Breeders Cup Champs

Story by StrangeTales on SoFurry

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#8 of The Second Half

The champions of the Breeders Cup return home to enjoy their life on the farm.

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.

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Jake and Cerrid stood next to each other on a very grand looking podium, looking a little out of place with the other small group of centaur mares with them. The official went to one at a time and said their name and time escaping being bred, before placing a bronze, silver, or gold medal around their necks. Above them were both sets of parents, though Jake wouldn't have been able to have picked out Cerrid's, having not met them yet.

They waited patiently until the official was at them, speaking first to Jake, "Jake, time, thirty minutes and fifty-four seconds." there was a round of applause, including some rather loud hooting and hollering from Blake and Orion. He nodded and leaned down, the silver medal being place around his neck. He looked to his friend smiled as the official called his name out, "Cerrid, time, thirty minutes and thirty two minutes and seventeen seconds." There was another round of applause and Cerrid nodded up to his set of parents.

"My folks are up there, a few couples next to yours," Cerrid explained to Jake, "Maybe after all this stuff is done I can introduce you guys."

Jake nodded, smiling brightly, "That would be great!"


Elsewhere, Rose was up on her own podium, and seemed to be one of the last to be awarded. Daisy and April were up in the stands watching the ceremony, giggling as she looked just as out of place amongst the row of centaur stallions. The official finally reached her however, and called out, "Rose, time, fifteen minutes and forty-seven seconds, great job!" There was a resounding crash of applause hitting her like a wave, and her eyes went wide as she saw the gold medal being placed around her neck. She looked up specifically towards her two mothers, beaming proudly as she just let the moment sink in.

"Now, for everyone who has competed today, there is one more giant bit of news for you. Even though some of you may have not won any medals, none of you are going home empty hoofed. You all..." the official paused, relishing on the looks of anticipation on every young centaur's face, "You all get to bring your feral partner home with you!" There was a moment of pause as the news washed over the crowd, and then one by one, applause thundered out, unanimously filling the arena with joy and laughter.


"We get to keep our mates?!" Jake said in excited shock, their group having just been given much the same announcement.

"No way!" Cerrid exclaimed back to Jake, gulping as he thought about how hard the mating had been, "Hope I can handle that..."

Jake laughed, and gave his friend a friendly nudge, "Same here."

They both got quiet as the official spoke again, not wanting to miss any details, "Now, there will be a four break before closing ceremonies and the after parties. Take this time to spend with your loved ones, maybe get a bite to eat, and when you return we will work out the details with your family for delivery of your feral partners. Thank you all for competing in this year's Breeders Cup!"

The sound of conversation emanated through the arena once more as everyone got from their spot and shuffled towards the door, everyone bright and excited over the news they had just received. "Here, this way," Cerrid said as they went for the elevator, "We can take the shortcut up here and meet our folks!"

Jake nodded, following along behind his friend, "Good idea." The pair made their way up to the observation area, Jake running into his parents first. "Hey dads!" he said with a chuckle, enjoying being playful about their unique situation.

"Hey kiddo," Blake said as he ruffled Jake's hair, "Great job!"

"Dad!" the boy laughed, "I'm almost nineteen, cut out the kiddo stuff!"

Orion nudged his son, being perverted as always, "Way to take it like a champ!"

Jake blushed a bit, rubbing his flank against his father's side, "Well, I had lots of practice!"

Orion gulped, trying to smarten up, "Ok, we gotta stop, or there's going to be a bonus round right here!" Blake rolled his eyes, and the family of three all laughed, soon turning to see three angelic looking centaurs approaching them.

"Jake, these are my folks!" Cerrid said, holding his arm out to reveal two older centaurs who looked much like him. All three of them had the same luscious silver hair, tails the same shimmering colour and their fur white as snow. Cerrid's eyes were silvery blue, like his fathers, though the older stallion's were almost more of a grey. His mother's eyes were dazzling emerald, the one feature that was quite different from her male counterparts.

The male centaur approached the family first, offering his hand out, "The name's Albion, pleasure!"

Orion shook the centaur's hand, "Orion, pleasure's all ours! This is my husband Blake and our son Jake."

The stallion nodded, turning to his wife, "This is Aleena and our son Cerrid. I think we may have... a lot more in common than we may realize."

"You don't say" Orion said as he looked them over, Cerrid's father nodding to his wife for them both to turn around, "It's alright, go ahead and... inspect."

Orion nodded as he and Blake both looked the centaurs over, surprised to say the least when both of their tails flopped up. "Oh, oh I see!" Orion said with a bit of a laugh, "Well that's quite the coincidence."

"No kidding!" Blake chimed in.

Cerrid's mother spoke next, "Our son too, is exactly like your son."

"Must be something in the genes" Blake said, just before Orion chimed back in with a terrible dad joke.

"Jeans, I haven't worn jeans in years!"

Blake chuckled but nudged his husband's side, Cerrid's family seemed amused however. "It seems our sons have been getting along quite famously" it was Aleena who spoke first.

"Yes," Albion spoke next, "They seem to be great friends indeed. Where we're from it's not as easy to find friends, our farm is pretty secluded."

"Ours too," Blake replied, "We've just been lucky that we have two family farms next to each other, Jake got to grow up with Rose, and we were lucky in our childhood too. Oh the adventures we had!"

Orion smiled ear to ear, remembering all those wonderful times, "Hey, maybe you guys could visit us at our farm?" He turned to his husband, the smile in return showing that he was also in favour of this idea.

"That's kind of you to offer" Aleena said, beaming back at the other family.

"What do you say son?" Albion asked Cerrid, "Would you want to spend some time at your new friend's farm?"

"Would I?!" Cerrid called back, grinning ear to ear, "I'd love to!"

His father smiled back at him, before turning to the others, "It's settled then!"

"Great," Blake said before turning to see other centaurs approaching them, "Daisy, April!" The other family slowly approached them, Blake continuing to speak, "Rose, how did you do? Gold?! Oh my goodness, congratulations!"

"Gold?!" Cerrid and Jake both repeated incredulously.

"No fair!" Jake added.

"How the heck did you get gold?" Cerrid asked.

Rose fluttered her eyes and pranced about, "I guess I just wanted it more!"

"Hi, I'm Daisy," the mother mare introduced herself to Cerrid's family, "This is my wife April, our daughter Rose."

"Hey Daisy," Orion called out, "They're just like us!"

Daisy laughed, "Yes Orion, we're at a centaur festival, there's a lot of folks like us here."

"No, no," Orion laughed, "I mean they're just like us!"

Daisy looked to him and then to the other set of parents, who nodded to allow a closer look. She trotted over gently behind them and nodded, "Ah, got ya!"

Albion laughed, reaching out to hold his mate, "Well, what do you say we all get a bite to eat? We can finalize the date and sort out some of the finer details."

"Sounds swell" Blake said, looking down to see how happy the three youngest centaurs were.


A short time passed after the Breeders Cup was done and all three families found themselves back on the two farm homes. Cerrid's family was staying with Jake's, and they were getting along famously. Cerrid's friendship with Jake and Rose had only grown in the short week they had had together thus far, and with the family planning to stay at least a couple months, there was only more time to grow.

The trio was lazing about on a particular afternoon, enjoying the late summer sun as their feral partners all grazed not too far from them. "I've got it!" Cerrid called out with excitement.

"Got what?" Rose asked curiously.

"I've got the perfect name for my mate!"

"About time," Jake chimed in, "I think I've picked one for mine too."

Rose nodded next, "Me too. Cerrid what did you decide on."

The young centaur looked on longingly at the handsome beast of a stallion, "Mmm, Stardust."

"Nice," Rose said before revealing hers, "My beautiful girl over there is gonna be name Sapphire."

"Very pretty," Jake remarked, looking over at the handsome wine coloured stallion, "I think I'll go with... Ares."

"Ares?" Rose asked.

"Yeah," Jake nodded, "It sounds powerful, just like him."

"Nice!" Cerrid said with a big grin, "Stardust, Sapphire and Ares. Great names guys!" As Cerrid watched, his mate got to his feet, turning the other way as he continued to graze. The stallion's thick, black nuts hung down, leathery and firm, and the centaur licked his lips, "Mmm, just look at that magnificent sack!" His two friends looked to each other and held back a round of laughter. Cerrid got to his hooves, playfully calling out, "Stardust dear, do you need to empty those?" He turned to give his two friends a toothy grin, "He doesn't know his name yet, but he will after I moan it out enough times!"

"Speaking of," Jake got up next, huffing out a low exhale as he looked over at his mate, "I could go for some myself."

Rose nodded, soon standing along with her two friends, "What do you say we make this more interested guys?"

"Oh?" Jake asked.

"We could have our own little round two of the Breeders Cup!"

Cerrid grinned at Rose, "You're on!" He turned to Jake, who nodded in response, the trio deciding to work up their partners. They all started to whistle and call to them, the two boys turning to hold up their tails. "Hey Stardust," Cerrid called out, despite already knowing that his stallion didn't know his name yet, "You want some of this?"

Jake joined in on the calls, "Hey Ares, c'mere boy!"

The two stallions got to their hooves quite quickly, stepping inch by inch towards their centaur counterparts. Each step they took forward, Cerrid and Jake took back, all four tails starting to flicker with excitement. The mare was left a little confused until she turned to see Rose, the look in the centaur's eyes smartening her up. She straightened her legs and started to trot away from her centaur partner, Rose starting to close the gap between them.

Just like with the males, step by step, one got closer while the other got farther, Rose eventually standing right next to the feral stallions before moving on past them. She turned to look in the eyes of Stardust, the powerful stallion barely paying her any mind before continuing his pace towards his own partner. Rose then turned her gaze slowly towards Sapphire, grinning mischievously as she whispered, "Run."

The mare hit her hooves against the ground and propelled herself forward, soon galloping away in a quick frenzy. Her legs trotted over the grassy area, picking up speed as Rose was suddenly on her heels. Jake and Cerrid has begun to run as well, their feral mates hot on their trails. Stardust in particular was really gaining on Cerrid with relative ease, the boy calling back to his mate, "C'mon Stardust, you want this don't you?" He spanked his flank, Jake looking over and calling to his friend.

"Hey Cerrid, try this!" He nodded over to his flank, raising his tail high in the air to show off his privates. He kept running, holding his rump out as he did so Ares had a target to chase after.

It was an interesting technique and the snow white stallion paid heed to it, "Ooo, that's a good idea!" He soon lifted his silvery tail as well, picking up speed as he teased the dark stallion chasing after him. Jake was trying his best to remain ahead of his mate as well, tail flickering away, while still doing his best to keep his mare bits on display for his feral mate. The stallion was certainly interested, noticing the soft curves of the bright pink pussy. He began to sneer and hiss, and both Jake and Cerrid whinnied back at them.

Rose was hot on the heels of her mare, galloping as fast as she could. Her strides were strong and fast, practically glided above the grass on her hot pursuit. "I'm going to get you Sapphire," she would call out to the mare, the feral whinnying back, "Run all you want beautiful, but you're soon to be in my clutches!" The mare whinnied once more, and Rose whinnied back, her whole shaft swinging between her legs as she edged closer to having the mare in her clutches.

Dirt and dust were flying up everywhere as all of the collective hooves kicked the grassy areas of the farm lands, centaurs chasing ferals with every bit of strength they had. The stallions were quickly gaining on Jake and Cerrid, the two boys having to really find strength deep down to keep a distance between them. The distance was quickly being cut however, and both were growing a tad tired of the chase. Cerrid remained pretty competitive though, looking over to Jake with a cocky grin, "I'm gonna win again!"

Jake scowled, assuming his friend was speaking of their times at the Breeders Cup, "Fat chance!"

Cerrid kept grinning over to his friend, shrugging, "Well just try and beat me then!" He was being so cocky that he was being careless, not realizing that as he spoke to Jake his legs were slowing down. It was subtle enough a change that Jake didn't even notice it, but Stardust had, and the stallion was soon mere inches away from his centaur mate.

"Better look out!" Jake said as he began to notice the stallion overtaking him, letting out the loudest laugh as the feral caught Cerrid.

"Yeah, you shoul-shit!" He had yelped out the expletive just as the stallion leaped on him, dropping him down to the ground with a heavy thud.

Rose was the second to successfully catch her mate, about a foot behind Sapphire at the time Cerrid had been captured. The gold medalist was an expert at hunting her prey, and this playful exchange was no acceptation. She galloped a few more times, whinnying out as she leaped out into the air, dropping down hard onto Sapphire and pinning her to the ground, "Told you I'd get you!"

The mare tried her best to slip out of Rose's clutches, but it was no use, the centaur had her locked in good and tight. She kept her weight down on the mare to keep her from slipping away, legs spreading to slowly mount her as well. Sapphire let out an almost whimpered whinny as Rose's cockhead pressed tightly to the feral's pussy, the soft, warm flesh stretching out ever so slowly as the centaur put all of her weight into it. "C'mon girl, you got this!" the centaur cooed to her partner, trying to relax her so the shaft could bury itself deeper inside.

Cerrid was on the ground, sprawled out as he had been pinned down by the incredibly powerful stallion, "Oof, damn you're heavy Stardust!" He tried to reposition himself just a tad, feeling the four beastly legs grip his sides suddenly. They very quickly tightened their grip on him, making it hard for the young centaur to move much more than he already had. "Alright Stardust," he spoke, the horse huffing as though he was getting used to his name, "Show me what you got!" The stallion carefully kept Cerrid mounted, pressing his thick, meaty cock head to Cerrid's soft, luscious lips. "Oh yeah, how could I forget?" Cerrid commented again, "You've got a lot!"

Jake was still running from Ares, and doing a damn good job of it. He grumbled a little to himself as he thought about how he had wished he had done this well at the actual competition, perhaps he would have received a gold medal just like Rose. That didn't really matter much now though, and he kept up with the running, turning to see just how flustered, hungry and frustrated the stallion was getting. His shaft noticeably flopped around underneath him as he ran, and Jake licked his lips.

He chose to slow down, but remain in complete control, meeting the horse head on to stop him in his tracks. "Stop! Right there!" he had a strangely commanding tone, so much so that even the powerful feral was surprised. He did heed however, standing there patiently. "Good boy," Jake said as he circled the horse slowly, "Let's be civilized about this." He looked to Ares and the horse did a little snort back at him. "Good!" Jake said out loud, confirming that the clever feral had agreed, "Now... let's see what we got here." He carefully got down low on the ground, and looked underneath the strong stallion, reaching out to grasp its shaft, "Oh yeah!"

Rose let out a long, hungry grunt as she finally got her cock sunk into her mare, pulling out as the mare whimpered. She did just for a moment before stuffing it back in, starting a slow steady rocking in and out of the beautiful equine. The surface of Rose's shaft got wet from the mare's juices rather quickly, and it didn't take too long for her to be able to rock her hips, gliding in and out of her partner with smooth thrusts. She leaned down and carefully hugged the mare from behind, planting a kiss atop her head as she whispered, "You're such a good girl!"

Not too far away, Cerrid was letting out the loudest yelps, nearly screaming out his moans as Stardust rut heavily into him. His pace was relentless, in and out over and over again. His teeth were gritting together, and his eyes were shut tight, small tears dropping from the closed slits as the stallion took what he wanted. His gleaming, jet black shaft was already dripping with the young centaur's arousal, his soaked sex being literally beaten by the heavy cock. "Yes, oh my god, d-don't stop!" Cerrid cried out, loving how it felt, despite the bit of pain that came with it.

Jake held Ares' thick shaft in his hand as he looked it over, planting smooth kisses on it one by one. He let out a content little moan as he sampled his mate's musky taste, tongue sliding up and down the underside of the shaft before reaching for the slit. He wiggled it over the sensitive spot smoothly, collecting every drop of precum that was gifted to him. He slurped at the firm head gently, before gliding his tongue back down, all the way to rest at his medial ring. He stayed there for a bit, pressing his lips to it teasingly.

Ares was slowly losing patience and let out a low growl. Jake laughed contently and moved his lips back up towards the head of the horse's cock, "I know, I know, hold your horses!" He laughed at his own accidental pun, slowly stretching his lips out around the cock head. It was pretty difficult to do, but he managed to finally do it, letting the shaft slowly enter his throat. He let it slide in, sighing as he gulped it down. He moved his lips up and down a few times until his throat was coated with precum, letting it slip out so he could speak, "Alright boy, you ready?" The horse let out a loud whinny and Jake laughed, "Message received!"

Rose had been thrusting for a while and was getting quite close, her shaft throbbing as Sapphire was doing such a good job at accepting the situation. Her eyes closed as she gently raised her flank, allowing Rose to really do the job proper. "Good girl!" the centaur called out to her partner, keeping herself mounted on as she gave all of her strength into the smooth thrusts. Her thick cock head kept hitting deep inside of the mare, starting to flare as she got ever closer.

Cerrid was clinging to the ground as Stardust kept rutting heavily into him, tearing grass up as he was pushed along. The immense shaft filled up every spare inch of space inside of him, and he felt himself gushing as his arousal continued to peak. The feral stallion showed no signs in stopping until he had achieved his own orgasm, and the cock just kept slamming down into his depths, taking him for his own. He could feel that the beastly cock head was starting to flare, and he nodded his head, verbally coaxing his partner on, "Good boy, c'mon, do it! Flood that pussy with your hot seed!"

The horse whinnied out loud as he drove his cock in one last time, as hard as he could as he let out a heavy load, coating every spare inch inside of the centaur. Cerrid panted and moaned as he dropped down onto the ground, panting out desperately as he could feel Stardust's cock head flare as big as it could get. Just as it did so, the slit on its head fired out a heavy torrent of cum, very readily painting the inside of the centaur's pussy. Cerrid nodded his head as he panted desperately, chest raising and lowering as he reeled from the intensity of the act. "Good boy" he said one last time before laying on the grass, panting as he tried his best to relax.

Jake was in his own are entirely, and still very much in control of his partner. He was down on the ground and moving back towards the stallion, coaxing him to mount him, but at his own pace. Ares reluctantly agreed, slowly hopping up. Jake wiggled his rump carefully, lining the stallion's cock head up against his pussy. It was warm and wet with need, and already felt as though it wouldn't be too hard to get his cock shoved in there. Jake laughed as he could feel the beat's hot breath, sense its impatience, "Alright, go ahead Ares!"

He grunted as all at once, the stallion shoved most of his length inside his pussy, his arousal aiding in keeping it slick. "Ok boy," Jake finally said, letting the horse hump inside him a few times until he decided he was ready, "Go ahead, rut me!" The feral stallion required no further invitation, really picking up speed as he began to pound his heavy shaft inside of the centaur, good and deep. Jake let out a low exhale of breath, his voice showing clear signs of ecstasy, "God damn, I love that cock!"

Rose was getting close to finishing herself, the mare on more action getting quite heated. She put all of her energy into her thrusting until her cock head had begun to flare out, only needing to slide in and out a few more times before she began to feel the tight clench in her balls. "Fuck, h-here we go!" she called out as she pounded in forward, literally whinnying in unison with her feral mate as she flooded the inside of her pussy with a rich, creamy white load.

Jake was all gasps and moans as Ares continued his heavy lunges, the thick shaft hitting the very depths of him. His breath grew heavier with each passing thrust, eyes rolling back until he suddenly began to squirt over the stallion's shaft. The extra pressure and slickness on the feral's cock was all it took to drive him the rest of the way over the edge, a loud growled whinny filling the air as his cock flared, finishing inside of Jake. In their own places, all three centaurs dropped down to rest, having had quite the strong session with their mates.


A brief amount of time passed before the three centaurs reunited with each other, their feral partners elsewhere as they had had their fill of fun. The boys had the hardest time, still physical exhausted from the rough exchanges of their feral partners, so Rose had done most of the work by coming to them. "Have fun?" she asked her two friends, grinning as they still showed signs of their rutted exhaustion.

"Y-yeah..." Cerrid nodded, touching his belly slightly as he felt so full still.

"I'll say," Jake chimed in, giggling as he looked over at Cerrid and the state he was in, "Looks like someone had too much fun though!"

Cerrid smirked and leaned down, holding his pussy out into the air, "Well, what do you think?"

Jake watched as Cerrid's luscious pussy lips were put on full display, a long trail of stallion seed slowly leaking out of him, "W-wow... that's a lot!"

"It is," Cerrid said gently, throwing a wink towards his friend, "Wanna taste it?"

"T-taste it?" Jake thought aloud, gulping a little anxiously.

Cerrid cocked his head around to grin mischievously at his friend, "Yeah, why not? You telling me you don't like stallion cum? Or mare pussy?"

Jake nodded slowly, licking his lips, "Well, I guess you got me there!" He slowly leaned in and gave a curious lick around the surface of his friend's drippy sex.

Rose watched on with excitement, her cock slowly growing to life as she was treating to a most enticing sight. "Nice" she whispered to herself, just watching for the time being.

Jake's tongue lingered softly over the surface of Cerrid's sex, delicately teasing it before scooping up the pools of cum. He slowly collected it in his mouth and then swallowed it down, moaning out before going in for more. "Mmm, so good" he mumbled under his breath as he kept lapping and slurping, making very quick work of the mess that Stardust had left behind.

"Yeah, that's good" Cerrid sighed softly, resting his rump back against his friend's lips, helping him to lap up what was left of the cum soaked mess. He ate it hungrily, tongue working tirelessly to remove every trace of stallion seed that slowly dripped out. The white stallion sighed happily, adding another point to conversation, "Mmm, you're really good at that you know?"

"Am I?" Jake asked before his tongue slid down a tad lower, sucking on one of Cerrid's teats, "Good to know!"

"Oh my god!" Cerrid moaned out as Jake starting to tease his sensitive teats, one at a time planting firm kisses on them, "W-wow, you're even b-better, at that!" Jake simply chuckled and continued his work, even nipping them a little bit.

Rose soon approached Jake from behind, coaxing him to lean up a bit himself, "Alright boys, you've got my attention now!" She went straight for it, tongue lapping at Jake's folds, the other centaur letting out a very passionate moan as the stallion seed inside him was slowly slurped out. He huffed and whimpered, moaning out as Rose moved her tongue around all over his sensitive folds.

"That feels, s-so good!" Jake moaned back to his friend, eyes going wide as she then went for his teats as well. She sucked and licked at them, nipping teasingly at times. Both Rose and Jake kept up until both boys were whinnying, their folds soaking wet with arousal once more. Jake dropped to the ground next to Cerrid and lifted his flank up with him, both of their tails flopped to the side.

Rose grinned as she eyed them up, her cock throbbing hard, "Are you boys presenting to me or something?"

Cerrid looked to Jake and Jake nodded both, both grinning to one another, "Well, is it working?"

Rose hopped forward and mounted Cerrid, her cock rubbing against his flank before finding its target, "You tell me!"

Cerrid's eyes went wide as saucers as the centaur mare behind him rubbed her aching cock head against his pussy, "F-feels l-like it!" He grunted as the mare suddenly thrust forward, pushing her hard cock inside of the centaur's pussy. He let out a long, hungry moan as the shaft slid into him, legs shaking a bit.

Jake looked to his friend enviously, nipping his bottom lip as he saw the pleasure on Cerrid's face. Rose just kept pounding away at him roughly, cock sliding in and out as she filled up every spare inch inside of him. He moaned and whimpered with each slide into him, nipping his bottom lip as well. The mare was only able to thrust inside of him a few more times before he squirt all over her, letting out a whinny as Rose laughed and slid out of him, "Guess those stallions really did do a number on you guys."

"Yeah," Cerrid gasped, surprised himself at how fast he had reached climax, "They did!"

Rose snickered before speaking to the other centaur, "You ready Jake?"

The centaur nodded, "Y-yeah, give it to me!"

Rose smiled and leaned in, filling her dearest friend's pussy with her firm length, "You got it!"

Jake let out longing moans as the mare slid in and out of him, her thrusts hitting him deep, "Oh yes, oh god yes, that feels so good Rose!"

Rose grunted and groaned as she kept thrusting away, wearing a very hungry look on her face, "Mmm, yeah, I'm getting rather close myself!"

Jake nodded and closed his eyes, his breath growing steadily heavier. Rose would thrust and thrust until Jake was no better, the stallion squirting almost as much as Cerrid had. Jake turned to Cerrid as Rose pulled away, nodding to him as he spoke, "C'mon, I g-got an idea!"

Rose watched as her two friends spun around and faced her, suddenly pressing their lips to either side of her shaft, "Wh-what are you, oh, ooohhh!" She let out a longing moan as they moved their lips and down over her shaft, gliding their tongues along its entire surface. Her breath grew shrill and heavy as they continued, mumbling and moaning, "G-guys, ahh, keep that up and I'm gonna, g-gonna... oh, oh shit!"

The boys showed no signs of slowing down, and in fact after a few seconds passed, Rose's cock head flared to its full width, painting their faces white. Both centaurs sighed and moaned before breaking into gentle laughter, taking turns licking each other's faces playful. Cerrid gave Jake a chance to lap at his face, looking over to speak to Rose, "Did you enjoy that?"

Rose nodded, "Hell yeah!" She rested down gently, "I wish you could stay here with us forever!"

Cerrid got real quiet all of a sudden, a bit of a somber look to him, "Yeah, me too..."