Copykobold (2/2)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Max ends a remarkable weekend with his doppelganger and Aiden transforms back from being a kobold, but since he didn't get the chance to turn into a dragon they schedule to make another weekend worth of activities where he could. Aiden can't wait... but as he gets closer to the date he finds that his interests turn to being the kobold once more as he finds that Max had left more of an impression on him than he first thought.

When Max awoke the next morning he found his doppelganger still asleep next to him, both of them a tangled mess of limbs and sheets that he tried to carefully get himself out of. Fortunately they were a rather sound sleeper and even when he nearly caused the other kobold to flip completely over they continued to snooze away. Eventually he managed to completely get out of the mess and get out of the bed as he found a big grin on his face from what happened the night before. It was so nice to have someone that you could do such things with, and what person better understands you then yourself? He would have to talk to the other Max about what else to do but as he started to walk forward he found himself falling forward and nearly landing flat on his muzzle before he caught himself.

As the kobold quickly pulled himself up he found himself looking around for whatever had tripped him up like that, only to find that there was nothing there to do so as he eyed the ground incredulously. When he took another step forward however his entire body started to wobble and he felt like he was off-balance, as if someone had tied a weight around his neck and made him move with it. It was a very odd sensation for sure and the kobold found himself sliding his feet forward in order to maintain his balance before he finally got to the mirror that was in the corner. When he finally saw himself in the refection of the mirror it was the same blue-scaled kobold that he was used to... except as he slowly turned around he noticed that he was missing something that caused the kobold to gasp before yipping loudly.

The noise quickly woke up the real Max, and as he heard the sounds of kobold alarm he quickly turned his head about in a panic and asked what was wrong. "My tail is gone!" Aiden shouted as both he and Max saw that there was a bare patch of scales where his thick kobold tail used to be. "How could this happen?!"

Max put his hand against his muzzle and let out a sigh as the other kobold looked at him worriedly. "You drank a transformation potion, remember?" Max said as he yawned and slid himself out of bed before going over to the other man and pointing at his feet that were slowly lowering towards the ground. "Looks like it's wearing off, a little quicker than I had anticipated but it was going to happen."

"Oh, yeah, right," Aiden replied as the fact that he was actually human came back to him, giving the kobold a sheepish grin that started to shrink as his muzzle started to pull back into his face. As Max chuckled and wrapped his arm around Aiden's shoulder he found himself starting to get pulled up to his toes as the other man started to grow taller right in front of him. With his tail being gone and his feet reverting back to human it almost looked like he was just a scaly human, especially as he felt the horns pull back into his skull along with the rest of his adornments. As he watched himself turning back in the mirror Max went out to the laboratory where he had been keeping his clothes, and by the time he had gotten into the bedroom once more he saw his friend's nose reforming and his hair growing back while he continued to stretch until he was his normal height once more.

"So, how are you feeling now that you're back in your human form?" Max asked as he handed the clothing back to Aiden. "Do you still feel like you're a kobold alchemist named Max?"

"You mean I'm not?" Aiden replied, chuckling at the momentarily look of concern on the kobold's face before he rolled his eyes at him. "No, I think it's safe to say that I'm back to being Aiden the human. Speaking of which though why aren't you back to human as well, you drank your sip before I did."

"Well... I've been imbibing such things far more than yourself," Max said as he got a sheepish grin on his face. "The effects of taking the same potion over and over again tend to linger for longer, especially if it happens to be a transformation potion."

"I see... so one day I'm going to walk in and you're just going to be a kobold forever?" Aiden asked, the kobold shrugging his shoulders in response. "Hey, I just spent a few days as one and I think I can say that there are far worse forms to be in then that. Plus if I start going about as a dragon then we can hang out together and it can be totally natural."

Both Max and Aiden chuckled at that, though as the human watched his friend start the day while continuing to be a kobold he could see how natural it was for him. While it wasn't the first time that he had seen such a form on display it was the first time that he had hung around for an extended period of time, and he seemed to be more at home in that body than he did in his human one. It made him wonder if perhaps the being a kobold forever wasn't a side-effect of the potion that he was taking but the goal... either way it was a lot of fun to be one himself and while he didn't think he would go down the same path he might take a walk on it once and a while. Aiden made sure to keep that part to himself though, last thing he needed was Max trying to create a custom concoction to give him his own kobold body.

Once they had cleaned up Aiden looked out at the sky and saw that it was time for him to go, though as he passed by the lab on his way out he looked at the two potion bottles that sat there and lamented the fact that he had to leave them behind. "Don't worry, they'll still be waiting for you when you come back," Max said with a giggle. "I might still be a kobold too, who knows, at least it saves us from waiting for my transformation since you get so distracted you drink the wrong one. When are you going to be free again?"

"I should be good to go again next weekend," Aiden replied as he knelt down and hugged the kobold, then when they separated he scratched underneath Max's chin and caused him to yip several times in quick succession. "It seems that I do remember a thing or two about you after all, that might come in handy after all."

Max just shook his head and waved off Aiden as he went back to his house, and as he got back onto the street the human couldn't help but turn around and look at the kobold as he turned back to go into his house and closed the door with his tail. It was strange... it almost felt like he was leaving his own home, but he knew that wasn't the case as he turned back and continued back down the road. One thing that he knew for certain was that he would be returning in order to transform again, after his first taste of it he couldn't think of anything else that he wanted to do more. Plus there was the fact that he didn't want that dragon potion he made to go to waste... or rather, he didn't want that potion that Max made to go to waste as he corrected himself while he ventured off further into the city.

As the days rolled by Aiden continued to reminisce about his time spent as a kobold while with Max; even though he wasn't quite in control when he allowed the personality that came with the body to take hold he could still remember everything as though he had done it himself. The result was seeing himself make a potion he didn't know how to do or his time spent when they were mirroring each other while believing he was Max. Though he didn't have time to go over to visit his friend with his work he could imagine the kobold working away at his potions like it was the most natural thing in the world and was happy to be a part of it. That made him all the more excited for the weekend though, especially since he was finally going to be a dragon.

Aiden also noticed something peculiar going on as he got close to the fated time; as he finished up his work and went home sometimes he swore he saw Max in his kobold form once in a while as he wandered about his home. There were other times when he wanted to go into his kitchen or den and when he attempted to navigate there he found himself staring at a wall or in the wrong room. It was like he was seeing shadows of Max and his house, which he imagined was likely because he had spent an entire weekend in the kobold's shoes. While it was a little confusing at times it wasn't bothersome to the extend he needed to travel to the alchemist's house in order to ask him about it, though more than once when he did see the fleeting glimpse of him standing there it would cause him to blush as he thought about how nice it was in that form.

The final night that Aiden had before he would go to Max's house he found himself staring up at the ceiling, waiting for the sleep that would be hard to acquire given his current state of excitement. At this point it wasn't even for becoming a dragon anymore, all the reminders of the kobold really made it so he wanted to see him that form. He sort of hoped that Max would still be in it when he got there but watching him transform was a lot of fun as well. Either way the anticipation was enough that every time he closed his eyes he would think about the potential of the next day and found himself opening them again while his brain raced with the possibilities.

One time though Aiden closed his eyes and when he opened them again he found time had skipped ahead to morning. As he got up to get ready to prepare for his journey however he found that he wasn't alone as he saw a figure sitting on his bed smiling at him. "Max?" Aiden asked as he put on his glasses, the blue-scaled kobold smiling at him as he gave a yip. "Hey, you didn't have to come all this way, I was actually just about to go and visit you today."

"I know that," Max replied as he hoped off the bed and raised a claw hand in order to help him do the same. "I was actually hoping before you went over there we could discuss the choice that you are going to make."

"You mean about becoming a dragon?" Aiden asked, the kobold nodding his head.

"Since I still have quite a bit of that kobold potion I was hoping that you would consider becoming one again," Max explained as Aiden sat at the foot of his bed, the two still able to stare at one another eye to eye with the height difference. "You were such a great Max that it would be fun to have you around as one again, and you have to agree that you had quite a bit of fun as well. You enjoyed being me, right?"

Aiden felt his cheeks grow hot as the kobold smiled at him, and since he wasn't wearing any clothes as usual the human got the full view of his scaly counterpart. "Yeah, I guess I could say that being a kobold had its perks," Aiden admitted as he scratched the back of his head. "It was definitely fun walking around in your body for a few days."

"Not just my body Aiden," Max said, taking a step closer as he continued to lock their gaze to one another. "The entire kobold mentality, the idea of being me. You know deep down that you really want to be like that again, in fact, I bet you're just about ready to yip right now."

Aiden couldn't help but be slightly taken aback by what the kobold was saying, though in the back of his mind he thought that Max was making a good point. With seeing the glimpses of him and his house through the week it did remind him of how good a time he had and that it was a lot of fun to slip into the role of the alchemist that stood before him. He hadn't realized how much Max also enjoyed it but from the way that he was insisting on his transformation it was clear he had as well, and as he felt those clawed hands against the fabric of his sleeping shirt he could feel something welling up inside of him. At first he hesitated when he felt like he would look silly trying to yip as a human but it felt like it was bubbling up inside of him and eventually Aiden let out one that sounded surprisingly close to the one in front of him.

When he did that though Aiden also started to feel a bit strange as a shudder went down his entire body from the pleasure of the act. Max had taken a step away at this point and when the human got up he suddenly found his pajama pants had almost slipped down from his waist. In an effort to preserve modesty despite the other man being completely naked he reached down to grab them, and when he did he found that his sleeves had also started to cover over his hands. It was a bit of a surprise to him and after taking a few seconds to find a point of reference he found that he had actually shrunk a few inches! He could hear the kobold giggling slightly as the human walked about in his baggy clothes as he asked Max what was happening to him.

"I think you're more into being a kobold then you realize," Max said as Aiden said back down while holding up his pants, which were now practically covering his feet as he guessed that he had lost several inches of height. "Perhaps your desire was to be a kobold all along, and not just any kobold either. You did look like you were enjoying yourself when you were helping me make those potions and it is your profession after all."

"I... I never really thought..." Aiden found his thoughts starting to grow a bit fuzzy as he let out another yip, this one even more like the one he heard the kobold let out as he put his hand to his head only to see his fingernails starting to lengthen. "What's going on Max? I didn't even take any of my... I mean, I didn't take any of your potion."

"Seems your body knows what it wants," Max said with a grin. "Don't you miss having a nice big tail like mine? Stand up and yip, tell yourself that you want to see it again."

Aiden got up again and his shirt practically hung on him as after a few moments of hesitation he yipped once more, and when he did he let out a gasp as he felt his spine start to stretch. With his pants practically hanging down to the point where he had to continuously hold them to keep them covering his groin his entire backside was exposed which allowed him to see his spine starting to stretch. He huffed in pleasure as he saw the flesh bulge and grow, and with another yip it surged more as the human skin was replaced with bright blue scales. They were the same coloration as the hands that went over and grabbed onto the base of the new appendage while it snaked out of him, which only caused Aiden to huff and yip more as the transformation continued until he had a full kobold tail just above his backside.

For a few moments all Aiden could do was watch in awe as he could feel it swishing around behind him, and as he did more memories and thoughts of Max's personality began to wiggle its way into his mind. A grin spread across his face as he realized that somehow the alchemist was making him into a kobold without the need for a potion, though he wondered if the mischievous creature might have slipped him something while he slept in order to facilitate the transformation. But as Max rubbed along the patch of scales that framed his tail and caused him to shiver in delight he realized that the changes had stopped. When he asked Max what was happening the kobold just said that this wasn't a potion, that he knew deep down what he really was...

...or rather, who he really was.

Those last few words caused Aiden to gasp slightly as part of him agreed with Max, or rather himself as he stood up again and found that the two were even closer in height than before. Was the kobold trying to convince him that he was actually Max, or at the very least a copy of him? While they had played around with the notion before and even managed to get in sync with one another he hadn't suspected just how much the other kobold wanted him to be a part of the role, although as he looked at himself... Max, as he looked at Max he found that his thoughts were more aligned with his friend then he had thought. Perhaps there was some truth to what was being said, Aiden said as he let out another yip and let go of his pants finally where patches of scales had started to form, maybe he even had been Max the kobold all along.

Max yipped once more and Aiden found himself following suit, which as he did he found his face starting to push out and his voice becoming more like the kobold that had gone up to stroke his puffed out jaws. The tint in the human's iris had started to turn a red coloration like the one in front of him as his teeth sharpened while his jaws effortlessly pushed further out, the kobold giggling as his human nose merged into his face that caused him to do the same. It was so good being a kobold, Aiden thought to himself as scales began to appear around his new lips and nostrils, it was so good to be Max. With that declaration his body no longer waited for him to yip in order to change, though he did so anyway as he fell back on the bed and watched his human feet start to morph and reshape while growing bigger.

"I told you," Max said with a smile as Aiden watched him hop up onto the bed and stroke his feet. "You are a kobold, you are Max."

"I'm... I'm Max," Aiden replied, the fog in his head starting to clear as thoughts once more were allowed to flow freely in his mind. Even in the bliss of the transformation his human side realized that these weren't his thoughts, they were those of the alchemist as his chest firmed up even while he continued to shrink. The idea of wanting to be a dragon slipped out of his grasp as the increasingly kobold voice in his own head told him that this was the form her preferred anyway and he would leave the dragon potions to those who actually wanted to be dragons.

"W-wait, something weird is going on here," Aiden said as Max stroked his growing feet, though his words were punctuated with a groan when his new talons pushed out from the merging toes. "Max... you're Max, and I wasn't a kobold, but now I am? But I'm human..."

"You were human," Max clarified, the words sticking to his mind like glue as his mind seemed to accept that as fact. "You remember how much you wanted to be a kobold that you made your first potion, the joy you felt when you first became this form. Humanity is something that you just needed to shed in order to live your life as a happy, yippy kobold!"

At the word yip Aiden found himself doing it again and again, the noise reinforcing what his mind suddenly knew all along. His deepest desire had been to be a kobold, he wanted nothing more than to be like this as he his frame shifted to be more compact while still having a bit of muscle underneath those scales. The hair on his head briefly felt alien to him before it melded into his skull just like his ears did and he found himself almost breathing a sigh of relief when he felt the horns and spikes of his head start to push out. This was what he wanted, what he had been trying for all this time, he was Max after all. The new kobold let out a groan as he allowed his true thoughts to take over, corrupting his human mind as he opened his eyes once more to reveal the red irises as the blue scales continued to cascade down his wiggling body...

Back in the real world the human that had been sleeping on the bed continued to toss and turn for a while before he stopped, lying on his back as he breathed heavily. When his eyes opened they flashed red for a second before they returned back to normal before a smile crossed his face. "I can't believe that worked," Max thought to himself as he eagerly got up from the bed, stumbling slightly when he found himself once more without a tail that caused him to frown. "Walking as a human... definitely can't wait to change that."

With the first light of the morning streaming through his window Aiden stripped off his sleeping clothes in order to change into something to travel to the real Max's house, though as he got naked he happened to stop in the mirror in order to look at himself. What he saw in the reflection was not the human Aiden that stood there but of his kobold self, which as he ran his hands down the flat stomach that belonged to the human he watched the scaley arms do the same. It was a strange sensation to be human but feel like a kobold, especially when he tried to yip and heard a very human voice do it. But that was what he was going to set out in order to fix as he tore his gaze away from the lovely kobold he saw and got ready in order to make it a reality.

Meanwhile the real Max had been in his home all morning getting ready for the arrival of his friend, unaware of what had happened to him that night as he got the dragon potion ready. There would be no kobold bottle since he had no need for his own with body was still in the same transformed state that Aiden had left last week. Part of the alchemist knew that he kind of wanted the human to make the same mistake he had the last time, giggling as he remembered all the fun that he had with his doppelganger. That would be highly unlikely though and he was sure that they would still have fun with him being a big burly dragon that would have a kobold yipping around him.

Once he had finished with his cleaning Max had just started lunch when he heard a knock on his door that caused him to grin. "He really is eager to get started," Max said as he hopped off of his stool and headed towards the door, opening to find the human smiling down at him. "Hey Ai-"

"It's great to be here!" Aiden said cheerfully as he leaned down swiftly and hugged the kobold, taking Max slightly by surprise as he was squeezed and practically lifted up in the air. "I came as soon as I got up, I'm very excited to get started."

"I can see that," Max replied with a giggle as he was set back down on his feet. "I know that you are really chomping at the bit so we can get started right away, I'll get the potion for you and we can make sure you're comfortable for your transformation. It won't be like when you became a kobold since you'll be getting bigger instead of smaller and as you change I can get some more things done while you get acclimated."

"Oh, I don't mind waiting a little bit if you're in the middle of something," Aiden replied as he began to walk over towards the laboratory. "Why don't you go ahead and keep preparing lunch for us and I'll just find something to read while I wait. I'm certainly eager but a few more minutes won't be a dealbreaker."

Max just nodded and watched the human disappear into his lab, tilting his head slightly before he shrugged his scaly shoulders and went back into the kitchen. It was a bit of surprise that he didn't want to jump right in but it would be good for him to get the food prepared since turning into a bigger creature was often left with a more ravenous appetite once they were done. As he continued on with his work though something felt... off about the entire situation as he looked back in the direction of his lab. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but there was something about their greeting that had caused the mixing of the contents in his bowl to slow.

At first the kobold was just about to chalk it up to the excitement of watching his friend transform into a dragon as he put their lunch in the oven to cook when it finally came to him. It was still fairly early in the morning and Max hadn't told Aiden that he was making anything for them to eat, not to mention that most people would call this breakfast but he was usually up so early that he said otherwise. While this wouldn't be a big deal in itself it was combined with the unusually boisterous greeting that he got from the normally somewhat reserved human, and as he thought back to the exchange there was a look in his eye that was of more than just excitement. He turned the oven on and instead of moving on to the next course he made his back to the laboratory, his walk turning into a run when he heard the sound of one of his glass vials hitting the stone floor.

As Max turned the corner and walked into his lab he gasped when he saw Aiden standing there, already stripped down to his boxers and holding onto his head with one hand while the other gripped the table. Scales could already be seen on the backs of Aiden's hands, chest, legs, and face which were definitely not dragon scales as the other man was quickly growing smaller as the nubs of his horns and his tail could be seen. "Aiden, did you just take my kobold potion?" Max asked in shock, though it quickly grew to even more surprise of further realization. "Aiden, did you actually MAKE my kobold potion?"

"That I did," the transforming creature replied with a grin, letting out a yip of joy as he continued to shrink down while his muzzle grew out. "It was pretty easy to do considering how many times I made it, and even without me I'm sure Aiden would have drank it. Why drink dragon potions when you can make them, right?"

Max found himself still staring at his friend in question as his mind digested what he had said. He just mentioned Aiden's name like it wasn't him, but the person that had come in through his front door was clearly him... or was it? As the transforming kobold continued to happily yip while grabbing the empty vial, explaining that the changes had taken him slightly by surprise had how much faster they were, Max found himself watching essentially himself while he worked. This was a completely different scenario then when he had first changed, Max mused as he went over and helped since Aiden's fingers were still changing and twitched slightly while they grew claws and scales.

"So... you're Max then?" Max asked, Aiden nodding his head as he put everything back right where it should be. "Where's Aiden?"

"Aiden is enjoying himself as a kobold right now too," Aiden replied, giggling as he swished his growing tail back in forth. "It was so easy to get him to go along with this, you wouldn't believe it. Soon I'll be done changing and we can both be Max together, it's going to be great!"

Though Aiden's body was still slightly bigger his hand that had been holding onto the table was starting to drift over his head as he kicked his underwear away towards Max, which caused him to blush slightly. "I see, you're really taking to this whole thing!" Max said as he watched the other kobold start to look at him more seductively, reaching up and grabbing the table with both hands in a way that started a particular fantasy that the alchemist had. "Are you, um, are you sure that Aiden is alright with this?"

"Oh yeah, he absolutely adores being you," Aiden replied, though it was clear this personality was a hundred percent Max as the other kobold came up behind him. "As I said that weekend left quite an impression on him, and now he gets to be you in the truest sense of the word. So now that I'm you why don't you go ahead and do what we both know you want to do to me?"

While it was a bit strange for the real Max to hear his own horny voice talking back to him without being prompted there was something hot about the entire scenario. This wasn't just his friend acting like him and they weren't acting as one, this was an entirely new Max in mind and body that knew exactly what was going on. There would be no need to prompt or to get him back into the mindset, he had himself standing there naked with both their cocks already starting to slide out of the slit. When he got up behind the other kobold and saw Aiden's head turn back to look at him it was with his own stare, and while he was fascinated at how his friend had managed to so thoroughly and completely compartmentalize his thoughts to allow it he had other things on his mind than scientific pursuits.

"Oh yeah," Aiden moaned as Max began to rub up and down his body, the other kobold pushing back as he felt up the male in front of him. "C'mon Max, let's show Aiden how good it feels to be you." Both kobolds yipped in delight as they started to rub and move against one another, Aiden's body losing the last of his height over the other to render them equally tall as the last of the human disappeared. Max hadn't realized how much this turned him on but it was being helped as he was getting egged on by essentially himself as he was about to say that he was going to get lube before his doppelganger reached up and provided him with some.

The two were definitely thinking the same thing, Max thought to himself with a chuckle as he slathered up his own member before he reached forward once again while Aiden shifted his tail to expose his scaly rear. This wasn't like when they had synced together though as the other Max still moved independently to his own actions, yipping and yapping in pleasure as he reached around to stroke the other kobold's cock a few times while prepping his own to push inside. But everything from the way Aiden twitched to his groans to his reaction of having the ring of muscle stretched open all proved that he wasn't having sex with him, he was having sex with Max as he gripped those scaly hips and began to push inside.

Though there was a momentary hesitation when both their bodies jumped from the spike of pleasure and they looked up at the apparatus, though they knew that their table was sturdy enough to not move during and earthquake so it would support being a brace for their fun. Secretly Max had always wanted to have a romp in his lab as a kobold, and while having his partner be a kobold as well he found the scenario to be even more enticing. It wasn't even just the act of pleasure from staring to slide into a tailhole identical to his own, as they continued to moan and huff the feel of his own body pressed against his own was almost intoxicating since every muscle movement and shift of those scales was similar to his own. They knew exactly what to say to each other in order to really get into it and soon Aiden had to brace himself against the table as Max thrusted into him.

"Wait wait wait!" Aiden suddenly said, stopping both their bodies from rubbing and grinding against one another as Max had his cock buried up to the root. "I have another idea, something that I think you're really going to enjoy, we're just going to have to switch positions."

"If you wanted a turn you could have just told me," Max replied with a smirk. "Or at least let me finish." The two giggled at that before Aiden shook his head and said that he had a fun game that they could play now that they were both all riled up. Though Max had started to get close he trusted himself and pulled out to see what sort of idea he essentially came up with, watching his clone go over to one of the chairs that was about the same height as the stepstool and bring it over.

"Alright, here's the game," Aiden said with a grin as he motioned for Max to get up on the stepstool while he did the same behind him on the chair. "You're going to make another round of kobold potion since the materials are already loaded up, and I'm going to rut you from behind while you do it."

"You want to have sex while we make a potion?" Max asked, watching the eyes of his other self gleam as he nodded in response. "Wow... I'm... really into this actually, I'm surprised that I didn't think of this myself. It would be certainly quite the challenge."

"Technically you did think of it," Aiden replied, causing the two kobolds to yip happily. "I'll make sure to go very, very slow in order to let you work, let's see if you can get it done before you cum underneath the table."

Max found himself incredibly intrigued by this idea and turned back towards his apparatus, which as Aiden had said was set up in order for him to brew another round of kobold transformation potion. As he put on his goggles and safety smock he could already feel a pair of hands slide underneath it and caress his chest, which caused him to shudder even as he tried to steel himself to begin the process. While he would potentially worry about his partner becoming overly amorous and causing them to both fall forward he knew that the one behind him had just as much desire to be careful as they did for their own fun. That still didn't stop Aiden from teasing the other kobold exactly where he wanted it as Max could hear his more dominant voice being used against him.

As the process of creating a new concoction started he began to feel something probe up against his tailhole, feeling his insides getting spread open in the same way that he had just done a few minutes ago. True to his word Aiden kept the insertion slow and sensual, and while he was distracted by the lust of the moment and having his own body starting to rub against his backside he continued to try and keep himself to the challenge he had set for himself. It was hard to watch liquid bubbling and moving around inside the glass as the soft thrusts of the cock inside him grew deeper, another inch sliding into him seemingly with every time he moved on to the next step of the process as they both yipped several times almost involuntarily. While he had always enjoyed making potions this was taking it to the next level and Max joked that he might not ever be able to make another one without getting a hard-on, which only caused one of the hands groping him to go down and the squeeze his cock.

Aiden whispered back that he might need an assistant more often, which caused Max to tremble at the thought of being helped out by himself more often. If what his other self had said was true and his human friend really was into being his clone then it would certainly get a lot more work done, though he wasn't sure how often they would end up in this scenario as the kobold behind him continued to softly but deeply thrust inside of him. The pleasure of the act and from before was building up in his body and he found his hands trembling slightly from it as his concentration was broken more than once. While creating another kobold potion was something he desired he found that more than anything he wanted to finish in another matter as his apron was moved aside and his cock was openly stroked underneath the table.

"Ah, almost there..." Max said as he got the liquid to the final stage of the process, watching it turn the same blue coloration as their scales.

"Me too..." Aiden replied with a grin as his hips started to thrust forward more insistently while his free hand held onto the scaled stomach of the other kobold just above his groin. Max quickly figured out what his doppelganger was doing, he was trying to time it so that right as they would finish off the potion he would finish as well. Climaxing at the potion's creation, it was an incredibly kinky scenario that he was all for as he began to thrust into the clawed hand wrapped around his still slick cock which caused him to get even more pinned to the table as Aiden did the same.

Both kobolds let out cries of pleasure as Max felt his cock jump and the first jets of his seed fire out onto the wall that the table sat against. As the potion vial filled up his tailhole experienced the same treatment as the other Max had gotten them both to orgasm at the same time. Both of them leaned forward with Aiden on top of Max who supported them both with his arms as they panted, the kobold in front still feeling a few shallow thrusts from the one behind him. Along with the blissful high that came from their carnal act there was also a strange feeling of accomplishment that came with it as he saw that the potion that had been created during their time together was practically perfect.

Once they had settled into the afterglow the two separated from one another and cleaned everything up, which while having two of them meant it was done in half the time it took longer as they had to also get under the table to scrub that area down as well. Once they were finished with that they decided to hit the shower that was right off the lab that was dual use for Max cleaning himself after a long day's work and in the case of potential contamination, which fortunately was big enough to hold two as the kobolds washed each other. Though the two were still recovering from their last escapade it didn't stop them from making out while they watched, Max eventually pinning Aiden up against the wall and holding him there with his chest as the two made out while the water cascaded down their bodies. It was a more intimate moment then they had and when they realized it they both couldn't help but giggle.

"I know how easy it is but don't go falling in love with yourself," Aiden said with a wink as they resumed their washing.

"So what does Aiden think of all this so far?" Max asked, his analytical mind kicking back in now that they had had their fun. "I certainly hope that he would be enjoying himself."

"You'll have to ask him when he comes back," Aiden said, his grin growing wider at the look of slight confusion on the other kobold's face. "I told you that it's all me right now, though I believe that when we're done and he changes back he'll remember everything that happened here. We are essentially the same person after all, just part of him is now you."

"Well I do feel like this certainly warrants further investigation into how this dual personality of yours works," Max replied as he leaned back while Aiden ran the sponge down his scales. "Actually... do you think that maybe with the knowledge you have you might now how to get someone that undergoes the same process into that mindset right away? Like they know that they're still who they are but Max takes over kind of like you did?"

"I mean, we are very persuasive," Aiden replied with a grin before he looked deep in thought. "But I think I know what you're wanting and between the two of us I'm sure that we could get something down, but from the sound of it you're not talking about me you want to do this too. Did my other self get inspired by what's going on?"

"A bit," Max stated with a devious grin of his own. "We do have a potion we made that would be a shame to go to waste and I know of another alchemist that I think would be more than happy to test this out for us..."

Later that same day there was another knock on the door as the two Max's finished making dinner in anticipation for the arrival of their guest. The actual Max decided to get it while Aiden finished with the cleaning up. It hadn't taken long for the alchemist to get a hold of the fellow potion maker and he didn't have to explain much in order to get the other man to go along with a blind testing. When Max got to the door and opened it he saw the grinning face of the druid standing there, his elongated fangs poking past his lips as the elf walked inside at the request of the kobold.

"It's nice to see you Serathin," Max said as he reached to grab the furry cloak that the other man wore, only to have it practically completely envelop him before he managed to put it aside. "I'm happy that you were able to respond to my summons so quickly."

"Fortunately I happened to be in the area and had fortuitous travel arrangements," Serathin replied, stifling a chuckle as he watched the kobold struggle a bit with the bulky cloak before he got completely out from underneath it and set it on a hook. "I see that you're continuing with the kobold look, it suits you quite well. So what is this mysterious concoction that you want me to test, I'm going to assume since you said I would be very interested that it's transformation related?"

"Among other things, yes," Max responded as he led the elf into his bedroom instead of the laboratory where the vial that he had just created was waiting for him. "Here's the sample, I thought we would do it here instead of in the lab in order to make you more comfortable." While that was partially true Max also didn't want to let the other alchemist know what was inside it, plus Aiden was hiding in there as well waiting for the signal to come out. The two wanted what was about to happen to the elf to be as much as a surprise as possible as Max grabbed the vial and handed it to him.

"Very intriguing..." Serathin stated as he swirled the contents around, Max hoping that he didn't guess what it was based on the color. "Am I going to have to take my clothes off for this one?"

"You can if you want but it's not necessary," Max replied. "Now stop trying to fish for answers, you'll see what it is when you take it."

The elf just smirked at the kobold before he took off the stopper and quickly downed the contents of the vial, which wasn't much since the batch that Max prepared wasn't very large. Once he had finished Serathin had handed back the empty glassware, only to see as the kobold took the vial that he already had a patch of scales staring to form on the back of his hand. Since the druid was about as much a shapeshifter as he was Max knew that the effects of the potion would be rather quick and as the elf watched his fingernails start to grow pointed he stepped back and motioned for Aiden to get inside. When he did the two cleared their throat at the same time Serathin looked up and blinked a few times before he said that he was seeing double, only for the two kobolds to shake their head and hop up on the bed next to him.

"Wow, you two look almost identical to one another," Serathin said as continued to look between the two that had started to press against the leather that adorned his chest. "Is that what the potion was, for you two to get a dragon or something that you guys could have fun serving? That is what kobolds do, right?"

"Typically yes," Max replied as he could see a look of slight confusion and disorientation on his face that was similar to the one that Aiden had when he turned into him for the first time. "But this time we're trying something a little different. If you're not sure what you're becoming then perhaps we could give a little hint?" When Serathin nodded his head Max turned to Aiden who let out a yip, then Max did the same a few seconds later as they continued to kneel next to him. After doing this several times the elf let out one of his own, which caused him to be surprised as he put his clawed hands to his mouth briefly to find that his face was pushing out.

"You're... you're turning me into a kobold," Serathin said, the confusion draining away from his face as he saw the two leaning in until they were both in his field of vision. "Wait a second, not just into a kobold, you're turning me into you!"

Max nodded to Aiden to take over, since he didn't have the knowledge that the other version of him had he relied on his other self to take the elf the rest of the way while he started to see the outfit the druid wear begin to loosen up on him. The other kobold nuzzled against the elf's head and told him that the potion wasn't actually transforming him, that he had always been a kobold named Max and they were just revealing the mask of Serathin in order to see what was underneath. The real Max was fascinated in watching himself work on the transforming elf and made as many mental notes as he could so he could do the same thing to Aiden again or anyone else that they decide to do this too. While having two Max's was a lot of fun they thought that perhaps three might be even better, and since Max knew that Serathin was into such a thing already with their past meetings it seemed only natural to add him to their kobold clan.

The transformation was going very smoothly with the elf too as his bright green eyes started to shift to a red shade, the disorientation that Aiden had during his changes clearing up very quickly as the kobold continued to guide him through the process of letting the personality that came with the potion assert itself. Though the layering of his mind and the corruption of his thoughts to that of the two that were on either side of him had clearly taken Serathin by surprise they could tell that he was actually quite enjoying it, especially as he continued to shrink in his clothing but could still see his arousal building. Max couldn't believe that he was actually making what was essentially a third clone of himself but when he asked the transforming creature what his name was the elf looked confused for a second before he questionally asked if it was Max. Aiden quickly affirmed that was correct and a broad smile came over the elf's face even as his tongue stretched out to fill the muzzle that was growing from his scaly cheeks.

With the rather tall elf already starting to lose a bit of height, the man had towered over the kobold before this point, the two decided to move onto the next phase. The tunic and leathers that the druid wore pulled off rather easily and revealed that his already lean physique had started to grow scales which flowed along his tanned flesh in a cascading pattern. As the physical changes continued both could see that the mental ones were starting to take hold as well as they saw flashes of both Serathin and Max in him. With the real Max joining in the two quickly overwhelmed the original personality and watched as the thoughts and abilities of the kobold settled in, though as he watched him start to enjoy himself even more Max wondered if they would get Serathin with Max overlaid on top of it or if they would get a Max separate from the elf like Aiden was at that moment.

With the elf still shrinking right before their eyes the change was more dramatic than either of the two humans, at least for height as the squirming creature practically slid out of his pants. Max quickly grabbed them and chucked them aside, and as he looked at the reddening cock of the elf he found that it was almost completely erect. While they had originally thought to wait before the changes were done the two both realized that they had never really had fun with each other while they changed, now both Max's could do so with their newest convert as they turned Serathin around to be on his stomach while the two kobolds got on either side of him. Aiden took position sitting on the pillows at the front of the bed as he quickly guided the elf's head, which still looked mostly elven save for his slightly stretched jaws, and guided his maw to be between his legs as Max got between Serathin's limbs.

Max could see that the potion had already started to take effect in that area as well and as the elf's body shrunk it caused his tail to emerge. He could tell that they wouldn't have long to enjoy him while he was in transition like this and had the elf get on his knees for a better angle. Even with the potion taking effect faster Serathin was still much bigger than them, but as Max and Aiden both began to slide their cocks into the one between them the two could see that it only caused the changes to intensify. As Max watched his member sink into the hole beneath him the nub of a tail that had started to form began to push against his stomach while scales started to spread from where he had inserted into him.

Meanwhile Aiden was also experiencing a slightly unusual blowjob as he watched the head of the transforming creature start to bob up and down, which at first Serathin could only get the first few inches in but as his mouth seemed to stretch out with each suck more of the sensitive flesh was being enveloped. The kobold wiggled and yipped as he could feel the changing tongue swirl around his shaft while he held onto the elf's head, though as he did it was becoming increasingly harder to with his hair disappearing more by the second. As those pointed ears started to recede as well though Aidne found something better that he could hold onto, grinning as he grabbed onto the horns that emerged and used them to thrust forward. The upper body of the elf squirmed at such a deep insertion as his arms reached up to grab Aiden's hips, which had become fully scaled and were significantly smaller than the rest of the elf's body that was still shrinking to catch up.

More than once Max had to scoot forward as his own cock popped out of Serathin's tailhole as he could see the muscles in his chest and abdomen shrink. After the third time the kobold let out a grunt of frustration and as the thick tail continued to grow out from the increasingly scaled body he just latched onto it, causing Serathin's back to arch as Max hooked his legs around to anchor himself. Not only did it keep him in position it also caused the entirety of his cock to sink into the other man whose insides were starting to tighten around him both from the transformation and the pleasure. By this time though there wasn't much left of the elf that could be seen as his feet slid across the sheets while they stretched and popped into their more draconic configuration.

Soon the sounds that came from the one between the kobolds sounded identical to them as the three remained locked like that, the body of the one between the other two bouncing back and forth as he was taken from both ends. The thrusting of one managed to push their mouth or tailhole down onto the other and since both of them were Max they knew how to time it in order to get the maximum penetration down for each one. Max felt the scaled legs of the kobold curl backwards and when he looked back he could see the taloned toes curling, which was what he normally did when he was about to climax as he saw Aiden doing the same. It didn't take long for the three to orgasm and the air was filled with yips and cries of pleasure from the other two as they filled the one in the middle whose kobold cock fired into the sheets.

Eventually all three of them collapsed into a pile of identical scaly limbs as the sounds of their rutting were replaced with heavy breaths. Night had fallen by the time they finished with one another and in the darkness of the room Max couldn't help but once more feel a sense of surrealness as he looked over and saw not one but two identical kobolds that were laying there on top of one another. When he caught Aiden's eyes he could sense that he was thinking the same thing and with a bit of inquiry found that he was still in fact Max, which just left them to see if their newest one had succumbed to the personality that came with the potion as Serathin looked like he was almost half-asleep while his eyes stared off into the distance. While the two had initially thought about letting him rest their curiosity got the better of them and they shook the blue-scaled kobold awake after taking off the necklace he wore and setting it aside.

"Hey there Max," Max said to Serathin once it appeared his eyes had regained their focus and were looking straight into his own. Though he had initially thought to call him Serathin he didn't want to break the hold the potion might have on his mind if there was a weak connection to a Max that may or may not be inside of him. "How are you feeling?"

With his awareness coming back the two kobolds watched as the third seemed to come too and looked around, his head flitting back and forth before he finally looked between them and down at his own body. "Well... now this is interesting," Serathin said as he felt over his hands, Max sighing inwardly as it appeared that perhaps the transformation was too fresh for it to take hold as the new kobold ran his hands over his muzzle. "I wondered how this was going to manifest, I have to say being in a body so natural like this while still being me is quite intense."

"So... you're not Max?" Aiden asked as he scooted forward as well.

"Of course I'm Max," Serathin replied, letting out several yips as the eyes of the other two widened. "I mean look at me, who else would this body belong too? Just like you two are Max as well."

"Oh, uh, great," Max said as the other two looked at each other in mild shock before turning back to the kobold that was still examining his own body. "It's just... you still seem a bit..."

"Like Serathin?" Seathin replied, once more causing the two to gasp slightly in surprise. "You can't just expect someone knew to take something over and have everything down right away, plus when Serathin and I had a bit of a chat he was more than willing to become Max to experience it for himself. You probably wouldn't have even needed to trick him, though I have to admit that is a lot of fun."

Oh wow, it actually worked!" Max exclaimed with a yip of his own. "You know who Serathin is but you're still Max, you're still me. Oh my, I'm not sure this world could handle three of me."

To Max's surprise the two other kobolds looked at one another and both had a smirk grow on their face before turning back to him. "Well, you're going to have to at least handle two of you," Serathin replied. "Get him!"

Max let out a yelp as both Aiden and Serathin pounced him, the two saying that they were the head Max while all of them giggled. Though it was just playing around for the most part the sensation of two identical bodies rubbing against his own was unlike anything that he had ever experienced before. Once they had their fun the three were eager to see what it was like having multiple clones of one another, especially since they were all operating from a singular viewpoint as they massaged and cuddled together for almost the entirety of the night. Max ended up in the middle of the other two and feeling the two kobolds surrounding him felt really good as they all drifted off to sleep.

For the rest of the weekend the three kobolds continued to work on their potions while experimenting with the two that were not actually Max. It seemed that Serathin could actually connect with his elven form a bit more and even switch out while Aiden seemed content to just remain in the personality of the kobold alchemist for the weekend. From the sound of it this also wasn't the first time that someone had taken control of the druid but even when he was Max he merely gave them both a smirk upon their inquiries. When they weren't exploring one another they were seeing how much of Max's abilities transferred to the other two, which after a few tests they found was a lot as both of them managed to complete potions that only the original Max knew about without telling them anything.

By the end of the weekend though both the human and elf eventually reverted back to normal, this time both of them knowing it was coming when they saw patches of skin on their otherwise scaly chests. After taking some time to get used to their height once more the original kobold thanked them both for all the help as they had just gotten done with cleaning up for the day. "I have to say that this is probably the most work that I've ever gotten done on a weekend," Max said with a sheepish grin on his face as the other two got dressed. "Are you sure that you two don't want to get paid anything?"

"I think the experience is enough for me," Aiden replied with a grin as he ran a hand through his regrowing hair while Serathin waited for his toes to completely reform before putting on his boots again. "I know that you're going to make something in order to purge the last of the potion out of us so we don't get tempted into becoming Max again but it was a lot of fun to be someone else, especially an alchemist kobold. Do you think that we might be able to do it again sometime?"

"Of course," Max said as he leaned up and gave them a kiss on the cheek before he settling back on his feet. "Actually... about that whole personality purging thing, since you two seem to be getting a bit more control on all that I was wondering if instead of wasting something that you both seem to enjoy we might... utilize it? I actually had an idea that I think would benefit all of us."

"Oh?" Serathin asked, looking down at the kobold with a bemused smirk as Max blushed and grinned sheepishly. "I shudder to think of what our devious little alchemist here is planning."

"I never said that it would be bad!" Max said with a huff.

"I never said what kind of shuddering I'd be doing," Serathin replied with a chuckle. "But now I'm curious on what you have in mind with our current predicament of having a version of you in our heads."

With both sets of eyes on him Max suddenly began to feel a little nervous as he hopped up on the stool and grabbed two sets of empty vials that were modified to contain potion that could be worn around the neck. "I thought that maybe since you two are accomplished potion makers when you're me that we might be able to expand the reach of my transformation potions," Max explained. "You can take a sample of the Max potion with you and when you see somewhere that might benefit from a few changes you become me and open up shop. You two can be me again and earn a few coins and I get free advertisement in other cities without leaving the comfort of my own home."

Max could see the other two thinking about his offer and tried to not let his tail wag in anticipation of what they were about to be said. While his idea would bring in more business he really just like the idea of having two people out there that could become him at any time, and while sometimes he wouldn't get to reap the benefit of that since they would be out and about they would have to come back to get a refill... and the more that they enjoyed being Max the more he could enjoy his own company. There was a small part of him that wondered if he should be getting so invested in making these two into his own copies but while he mused on that the two both nodded and said that they would be interested. While Serathin also made potions they were more healing based or for personal consumption but also traveled a lot, while Aiden would be more to just help handle any increased workload that the kobold might have.

Though he no longer had two more versions of himself to help it didn't take long before Max had made two more doses of the kobold potion, this time filling up the specialized vials before dispersing them to the human and elf. As he finished up the last of what he needed to do however he realized that he was running low on alchemical ingredients for it and hopped down off his bench only for the two to say that they could make a quick run. Max was about to protest before he just nodded; the marketplace was rather busy during this time and with his smaller stature people had the tendency to bump into him a lot, which with his time as a human becoming shorter and shorter windows his idea to shop during those times was getting harder. After giving the two a small list and bag of coin to cover the expenses the two went out with Max calling out that he would make them one last meal before they had to leave as thanks.

As expected the marketplace was crowded as the two had made their way through to where alchemical ingredients were being sold, but as they walked towards it both of them started to hold their heads and complained of being dizzy. Serathin saw a bench near a fountain and the two went over there to rest, and as they did both of them closed their eyes and put their hands up against their face. They remained like that for a few minutes before both of them pulled away at the same time, their irises replaced with a red coloration as they blinked a few times. After they took a second to take heed of their surroundings they both looked at each other and grinned.

"Max, I presume?" Aiden asked, the elf nodding before asking the same which prompted the human to respond in kind. "Good, now that we're relatively alone I think we need to talk."

"I thought so too," Serathin replied, though for both of them it was actually the kobold that they had been the entire weekend that was doing the talking. "It seems that the three of us all agree that being Max is a lot of fun since he decided not to get rid of his personality, and since he is being a rather devious kobold in making sure we stay in place inside of Aiden and Serathin I think that we need to figure out how to thank him."

"Couldn't have said it better myself," the human Max replied as he leaned back while holding up the potion necklace that he had received. "It's a shame that he only gave us one dose each, I can already sense that Aiden is going to reassert himself and there's nothing that we can do about that."

"Even with previous experience Serathin doesn't have long either," the elf Max said, tapping his lips before he got an idea. He asked Aiden for a piece of paper and writing utensil, and once it was given to him he began to quickly write down a set of instructions. "There, that's the kobold potion, between this and the list of ingredients Serathin should be able to make something."

"So we can continue to conspire without Max knowing and as kobolds!" the human Max exclaimed. "You're a genius Max!"

"We're a genius," the elf Max said before the two giggled and let out a few yips, stopping only when a few people gave him a strange look. Soon after the tint in their eyes faded and the two looked at one another, then down at the recipe that had been written that had been titled Copykobold. Serathin and Aiden both knew what their alter egos were doing and that was just fine with them as they went into the market to buy two sets of the same ingredients...