Streamer Streaming

Story by BadSanta on SoFurry

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A feral dalmation game streamer gets a few odd requests on camera!

Possible part 2 in the future. Help with tagging would be appreciated.

Inspired off of Halbean's 'Alice', no affiliation.

The house was an impressive one- Three stories, each looking new and well managed. Quality materials too, certainly on the higher end, a mix of a granite and marble stones along the ground floor, with panels of glass taking up the other two. The yard had a variety of flowers and hedges, even a little pool in back, all so well taken care of that it was certainly a gardener came in day after day to manage it all. Heavy curtains drawn over most windows, though a flashing glow could be seen beneath one of them, marking the room that was currently in-use, if the delighted shouts and angry growls weren't enough to give it away. A balcony, made from some exotic orange wood, ran up the side of the house, three separate stories of stairs that were sheltered behind wooden slats, fenced-in though it would be a simple matter to climb the vertical panels.

Past the windows, or rather through a door that's only distinctive feature was the smaller alloy frame it was set in, a young and quite spunky little feline was pounding away at her board. Excited was the way to describe her current state- Yarrow was going from snarls of anger and frustration to a happy, full-bodied smile in the span of seconds. Shouting at someone to 'go and friggin' kill themselves' then praising that same person for a kill in the same breath. And between bits of action? Reading out the comments of her fans. Donations, mostly, though occasionally she had one of her mods pull up one of the creepier comments and spent intermission just mocking the person relentlessly, shaming them and sometimes even going so far as to check out their personal media.

It was rude, it was crude, and her audience loved it- Especially those tantalizing moments when she reached one of her streams goals or won a particularly high ranking match, and her fans would get that telltale creek of the chair, as she shifted in it, raising her bum to the camera in ever more revealing intervals. It was rarely outright exposure, always wearing something to cover up, but it was very clear there were toys beneath the various fabrics, and the girl was getting bolder by the day! ...There had been some buzz in this recent week when she hadn't shown her butt even once, yet every day it was very, very clear that she'd elected to wear nothing at all, and her numbers were at a peak, as everyone was begging for her to show the goods.

When the time came for the big reveal, the chat was going insane. She slowly saddled up her hips, the donation bell going off constantly. Three little barks in her own squeaky little voice, followed quickly by the words 'come hither'. It was the end of a tourney, that's what part of the big buzz was for, her reasoning for building all this hype now.

For sure, some of her audience was there to celebrate that fact, give congratulations for a top-level gamer doing a job well done. But far more were interested in her rising tail, the plump curves beneath it. It was just one bell after the other, enough that sometimes the UI glitched out and one could just hear her repetitive barking, as her butt peaked over the desk's edge. Showing off the fine curves as they converged down beneath her tail, a tightly wrinkled star so soft and supple it didn't really pucker up in any fashion. The little petals that gave her such a distinctive clench smooth and round, flowing so perfectly into her body that some of the tufted fur from her tail flowed in with it, tunneling down to a muted pink embrace.

She was propping herself up on her chair with her arms, but that was slowly being pushed away, letting one paw fall to the ground, then the other, where she just pushed off to lift her bottom even higher. That supple lines of her lips were simply lush. Not a single thing is done with it, she'd just left it in a natural state, and for good reason- Any normal pussy would have been fine, but a little boring, but hers was swollen with heat. The thick lips seemed to rise from her body, the creamy pink skin flushed and pink, so utterly smooth that the little grains made by her pores were visible on the high-pixel camera. Flowing together, then peaking into her body, flowing to the rich red walls within ceremony or grace

She twisted her head back, grinning at the camera. Wincing a little when she saw a dollop of her slick excitement dribble off, splatter down onto her keyboard, but quickly just smiled even wider, slowly stretching and swaying her hips. Jutting herself back, until her skin caught on the desk's edge, drawing her lush thighs taut, tugging at those lips until even more drops fell down onto the keys "This just stays between me and you guys, you know. Don't go sharing it with any creepy weirdos now!"

Her biggest donation so far comes immediately after she demands they don't share the clip with weirdos. A heavy ten-grand pops up on her stream, eliciting a chaotic response from the chat as it floods with poggers' and Pogchamps, 'Holy fuck' to 'That's more than I make a year!'. The response isn't simply because of the amount, but because of the demand with it.

'Bring that camera down and ride it.'

Yarrow's eyes widened when that came popping up across the screen "Ah... Ahaha. Well. That's quite the request!" she feigned a bit of nervousness, but it was a clear act, if only from the way her legs began to tremble at the thought "You know, I'd think you guys are trying to get me banned~! Good thing the mods like me so much though, eh?" she flashed a toothy, rolling her hips. Slowly lifting up a leg, not letting her hips leave the camera's eye for a second, scooting it back to catch the camera's base and tug it to her body. It fell over, then rolled, making several dozen clatters as the film was knocked wildly about, before it'd finally be uprighted staring up at her thighs from the floor

"Nng... Totally gonna wreck this shit, but now I can afford upgrades~!" she let off a little meowl, sounding more eager than she'd ever sounded before. It was a rounded camera, the oval shape just a liiittle bit wider than the dildo she'd 'accidentally' left out on some of her other streams, a few hard edges to make it look sleek and cool, but the overall construct was just well-made plastic and glass- Nothing to worry about. The entire audience had a stellar view of her drooling cunt, a few drops briefly marring the lens, before being wiped away by the fat folds as she nestled herself down. Pliable flesh steaming every watcher's steam as she slowly ground herself down, before grunting, and shuddering out. It was difficult to see, the screen briefly enveloped in darkness as her flesh hid the camera's light, but it was a powerful bulb, and as she stretched herself down across the bulb, it opened up to pulsing red walls, slick juices drooling and dribbling down across the lens's surface, wiped away by the shear viscosity, letting everyone see the rippling surface as it tunneled down deep into her body, though it was so tight only a few inches could ever be seen ahead.

Her mic remained outside of her, of course, the girl giving little grunts and gasps as she worked herself over, pausing every few seconds to give herself a few moments of rest. She was tight, that was clear to anyone watching, and while she might have experience with toys, it was clear she was struggling with something so big and awkwardly shaped. Little whines, little barks, and tossing out the occasional response to a particularly large donation. Her pucker pulsing and throbbing out as she trembled above the camera

Yarrow's tongue was hanging out, though of course, nobody could see it online. She was dropping the more carefree act, replacing it with more lewd energy than anyone had seen from her before. They could hear her panting, of course, little gasps and chuffs as she slowly worked herself enough to rock her hips along the camera's edges, a wet little slurp that was just barely being picked up by the mic.

"A-ah... I think that's enough for right now..." she cooed out as she lifted up her thighs, tail wagging like crazy, giving a little tongue-action as she began to lick the camera lens clean. Swiping that broad muscle right over everyone's screen, wearing simply the most elated of smiles, carefully grasping the device in her lips and propping it back up onto the desk, shoving her nose forward. As requests for more came in, she just grinned, shifting her hips back up onto the desk and over her keyboard again "Oh, jeeze guys! Cut me a little slack, why dontcha... I've been on for like, five hours now, I'm tired!" her tail was flicking like crazy, giving rapid smacks into the monitor, sounding in time with the clattering of keys as her hips shifted back and forth.

Someone making a large donation popped up with a request for her to pee, and she widened her eyes, lips puffing out into the same manner they did whenever anyone made a particularly odd request "Now listen here you gr-..." she blinked, realizing her chat was doubling down with the request, and her eyes flashed. She never cared when people got nasty- She loved it, really. But it was so much more fun for her to play up the audience, made them feel special all ganging together to harass one of her targets, brought in so many more donations from so many hypocrites that wanted to shield her from the weird only to take her for themselves. "You guys are all so shameful!" she muttered out, sounding perfectly embarrassed, like a little kid that was being scolded over something everyone knew was cute. Head dipping down, disappearing from the camera's view as it was blocked by her body and desk "Nnng... I'm gonna be mad if I find this anywhere weird, OK! And... and you'd all better donate lots in case any of my other gear gets wrecked!" ...As if they hadn't been donating enough already. Even before she'd finished, a hot little trickle could already be seen flooding out onto the keys of her board. That tender lips resting dead in the center, the golden liquid bubbling out around it, flowing at a rather gentle rate, really accenting how it was filling the device, then spilling out over the rest of her desk. Slowly, steadily, flowing over the laminated wood, soaking her mousepad, then flowing over to touch at the bottom of her mouse. It dribbled down the monitor's base, beneath the camera, and then vanished from sight, while in the front it could be seen overflowing, forming trickling falls over the edge, the wet patter subtle at first, but quickly building until it's wet plop was audible on mic, pooling on the carpet below. Her room was a simple one, though with a house as big as hers it could have been a setpiece. A huge 'ol kitty bed was tucked in the corner, across the wall from her desk, thicker than most people's mattresses and piled high with pillows and punk-plush dolls. A few patterned lights hung from the ceiling, the shades shaped like stars, and her wall was plastered with poster merchandise sold by herself. All so conceited, but with an audience as loyal as hers it was all pretty effective marketing. Across from the glass door was a real one, solid wood painted the same purplish pink that decorated the rest of her room, though with the lights off it all looked dark and almost blue. Her desk was against a wall that was barren, nearly four times larger than it needed to be, and utterly lacking accessories beyond the merch dolls that were in the camera's frame, a few of the smaller pieces floating or having been knocked down by the gush of her piss. The entire place was spotless, from the carpeted floor to her bed, though a bit of hair could be seen on her chair.

She was panting by the time she lifted her head back up, the very tip of her tongue sticking out past her lips. She was still going, just barely restraining herself from letting it all flow out, though the steady gush had turned to a little trickle, a few splattering drops that plopped up from the pool that had been made in the shallow indent along the inside of her board. It could be seen being expelled from the cracks in the casing, water-logging the piece of gear "Oh jeeze guys, it looks like my keyboard's ruined! I'm not sure I'll be able to stop the stream now... Not until a new one comes in anyways! Can't game either... Ooooh well. I'd hate to leave all my loyal subscribers coming in without anything to watch though... Maybe we can do some good 'ol stretches together