Safe Haven and a New Start

Story by stoneagefurry on SoFurry

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A sister takes in her sick and suffering estranged brother, taking a chance and opening up to him. Showing the care that just may help him pull through and start to heal. Simultaneously having revelations into the past and present of their relationship.

Hello! Little self conscious, since I've never written anything before, but I had a great time with this story, and I hope you do too. Enjoy!

Oh and just a heads up: the intro/first section and general set up is dark and long, but it doesn't stay that way, just hang in there:)

It was a stormy morning, before dawn, in the middle of February. Rain was pouring, lightning flashed and thunder growled and roared.

Skyeler, a 26 year old arctic fox, lay on top of a sleeping bag on his half-sisters bedroom floor with a light blanket halfway over him, covering his middle, but leaving his calves and feet exposed, as well as his pectoral area and his arms. He was curled up on his side, sweating and shivering, totally restless. He had just woke up from a three hour shallow sleep, the best he could really hope for. He was sick. Very sick.

Skye was an addict. For backstory: he had been born to two other arctic foxes. His mother has been with his father, who had been a rather unpleasant man. Serial cheater, verbally abusive, a drinker, and emotionally distant. His mother had been very timid and quiet, and tried to keep things calm around the house Skye was around 3 when she finally had enough and obtained a restraining order. He was finally gone! But the damage had already been done.. his mother was emotionally drained and struggled to get by. It affected the boy fox, subtly at first.

His mother, who had become dependent on having a partner, eventually met another man, a raccoon, when Skye was 4. Pregnancy happened quite quickly, and a 9ish months later, they had a daughter. She was named Katie. She was a beautiful mixture of both raccoon, complete with the bandit face and stripy fluffy tail, and lots of snow white fur from her arctic fox mother. Katie was the favorite. Skye was off to the side. This kept on steadily.

Obviously, this was crushing to him. In middle school his grades began to dive, and he steadied out, just bareeely scraping by. He was the loner, not really ever picked on for it, but simply stayed damn near invisible. Katie got everything that she wanted, and he had to work his ass off if he wanted to get something for himself (even birthdays gave him little more than cake and a movie night) like clothes, hair dye (he had an affinity for the purple and black combination, which actually looked great with his shaggy hair), cds/mp3 downloads, or for the guitar that he bought for himself. He loved metal music, and spent most of his time alone in his room listening to music and playing away.

He was never close to Katie, he had some feeling of resentment, but knew that it was misdirected from his mother and stepfathers way of treating him. It wasn't her fault, but he still felt jealous. Katie was blessed. She had the looks, she was socially gifted and made plenty of good, solid friends, and she was extremely intelligent.

Skye was hurting and alone. Until he had his 16thbirthday party. It was the standard birthday for him, a cake, 20 bucks in a card, and sitting down as a family to watch a movie. He wasn't super into it, but he chose a stand up comedy special on Petflix, and did his best to play the part of someone enjoying their birthday with their family. He was really just doing it and looking forward to the walk he was going to take afterwards. He walked a lot. It calmed him a bit and got him away from home, which is hardly a fitting name for what it truly felt like. He felt better outside. Being that is was early-ish August, the 8th to be exact, it rained for a large part of the year, so he took advantage of any warm or sunny time that he could.

He was finally out of the house around 9:45 pm. The sun was almost totally gone, but it was still warm. Crickets chirped loudly, and the faintest of breezes was gently blowing, hardly even enough to move his hair and fur. This was definitely his favorite part of this birthday, as it usually was. He breathed in deeply, taking in all the different smells, the grass, the flowers, the barbecues grilling steak, ribs, and veggies. He perked up his ears to hear all of the summery sounds, the parties, the wind whispering through the leaves. He had gotten good at this type of practice and it enabled him to feel some calm, peace, and even happiness. Joy too, on occasion, though very rare.

He had just pulled up some music on his phone and was pulling his earphones up over his head, when he thought he heard someone say something. He glanced over in the direction of the mystery voice, and saw a couple of students he knew from school. One was a goofy looking lemur, giggling as seemingly nothing, and the other was a Golden Eagle. His name was Derek, although he went by Shadow (which he and his various companions thought was badass, Skye thought otherwise, like a generic wannabe criminal kind of name).

Shadow was the main dealer a lot of people in the area. He was well known, and it made the reason for the lemurs laughing painfully obvious. "Hey man, I've seen you around school, right? Ummm.. shit, I can't remember it.."

"Oh, yeah. I'm Skye. You're De... Umm... Shadow, right?"

"Yeah dude... What are you out doing tonight?"

"Well.. I just had a birthday thing with my family, and I always go for a walk afterwards to relax and clear my head. Birthdays have always kinda sucked."

"Oh man, happy birthday! Well, if you're not doing anything else right now, would you like to hang out? We have some bottle rockets and sparklers and some other stuff too, and we've just been kickin it at this bench dippin into some stuff while we're waiting for it to be dark enough for the fireworks. You actually got here just in time."

Skye nervously scanned the area, which was empty except for the three of them. He sighed quietly, he felt a little uncomfortable, but it also seemed pretty interesting and he had an excited feeling in his stomach.

"Yeah, okay... umm.. I.. that sounds like fun."

He had a little trouble getting his words out when he was nervous, stumbling over his words.

"Sweet! We're gonna wait just a little bit longer until its totally dark and then we'll light up the fireworks."

"Totally....duuuude... heheheh." Mumbled the strange acting lemur.

"Don't mind him.. goofy bastard.", Shadow chuckled. "Speaking of goofy.. I have something for you as a sort of... birthday gift!"

"W..what is it..?", Tye inquired, feeling a little tense in his shoulders.

"Ah, it's just a little pill, it just makes you feel cozy, warm, and CAREFREE, it's pretty chill. This dude," gesturing as his sleepy looking companion, "and I take them all the time."

The word carefree was not said any louder or with any more emphasis than the other words that this seemingly friend eagle had spoken, but it rang through the fox's ears and mind almost deafening, if that were possible. It seemed forever that he had been processing what he had heard, but in reality, he answered immediately. "Hell yes! Thanks man, I could really use it."

"Sweet! You're gonna love it brotha!"

That night was the beginning of a nightmare to come. The feeling of bliss, relaxation, not having a single care in the world. It felt like the best day ever with great friends, playing with fireworks, and drawing stupid things all over the lemur in permanent marker, who had passed out very early on. Shadow walked the young fox back to nearly his neighborhood, stopping so that the two weren't seen together. Shadow, with his less than positive reputation, explained that he didn't want to have Skye's reputation ruined or word getting around town. To the fox, this seemed incredibly kind and caring. (This sort of behavior would later become apparent to be a strategy of pulling people in to get them into his business. The bird was in every sense, a predator.)

The next two years for Skye were both great and miserable. Shadow had enlisted the furry young man in his business endeavors, mainly as a delivery boy, in exchange for the drugs that he had become dependent on.

Eventually that wasn't covering his needs. So Skye began to steal from his family and fellow addicts, or teaming up to do the same to their parents or others. His mother and step father were completely against all substance, alcohol, cigarettes, and everything else. Having never experienced the substance world, they had no idea what was going on. Chalking up his constant moodiness and sleeping to being a teenager and stewing in hormones and teenage angst. There's only so long that can go on, before someone figures things out. And that's what happened. He had been sloppy, people in and out of the house at all hours, day and night. His parents thought that he had finally come out of his shell and gotten a social life, but they took a hard look after hearing stories, and they were on alert. On his 18th birthday, he overdosed. He came to in the hospital, only to see his parents looking scared, disappointed, and furious. He had to leave the house within the month.

The next six years were fairly constant. Crime, misery, pain, struggling to find a place to stay, in between girlfriends or fellow addicts whenever someone had a place for him to stay. There was no sense of connection with anybody anymore.. it was pure survival mode. He was alone, one hundred percent of the time, even when there were others around. Truly, deeply, stuck in some sort of hell.

After his most recent O.D. his sister Katie came to the hospital, picked him up,, and took him back to her home.

So that pretty much brings us up to the present, to the beginning of this tale.

He is lying dopesick on the floor of his sisters bedroom. Having woken up from his fleeting shallow sleep, barely counting as unconciousness, he is now restless, tossing and turning, skin simultaneously burning and freezing, with goosebumps. He clenches his jaw and grinds his teeth, trying to breathe through the pain. His muscles spasm and ache. Total sensory overload in the absolute worst of ways. Compounded by the anxiety, racing heart, depression, and the overwhelmingly loud thoughts of hopelessness, and knowing that he is the one to blame. He has been vomiting and exploding out his back end... there is nothing left but nausea, and anything he eats or drinks comes right back up.. Even the pink liquid that is supposed to stop the damn thing that is preventing the medicine from being absorbed completely. Also worth mentioning, is that he has only been 36 hours without the drugs, and with what he has been doing and for how long, the worst of it, which he is nearly at, can be expected to last up to 7-10 days before finally dropping off at an extremely slow rate. It could be a month and a half for the full process.

The 26 year old fox had been awake for only about 15 minutes, when he heard the door quietly creak open and the light switch click the room into blinding (at least to the sick sibling) light.

"Just what the hell are you doing on the floor??!" Katie inquired with a tone of both amusement and irritation.

"Sorry sis... I'm just sweating so bad, I didn't want to get your bedding soaked and disgusting.."

Showing obvious frustration, and rolling her eyes, Katie shot back with, "Oh for fucks sake, I already told you SPECIFICALLY not to worry about that."

"Gahh... I'm sorry.. you kno... well, I guess you don't know, but I'm pretty much doing stuff like that all the time, it's annoyingly overly politeness or something like that but... urghh.. it usually just involves me not listening to what someone says... heh.." he managed a painful chuckle.

"Riiiiight.... I see. Well, get your ass back up in that bed. Seriously!" She impatiently stamped her foot, while flashing the slightest hint of caring humor.

"Okay, okay.. Hard ass.." He grinned painfully, "But... I th.. think I may need some help.."

"Fiiiinneeee... Big baby." At this she smiled nervously. They were not really all that close, they had barely talked over the years, generally only over the phone, on holidays. She, and it seemed that both of them, had been using humor to try to ease the tension, which they both liked, but were worried that they might say something that the other one might be hurt or offended by.

She was actually really anxious that this last comment may have gone too far, and felt a massive rush of relief when he replied with a wink and, "Just help me to the bed, dick."

She softly padded over to him, wrapped an arm under his arm and around his back and supported him, which was actually quite easy, since her brother was about 20 pounds underweight and she was 5 inches taller than him, and pretty fit, in crossing the short (and yet to the male fox, it felt like a mile) journey to his sisters bed. He groaned loudly as he flopped on the expensive mattress, which even as unwell as he felt, actually felt incredible.

He closed his eyes and took a breath, letting it out slowly. Trying to take a moment to appreciate his current situation.

"Hey... I gotta get ready to go to work, can I get you anything before I get going?"

He looked up at her, took a few seconds to think about his answer before looking back down and saying, "I don't think so.. I still have the soup you made for me, and the crackers, I've been drinking water, mostly comes back up, but I've been keeping up on that, and I have the nausea drink, but it's also not staying down very well, I'll get enough soon and I can get onto the other stuff. Thanks sis..."

She leaned down and gently stroked his face, softening her eyes with a sweet look of affection and care. "Okay, stay in touch, keep your phone charged. Let me know if you need anything while I'm out, and I'll swing by the store and pick it up. I'm gonna hop in the shower and head to work. I'll say bye before I leave."


She remove a towel from her closet, along with the clothes she planned on wearing, and closed the bathroom door. She took her clothes off and stopped for a moment in front of the mirror, as she gazed into the reflection, she suddenly had a flash of self consciousness, feeling a little uncomfortable. She had infrequently felt this way over the years, but not particularly for the past six years or so. She shook her head a little to shake off the feelings and thoughts, and she headed to the shower. She soaped and conditioned her body, making sure to be very thorough. She was deep in thought as she did so, and she noticed that she rarely spent this much time washing herself. This felt unusual, but she had many thoughts flying through her head, and so she quickly forgot about that particular concern.

She toweled off rather quickly, then threw her clothes on, tossing her old clothes at the bin, missing on all but her shirt, which only halfway made it in. She then walked into her bedroom, looking toward the bed. Her brother lay curled up, looking mostly asleep, which was as deep as he could get really. She silently debated whether to wake him up to say goodbye to him, or to just head to work.

At that moment, he peeped one eye open, looked at her and asked, "What are you doing, creepy? Heheh." He actually had a mostly pain free, normal laugh.

Her heart skipped a beat. She hadn't heard that laugh in forever, and it brought many memories flooding into her mind. She smiled pretty big, but quickly reigned it back to a normal level, she had no idea why though "great, more to think about" she thought to herself.

"Shut up! I just wasn't sure if I should wake you up to say goodbye."

"Hey dude, it's okay! I was just kidding! I'm happy to get to say bye." He smiled briefly.

She sat down on the bed next to him, momentarily looked away as his eyes met hers, suddenly feeling a bit warm. She leaned down and kissed him on his forehead, sweetly brushed his face, felt her stomach flutter a bit, and then opened her mouth. "Hey, I'd like to talk with you about some things when I get back from work, y'know..if you're feeling up for it..."

He visibly tensed, though whether from the question or the pain he was in, she was unsure, although it was likely both. "Uhhmmm... maybe.. is it good or bad..?"

She steadied herself a bit and took a deep inhale and exhale. "I'm pretty sure it's good. It'll be fine, I just want to know some stuff. Don't worry about it, just rest up as much as you can, okay? I'll see you later." She ruffled his hair and got up to leave. Then she heard his voice behind her.

"Hey Katie... Thank you." He rolled over to try to rest. She smiled as she exited the room and flicked off the lights.

She grabbed her keys and left for work, anxious and distracted by her thoughts surrounding this huge thing that fell into her life, and how to manage the talk she would be having with her brother later this afternoon. Work blurred by, and most of her coworkers pointed out her behavior. She vaguely referenced an emergency in the family, but explained no more than that. At her lunch break, she considered everything and decided to take the rest of the day off, and spoke with the boss to arrange her early leave for the day, as well as using all of her vacation days to take the whole next week off. She needed to be there for her sibling in dire need of someone caring for him.

She actually already had things planned out for dealing with this problem. She had done a lot of research online while sleepless in his hospital room. She found what seemed to be incredibly beneficial suggestions from many people as to how to help someone kick these nasty substances. She left work, hopped in her car, stopped by the store for nutritional meal replacement drinks and extra anti-nausea liquid, and met up with someone who could help get a couple of things for her plan. She drove straight home after her errands were done, nearly running multiple red lights and stop signs, due to lack of sleep as well as being too deep in thought. She wasn't speeding or anything, just not noticing things. She only had to hit the breaks harder than she would really want one time. Terrifying, but brought her back enough to reality to get her home safely.

She pulled into the driveway and breathed a sigh of relief. It felt so good to be home. She gathered her grocery bag and her little shoulder satchel pouch that she carried her things in, it was really light and didn't hold much, which suited her just fine. As she stepped out of her car, a massive gust of wind slammed her door open, nearly harming it. She slammed it shut and hustled towards the door, her fur being blown all over the place, becoming insanely messy and disheveled. Once inside, she leaned back against the front door and took a moment to compose herself, before putting some of the drinks away in the refrigerator, and taking the rest with her on her way to her room. Once at her door, she twisted the knob slowly and entered into the dark room as quietly as she could.

She looked at the shadowy mass that was Tye and gently whispered towards him. "Hey you.. Are you awake..?"

She saw his ears perk up before he rolled over, undoubtedly for well over the hundredth time in the several hours she had been gone. He let out a groan, "Of course I am.. I'm not gonna complain too much, but I hate that I can't sleep, its driving me insane.. I'm so sweaty and in so much pain, which just makes it worse.. I.. I'm sorry. Hey wait... what are you doing back home? Don't you work the entire day?" He propped himself up on his elbow so he could look at her.

"Close your eyes, I'm gonna turn on the light and don't wanna blind you."

He did as he was told, and after hearing the click and seeing the light he gently opened his eyes and as he laid eyes on Katie, a huge smile spread across his face and he began to laugh. "Dude, what happened to you? You look like hell!"

Katie looked in the mirror across the room and saw her fur, and let out a quick laugh. She looked like a crazy person! She felt glad that he had something that made him laugh genuinely and seemingly without any pain. She had always been an optimist, seeing the good side to things, and was frequently seeing the things to be grateful for.

"Well, first of all, THANK YOU (heavily sarcastic) I was outside for like 3 minutes. It's wild outside! Heck of a storm! Second, I took the rest of the day off so I can be here. I also have tomorrow (it was currently Thursday afternoon) through Sunday off, and I took the entire next week off as well. So that explains my being here early." She rolled her eyes in an amused manner. "Aaaaanyways! For serious though, how are you doing, really?" Katie's demeanor shifted to a more serious, but soft version. She assessed Skye more intensely than she had up to this point.

"Well.. I'm not doing all that alright, I still feel like I'm in hell or something, it's pretty agonizing physically and emotionally, but on the plus side, I did finally keep down enough of the stomach medicine to keep most of those issues at bay, and have since been able to get down a glass of water and a whole EIGHT crackers! I'm still drenched in sweat and crawling out of my skin restless though. I feel gross... D.. do you think that I could get some help getting cleaned up..? I'm pretty weak, and its going to be pretty tough.. Please say no if you would rather not, I can probably make something happen." He was unable to meet her eyes when asking this. He had never been good at asking for anything, and had been accustomed to always being denied unless he had something to offer in return. And so he felt ashamed and had little hope.

"Of course! Let's get you cleaned up."

He got to the bathroom with her assistance. She watched as he winced with each step with tears in his eyes, hunched over like an old man. It was agony even to watch someone be in this much pain. She saw the effort he put forth to keep moving forward, and knew that there was hope, he was determined to get to the other side of things and be well again. She helped him remove his clothes and got him into the shower. She took hers off as well. She thought about keeping on her bra and panties, but they would just end up soaked and sitting in the laundry bin. He used every bit of his energy simply staying upright and supported himself against the shower wall. As she began to suds him up and shampoo his body, head, and face, she noticed that he was looking down and sort of away, but not completely. Because of this, she could really look into his beautiful blue, sunken in eyes, and saw that there were tears falling down his face, which she initially thought was just water from the shower. His chest was heaving, though the male fox was trying to control and hide it from her. She made a note of it to talk about later, when they were to have their conversation, and in the meantime, she helped him rinse off, and let him stand under the water while she scrubbed up and rinsed off.

Katie then toweled them both off, used a blow dryer to be dry enough to lie down in bed. She helped him back into her room, and pulled the blanket over him, for him to adjust as needed. She knelt down so she could look into his face, which was showing at least some small degree of relief, which warmed her heart to witness, no matter how small. She placed a meal replacement drink on the nightstand next to him by the anti-nausea drink and the water.

"If you're not too nauseous, please drink this and stay hydrated. And take more medicine so you won't wake up sick to your stomach, okay? Can you manage that? Get your strength back quicker."

He looked back at her, actually seeing some signs of happiness directed at him, which he hadn't seen in a long time, his heart jumped at the feeling it gave him. Her stunning emerald green eyes conveyed compassion and kindness, to a degree he had never seen before.

"I can do that. Thank you so much... I truly don't know what to say."

She stroked his face, shaking her head. "Don't you worry about that right now, you're welcome. I need to lie down..I haven't had any sleep in over 24 hours and I'm going to collapse any second. Sleep well, little bro." He wasn't her little brother, but she had passed him in height early on, and she would drop it as a joke during some of their infrequent interactions. It brought a small smile to her face, as it still amused her and brought back better feeling memories.

She turned around to enter the living room to sleep on the couch, which she had planned on doing last night, but ended up distracted and unable to relax enough to get anywhere near sleep. She got to the door, when Skyeler's voice hit her ears.

"Hey sis..." her ears tilted back, and then she turned back to face him, as he cleared his throat nervously. "If it's not too weird or..ummm.. y'know, whatever, would you sleep here with me?" He seemed to brace himself for a seemingly inevitable denial or rejection of sorts. "I hate knowing that you would be out on the couch, while I basically stay awake and keep you out of your own bed. It's really comfortable, and I can hardly even actually appreciate it..."

Katie's stomach flipped and her heart skipped a couple beats at his request. This was starting to make her think she should examine these kind of sensations and the feelings they are connecting to. But this was not the time, she was feeling fried and drained. She desperately needed sleep. Preferably in her own bed. It also sounded wonderful to be sharing her bed with someone, it had been quite some time since that last happened, over a year, and she missed it dearly. "Oh, umm.. yeah, okay!" She hoped he hadn't caught the sudden excitement at the tail end of that sentence. "Do you have any distance that you want between us... or something..?"

He smiled but beneath it, was more deep anxiety. He was no good at hiding his emotions. There was even a little shake to his voice as he made his next request. "Actually, would you curl up next to me..? I.. maybe uhmm, could you be at my back and be like.. the big spoon? I don't know why, but it feels like it's what I need right now." His face had been growing red, seen a little easier because of his white fur, and was now fully blushing, mostly due to his strong feeling of embarrassment from a lame feeling sort of request.

Katie processed Skyeler's question, and how to proceed, quickly deciding almost automatically. "Of course! On one condition though. You get those liquids into you while I grab some pajamas, okay?" She padded over to the bathroom, closed the door, slipped her bottoms and top on (both black and silk), and stood in front of the bathroom mirror. She looked herself up and down getting different angles, looked into her eyes, feeling all sorts of questions rushing into her mind. Why was she suddenly spending extra time checking herself out and having the impulse to look her best around her own house? What are these crazy feelings she keeps experiencing? Why the excitement to just be in bed with Skyeler? Was it just loneliness? She felt a little overwhelmed and upset by all of this slamming into her psyche all at once, and at a point of pure exhaustion and fatigue no less. She vigorously shook her head, as if shaking the thoughts away, splashed some ice cold water on her face, and returned to the room. She flopped down on the bed and scooted over until her chest and tummy were flat against Skye's back. Her arm was draped over him, and she managed to squeeze her other arm under him. She embraced her brother fairly tight, making sure to check that it was alright for him. "Is this okay, too tight or hard or anything? Not tight enough?" Skye replied, "That's actually just perfect, thank you." "You're welcome. And thank you for getting all those liquids in your belly. Whenever we get up again, I have something for you. It should help you feel better, like.. much quicker. Although... you're probably going to be up and down like you have been, eh? It'll have to happen when I wake up, I'll explain why later. Anyway, I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. I'm crashing out. Good n..night..little brother.." She pulled herself closer to him and laid her muzzle over his shoulder, and as she drifted rapidly into what was going to be a hard, deep, dreamless sleep, she subconsciously started sniffing, taking in his scent, resulting in a flood of pleasure chemicals. Not the worst way to drift off, in my opinion.

Being that he was still in the real kicking stage of his sickness, he was still pretty awake. He had been relieved that he had this physical contact, and it had been given to him without any apparent reluctance, which he had worried might happen. He was starting to feel less pessimistic in his thinking about himself how other people are, and his sisters genuineness. He was enjoying the feeling, as much as he could, when his sister drifted off to sleep. He heard her say good night, smiled at the little brother comment. He heard the rest of what she had to say, and became immensely intrigued, and a little frustrated and bummed, but he had his doubts as to anything being helpful in his situation. So he was somewhat able to set this aside for the moment. He lay there, enduring the torture, but focusing on Katie's embrace, when he felt her snout fall over his shoulder, and that was when he heard the sniffing, and felt her face grow a smile. It was unmistakable, but he still had his doubts. It almost felt like she was attracted and interested in him. Could he trust his senses in his current state? Who knows. But it seemed so real! He decided that he would figure out a way to test this hypothesis, once he woke up, as he felt he could actually go down for at least a little bit and he was correct.

Katie woke up after about 5 hours, and felt a lot more prepared for what was ahead. Her arms were still wrapped around him and she found herself deeply desiring for it to be the opposite with him behind her, and she being snuggled up in his arms. As she fantasized about this idea, she had a tsunami crash on her in full force. The things she used to do for her brother when they were younger, even when he was in his addiction, the feelings she had repressed for all of the years, the feelings she had been having since she got him into her home. Holy fuck... she likes him. So much. What should she do?? Is it okay? Does he feel the same for her? COULD he feel the same way? She felt a deep ache in her heart and huffed out a sigh of sorts.

He had been awake for about 15 minutes, and in that time, he had gotten some more water, medicine, and another meal drink in him. He had been laying there, breathing through the physical pain and anxious, depressed thoughts.. focusing on his settled stomach and slightly replenished energy, plus his sweet feeling of having someone close to him showing him the affection he had always dreamed of, and never really gotten. He felt a twinge of an unknown feeling that, with his recent ideas concerning Katie, almost reflected what he imagined might be going on in her head. It was as these thoughts breezed across his psyche, that he heard her sigh.

"Good morning sleepy. Feeling better? Did you get enough rest?"

"Mmmff.. good morning. I didn't sleep quite as long as hoped to, but it was enough that I feel awake and won't be able to get back to sleep. How about you?"

"Well, I'm still really restless, and would have been tossing and turning, but I didn't want to wake you up. Heh. But I drifted in and out, probably getting 3 and a half hours total.. I did get my liquids down though! It feels good."

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that!" She realized that he had been sweating like crazy throughout the afternoon into the night., which is what it was now. His sweat had him damp, and it had gotten on her front, matting her fur a bit. "I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to take a shower. Would you like one as well?"

He became aware that she had been right up against him and his sweat the entire time and was hit by a massive blast of embarrassment. "Oh god... I'm so sorry, I should have thought of that.... I'm sorry, it's gross and now you need to take another shower..."

"Hey now! I had considered it and knew what I was in for. Plus it was actually pretty nice to have someone to be snuggled up with. I haven't had anyone for that in a year, I've been busy and haven't met anyone worth having in my life like that."

"But.. you have to help me with it and I feel like a burden.."

"It's really no trouble, I brought you here to take care of you and get you feeling better. This isn't up for discussion now, I've decided, and you're coming with me." She feigned a stern look, but she was smiling brightly and let out a slight giggle.

He felt so much better about the entire situation, and was more comfortable with the idea that she really didn't care about the seemingly burdensome aspects of his condition. He faked a sigh in return, as if reluctantly resigning himself to her "firm decision". He allowed his sister to repeat the showering process.

They both secretly enjoyed every second of their shower together, admiring the others body and the sensations of her fingers through his fur. She was spending her time on his body more slowly, not suspiciously slowly, just enough to get some more time with her hands on him. He pretended not to notice, still doubting whether or not these peculiar things were actually happening. They were both experiencing a mixture of feelings, but it was overall positive, and it felt amazing to feel freshly cleaned again, and the water had been the perfect level of heat, pretty hot, but not scorching. They both stepped out, Katie repeated the process of drying them both off, they both brushed their teeth, and he chose to simply wrap a towel around his waist, and she laid him down upon the bed. He propped himself up a bit with some pillows and relaxed a bit. In the meantime, Katie stood in her bathroom looking into the cupboard she kept her pajamas in. She debated, and eventually decided on some really short pajama shorts, the ones that always let her (quite frankly, perfect in a realistic way, not ridiculous supermodel way) butt show out the bottom a little bit. The pj shirt she chose had a rip down the middle, not completely, but enough to show some heavy cleavage, and very loose on her, which could make it pretty easy to pull off. She came out into the room again. Making sure that he was looking in her direction and able to see her, which he was, and was actually looking at her, she focused on him and spoke. "Hey Skye, about the stuff I told you about.." His eyes brightened with hope, which was amazing to see. "I think it's time for it. I'm gonna get it, okay?"

"Oh god yes!" He exclaimed excitedly, with his voice shooting upwards in pitch.

She smiled and put her small side plan into action while she gathered the ingredients she had obtained. She didn't need to do this, she could have crouched down, but she bent down at the waist, leaving him with the image of her tight ass and looong sexy legs. She pretended that she was having trouble finding the things she was digging around for, giving Skyeler a good long look, and she could actually feel that he was indeed staring right at her behind and legs. Her tail was beautiful, fluffy, and raised, touching her back. He noticed all of this and swallowed nervous excitement. She HAD to be doing this on purpose, right?

She turned around quite rapidly, and he diverted his eyes and his ears flattened against his head out of anxiety. She saw this, and felt an uncertain mixture of anxiety and excitement. Still not quite sure, but feeling a bit more hopeful. Feeling lighter on her feet and in spirit, she grabbed a water bottle full of a clear, syrupy looking liquid, and a pill bottle filled with capsules of what looked like a crushed crystal substance, definitely not something that would come in any kind of actual medicine in a prescription bottle. Skyeler saw a quick glimpse of what she had as she left the room, a confused interest filling him entirely.

In the kitchen, Katie grabbed a small glass, poured in some of the syrup, opened up the capsule and dumped the contents in. She pulled a spoon out of the drawer and stirred the concoction until everything was completely mixed together. She also grabbed a single serving bottle of orange juice. Returning to the bedroom, she handed him both drinks, and gave him his instructions.

"Here, drink this. It's going to make you feel better soon. Oh, and keep the O.J. handy, it's supposed to taste pretty foul.. Just a heads up.."

"Umm.. what is this? And how is this going to help me..?" He looked at his sister with his eyebrows raised.

"It's just some stuff I learned about online while I was waiting for you to wake up so I could bring you home. It has something to help you relax, and something to help speed the other stuff out of your system, while keeping you from feeling any of the detox symptoms. And none of it is the stuff you were taking, that wouldn't be any good in getting you back."

"Oh... umm.. okay. Thanks! But what do you mean by getting me back?"

"You're welcome. And I mean getting you back to the real world, back to being healthy, and.... Back in my life.. I know we were never really too close, but I always wished we were."

God damn.. Skyeler felt almost absolutely certain of his hypothesis now. He feels like he's close to his opportunity to act out his test.

He braced himself for the task he was about to do. He uncapped his orange juice in preparation. Up to his lips he raised his glass, he tilted it back and drained the whole thing in one go, because it really wasn't too much liquid, which he was about to be very grateful for. The thick syrup filled his mouth and slid over his tongue, sliding down his throat. As it left his mouth, the flavor assaulted his tongue. It was SO. FUCKING. FOUL. It was powerfully salty, and bitter, and unnaturally chemical. He felt it flying back up his throat, but caught it and swallowed it back down. He frantically chugged the orange juice in an attempt to drive the flavor out, his eyes watering and dripping with tears.

He gasped after finishing the entire bottle of O.J. "Oh my god! What the fuck??? I take back the thank you! This better be worth it! But.... Under the assumption that you actually know what you're doing... I guess you still deserve my thanks. Sorry, that was just awful." He laid back against the pillows with with his back against the headboard. His eyes were still watering and he was breathing heavily.

"I'm so sorry hun, I didn't know how bad it is. I knew it was bad, and I DID warn you. Hehe. With the assumption that I'm right, you're very welcome. Mind if I join you on the bed?"

"Please do. I could really use the company, y'know, after being traumatized." He beamed a smile at her. The experience of that drink actually had him feeling normal, he had gotten a rush of endorphins from the level of discomfort.

"Oh, shut up!" reflecting the smile she received. She climbed up on the bed, crawled her way to him on all fours and laid next to him laying her head on a pillow and looking at him. She watched as he adjusted to be on the same level. They looked into each others eyes, and Katie felt a warm comfort by this simple sight. She then asked, "So, I'd like to have that talk now, if it's okay." He agreed to this.

"I'd really like to learn about you, get to know you better and finally. I want to hear your story, you don't have to make it super long, I just want to hear the things you find important and that you really want to discuss, anything at all. Please?"

He had never been asked for this by anyone before. He was actually excited, especially for how comfortable and trusting he felt around Katie. He ended up explaining his younger years, which she already mostly knew, but still loved hearing him talk about it. He talked about how his fall into addiction started, the horrible things he had endured, getting robbed, assaulted both physically and once, even sexually, sleeping on the street, being betrayed by those around him, and doing the same to others, the lack of happiness, the multiple near death o.d's, of which she knew about. She looked on in awe about his story, and glowed internally over his trust in sharing with her. He got to the present, and stopped, looking her directly in the eyes, which he had avoided doing while sharing.

She melted under his gaze. "Thank you so much for this. I'm sorry you went through all of it." Her eyes were watering, and a couple tears fell, and she sniffed as her nose started feeling wet inside. She was overwhelmed with sorrow, gratitude, and affection for him.

"You're welcome, and thank you for asking.. and for listening." He felt that the moment he had been waiting for had arrived. He leaned in and kissed her on her lips. (This wasn't at all uncommon, except it was usually only done between family members that were extremely close, these two were not, though they had gotten much closer since they left the hospital) He heard a stifled squeak/moan, and momentarily felt her lean into the kiss, followed by her reigning it back in to appear normal, though she seemed to linger in it. He then thought, "Oh my god.. I'm certain of it. She fucking likes me! but how can I bring this up?? What if I'm wrong somehow? It would ruin everything.. Urgh, this is insane.."

"I'd like to hear your life too , sis. Please?"

She told her story, which was much less eventful. He envied her for this.

He watched and listened intently as she spoke. His eyes glistened with joy, enjoying her story, which she wasn't sure why. The reason why was that he loved getting to know her, his affection for her had been skyrocketing, and it felt so natural. They just clicked together.

She finished, "Anyways, that's the whole thing, I mean, I'm only 21, it's a pretty short story."

He responded with, "Well I liked it! Thank you! It's been lovely to learn about you." "Oh, and Katie.. I had a question."

Still rushing from the excitement of their conversation, replied, "Of course! What is it?"

"Do you like me?"

Her heart dropped and started hammering, and she managed to quickly get out, "Of course I do! You're my brother, and it's been great getting to know you."

He was right in the middle of his follow up to that when her phone rang. He only got to, "No, not like that.. what I meant....." and that was when the phone interrupted. It was their parents. She answered quickly, desperate to avoid his question that she knew was going in a direction and was terrified of. She was scared that he picked up on her signals and was asking in a way that was going to reveal that her feelings for him were not reciprocated.

She picked up her phone quickly, "Hold on a minute hun, okay?"

"Hey mom, hey dad. What's up?"

The had called to warn her about Skyeler getting discharged from his hospital visit, and making sure she was aware and double checking to make sure that Katie wouldn't let her brother in, and all of the other warnings and reminders of what all had happened in the past and how he would never change.

"Don't worry guys, I know. I won't let him in, and won't give him any money. .... "mmhmm, okay. Okay. Yeah. Alright. I love you too. Goodnight."

She looked back over at her brother, who looked crushed. His dark, sunken eyes massively amplified any of his sadness or anxiety. Both emotions seemed as if they were actually pulling him downwards, making gravity a thousand times more powerful. "I'm sorry you had to lie because of me.."

She smiled, "I didn't.. you were already here when they told me to not let you in, as long as you don't leave... I'm not lying! I haven't given you money either. I'm not going to let them know, because they don't deserve it."

He looked up, but still seemed like he was hardly holding himself together. "Hey! Don't worry about them. We both know they're not the best of people, especially as parents. You're not who they think you are. They haven't seen the real you, maybe ever. I have now, I could even kinda see when we were younger." She grabbed him and embraced him tightly. He began to cry some. Partly from being stabbed in the heart, and also from the joy of knowing he wasn't alone, of having someone who cared and the feeling of support from that person.

She stroked his head, before excitedly jumping up. "Hey! I have something to show you!" she basically ran to her closet, opened it, and quickly pulled out his musical equipment: his guitar, his amp, all the cables, and the headphones made for the amp.

His jaw dropped, and he was basically paralyzed. "I. I. I. I.... What??? Where did you get that? I thought it got stolen?!"

She dropped her gaze to the floor. "Well... I guess it kinda did.. by me. You were hardly using it anymore, and I knew it would get either stolen or you would sell it all. I couldn't let that happen. I'm sorry.." She looked up towards him, and when she saw how happy he was, she knew that it was okay.

"Don't be sorry! Thank you so much! You were totally right, that's exactly what would have happened." He was absolutely beaming! It was also becoming somewhat apparent that the cocktail he had taken earlier was starting to take effect. He had lost his pained posture, and he was seeming more animated.

His sister was overjoyed from this image. She knew this would keep him distracted long enough from his earlier question, that she could go take care of some errands and hope that he would forget all about it. "Why don't you get yourself reacquainted with your old friends here, while I go grab a few things from the store, we're going to need more of the medicine and meal shakes for you, and I think I'm going to get a coffee. Sound okay? Need anything?"

He basically had tunnel vision and only kind of heard her. "Okay.. thank you so much! Whatever you get is fine!"

She was completely comfortable with leaving him at home alone now. He was gonna be fine for now, she was absolutely sure about that. She grinned probably the biggest smile of her life, picked up her keys and headed out on her errands. It was easy and straightforward. On her way back from the store, she picked up the largest peppermint mocha available.

Once home, she put the drinks in the fridge, except for one, and brought an extra bottle of nausea medicine in the room with her coffee. She stepped into her room and stopped in her tracks. She had walked in to see Skyeler playing guitar. Only he was completely naked. He had only been wearing his towel earlier, but he had let it fall off, probably without noticing. He seemed to definitely be affected by the drugs. He was so into what he was doing, and he couldn't hear anything because of the headphones over his ears. She was anxious that he could turn around at any moment, but she couldn't stop herself from checking him out. He was very skinny, but the affection she felt for him made him incredibly sexy. His being absorbed into the music, he had picked back up nearly to his old skill level, was hot to her. She gazed at his cute butt, looked him up and down, the pristine white of his fur, so soft looking. And it was very soft, as she had already discovered. God.. she could just throw herself at him. She snapped back and shook her head, clearing herself once again. She placed the drinks upon the nightstand. Not wanting to startle him, she walked wide around him and leaned into his field of vision, flashing a smile at him. He stopped playing and shut things off, unplugging the cables. As he was taking his guitar off, in the brief moment he wasn't able to see, she glanced at his crotch and she felt her entire body flush with warmth.

"Heyyy.. how was the trip? Get everything you needed?"

She warmly responded, "It was good, thanks! I sure did. You didn't have to stop playing, you know that right..?"

"Oh I know, I had a blast, and I'll be back at it again soon, if you're not going to sleep. I was just having such a nice time talking with you earlier that I was really hoping we could talk some more. Or just hang out or whatever. I'm feeling kind of off, not in a bad way really, kind of dizzy, and a little wobbly, so I think it would be best to lay down for the moment. Watch some TV or whatever you want to do. Is that alright?"

Katie nodded, "Absolutely, that sounds perfect." They both got onto the bed and lay on their sides, facing each other, Katie propped her head up with her arm and hand so that she could sip on her coffee. Skyeler tucked a pillow under his head and looked slightly up to look at her face. "So... what do you feel like talking about?" She asked him after taking a large drink of her mocha. It was delightfully flavorful.

"Welllllll, I guess I have something that I kinda feel I need to ask you. Uhh.. oh jeez.. What made.. nah.. Ehh.. Why are you doing... this?" He gestured with a finger pointing down, clearly meaning about her taking him in, taking care of him, and generally saving him and his life in a way.

She looked down softly at him, "It's because I care about you. I always have. You didn't know this... but I was pretty closely involved in your life, all things considered. I used to stay up late when you were still living at home. You would be out doing whatever you were doing, I had a vague idea, I knew that it was dangerous.. and while I was up, I was usually right by the window, keeping watch hoping you were going to make it home, and when you didn't, I was always worried. Whenever you ended up back home, I felt so relieved! I backed you up when mom and dad were suspicious because you were sick, or because you were "sleeping" so much. I didn't want you to get kicked out, so I did what I could. I couldn't help once you were 18, but I tried. I also knew that you would steal when you were sick with withdrawals.. and I hated seeing it, so I would leave money out in the open in my room when I could, I even figured out how much it took to get you evened out. I didn't put out any more than that. I wasn't going to enable your death.... And one more thing that you weren't aware of.... I was always at the hospital when you were. No matter what time it was, I always found out when it happened, and I always made it without mom and dad knowing. I saw you, the real you, maybe not completely, but I saw into you."

Skyeler blinked several times, astounded by what he just heard. He was frozen, and he was bursting inside. After about five seconds, he buried his face in the pillow, and began to sob. Katie smiled, only because she knew she had touched his heart, and he was most likely overwhelmed with joy. She placed her hand on his back, and gently stroked his fur. Nothing needed to be said. This moment was absolutely perfect as it was. She sat up and chugged a large portion of her coffee before setting it down on the nightstand. She swung her leg over him, straddling his back and began to rub his back. He could probably use a massage, and he wasn't objecting at all. With the sedative in him, the addition of a massage REALLY loosened his muscles. It hardly took any effort. To get the tension and knots out. He began moaning quite loudly. She was quickly absorbed in his moaning, wishing that even though it was because of her, that it was because he was inside of her in some way. She longed to hear his moans from beneath her, over her, behind her, and in front of her. She flushed so hot she started sweating, and she noticed her loins were radiating heat, and she found herself worrying that he would notice, so she let up, pet his back a few times, and then laid back where she had been, drinking more coffee as she watched him lay breathing. He looked so calm, like he had never been before. It was such a beautiful picture to her.

His experience of what was just described what similarly spectacular. He was beyond overwhelmed by her sharing of her immense care that she had kept to herself for so long. The fact that someone actually felt that way about him left him completely astounded. He finally felt like he had value. He actually hadn't been shown that in a genuine way, even from his mother, ever. And he internalized that as a message from his world. This new experience was earth shattering.

Also, it had been about 45-50 minutes since he drank the foul brew, and it was finally rushing through his entire body. While Katie was on top of him giving him the best massage of his entire life, he felt a rush of energy chill it's way up his spine, culminating in full body tingling. His head began to swim heavily, his senses felt cranked up to an eighteen out of ten. He felt her hands intensely, feeling what felt like every single hair individually standing on end. He heard the sound that was made by her hands moving his fur around, and the coffee gurgling in her stomach. He smelled almost all of the smells in the room. His eyes were closed, so he had no information on that yet, but he assumed his sight would similarly be amplified. And as the rush raced through his body, he felt his blood force into his crotch., and he suddenly was aware that he was infinitely more horny than he had ever been. He started getting an erection, and it was because he was focused on this turn of events, that he failed to notice the heat of his sister on the part where his butt and back met. He felt Katie get off of him, and he was almost glad that she did, though kind of disappointed simultaneously.

He was now hard as a diamond, and concerned about it being revealed. He was still laying on his belly and face, so he turned his face toward her. "I have no words for how amazing that felt. Thank you for sharing with me, I... that's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I had no idea that anyone felt anything even remotely close to that about me. You're amazing."

"You're welcome! I'm really so happy you feel that way! I'm here for you." She looked at him gently, feeling an even deeper affection for her older "little" brother. It was obvious that he felt cared for finally. She met his eyes, which looked different now, they seemed much brighter, a little glossy, and his usual brilliant blue eyes were now not much more than black spheres with a slim blue ring around them. This was the stimulant at work. She pondered about what he could be experiencing, what he was thinking and feeling.

He seemed a bit nervous, so she asked, him, "Feeling alright? Anything I can get for you or anything?"

He spoke back, with a certain airy quality to his voice, "Still a bit dizzy, might stay laid down for a bit longer. Could you cuddle with me again?"

She took the lid off of her coffee cup and drank the rest. "Sure thing!"

He rolled so that he was facing the edge and away from her, trying to conceal his full on hard on from her. He was trying to grab the blanket to pull over and help with that particular goal, when she was suddenly right up against him. She swung her arm over him, aiming to hold him by the lower belly/waist area. This was when time slowed down almost to a stop for both of them. As her arm went over him, her hand not only grazed, but fully touched his hard cock. He froze in place, shutting his eyes and unable to breathe. He was paying close attention to what was happening, he knew time was fucked up right now, but he felt her hand lingering, first on his member, and then rather than jerking her hand away or recalculating and putting her arm where it was originally heading or another spot, it remained in place, for what was absolutely at least three seconds. After this, her arm went when down by his waist area, where it had originally been going, and coincidentally right next to his engorged dick. Then it hit him... the heat radiating into his lower back. There was too much evidence backing up his theory. "Okay new plan. I know it feels risky and everything, but I actually don't feel like it is. I need to try this... We both know this stuff could be messing with my head.. I'm gonna take my shot... if things go horribly wrong, I'll just blame it on the effects I'm having. I've never taken... whatever this is... Rrrraaahhh.... Im fucking going for it!" His thoughts flew through his mind lightning quick.

He swallowed hard then slowly twisted his upper body and neck so he could look at her. She met his eyes, and he saw it. It was the look of hope! Sure... it could be hope for something else, but that didn't feel right at all. It almost looked like she knew what he was about to do, because she kept glancing at his lips. He turned over fully, keeping his waist a good distance away so as to not ruin things by jabbing her with his cock immediately while this was happening. His hand raised to her face and rested there for a couple moments, during which Katie closed her eyes and leaned against his hand. She looked radiant with happiness. So beautiful! He couldn't handle it anymore, so he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. His ears picked up the sharp inhale that she took, and felt both of her hands quickly placed flatly on his chest, up to his neck and then around to the back of his head, pulling him deeper in to their first magical kiss. She let up, keeping her hands where they were, but she pulled back, letting out an exhale that needed out after the previous breath that she had taken. Her eyes opened wide at first then relaxed to a soft level, looking almost somewhat drugged, her pupils had actually dilated as the result of all of the pleasure chemicals and hormones surging through her. Her breathing was harder and faster.

Skyeler was the one who broke the silence, following a good twenty seconds of taking in the blissful feelings and everything about the moment. "You never answered my question earlier." He smiled amusingly.

She could hardly think but managed to ask him, "Which question was that?" It was a genuine question. She didn't remember a whole lot actually.

"I asked you if you liked me, which I guess you answered even though I'm pretty sure you knew what I meant, but come to think of it, I actually wasn't able to finish the next one. I followed that with something along the lines of, 'no, not like that, I meant...' and then you answered your phone super quickly, which I think I understand now.

"Oh.. that.. yeah, I'm sorry.. that was rude of me, but I was scared. I thought things were going to be ruined. Like maybe you wouldn't want to stay here anymore, and you'd leave and I wouldn't be able to see you again, and I'd be worried because you'd probably go straight back to your old circle and I'd lose you forever, and my heart felt like it was about to shatter into a trillion pieces. Since you've been here and everything, a whole bunch of stuff has come together in my mind. Umm.. I guess I still haven't given you an answer to your other question. No, I don't like you like that, only because the word 'like' doesn't do it. Skyeler, and I hope this doesn't change things not that I think it will at this point, I love you."

He was flabbergasted. He really wasn't expecting to hear Katie say that. As the words entered his soft, pointed, enhanced ears, he felt his heart go crazy, he was unable to say anything, so he pulled her body to him and gave her another deep, powerful kiss that melted her, emotionally and even physically, she became loose and weak all over. "I love you too, Katie." The addition of her name to those words lit up her world! It felt like fireworks were going off, and she was feeling like they were sharing the entire experience, and she knew that he was feeling the same way, and she also 100% knew that he knew her feelings. A truly blended, intertwined shared state of being.

All of this was wonderful, and then they both realized what had happened when he pulled her against him. His cock was laying against her tummy pressed between the two and was radiating heat, making it all the more obvious. "Oh god, I'm sorry... it's been like that for a while, since the massage you gave me. Well now that I think about it, I guess you already knew that, huh..??"

She nodded heartily, "I suppose I might have a clue, you know, when I pretty much had you in the palm of my hand. Hehe." She winked at him, then she felt it twitch again her as he remembered that moment in a newer light, now that everything was out in the open. He felt so hot and lusty for her, and wanted her immediately. He felt bad though because he didn't want it to be this way. They had just discovered their love for each other, and he had always been a romantic at heart, and his chemical fueled lust seemed like it would cheapen everything that had just unfolded.

"That stuff has really hit me, which I think is why it is the way it is, and why it hasn't gone away. I truly would love to just lie here with you and continue the way we were, but I don't think it's going to stop.. wait! Hold up... did you dress up the way you did to try to get my attention?? Plus you were digging through that tiny little bag of yours for an AWFULLY long time..."

She smiled mischievously, "I may have. Did it work? I think so. I managed to catch a peek of you seeming like you were staring. You saw something you liked didn't you? I'm not as conceited as this is going to sound, but I know how nice my butt and legs are. Hence the shorty shorts." She looked ecstatic at his obvious extreme attraction to her body, especially because she knew for a fact that it wasn't only that.

"Oh it worked alright! And if you keep bringing that image or the way you copped a feel, I'm never gonna be able to relax. I can hardly focus on what you're saying, except, of course, these things you're bringing up that are keeping me so hard it's starting to ache." He sat up, looking toward the bathroom. "I need to go deal with this, i... I'll be right back, probably anyways, this feels like it could take a while."

"Seriously..? Come on, we'll just ease into it. Remember, I promised I'd take care of you, so let me! I know where you're coming from, how you're feeling you big softie. I know you're a sweet romantic, and I love that about you. I don't know why, but I think we both know each other somehow, don't say you don't feel the connection.." she followed up with, "It's not gonna ruin anything for me, so don't worry! Besides... I might be in need of someone to take care of me too. I'm thinking you know about that, you certainly felt it, there's no way you missed it so don't even go there!" He saw a flash of raw sexual energy explode through her eyes.

His eyebrows raised high, "Welllllll, I guess I can't argue with that!" The look in his eyes was primal as he looked from her gorgeous face, down her revealing too, down her belly and her legs. He looked back to her face, he had never been a 'Take charge' kind of fox, but he felt he could be, and would be, but not until this first one was out of the way. He was fairly immobilized, unsure of what to do. He had closed his eyes to try to breath some clarity back into his mind, but before he got anywhere, he felt a movement on the bed and he was seeing stars behind his closed eyes. It was a little disorienting, but after a few long feeling seconds, he became aware of what was happening. He knew before his eyes were even open, but it still surprised him when he looked down on the top of his sisters head bobbing up and down, and when he looked at an angle off to the side and actually saw his cock in her mouth he felt it throb and twitch and drip a heavy flow of precum., which drooled out of her mouth, mixed with saliva. His cock was glistening with it, and she was using it as lubricant for her hand that she had wrapped around it and begun stroking. His knot was fully engorged, and she was massaging it. Her face was filled with his incredible scent, and watching her brothers penis slide in and out of her muzzle. It made her incredibly aroused and felt her need for stimulation, and her hand was automatically down to her wet, heated vagina, tracing the wet cleft in her crotch with her middle finger. She spread her lower lips and slipped her two middle fingers in, and as she did, a moan tried to escape, but at that moment her mouth was nearly completely full with Skyeler's rigid member. The moan started to come out around it, which caused another giant throb and release of pre, the sound of her muffled sound, and it turning into a squeak/nasal moan, along with the lapping and sucking sounds. Something powerful was building! What finished it was seeing her masturbating, combined with the look she gave him. Every single aspect of everything that had happened and was happening finally shoved him over the edge when she continued a soft, happy, satisfied vocalization, and flashed her dazzling emerald eyes at him from the side, checking him out. He knew she was loving the feelings and could see that, for whatever reason, she found him very attractive. She was looking almost like she was drugged herself, her eyes soft and half open, seeing that she was enjoying this just as much as he was, and then he couldn't move. His breath caught and stuck in his chest. His entire body was unable to process the whole feeling, and his head swam. His vision faded halfway, but could still see and things slowed down. His mind was exploding in unimaginable pleasure, and he felt himself pumping ropes of semen into Katie's mouth, watching it visibly filling up. He had wanted to warn her that he was going to cum, but it just wasn't possible. He realized he had been loudly growling shortly before and during the entire orgasm, which kept going for at least twenty seconds. Twenty LONG seconds.

Once he was able to move again, he propped himself up with a pillow so that he could look down towards her, where she lay breathing heavily, with drool and cum flowing out of her muzzle and onto his lap, where she was now resting, looking completely dazed, but gently and fiercely meeting his beautiful blues.

"I... I'm sorry.. I wanted to warn you it was gonna happen, but I got kinda paralyzed. I couldn't move or talk.."

"It's alright, dear. You actually did tell me in a way.. I saw the way you looked when I looked in your eyes. Plus, you had actually been growling louder and louder for a little bit." Her eyes widened, squirming her hips and ass, clearly receiving a burst of pleasure and arousal as she relived her memory of those moments. "It was pretty fucking hot! The only thing I didn't know was the fact that you were going to fill my mouth. I was really surprised. It just kept going! I tried to swallow it all, but it was too much. I haven't done it that much and don't like the taste." She saw him get uncomfortable. "Don't worry though. That was the least of it all. It didn't even bother me that much. You know... You had such a delicious scent when my nose was down there. I loved having you in my mouth. If you didn't notice, I was so hot for you that I couldn't help but play with myself. Plus... I love you and I'm so happy to see you happy." She wiped her mouth on her arm and a little on his thigh, but that was mostly to get a good whiff of him again, before putting her head to his shoulder and looking into his face, admiring every aspect of his features. He had caught his breath and had regained his control once again. He took advantage of this fact and pulled her muzzle to his and kissed her. She had opened her lips to say something but wasn't able to in time. He took her deeply into the kiss, and introduced his tongue to her mouth, which surprised her, but there was no way she would ever deny his tongue access.

After a full minute of making out, she pulled away. "I, uhh... tried to tell you before, but there's still a lot of your taste in my mouth.. Sorry. Once you kissed me I couldn't stop, at least right away."

He chuckled at her nervousness. "It's okay, I shoulda known, but who cares? After that shit you made me drink, a cummy kiss was a treat! Hahaha! Plus I'm with the one I love, so I think I'll be alright." Skyeler smiled at this, and pulled Katie against him and buried his face in her shoulder, lovingly petting her on her arms, face, and back.

This made her eyes well up with tears. Glowing brilliantly on the inside, and the outside, but her brother couldn't see it. She didn't need him to, she knew that he knew somehow. She wrapped her arms around him and returned the petting. She then burst out laughing, "A cummy kiss, huh?!?! You're ridiculous. I love you. I'm so glad I've got you here, back in my life." She caressed his head and buried face.

"Me too, sis. Me too. Can we just stay like this for a bit? I just feel so good, and I have things I still want to talk about with you, and I have some things to do, and I'm figuring it out, but for now, let's just be here, okay?" He looked up at her and kissed her nose, nuzzle her face with his, and buried himself back to the position he was loving, warmed with comfort.

Katie smiled to herself, thought 'this is going to be the best vacation ever!' she reciprocated his nuzzle and help him close. He erection hadn't gone away, hadn't even slightly shrank at any point. She was voraciously awaiting the time to take that back into use, but for now, his love and presence in her life and next to him was a thousand times more than enough for her. "Sure thing, sweetie. I'd love nothing more." She leaned her head against his and took a deep, contented breath and closed her eyes.

To be continued..? I really enjoyed writing this, and I will be continuing it, so I'll be posting the next part when it's done.