A New Kind Of Fun

Story by BrimstoneWolfein on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

Hello all,

I got bored so i thought i would write a short story about two lovers. They mess around in the shower until things take a turn for the worst. This story contains gay sex as well as paw play and paw transformation. If this isnt your thing backout now or read until that point. I wanted to make a story of my own featuring paw transformation as there isnt that many that ive been able to find. Perhaps ill do more like this in the future. My vocabulary isnt as great as most writers on here and i tend to type in the past present and future all at once so bear with me.

A new kind of fun,

by Brimstone Wolfein

The sound of scraping metal echos through the quiet unlit one-room apartment as a shadow loomed under the doorway. Only the faint sound of keys clacking away in the back room would show any signs of life as the door swung open. Within the doorway stood a tall white husky most likely in his mid-20s. Tight red gym shorts adorned the male with a hole in the back for his fluffy curly tail.

Back from a long jog throughout the cities many parks and pathways the young husky closes the door and sets the keys on the hook on the wall. Having come back once his hind paws started to throb he wasted no time in settling down. Walking to the fridge for a sports drink to quench his thirst. His nails clicked away on the wooden floor with each step as he dragged his paws around.

The kitchen was your typical bachelor pad, complete with a microwave from the 90s and a toaster on the counter. The table and two chairs tucked away in the corner of the room looked as if they were never used as dust collects on the surface. To the left of the entrance opposite of the kitchen was the small living room. A small television sits against the wall adjacent to a dark blue couch with a circular coffee table beside it. A window looming out over the street two floors down below as the apparent night sky glows with the buildings in the distance.

Closing the fridge the husky chugs down his strawberry drink as a drop escapes his lips. Wiping his muzzle with his open sleeve the male makes his way through the hallway in between the two rooms. as he passed the door to the bedroom he opens the door revealing the source of the clacking echoing through the apartment.

A blue fox hammers away at his keyboard as he chats with fellow gamers on discord. the glow of the monitor is the only source of light as muffled sounds come from the fox's headphones. Startled the fox jumps from his seat slightly as he sees his mate in the doorway. With a paw on his chest, he huffs as he drops the headphones down around his neck.

"you scared the shit out of me Caleb." the fox huffed.

"Sorry, Demmi i just got back. i was going to take a shower. do you need in the washroom beforehand? "

"Nah thanks though"

With that, the husky left to go start his relaxing shower. It wasn't a few minutes later that sounds of rushing water were heard through the hall. Bach in the bedroom the fox let out a bored sigh slumping in his chair as it seemed he had nothing else to do for the evening. A sly grin crept over his muzzle as he thought about the husky within the shower and how he could mess with his master.

Placing his headphones down on his cluttered desk Demmi made his way into the hall. His paw clasping over the handle lightly as to make little noise as he turned the nob and stepped inside. Within the shower, steam had already started to accumulate as the mirror and sliding glass was fogged up beyond the ability to see through them. Within the shower was the white husky, though through the glass he was more a blob than a figure. Red shorts and accompanying underwear lay strewn on the floor.

Closing the door the fox began to disrobe. Pulling his shirt off his lithe form to reveal his chest before he tossed his shirt to the ground. Taking the same precaution as to not make too much noise the fox hooked his thumbs in his waistband. unbuttoning his tight pants he let them fall around his ankles before slipping his paws out of them. With just his underwear left, he slid them over his now exposed tip and bulging sheath. sliding it over the supple fur and lower hanging balls.

Once the fox was fully disrobed he took no time at all in silently sliding the glass door open and stepping inside. The warm wet tile greeted his blue hind paw as he squeezed himself into the small crack he made in the entryway before sliding it shut behind him. There stood his mate, soaked to the bone standing with his back faced to the fox as his muzzle hangs in the air. The huskies eyes closed as the water runs over his muzzle. Reaching out the fox slides his hands over the huskies form embracing him.

Calebs eyes shot open as he was lightly startled from this outcome. not hearing his lover enter the room in the first place. His mood seemed to calm down though as his lover wraps their arms around him and pressed their bodies together.

"Ah, i should have asked if you wanted to join me.." He said trailing off as he enjoys their company.

"You know well enough by now you cant get naked without your pup there to help out." The fox spoke behind the husky as he moves his hind paw over his lovers. those digits intertwine with theirs as the warm water runs over them.

They stay like this for only a moment bathing in the warmth of each others touch before the fox was the first to break contact. Moving in front of the husky the smaller fox holds out his paw and cups the huskies balls within his palm. The water drips around his appendages as it leaks off the huskies red shaft. That tip long since poked from its home as the fox teases it free.

A paw outstretches from Caleb to lightly grasp over the foxes chin bringing Demmis muzzle up only to be greeted by the huskies soft embrace. Their lips connect at the very moment that the fox paw clasps over that thick meat. A soft moan escapes through the huskies kiss as that paw begins to work over that shaft. Squeezing in all the right places only two lovers would know from past experiences.

It isn't until the husky begins to growl from the teasing advances that things change. pulling away from the kiss the white husky took hold of his lover by the shoulders. That look of dominance through those eyes as he signaled to the fox it was time. With a playful tug, he turns his mate overexposing his rump. Not taking the time to take in the view of the foxes rump, he positioned his rod at the foxes tail hole before shoving his tip inside.

Moans escaped the small cubicle filling the bathroom with the sounds of sex and the scent of masculinity. A pawprint slammed into the glass with a thud as Demmi used the walls for stability as the rod pounded deep within him. His mouth agape as more moans rang out every time the husky hilted inside his rump hitting the spot each time. All the while the water washed over the foxes back and down over his legs.

Pressure built as the husky's knot began to form sliding in and out of the foxes passage as it grew. It wasn't long before the huskies thrusts began to slow as it became harder to push his knot within his lover. With one final push, he forced his knot around that tight ring hilting his shaft within. Demmi moans out as his rump is filled connecting them both as one as that knot holds them in place. Heat fills the fox's rump as that shaft buried inside him erupts its hot seed within him.

Cum drips down the foxes orbs as the knot fails to keep in all of their lovemaking. The fox's hard shaft still throbbing in the warm steamy air as it dribbles pre over its wet form. Demmis chest rose and fell as he began to steady himself after that ordeal. His paw slides down from the walls of the stall to hold only the one in front of him as he turns his upper torso around to face his lover. Still panting Caleb bathes in his afterglow as his pet takes a more forward approach. Pulling him in close for one last embrace.

An hour passes by and the two lovebirds are still locked within the steamy shower. by now the knot had long since died down but that doesn't stop the two lovers from holding on to one another. Lost in their embrace and just thankful to have one another the couple stay within their embrace.

Water sprayed from the silver nozzle as the two had only after an hour started to move from their previous position. disconnecting themselves from each other the two helped each other out cleaning one another's fur rubbing body wash over one another as they cleaned off evidence of their lovemaking.

"Oh hey, you still haven't used this massage lotion?" Demmi exclaimed as he holds the bottle of oddly clear liquid. The plastic is still on the cap as the fox twists it off with a rip letting the plastic fall to the floor for later pickup. He pops the bottle cap off and pours some in his paws before setting the bottle back down. "lift your paws up for me."

Smirking widely at the offer the husky did as instructed lifting his hind paw for his pet before murring at the cold touch of gel hitting his paw pad. As his lover kneaded through his pads he began to moan from the weight of the world melting away within each stroke of those digits. They slid between each toe coating the fur in the clear gel as they tickled the skin beneath. The liquid sends shivers over the husky's form as it coats his paw.

The husky looks down upon his lover worshiping his paw and gets an idea. Pressing his paw back against those paws holding him he moves his hind paw back against the foxes muzzle. Pressing his paw against the fox's lips quieted any protests the pet could make as his master used him for his pleasures. Letting out a slight moan the fox knew what to do as he had been in this situation before. He took hold of the paw once more and began to lick. Or he would have if it wasn't for the fact that he was stuck to the paw.

Small tendrils connected the fox to that paw as if it were liquid themselves as he could only stare on in panic as those digits wrapped around his small muzzle. The husky doing nothing to help as he doesn't notice what's happening behind his paw as his lover moans in silent protest. Wiggling those digits over the foxes' muzzle became increasingly hard by the second as the husky began to notice a presence or connection between the two beings. As the husky looked on he too began to realize things were not what they seemed to be.

Blue fur began to sprout over the huskies toes as they began to absorb the smaller fennec. his muzzle sinking into Calebs' form as he looked on in horror. doing nothing to help his mate as they sank deeper within his lover's paw. The last thing the fox saw before his eyes vanished within the pads were the eyes of his lover, that worried expression over his muzzle and the raging hardon he had while watching his mate disappear within him.

As the fox vanished changing into the huskies paw. so too did his consciousness fade away into nothing as there was no need for one in his new form. What was left of his body slumped down as it was enveloped changing shape to fit their new form as the huskies new paws. With the former lover's tail wrapping around Calebs' other leg, he watched as it too began to sink into his fur mingling together and blending into blue socks around his ankles.

Not much of his boyfriend remained as the former lover split in two as the wiggling toes formed around the remaining mass. All that remained were the huskies now blue soaked hind paws and a bottle of massage oil pouring over the tiled floor. His lover was no more. now just an extension of his being. Caleb sighed shedding a tear for his fallen lover before his paw wrapped around his shaft. Once again muffled moans began to fill the room.