Cat & Mouse – The Previous Night

Story by EXos on SoFurry

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#2 of Cat & Mouse

When I wrote the first chapter it was just a one shot where a nerdy mouse got lucky with a gorgeous redheaded librarian. The characters grew as I took notes and a couple of ideas grew into chapters. This is the first of the continued story of Mark and Lucy. It is quite fun to have Mark feel like a fish out of water and contrasting it with the promiscuous feline.

As always thanks to Ghosty for reading and proofing the weird stuff I write down.

All characters in this stories are © EXos

Mark felt weird as he looked up at the sun. It was around noon on Saturday and he'd just stumbled out of a dormitory entrance. Two wolf girls were walking up the path towards the building and didn't hide the fact that they were staring at the mouse stumbling out of the door. Bowing his head, Mark kept his eyes on the pavement as he rushed past the pair. His ears were burning bright red and he could catch snippets of their gossiping.

"...that nerd guy...."

Tugging on the straps of his backpack, Mark kept his head down as he crossed the university campus. It felt like everybody he passed knew what he had been up to the previous night. A shiver ran down his back and he pulled the hood of his sweater over his head to try and hide; an act he was very used to.

When he reached his own dormitory he made his way up the stairs and did not even stop to greet any of his friends that were sitting in the common room. Instead, Mark rushed to his own room and slammed the door behind him.

"Woah! Don't slam the door." The ocelot lounging on one of the two beds in the small room pulled his attention off his tablet. "Hey, Mark. Welcome home."

Pulling his hood back, Mark dropped his bag on the small desk that stood at the end of his bed before he glanced towards his roommate. His mouth opened but Mark couldn't find a single word to say. Seeing the ocelot lounging on the bed reminded Mark of getting kicked out of his own room the previous night. Yet aches in muscles that he never had aches in before, reminded the mouse about what being kicked out of his room had done for him. "Forget it..."

"Hey... Sorry about last night." The ocelot stretched, looking extremely smug. "But you know, Simone coming over; a guy needs his space." He flashed a big predatory grin. "You'll understand one day, don't worry."

"Sure..." Mark said, the sarcasm dripping from his words as he began to pull off his sweater. pulling the piece of clothing over his head, his nose twitched as the scent of Lucy's perfume and the heady scent of sex hit his nostrils. It sent a shiver down the mouse's spine as the smell of cat and pussy rammed into his senses.

"You stuck in there?"

Unaware he had been day dreaming; Mark pulled the sweater off and breathed in the fresh air. Or at least he hoped it was fresh. Without the smell of him losing his virginity wafting up from his sweater, all he could smell was the stink of a greasy cafeteria burger from the trashcan. Mark remembered his roommate eating it last night while in the process of evicting him.

Things just fell into place and the mouse grinned as he dropped his hoodie on his bed and pulled out a fresh one from his closet.

"Antoine..." Mark looked at the ocelot and shook his head. "You're full of shit." Pulling on the fresh hoodie, the mouse couldn't help but grin as he left his room again.

"Come back here you little shit!"

Closing the door behind him, Mark trembled a little from telling his lying roommate off and hurried back towards the common area. Part of him was worried he would get tackled from behind by an angry ocelot, but his ears didn't pick up rapid feline footfalls in pursuit. He reached the common area safely and grabbed a chair to join his friends as they sat at one of the long tables.

"Hey Mark." Said the golden retriever sitting across from him; his eyes darting up to the mouse before going back to the screen of the laptop in front of him. "I heard Antoine kicked you out again last night."

"Yeah. Where did you go?" The stallion next to the golden retriever said, not even looking up from his own laptop as he spoke. "You didn't sleep on the couch again did you?"

Glancing towards a large couch set along the wall of the common area, Mark grinned. "No... I didn't." Feeling the inside of the hoodie starting to get hot, he couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

"Hey Pete..," The stallion said, suddenly looking up from his laptop. "I get the feeling that this mouse has a story to tell."

"I think you're right, Arnold." The golden retriever grinned and leaned in closer.

Mark saw the dog's nostrils flare and scratched himself behind one ear.

From behind the screen of the third laptop at the head of the table a black mask appeared. "What are you two talking about? Hey Mark."

"Our good friend Mark was out and about last night." The stallion said.

"So what?" The raccoon asked with a huff as he kept his attention on his screen. "Heh! I got you, Arnold."

Arnold raised an eyebrow towards the head of the table before looking back to the rodent that was trying and failing to be mysterious. "The game's got to wait, Wendell." His eyes tried to fix on Mark's but the mouse kept avoiding the stallion's gaze. "Mark, spill the beans!"

"Really? Fine, the game is over then!" Wendell said with a huff before firmly closing the screen of his laptop. "Alright; tell us this wild story then!"

The sarcasm in Wendell's voice's was sharp enough to cut glass, but Mark turned himself towards the raccoon and spoke up, trying not to raise his voice so that it couldn't be heard by other people in the common area. "Wendell, did you hear Antoine and Simone last night?"

Sitting back, Wendell scowled; a sight that didn't flatter the slightly chubby raccoon. "Oh I heard them. Arguing loudly about something."

Arnold leaned towards the raccoon. "Come on, you heard more than that, there is only one thin wall between your rooms."

"I did." Wendell said, eying the lanky stallion wearily. "Something about him staring too much at Audrey or Lory or something during English class." Scratching his cheek, he scoffed. "It didn't last long. Thankfully not their usual Friday night adventures. Simone is fucking loud."

Arnold grinned. "Don't you mean she fucks loud?"

Peter was staring at the mouse and smacked the stallion on the forearm. "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Antoine didn't get any, but this little pipsqueak sure did."

Feeling the heat in his ears, Mark just smiled and tried to look out the window behind Wendell.

"Mark. You absolutely stink. What the heck happened last night?"

Not blessed with a poker face, Mark just grinned. "Well... I went to the library."

"Nothing new there."

"I was studying and well, I just kinda fell asleep," Mark began "and the librarian woke me up when she was closing up."

Wendell chuckled. "And she was so taken by you; she got down on her knees and blew you?"

Mark was sure his ears would burst into flames at that moment and looked down.

"Holy shit. She did?! Who was it? That wolf girl with the great ass? That hot red head cat?"

"Dude!" Arnold said as he reached over and grabbed Wendell's shoulder to sit the raccoon back down. "Calm down. I doubt that it went like one of those cheap smut stories you read on the Internet."

"Actually..." Mark began to recall the events in the library, only hinting at the more raunchy parts and ending with Lucy taking him up to her room.

"Wow." Peter said, while the other two friends sat with their mouths open. "So?"

"A gentleman never tells." Mark ended with a grin.

* * *

Lucy squirmed and flicked her ear when it suddenly itched. Sitting in the middle of the bed, she ate a waffle in silence.

"So, how long do you think you're going to be walking funny?"

Ocean blue eyes locked onto the tigress sitting at the small desk across from the bed. "Not funny, Amy."

Amy grinned, gripping the edge of the desk while rolling the chair back and forth as she looked at the tuxedo cat. "I heard you going at it. I'm surprised you didn't break your bed." The tigress' eyebrows suddenly shot up. "Wait... You're not leaking on my clean sheets right now are you?"

"No!" Lucy, retorted though her paw did reach down to rub her stomach.

"So who was it? Nicolai? Trevor? Bill?"

Lucy grimaced. "Oh fuck no, none of them."

Waving her paw, Amy quickly apologized. "Sorry, but those are the only guys I could imagine you taking up to your room."

"Well it was none of those brain dead jocks."

Amy smirked. "Sorry I can't see anyone else keeping you going all night fucking long and proceeding to make you sleep until noon!"

Her comment made Lucy wince. "Shit, sorry. I didn't mean to keep you up too."

"Oh no." Amy shook her head. "I had a long day, even your mewling couldn't keep me from getting some sleep; but I was up early enough to listen to you wake up and get in one more romp for the road. Didn't catch your suitor leaving though."

Rubbing her face with both paws, Lucy let out a groan. "I was still horny and he was right there; and well..." She chuckled and peered at the tigress from between splayed fingers. "You know how guys get in the morning."

"So who was this amazing lover?" Amy asked. Her curiosity visible on her face, eyes wide open and ears pointed forward.



"Yes. Mark." Lucy said laying her paws in her lap and looking at her friend expecting the ridicule to start.


With a snort, Lucy's mask broke and she reached up to brush her fingers through her long red hair. She felt it still damp from the long shower she had taken that afternoon. "You know who it is..." Feeling a little shy, the feline pulled a lock of hair across her face. "The young mouse that..."

"Oh, my gods Lucy! Isn't he like... Twelve?"

Blushing like mad, Lucy looked away from the tigress' intense stare. "No! He's... He's sixteen or seventeen at least."

"Bullshit. He barely reaches your chest..."

"He's a mouse! They're short. When was the last time you saw a mouse play basketball?"

The tigress held up an accusatory finger. "Raymond Norvegicus and I know Mark is living off campus somewhere cause he's not allowed in the dorms."

With her tail bristling, Lucy sat up and raised her own finger. "First! Raymond is a rat," she took a deep breath "and second; Mark's living in the dorms this year so he's at least sixteen."

"No he's not."

"He is. That's the reason he was in the library last night because his roomie kicked him out from their place."

This made Amy pause. "Oh... Okay then," she said, still sounding a little dubious about the story being told. After a few seconds of silence, a devious little grin spread on the tigress' muzzle. "Seeing as you broke the unwritten rules between room-mates..."

"We don't share a room."

"Separate rooms, but you share the suite with three others that you have wronged." Amy stated resolutely to brush the objection to the side. "You still broke the rules. You should have warned me and the girls that you were bringing someone back to your room."

"I should have told you." Lucy conceded.

"Good, now; your punishment."

The felines stared at each other before Lucy spoke. "What is it?"

"Tell me everything." Amy shuffled on her seat as she rolled it closer to the bed. "I know you. I want to hear how you seduced the little mouse."

"What makes you think I seduced him?" Lucy said, batting her eyes coyly at her friend before laughing softly at herself. "Let see..." She began to re-tell the entire story putting in every detail.

Amy squirmed on her chair and bit her lower lip. "Oh, is it true what they say about rodents and..." The tigress flexed her fingers, as if showing something spraying out.

"Completely true." Lucy said. She thought back and licked her lips remembering the feel of Mark trembling on her tongue. "I had to be careful not to make a mess. Like drinking through a straw. Mark squeaked and looked so damn cute..."

"Don't stop."

Leaning back and looking at the ceiling, Lucy couldn't help but grin widely while her tail curled and twitched in her lap. "When I closed up the library, he offered me his arm. Like a real gentleman."

"Ooooh." Came the raptured approval of the tigress.

"And, like I said, his roomie had kicked him out for the night. So I kind of held on to his arm and dragged him back here..."

"Oh you slutty kitty cat. Tell me more..."

* * *

_ Last night _

Pushing the door to her room closed, Lucy stepped away from the portal and wrapped her arms around Mark and pulled him against her.

"This is a nice room." Mark blurted out, his eyes dashing from the wardrobe and bed to his left, to the small desk and cabinet with bookshelves to the right. He didn't dare move his head as he felt the warmth and firm flesh of the feline's breasts press against his neck.

As if reading his mind, Lucy licked his ears and whispered. "Mark, I've seen what you've got hiding in your pants. You don't need to be shy." Slipping her paws down, she grabbed the hem of his hoodie and began to pull it up.

Mark just let it happen, shivering as Lucy's paws returned to his body and caressed their way from his chest down to his stomach. He felt her pulling on his pants and a moment later they slid down his legs.

"Sit on the bed."

The mouse had taken the first step towards the bed before he could properly think about what he was doing. Not wanting to stop he continued onwards, slowly turned and sat down. Swallowing hard, he put his paws in his lap and nervously fiddled with his fingers for a moment. Feeling ridiculous sitting there in his tented underwear, Mark looked back at Lucy; not knowing what to expect.

Lucy saw the uncertainty in his eyes. "My turn." She said in a husky voice as she reached for the zipper at the waist of her skirt. A moment later, the skirt fell to her feet. The feline watched the mouse's eyes grow wide before she tugged the hem of her blouse down.

In his mind, Mark couldn't believe what was happening. A few hours ago he had been furious at Antoine for kicking him out of his room. After that, his meeting Lucy and being afraid that she was pulling a prank on him. The terrifying idea that it was still all a prank lingered in the mouse's mind, but after been given a blowjob that made his crotch tingle just thinking about it, he couldn't quite believe it.

"Eyes up here."

Mark realized he had been staring at Lucy's crotch, the burgundy lace thong sucking all his attention to it and the lips beneath. "Sorry!" He blurted before looking back to her face. The smile she gave him, made him glad he was sitting as his knees turned to jelly and his heart skipped a beat.

Lucy looked into those bright green eyes before raising her paws to her chest. Glancing down she enticed the mouse to follow her gaze and when she looked back she saw his eyes focused exactly where she wanted them. It was fun to play with the mouse and she knew that his reactions were honest. Feeling the last button of her blouse open, she slowly let the garment fall off of her arms. "Lie back."

Mark was still unable to fully believe what was happening. As the black and white tuxedo cat walked towards him, her hips swayed in slow motion. The burgundy lingerie set forever burned into his mind as it stood out against her creamy white ventral fur and framed by more jet black fur. "Wow."

Pressing her paw to Mark's chest, Lucy pushed him back gently; guiding him to lie back. Part of her wanted to straddle him, but the other wanted to make the feeling of butterflies in her stomach linger just a little longer.

* * *

_ Present _

Standing in a shower stall, Mark ran his paw down his stomach. Brushing his fur he could feel where the hair was matted together. Plucking at the congealed mess his mind couldn't help but go back to last night. Shaking his head, the mouse turned on the shower and stepped into the spray. The water was ice cold for the first few seconds before it warmed up.

With his fur fully soaked through, Mark raised his head and let the spray come down in his face. Droplets caressed his lips and he smiled as he began to recall every detail of what he had done with Lucy.

* * *

_ Last night _

Lying on Lucy's bed, Mark could smell her scent all around him. His feral mind was on alert detecting a feline close by, but as she lay down beside him he felt a strange calm. His heart was racing and his dick was strained against his underwear, but the excitement didn't cloud his mind as he saw her muzzle slowly come towards his.

Lucy put her paw on Mark's stomach and slowly ruffled his fur as she felt his breath against her muzzle. "Am I going to steal your first kiss?" She felt him shake his head slightly. "Too bad." Her lips touched his and she didn't waste any time to part her lips and touch his with her tongue.

Even though he shook his head, in retrospect Mark doubted that kissing a cousin on a dare really counted, or that time in high-school he got lured in to dropping his pants for a blowjob he never received. He tensed but Lucy's gentle caress made him push it out of his mind.

When he felt her lips brush against his, Mark tensed again. It wasn't even close to any kiss that he'd received in the past. There was gentleness behind it, but also a raw passion that was hot enough to burn. When he felt her tongue touch his lips he curled his toes and sucked in a deep breath.

Every twitch the mouse made, Lucy felt against her paw. In her mind she was trying to read all the emotions he was feeling. She liked the control it gave her, a control she was going to use to rock the nerd's world. Her tongue kept brushing over his lips until he finally parted them. Hungry for him, she pushed in and coiled her tongue around his. His moan made her whiskers vibrate and she purred in response. They made out for a while, but Lucy felt something was missing. When she figured it out, she couldn't help herself and pulled away from Mark. "You're adorable." Smiling she saw the tip of the mouse's tongue slowly slipping back into his mouth.

"Did I...?" The paw on his chest moved and silenced Mark before he could speak another word.

"Mark, did I put YOUR dick in MY mouth and swallowed that huge load of YOUR cum?" Keeping her paw over his mouth, Lucy waited for him to nod his head, the inside of his large ears turning a dark red from his blush. "And didn't you, just now, spend about ten minutes worming YOUR tongue into MY mouth?"

Mark wanted to protest at that, she had started it with her tongue. He was at a loss; she put so much emphasis on the words your and my, but there was no anger behind it and those cool ocean blue eyes betrayed nothing.

Rolling on top of him, Lucy pinned Mark to her mattress before bringing both paws up and cupping the sides of his head. With the tips of her fingers she caressed the inside of his ears and smiled. "Did I, at any point, object to any of it?"

Still completely unable to figure out what she was hinting at, Mark shook his head.

Lucy laughed softly and kissed his nose. "It means that you can put those paws of yours, anywhere you'd like," she breathed the last words directly into his ear and felt his cock twitch against her stomach; his pre seeping into her fur "but I appreciate your restraint."

Raising both paws, Mark touched Lucy's sides and gingerly began to slide his fingers up and down her silky soft fur. "I... I'm sorry."

Lucy kissed him, silencing him after the apology. Plunging her tongue in, she deepened the kiss and shifted back and forth to rub her breasts against his chest. Feeling the mouse's paws slide down, she couldn't help but grin as he couldn't quite reach the full swell of her rump.

Finally breaking the kiss, Lucy looked at Mark and kissed his nose again. "Don't touch between my legs though."

"I won't." Mark squeaked quickly, not wanting to be the one to screw up and ruin the first chance he'd ever had to have sex.

Squeezing her thighs together, Lucy moaned loudly. "If you touch me there, gentle as you are. I know I'm going to cum in seconds." Again she felt his cock jump against her stomach and still didn't care about the mess he was making of her fur.

Kissing the mouse again, Lucy enjoyed the confidence that he was starting to show. His tongue brushed past hers and they wrestled around until she pulled her head back. "Slide your paws up to my back." Mark followed her instructions dutifully. When Lucy felt his fingers on the strap of her bra she said, "Stop there." She saw the curious look in his eyes and moved her stomach from side to side, enjoying the messy tent in his underwear rubbing against her. "Do you know how to unhook a bra?" It was an easy answer to give and Mark just shook his head. "It's not hard. I'm sure you'll be a master in no time." Lucy grinned and kissed his nose again. "Reach for the middle of my back." She felt his arms shift and to help, she pushed her breasts even more firmly against him.

Feeling Lucy pressed on top of him, left Mark breathless. Not because of her weight but the feeling and the smell of her body so close to him. Still he did what she said and followed the straps until his fingers met in the middle. Feeling the fastener, it reminded him of a Velcro strap, one layer of the fabric tightly on top of the other.

"Hold down the strap that goes underneath. Then pull the top strap like you want to tighten my bra." Lucy felt him act and smiled. "Pull harder."

Mark pulled and when he eased off just a little he felt the two straps part.

* * *

_ Present _

"So, you're tried to teach the kid some important life skills?"

Lucy laughed. "He's a very attentive student, though a bra isn't rocket science." She pondered for a second. "Even if it was, he'd probably get it."

"So what was his reaction when he saw his first pair of real breasts? Not the two-dimensional kind on a screen?"

Lucy grinned at Amy and bit her lip.

* * *

Mark groaned softly as he remembered Lucy raising herself up from him. His paws had moved automatically and he could still feel those breasts pressing into his palms. Soft, firm, warm; everything he ever hoped to enjoy.

Moving one paw down, he ran his fingers down the wet fur on his stomach before grabbing his dick. He finally knew that it would never compare to the real thing but he needed it badly and began to stroke himself. It was a good thing nobody usually showered in the middle of the day.

* * *

_ Last night _

"You can be rougher." Lucy moaned as she leaned into Mark's touch. "Pinch my nipples... That's it."

Feeling the feline on top of him shiver sent a rush of adrenaline into Mark's bloodstream and he caught one of Lucy's nipples between two fingers. The hard nub of pink flesh stood out from her perfect white fur. He squeezed his fingers together and felt her body shiver again. Lucy shifted a bit, and moved so she was straddling one of Mark's thighs. Looking up to her face, Mark saw Lucy had closed her eyes and a moment later he gasped as she began to move. Something warm and wet was pressing against the mouse's thigh while Lucy moaned loudly in his ear.

Lucy laid both her paws on either side of Mark's head and pushed her hips down hard against his thigh. "Ooooh, yes..." but then she suddenly stopped and forced her eyes open.

When Lucy scrambled off of him, Mark felt like something was wrong. He was about to ask but stopped when the gorgeous feline stood over him, her tail flicking violently from side to side in annoyance.

"So fucking close." She hissed as she grabbed the waistband of the high cut thong and pulled it upwards.

From his position, Mark saw the thong being eaten up by her thick swollen folds; the fur around them glistening in the light. "Lu..." Her name caught in his throat as she began to push the thong down. The burgundy red lace reemerged from between her wet lips, but seemed to be stuck to the feline's groin.

Lucy loved the look on Mark's face, all his attention was on her. The burning lust clear in his green eyes was there only because of her. Letting her thong drop to her ankles, she stepped out it with one foot before skillfully throwing it at Mark's muzzle with the other.

The heady smell attacked Mark as the vision of one eye was filled up by dark red lace. Even taking deep breaths through his mouth, he could taste her on the air, a taste he remembered from when he sucked her finger. Sticking out his tongue, he tasted more of her nectar. Not even thinking about it, he wanted to pull the crotch of that thong into his mouth and suck up some more.

Not giving him the chance, Lucy knelt down and grabbed Mark's underwear. With a hard yank, she lifted his ass up and nearly got smacked in the face when his tail flicked out in surprise. She flung the mouse's underwear away, not really caring where it ended up.

Being jostled about, Mark didn't see what happened and he was about to speak up when Lucy knocked the air out of his lungs by slamming her paw down in his chest and pushing down on him with her entire weight. "You don't need this." Lucy said before pulling her thong off of Mark's muzzle and flinging it away.

As he looked down his body Mark saw Lucy's hips hovering above his. A thick drop of clear liquid dripped down from the feline's pussy and when it hit the bare flesh of his cock he tensed. A short of pre squirted out of his dick and joined the mess already on his stomach.

Reaching between them, Lucy grabbed Mark's cock. The hot smooth flesh felt good in her grip and she stroked it a few times. The mess the mouse had made clung to her fingers as she spread it up and down the shaft. "Time for this nerd to lose his virginity."

Mark trembled and groaned as her paw squeezed his dick. "Lucy..." He gasped. Looking up at her face and found her staring back at him.

Gazing down at the mouse, Lucy was worried that he might ask her to stop. Being so wound up and horny, her tail flicked and bristled before she killed the notion. The way he was looking at her she could tell he wanted this just as badly as she did.

"Thank you."

With a smile on her face, the lusty feline lowered herself onto the mouse's twitching member. "It's only the start."

Every muscle in Mark's body, tensed as he felt his cock part Lucy's labia. She was blazing hot and wet inside and his dick sank in with ease. The feeling was incredible, to be inside another living being and it only grew more incredible when she suddenly clamped down on him.

Lucy, enjoyed the expressions passing over the mouse's face. That rock hard mouse cock inside her twitched and she gasped at the feeling. "Such a good fit." Putting both paws on either side of Mark's head, she continued to clench down on him and watched him gasp. She leaned down and kissed him on his lips before whispering to him. "If you need to cum, just do it." Kissing him again, she continued whispering. "Let it all out." Slowly lifting her hips, she felt his nice smooth shaft caress her sensitive walls and she groaned loudly. "Oh fuck!"

Without thinking, Mark grabbed her by the thighs. Like a velvet glove, Lucy's pussy squeezed around his dick as the gorgeous feline began to ride him. He wanted to scream his lover's name and praise her to the heavens, but all that he could get out of his throat was a squeak that barely rose above the creaking that came from the bed.

Slamming her hips down hard, Lucy felt a burst of pleasure shoot up her spine and made her mewl shrilly as her body demanded more.

All these new sensations that Mark was bombarded with took their toll on him. Feeling his legs and stomach starting to twitch, the tension in his crotch was building up more than it had during the blowjob before.

Suddenly he felt Lucy raise herself up, grinding her rump in his crotch and it seemed like his dick was pushing in just a little bit further. Lucy pawed at his chest and as he looked up, he was captivated by the beauty atop him. Lucy's fiery red hair fell down her shoulders, framing her swaying breasts. Her stomach gyrated as she danced on the mouse's dick, a small patch of that fiery red hair returned just above her crotch.

The cat's swollen pussy kissed Mark's sheath. Lurid wet kisses that marked the moment when his entire dick was squeezed by Lucy's inner muscles. He was never meant to last through the assault on his senses. Finally, Mark found his voice and just screamed in pure bliss as his body tensed up. Lucy leaned in close and slammed her hips down and pressed her muzzle into one of the mouse's large ears. "All of it!" Pulling back a little, she saw Mark trying to say something but she silenced him with a kiss.

Mark felt his breath being sucked out of him by the kiss while her vagina seemed to want to suck his seed right out of his loins. His brain just stopped, all sensory faculties completely overloaded as a blanket of pure bliss passed over him.

* * *

_ Present _

"Of course he couldn't last." Amy said with a chuckle. "That poor virgin boy."

"Not a virgin anymore." Having scooted back, Lucy had her back against the wall and pulled her knees up to her chest. Remembering the night vividly, she felt a warm buzzing in her belly and was very glad she wore thick underwear; after last night she didn't need to feel sexy.

Amy shrugged. "Unless he gets you off as well, he might as well still be a virgin."

Laughing at the concept, Lucy played with a lock of hair. "That would turn a lot of guys here back to virgins." She watched her friend start laughing and patiently waited until the tigress regained her composure. "You know how some guys deflate quickly afterwards?"

"And then roll over and go to sleep? Of course."

Gently angling her head from side to side, Lucy couldn't help but giggle. "Mark didn't... Not quite."

* * *

_ Last Night _

Slowly regaining his vision, Mark saw the blurry black and white silhouette still on top of him. The blurry image began to sharpen and as his gaze traveled down her body he began to regain his sense of touch too.

The dick inside her was still twitching and Lucy ground down on his crotch; she was so close to her own orgasm. Pressing her fingertips against the front of her pussy, Lucy found her clitoris easily enough in the slick mess and pressed it firmly against the still throbbing shaft held in in the grips of her pussy.

Seeing his lover's desperation, Mark wanted to help. His mind still buzzing with pleasure he hadn't re-discovered how to speak, so just acted instead.

Lucy saw Mark's paw reach down and with a snarl she grabbed him by the wrist and pinned it down next to his head. "No." She hissed, leaning over him. Her move, jostled her insides as the warm shaft inside her, refused to grow soft. A shiver ran up her spine and she arched her back before letting out a long needy mewl.

Pinned beneath the horny cat, Mark couldn't think of anything further to do, but when Lucy arched her back the answer struck him. With his free paw, he grabbed one of her swaying breasts as they rubbed against his muzzle.

So enraptured by her own actions, Lucy barely noticed the firm grip on one of her breasts. It became very apparent when the mouse became even bolder and his lips latched onto her nipple. She screamed out in pleasure as the sensitive tip was attacked by an eager tongue and rubbed against the mouse's large teeth. "Move your hips babe... Please."

The sound of Lucy's voice caused his heart to skip a beat, but Mark complied and did his best to match the feline's frantic movements. His dick burned, the nerves overloaded but still he would do his best to give Lucy her release. With her crotch a wet sopping mess, Lucy's fingers kept slipping. So she turned a bit drastic in her need for release and pinched herself right on the little pearl. It was all over in a flash, Lucy screamed as the floodgates finally burst and her pleasure rushed out. Underneath the orgasming female, Mark was deafened by her scream and joined in as she clamped down hard around his dick. A moment later his world went dark.

* * *

Mark took a deep breath; the air was heated by the warmth of the body on top of him. His muzzle was encapsulated by warm flesh and fur, his vision completely dark. One of his arms was pinned to the bed with a vice like grip around his wrist. The other arm was free; ever so gently he touched the body on top of him. His fingertip brushed through the fur soaked in sweat.


The body on top of Mark shifted slightly, the pressure around his muzzle alleviated. "Lucy?" The body moved a bit more leaning towards one side before a paw stinking of sex, brushed against the mouse's cheek.

"Am I squashing you? Help me roll over."

Mark tried to push himself away from Lucy to make it easier, but her thighs clamped around his hips.

"No... Stay inside me."

Swallowing hard, he tried to do as she asked. The rustling of sheets filled the air with more smells of sex. He got his other arm back and held onto the body pressed against him. Mark blushed again, his paws touching parts of a woman that he didn't think he'd be touching when he woke up that morning.

Lucy let out a groan when she lay on her back. Immediately she reached down and grabbed Mark by his cute little ass and ensuring he remained firmly inside of her.

Laying his muzzle down on top of soft creamy white furred mounds, Mark sighed contently. "That was..." He was at a loss for words and had no power left in his body to do anything more than to lift his head to look up at her. "Thank you," was all he could think of to say.

Cupping Mark's face in both paws, Lucy smiled and leaned in to kiss the tip of his nose. "My pleasure."

* * *

_ Present _

Holding his paw up into the spray of the shower, Mark cleaned off the mess. His dick was sore, but the release had felt good. Turning off the shower he began drying himself. He would always remember that night and would always remember the gorgeous red headed tuxedo cat that had made it so memorable. As he dressed he sighed, in the post-coitus glow they had kept holding each other. It had felt so good and as he looked into those ocean blue eyes...

* * *

"No wonder you slept soundly. Sound like you've had got a good stuffing from the little mouse."

Lucy chuckled. "We didn't fall asleep right away."

"Was he ready for another go that quickly?"

Shaking her head, Lucy didn't say anything, but could see the burning curiosity on Amy's face. Finally she broke the silence. "It took him about an hour to recover;" she smiled "he was unsure about being on top. At first anyway."

Amy grinned. "And what did you do while you waited? Some heavy making out?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes. You invited Mark to your room. Something I don't think I've ever seen you do before. You keep your pleasure away from your private life." Amy leaned forward. "So, what did you do instead of showing him the door?"

"We kissed," Lucy said softly "and talked for a bit."

"And this morning, he gave you another good pounding."

Lucy blushed and played with her hair again. "You know guys don't need much encouragement when you get on all fours."

"Gods..." Amy stood up and tugged her top down. The tigress' nipples stood erect against the fabric. "Well. I know I'm going out hunting tonight. I need some of that." Amy looked back at her bed at Lucy. "You really made that nerd's year."

"He gave me his number." Lucy said suddenly as she rested her extended arms on her knees and tapped her fingers together.

"You didn't tell him it was a onetime thing?"

Lucy shook her head.

Sitting back, Amy looked at her friend. "You know how guys can get if you don't lay down the rules right away." She waited for a response from Lucy, but as the cat kept staring at her fingers, the tigress spoke again. "You put his number in your phone haven't you?"

Lucy nodded.

"I'm sure he's sweet but you know how romances go at our age." Amy waited for the nod. "Give it a few days before you do anything at least."

* * *

Mark smiled as he remembered talking with Lucy. It was hardly talking; more like whispering with their bodies still intertwined. Returning to his room, Mark was happy to see that Antoine wasn't there. Getting his books out of his bag, he intended to look over the notes he made last night before everything happened. Sitting down on his bed, he grinned. "Lucy..." He said softly and grabbed his phone to see if he had any messages.

Nothing appeared on the screen and he nervously chewed one of his claws. Everything had ended well; he had left his number but foolishly hadn't asked for hers. He hoped from the bottom of his heart that she would contact him and give him her number.

* * *

Checking his phone again, Mark bit his lip before taking a bite out of his lunch. The morning had dragged by, but noon had finally come and he sat outside enjoying the weather and eating his lunch.

"Still hoping for a message?"

Mark looked up and saw Arnold taking a seat next to him on the grass. "Maybe."

"Look," Arnold spoke softly, hoping he could soften the blow he was about to deliver to his friend "I asked around a bit and Lucy's got quite the reputation." He waited for a moment. "She has slept with a lot of guys on campus," the stallion saw Mark flinch a little "and it's usually only a onetime thing."

"So I should be glad with what I got?"

Arnold grimaced slightly at the tone the mouse used. "Just, don't get your hopes up."

They ate in silence and when Mark glanced at his phone again he grabbed his bag. "I've got to get to class. See you back at the dorm."

"Yeah, see you later." Taking a bite of his food, Arnold shook his head. "Still just a kid." He muttered before glancing back at Mark's retreating form. His stomach suddenly dropped as he saw four large furs step towards the small mouse. "Oh fuck."

Lost in thought, Mark nearly bumped into the large pillar that appeared in front of him. Only when he looked up did he see it was a huge moose. "Sorry?"

"Stay out of the girls dorms. They aren't for you, you little fucking faggot!"

The words didn't register quickly enough for Mark to get away. Even if he did three more similarly size pillars of fur stood around him. The fist rammed into his stomach, caused his body to double up before he dropped to his knees. The remains of his lunch clattered to the ground and a small amount of vomit escaped his mouth, looking a whole lot less appealing on the way out.

* * *

Sitting in an auditorium, Lucy was busy writing down notes from the previous class when somebody sat down in the seat directly to her left.


Hearing her name, Lucy looked up to her side. "Hey, Stephany." She greeted her roommate without much fanfare. The Lynx usually sat next to her for this lecture and Lucy didn't think anything of it.

"Did you hear about Bruce?"

Cocking an eyebrow, Lucy shook her head. "No; what did he do?"

"He's getting expelled."


"He punched some nerd out of the blue while calling him gay or something."

"What?" Lucy shook her head in disbelief.

"Oh yeah," Stephany said with deep conviction "damn near shouted it so everybody could hear and see what happened. Of course he thought his clique would protect him, but they all bolted when he was called to the Dean's office."

"Wait, when did this happen?"

"Two hours ago, around lunch time."

Lucy snorted. "I bet the coach Hartfield tried to stop it."

"Not a chance, Bruce was already on probation for that thing that happened over New Year."

Seeing the professor walk into the auditorium, Lucy closed her psychology textbook and replaced it with her English Literature textbook. "Who was the poor kid he punched?" She asked casually as the room began to quiet down.

"Oh that super smart nerd; the mouse."

"Wait, Mark?" All of Lucy's attention was suddenly back on topic. "Is he alright?"

"I think so." Stephany said, slightly annoyed by the sudden rise in volume. "Why do you care?"

The penny dropped and Lucy quickly turned her attention back to her books. Her roommate had gone home to her parents for the weekend. So, Lucy figured Stephany had yet to catch up on the gossip. The Lynx didn't know what the tuxedo cat had been doing with the very same mouse.

Letting out a long sigh Lucy thought about Bruce and her instinct screamed for her to find the moose and castrate him with her own claws.

As the class dragged by, Lucy's mind kept coming back to what Stephany had told her. The blank page in front of her remained that way as her mind switched back and forth trying to clarify what she was feeling and why. Digging into her pocket, she took out her phone and began typing.

* * *

Sitting on his bed, Mark kept an ice pack pressed to his stomach. Everything had gone so fast after the punch. He heard the moose had been expelled without much ceremony. It would probably be wise to avoid the football team for the next couple of months. "Or perhaps, years." Mark muttered to himself.

One thing was clear though; it all had to do with him coming out of the female dormitory on Saturday. Laughing bitterly he glanced at his phone. "No worries; probably not going to happen again." The comment left a bad taste in his mouth. Part of him still hoped for a message from Lucy, but he was on the verge of giving up. She was gorgeous, meant to be on the arm of big bulky guys like Bruce; he was just a nerdy little mouse. Even expelled, the moose could easily get any girl her wanted; unlike him.

Depression closed around his mind. Mark grabbed his phone and nearly dropped it when it suddenly beeped and vibrated to signal a new message. Nervously, he fumbled to unlock it and saw a message from an unknown number.

Working late again Friday. I hate locking up alone.

A part of him couldn't believe it. After getting gut punched today the paranoid part of his brain kicked into overdrive and protested that it was a trap of some kind. Maybe set up by friends of Bruce blaming him for what had happened. Still Mark didn't want the chance to pass him by and quickly tapped out a message.

* * *

Lucy dropped her bag onto the desk and took out her phone. A message was waiting for her from Mark.

I'll be at my usual spot.

She read and frowned. It wasn't the kind of reply she expected, and the fact that it was the only reply he sent worried her. Pulling the textbooks out of her bag as she considered what he was thinking, she saw her Psychology textbook and something clicked in her mind. Feeling butterflies in her stomach she had an idea and set to work.

* * *

Hours later Mark sat at the table in the common room and shot Peter in the face. With a smug grin, the mouse raised his head and looked at the Golden Retriever over the top of his laptop.

Peter glared at his friend as he waited to re-spawn. "I'll get you for that!"

Mark winced as he tried to hold back his laugh; his stomach was still sore even after several hours.

When his phone beeped it wasn't loud enough to reach him through his headphones, but the vibrations against his leg caught his attention. With one eye on the screen of his laptop and the other on the phone he read the message.

Room 3, sleeping with your face in a book?

The detail of which room he had been in was something only he and Lucy knew. His paranoia died down and his heart beat a little faster. His phone beeped and buzzed again and the next message appeared underneath the previous, the picture was still being downloaded when Mark tapped it to open. The screen went black before the image filled the screen and took his breath away.

Lucy had propped her phone up on her desk and was leaning towards it. Using one paw she blew a kiss towards the Camera while the other held up a piece of paper that read. 'See you Friday Mark.'

What made Mark lose all interest in what happened on his laptop's screen was the fact that Lucy was wearing nothing more than a set of mesh lingerie that hid only the bare minimum.

"Ha! Revenge!" Peter exclaimed as he shot Mark's character in the game.

Turning off his phone, Mark suddenly didn't care. The pain in his stomach had been replaced by a warm buzzing that made him feel like he was floating. "Good shot." He said with a smile and watched the re-spawn counter count to zero. He wished the countdown to Friday evening would go as fast.