Studying Hard (18+)

Story by Fennecshorts on SoFurry

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A little story set in my original universe, all characters belong to me and are 18+

"Annie! slow down- I can't-" The voice came at Aynette from somewhere behind her. Judging by the length of the hallway she'd far outpaced it's owner.

Slow down? and you're calling me Annie? not a chance. The jackal girl picked up her pace with a grin. In these later hours with the sun middling in the sky, the red-carpeted hallways found themselves relatively empty. Giving ample vacancy to Aynette's unprofessional burst of speed. A laugh escaped her muzzle, grey-furred paws pounding against the floor. Dark, richly-finished wood walls passed by in the periphery of her vision.

Wrong door... Also wrong... There we go.

Aynette stopped just outside, clutching her chest in a brief moment of respite. To walk through that door with just that tiny hint of breathlessness lingering on her voice would be no less than a small, if immediate failure in her ability to maintain the proper etiquette expected from a student of Dahler's Alchemy. And such a thing would Surely be noted against her.

"Annie? I've got a que-"

"Who in the barren catacombs is Annie?" She retorted, without even a glance back at her former pursuer, the leopard boy having finally caught up with her.

"The girl who gets to take it under the tail if she lends a certain someone her alembic, just for today" His voice wavered, giving an unintentionally comedic tone to the sentence, his breath close and warm against her ear.

Aynette let out a grunt of frustration, giving her shoulders a semi-aggressive shake as if her fellow student was already on top of her. "This 'Annie' sounds like a used up whore, and even she is able to keep better track of her equipment than you? Hardly speaks well of your own competence, does it, Mary?"

The feline let out a grunt of dissatisfaction. "I'm not missing Reactions so we can stand out here playing with our names"

"Oh? I'm not detecting much interest in class from you either, sounds to me like you've only one sort of play on your mi- Fkk" The jackal jumped, a finger having made it's way underneath her skirt. The red and white plaid ended far enough above her knees that her position had left her rear open. Thin white panties the only thing stopping his groping attack from finding it's target just above her soft mound, among the supple, muscled ring of her butthole. "Do you mind?!" she shot back, tone heightened beyond what would've been considered acceptable in academy halls.

"Hey, the way you bend over, you're practically offering every time"

"I am not letting you under my tail- and your missing equipment? that's yours to bear. Where in all the Ohmaru's blazes did you get it in your head that I'd: One, give up my lab equipment for you, and two- after I miss today's lesson due to lacking said equipment. I just lift my skirt and give you my tailhole until I'm walking through the halls this afternoon with a limp. What exactly am I to get out of this?" She turned to face her fellow student, arms crossed over her chest and orange eyes focused on his green.

"I-uh, just thought a girl like you... letting guys get away so easily with stuff. He stopped talking to scratch his head. "Got it in my mind you just-"

"Didn't have any boundaries?" Aynette snorted. "Come back with a fair trade" With that the jackal schoolgirl turned up her snout, and made her way into class.


"What?" She snapped, turning away from her work to see Marius standing there once again, arms crossed over his chest. Aynette had figured the lab for empty, and the gentle sizzling of her post-class work had been the only other sound accompanying her for the past hour or so.

"Woah" the snow leopard backed off, faux fear lacing his voice.

"Oh shush, you know how much of a distraction you are" Aynette said plainly, scribbling a batch of notes down with one hand, pretending to be far more interested in the contents of her alembic than she was in actuality, peering through it's blue-green glass so as to avoid inviting her fellow student to further conversation.

"Hey, same goes for you, 'any idea how hard it is to remember which kind of Ghoul the Ohmaru attacked Dahler with on The Last Night with that damn ass of yours in my face? That skirt is just not enough..." He paused, a grin on his face.

"You've gone one size below regulation, haven't you? Hah. Oh you can tell me, c'mon"

"Why don't you discern the size yourself? if you've been studying it all this time. Maybe we can work that back around into Tailoring and Fitting, mayhaps you can actually nail a decent grade for once"

"You think I've been able to get close enough? you don't let me get a good look"

"Try not to argue, maybe. That's all I'll say" Aynette snorted, shifting her weight back and forth on the hardwood stool. The blue skirt of her uniform sliding taught around her hindquarters as she did so, showing off the contours of her grey-furred ass in a way it's modest, pleated folds were never designed to.

"...Why are you here by the way? went right into criticizing my uniform and didn't tell me" Aynette asked, her previously argumentative tone replaced by one of genuine curiosity.

"Oh I uh-" Marius glanced around the lab, it's dark wood walls bathed by noon sunlight that streamed in from the high windows. "No different to you I guess... had the lab figured for empty" He gestured toward a bookshelf set into the wall. "Now if I may, I'm going to study" The snow leopard said, selecting a book.

"Oh? and sit behind me, I see" Aynette smirked as she glanced down at her work again, spotting her fellow student in her eye's corner, moving to her left.

"Might as well, otherwise someone might copy my work"

"Since when would I need your help, as far as I'm aware I'm ahead in-"

"Fermentation? please. You made three sick last week alone trying to make Base Slurry" He laughed, raising an eyebrow. "I can help, Aynette"

The jackal turned her head to look over her shoulder at the snow leopard who by now had settled in behind her with his book open and a sheet of parchment ready to take notes. "Oh here we go, I don't imagine you assist with slurry for free?"

"No-no I don't- school's emptying out, Aynette" He hinted, voice dripping with lust.

"Mhm~" Aynette nodded, turning around on her stool to face him, parting her legs just slightly, enough to give Marius the smallest possible peek at the white of her panties. "But you're forgetting something. Your favorite hole doesn't exactly uh- lend itself to ease of entry. And while I appreciate this attempt at fairness, I'm going to a request an additional effort from you" She stopped to fix him with her orange eyes. "Get something to make it easy. Or we're not doing this"

Her fellow student shifted his a little, obviously his black trousers were struggling to contain a rapidly growing something. "I uh, thought you would, uh"

"Oh here we go again. No I do not carry lube, I'm a little ashamed that you thoug-" She stopped, Marius had turned his head to the floor. "Oh c'mon don't be like that we're still gonna do it" She sighed. "Just check if you brought anything greasy" The jackal blushed as it left her muzzle, the whole situation was so patently absurd. Though she'd be deign to admit it in out loud, her after-class work had been dragging on long enough, perhaps a quick something to interrupt the monotonous afternoon was indeed in order? She mused, looking on as Marius rummaged through the equipment in front of him, half-hidden behind a sizeable stack of books, the one he'd pulled from the shelf sitting unopened at the very top.

"That's..." The jackal stifled a laugh. "That's burner grease, Marius. Don't go too fast or you'll light my ass on fire"

"Oh skies above- it's a lubricant, the flammability is negligible here as it will cancel out most of the friction involved with-"

"That was a joke, my grades are eating dirt in Fermentation only. Rest assured I know what friction is, if that's really all we have, then go ahead and bring it over" She sighed. Marius, who was obviously just barely able to contain his excitement over what Aynette was allowing hiim to do. Was soon off his stool and right beside her, smudgy jar of improvised lube in hand.

"Let me just-ngh" The jackal grunted, moving to rest her chest on the table in front of her. The position allowing her to kneel on the stool and completely compromise the modesty of her skirt. The garment hiking up to expose her rear end and the white panties that covered it. "There we go- just slide them off Marius... uh- Marius?" She glanced over her shoulder. Expecting him to be behind her by now, instead he was standing still mid-approach. Admiring the way her breasts squished out against the table, noticeable even with her shirt hiding any explicit details.

"Spent all day staring at my ass only to decide last-minute you want my chest instead? Get over here"

"Yeah~ yea ok" He mumbled, grabbing her ass cheek with one hand and sliding the other under her panties and across her thigh. Exposing Aynette's pink pussy lips and asshole.

Aynette felt a shiver run across her body at the newfound exposure, but his touch felt more hesitant than she'd expected. Even as she raised her tail high to show off that tight ring in an even more lurid manner.

"You ok?" The jackal shot a quizzical look over her shoulder once again.

"Y-yeah uh, so do I just..."

"Didn't think you'd be asking me any more questions. Expected someone like you to just go for it" She waited, muzzle rested on the palms of her hands. For the lube-laden finger that never came.



"Do I have to say it? shove some damned grease up my asshole already or I'll do it~"

"Aynette, I've not actually done this 'til now"

"I mean, after you get properly lubed you can just stick it in, shouldn't be any different" She sighed.

"No it's... I've never done any of this, I'm like, a virgin"

"Yacine's teeth- you?" She breathed the expletive with a mix of shock and understanding. The revelation having explained his reluctance to the impatient jackal. Though she'd certainly not expected it going off his attitude before class.

"Yeah I, me... someone found out and made a bet that I couldn't, in his words, 'walk up and ask you'. So I took that bet... And I walked up and asked you"

"For anal, of all things"


"And I said yes" Aynette started laughing, more out of self-consciousness than anything. "Aren't we a pair, what do you win?"

"My alembic back"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Marius. Should've told me earlier you'd been stolen from"

"Yeah... wait what are you doing?"

Aynette had climbed down off the stool and knelt before the snow leopard, panties still crumpled around one leg. "If I'm to be your first, just thought we could do a little more than butt stuff" She smiled up at him, orange eyes fixing him while she undid his trousers. Releasing the treasure within, his erection popping out to meet the tip of her snout.


"Mhm~" She leaned in to kiss the pink head. Beginning to make slow circular motions as her fellow student grew harder still. "So nice, and all for me" She whispered, taking more of him into her mouth, sliding his trousers down until they'd reached the floor. With nothing in the way the jackal was able to reach a hand underneath his cock to gently cup the soft fur of his balls.

"Fuuuck, c-can you go any deeper?" He moaned placing a hand on the table's edge

Unable to reply with words, Aynette nodded her head. This had the secondary effect of rubbing Marius's dick against the roof of her mouth, sending shivers of pleasure up his spine. Amplified even further by his partner's final answer: Pushing her head in until she'd had him hilted, balls deep in her muzzle. Breathing through her nose against the base of his shaft while her experienced tongue sloppily went to work. Readily swallowing his pre-cum as she did so.

"So... ngh good- I'm gonna cum~ ohh I'm gonna-"

Realizing this, though signaled more by the telltale twitch of his cock in her throat than his words. Aynette pulled away, a lewd slurp and string of saliva and pre following her, translucent and glittering in the noon sunlight. His orgasm cut off so abrupty, Marius could do nothing but groan, pleasure still burning through his body.

"Angh Aynette why did you stop?!"

"I can't have you finished off already, we've got to uphold the original deal, recall?" She winked, turning her back to the stunned boy with a little twirl, the pleated folds of her skirt revealing the bare hips underneath as she did so. Before returning to her kneeling position on the stool, this time back arched seductively. Knowing exactly what to do next, her partner approached, the vial of improvised lube still in his hand, it's thick glass walls having survived the vice-like grip he'd given it while distracted by Aynette's oral skills. The jackal nodded at him, licking her lips. Shoving a finger into it's mouth, Marius scooped out a heady lump of the off-white grease, he knelt behind Aynette's ass.

"There it is, don't be afraid to- oh~" She gasped, the boy's finger having made it's way just past her asshole's muscular opening, carrying it's slick load along with it. Biting her teeth, the jackal did her best not to clench so tight as to make his entry more difficult. "Rub it in- ngh as much as you can"

"Damn it's warmer than I'd expected" Marius breathed, heeding her request, he began a back and forth motion, having buried the finger past his knuckle.

"Yeeeah~ that's it, I can feel it getting easier" Aynette breathed, her pussy leaking arousal already.

"Should I?" The student asked tentatively, sliding his finger free of her hole.

"Don't ask, does it look like you should?"

"I uh, I don't know"

"Yes! o-oooh!" She cried out, soon to be replaced by hearty groans from both as the leopard's shaft finally entered her, parting her ass's ring and sliding deep into the warmth beyond. The head of his cock paving the way with it's girth, a sensation that sent shivers up her spine.

"It's s-so tight, dunno how long I can hold on~"

"S-start moving" Aynette gasped, backing her hips up into his, physically as well as verbally urging him to pick up some kind of thrusting rhythm. Which he blessedly did, burning emptiness momentarily filling the jackal schoolgirl's insides as he pulled back, only to be replaced by sick fullness once again. Eventually settling into the movement, filling the vacant library with the sound of fur-on-fur. Aynette moaned, tossing her head back, their combined body heat had reduced the grease to slick, clear oil. A mixture of the the lube and Marius's pre-cum ran down the girl's inner thighs with every thrust along with her pussy's own wet, lurid state. Making a complete mess of her skirt's front, and no doubt the hardwood stool as well.

"I-it keeps clenching down on me, I can't last- I can't~"

"You don't have to~ fill me up whenever you f-feel like it" Aynette said, pushing her hips back to meet his once more, slick pussy lips meeting his balls with a wet, lewd 'slap'.

"It's coming I'm~"

"Gonna, ngh~ finish you off!" Aynette cried, aggressively waggling her ass left and right. The new sensation of her plump cheeks grinding against him and the walls of her ass rubbing and tugging left and right sent her fellow student over the edge. With a low groan of pure pleasure he stopped thrusting, hands down over her sides. Aynette, feeling the telltale twitches in his shaft, she stopped wiggling her hindquarters and fell still to let him fill her up. Which he did, more than she'd expected in fact, hot cum shot into her one pulse at a time. She'd figured each one to be the last only to be proven wrong by another creamy load. This put a grin on Aynette's face. Had he been anticipating me all day?

"My- that was..."

"Nice?~ yeah" Aynette panted. "It was, you did good" She glanced back at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh right, sorry" He backed up, finally pulling free of her ass. Slick shaft now coming down from it's hard, hyper-aroused state.

"Ahg Damnit" Aynette cursed under her breath, the sudden vacancy in her hole opened up a miniature flood of lube and cum. Heavy white globs pouring down her inner thighs. In an attempt to stop the mess she instinctively clenched, only for the tired muscles to half-succeed. Resulting in the schoolgirl's pink asshole winking open and closed as more bubbled lewdly out of her, pooling on furniture and garment. "You're watching aren't you, yeah" She sighed, blushing red underneath grey fur.

"Huh? oh, sorry about your skirt, Aynette"

"It's ok, I'll just leave out the back way, hope you enjoyed losing it, ey?" She smiled at him, standing off the stool to pull her panties back up. Bending over to give the boy one last look at her ass before attempting to groom herself back to some fraction of presentability.

"It felt so good! maybe next time we can-"

"Next time It's going in my pussy, this was just in exchange for services rendered" She winked. "So as soon as you get that alembic back, you're gonna need to meet me sometime and render, or rather, ferment that is.

"Yeah, got it" He said, in the middle of redoing his trousers.

"Oh, and one last thing, when it comes to girls. Don't make a habit of going for her butt when she's bending over, that'll only work on me, and even then, you're gambling, friend~" The jackal laughed, glancing at the tall window and noting the orange that began to tint it's light. "I'd better get going, see 'ya soon"

"Aye" was all the leopard said, smiling to himself as Aynette departed, a noticeably darker patch on her skirt. Oh he'd keep his promise of course, especially if she kept paying like this. Virginity for her fermentation grades? not a bad trade.