
Story by Revesonant on SoFurry

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There was a thunderous knocking from the door. Mr. Grennan woke with a start. He looked at his watch. Twenty to four in the morning?

The knocking continued. Grennan shook himself and pulled on his clothes from yesterday. He also picked up an axe. He slowly opened the door, axe raised.

In front of the door was a woman. A wolfmorph, probably, with fur so dark it was close to black. Her eyes sparkled green in the moonlight, but most of her face was hidden under the hooded garment she wore. Her clothes were clearly designed to be practical rather than beautiful: trousers with plenty of pockets, an insulating hooded top. It took him a moment to recognise her in his tired state.

"Nissa?" he said, incredulously.

The woman smiled.

"You remember me, then? Few do."

"How could I forget you? What with all the trouble you caused me, I'm surprised you've not been sent back to me already. How is your master?"

"You should keep better tabs on your customers. He's been dead twelve years now." The wolf didn't seem to find this fact particularly upsetting.

Mr. Grennan frowned.

"What've you been doing for the past decade, then?" he said.

The wolf grinned and pulled a glove off her right hand, holding it up in front of her. Mr. Grennan's mouth dropped open.

"How?" he murmured, weakly.

"Master left me a... scholarship. I finished training last year."

"Are you here on business, then?" Mr. Grennan tightened his grip on his axe.

She laughed at his expression.

"No! No. And I'm sure I can trust you to keep it... a secret?"

The man snorted, but relaxed a little.

"Who'd I tell? I don't want them on my back."

The woman nodded, satisfied.

"Then why are you here? I presume it's not to discuss old times."

"Like I'd want to remember them. No, I'm here as a customer."

Mr. Grennan sighed and opened the door. The woman stepped inside.

"You could wait until tomorrow. Until the auction."

"I don't want my purchase to be... witnessed. Recorded. There's always someone official watching the auctions. But your paperwork is so messed up it'd take weeks of solid research to find out who the buyer is. And you don't even know where I live now."

"Huh. You'd better be paying us well, miss...?"

"I don't think that'll be a problem. And it's Graceblade."

"Sounds kind of overdramatic to me."

"Couldn't think of anything better. Now... to the pens?"

Grennan unlocked a door.

"These are the ones for sale tomorrow. Try not to disturb them too much. Most of them are asleep right now."

The wolf nodded, distractedly. She was scanning over each of the slaves chained to the walls. There were tens, maybe over a hundred, each in a separate cage.

"Is there anything you're looking for in particular, Miss Graceblade?"

"I'll know it when I see it... ah. Pen 52." she walked carefully down the corridor. She was totally silent, and that unnerved the trader. She stopped by the cage she mentioned. Inside was a white-furred girl, probably just under thirteen.

The wolf stared at her for a few seconds, as if examining her. Then she straightened up.

"Yes, she will do. Very nice. Where did you get her?"

"The... the desert. Half-dead when we found her."

"What species is she? There's something odd about her..."

"I know what you mean. We think fox, mainly. Some sort of hybrid, I'd guess. But the odd thing is her colouration. Not what you expect from anything but a pure-bred one, is it?"

The wolf seemed to consider this.

"No..." she closed her eyes, then opened them again. She grinned. "What's your name, girl?"


"She's not really sleeping, Mr. Grennan. Look at me when I talk to you, slave. Do you have a name?"

To his surprise, the girl opened her eyes and sat up. She was wearing a tattered piece of clothing that had probably been worn by several slaves before her.

"It's Kiru," said the girl, looking at the wolf for the first time. "Are you going to be my mistress?"

The wolf looked into the girl's eyes. They were bright yellow.

"Yes, I think I am. How much do you want for her, Mr. Grennan?"

The man shrugged.

"We expected to get at least 800 for her."

There was a clinking noise, and a bag fell at his feet. The woman kept looking at the slave through the bars.

"Here's 2000. Partly for the inconvenience, partly because I'm feeling generous. Untie her... wait, don't you usually have someone to do that for you?"

Grennan picked up the convincingly heavy bag and unlocked the door. He began to unfasten the chains.

"Hah! Not at this time of night! Thank you for your custom, miss. But... I have to ask why you want a slave? Seen as-"

"I hope you're not trying to bring up the past again, Grennan. It's been eighteen years since I was last in here, and I'm trying very hard not to remember it. Half of me wants to kill you right now, so please shut up."

Grennan shifted nervously.

"No need for that, miss. There you are...Kiru. Be good to your new mistress."

The wolf walked out of the building and around a corner, the slave following close behind. As soon as they were out of sight, she turned around.

"I didn't get much chance to talk to you in there, did I?"

Kiru looked up, startled.


The wolf sighed and sat down on a bench on the side of the street and motioned for her to sit down too. It was so dark and quiet at this time of night, and she'd chosen a bench between two streetlights... Combined with the wolf's dark clothes, it seemed unlikely anyone walking or driving past would see her. Kiru sat down. They sat in silence for a moment.

"I know you were eavesdropping on my conversation with that bastard, so I'd guess you've worked some things out already," said the wolf. "Still... My name is Nissa. Nissa Graceblade. But I expect you to continue to refer to me as 'mistress' or something to that effect. It's one thing to call me that out of humility and respect, quite another to call me that because you don't know my real name. Do you understand what I mean?"

The girl hesitated.

"I think so, mistress."

The wolf turned around, and Kiru felt herself being examined.

"Is there anything you want to ask me? If there's anything else you want to know, I'd prefer you to tell me now rather than later."

The fox stared at the stars for a moment.

"Did you say... you were a slave, once?"

Nissa remained silent for a moment, contemplating.

"Yes," she said. She sighed. "And what do you think of me for that?"

Kiru frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"I hated being a slave. My master was... cruel to me sometimes. Especially when he first bought me. And here I am, buying one of my own... I don't want to be like that, Kiru. That's probably why I've put off buying a slave for so long."

Nissa shifted position, turning towards the slave.

"And what do you think of me, Kiru?"

The slave looked her up and down... the expression on her face, the dark clothing, the way her tail moved-

"I... I think I don't know you, mistress."

"Very well. And what would you like to know?"

"Umm... Why did you buy me, mistress?"

Nissa grinned.

"Do you mean... Why did I choose you, or... why do I want a slave?"

Kiru looked a little embarrassed.

"Umm... both?"

"You're cute. Beautiful, even when you were chained to a wall. I liked the eavesdropping, too. So obedient and loyal yet not quite as broken and bland as all the others... And, forgive me if I'm wrong, but you looked like... like you wouldn't mind if your master was female?"

Kiru blushed.

"And I think that tells you a little about why I want a slave, too," she added, and sighed. She wrapped her arm around Kiru.

"So, you want me to be a... sex slave?"

She felt the wolf pull her closer.

"Yes," She whispered in her ear. "It's been a while since I've had someone. Are you okay with that?"

Kiru looked a little embarrassed.

"Well, yes. It's what most people buy slaves for these days, isn't it? But I've never done anything like that before..." she trailed off and looked up at Nissa. Far from being disappointed, she seemed a little amused.

"What, nothing at all? Grennan must be getting old. When I was there it was impossible to get out of there again without him having his way with you. Well, well. I suppose I'll have to teach you a few things, yes?"

Kiru felt something shift in the darkness, and suddenly Nissa was sat behind her on the bench, her legs straddling the slave. She froze as the wolf's arms wrapped around her.

"Mistress? What are you-"

She gasped as a paw reached down under her clothes and began to rub against her slit.

"Just relax, Kiru. The less you struggle, the better this will be for you."

She felt her mistress' head lean against hers.

"From now on, Kiru, you are mine. And you will do as I say. Anything I tell you to do, you do it. If I think you deserve it, I-" here she pushed a finger into Kiru's hole, making her moan "-will reward you. You will call me mistress, and I will call you whatever I feel like calling you. Slave, girl, bitch, slut, fucktoy... or Kiru. If you want something, ask my permission. As long as you remain... obedient, helpful... I will try and treat you well. But if you anger me, I will ... punish you. Any questions, slave?"

Kiru could feel the wolf's body behind her, all around her, pulling her close. Nissa's right hand was deep in her lower fur and stroking her in ways she had never experienced before. Her left arm moved up and began to caress her breasts, and she started to breathe heavily, the moisture condensing in the cold night air. She squirmed slightly, trying to press herself closer to the wolf.

"Mistress..." the vixen said, the word almost a groan.

"Yes, Kiru?"

The slave turned her head towards Nissa's face.

"Can I do this?"

Suddenly, she pushed herself towards Nissa and pulled her into a long kiss, trying to get her tongue into her mistress' mouth. The wolf hesitated for a second but then began to kiss back, feeling the fox's paw reach up and stroke her fur. After a moment, she pulled away and sighed.

"Oh, definitely. You're very good at that," she said, smiling. "You really like this, don't you?"

The fingers continued to circle Kiru's pussy, occasionally dipping into it for a few seconds before coming out again. The slave closed her eyes and leant backwards onto her mistress.

"Do you want to cum, Kiru? I can feel you're almost there."


She felt Nissa squeeze one of her breasts lightly.

"Then say you want it, you little slut..."

The strokes became a little faster, and Kiru writhed against the wolf.

"Go on..."

Kiru shuddered.

"Please let me cum, mistress. I want to cum for my mistress..."

The fingers began to thrust into her vagina and she gasped out loud.

"Good bitch... Now, what are you?"

"I'm a little slut?"

Nissa's fingers pushed deeper.

"Pleeeease, mistress... fuck me, I'm your little toy... I want to cum for my mistress- Ah! Aaaaaaaaah..."

Kiru arched her back and pushed herself onto Nissa's paw, gasping as she orgasmed in her arms. She fell backwards into her mistress, panting.

Carefully lifting her paw from Kiru's now soaked sex, Nissa moved it towards her mouth.

"Lick it, bitch."

Without hesitation, Kiru began to lap at the paw covered in her own juices.

"Good girl... Do you like the taste?"

She nodded enthusiastically, and Nissa hugged her. Then she stood up, a little unsteadily. Kiru looked up at her, confused.

"Don't... don't you want me to...?"

Nissa smiled and stroked the back of her head, gazing around distractedly.

"Ooh, you are an eager one... I think I'll take you up on that offer. But let's get home first, yes? It's very cold out."

Kiru rubbed herself affectionately against her leg. Nissa chuckled.

"I think you're going to settle in very well, Kiru. This way."

The two disappeared into the dark, fox following at her master's heels.