Curse of the Wereroomie

Story by HAFFSUMBEENZ on SoFurry

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A sexy young woman wants to get weird and wild, and needs her werewolf roommate to do it!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is just a quick thing I threw together because I felt like it. No deep story, no cool worldbuilding, just a smutty little idea I decided to jot down. I may or may not (leaning towards "may not") continue it. Hope you enjoy it!

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I knew I was in trouble the minute I got home and collapsed on the couch.

"Sounds like _some_body had a bad day at work," my roommate, Cassie, called from her bedroom. Her footsteps told me she was coming my way. "Maybe I can help with that."

I turned to reply, and just about swallowed my tongue. Cassie was standing in the living room doorway, dressed only in a pair of black panties and a gray tank top so tight I could clearly see her nipples through it.

She sashayed into the room with a seductive sway of her hips. I couldn't have stopped staring if I'd wanted to. Cassie was twenty five--two years older than me--and had the kind of body most girls practically have to live in the gym to achieve, naturally red hair that she kept boyishly short, and a cute, round face that was made even more adorable by the freckles that peppered it--my secret weakness. You'd think the huge black glasses she always wore would diminish her good looks, but somehow they managed to accentuate them instead.

And tonight there was an undeniable hunger burning in the bright green eyes behind those lenses.

"What do you think, Derek?" she asked huskily, stopping in front of me with her hands on her hips, leaning forward just enough to give me a peek down her shirt. My cock was already hardening in my pants, and Cassie grinned when she saw the effect she was having on me. "Anything I can do to make you...feel better?"

"What are you doing?" I asked, fighting the urge to pounce on her right then. It wasn't easy. She had caught the attention of the thing inside me--the other me--and to say it was interested was an understatement.

"Seducing you," she answered with a smirk. "Isn't that obvious?"

She came in for a kiss, but I leaned out of her way.

"Come on, Cass," I argued. "This isn't funny! What's going on?"

She paused, the seductive look falling from her face so that all that remained was the intense, burning hunger in her eyes.

"I need it, Derek," she whispered with quiet urgency. "I need it! And you're the only one who can give it to me."

Oh, shit, I thought, a pit forming in my stomach.

Before I go any further, let me fill you in on what's going on here. My name's Derek Hemlock, and I'm a werewolf. No, you didn't misread that. I'm a goddamn werewolf. If that's too much for you to swallow, then stop reading now because things are only going to get weirded from here.

So yeah, werewolf. I still manage to live a mostly human life. I have a (shitty) job, I spend my free time watching tv and playing video games, and I can normally keep myself from wolfing out in front of people. I can transform whenever I want, but certain things--like a horny, half naked roommate--can sometimes push the change even when I don't want it. I've learned to fight it, though, except for on the full moon, where I'll change whether I want to or not.

Since my shitty job is, as mentioned, shitty, I can't afford a place to live on my own. That's where Cassie comes in. We've known each other since high school, mostly through mutual friends. We've always gotten along all right, but I wouldn't have really called us friends. More like people who always happen to hang out together because the people they hang out with are always hanging out. What can I say? Some people are BFFs. Others are PWAHTHOTBTPTHOWAAHOs.

Anyway, when I started asking around on Facebook to find someone to split the rent on an apartment with me, nobody was more surprised than me when Cassie volunteered. She even had a place already picked out--not an apartment, but a full blown house! It turned out, after high school she'd started doing freelance graphic design, and was making fucking bank off of it. She could have easily afforded the monthly rent on the house all by herself, but the thought of living alone was too depressing. Since most of our other mutual friends had enrolled in out of state colleges, that left me as her only option. She even offered to split the rent 80/20 with me.

So she got a friend to bunk with...and I got a beautiful female roommate.

That was just over five months ago. Things went really well at first. We got along great, and managed to live together happily despite my (I'll admit) pitiful and obvious efforts to flirt with her. Flirting was as far as it was ever going to go, though, as far as I was concerned. Cassie didn't know about my lycanthropy, and I wanted it to stay that way. Sometimes I would pretend to be sick on full moons and lock myself in my room. Others, when I was feeling a little more wild, I would make some excuse about working the night shift, drive out into the middle of nowhere, and spend the night running through the woods like a real wolf.

But then there was last month. The month where everything went both wrong and right at the same time.

I was pretending to be sick again, and had my door locked to keep Cassie from wandering in--or me from getting out. See, I can control myself just fine in wolf form. It's not like in the movies, where the poor schmuck loses all control and goes on a rampage. But there are still some things I have to be careful of. My animal instincts are a lot harder to ignore in that form, so while I am in control, there's still a chance I'll do something stupid because my dumb doggy brain thought it was a good idea at the time.

Something stupid like, for example, smashing down my door to fuck my roommate.

Yeah, in a case of extremely_bad timing, Cassie had chosen that night to masturbate. So there I was in my room when my supersensitive ears picked up the sound of her moaning. Then her scent...her _delicious scent...reached my nose. There was a beautiful female just down the hall, aroused, ready, and willing to mate. So I...well...

Luckily for everyone involved, this doesn't end with me going to jail for rape or murder. In fact, once Cassie had gotten over the shock of seeing an eight foot tall, two legged wolf with a massive throbbing boner barge into her room, she was surprisingly on board with the whole situation!

Does that sound crazy to you? Just wait.

The last thing you need to understand is this: lycanthropy both does and doesn't work the way the stories describe it. The only way to become a werewolf is to be born one. My whole family are werewolves, spanning back as many generations as we can count. The curse (if you want to call it that) can't be passed on to humans...but it can be shared.

And once Cassie had gotten a taste of it, she had become addicted.

"I want to feel it, Derek," she said, slowly crawling onto the couch to straddle me. "The power. The freedom. Changing, growing, shedding my humanity! I need to feel it all again!"

"Cassie, you can't!" I argued, scooting back in my seat so my crotch wouldn't rub against hers. "Last time was a mistake!"

"I don't care." She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me to her. I could have easily gotten away, but I didn't want to risk hurting her. That, and the beast was starting to get harder to control. "Change me, Derek. I want to be an animal tonight!"

"It isn't even the full moon!"

"So? I know you can do it whenever you want. And I think," she grinned and sat her cloth covered pussy down on my cock, "that you want to right now."

She was right about that. I _did_want it. How could I not, with a half naked woman who could pass as a beauty model sitting on me? But I couldn't do it. I couldn't let myself...

Cassie took me by surprise, kissing me with all the ferocity of an animal. I froze, and then began to kiss her back. I couldn't stop myself, didn't want to stop myself. I knew what we were doing was wrong, but I no longer cared.

If she wanted to be an animal, then I would make her animal.

The telltale warmth began to spread through my body as our tongues wrestled, signaling the beginning of the transformation. I grunted, feeling my ears begin to lengthen. Cassie must have sensed the change, because she broke the kiss and grinned wickedly when she saw my ears growing longer, more pointed, already with a thin layer of gray fur covering them.

"Yesss," she hissed in relish. She raised a hand like she wanted to touch them, but then thought better of it--and licked them instead. First my right ear, then my left, running her tongue from my skull to the tip, then back again. I shivered with pleasure, the sensations spurring on my changes even further.

I grabbed Cassie by the hips, and she jumped in surprise when my newly grown claws pricked her skin. I squeezed her thick, round ass, making her moan.

"Do it, baby," she breathed, throwing her head back in ecstasy. "Change! Then change me!"

My teeth were beginning to sharpen, and I leaned in to nibble at her neck with them. She purred in appreciation, craning her head back to give me more access. I scraped my teeth along her skin, then followed by licking the scrapes with my lengthening tongue. My skin was hot and itchy, telling me I was seconds away from growing fur.

I wasn't the only one, either. Fur was beginning to sprout on Cassie's neck, where her skin was absorbing my saliva. The change was taking effect on her as well. She wasn't _really_becoming a werewolf. She'd change back to human as soon as the sun came up. But for tonight, she and I would be wolves.

My clothes were starting to feel uncomfortably tight now. I decided to fix that. Standing up, nearly dumping Cassie on the floor, I took two big fistfuls of my shirt and tore it from my body with a satisfying rrrrip! Gray and brown fur was creeping down my shoulders and chest, covering my arms like sleeves. Muscles that hadn't been there before swelled and hardened, giving me a physique worthy of a lord of the forest.

Cassie smiled, running her eyes over me appreciatively, and came to embrace me again. The fur had crept up the side of her face, stretching out one of her ears just like mine. I had grown taller, so rather than make her stand on her toes, I picked her up and brought her to my face for another kiss.

"God, this is so hot," she murmured to me. "I never thought I'd be into something like this, but...fuck me, this is all I want anymore!"

"Fuck you?" I asked, my voice deeper and more guttural than before.

She grinned. "Fuck me!"

I all but threw her back onto the couch. Bending down, making my jeans groan from the strain, I crept forward. The scent of her arousal was clear as day to me again, driving me crazier by the second. And it was all coming from between her legs. Gently taking her panties between my teeth, I gave a sharp tug, snapping the fabric and leaving her bottom half naked. Cassie whimpered in quiet desperation, spreading her legs to present her pussy to me, hairless and smooth--though not for long.

By now, my snout was beginning to form, giving me better access as I leaned in and licked her hot, wet pussy. Cassie moaned, immediately bucking her hips. I put my hands--now more like paws--on her hips to keep her still. I was the real werewolf here, after all. I would be the one in charge. With Cassie properly restrained, I dove back in between her legs, thrusting my tongue into her moist opening as deep as it could go.

"Ohhh, fuck, Derek!" she cried.

Fur began to grow on her as well now, beginning at her crotch and spreading outwards. As I continued to lick her, I looked up to admire how her breasts would rise and fall with every shuddering breath. The fur traveled down her thighs, growing faster than I expected. Likewise, it went up her stomach as well covering her body in its heavenly softness.

As I jilled her off with my tongue, it being long enough now to reach almost all the way inside her, I raised one hand and brought it to her clit. Brushing the tip of my claw gently against it, I made Cassie squirm even harder on the couch.

"Ohhh...Oh, Der...Derek, DEREK!"_she yelled. "I'm...ahhh...I'm gonna...gonna...haaah..._AAAHHH, DEREKKKK!"

She sat up, her orgasm sending tremors through her entire body, and let out a cry that was half scream, half howl. She grabbed her shirt and tore it to ribbons just like I did, freeing her large, firm breasts just in time for me to see the fur grow over them. They grew a little bit bigger, the nipples thickening to poke through the hair. Now all that was human of her was her face, feet, and hands. Her nose had already changed to be more like a dog's, and her teeth had grown longer and sharper, but it was still very much a human face...for now.

I leaned back, licking her essence off of my face, and Cassie threw herself at me with a bestial snarl. She tackled me, bringing me down to the floor on my back. There, she gave me a quick kiss on my canine snout, then turned her attention to my pants. With a wicked grin, she tore them to pieces as well, leaving us both naked, just like the animals we were rapidly becoming.

My cock stood tall and proud, eagerly awaiting Cassie's attention. She bent down, kissed it just like she had kissed my snout, and gave it a quick lick. That action by itself made her face begin to push forward in the beginnings of a snout.

"So big," she muttered, human words becoming more difficult for her mouth to form. " it, Derek. Need it!"

"Then take it," I ordered her.

Cassie didn't need to be told twice. Positioning her dripping pussy over my cock, she slowly began to lower herself onto it--until I grabbed her hips and rammed myself all the way inside her.

"Oh, FUCK!" she screamed in surprise, but not displeasure.

I groaned happily as Cassie's sex wrapped itself around my shaft, rhythmically squeezing it. I allowed her a minute to get used to me, but not more than that. Like I said, I'm the one in charge here. She wanted this, and that meant we were going to do it my way! Wrapping large hands around her ass cheeks, I began thrusting into her. Cassie moaned as my cock stroked her insides, touching her in the most intimate way possible. Gyrating her hips, she reached up and began to fondle her breasts.

"No!" I snarled. I sat up, holding her to me with one hand to keep her upright, and brought my face to her tits. "My job!"

Cassie growled approvingly as my long canine tongue began to lap at her breasts. First one, then the other, I ran it across her nipples. Her hands reached around me to stroke her fingers through the fur on my back. Her changes were coming again, and I could feel as her claws grew on her fingers. I looked her in the eye, admiring what little was left her humanity as she bounced up and down on my cock. Then I closed my eyes for a few seconds, and when I opened them, Cassie the human was gone. In her place was Cassie the werewolf, even if only for tonight.

Her snout had grown in, making her the animal she had so desperately wanted to become. And yet, looking at her, I could see recognize her as my roommate, My friend. My...

What were we? Could we still call ourselves just friends after doing something like this?

"Finish me," Cassie begged. "I'm!"

It didn't matter, I decided. That was something we could think about another day, when we were human again. For tonight, we were animals, and animals didn't concern themselves with pointless human words and phrases.

I began thrusting even harder, pounding my cock in and out of Cassie's pussy. She growled in pleasure, starting low but gradually growing louder as I brought her closer to orgasm, until...

With an explosion of heavenly pleasure, Cassie came, leaning her head back and howling to the half moon outside. And she wasn't the only one. Burying myself inside her one last time, I finally let myself go, my cock erupting with thick, hot cum. It shot straight up into Cassie's sex, painting the walls of her pussy white. I came so hard that a little bit of it even leaked out to soak into my fur.

And that was all it took. I held Cassie close as she trembled from the aftershock of her orgasm, looking over her shoulder as the final part of her transformation took effect. A small mound of flesh grew from the base of her spine, rapidly becoming larger, longer, until it was over a foot long. Soft fur grew to cover it, and Cassie gave her new tail a happy wag. Behind me, I felt my own join in.

"Thank you, Derek," she whispered into my ear. "I needed that."

A twinge of concern burrowed through my happy post-sex haze, and I looked at her. Admittedly, Cassie was beautiful in this form. Maybe even more so than her human form. But what did this mean? For me? For her? What happened to a human who no longer wanted to be human? When they became addicted to casting their humanity aside in favor of being an animal? A monster?

Cassie rested her head on my shoulder, tired from the transformation. I lay down on the floor with her, the two of us cuddling as we caught our breath. It wasn't like we could go anywhere even if we'd wanted to. The canine knot on my cock had the two of us tied together. It would be half an hour, at least, until I'd be able to pull out.

"Hey, Derek?" Cassie asked, sounding like she was on the verge of passing out.

"Hmm?" I said.

"Let's go hunting tonight."

I looked her in the eye, and immediately all my fears were washed away. Yes, she was addicted to the transformation. Yes, I was the only one who could give her what she so desperately wanted. But what did that matter, so long as the two of us were together? We both liked each other...maybe more...and if giving her what she needed was always this much fun...well, then what was the harm?

And so, with that, I let myself fall asleep pressed against my roommate's back.