FOS #2 - Poachers Find - "Sealing the Deal"

Story by Fenny Fennerson on SoFurry

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#4 of Fenny's One Shots

Whew, this story really ended up padding out much more than I expected it to. I guess that's the nature of these things though. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Characters Involved

Casey - Playing as Alan the Wolf Poacher, okay, so maybe he is kind of based off of Matrim Cauthon.

Kayla - Playing as Elenor des Renards, the Kings third daughter.

Background ambience for those who like that kind of stuff. Quieter night time noises this time.


I made a Ko-Fi! Please help support me in my goal of trying to write full time!

WIth the sun getting low in the sky the new lovers spend the next hour focusing entirely on each others bodies. Soft words and strong touches carrying the time away like dust. They end up with the vixen pressed against the side of the boulder, her broad shouldered ravager pinning her to the cool stone after a short gleeful chase. His attentions focus entirely at the nape of her bare orange neck as his strong hands grasp her hips firmly.

Every one of his attentive kisses making her squirm and giggle, Elenor had never known she had such a weak spot, but he was taking full advantage of it. It was clear to her that he had far more experience with the fairer sex than she had with any man, a thought that concerned her for a time. Either way she let him dominate her spry body, doing as he pleased with his touches, happily along for the ride.

"This can't be real," he breathed into her ear as he nipped at it, "I refuse to believe it." She almost whimpered from the mixed pain and pleasure, as much as it embarrassed her, it doesn't stop the response though, "I'm real, you are real. What more is needed to prove it? I'm yours, here and now if you want it." Her hands press to his chest and the pair catch their breath for a time before she continues, "I know I do."

Frogs begin to croak as she is placed down by him into a particularly soft area of grass, finally noticing that night is actually coming on as colors start to fade around them. His substantial paws delicately undo the belt she'd wrapped around her midsection and he slides his large shirt off of her with almost no effort. The cool grass tickles her back, having warmed from their fun around the pond. "I've never done this before," her orange cheeks flush with the admittance.

Smiling down at her as he pulls his tunic over his head to show off a muscled, if scared, chest he begins to undo his own breeches soothingly reassuring her, "Don't worry, I figured as much. I will be as gentle as I can be. My word on it."

She swallows hard as his pants drop down to reveal a stout red canine cock. Kicking them aside he grasps her knees and tenderly pulls them apart. Leaning in to gently bite her soft thighs. Teeth gently pressing down and causing the girl to twitch slightly, as if tickled. Working his way up from leg to the side of her hip, to stomach, to her moderate bust, and finally to her lips. Watching as he supports himself over her with one arm the sudden feeling of the tip of his manhood pressing into her honeypot causes her to almost jump as he enters her.

Soft paws wrap around his back and she runs furrows down his spine, urging him onward and accepting a deep kiss. Tongue playing on her lips as his hips press her down firmly she's lost in the pleasure. Catching on swiftly as to the way this is going to work as he begins to increase the pace . She had, of course, spent time on her own in the past. Enjoying her body by herself, it had been nothing like this, his dominance, his size, and her desire to giving in to the situation hits her like a drug.

Before long he's found a comfortable pace, every thrust nearly bottoming out in her as she's balanced on the zenith of her first gushing climax. The steady drumming of his movements, the warmth of his fur on hers, and the occasional drop of sweat from his brow drives her into a heated mess. Not noisy, per say, but audibly appreciative. Her moans and panting nearly match his as the electric warmth of her lust builds rapidly.

The feeling hits her in a way not too dissimilar from the sudden chill of the pond, the difference though is the temperature is instead cranked up like a furnace. Her walls twitch and her hindquarters shake with pleasure, vulpine juices seeping around the tightly held cock to drip onto the cool ground under her rump as her hips vibrate from the gratification of it all.

Alan seals her lips and stifles a feminine moan with a kiss, leaning back up as the beautiful mess of a noblewoman pinned under him stares with heavily lidded eyes. Softly putting forward an important question, hoping she'd come back to her senses some to answer, "Where?" She doesn't seem to understand at first, looking at him quizzically before silently mouthing the word 'oh' and wrapping her graceful legs around him. Gently she reaches down to touch her belly button and speaks up, "Inside me, I told you, I'm yours."

A small part in the back of his mind panics, another part considers the fact that any child from this would be raised in her household. The final part of his brain tells him to stop thinking and let nature take its course. The last thought gets into a rapid duel with the other two and swiftly wins. Rocking his hips and returning to his previous pace in no time at all.

Raised up onto his knees slightly he quickly begins to up the ante. Harder and faster he begins to take her, pulsating nearly in time with her squeezes. In a moment that seems to hang in his vision he takes her in fully, beautiful, regal even. Her nearly crimson hair splayed out under her head so lush still, even in the fading light. He knew somewhere in the back of his mind that this was insane, but it never slowed him down. Reaching instead to cup one of her supple breasts in his palm, holding her to the ground as he built up to his own bursting point.

Her own small hands grasp at his arm to hold him steady as he begins to breed her, her lower lips covetously starting to clutch of their own accord as he presses into her harder than before. It takes only a few moments before he had her knotted on the ground, tying the two together as his twitching manhood deposits ounce after ounce of his potent seed into her womb. She grips him tightly with her lower legs, reveling in the embrace and the feeling of being so full as both of their breaths condensate visibly into the rapidly cooling night air.

As he nearly collapses onto her she huskily teases, "Again? In a bit? I want more."

Thankfully, the nights young, and it looks like rescue isn't going to show up.

* * * * *

Long into the night the pair continue their love making, finally running out of steam sometime just before dawn. Finally Elenor, as she redresses in her own dry clothing, explains her plan to Alan. To kidnap her, and return her for the gold. To take his share, and her own saved coinage and flee. To leave his life of banditry aside, and go with her to some other land to start a new life.

Alan scratches his chin and says, "I'll think about it, maybe." Sitting side saddle on her horse she kicks at him gently in frustration, "Okay," he teases, "Promise." It was a pretty good idea after all. It might just work.