Inglorious Duty part 2

Story by Angrybobcat65 on SoFurry

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#3 of Inglorious Story

Duty calls and the day goes on, Nick and Judy work hard for both their jobs. Maybe one is more enjoyable then the other.

"Oh slow down my-boi, we got time." The panda groaned as he arched his back, pressing his head into the luxurious seat of his large car. He gently ran his claws through the red fur on Nick's head. The fox opened one eye to look up at his client as he drove his mouth down on the panda's shaft. He then slowly pulled his muzzle back off to say.

"You do sugar, I don't." While stroking the ursine's meat with his left paw while the other messaged his heavy balls, hidden in the client's underwear.

The panda had mentioned he hadn't gotten off in a while and Nick believed him. When the fox swirled his tongue around the meat in front of him, the panda groaned and moaned like a virgin barely holding on. Then as Nick slid his mouth back down all the way the client growled and bucked his hips. A moment later thick cum splattered against Nick's throat then filled his cheeks.

The fox for hire leaned back with his mouth full, letting the twitching shaft slip from his lips. Nick looked up as the panda locked eyes with him. The moonlighting cop sat up, wagging his tail and gulped. The panda could have swore he saw the bulge his load made in the fox's throat.

Nick smiled and licked his lips before saying. "We can take our time another time." He almost slithered up to kiss the panda's cheek and smirked. "Call me this weekend. That is if your wife doesnt have you too busy." He slipped out of the car. "I might be convinced to dress up." He laughed and closed the door.

Judy chewed on a carrot stick as she strolled around looking like she was doing a paw-patrol. Seeing Nick was done, she crossed the street to meet him at the entrance of the hidden car park. "How was it?"

"As good as a quickie can be." Nick replied. "Might meet him this weekend." He giggled as he climbed into the driver's seat of their car. It was his turn to drive.

"Nice." Judy replied as he pulled away. They listened to radio traffic and looked out into the sunset city for trouble. Although Judy was checking her phone from time to time for any juicy requests.

"Oh nice. There's a couple boys looking for some butts to fuck."

Nick felt his shaft getting hard just hearing her talk like that that. "What are they?"

"Gazelles." Judy replied. "And they don't have a preference." She added.

"Take it." Nick ordered as he stopped at a light. Judy did just that, selecting the option to take it as a team, one of the many things this app could do. The bunny couldn't help but marvel at how good this underground app was.

After a bit of a bidding war and some more negotiations, Judy and Nick had the job. While Nick drove, Judy continued to explore what the app could do. She could put down so much information while still being anonymous, from species, to age, even occupation and measurements if desired. Preferences too, right down to positions and roleplay favorites, along with limits and experience. The number of clients you took that day was automatically tracked while what they did to her and the total could be track if she wanted. She of corse did.. Their current client had some requests when he read that her twat had been marked.

She was going to get smacked around a little.

The thought of it made Judy wet and pant as Nick pulled into a parking lot. Judy radioed they were doing another follow up from last night's raid. Nick then followed Judy down into a basement.

"You know this could get us killed?"

"Yep and it's making you hard." Judy replied, tapping on the bugle in the fox's pants. He gave a gentle whine in response.

Judy opened the door revealing two gazelles standing in the middle of a fairly clean concrete basement. Behind them was an old mattress that looked clean enough to get dirty on. The clients wore nothing but their fur, grins and hard erections. "Howdy you two. We got some questions for you." Judy greeted.

"Well we got some time if you're ready for some long answers." the gazelle on the right replied, he had a few jeweled studs drilled into his right horn.

"Well we got some soft questions if you have hard answers." Judy replied walking up to the gazelle on the left, his muscles had a little more definition than the one Nick was smiling at.

The muscular client frowned at Judy saying. "A marked bitch don't get to grin like that." he raised his hoof to strike her.

Judy's face flashed serious for a moment as she held up her paw. "Remember, not too hard, don't want to have to explain too much."

"S'all good, Ma'am." the Muscular gazelle said with a friendly smile.

While Judy's client got back in character, Nick was rubbing his own gazelle's shaft. "Lube, lick, or you going in dry?"

"Lube. I'm not tasting a whore." he smiled and gave Nick a pat on the butt. "Hop on the mat, drop your pants and stick your tail up."

"Of course." Nick said, doing as told. He wiggled his butt and pulled his pants down along with the thong he was wearing.

Meanwhile Judy grunted as she was slapped across the face. It stung but before she could really react, the gazelle grabbed her by the throat and picked up. "I don't know why I'm paying you. You're just a marked little bunny, I should be paying your owner."

The bunny squeaked as the gazelle dropped her on the mattress. She coughed slightly as Nick watched her. However he quickly noticed the smile on her face. He yiped as he felt the cool lube rubbed on his hole. "Stop smiling, Snack!" The gazelle growled barely not smiling. He carefully found the waist of Judy's pants, then waited for her to undo all her belts before yanked them down to her knees.

Judy cleared her throat and said. "Oh no, don't. I'm just a little bunny. I can't get out of this." Her smile grew watching as the studded gazelle tossed the bottle of lube to her well muscled client. He smiled and just dripped the lube between the cheeks of her butt.

Where Nick's temporary lover had on a condom Judy's did not. Her oblong pink star felt every detail of that thin blunt tip. Both cops dug their claws into the mattress as their client's pushed into their holes. Judy's twat trembled as the rings of her butt stretched around the meat inside her. Nick was harder than he had been all day. His knot was at full size and pre dripped from his tip.

Nick laid his chin on the mattress and groaned as the gazelle humped him for all he was worth. "I love this job." The only thing to make it better would have been his client's balls slapping on his. Something the gazelle's anatomy was not good for.

If not for being choked, Judy would have screamed in pleasure from the merciless pounding her client gave her. "You like that Snack, Huh? You like being fucked by something bigger?" He grunted, before leaning over and kissing the other gazelle. Judy didn't notice. She just loved how it felt like her client's member was bending around the curves of her insides.

Getting an idea the dominant buck released Judy's throat and growled "Open your's mouth." the panting gazelle with his dick buried in Nick's ass obeyed, reaching up and slid his hard finger in the foxes muzzle forcing it wide.

With her head held up by her ears Judy was now staring into Nick's throat. It was a fleshy pink tunnel leading to a black abyss. "Like the view?" The gazelle pushed Judy towards Nick's mouth, smiling wide. She could feel his wet breath on her face. Even knowing she would not fit, the implication sent a shiver down her spine, causing her tail to tickle the gazelle's lower stomach. The thought of being owned so completely made her heart absolutely melt, to give herself so completely to be used and thrown away when they were done energized her like nothing else. "Would you like me to fuck down there...? Where you belong? Full of cum and stuffed in a pred gut?"

Judy squealed as Nick gargled a howl, he came as the gazelles pushed Nick and Judy together. With her face pressed against the fox's tongue Judy was lost to the pleasure of giving herself wholly to satisfy someone who she barely knew. She moaned as Nick half gagged on her head. The gazelle grunted more insults as he let Judy's ears get sucked down Nick's throat.

At that moment Judy hit a peak so high that her mind ent blank. After a few more seconds of relentless pounding, the clients kissed over their paid partners, climaxing in tandem as true partners should. Their liquid warmth rolling through the moonlighting cops like a pleasant wave. Nick swore he felt his belly bulge from the flood.

Judy cameto a little bit later, laying on her back and a dirty pillow under her head. Her rump and thighs felt chilly from juices sticking to her fur. "Hey, Carrots." Nick greeted, his uniform looking pristine again. "Here, clean up. gotta get back to work." He tossed a soft rag to his partner. "Did you have fun?"

Judy used the rag to clean herself up and smiled. "Best side job yet." She wasn't sure if it was how rough or the threat that had made it so.

A clean up, scent blocker, and a traffic stop later Nick got his next side job. A simple back alley quickie. Though when they got there Nick had a moment of apprehension seeing four other mammals with the wolf he was there to meet in a back alley lit by only street lights. "Hey now, I was only paid for one."

"Yeah, yeah we know." The bull in the group said. "We paid for our boy here." He slapped a cute younger wolf on the shoulder. The white lupine ears turned red. "It's his birthday and all."

"He also just came out to us, so what better way to show our support?" The larger black and brown wolf in the group said.

"Then paying for a fox whore? " Nick questioned.

The ocelot lounging on the hood of the car sat up. "You're just the opening act."

Nick smirked as he sauntered over to the wolf and looked him up and down. "Well now." Nick held up his paw. "Lead the way, handsome. Maybe after work I can clean up and we can have some real fun."

The white wolf chuckled, his shy demeanor dissipated as he took Nick's paw. "Sounds like a plan."

"Got time for a late dinner?" Nick asked as the wolf opened the back of a van. Inside was a classic shag love-nest. Complete with a fluffy bed. It was all well groomed, meticulously maintained, this wasn't some random shaggin wagon. It was one of his friends' pride and joy.

Once the door was closed the remaining group looked at Judy who casually sat on the step of a large truck nearby. "Hi." The bunny greeted, smiling awkwardly.

"You want to make 20 bucks?" The ocelot asked.

"Depends." Judy replied with a smirk.

"Your profile said you were marked earlier today, right." The ocelot snickered.

Judy stood nodding. "I'm a bunny of integrity so that's all you'll get. What's that got to do with making 20 bucks?" The ocelot's friends rolled their eyes and trotted to the other side of the van.

"Well I want to see those panties." The ocelot said snickering.

"Cash up front."

Laughing, the ocelot pulled his wallet out and fished out the bill. "Smart bunny." He held out the bill. Judy hopped up and grabbed the cash. She slipped it in the pocket with her phone before going through the process of undoing her belts and pulling her pants down. The pink garment hugged every curve and crevice of the bunny's crotch. They were dry but were noticeably discolored between her legs and up to the waist band.

Judy stood smirking with her pants at her knees letting the ocelot get a good look. Slowly turning around letting him see the rest of the well worn panties. He snickered. "That's hot... how much for you to eat them?"

"Uh. Another hundred."


"Eighty, no lower."

"Their cotton, you can digest that just fine." The ocelot said looking in his wallet.

"Not the elastic." Judy smirked. "And you're going to wash them down so you're getting a deal." The ocelot didn't reply, just pulled out the cash. Judy just about hopped out of her panties. Grabbed the cash from the stunned cat. With the bills clutched in her paw she yanked her dirty panties down and balled them up.

The ocelot opened his pants, letting his meat free. The spined shaft throbbed as Judy opened her mouth wide and stuffed the dirty garment in her maw. The ocelot shivered as she forced herself to swallow the dirty, bitter cotton ball. The cat watched the bulge work its way down the bunny's neck. She opened her mouth showing it to be empty before she fell on the surprise client's lap swallowing his shaft as she sucked.

The cat blew in a matter of seconds


Once Inside the van Nick sat with his legs crossed and a smirk fit for a queen as he leaned back on his arms. "So how ya want me?" He watched the wolf pull a condom from his pocket.

"Just like this." The wolf replied, shaky paws reaching for the fox's shirt. His tail was tucked closer to his legs as he yanked at the shirt. The wolf's already fractured confidence shattered when he couldn't pop the shirt open.

"It's alright. Uniforms are meant to do that " Nick caressed the wolf's cheek. With a smirk the fox plucked the condom from his client's paw, then unbuttoned his shirt letting the wolf rub his surprisingly firm torso. The younger, larger male marveled as he felt the muscles of the cop as he slowly worked his paws down to the fox's waistline. While the young wolf worked on his belt Nick opened the condom. "Hey, this isn't wolf size?" He questioned.

"'s fox siz-zed."

"Oh." Nick replied, realization washing over him. "You mean."

The wolf looked away, his ears down. Nick smiled and turned the wolf's muzzle back to look at him. The fox cop's gentle smile was the stuff of legends. "Don't worry." He kissed the client's nose. "I'll give you a good start and tonight you can test your moves on me."

The wolf smiled as his ancestral courage showed itself for a moment. "You'll be the girl then."

"Skirt and all." Nick replied with sparkling eyes. The wolf nodded feeling powerful, however the moment Nick said. "Lay back, sweetheart." A shiver ran through the big wolf as he did as told.

Laying on his back with limbs folded over himself. Even his tail was covering him like a nervous pup. His heart raced as Nick stood, the condom wrapper glinting in his mouth.

Nick dropped his pants, revealing his red shaft poking out of his lacy black thong. The wolf marveled at how the tight garment cupped the fox's balls, outlined his sheath and bulbed shaft. Least till Nick pushed the thing down and it tumbled down his legs. A nervous whine escaped Nick's client as the fox knelt and pulled the baggy shorts off the wolf along with his boxer. The wolf's tail flicked back up to cover him before a gentle paw pushed it back down.

The wolf's ears shot up as he felt Nick's cold nose brush against his balls. A low groan erupted from the client's chest as the hot wet tongue of the fox lapped over the wolf's hole. Nick smiled looking up over the balls on his muzzle as he wet his temporary lover's exit-turned-entrance. He watched as the lupine shuddered when he pushed his tongue inside.

"Fuuucccckk, you know how to loosen a hole."

The slutty fox cop smiled as he spoke right into the wolf's butthole. "I do it more than you think." A shudder ran through the wolf and a dozen spurts of pre shot from his knotted shaft.

With the drops of cum clinging to the wolf's belly fur and shirt. Nick rose up and slipped between his larger partner's legs. He licked the throbbing shaft saying. "Can't wait till I get to feel this in me." He looked up and watched the wolf's eyes, while he finished rolling on the condom. "This part most of all." He kissed the wolf's pulsing knot.

The wolf shuttered. "I-I'll sh-show you a ga-good time. Ya s-slut."

Nick shushed the wolf with his client's dick to his lips rather than his own finger. "You shouldn't talk like that. It doesn't fit that cute muzzle."

With a chuckle the wolf commented "You're wrong there." He yipped when Nick pulled forward and pressed the tip of his rubber clad shaft on the wolf's exit.

"Sweetheart, you can relax, you got nothing to worry about." He stroked one paw along the back of the wolf's muzzle. "Your friends want me to take care of you, so right now you're all I care about." The wolf shook gently as Nick ran a paw down the side of his neck across his exposed chest. Slowly Nick pushed his gloved meat into the wolf's exit forcing a soft moan out of both. "You can let your guard down with me." Nick grunted as the virgin clamped down on his shaft.

The bulb of Nick's knot slid past the wolf's pucker making both groan. "I wish I could knot ya, but we'll have to save that for our date."

"Fuck." The wolf whined happily, his paws on Nick's shoulders holding him tight. His legs shook like jelly, unable to do anything but lazily stretch in the air. The rings of the wolf's butt pulsed and pushed against Nick's invading meat as the fox rocked his hips slowly letting the virgin get used to this. "I'm... Jamaal the way."

Nick moaned as he sharply pulled back before pushing back in slowly. The fox looked up at his larger lover's face. "Name's are ...oh... for friends." Jamaal was tight. Very tight, and it was great.

"I ..ugh.. harder." The wolf whispered, enjoying this as much as he dreamed. Before the wolf could speak again, Nick obliged his quiet request. The fox may have been a third the wolf's size but that made everything better. Nick's size allowed him to get his shaft deep in the larger male. His knot, even half grown, could still pop in and out of Jammal's butt thanks to that size difference.

After a few moments of the harder fucking Nick's knot grew too big fit back in the virgin hole. The ball of meat knocked at the wolf's butt loudly. The wolf whined, so close it almost hurt but he had something to finish first, "if we're..*pant*.. going on ah date ... you're more than a whore."

"So... sweet." Nick grunted as he reached between them and grabbed the wolf's shaft. The fox grunted and growled, his orgasm held at bay by obligation alone. A low howl warbled out of Jammal's muzzle as his hips bucked, his heavy balls tightening a moment before he came, shooting thick cum over his belly and on Nick's chest.

With his eyes closed Nick didn't know Jammal had came till he felt it and smelt the wet musk. The virgin butt of the wolf was already so tight he couldn't tell even as it clenched on his shaft. Regardless, he let loose. His little howl was nothing compared to the wolf's as he came inside the client. Nick's shaft pulsed, ballooning the condom while the lover's mind swam.

Both panted for a moment before Nick pulled out. The virgin hole gripped the condom tight enough to make the full rubber hang loose from Nick's meat. Nick stood letting Jammal see it, saying. "That is a fine ass you got there, shouldn't be wasting it on my dick."

The wolf rolled over with a happy whine. He looked back at Nick wanting to say something sexy and powerful as the fox cleaned up, But Nick gave his client five star service by saying. "Tonight you can make me your bitch." He shivered at his self-given title as he continued to clean himself up.

"Yeah." Was all that Jammal could say.

Once he was dressed, Nick took his leave but paused at the door to wink at the wolf. "I'll see you tonight, sweetheart."

"I uh... I can't wait." The wolf said, now nervously excited.

Judy was sitting on the paw rail of a truck, legs kicked out rhythmically bouncing them in the air. "Ready?"

"Yep." Nick giggled, "Let's get clocked out. Both of us got dates."

"No way." Judy replied as they passed the still dozing ocelot. Once in their patrol car the pair clocked-out of the talent app, making it now look like any other random app. Though Nick did add Jammal to his contacts like Judy had with her unnamed wolf earlier that day.

Nick was like a kit about to go on a first date with how giddy he was the whole ride to the station house. They clocked-out and went their separate ways. Nick heading to do some shopping and Judy to get cleaned up.

After an agonizingly long twelve minute train ride, not to mention additional ten or so minute walk to and from the train station, Judy was once again in her one bedroom apartment tossing her uniform in the hamper and grabbing her rather large shower kit and a towel. Wrapped in only a towel, the bunny could smell her day's work. The musk of a dozen males and a hard day of police work that had thankfully been trapped by her neoprene uniform. She didn't care about her neighbors noticing. They wouldn't say anything. Hell, the judging looks made her a little wet.

A shiver ran through the bunny as she closed the shower stall door. She was about to clean herself up just to get used by a criminal all night. However she had to be thorough so he would have to wait. In the hot water Judy washed her fur twice, being sure to make her goods sparkle. After of course ensuring both her holes were clean. Inside and out by both mechanical means and use of her fingers, almost bringing herself to orgasm. The frustration was delicious and would make the coming night so much better. After brushing her teeth and fur, she spritzed some perfume on herself. Nothing special, just a strawberry and cream scent. Little bit of eye shadow and some lipstick was all she needed.

She dressed for a date, even though she doubted she would wear it long. A split side pink shirt leather skirt over some black panties hose. She groaned as the nylons rubbed over her clit, she wasn't underwear or bra of course. Her cold shoulder black shirt showed off her toned silver belly and a pink leather jacket to match her skirt. Her purse was a simple denim bag. She thought about unloading all her sensitive material, but the possibility of some low life going through it while he was with her client was just too delicious to give up.

This risk taking side would be the death of Judy and she would enjoy every second of it.

Judy thought she was going to need a cab but her wolf was giving her a treat by picking her up himself. Giving a possible criminal her address was, again, too delicious to turn down. The bunny's heart raced with excitement as the big black muscle car pulled up, the same one she had seen being worked on earlier. With the same black and gray wolf behind the wheel.

"Thanks for the ride." Judy greeted as she cutely scrambled into the seat.

"I was in the area." The wolf said. He glared at her. "You see nothing till morning, got it."

"Yes, sir." Judy stiffened as her worst fantasy was realized. This wolf really was a hardened criminal, she was going to let him do anything he wanted to her. All night long. It got even better when he took a detour to deliver some goods to a friend. She overheard so much but the only thing she could use was the wolf's name, Ewan. She also caught that he was mostly a driver and muscle for whatever crew he was part of. However he also seemed very well respected, possibly even feared. She even overheard plans and the fact she couldn't do anything about them made her wet, and the fact they didn't want anyone hurt while they hit a less than pure company made her happy.

Once they were on the way again Ewan looked at the panting bunny and smirked. "So, why you doing this? Police not paying the bills?"

Judy looked up, her eyes sparkling as she said with her heart on her sleeve. "Cause I love serving the mammals of this fine city." She panted being so open felt great. "Both as a cop and a... dirty whore." She giggled.

"Oh." The wolf wasn't sure what to say, he nodded and smirked. "Well we'll see about that." The drive was quiet from there, other than the radio and Judy's quiet panting. The latter of which got louder when the wolf put a paw on her thigh.

Finally back at Ewan's home Judy asked. "So, are you alone here?" She looked up at the quaint little home.

"Often enough." He said opening the back door for the bunny.

She looked around the home with her nose wiggling. It was lived in, with dishes piled up and trash ready to go out but the floors and walls were clean enough. Hearing Noone else in the home Judy dropped her purse on the floor and bounced off the full trash bag by the door to wrap her arms around the back of the wolf's neck. Her claws gripped his hide as she kissed Ewan's surprised lips.

As the wolf caught on, he grabbed Judy's rump. His claws digging ruts in her leather. He could feel her warmth, and had been smelling her since she got in the car. Holding her close with his tongue forcing its way down her throat he started to carry her to his room. However Judy had other plans.

She gasped, "Drop me." as she pulled back spit dripping down her chin. Ewan complied, dropping the bunny to the floor. She tore open the wolf's jeans panting wet breaths as her plans of stripping for him were forgotten. "Got to get this monster in me now."

Ewan grunted as his red veiny shaft was freed from his pants. It flopped straight out spurting pre onto her face. "No complaints here." he growled.

The bunny's tight mouth enveloped his shaft making the wolf whine happily. Her lavender eyes looked up at the wolf's face as she swallowed, pulling almost half the meat into her throat. Tears formed as she worked his bulging bulb into her mouth. Ewan licked his lips and smirked. "Maybe I'll keep ya, and you can get it every night."

Judy shook as she slowly pulled the cock from her mouth. The thin coating of slim and spit stretched from the pulsing spurting meat. "I'm too slutty for that."

"Maybe I need a slut for the crew." He panted, "and that way if you ever thought of telling your cop buddies anything I could just shut you up with a knot in your mouth."

"I can think of better places to stick it." Judy said, sitting down on the floor. She laid back as Ewan followed her. Pulling her skirt up she showed the dripping wet spot in her hose.

Ewan wasted no time in tearing open her under garment and lapping at her honey, making the needy bunny cum on the black wolf's muzzle in an instant. "I think you're right." The wolf said, stepping over her on all fours. "Put it in ya." He ordered rubbing his member on her thigh.

Judy moaned "fuck me till I can't walk." She grabbed the bulb of his cock with both her fist and angled her hips up. He may have been easily over five times her size and multitudes her weight, but she knew how to take him. He pushed forward and his shaft was easily swallowed by the bunny sluts twat despite it being the size of her wrist.

Ewan snarled as his hips positioned his shaft in her. Her folds stretched around his veiny length determination letting her experience the pleasures mammals so outside her weight class. "Fuck... so good." Judy panted as she arched her back, rubbing her head on the floor. "Fuck me like I owe you."

"You do." Ewan grunted, pushing his knot into her folds before popping it out splattering her juices in the floor under her. He didn't even think about how he wasn't breaking the bunny. Judy was lost to her lust and grabbed his chest not caring about what happened to her. Pulling herself up to kiss it as she clenched her thighs around his length. Her long feet bounced in the air beside him as her toes spread already about to cum again.

Judy's mind was all but gone for the moment, she couldn't appreciate that a criminal's dick was filling her up to her womb. His knot was moments from tying her to him. Making her his for a time. She couldn't even imagine what could happen. The bunny just knew she was loving this moment..

After a short hard time of pounding the tough little bunny the wolf's knot locked him inside her. She saw stars as her body felt like it was on fire. A few seconds later Ewan flooded her insides. The pred seed spurted from her stretched twat as he howled to the heavens. If the bunny were of sound mind, she would have howled with her mate. However the doe just came silently like most small prey.

An indeterminate time later Judy blinked her mind turning on. Her arms were laid out beside her, her legs limply hung from her tied waist. Thick juices dripped down her belly and over her butt-crack and tail. Ewan stood over her panting like a dog, drool dripping from his muzzle as his balls clinched forcing the first of many loads into her.

"...That's just round one." Judy giggled after catching her breath. While she may have not even been getting paid for the rest, this was the best job she ever took.