building and he was about to get captured. When he began to feel rubber hands squeezing and kneading his new latex skin however, his thoughts immediately shifted to something else entirely. He let the mystery creature continue to grope his form for a while before turning around and seeing an identical version of his new self standing there, save for the blue and white coloration on his upper body.

"It's you..." Darren said in awe, looking into the black and green eyes of the creature standing in front of him. "What... what are you?"

"We are an alien parasite that has attached itself to the body of a dragon," Bheni answered. "We are also formerly a human that has become part of my old skin, having put himself inside of it after I had recently shed. Now we are the same."

"Wait... that's not possible," Darren said defiantly, even though in his mind there was a voice saying that it was completely true. "I... can't be some sort of alien parasite dragon, I have to get out of this thing. I'm sorry I took your skin, isn't there some way you can take it off of me?"

"We can not," Bheni replied, moving closer until their rubber bodies began to touch one another. "Once the fusion process has started it can not be stopped, removing your human body from that skin is no more possible then separating the parasite from the host of this body. All we can do is simply... ease your transition, welcome you as part of the hive."

Darren attempted to say something else but he was interrupted with a latex-like tongue in his mouth, letting out a small muffled grunt when their muzzles came together in a deep kiss. As they did so their latex breasts pressed together, Darren's mind exploding with pleasure at the sensations that were being fed to him. It was as if their minds connected in that instance, the tendrils of the parasite in the fused suit pushing into the brain of the human. But... could he even considered as human at this point?

Even as their tongues pushed against one another Darren started to feel a sense of clarity in his thoughts, realizing at that moment what was happening to him. He really was no longer human, while the creature in front of him had been a dragon that was infested with this E-RO parasite he had been transformed into an almost exact replica of his body. While that hadn't been the parasite's original intention it appeared that it was very pleased with the result. Two will definitely be better than one when it comes to spreading...

Spread... Darren had never even thought about what he was going to do now that he had become this creature, but the more he thought about it the more that it made sense for them to do so. Wasn't their entire goal to go and find others, assimilating them into more latex-like creatures for Queen Bheni and the nest? Even as Darren found himself nodding his new head there was still some voice in his mind that told him this wasn't right, that he needed to keep a grip on what made himself human in order to try and get out of this...

But even as he mounted a resistance against the creature that was taking over his mind he found himself already slipping, not being helped by the constant rubbing of the creature in front of him. Everything felt so good... it was almost selfish of him not to share such a wonderful experience with others. Even though it hadn't been intentional the creature had given him such a wonderful gift, and to waste it by trying to get his new body off of him would be tragic. As he voiced continued to battle back and forth there a sudden stimulation from his groin that had caused him to gasp.

"You remember that this body belonged to us," Bheni said as he rubbed the cock between his legs, Darren looking down in surprise as the other creature appeared to be manipulating the purple latex of his groin. "Though it is your energy that has brought it to life it originally was a part of the E-RO..."

Darren let out a soft gasp as his maleness that had been free before was now sandwiched up against their flat stomachs, except when Bheni pulled away he saw that his throbbing erection would not flop back out. It had become stuck to itself, forming into a bulge that continued to grow under the stimulation. This was just a teasing gesture, a few fingers traveling up and down his trapped length while the other hand reached up to fondle and massage his breasts once more.

That was when Darren looked into the glowing green eyes of the creature, feeling as though he truly done so for the first time after putting on the suit. His black and green eyes went wide as he stared into the eyes of the parasitic queen, his jaw slackening as the E-RO took what little resistance was left in the human's mind and replaced it with pure bliss. With their influence already in him it didn't take much to put him over the edge, the two creatures pressing their rubbery bodies together once more as the two creatures began to sense the thoughts of one another on a deeper level.

Bheni was more than happy to welcome their newest convert into the fold, knocking over boxes as he found the other creature eagerly rubbing and kissing back. They were one now, two creatures connected by the same parasite that had taken them, and with every second their latex forms grinded together the more their newer instincts came to the forefront. The former dragon realized the more they got one another riled up the more their desire to spread out and find others began to come to the forefront. Though he was thoroughly enjoying the attention being given to him by his newest thrall they were both interrupted when the radio that they had knocked over suddenly came to life demanding to know what the status was...

A few minutes later two more began to walk down the tunnels, the two shining their flashlights around as the grumbled to one another. "Can't believe he's making us come down here just so we can write off on his search and the loss of product," the wolf said as he moved forward. "I know it's protocol to have us go down there and confirm, but he could have just brought the report up instead of threatening to not file it if we didn't come down."

"Well right now I'm missing game five of the series for this," the bull snorted. "I think there's going to be a few toilets in the hotel that are going to be mysteriously backed up and need plunging... good thing we know exactly who to go to in order to plunge them out."

The two chuckled to one another and continued to move forward, eventually getting to the spot that Darren had reported in. They found what their subordinate had seen, a number of wrappers and such on the ground. What was strange though was that the person who had called it in wasn't there. They both gritted their teeth as they gathered they would be delayed once more trying to find their co-worker, continuing to tell one another how they were going to get back at him, especially if this all turned out to be some sort of prank. They waited about a minute calling out his name before they continued to investigate, vowing bodily human harm now amongst other things as they went into the next utility room.

When they walked inside they saw that something more than just someone stealing snacks had happened there. It looked like someone had completely coated the entire floor and ceiling, along with sheets that seemed to be hanging down from it. The two had their jaws drop slightly and all the anger they had for the human dissipated in exchange for confusion and the tinge of fear. Stranger still they still hadn't found their missing co-worker as they tentatively stepped inside in order to try and investigate. As they heard a squish they looked down and saw that the strange substance had already gotten on their shoes.

"Aw man," the wolf said as they looked down, not seeing the two shadows coming from their hiding places. "This had better not stain these, otherwise I'm going to make the hotel pay for this pair. I'm not going to try and-"

The wolf's sentence ended with a yep as both suddenly felt themselves get pushed forward, their flashlights clattering to the ground as they flailed in the air. Both reached out to try and grab the nearest thing they can to stabilize themselves, which was only the latex sheets that hung between the floor and the ceiling. The second they had grabbed onto the shiny substance it seemed to stick to them like flypaper, shouting and cursing as their attempts to get themselves unstuck only served to get themselves coated more in the latex.

"These ones will make fine brethren," the completely purple latex draconic alien creature said as he wrapped an arm around the waist of his queen. "Going to be quite the transformation considering the stock we're working from but I think we're going to make it work."

"I think we will," Bheni replied, a smile on his own muzzle as he watched their parasitic rubber continuing to coat the two males as their struggles lessoned. He could sense the potent chemicals of the creature already pumping through their systems and starting to change them. "We're going to need all the help we can get after all if we're going to pay our friends at the facility a little visit..."