Lustful Lion (Abebe)

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#2 of SLUT Hunter (OC)


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

Feel free to suggest tags

Milf Hunter Characters are in none canon settings, The characters respective canon settings are much different but given permission by their owner for the use of these stories with the disclaimer that these are not their canon settings

MILF Hunter Abebe

Seen's training had taken him to many different places, letting him see a great many things that a lot of people could only dream of seeing. This time the bear cub's training had brought him out to the savannas, out to the hot arid grasslands of southern Africa, where the lions and other wild animals roamed.

The bear cub and his master have been staying in a small house on the edge of some remote village that wasn't even on many, if any of the maps that most people could get. It was clear that the people that lived in the village were close knit to say the least, helping one another with anything. The males going out to hunt for animals of all size and shape for food, the females doing a little more. The some of the females would go out and gather water from the nearby river, go out gathering plants and herbs that would be used for cooking or medicine, and lastly some of them would stay back in the village and take care of the little one.

As part of his training, Seen would be sent out with each group. He was taken out with the males of the town, getting shown many things, from how to track the different animals in the wilds, to how to run them down, even how to handle the different implements that the male's used to hunt with. The biggest thing that Seen was there to learn and work on, his speed and endurance.

Each morning he would be woken up with the sun as it was peaking over the edge of the horizon, bathing the land in light. He would join the small group of males and females that would go out for a morning run. The group was mainly made up of cheetahs and leopards, making it hard for the bear to keep up with them at first.

With a lot of training and work, countless mornings spent running after the group, slowly getting a little further and a little faster each time. The days spent out following with a group of males as they went out for the hunt, and afternoons, resting or helping gathering herbs. Each morning he would meet up with the group, smiling at the sight of the young, lean cheetah girl that would join.

Like the other mornings, the cheetah girl showed up and joined Seen, waiting with him as the other's started showing up. Today was the day that he was going to do it, Seen was going to keep up with her, if not outrun her. He knew that it was a little shallow that he wanted to beat her, but it was also his way of showing off to her, showing her that he was just as good as the other males their age in the town. The cheetah smiled to him, almost like she knew that he was going to try to outrun her again, that he wanted to show off to her.

Soon the leader of the little group walked up to the head of the pack, turning and nodding to group before turning away from them. The large male started counting down from three, the moment that he got to one, the group took off running.

Running through the grasslands, the older, stronger members of the group soon getting way ahead of the two cubs in the back. The bear and cheetah running at full force, trying to run faster than the other. The two managing to keep in step with one another, matching each other step for step. Soon the two were starting to pant, it was clear that the two were starting to get a little worn out. The cheetah girl starting to pant more and more, she was built for running short distances at high speeds, were as, with his training, Seen was able to match her speed, and now showing that his stamina was greater.

Soon the two started slowing down, the cheetah coming to a stop first, her hands coming to rest on her knees as she panted for air, Seen stopping a few steps ahead of her, turning and smiling at her. He was panting too, not as hard as she was, but it was clear that she had given him a run for his money.

"Looks like you were finally able to keep up with me." She said smiling up to the bear, straightening up and looking him in the eyes. "It looks like you might just be a man after all." She said with a teasing snicker, pausing for a moment before walking up to him. "I think someone needs a little reward." She said as she pressed her body against his, her chest and budding breasts pressing against his bear chest. "Meet me at the tree by the lake tomorrow morning, the one with all the bushes around it....I will have you a nice little surprise." She whispered to him before turning and starting to walk off, getting a step or two ahead of him before she started running off back to the village.

Smiling a little to himself, Seen started heading back to the village, he had a busy day ahead of him and from the smile that the cheetah girl had on her muzzle it was going to be a busy afternoon for him to. Like the other days, the male went about his training, going out on the hunt. It would seem that the teasing and promise of a reward from the girl seemed to put him on the top of his game, he managed to bring down one of the biggest gazzles out of the group, earning him the trust and admiration of the hunters.

Night came to the village, it was a time of rest and celebration. Everyone would gather around the massive fire pit in the center of the town and enjoy the food that the hunters had gathered and drinks that the others had prepared. Eating and drinking were not the only things that happened at this time of night, it was common to see one of the hunters talking to and then getting one of the younger girls to go off with them to their hut for something a little more adult.

There was one woman in the village that always seemed to have several of the hunters talking to, hitting on and trying to get her to come with them back to their hut. Looking at her, Seen could see why. Abebe was her name, one that Seen was familiar with, she was more or less the mother of the village, the one that made sure everyone was healthy and happy, the bear had meet with her more than once after a rough trip into the brush. Tall, slender with motherly hips and an ample chest, pouty lips and a sweet voice. The dark furred lioness was the perfect definition of the word milf.

Seen wanted to give talking to her a chance, he wanted her just as much if not more than the other hunters, but in his mind, if she had turned down some if not the best hunters in the town, he had little chance to get her into his bed. To him it was clear that she was far more focused on other things. She just wanted to make sure that everyone was happy and healthy, treating them more like she would her cubs.

The bear didn't let it weigh to heavily on his mind tonight, his mind was far too busy with the thoughts of the cheetah girl and the things that he was going to get to do in the morning with her. Seen spent the first part of the night dancing around the fire, eating and drinking with the rest of the townspeople, before the thoughts of the cheetah girl got the better of him and he decided that it was time to slip off and have a little private time before bed. With the celebration still going strong it was nothing for him to slip off unnoticed by everyone and to his room.

Once he had got to his room and closed the door behind him, the loose clothing that he wore hit the floor on the way to his bed. Once he slipped into it, his hand quickly slipped down and took a hold of his hardening cock and quickly stroking it to full hardness. It didn't take long before his hand was pumping his massive cock up and down as fast as he could, images of the cheetah girl playing through his mind, the thoughts of her bobbing on his cock, before he would pounce her and take her hard and fast, show her just what kind of lover and man that he was. The thoughts of the moans and sounds that she would make, the sound of her voice ringing in his ears, he could hear her begging for him to finish in her, to fill her full of his potent seed, to make her a mother. Just moments after hearing her say that in his head, he felt his cock twitching as jets of cum shot out, covering his chest.

After countless jets of cum being shot out, Seen finally managed to roll over a little and grab a shirt or something from the floor to get cleaned up a little before just tossing the messy, cum cover clothe off to the side and rolling over and to sleep. Even haven taken care of himself, the cheetah girl haunted his dreams, teasing him with all the things that she wanted him to do to her, and the things that she wanted to do to him.

Soon morning came, the sun light blaring through the window and across the sleeping bear. It was the sign that it was time for him to get up and go see that cheetah that had been teasing him in his dreams. Rolling out of bed and making his way across the room he picked up the clothing that he pulled off the night before and got dressed before heading out. It was common for people to be up at this time, getting things ready around town for the hunt and other things, so it would be nothing for him to slip out of the town and down to the river. The walk to the river was a short one, or at least it felt like one to him, considering what was to be waiting for him there.

Once he got to the river, he saw the tree that she had told him to meet her at, yet she was nowhere around at the moment. Walking up to the edge of the river he looked around and still didn't see her around, without thinking too much he started slipping out of his clothing again before wading out into the slow moving river, letting out a soft sigh as he felt the water flowing past him, rinsing his fur clean.

"You know, you really shouldn't leave your clothes just sitting there." A voice called out to Seen, followed by a giggle. Turning to the source of the voice, it was the cheetah girl, standing on the shore, his clothes no were to be seen. "I'll give them back to you, but you have to do something for me." She said as she turned and started pushing her way into the tall, thick bushes that were around the tree.

With a quick look around, Seen saw that they were the only ones around, and it looked like even if someone walked around, they wouldn't be seen with how the thick the bushes were. Getting out and heading up the back and to the bushes, the bear made his way through it.

Once he was through and on the other side, he was greeted with a sight that made him smile from ear to ear. Inside of the thick bushes, it looked like the cheetah or someone had cleared the area out and made it into a little hiding place. The soil had been dug out, and the brush cleared out enough to give them enough room to move freely, though they couldn't stand up without hitting their head on one of the lower tree branches.

The real sight that made Seen happy was the sight of his soon to be lover laying on a pile of clothes and furs that she had brought out and layed around so she and her friends wouldn't have to lay in the dirt. She was propped up on a pile of their clothing, naked as the day that she was born, the fur between her thighs glistening a little, it was clear that she had been thinking about this as much as Seen had.

The two didn't need a sign from one another to know that the other was ready. The bear cub moving in close and pressing his lips against her's, smiling as his hands started moving down her sides lightly tickling them as their tongues danced about. Soon his hand made it to it's destination and started teasing the cheetah's little love button causing her to moan and wiggle against him, a louder moan slipping from her when she broke the kiss as she felt two of the bear's fingers slipping into her.

It didn't too long before she was panting and moan, looking right into his eyes and demanding that he take her right then and there. She made sure that he knew that she wanted it when she pulled away from him and turned, getting on her hands and knees, showing off her ass, her long tail wiggling above her rump teasing him just a little more.

It didn't take much more than a second for the bear to be behind his young lover, his large, coke can sized cock pressing against her puffy, hot folds, teasing and sliding a long the soaked cleft of furred flesh. Letting out a moan as she felt her walls starting to surround his cock, the heat of her depths urging him to go deeper along with her moans. It didn't take but a moment before he was hilted into his lover, giving her a moment to get used to the feeling of the cock in her tight hole.

"Oh god Seen." She panted out as she felt the bear's amazing cock pushing deep into her body, spreading and stretching her more than she had ever been filled before. "I want it all."

Just moments later the bear cub was thrusting into his lover just as hard and fast as she was demanding, his hips slapping against her lean rump, his large full balls slapping against her as well. The moans and the sounds of ecstatic sex that the two were engaged in carried a lot farther across the savanna than they thought, drawing the attention of someone or something. The two were far too lost in their lovemaking to notice.

Just on the other side of the bushes, one of the herb gatherers, Abebe the lioness was watching the two going at it. She was blushing and smiling at the sight of the bear pounding into the naughty little kitten, surprised a little that she was able to take so much of his cock as small and lithe as she was. The whole time that she was watching this, her hand had made it's way under the loin cloth that she had on, slowly rubbing circles as she watched.

She didn't get much of a show, it seemed like only a few moments of watching them, Seen slammed into his lover a few more times before his cock twitched and exploded into the little cheetah, pumping his thick, strong seed deep into her. The fact that the show was over didn't cause the mother lioness to leave, she stayed there watching the two panting and snuggling up for a moment, just waiting for her chance.

She didn't have to wait too before the cheetah got up and slipped into her clothes and started making her way out of the brush and then off to town, she gave her a moment to get out of earshot or something close to it before nearly pouncing into the brush and onto the bear cub that was laying there.

"Someone is off having all the fun...." She said as she sat on his chest, the bears restiffinging cock resting against her butt cheeks. "I was watching you play with that little girl, and I thought that you would like to have some fun with a real woman." She said scooting back, smiling at the feeling of the cock teasing her. "Ill let you feel with it's like to get to go balls deep."

That was all that she had to say before tugging at the string on the side of her loincloth, letting it fall to the side, leaving her nearly naked, next came her shirt, tossed onto the pile of clothes as she lifted herself up a little, letting the tip of Seen's cock press at her heat swollen lower lips. She let out a moan as she started sliding down the cock, feeling more and more of it slipping into her and stretching her like no other cock had. She had missed being filled to the brim and stretched to her limits.

"Oh god, it's so nice to feel a fat, long cock in me." Abebe purred softly as she sat on Seen's cock for a few moments, smiling at the sight of the male under her panting softly. Soon she started lifting up and slamming down on his cock, keeping him pinned as she did. The bear let this happen just for a little bit before carefully rolling himself and her onto their sides and then on top of her, pinning her for a few moments, as he started thrusting into her hard and fast. This little power struggle went on for a little while before it seemed like Abebe gave into the dominant male, letting him pin her in the proper breeding position, and doing just that.

Again the sound of rough and passionate lovemaking filled the savanna as the two went at it. The same soaked slapping sounds and moans as the two quickly started reaching their peaks. Abebe was the first to hit her peak and go over the edge, the relentless breeding that she was receiving from the bear cub causing her to tense up, her walls starting to cling and milk the cock that was pounding into her, making her feel even tighter than before. The sudden, pulsing vice grip on his cock sent him over the edge, with a loud growl of a moan he started cumming, his cock dumping a bigger load into her, feeling her more and deeper than he was able to with the little cheetah girl.

Laying there under her lover, she looked back and smiled at Seen. "You know, I bet that you're going to make a good father, that and my little girls are going to love having another sibling." She said, teasing him a little, speaking as if she knew what was going to happen. The two just layed there panting and snuggling up, letting the high of orgasm trickle away before getting up and getting dressed. "And sweetie....feel free to come by my house....I'm sure that my daughter's would love to meet you." She said as she slipped out of the brush and starting to head back to the town.

The rest of his time there training, Seen spent some of his time training and the rest of it tending to the little group of ladies that he had meet there, but soon the day came for him to leave. The mother lioness, two younger lioness cubs and a cheetah girl all standing there watching the plane taking off, hands on their swollen bellies.