Galleus Manor: Team 13

Story by drass on SoFurry

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#1 of Galleus Manor

A pair of paranormal explorers barely escape their first delve alive, and reassess the choices that led them there. Their fellows dead, only withdrawn dog Keller, and abrasive cat Maxine are left to clean their wounds, but that's not all the mission left them with. The manor poisons its visitors, playing their basal urges against each other over time, and Keller and Maxine must come to grips with its permanent effects. They bristle at each other to start, but realize they may be more alike than they think.

This is something a bit edgier than I'm used to posting here. Was written as a chapter 1 to a longer project, but don't know how far I'll go with it. Also a lot more emotional than I usually write here. I'm happy with it, even if it may not prove popular.

EDIT: apparently half the story disappeared on upload, so my apologies for anyone confused by it cutting out in the middle on initial upload.

The screams began, but the wolf in the chair kept his grim vigil. A look like disappointment crossed his face, but he made no move for the microphone. The only light in the room came from the bank of a dozen monitors, through which a grim scene unfolded. Supposedly brave people ran between screens, chased by vicious laughter and vague shadows. Two smartly made for the front door, the other three, however, had already sealed their fates.

Behind the wolf was a set of speakers, each frantically beeping out the pulse of each explorer. The deer fled through the kitchen, and down into the basement. The wolf scowled, then sighed as his monitor went silent. The Fox was hiding in a closet, and predictably his monitor quit as well. The horse tripped in the back hall, and fell through the floor. Her monitor screamed her panic for a full minute, before quitting as well. The wolf shook his head, and turned his attention to the cat and the dog, both sprinting through the main hall. It looked like they would make it. He nodded, and rose to go meet them.

Floodlights painted the house out of the night, refusing to grant it any more dark than necessary. The wolf limped his way to the edge of the exclusion zone, making sure to keep three paces back for the new additions. Out here, he could hear the all too familiar screams and laughter directly, and felt his blood itch in response.

The door crashed open, not so much kicked as tackled through. The dog and cat spilled out on the porch, and crashed down into the mud below. The cat picked herself up first, then dragged the dog up by his arm. The wolf nodded to himself, satisfied they had heeded his warning. The shades remained on the porch, letting their prey go for the moment. The wolf felt their eyes land on him, and his blood began to boil despite himself. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"What the fuck was that?" The cat shrieked as she crossed the line. The dog was too winded to shout, and stood doubled over while he tried to catch his breath. Both had blood on them, the dog's entire pant leg was soaked through with it, and his black fur was completely caked with it on one arm.

The wolf opened his eyes, and looked at the survivors. "What weren't you briefed on?"

The cat's mouth dropped open, then slammed shut.

"You didn't say how quick it would activate," the dog said between gasps.

The wolf grunted. "Activation, if you'd paid proper attention to the brief, happens the moment you enter the exclusion zone. From the moment you crossed that line, you were in danger, as I'd hoped the tapes from the twenty-three confirmed fatalities before you would have warned you."

"You said sixty people went into that before us!" the Cat said, stomping forward.

"Only twenty-three of which we have footage of dying. I was hoping your team would get the next camera installed, but my expectations were too high.

The cat snarled, but held her tongue. A noise like a whimper came from behind, the Dog had stumbled and fell to his knee, cursing quietly. A ragged tear in his pants ran from his knee down his shin, through the hole a jagged gash oozed through his dusky fur. The cat looked away, biting her thumb. The wolf appraised the wound, and nodded.

"Get yourselves to the doctor, then hit the shower. We'll debrief in two hours," The Wolf said, his tone softened somewhat. The Cat nodded, and knelt to help the dog up, and together they limped off towards the medical tent.

The Mare was much too big for her lab coat, but wore the sweater underneath quite well. Her tall frame was sturdy to begin with, but it seemed she took good care of her body as well. Her shimmering fur was the color of amber, and she wore her mane swept back to one side. Her name tag read "Dr. Willow", but it hung carelessly askew, as if it were an afterthought while dressing.

The dog sat on a cot in the harsh blue light of the tent, fluorescent tube lights hung from chains above them. In the corner, with a large piece of plywood as its floor, sat a desk with a computer. A tarp separated the rest of the space from the dirt below. A gas-powered space heater rumbled away in the corner, keeping the space comfortable. Dr. Willow sat on a folding stool as she worked, her strong hands holding the dog's leg still as she threaded the last of the stitches shut. She had cut his pant leg off entirely, further ruining what used to be a good pair.

"Well, you're already in the top ten percent of volunteers, being alive," the doctor said. Her callous remark was offset by the bubbly warmth behind her voice. "If nothing else, you have a hell of a drinking story, Keller."

The Dog sighed, and kept his eyes low. Tears streaked his fur, though he'd managed to keep quiet through the procedure. "Is he usually like that?" Keller asked, his voice raw.

"Master Galleus? In what way?" Dr. Willow asked.

"Three of us didn't come out, and he barely flinched," Keller said, "he didn't even react until he saw my gash."

Dr. Willow sat back on her stool. She seemed conflicted. "He set out with good intentions, and he still has them. This place doesn't play nice with those though. Even if he didn't show it, I know he was relieved you survived."

Keller nodded. "Yeah, sure," he said softly. Galleus' harsh gaze reminded him too much of his father's.

"But hey, you're alive. And you've got a fat paycheck coming down the line," Dr. Willow said with a wide smile, "No shame in running now." She stood, and stepped back. "Give that a try now, see if you can't walk."

Keller tipped forward on to his paws and tested his weight. He rose slowly, and although the wound cried out, it was bearable. "Yeah, that should be okay," He said.

"Perfect, and hey, you lost a lot of blood too, that'll help if you want to keep at it."

Keller winced, it was a grim thought.

"Need any help getting to the shower?" Dr. Willow asked.

Keller looked up at her. She stood a full foot and a half above him. Maybe it was the blood loss, maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the light hitting her mane just right, or maybe it was the poison that had seeped into the blood he had left. She looked perfect in that moment, appealing in ways Keller hadn't considered before. The thought of her with him in the showers made his body buzz in a way he wasn't ready for. He had always liked strong women, and Dr. Willow could easily bench press three of him by the looks of it. Keller closed his eyes and shook his head. "Sorry, no," he said, and stammered, "I mean, I'm fine."

Dr. Willow sniggered, as if he had just made a joke. "Don't worry, it'll fade," she said.


"The Manor's effects," she said, "they're concentrated because of the blood you lost, but it'll dilute more as you recover."

Keller nodded. "Is it really permanent?" he asked, hesitantly.

Dr. Willow's smile faded. "As far as we can tell, yeah. You've only had an hour of exposure though, so you likely won't even notice once you heal up."

Keller nodded again, and pulled his jacket on before limping outside through the tent flap. The cold bit through his fur, making him dizzy for a moment. He shook his head clear, and pulled his coat tighter as he made for the toilets. The night had finally broken, and light crept up through the horizon. All round, he could hear people chatting in hushed voices, hidden away in the various tents that made up the base. It wasn't a military operation, at least not formally. It was hard for Keller to imagine one person having this kind of money, no matter how far back the Galleus family went. A cloud of steam marked his destination, a pair of rolling trailers that stood nested between a pile of rumbling equipment. Hoses ran into and out of most of the machines, and Keller assumed some must be generators, and some must be water heaters, but he was not an engineer.

He passed the toilet trailer, and mounted the step up to the bath trailer. The steam meant a recent shower, but how recent was still in question. He hoped his time in the medical tent had given Max enough time to take care of her business, but he still pressed his ear to the door to make sure. He listened hard, and heard no showers running on the other side. Relieved, he opened the door and stepped into the changing room.

Above, a fan growled away fighting the humidity in vain. Benches lined the room, and fresh towels sat in a hamper off to one side. An open doorway led to the showers at the far end, through which a cloud of steam slowly rolled out. Keller disrobed as best he could, but it was slow. He fought with his pants for a minute before ripping them in frustration. They caught briefly at the waistband, but with a grunt Keller yanked it, ripping it along the seams until the fabric found a weaker spot and tore through. He paused, and marveled at his own strength for a moment, then shook his head. He pulled a fresh towel from the pile, and limped into the cloud.

The trailer was more insulated than the tents, but the chill of the night still penetrated enough to make the steam almost blinding. Keller felt his way past the baths, not wanting to soak a fresh wound, and made for the showers at the end of the trailer. A pair of benches split spaces between the two, and as the showers came into sight Keller saw the shelf cramped with bottles of shampoo and conditioner. Keller cranked the hot nozzle, and held his hand under the scalding stream. He usually preferred cooler showers, but right now he wanted to burn everything off, to let the filth be cooked away. He knew it wouldn't work like that, the filth was inside him. Satisfied with the heat, he turned to grab a bottle from the shelf and flinched.

A shadow, barely visible through the steam, lounged on a bench. Keller wondered how he'd missed it coming in. A pair of rounded ears topped the figure's head, and Keller realized who it was: the cat, the other survivor. Maxine, or just Max as she was keen to remind him.

"Sorry, I thought you were done," Keller said once he'd recovered from the shock.

"Or you could knock first," Max said dismissively. She sounded exhausted, and Keller realized he'd never asked if she was okay too before she left. Through the cloud, he realized she wasn't lounging at all, she was straddling the bench, and hunched over. Something dark ran from her arm onto the floor, pooling around her paws. Keller realized she was still naked, and flinched again, looking away.

"I can go," Keller said.

"Why?" Max asked.

"I mean, usually people prefer privacy when they're naked."

Max laughed, a harsh single bark that conveyed just how done with the night she was without a single word. "Kelly, I've seen your insides today. Bare fur pales in comparison."

Keller scowled. Kelly was what they'd called him in school, but he hadn't cared enough to correct her yet. Now didn't seem the right time either. Despite himself, he took a glance her way. Her fur was streaked orange and brown, a mundane pelt, but she made up for that in other ways. First was personality, and second was the shape of it all. She had the body of a runner, lean and built for endurance. She had turned to face him now, and her full bust was on display. She was modestly endowed, but it was her nipples that caught Keller's eyes, both standing erect despite the heat. He caught a glint of light, and raised his gaze, meeting her eyes. They were cold and hard, and he knew she'd seen him look. Keller snapped his gaze to the wall and damned himself. This was worse than high school, he clenched his fist cursing his lack of control. He found himself giving much more weight to Dr. Willow's words, this wasn't like him.

"Pervert," Maxine said with a scoff, and left it at that.

Keller cranked the nozzle harder, hoping to drown out the world in the noise and heat. He stepped under the stream, and set to lathering his fur up. A full minute of awkward silence passed, and he began to relax. He'd never started off on the right food with Max, he'd been too awkward to get past her abrasive defenses. He'd made an effort to keep out of her way since the initial briefing, until shit hit the fan at least. People act differently in a disaster, and Keller knew that was when he shined most. Adrenaline sharpened him, let him act decisively, and with a clear head. He hadn't hesitated when the time came, and the gash in his leg spoke to that.

The knife he'd caught was meant for Max's throat after she'd fallen, and while he knew she'd never thank him, he didn't need it. He'd at least hoped she would have been less caustic towards him, but any shot at that he'd blown peeking at her chest. That was fine though, she didn't like him, and that was her prerogative. He wouldn't waste the effort trying to change her mind, he just had to make it through the job.

"In the house," Maxine said, her voice like ice through the hiss of the shower head, "You acted like you'd been there before."

Keller paused, saying nothing.

"You've been through the shit?"

Keller knew she wasn't referring to the Manor specifically. He supposed even if they'd built different defenses, she sensed they had similar wounds now. "Yeah," he said.

"The others just panicked, but you turned on," Maxine said. Something was different in her voice. "I thought you were just spineless before, but you were hiding something." Her voice was moving closer, growing louder. Keller froze, his heart suddenly pounding.

"Max, I-" Keller jumped as hands fell on his back and shoulder. They felt soft against his fur, but gripped him tightly.

"You've got someone else inside you, someone real, but why hide him?" Max's voice was low, rumbling into a purr. Keller suddenly felt lightheaded. Her hands trailed lower to his hips, and he felt something bat against his wounded leg. He looked down and saw her thick tail swishing between his legs.

"Is a little blood all it takes for him to come out?" Max purred, almost a growl, "No problem for me." Keller winced as her claws pressed through his fur hard, but not enough to break the skin, not yet at least. Keller screamed at himself internally to move, to do something, to react, but his body refused. Max's hands slid forward, around his hip, then lower. One settled on his sheath, pressing firm against it, while the other cradled his testes, claws still out against the delicate skin.

"Max!" Keller finally barked, louder than he'd meant to. Her hands jerked back, and she gasped as she stumbled away. Keller turned, and saw her fully. He could see the fear in her slitted amber eyes as she cringed away from him. She cupped her hands together, keeping them away from Keller's body as her tail wedged itself between her legs. She seemed suddenly very aware of her body, and her nakedness, and covered her chest with her arms.

"Keller, I-" Max stammered but couldn't find words. Keller tried and failed to find his own to say. "I'm so sorry," Max finally managed to say, all harshness gone from her voice. She left in a hurry before Keller could reply. Guilt washed over him despite knowing better. She had been in the wrong, but his reaction could have been better, he thought. He looked down, and sighed. Despite it all, despite the fear, and pain, and fatigue, his manhood stood proud and at the ready. He stood under the shower, and cranked the cold tap, disgusted with himself.

Master Galleus' office was set in the third of three trailers belonging to the camp. Sunlight came harsh and cold through the windows, illuminating the disarray usually hidden in the darkness. Electric cables snaked and criss crossed across the floor, only parting for the legs of table and chairs. The desk had a bank of bulky terminals, now displaying nothing but static. In front of those sat the mic for an intercom which ran throughout the Manor during the night. During the day, it was as if the inside did not exist. One heavy wooden chair sat before the desk, occupied by the graying wolf now. Across his lap laid a walking stick with a silver handle, around which he worked his hands rhythmically. Five chairs sat around him, though only two were occupied now.

A short table next to the desk was cramped with black boxes, electronic equipment that only the Master himself understood the full scope of. A small team of experts muttered busily amongst themselves around him, as he nodded and grunted affirmations, with the occasional "No," between. After several minutes, most of the personnel returned to their own stations, leaving only the Master, the Doctor, and the survivors left in the office. Dr. Willow leaned against Galleus' chair as she stood with a clipboard in hand. Keller sat to his right, and Max had sat down two chairs away from him to Galleus' left. She wore a look of quiet fury, but remained unusually quiet about it. Keller alternated his gaze between the doctor, the wolf, and the floor. He couldn't bring himself to look at Max.

"All right," Galleus said, almost to himself, "Let's begin."

"Fucking finally," Max muttered. Galleus ignored her.

"At 0300 hours, the team entered the building with the intention of installing a camera in the master bedroom. Five of you entered, with equipment and supplies to operate in a low-light environment. It seems that the camera was not installed. Were you able to retrieve the equipment for reuse?"

"No, it was dropped in the rush," Keller said. He felt strangely distant. Normally an interrogation would give him anxiety, but he just felt disconnected from it all.

Galleus nodded, surprising both survivors with his calm. "Very well, it will be replaced, and installation will be attempted again in the next expedition."

"We're going back?" Max asked incredulously.

"No, you're here on an at-will basis. That has not changed. However, further employment would be contingent on further expeditions. Even so, further exploration is halted until personnel can be replaced, and your own recovery should you decide to continue."

Max bit her tongue despite herself.

"Now, how did manifestation begin?" Galleus asked.

Max didn't answer, so Keller did. "Toby and Larson saw them first, though we brushed it off at the time."

"You brushed it off?

"They said they saw someone peek around the corner at the end of the hall, but when we looked, we found nothing there. With as aggressive as you made them sound, we assumed they just saw regular shadows. They agreed."

Galleus grunted, and waited for him to continue.

"We got out first real sighting when one came through the wall next to our target. At least I think it was our target, we never got to open the door," Keller said.

"I saw that much, but the manifestation was outside the view of the hall camera," Galleus said.

"Yeah, it was a big shadow, but too vague to identify. It started laughing, and someone had left a knife on a hall table up there, like a big kitchen knife. It made for it, and the others ran."

Max took over, finding her voice. "Toby and Gail ran back downstairs, but Larson went up to the third floor. Then the screaming started and it was unclear how much was us, and how much was the house."

"Very well," Galeus said, "Monitors confirmed their pulses ceased within 5 minutes of first contact."

Keller looked down. He had assumed they were dead, but the revelation still sat heavy on his mind.

"How did your leg get injured?" Galleus asked.

"I ate shit down the stairs when we ran," Max said, her eyes distant. "I think I was tripped, but I could just have panicked. That was about the time blood started pouring out through the cracks in the floor. The knife ghost threw the carving knife down the stairs at me, and Rambo over here dove in front. I don't really remember much of the rest, just remember thinking 'get the fuck out' over and over," Max looked up at Keller briefly. "You remember much else?"

Keller shook his head. "About the same for me. Once the knife hit I was in full panic, and I thought the front hall was safer because we'd been through it. I think there were arms or claws coming through the walls or floor, but it's hazy."

"I remember the claws," Max said, "One got me on the arm." She held up her right hand to show a shallow cut running from her wrist to her elbow. It didn't look like it had bled much, but must have hurt. "Guess the knife was just for fun if they can rip you up without it."

Galleus nodded. "We have the rest on film and record," he said decisively. He turned to his desk, and pulled a checkbook out. He hastily scribbled a figure on one, ripped it, then did another. He handed each of the survivors their pay. Keller flinched at the number, not quite believing it was real. Max immediately whipped out her cell phone, and pulled up her banking app to mobile deposit it. Keller's hands shook slightly as he read, and reread the number. Five digits stared back at him, ready to all but replace his current balance in the bank.

"Now, this is the end of your required task," Galleus said, "You are welcome to leave, but if you feel so inclined, you may continue working with us. My offer is this, the same rate for each expedition, plus a compounding ten percent for each one. Compensation for experience, naturally.

Max's eye twitched at the audacity of the wolf, but Keller couldn't help but do the math. It was a lot of money on the table, and a lot more of it too. He could live months off of this one check, but that wasn't what made him hesitate. He realized he could very easily retire early if these checks kept coming. Galleus Manor had been horrifying, but what did that matter against a life of quiet comfort after. He looked to Max, to see her reaction, and saw a mask of pure disgust.

"You're running a meat grinder here, from that chair of yours" she spat, "You're comfortable throwing your money around, while the rest of us struggle. You know this is life changing for us, but it's pennies for you."

Galleus said nothing. His face was hard to read. Dr. Willow coughed quietly, but Galleus held his hand up. She held her tongue. "I've gotten this speech before," he said, "many times. Next you'll ask why I don't just go in there myself."


Galleus closed his eyes and sighed. "Well I suppose that brings us to the last part of our debrief. Usually we wait until you've signaled interest in continuing before this, to its a waste to test fitness for duty if you're not committing to said duty."

"I'll take over," Dr. Willow said softly. She pulled a small black device from her pocket and held it out for Keller and Max to see. "The physical danger is not the only concern when dealing with Galleus Manor. There is also what we call the corrupting effect. Prolonged exposure to its field of influence causes a buildup of foreign material in the blood, the effects of which aren't fully understood at this time. This effect is cumulative, as it seems the liver and kidneys are unable to filter it out at all. This is the 'Blood Poison' we mentioned in the briefing. Single expeditions produce negligible effects, but repeated exposure leads to psychological effect, poor impulse control, violent impulses, and a drive to return to the Manor.

"We measure the rate of this as a percentage. 100% is the point at which the effects are considered lethal, and this device measures the progress to that point. We don't have a name for it, as it's one of a kind."

"'Considered' lethal?" Max asked, "Why keep it vague now of all times."

Dr. Willow looked to Galleus to support, clearly uncomfortable. "It's all right, I'll tell them," he said, "When blood corruption reaches 100%, the victim loses all sense of identity, returns to the Manor at any expense, and is absorbed by the house. And before you ask to clarify, they melt. Their muscles, skin, and fat, all liquefy in a rapid reaction and are swallowed by the gaps in the boards. The blood you saw flowing in the mess is assumed to be a combination of all previous victims."

Max looked nauseous, and said nothing. Keller felt numb.

"Now, if you may, Dr. Willow would like to measure your corruption," Galleus finished.

The mare went to Keller first, and he held out his palm. The device pricked his finger, and slurped the blot of blood that leaked out. Three dots flashed on a small display panel while it processed the sample, then a number popped up.

"9%," Keller read from the screen.

"Yours is likely higher because of the bloodloss. It will dilute as the blood is replaced," Dr. Willow explained. Keller nodded, and the Doctor moved on to Max. The cat reluctantly held up her own hand, and Dr. Willow pricked it too after changing out csme kind of cartridge in the device.

"14%," Max read, a chill creeping into her voice.

"It doesn;t move proportional to body weight, unfortunately, so your size will work against you," Dr. Willow said. Keller felt sorry for her. No doubt she too had connected this the shower.

Dr. Willow changed out the cartridge again, and pricked her own palm. After a moment, she held up the display for both to read. The number flashed 49%. "My own exposure is tangential, having had to cross the exclusion zone several times to retrieve survivors."

The Doctor changed the cartridge again, and handed the device to Master Galleus, surprising both Max and Keller. He took his measurement, and handed the device back to Dr. Willow to show. Max's jaw fell as the display flashed.

"99%?" Keller gasped.

The wolf in the chair took a deep breath and let it out slow. "To meet your accusation, young woman, I have risked my own life for this operation, far longer than I should have. Each year the exclusion zone grows wider, and each death on the property also widens it. While we have decades before it reaches the nearest population center, it has shown no signs of slowing or having any upper limit to its effect. As things are, my highest priority is surveillance and exploration. Those two tools will eventually lead to what I believe to be the source of this corruption, and I hope, to the means to end it. I have spent the vast majority of my family's fortune to this end, and will continue to spend it until Galleus Manor rests quietly, even if it leaves me destitute. I do not kidnap my staff, I do not keep prisoners. I hire brave men and women, and pay them more than the average life insurance claim pays out for their trouble."

A quiet filled the room as Galleus let his words sink in. After a full minute, he spoke again. "Now, I ask again if you are willing to continue employment with us."

Keller looked at the check again. He could very easily cut and run, but the fact that it was growing upset him. He could never let himself stand by while he could help someone, something that had largely made his life worse until now. He had been terrified, he had nearly died, his leg still ached from the wound he'd suffered, but still he felt a draw. It was something like responsibility, but that wasn't all of it. Something pulled him towards the Manor, he felt like this was where he should be. A grim thought hit him, that this was the corruption speaking for him, pulling him into its web, but despite himself he agreed with it. As brusk as the Master was, his goal was noble. If Keller could help, and make enough money to life comfortably after, then he would. The decision was easy for him.

"I'm in," Keller said decisively. He looked to Max, who seemed shocked at his decision.

"And you, miss?" Galleus asked, looking to the cat.

"I... I don't know," she said.

Galleus nodded, knowingly. "You are welcome to stay in camp until you make your decision then," he said. Max nodded, and rose, her eyes distant with thought. Wordlessly, she made her way to the door, then left. Dr. Willow clenched and unclenched her had, worry plain on her face. Galleus put a hand on her arm, calming her.

"As for you, Keller, I shall see you at the weeks end when you've healed some to discuss strategy going forward. We still need to get a camera in that bedroom, and I was hoping you'd have some ideas for me," Galleus said.

Keller nodded. "I guess I'll be in my tent then," he said, and left as well.

Keller had expected a few days of rest, but hadn't anticipated how much the healing process would itch. He spent most of his time laying flat, trying very hard not to think about his stitches, and not thinking about much else. Occasionally, the odd worry for Max would hit him, and he'd venture outside to ask after her. It felt wrong for their last interaction to be like it was, and he didn't want her to keep feeling guilty over it. Nobody had seen her however, and the most reliable word was that she hadn't left her tent since the debrief. That worried Keller more. He knew the right thing would be to go to her, but he just wasn't that kind of man. He was at peace with himself on that front at least.

She hadn't invited him, hadn't asked for his opinion, and didn't know him outside the context of this work. He wouldn't invade her space just because he felt bad, or worse, because he felt pity for her. If she wanted to talk with him, he had no doubt she'd find him.

Dr. Willow checked in daily to redress his wound, and keep updated on his progress. Keller found himself damning her fondness for sweaters, as they framed her ample bust quite nicely. Something he had too much time to appreciate as she leaned her tall frame over to bandage his wounds. He took to wearing shorts after the first session, both for ease of access, and because he had nearly popped an erection in front of her while his pants were down that first day. Dr. Willow didn't seem to mind the staring, and to Keller's relief never made mention of it despite catching his eyes more than a few times. He supposed she was either used to it, or used to the effects of the Manor. To Keller's relief, the urges seemed to wane each day, however by the fourth day they plateaued. He was able to control his gaze by then, but he wasn't sure if it was practice or the dilution of the corruption at that point.

The sixth night, Keller found himself unable to sleep. The next briefing wore heavy on his mind, and despite the long break, he had precious few ideas to show for it. He knew healing was its own effort, and Galleus was a reasonable if harsh man, but he felt guilt nonetheless. He marked the time by the rumbling of the space heater's cycles. Every twenty minutes it would click off for five minutes to cool, then start again. By that clock, he knew it was at least two in the morning, but couldn't bring himself to check the actual time on his phone. He knew he should sleep, but he wasn't tired in the least.

A noise came from outside the tent, someone brushing up against the canvas. Keller blinked and waited for them to pass. He heard no footsteps, and slowly his anxiety rose. He was outside the exclusion zone, but being so close to an actual haunted mansion made him uneasy. He rose to his elbows to see better. He felt silly, he was in no state to run or even fight if it came to that, yet still he had to look. The noise came again, two swishes, and with it Keller saw the tent flap dip in with each contact at about chest height. He blinked, trying to process what he'd just witnessed, and slowly realized someone was trying to knock on his door, which was just a canvas flap. Keller realized it was on him to respond. "Uh... Hello?" he said awkwardly after a moment.

"Can I come in?" a muffled voice replied from the other side.

A sense of unreality set in, and for a moment Keller was sure he was dreaming. It was too awkward to be one of his dreams though, those were mostly nightmares. "Sure," he said, almost as a question.

The flap opened. Keller knew who it was, there was no one else it could be, but he still found himself surprised to see Max step through into his private quarters. She looked worried and sad, not what he'd usually expect on her face. She said nothing as she crossed the room. She hesitate briefly, looking for a place to sit, then pulled Dr. Willow's stool next to the bed. It was far too tall for her, so her feet dangled as she perched herself upon it. Keller couldn't help but marvel at the difference in their frames. Perhaps it was the way she seemed shrunken in to herself, or maybe it was just her occupying the same place the mare had earlier, but to Keller, Max looked small and fragile.

"Why?" she asked after sitting, cutting straight to her point.

Keller sighed and looked up at the roof of the then. "I don't know," he said. It was a lie, and a bad one at that.

"Bullshit," Max said with a huff, "Do you really think so little of yourself?" Keller couldn't tell which of the two she was talking about.

"No I... It's not that. I..." Keller hesitated. He hated talking about himself, it never went well. Somehow though, it felt appropriate now. Max wasn't exactly kind, but he understood her in a sense. She may still judge him, but he trusted that she would understand him in the same way at least.

"I'm not the biggest fan of myself," Keller forced himself to continue, "I'm sure it comes as no shock that a quiet guy like me isn't exactly confident. The world wasn't kind to me growing up, so I decided early on that I was going to be the person I wanted to have growing up. I would be kind, even if people didn't deserve it."

"Be more right to give 'em a black eye," Max said.

Keller shrugged. "Not much different in my eyes," he said. Max looked over at him, confused. "It's my own kind of revenge. To turn out gentle despite them. It's not noble, it's just how I proved I was better than them."

Max looked back down, "So what, you'll throw your life away to stick it to people who will never know?"

Keller shook his head. "Maybe. It's more than that though. It feels right to me, it feels like this is something good I have the power to do. Maybe it's a protective instinct, but I doubt it. Never felt right for the protector role. I've always felt like the one that needed protecting."

Max nodded knowingly. "Sounds like you've had a lot of shit men in your life," she said.

Keller shrugged. "I guess. The part that made me bristle was they expected me to be like them. I wanted to lash out, but I could only think of one way to do it without playing their game. They wanted me aggressive, assertive, dominant, all this macho bullshit stuff, and it never sat right with me. Like, is that all there is to being a man? Are we just cookie cutter dick-havers?"

Max sniggered despite herself, "Hey, not all men have dicks."

Keller smiled, "See that crystalized it for me. I had a friend in high school, the bravest guy I ever knew. Came out as a trans man in one of this shittiest environments I could think of. If a guy like that could find their own masculinity in that place, despite the abuse, despite the pressure, I had no excuse really. I decided what kind of man I was. I chose soft, I chose considerate, I chose gentle."

"I'm sure you've been beating the women off with a stick," Max said. Keller wasn't sure if it was a joke.

"It really doesn't work the way you'd think," he said, "I've had a lot of girlfriends who say they want a sensitive man, that they want a gentle guy, but then expect me to be the king in bed."

"Wow straight to it," Max said.

Keller rolled his eyes. "It's why I stopped dating. No matter who it was, no matter how different they seemed, I always ran into these bullshit expectations on what I should be and do as a man. Of course I never broke up with anyone, they always left me once the novelty wore off. I was fun to date for a few weeks, maybe a few months, but that's it. Turns out I attract people just by being nice, but that never changes what they actually want out of a relationship. Once it was clear that this was just who I was, that I wasn't going to turn into some stud in bed, or pick fights on their behalf, they moved on."

"That's kinda fucking sad," Max said. It was dry, not exactly harsh, but not exactly pity.

"As I said, It's my own way of lashing out. I meet their expectations by defiantly being who I am."

"So you're willing to throw your life away for that?" Max asked. There was no hostility in her voice, it seemed a genuine question.

"No, I'm willing to risk it for quiet. The way I figure it, this kind of money can set me up for life, if the checks keep coming, and sooner rather than later. It's kinda selfish, but I would rather live a quiet life by myself than continue being bashed against those expectations. It's not just men, and not just partners. It's everywhere. If I can do that, and maybe do some good, then yeah, I'm willing to risk it."

Max was quiet for a long time, seeming to think. "I'm sorry for what happened in the shower," she said with some effort.

"It's okay," Keller said, but Max held up her hand to shush him.

"I need to say this," she said, "It's for me. I'm sorry. I never asked if you wanted it, I just saw your body, saw a man, and was hungry. I know there's the blood thing, but that's no excuse. I of all people should know the importance of boundaries, and I never even checked yours. I didn't even just touch you or oggle you, I put my hands down there I..." her voice was thick with strain. She clenched her fists and swallowed hard before continuing.

"I'm scared. I'm scared of the house, of what it might do to me, and I'm scared of myself. I don't know what I'm capable of, and the thought I would end up being like them in the end is... It makes me feel like all the effort was pointless. And then you... You just go ahead and toss yourself back in. I've been trying to figure out why, but I knew. I knew, and I was afraid of what that meant, of what it said about me. I was afraid you were right, afraid that you were doing the right thing by going back. It meant that there was recovery, it meant that people like you and me could still pull through and do the right thing, and that meant that I..." she trailed off, her voice too choked to make words.

Keller sat up, and swung his paws off the bed. He reached out, and paused. "Max, can I... Do you want..." he couldn't make the words sound right, but she nodded anyway. He rose, and put his arms around her, gently at first, then tighter as she leaned in to him. His own throat felt tight, and he strained his jaw to keep from making noise as the tears started. It wasn't pity he felt for her, not anymore. She was trying her hardest, and still felt like she was coming up short, that she was failing despite all the years of recovery. He understood that pain, he knew that pain. He knew her, in that moment at least. Slowly, she managed to move her arms around him as well.

They held each other until the tears stopped, then reluctantly, Max lifted her face to meet Keller's. He smiled despite himself. As small as she felt, as crushed as she looked, he knew then that she was far stronger than him. She had been through the shit, and came out swinging. Keller admired that, despite his own path. Their eyes met, and something electric passed between them. Keller saw his own brown eyes reflected in her own, and realized how close their faces were.

Max flinched away, but didn't retreat. "I'm sorry, I don't know if it's the blood or the moment, but I just had the urge to..." she trailed off, too embarrassed to finish.

Keller looked up and away, feeling his face getting hot beneath his fur. "It's okay, I... I felt it too." Max went still, and slowly, Keller dragged his eyes down to meet hers. Fire burned low and hot within those amber eyes, but also fear. Reluctantly, she leaned her face towards his. Keller hesitated. He wanted it, he wanted this, but he knew how this went. It always ended with him, left behind for someone else more exciting. This time felt different though, this time felt real. He understood the pain and reluctance in her eyes, and was certain she saw the same in his own. He couldn't stop himself, and closed the gap with his lips.

Max tensed in surprise, her claws flashing out and kissing Keller's skin for just a moment before she relaxed and leaned in to him fully. Keller's eyes fluttered shut as the sensations washed over him. Warmth kindled from her lips, and spread through his face down to his chest and back, where Max's hands gently stroked it further down. Her hands felt like warm feathers, tracing the lines of his body as they got a feel for his shape. Keller's own hands traced lines down Max's back, too nervous to venture any further yet.

Max pulled back, and Keller found himself gasping for air. He looked up at her, worried he'd scare her, or she'd scared herself. He sought her amber eyes again, and saw her pupils now dilated wide and round. She bit her lip, struggling against herself to make the words come out. All fear had left those jeweled globes, and now the fire threatened to catch and spread.

"I...," Max said, then took a sharp breath. "I want to... I want to do more, but I'm not sure if it's me or the..." Her jaw kept clenching, occasionally letting a purr slip through, but she forced it back.

Keller's head cooled a bit with concern. He remembered Dr. Willow's words then. "She said... She said it affects impulse control, right?" he asked. His own body ached for more. Hidden in his pants, he was already sporting a full erection, but he held back.

Max nodded, seeking comfort in his eyes, seeking permission. She let herself purr more, but it was still quiet.

Keller smiled sheepishly, feeling awkward. It felt weird to be this vulnerable, but in a good way. He supposed this was how real intimacy felt, when even your ugly parts were exposed. "I don't think it makes new feelings, I think it just magnifies existing ones," he said, braced for anger despite himself. It seemed too far to insinuate she wanted him from the start, but they were past those reservations now.

Max's eyes went distant with thought for a moment, then she nodded, smiling despite herself. She wiped her eyes, looking relieved. "I... Thank you," she said. Keller realized how important control was for her, especially over herself.

Silence fell between them, even as their bodies burned. They both knew what they wanted, what they wanted to say, but something held them back. A fear that it wasn't real, that this was just a fleeting passion, or worse, a fear that this was real.

Keller opened his mouth several times to speak, but thought better of it. His lips felt bare with hers so close. He was conflicted, he wanted her, but would he assert himself to have her? It felt wrong to take the lead now, not after opening himself up, not after explaining how uncomfortable that made him. It would be a bad start if he wanted this to be something more, and he did want more. She needed to be in control, and he didn't want to take it, the answer was obvious even if his body screamed for more.

"Do you... Do you want to..." Max struggled to say. Keller could feel her hands shaking against his back. It was hard for her to say outright, to own it, even if she needed to. She huffed, and looked up to him, searching for understanding in his eyes. Keller's breath caught in his throat and he nodded quickly, awkwardly.

Max burst out giggling, and Keller's face felt on fire. He turned away, smiling despite his embarrassment, but a firm hand caught his chin. She turned his face to hers again, and Keller saw the inferno behind her eyes as her whole chest rumbled against his own. She slid her hand along his jaw and behind his head, then firmly pulled his face into hers. Their lips met, and the rest became inevitable.

Keller melted into her kiss as her hands took ownership of his body, grasping, pulling, and caressing his arms and back. Soon it wasn't enough, and she slid them beneath his shirt, and knotted her fingers tightly through the fur on his chest. He felt her claws again, this time breaking the skin, but the pain only excited him more. The sting made this moment feel real, made it feel complete, and he let go. His fingers traced circles on her back as hers took in every inch of him. He let his hands slip around her front, and cupped her small breasts, feeling her heart hammer beneath his palms. Max gasped and pulled back, then put her hands over his, pressing them harder against her chest. Keller's hips bucked despite himself, and Max's eyes dipped to his crotch.

A wicked grin split Max's lips. She reached down and grabbed his throbbing manhood through his shorts, giving it a good squeeze through the fabric. Keller gasped and moaned. His knees almost buckled, and he stumbled into Max's stool. Max let go of his shaft and stood, pulling herself back from him. Keller looked to her, his eyes struggling to focus.

"You need to lose the shirt," Max said, biting her lip.

Keller snapped into motion, and awkwardly pulled his shirt over his head. Max caught his hands in the air, while his chest was exposed, but his shirt was still tangled around his arms. Keller found her eyes, realizing the implication, and felt his cock throb with anticipation.

"I think I like this look," Max said breathily, "What do you think?"

"Yes," Keller blurted as too many words tried to leap out of his mouth.

Max grinned. "Yes please do?" she asked.

Keller nodded vigorously. "I- It's one of my- I-" he stammered, but a single finger on his lips shushed him.

"You want me to tie your wrists?" she asked, her voice nearly growling with her purring.

Keller nodded again, giving up on words. Max kissed him again, then gently pushed him back onto the bed as she pulled back. Keller winced as his leg barked with pain. Max flinched, and muttered her apologies as she helped his legs back on to the bed. Keller's arms fell back down to his stomach, but he kept them together despite the shirt loosening. After he was settled, she caught his eyes again, checking in. He smiled, and nodded again, panting with excitement. Max mounted the bed and straddled his chest. The warmth from her thighs and groin washed over him, and his leg was forgotten.

Max grabbed his wrists again, and pulled them over his head once more. She reached behind her with her free hand, and found his cock again. She gave it another squeeze, pulling another sweet groan from Keller, and spurring her own hips to grind against Keller's chest. Reluctantly, she let it go and trailed her hand higher to his belt buckle. In a flash she had it undone, and snaked the length out from his shorts. She wrapped it around Keller's wrists twice before fastening it, tight enough to feel secure, but loose enough to slip out of easily if he wanted to. She trailed her claws down his arm to his chest against, and gripped his fur tightly, grinding her hips against him with a moan of her own.

Keller looked up to Max with dazed wonder, and she felt her skin warm under his gaze. She wanted more, needed more, and decided to give it to him. She pulled her shirt up over her head and tossed it away, and barely gave Keller a moment to catch his breath before slipping out of her sports bra as well. Her nipples were hard before they hit the cool air, but once they were free, they lit ablaze. She could feel his eyes on her, could see the wonder at his own luck. His desire was intoxicating. She cupped her own breasts and felt him writhe beneath her. With a grin she gently pinched her own nipple, letting out a gasp from the sensation as Keller moaned beneath her. She still needed more.

Max laid down against Keller, pressing her breasts into his face. Awkwardly, she wriggled out of her pants, doing her best not to jostle her partner too much in the process. She flung them aside, along with her panties, deciding she'd teased him enough. She rose fully, leaving nothing between their bodies as Keller stared up at her quivering. She felt powerful, and loved it all the more. She dipped her hand to her groin, keeping her eyes locked on Keller's face. Slowly at first, she began to rub herself. Keller's breath caught in his chest, and he stifled a moan. He writhed beneath her, unable to keep his eyes off her hand. Max couldn't stop herself, and rubbed faster. Her clit burned from the sensations, it felt better than any other time she touched herself before.

The sensation built to a head too quickly, and she came despite herself, letting out a shocked moan as her thighs clenched around Keller's chest. Keller moaned with her, and she worried she'd made him cum already. His cock pitched a tall tend, and an impressive stain crowned the peak of it, but not enough to be cum. Max smiled and returned her attention to Keller's face. He seemed almost drunk with pleasure. She dipped her hand between her legs again, and slid a finger inside her pussy, shivering from the penetration. She stopped herself from continuing, and reluctantly pulled her finger out, glistening with her wet. Keller's eyes were locked on her finger, knowing already what she meant to do. She lowered her finger to his lips, and dutifully he opened his mouth for her.

She shivered as his broad tongue lapped her finger clean, taking in the taste of her pussy. She craved that tongue against her body, against her pussy, but she'd taken more than her fair share. It was time to take care of Keller. She returned her gaze to his cock, but her eyes slid further down his thigh to the gash on his shin. The stitches stood out black like dried blood in the pin and puffy wound. She scowled, wondering just how she would manage this without shaking that too much. She knew herself, knew she'd get carried away even if she was on top. She returned her gaze to Keller's face, and saw him eagerly waiting for her next move. She smiled, realizing the answer. She would get to feel that tongue yet.

She lifted one leg, and reversed herself over Keller's chest. He gasped, and shivered as she pressed her ass closer to his face. Keller's eyes glazed over from the smell, and his cock throbbed. Max knew her ass was her best feature, and knew Keller would be honored to drown in it. She pressed down against his muzzle, and he wasted no time getting to work. His tongue was even better than she thought, and she had to bite her lip to keep from gasping. He was no stranger to this, and she thanked her luck. His tongue worked itself up and down her pussy, lapping up her juices before folding to a point and attacking her clit directly. Max gasped and bucked back against him despite herself, which only spurred him on more. His tongue found every inch of her nethers, flooded every crevice before inevitably returning to her clit before long.

For while all she could do was straddle him as her thighs quivered against his shoulders. Suddenly his tongue folded again, and pressed itself inside her folds. Max let out a gasp, nearly cumming from the shock of it, then did cum when he withdrew and attacked her clit with renewed vigor. Max screamed and collapsed on her face. Her brow rested on something firm, but she was beyond thought while she rode it out. Keller slowed, letting her breath again, an she got her hands under her once more. She found herself face to face with the throbbing tent in his shorts. She grinned, she'd made him wait long enough.

Without ceremony, she undid his shorts, and pulled his cock free. It bobbed upright with satisfying vigor and she paused to admire it. This wasn't her first canine, she was familiar with the anatomy at least. His knot was already swollen, painfully stretching his sheath around it. The thick red shaft stood slick and tall above it. Max laced her fingers around the tip, feeling it already slick with precum, and gently pulled his sheath down from his knot with her other hand. Unhindered, his cock seemed to throb even harder in her hand. She gave it a few playful strokes, and Keller moaned into her pussy.

Max hesitated briefly, wondering if he'd ever felt a cat tongue on his cock before. She smiled, and decided There was only one way to tell. She let her tongue hand out, and pressed it against the base of his knot, paused to savor the warmth and taste of it, then dragged it up to his tip. Keller tensed and froze beneath her, and for a moment she worried she'd hurt him. Then the deep shuddering moan came, which he muffled in her nethers, cramming his tongue deep inside her again.

Max wobbled, but refused to fall again. It was time to return the favor. She slid her lips around his tip and took him deep inside her mouth. Keller bucked and trembled beneath her, and she set to work. Slowly at first, she dragged her lips up and down his shaft, letting her rough tongue drag along his lenght each time she rose. Each throb of his knotted cock brought fresh precum into her mouth, which she dutifully swallowed. The taste spurred her on in a primal way, she needed more of it. She needed the rest of it. She picked up speed, and wrapped her fingers around the base of it below the knot to hold him steady.

Keller began to gasp and moan, trying to keep up with her but failing. Max took complete control while Keller melted beneath her. She felt his balls drawing up tight, pulling close to his body as he neared the peak. He pulled away from her for breath, but could barely manage ragged gasps between his own cries and groans. His voice was music to Max, and she would bring it to a crescendo. Her fingers slipped up around his knot and braced for the finish. Keller only lasted a few more second before erupting. The first shot hit the back of Max's throat hard, and her mind blanked as the taste filled her mouth. She squeezed his knot hard, knowing just how to push a canine's buttons. Keller gasped and bucked hard against her. The second shot filled Max's mouth with cum, and she did her best to swallow it. She dragged her tongue around his tip with each spurt, but couldn't keep it all in her mouth. Cum leaked down his shaft from her lips in white lines, pooling around his sheets and dribbling down his balls. Max lost herself in the taste and rhythmically milked his shaft with her hand while her tongue worked his tip.

A sudden sensation broke her focus, and Max gasped as Keller buried his muzzle in her crotch once more, determined to draw another orgasm from her. Max could only gasp and moan as his cock popped out of her mouth and against her muzzle. The last few spurts of cum went across her brow and dripped down face. She hadn't realized how close she was to cumming just from Keller's own orgasm, and it didn't take much for him to put her over the edge again. She came one last time, biting down on her thumb to stifle a scream as she held onto his cock for dear life.

She fell to the side, gasping as the afterglow took her. Warm fatigue swamped her senses. Sluggishly, she turned herself around to meet Keller's face. Lazily, she let him out of the belt, and let her arm fall against his chest as she caught her breath. Keller slid one arm beneath and around her, and pulled her tight against him. She looked into his eyes, and saw the fatigue setting in. It was late after all. She gently closed his eyes with her fingers. He didn't fight her. Within minutes he was snoring softly.

Max watched him sleep for a while, but a cool anxiety slowly began to creep in. She wondered if she should return to her own tent. This had been a lot for a first date, and not even that. They'd never even been out before, this was just sex. She was suddenly aware of his cum on her face, now cold and wet in her fur. She worried that shame would follow, and braced for its arrival. Instead, only that cold anxiety remained. She felt like she had done something wrong, had moved too fast, that she had somehow ruined something. She looked at Keller's sleeping face, and took comfort in the peace there. He was sleeping soundly. She had broken nothing. Sure they had moved fast, but they both wanted it. Awkwardly at first, she snuggled against him, hoping his warmth would thaw her anxiety. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep as well. As the night wore on, she unconsciously moved closer to him to get away from the chill in the air.

Keller woke partly in a daze. It was the itching in his leg that spurred him to open his eyes. He remembered Max, and jerked upright suddenly. His bed was empty except for himself. He looked around, but everything was as he'd left it. He pulled the blanket back, wondering if it had been a dream, then saw his shorts still open and pulled down from his groin. The fur around his sheath and balls was crusty with dried cum. He sat there a while, staring at his leavings, and felt a hollow pit fill his stomach. He wanted to believe it was a wet dream, but he wouldn't have gone to bed with his shorts on, much less opened like that.

All around, he could hear the busy morning noises of the camp getting to work. He supposed he too must rise and get to work. He needed to get breakfast at least, and he had the briefing with Master Galleus this afternoon. Max was out there somewhere, or maybe not. She could leave any time after all, nothing was keeping her here. Keller let out a long sign and threw his legs out over the edge of the bed. His shin grumbled with pain as he got his paws under him.

Footsteps approached from outside, and Keller thought nothing of them. People walked near his tent all the time. He paused when he realized they were drawing closer. He looked up to the flap, doubting himself. He thought he recognized those footfalls, or liked the think he did. They certainly weren't Dr. Willow's heavy hooves approaching. He closed his eyes and shook his head. This was the real world. Things rarely worked out nice. Despite it all, he dared to hope, to hope against the shittiness of the world.

The flap opened unceremoniously, and she stood there for a moment, glimmering in the light of the morning sun. Keller was stunned by her beauty. She looked carved from some dark and marbled precious gem the way the light caught her striped fur. Her head was turned just enough to catch the light with her amber eyes, and they shone like jewels as they regarded Keller with dull surprise. In each hand, she bore a mess hall tray stacked with food. Keller floundered for words, but could find none to convey his relief. Max smiled and stepped inside.

"I didn't know what you liked, so I got everything," she said, and sat down next to him on the bed. She pulled Dr. Willow's massive stool over and set the trays down on it. With a hollow laugh, Keller realized it was actually big enough to fit them.

"What's so funny?" Max asked defensively.

Keller wiped his eyes, and smiled. "I'm sorry, I know its awful just... I know she's big, but I didn't know her ass was table sized."

Max looked at him, then the table, confusion plain on her face. "Who's ass?"

"Dr. Willow," Keller said, laughing in earnest.

The realization hit Max like a slap in the face, and she looked back down to the stool. "Oh my god! Oh my-" she lifted her tray, and looked at the stool beneath, "I thought it was a table!'

Keller doubled over, and broke through Max's apprehension. As awful as she felt, it was funny. She covered her mouth, trying not to be as loud.

"That's a really mean thing to say about a woman, you know," Max said once they'd calmed down.

"I didn't want to," Keller said defensively, "but you fit both trays there."

Max shook her head and looked away. It was quiet for a time, and both realized they were waiting for the other to speak. Keller broke character and went first.

"So what now?" he asked.

Max took a deep breath and let it out slow. "I mean, we have a brief to be at in a few hours," she said, as if it were obvious.

Keller scowled. "Are you sure? You don't have to stay here for... for me..." it felt wrong to say it like that, but it was what he meant.

"It's not for you," Max said, "at least not like that. I've just been thinking. You helped me put things in perspective. I've either run away or fought like hell to save my own skin, but I really don't have much else going on. I don't have any friends left, and my life has just been work and home for months now. I got to wondering if that was all still worth fighting tooth and nail for."

"Living is worth it," Keller said.

Max turned, and smiled at him, genuinely. "Which is why I'm staying. Left unchecked, this place will take that away from who knows how many people. I think I'm still fighting for that. Plus having you around doesn't hurt."

Keller looked at her doubtfully, and put his hand over hers. Her smile faded slightly.

"Look, I want this. I don't want this to be just one night," she said, "I want to see if this can't work where a hundred other flings fell, and I know that's just another expectation on you, and I'm sorry, but I... I feel like we connected last night, like you can actually understand each other."

She looked up at him, not with sadness but something else. Keller looked down, and pulled his hand back. He looked ahead as he clenched his hand into a loose fist. "I'm not...," he said, fumbling for better words. Max waited for him to finish. "I had given up on dating before. I don't know if I..." he sighed, "I'm fragile. I don't like putting it that way but I am. It's very easy to break my heart, and I'm afraid of that. I'm afraid of hoping. I felt that connection too though..."

Max slid her arm around his shoulder, and pulled him into her. Keller flinched, then leaned against her. "We got off on the wrong foot, I'm sorry," she said, "I don't want to hurt you though. I know you hate expectations, so how about this? I protect you. I keep you safe. I'll do my best to take care of you, and all I ask for is that same gentleness you showed me last night."

Keller looked up and found Max's eyes. She was serious, even knowing how silly she sounded. He didn't want to hope, but he realized he'd been waiting his whole life for someone to say those words. He nodded and leaned back into Max's shoulder. "Alright, you have me," he said, "let's give it a shot."

Max squeezed him tight and kissed the top of his head. He pulled back, and saw she was beaming. It was easy to forget the horrors that waited in the face of that light. "Our food's getting cold. You need to eat so you can heal up. Plus I'd rather deal with that ass on a full stomach if it's all the same to you."