Husky's - chapter 1

Story by Leo Husky on SoFurry

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The warm sun beamed down onto the high school soccer field. The white and black ball came across the sky and momentarily blocked out the sun. The ball bounced into my bare fur chest, fell down to the ground and I kicked it across the field. I was halfway across the field when my best friend, Colton, slid on the grass and took my legs out. I rolled, side over side. Before I stopped I tucked in my knees and forced myself up and kept running. I shoved Colton out of the way and kicked the ball back across the field. I was almost to the goal when Colton kicked the ball out from under me. I watched as the ball was chipped straight up into the air, it was right next to my head. I quickly moved my head and butted the ball into the goal.

"Game!" I shouted running around my best friend. I stopped and looked at him, his head was down, his paws on his hips and he was panting. Colton was a 17 year old Husky standing five feet and eleven inches tall, with white fur covering his body. His black fur covered his back, small spots around his eyes, made a ring around both of his wrists, and a V-shaped band around his neck... like a necklace.

I was also a 17 year old Husky, I stood six feet and one inch tall. I had white fur covering the front of my body and light blue fur covering my back fading on my shoulder, it also covered my paws and went up my forearm fading at the joints, giving me the nickname 'Socks'.

I walked over to Colton and put my paw on his bare, sweaty back.

"You're good, Joe."

"I've been better then you for two years now." Colton and I have been best friends since we were four. We were on the same soccer team back then, ever since we have been like brothers. We're damn near identical, similar personalities, we like and dislike almost all the same things, we both played on the soccer, football, wrestling, and swimming teams. However he was also on the tennis team and I was on the track team. We both keep our fur closely trimmed to allow little resistance for swimming and surfing.

I walked over to the gray metal bench, grabbed my water bottle and squirted the cold water on my face and head. The water dripped down my neck, across my pecs and down my sick pack before it rested on my red gym shorts. Colton walked over and squirted the water into his mouth, drinking non-stop until the bottle was empty. I drank some of my water and then looked over at Colton.

"Come on, Colt, lets head home." We both walked out to the parking lot where my 2002 Eclipse convertible was. It was my prized possession. She was black with a light blue grid and three dark blue stripes spread across the sides and one down the hood. She also had blue neon underneath the car and in the interior. The seats were black leather with a light blue stripe down them. Everyone said that it was me, but in car form.

Colton walked over and grabbed his shirt out of the back seat. He rubbed it over his pecs and abs that were a little larger than mine. Once he got the sweat off he tossed it back into the back seat. He grabbed another water bottle and started to drink it.

I grabbed my sunglasses off the dashboard and put them on. The sun seemed to be getting brighter, signaling that it was noon. It was about 92 degrees Fahrenheit with extremely low humidity. So far it wasn't a bad day for Los Angeles, California.

I tossed Colton his sunglasses once he stopped drinking. He tossed his bottle into the back seat next to his shirt and we both got into the car. I started up the car and she roared to life, I shifted into first gear and took off out of the parking lot. Once we got onto the road I felt the turbo kick in and the car took off.

"That a girl." I said as I padded the steering wheel.

"I still can't believe that you named your car, Liz. It's a car, Joe, not a girl."

"Every vehicle is a girl, and she's my pride and joy." I looked over at him and smiled. The air ran through the open car blowing through our fur.

Nothing much was said after that. I thought about what had happened the past few months. About 6 months ago my parents went out on a date while I spent the night over at Colt's house. Well the night went on, Colt and I played Xbox 360 all night, Halo 3 mostly. It was about four in the morning when my cell phone started to ring. My first thought was that it was Rebecca, my boss, calling to see if I could work the next morning. But... it wasn't. I can still remember the call.


"Hello?" I raised one eyebrow, trying to think of who it was.

"Hello, Joseph, this Sargent Adams, of LAPD. I need you to come down to the hospital." Sargent Adams was my fathers best friend. My dad was a Sargent in the LAPD as well.

"Why? What happened, Sargent?" My heart started to beat hard and fast. I thought of all the different things it could have been.

"I just need you to come down here. It's better if I talk to you in person." He sounded upset as he hung up and the line was dead.


When I got to the hospital Sargent Adams told me that my parents were killed in a car accident. A drunk driver ran a red light hitting the car in its side and rolled. They died at the hospital an hour later. When I was young my parents made Colt's parents my guardians. It was a long hard road I had to cross to try and forget about it. I locked myself in my car for days.

You see my car has had more meaning to me than anyone can fathom. I worked for years to get the money to buy the car and to get the 'upgrades' for it. I worked on it with my father all the time, my sweat and blood... his sweat and blood was in this car.

My mother showed me everything I know about cooking, money, business, a ton of stuff. She owned a five star restaurant and loved doing it. She would slave for days to get things running, and I helped her. She always said, "Do what you love and let nothing stand between you and your dream... or your life."

I pushed the thought of my parents out of my head. They were the type to say "suck it up and get over it. It's been 6 months." I smiled a bit when I thought of them saying that and I rubbed the water out of my right eye that had been building up.

I drove down the road getting close to... home. I was happy living with my best friend with his parents. They treated me like their son, I wanted them too, helped me get past what happened. Colton really became like a brother the past 6 months. He was the closest thing I had to a brother. I was an only child.

I pulled onto the driveway and opened the garage door via the remote. Once the door opened I drove into the garage and parked next to Colt's White and Black 2010 Mustang. His car may have been newer than mine, but I could still beat him in a race. His parents bought him the car for his seventeenth birthday, but he still had to pay 5 grand for it. His parents never had problems with money, his mom was a doctor and his dad was a film director. Between his mother staying a lot at the hospital and his dad on location in other states or countries, Colton and I were at home a lot.

I opened my car door and stepped out. I grabbed my water bottle and shirt out of the back seat and started to walk to the door when I tripped over Colton's surf board.

"Dude, you alright!" Colton ran over to me and helped me up. "Sorry about that."

"It's not your fault. It must have fallen." I stood up and we walked inside. We walked upstairs and into our wing of the large house. I walked into my room which was right next to Colt's. I tossed my shirt onto the floor that was already littered with clothes. I moved the mouse on my computer desk and the computer beamed to life.

I logged into the computer and the first thing that popped up was the last video I watched. A small porn clip of two male Husky's. Yeah, I was gay and everyone knew it, Colt, his parents, my parents. Everyone knew and now one cared, it was just a sexual orientation not a personality. I even suspected that Colton was gay too, but I think that he was just too scared to admit it to me. It's not like anything would happen between us, we're too close of friends anyway.

"Hey, Socks!" Colton yelled from his bedroom.

"Yeah, Colt!" I yelled back as I closed the window on the computer and walked over my dresser.

Colton appeared in my doorway leaning against it and crossed his arms. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Shower." I looked over at him as I pulled out a pair of boxers.

"No, I'm talking about something more exciting."

"Like what?"

"Steven just text me and told me about something going down tonight."

"I'm not racing tonight."

"Come on, it's an easy win."

I sighed and brushed past him heading for the bathroom. "I said not tonight. I have work anyway at two to ten."

"After work, you know these things don't..."

"I said no, Colt!"

"OK, Joe. I'm sorry.'

"It's fine." I closed the bathroom door and looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed lightly. I turned on the shower and slipped my gyms shorts off. I wasn't wearing any boxers, I rarely do when I wear gym shorts.

I stepped into the shower, the warm water hitting my chest and running down my chest. I grabbed the fur shampoo and started to rub it through my fur. I slowly slid my paws down my chest, causing a slight arousal. I slid my paw down and instinctively grabbed my balls. My cock started to get harder even more. I leaned against the back wall, the water hitting my chest. My cock started to get larger and larger until all eight inches was showing. I put a little of the fur shampoo in my hand and used it as lubrication. I slowly began to stroke my cock, steam building up in the shower. I started to think about the video from my computer. A wolf humping a fox in the rear. This urged me to continue. Precum started to seep out from the tip, allowing a better lubricant. My strokes getting faster and faster. My knees began to get weak and I slid down to the floor of the shower. I laid down on the shower floor as the water stopped hitting me but rushed across my back. I started to moan slightly as my strokes increased. I bit my lip and stroked my cock so fast it became a blur of motion. I could feel my orgasm getting close. I let out one loud moan, ached my back and shot my warm cum over my torso, face, and the tile wall behind me. I stopped panting hard on the shower floor. The cum on the wall washing away. I stood up and braced myself against the wall for a moment.

I pushed myself off the wall and continued to clean my fur again. Once I finished I stepped out of the shower and dried myself. I put my black boxers on and opened the shower door. Standing in the doorway was Colton.

"I assume you cleaned up, after your... exercise."

"Yes, I did." I didn't care that he heard me in the shower. I've heard him before too.

"You aren't very quiet when you do it."

"I can be... If I want to." I walked past him and into my room. I put on my work pants and walked downstairs. I opened the fridge and pulled out a can of Mt. Dew. I drank the whole can in one gulp. Colton came walking into the kitchen and looked at me.

"So what are you going to do after work?"

"I don't know, Colt. We'll see how the night goes."

"I was just asking. I mean, we could go night surfing."

"I might." I walked back upstairs and finished getting ready for work. I put on my black work shirt and walked back downstairs. "See ya, Colt!" I stepped out into the garage and got into my car and took off to work. I worked at a local sporting good store, retail can be so stressful.

Later that night I was on my way home. The sun had already set and the blue neon lit up my car. I pulled into the driveway and into the garage. I shut off my car, walked inside and up to my room. I took off my work shirt and threw it down onto the floor. I flopped down onto my bed, my head buried into my pillow.

Another long, exhausting, stressful day at work. Full of people telling you how to do your job, and that they know better than you. I can stand them half the time.

"Socks?" I pealed my head off of my pillow and saw Colton leaning in the doorway. "Stressful day?"

"Like always."

"Come on." Colt walked deeper into my room.

"I told you I'm not racing."

"No, we're not racing." He grabbed my paw and pulled me off the bed. "We're going to to night surfing."

"I just want to sleep." I whined.

"No, we're going." I laid on the floor after he pulled me off the bed.

"Fine!" I pushed myself of the floor and we both walked out of the room and down to the garage. We strapped our surf boards to the roof of Colt's car and got inside.

Our two glow sticks dangled from the rear view mirror. Colt started up the car and took off out of the garage. We drove for 15 minutes and Colt drove onto the beach. We grabbed our glow sticks and took our boards off the roof and stuck them into the sand. Colt took off his shirt and I walked around to the back to get our suits out of the trunk.

"No suits, Joe."

I looked at him for a moment and noticed that he unbuttoned his jeans. "And why not?"

"We're going all natural." He took off his pants and bowers and tossed his clothes into the car.

Even though he was my best friend and like a brother to me... His body was hot, especially in the moonlight.

"What if someone sees us?"

"Look around, Joe. There is no one."

"OK." I never put another shirt on so I just unbuttoned my pants and took off my boxers and tossed them into the car too, then we put the glow sticks around our neck. I was having a little erection just by looking at Colt's body. So I just kept my board near my waist hiding it. We jumped up on the boards as we hit the water. We paddled out until the first big wave came. We were surfing for two hours, the water was cold at first but it felt great not having any 'barriers'.

After two hours of surfing we got up out of the water. My body was cold but it felt good. I was a few feet ahead of Colt so I stopped and I stuck the board in the sand to wait. A moment later Colton walked over and did the same.

"What's up?" Colt's wet naked body glistened in the moon light.

"Nothing. Just waiting for you." As I pulled the board out of the sand I saw a glimpse of Colt's hard eight inch cock. As cold as it was, either he was extremely horny and thinking about someone... Or he liked what he saw, meaning that he was gay. We strapped our boards to the roof and put on our boxers. I then forgot about what I saw.