Episode 9B: Games

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#18 of FotR Fiction

The crew has been enjoying some downtime while the Raptor has the Epsilon Three is being removed from it. Jack gets a little too addicted to playing a popular video game much to Terri's ire. This story runs concurrent to Salvage.

"Why Jack, you look like the picture of total frustration," Terri said as he sat down across from her at the Replimat--a small public bank of replicators used for meals when one is in a hurry on Starbase 186. "What's up?"

"Don't worry about it. It's...stupid," Land sighed, idly picking at his food.

"Aw come on! You can tell me," Terri smiled. "Did you piss off Harry and have to help the engineering crew?"


"Fara ripped on you for resetting the calibrations on your station?" Terri asked.

"No," Land said, "I told you it was stupid."

"Come on Jonathan, you can tell me," Terri teased. "What's bugging you?"

"Ok fine," Land sighed. "You know I've been playing that Ultimate Warfare game lately?"

"Yes," Terri said flatly, recalling that was why he was a bit late to their last date. "That stuff is for kids. I don't see your fascination with it.""

"Because it's fun to blow digital people into smithereens," Jack replied.

"Pfft! Like we don't have enough of that in real life," Terri huffed. "So, what's got you down?"

"Well, I joined this new host last night that's supposed to be for veteran players and I was doing pretty good 'til this one guy just kept kicking my ass. Every time I moved they were there and the damnedest thing was this player was using a damn beam katana and a lightning arrow bow. Hell, no one was safe! They won every match they were in. No one was able to even get a kill on them."

"So you got schooled," Terri shrugged, returning more of her attention to her food. "If you can't win why continue to play the stupid thing?"

"Well, it's the challenge. I thought I was good 'til I played this player. I even tried switching to their own weapons and they still kicked my ass."

"So are you going to keep playing?" Terri asked, "or do I have to remind you of the ass chewing you got last time you had a date?"

"Oh...well...I haven't forgotten about that! 1800 right?"

"1700," Terri corrected him patiently, "you were going to take me out dancing remember?"

"Yes, I remember!" Land replied.

"Then why didn't you have the time correct?" Terri asked pointedly, not looking at him.

"Um...I'm not perfect?" Land replied, possibly a little too sharply. "I'll be there. I promise."

"You know I don't mind your odd little hobbies," Terri said, "in fact, I like a few of them, but I don't like a stupid videogame making you late to dates."

"It won't, I promise," Land said apologetically.

Terri smiled and nodded, but didn't believe him. "I'm just saying you're not the only cute guy on this station I may be interested in. Maybe the others can put down that stupid controller and get to their dates with me on time."

"Terri! I got the message loud and clear. I'll be there," Land chuckled nervously.

"You better be," Terri mused.

Just then, the Raptor's call alarm went off.


"Ok, you can't hold me accountable for those," Land said.

"There is still plenty of day left. We might be back on time," Terri said, dropping her fork and getting up from the table.

Title: Games

Episode 09B, Special 3

IDP:2010,2017, 2021

By: Vakash Darkbane

Edited By: Saurex Conoway

Two Hours Later

The emergency turned out to be no more than a small raid of Paraxeno ships on a convoy near their space. The Raptor was one of four close ships that were able to quickly respond. The Paraxenos were quickly routed and retreated from the area. A few had even broken from the fight upon the Raptor's arrival. The Raptor managed to get through the fight unscathed and its crew breathed a sigh of relief seeing the Paraxeno vessels retreat into the distance.

"Wow, all that fuss for one little pirate attack?" Land sighed as he brought the ship around.

"It was easier to call for our help than to have the escort break from the convoy," Harry said, "besides, it's not like we had anything pressing to attend to anyway."

Land wondered what was with his tone. He sounded slightly irritated. "Something bothering you, Skipper?" He asked.

"Nothing you need to be concerned about," Harry said. "Terri, signal Starbase 186 and tell them we'll be returning shortly."

"Aye, sir," Terri replied.

"Captain, there was a slight drop in our power levels during the attack, nothing major, but it's definitely something that should be looked into," said Jakar.

"What type of drop?" Harry sighed. "I told them to fix that."

"Mrs. Phoenix has been on furlough lately," Jakar replied patiently. "It should be expected that things may not run as smoothly."

"On my ship, I want things running smoothly, or else," Harry grumbled. "How much variation was there this time?"

"About fourteen percent on the starboard forward shield generator," Jakar reported.

"Ok," Harry sighed, hitting the com switch, "Mr. Knackt?"

"What?!" Knackt barked.

"Why are my shield generators not running up to par?"

"Firk! What are you talkin' about? I just adjusted them the other day," Knackt replied.

"Check your readings. Apparently you did not correct the problem," Harry groused.

Over the speaker, some hurried typing was followed by a few muttered curses. "I'm sorry Captain, I must have missed it. I'll get someone on it right away."

"I know you are a little swamped at the moment with Ms. Phoenix on furlough, but I need you to step up your game Mr. Knackt. Arspace Employee or not, you will be looking for another assignment. Is that understood?"

"Yeah, yeah, clear as day, Captain," the rat replied, cutting off the channel.

"I really can't wait for the day Fara gets back," Harry sighed, slumping back in his chair and rubbing his forehead.

Suddenly, a computer error sounded and all the bridge consoles started flashing.

"What is that?" Harry said, sitting up in his chair.

"Unknown, sir," Rivas said. "It appears we are having some sort of minor system malfunction."

He looked up and saw Terri beside him. "Let me take a look please."

"Be my guest," Rivas said, stepping to the side station.

As soon as it started, the problem stopped and the ship returned to normal.

"Ok...some answers would be nice," said Harry.

"It's a minor system hiccup," Terri reported as she glared at the consul. "For some reason the computer decided to refresh the automatic diagnostic protocols. It looks like we've just got some errant code floating around from the Epsilon Three."

Harry visibly tensed. "Is this anything we should be worried about," he asked.

"I don't think so," said Terri. "I'm sure we had everything purged before we left the space dock."

"Ms. O'mara, do you have any ideas?" Harry asked.

"It seems minor, seriously sir. With this ship, I'm surprised it hasn't happened more frequently," the avian shrugged.

"I think I've got it taken care of," Terri said, typing in a few commands. "It would probably help if we did a complete shutdown of the ship and then did a warm up from the start when we got back."

Rivas looked over his system readouts. "All systems are in the green."

"Ok, we'll worry about that when we get back to starbase," Harry said. "Back to your station Lieutenant, and thank you."

Terri nodded and headed back to her place.

"I've already got a course laid in sir," Land said helpfully. "We're on our way."

Harry nodded and went back to his slump.

Land spun back around in his chair, feeling a bit defeated at trying to improve Harry's mood, opened a text window and typed something really quickly:

Msg>> to User: Terri-Lu

Jack Land>> Harry is in real good spirits today.

His board beeped.

Terri-Lu>> No kidding, not one of his better moods.

Land chuckled. Him and Terri had gotten pretty good passing their little electronic notes back and forth to each other.

"Is something funny Mr. Land?" Harry asked from his chair.

"Just remembering a joke I heard the other day," Land said smoothly.

"Then I suggest you keep it to yourself," Harry groused.

"Yes sir," Land replied without flinching. He glanced down as his console beeped again.

Terri-Lu>> Ha ha! You got in trouble! Better behave, we have a date remember?

Land glanced over his shoulder at Terri, who was doing a pretty good job of looking busy. His console bleeped again.

Terri-Lu>> You do remember right?

Land quickly typed his response.

Jack Land>> Of course I do! I'll be at your quarters to pick you up right on time.

His flight control beeped and he looked at the read out.

"Harry, I hate to add to our list of woes, but the navigational deflector's output just dropped about thirty percent," Land said, "I'm going to have to drop us to about warp five."

He heard Harry groan and get out of his seat. "Just get us home Mr. Land. Inform engineering," he said as he straightened his uniform with a tug. "Mr. Rivas, you have the con. I'll be in my ready room if anything pressing happens."

"Aye," Rivas replied.

As he left, it felt like if the door to the bridge could have been slammed, it would have been.

"Is it just me, or does he seem a bit more annoyed than usual?" Land said once he was gone.

Rivas climbed up into the command chair and settled down.

"He has a lot on his mind lately," Rivas said, checking his readings.

"Like what? Considering all the 'fun' we had a few weeks ago?" Land groused. "The only thing we've been doing since then is chasing pirates and Urtheans."

"I don't know and it's not my business as he's doing his job," Rivas growled.

"Yes, but you do have to admit he's been pretty tense lately," O'mara said. "I'm kind of worried about him."

"I'm sure whatever it is he'll work it out," Rivas sighed.

* * *

The Raptor arrived back at Starbase 186 without any further incidents. It slid past the woefully damaged Aether, which had been stranded at the Starbase for the last few weeks due to various delays and other setbacks in the repairs. The ship was crawling with workbees and engineers doing their best to get the crippled ship back in working order.

The Raptor returned to its slip and docked with a familiar 'thud' as the hard-points connected. Everyone logged off their stations and the ship slowly powered down to its stand by mode. Gradually, the non engineering personnel funneled off the ship and into the corridor. As Terri and Land walked towards the exit, Kai Remmick whistled and motioned for Land to come over to him.

Terri and Land walked over to him.

"Yeah, what's up?" Land asked.

"Are you going to be on tonight?" He asked.

"What? The game?"


"Erm...not tonight, but maybe later," Land replied.

"Damn. Well, looks like I'm going to be here 'til later," Kai groused. "I was hoping we could team up and take out that annoying 2hot4u."

"Two hot for you?" Terri asked, her eyebrow rising to a dangerously sarcastic slant.

"Yeah, that's the player who mopped the floor with us last night!" Kai growled.

"Oh gods! There are more of you?" Terri sighed.

"Maybe tomorrow I'll be off duty for the first half of the day," Land said, "but yeah, we should try working as a team. They've got some damn nerve!"

"What nerve?" Terri scoffed. "Sounds like whoever it is is just way better than you two."

"There's being better and then there's being a jackass," Kai said defensively.

"It's just a stupid game! What is there to be upset about?" Terri said nonchalantly

"Yeah, but it's a game we don't like losing!" Land smirked.

"I don't even get why you play it. We have holo-decks. They're way more interactive than some box hooked up to a vid-screen.'

"Well for one, you can't sprain an ankle..." Land said.

"Or hurt your back..." Kai added.

"Or dislocate an arm," Land said sagely, pulling at his whiskers in thought.

"You two are pathetic," Terri chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Boys and their toys! I'm going to take care of a few things before tonight, ok Jack?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem," Land replied. "1700, your place."

"Good boy," she said, patting him on the arm and heading down the corridor.

"Got a date?" Kai asked.

Land nodded. "Yeah, so I probably won't be on tonight, but we'll shoot for sometime tomorrow morning. Give me a call on the com."

"Sure thing," Kai said as his combadge beeped and he tapped it.

"Hey, kitty cat! Where the hell are you?" Knackt's voice blistered through the small speaker. "What the hell are you doing on Deck 3? I thought you were going to work on the deflector!"

"Yeah yeah, I'll get on it rat boy," Kai snapped back. "I had to pick up some tools first."

"Whatever! Just get your tail down their pronto. I don't want to be here all damn night," Knackt snapped as the channel cut off.

"Well, I gotta go," Kai said, "boss is a calling."

"I bet you are really missing Fara huh?" Land asked.

"It wouldn't be so bad to work with the little bastard if he didn't resemble a snack back on Catar," Kai smirked. "Later!" He said heading down the corridor.

Land started to head for the exit when Harry walked past him, heading the same way.

"Yo! Something bothering you?" He asked.

Harry glared at him. "Nothing you need to be concerned with...why do you ask?"

"Well, you've been a bit on the grouchy side the last few days," Land shrugged, "just curious."

"Jack..." Harry sighed, clearly irritated. "I have just had to deal with a board of inquiry right after that damn disaster with the Epislon Three. Do you know how much CYA is involved in that whole process, before and after? I've had to answer the same damn questions about everything that happened so many times I'm not even sure I'm keeping my part of the story straight. And, to top that off, while my Chief Engineer is off trying to get herself back together the Raptor is slowly falling apart. I think I have plenty of reasons to be slightly irritated." Harry finished with a huff.

"Sorry I asked," Land muttered, holding up his hands.

"That god damned computer has caused one nightmare after another for me," Harry growled. "It's not like what happened wasn't bad enough. Having to go by the Aether every time we come back is like a kick to the ribs."

"Do you want to go grab lunch and vent?" Land asked.

Harry took a deep breath and let it out. "You know what? I could use that."

Land pulled up his sleeve and looked at his wrist watch. "I got at least an hour to kill, so let's go."

They walked along the promenade to Leeta's Bar, their usual watering hole. As they went they saw Captain De'Sol approaching from the other way. She looked like she was ready to break someone in half with her bare hands. Harry tensed as they drew even with her.

"Morning, Captain," Land said as they got closer.

"Ensign," Jayna said politely as she passed them. Not once did her gaze fall on Harry.

"Did you suddenly turn invisible?" Land asked Harry when she was out of earshot.

"Are you as stupid as you seem or is it an act?" Harry growled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Land said, cocking his head.

"Well doofus, when one's ship opens fire on another's while it's defenseless, it creates some animosity." Harry snapped. "Look...if you are going to be obtuse this time, I'll go do something else."

Land put his hands up again. "Ok, ok got it! I'm not deaf. I'll just shut up and buy the beer."

After they were settled at their usual seats and had ordered lunch, there was a bit of a lull. Leeta's Bar was a small bar/café that had been on the station for quite a while now. It was located just off the docking corridor on the lower levels of the station's promenade. It was run by an un-bonded middle-aged Eviason. She was a lanky, tall mustelid with a mane of black head fur. She was known to be even-tempered with her patrons until a fight would break out. Then, of course, she would break it up with a view of the old scattergun she kept under the bar.

Harry's mood seemed to improve a little bit, especially after Land provided the lunch and refreshments. Harry had started to fill him in on some of the details of the goings-on after the ill-fated Epsilon Three tests and told him about Captain De'Sol's blatant refusal of his help, despite the shape that her ship was in.

"So, I know she had something to do with your extra pip," Land said as they talked, "something between you two I should know? I mean, you were gone for three months and...."

"It's not like that," Harry lied, but Land wasn't sharp enough to catch it. "But, yes, she did have a hand in my little promotion. I don't know what for though."

"You said earlier you two had the same teachers when you were in the Academy. Was that part of the little cult I keep hearing the crew murmur about?"

Harry glared. "It's not a cult," he said grumbled, taking a quick bite of his food, chewing and then swallowing. "It was basically a very difficult accelerated command school. There were only fifty-five people that managed to graduate under Admiral Kramer's program. I'm one of them, so is she."

"Oh, so some sort of brothers in arms thing then," Land said. "Yeah, I could see why she'd feel a little pissed."

"I don't know if it's that or something else," Harry sighed, although he was sure that was at least a part of it.

"Well, she is a starship captain. I'm sure she's dealt with these problems before." Land shrugged. "Maybe you should just back off and let her come to you."

"She's already made off with a chunk of my new recruits," Harry noted. "It was the least I could do for her. However, that ship has just sat there, with very little work getting accomplished." Harry did some quick math in his head. "She's gotta have Fleet HQ pitching a conniption fit over that."

"Plus you feel a little guilty that she won't let you help anymore than you have," Land added, glancing at the wall chronometer.

"Yes, especially when half the time when the Raptor is in good shape. We have the staff to help them with their repairs," Harry grumbled

"I may get decked for this," Land said, "I know we're all supposed to be one big happy fleet and all, but if she doesn't want our help then," he shrugged, "screw her. It's not our problem. I know we indirectly caused it, but still! It's not like we don't have our own problems, Harry."

Harry nodded blankly. "You have a point. If she's being stubborn then let her be stubborn. If she asks then help..." he left the statement hanging. He took a drink and then settled back in his chair. "Why is it sometimes you are a total idiot and other times a nice dash of insight when I need it?"

Land shrugged as he glanced at his watch. "Dunno. It's all the wonderful complexity that's me."

"Complex is only half right," Harry smirked. "You have an appointment or something? You keep glancing at the clock."

"Yeah, a date I don't dare to miss," Land replied.

"You still with Terri?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." Land said, smiling.

"You best not be late then," Harry said.

"I know. Hey, look, if you're feeling a bit better I'm gonna go knock off and take care of a few things."

"Sure, thanks for lunch," Harry said.

Land started to get up and leave.

"Hey!" Leeta shouted at him. "Pay the tab first!"

"Sorry," Land said, fishing for his credits card in his pocket.

"And you own me for lunch yesterday," Leeta grumbled. "I should charge you interest, that's the third time you've done that."

Harry chuckled. "You just can't win, can you?"

Leeta took the card and swiped it in the reader before tossing it back to Land. "There! You're square now. You aren't getting any warnings next time."

"Yes ma'am," Land said, catching the chip and turning to leave.

* * *

Land got back to his quarters and checked the chronometer. He still had some time to kill, so he showered, changed into civilian clothes, and turned on his gaming console.

He wasn't sure who started building these things, but they had come from his home system and spread like wildfire, especially when people started making games to play for it. It was simply a slightly modified data console that one could log onto the Confederation network and play any type of old 2D or quasi 3D game imaginable. Terri was right, it was an outmoded type of entertainment, however; a lot of people across the Confederation, from kids to adults, had replicated one. Land had it attached to an extra video monitor he had for watching movies on.

He logged on and started the Ultimate Warfare game that he had grown quite fond of. It was, of course, mindless entertainment provided via a combat simulation from the first-person perspective. The catch was that every type of weapon imaginable was unlockable on it. His favorite thing to do was play the free-for-all, non-era restrictive matches, simply for the interesting mélange of weapons used during that play.

As soon as he logged on, the screen showed who was online and he glared at a name he'd grown to despise over the last few days in his favored enemy list.

Enemies Online: == <32hot4u<3==

He sent a challenge to 2hot and waited.

"What do you want?" A gruff, but feminine, voice message played over the speakers.

"I want to join the next match you're in," Land said after grabbing his headset and turning it on.

"Pfft! What, you didn't get enough schooling last night?" The voice cackled.

"You are going to screw up eventually," Land smirked.

"Whatever! Fine. I have to kill a few minutes anyway," the voice replied. "You must be a masochist."

2hot4u granted his challenge and the system board showed them lined up to be in the next match.

"Yeah yeah, keep talking! You're going to go down one of these nights," Land taunted over his microphone.

* * *


Terri was going through her usual routine, trying to get ready for her date, with Taber sitting on her bed meowing at her in protest because she had yet to feed him.

"Taber, I need to find my damn red dress," she snipped at him as he mewed again with his ears flattened against his head. "Then I'll feed you."

She dove back into her closet and flipped through her wardrobe. She couldn't figure out how she had so few clothes but couldn't find what she needed when she wanted it. It didn't help that Taber was being especially needy today.

He finally let one long howl out and she promptly chucked a black blouse at him, which covered him. The cat yelped in surprise and started hissing, then fell out off the bed and skittered out of the room. She had already put up with enough of that howling when she was trying to get cleaned up. He insisted on sitting on the sink and bellowing at her balefully. By this point, she had had quite enough.

She finally located the elusive article of clothing, slipped it on and worked on her hair, glancing at the wall clock. She still had a few minutes. Normally she would have planned this a little better, but she wasn't counting on not finding her dress. As she brushed her hair she walked over to her entertainment center and quickly closed it up. She still had to tidy up a little bit and she didn't like cabinets being open. She had to at least maintain some standard, especially when dating Land, who had a habit of leaving his place a little messy. She was hoping to set a good enough example that would rub off on him. With her hair properly poofed and perfume applied, she put some food in Taber's bowl and picked up the mess in her bedroom. 1700 was getting closer and closer and as she quickly shoved the errant clothes in a spare dresser drawer her door chime rang.

"Who is it?" She said.

"It's me," Land's voice said over the speaker.

Good boy, she thought with an approving smirk. "Give me a second! You are a bit early for once."

"Ok," Land replied. "Where would you like to go?"

"Hanger 97 of course," Terri said, taking a final check of herself in the mirror.

"Ah, ok good pick," Land said. "I think I can handle that."

The door suddenly opened and Terri got the appropriate response out of him as the door opened.

"Wow! You look great!" He stammered.

Terri smiled alluringly. This had been the response she was looking for. Her outfit left little to the imagination, hugging to her figure in flattering ways. It was a silky red affair with a small heart-opening beneath the neck, with her shoulders covered and the skirt ending a little bit below her knees.

Land had done his usual good job of cleaning up, but he did look a bit underdressed. He had simply chosen some khaki slacks and a red pinstripe shirt with a black vest.

She held out her hand, ladylike. "So, are you going to be a gentleman or stand there and gawk at me all night?" She smiled.

Land offered his arm and she slipped her arm through it. They started walking to the promenade of the station.

"Thanks for not being late," she said earnestly, pecking him on the cheek. "What happened? Your game piss you off?"

"Har har," Land said as they walked. "But...yes. I got my ass kicked again."

Terri made an irritated grunt.

At least he got here on time, she told herself.

"You know, I don't really care if you play that stupid game, as long as you don't get totally absorbed in it."

"I'll try to be more mindful of the time. I managed it this time anyway."

"Yes, and I appreciate it," Terri replied. "So? Did you find that movie you were looking for? What was it...Zombie Vixens 3? I'd really like to see how the series ends."

"Uh...well, I'm trying," Land said, looking crestfallen. "My friend working on the Archiving project back on Corneria is pretty swamped with more important matters at the moment, but he swears he'll have it rounded up in the next few days or so."

"I hope so. I've been dying to see it," Terri said.

They continued to talk as they went and as they did Terri began to think.

She liked that they both had an affinity for old horror movies from both their homeworlds. They had spent many a night watching them together and it had become a fairly weekly event, time and emergencies allowing of course. It was hardly enlightening entertainment, but there was a subtle charm about the cherry syrup blood and ridiculous plots that they both enjoyed.

Their relationship had been a bit tenuous until the last month or so. Terri was really fond of Land. Sure, he was a ditz and sometimes annoying, but he was a great guy underneath his scruffy exterior. Even if he did need the appropriate shove in the right direction now and then. More importantly to Terri, she felt a bit of the soul-touch when with him. He made her feel comfortable and made her laugh often and they seemed to click quite well. It was unusual for Echidna's to feel this special bond with other races, but not unheard of.

The worst part of it was it had hit her the first time they were on the bridge together. He had just walked past her and suddenly she felt out of breath and dizzy. At first she had thought it was Harry, who she did find attractive, but she knew it was Land when they boarded the turbo lift together after the Raptor had disembarked for its maiden flight.

She didn't know how to quite handle this around him. She felt such a strong draw to the fox, but wasn't sure how to address it.

If only he had spines... she sighed internally, then he might understand.

She had an ulterior motive when she had asked him to take her out.

Unlike her people, Cornerian's had slight hang-ups when it came to courting. Terri was more used to the other races who had looser standards when it came to fulfilling certain carnal desires.

She remembered hooking Fara up with that Altairian a while back. Then she remembered returning to her apartment alone, fairly drunk and frustrated that night. All she could think about was Land. She'd had a whole multitude of guys hit on her at the bar and she blew each and every one of them off. If only she had ultra freaky pheromones as well, or if he was an Echidna...this would be much easier!

She had read about every damn book she could on Cornerian social practices and she had decided that, damn it all, she was going to jump him tonight or else. They'd played the game his way long enough and for the first time since the Polyvirus, she'd felt normal around him.

She had urges and desires, and she was going to get something resolved tonight before she started climbing the walls. She knew he was trying to do the right thing in his mind, but she knew by the way he looked at her that all it would take to break his self control would be her sudden little shows of affection, flirtation, and subtle hints that she prayed he would pick up on. It worked on Rivas afterall. Land couldn't be much different.

She gently put her paw into his and entwined their fingers as they talked.

"So, I've been thinking..." Land said, noticing that little unusual show. "We've got a good thing going right?"

Terri nodded. "For the most part."

"Well, do you want to take the next step?"

"What are you talking about?" Terri feigned ignorance.

"Well, I think we've got it pretty bad for each other," Land said quietly as they passed some people in on the promenades platform.

"What makes you think that?" Terri said, liking where this was going.

"Well, we got pretty hot and heavy the other night and...you about gagged me with your tongue," Land chuckled.

Terri flushed a bit under her fur. "Ahem...yeah...sorry about that."

"Crap! I don't know how to ask this," Land sighed rubbing his head.

"So...." Terri said leading him on. "I guess you want to see where tonight takes us? Is that what you're thinking?"

Thank Aurora! About damn time.

"Yeah...that sounds pretty good," Land said.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Terri smiled.

The night went on,. and it went splendidly. They ate dinner and, as promised, they danced. Terri was quite impressed. Land turned out to be quite the avid dancer. They enjoyed themselves thoroughly and as the night rolled on, they held each other tightly and danced to a slow song, Terri hooking her arms around his neck while they kissed as the music played.

They went headed back to her place and were practically all over each other as they passed through the door. Taber yelped as his tail got stepped on accidentally in their haste.

However, as they started to paw at each other's clothing, the klaxon sounded.


"NO! DAMMIT!" Terri groaned as the alarm sounded.

"It figures..." Land sighed,eyes clenched shut in near agony. "Rain-check?"

Terri nodded vigorously. "I gotta get changed. You can...use the replicator, instead of running back to your quarters."

She headed back to her room.

"Can I watch?" Land chuckled.

"Later! We got to get our butts in gear or we're going to get wrote up," Terri said as she disappeared between the doors of her quarters.

* * *

Harry did a mental count. He was short two people and time was running out. He hesitated a moment, hovering his hand over the main switch. When he saw Terri and Land running as fast as they could towards the entrance ramp.

"Come on you two, hustle," he shouted at them.

They both picked up the pace and Land practically dove over the threshold as Terri did. Harry slapped the release switch and the airlock slammed shut.

"Mr. Rivas! Take us out! I'll be up there shortly."

"Understood, Captain," Rivas' voice said.

"Lieutenant! Explain yourself!" Harry snapped, rounding on Terri as the ship disengaged from the docking clamps.

Terri was panting a bit, leaning against the wall. "I was just a little slow getting going. I'm sorry sir."

"And you ensign?" Harry glared at Land, who was down on his hands and knees, nearly dry heaving.

"Just wasn't paying too good of attention, I guess," he gasped as he started getting back to his feet.

"It's a klaxon that pages all personnel at a quite an annoying decibel that can't be missed." Harry said drolly. "Next time, I won't wait. Is that understood?"

They both snapped to attention. "Yes sir," They said at the same time.

"Take your stations. We've got a report of Urthean Scutta's poking around sector 332. Since it's close, we get to check it out." He looked at Terri. "I need you to check to see if there is any subspace traffic going to and from those vessels. If they are plotting an attack I don't want to be caught unaware."

Terri nodded and headed towards the bridge.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Harry snapped at Land.

"Right, right, fly the ship. I'm on it," Land panted, slipping past him.

Once they were out of view, Harry rolled his eyes and headed up to the bridge himself.

Within a few moments, the Raptor arrived at the coordinates the hostiles had been spotted at. Commander Martinez had ordered the cloaking device engaged so they could get a good look at the ships once they dropped out of warp.

"I'm detecting three Urthean Scutta class cruisers," Jakar yawned. "They do not have their weapons armed and appear to be running some deep long-range scans."

"Terri, keep your ears open to any subspace chatter," Harry said, eyeing the three cruisers.

"Captain," Lt. O'mara spoke up, "these ships, although they appear to be similar in design to ones we've encountered before, do not match our database records. In fact, there are several different modifications that I can notice."

"Explain," Harry ordered.

"Warp signatures are vastly different, the hull configurations are completely different, and, from the plasma residue, I don't even think their warp cores are standard issue."

Harry arched a brow and then glanced over at his shoulder at Jakar.

"Can you confirm that Chief?" He asked.

Jakar did another scan. "Confirmed. I appear to have overlooked some minor details," he said levelly.

"You just earned your pay for the week Lieutenant," Harry said approvingly.

"Thank you sir," O'mara said proudly.

"Recommendations, sir?" Land said as they closed the distance.

"Keep your distance. Let's watch them for a while. Are there any convoys scheduled to pass through this area?"

"Yes, one to the colony on Kestrel Three. The route passes within a few light-years of here and there is traffic currently," Rivas replied.

"What type of escort do they have?"

"Nothing like what our typical runs have," Rivas replied. "A couple of Spartans and a Tobor. They haven't had any attacks along this route."

"And here sit three ships capable of making a run and simply minding their own business in this sector?" Harry mused. "Have they noticed the convoy?"

"I'm detecting that they have kept a constant beam focused on them," O'mara reported.

"Captain," said Terri, "I am detecting some subspace messages, but they do not appear to be being beamed towards the known subspace relay points."

"The plot thickens," Harry muttered, getting up out of his chair. "Let's stick to just keeping an eye on them. Have they spotted us?"

"No, it doesn't appear so," Jakar replied.

"Then we'll just watch them and make sure they don't start any trouble. Ms. Lu, please transmit on hyper channel our current situation and that we are investigating these ships."

Terri nodded and went to work.

An hour passed and the Raptor stealthily followed the three vessels. They appeared to be trying to find a way into Confederation space that wasn't too crowded with traffic. They made several attempted runs, but quickly turned around as soon as they spotted another ship.

The strange thing was, they quickly returned to the same starting point and tried again.

"Ok, these are the weirdest bunch of raiders we've ever come across," Land declared as, once again, they returned to the original coordinates they had intercepted the raiders.

"Yes...this is quite strange," Harry allowed. "Mr. Land, pull us ahead of them. Jakar, prepare to drop the cloak. Let's make ourselves known."

"Finally! About time we had a little action," Land muttered as he increased their speed and had them pull in front of the three Scutta's.

"Let's get their attention. Jakar, charge the weapons and on my mark drop the cloak. Ms. Lu, open hailing frequencies."

"Hailing frequencies open, Captain," Terri Lu said as the familiar hailing chime sounded.

"Attention Urthean vessels, this is Commander Martinez of the starship Raptor. We have been tracking your intrusions into Confederation space and we are ordering you to stand down immediately." He then motioned to Jakar, who dropped the cloak. "Go to Attack Mode."

The Raptor de-cloaked in front of the three Scutta's in warp space as its ablative armor engaged. Amazingly enough, the Scutta's complied and dropped out of warp. The Raptor did as well and quickly spun to train its pulse phasers on the three ships.

"Sir, they are signaling universal surrender," Terri said, looking quite shocked. "They are also requesting to speak to you."

"Really? Now? That is quite amazing." Harry adjusted his uniform. "On screen."

The screen flickered and on it appeared a Urthean female with unusual mottled gray fur and black headfur. She had freckle-like spots and real organic eyes without the glow of cybernetic implants.

"I am Gel Chanzai of the Kilagra Urthean Empire. You may stand down your weapons. We are not here to fight."

"Kilagra? Never heard of it." Harry said.

Chanzi smirked and said something that the universal translator did not pick up. Jakar snarled and Harry signaled the channel to be muted.

"What did they say?"

"She said, dogs of the Keldryians don't know their own enemies." Jakar glared. "It was quite rude. That was the clean version, sir."

"Have you ever heard of them?" Harry asked, certain he already knew the answer.

"Their dialect of Urthe' yes, but only rumors of them," Jakar replied.

Harry un-muted the signal. "Ok, so how do we know you are who you say you are?"

"Look at my coloring. Do I look red to you?" Chanzi smirked, causing more laughter on her own bridge. "There are those who serve the emperor and those who don't. I'm not here for a history lesson for you. I am here looking for my Commandant and his ship." She leaned back in her chair and picked at her teeth with a claw. "He disappeared along this course heading toward the Vernandi System. I'm sure you have heard of it."

"Vaguely," Harry said, recalling seeing it on a star chart. It was outside of their borders by several light-years and was known as a major trading hub for several non-aligned worlds. "What makes you think he came this way?"

"Commandant Skarr'a has an affinity for Doryik Vodka. He has not the patience to wait for it." Chanzi replied with a dismissive gesture. "We have not heard from him in at least a week, so we have come looking for him." She leaned towards the screen. "Unless you P'trokia have captured his vessel for some reason?"

"We are not in the business of taking prisoners unless given a reason," Harry replied flatly.

"Then grant me permission to follow his trail into your space," Chanzi said.

"You have got to be kidding! No," Harry smirked back.

"Then we are at an impasse," Chanzi replied, throwing her arms wide in a theatrical gesture of defeat. "As much as I would love to cut my teeth on the infamous Raptor, I have better things to be doing."

"I'll offer a compromise. Let us look into it and if we find proof that your Commandant Skarr'a came through our space, then maybe I'll feel more inclined to help you."

"That would be appreciated," Chanzi said, cutting off the channel.

Harry spoke over his shoulder. "Ms. Lu? have you informed Fleet Command of our situation?"

"Yes sir," Terri replied. "Encrypted and burst transmission is away."

"Good work Lieutenant," Harry complimented her.

"Thank you, sir."

"With that done, I want you and Mr. Rivas to get on verifying that story they told us. Contact all the observation posts and remote sensor platforms and let's see if there is a grain of truth to what they are saying. Use the stellar cartography lab as well. It's not like it gets much use anyway."

Terri nodded and left the bridge with Rivas following behind her.

* * *

A tense thirty minutes had passed. Land was impatiently drumming his fingers on his console, staring at the three Scutta's on the screen. Boredom was slowly creeping up on him and he leaned back in his chair, stretched and yawned.

"ARRGH! How much longer do we have to stay here and stare at them, Skip?" Land whined.

"As long as we need to, Ensign," Harry said, pacing around the bridge. "Jakar, earlier you showed familiarity with their language. Have you ever encountered Urthean's like these before?"

"Once, a long time ago, when I was doing an undercover operation," he replied. "As I said before, I don't know too much about the other Urthean peoples. As big as their territory is, I'm not surprised there are other nations inside their empire."

Harry tucked his head in his hand and tapped his chin. "Contact Confederation HQ have them access the Keldryian Archives. Let's see if they have any data on this Kilagra union."

"I'll get right on it, sir," Jakar replied.

"Lu to bridge," Terri's voice came over the com. "We've found a report of an Urthean ship passing through this region about a week ago."

"Did the sensor happen to get an accurate scan of the vessel?"

"Yes, it did and I already cross-referenced it, sir," Rivas replied over the speaker. "It matches the hull configuration of the ships sitting out there right now."

"Stunning! A Urthean who is actually telling the truth for once," Land sneered. "Who would have thought?"

Harry relaxed just a bit. "Send it to my console and get back up here. Everyone is on their game today. I think I have a solution."

Terri and Rivas arrived back on the bridge and took their stations. "Open hailing frequencies Lieutenant," Harry ordered.

"They're answering," Terri said. "Putting it on screen."

"Gel Chanzi, you are in luck. We have found records of your Commandant's ship passing through our space, illegally. I'm transmitting the coordinates to you now," Harry said, selecting the portion of data he wanted and transferring it.

"I wish to follow the trail, if that is possible."

"I can't allow that, but if you are willing to board my ship, we will take you as far as we can go. Your ship can wait here until we return. We will make certain that our border patrols leave it alone." Harry said levelly.

"I am not pleased at this, but it is better than nothing," Chanzi replied with a faint snarl. "I will agree to do this, if you return me to my ship. If not, I will make sure my men will make trouble for you."

"You have my word," Harry assured, "unless, that is, you have reason to fear being onboard a Confederation vessel?"

"I have committed no crimes against your Confederation," Chanzi snapped impatiently. "I have nothing to fear."

"Very well. Lower your shields and we'll signal when we're ready to beam you over." Harry said. "And, by the way, do not come armed."

Chanzi leered at him. "Understood." And the screen went blank.

"Mr. Jakar, please assemble a security team to provide escort for our guest and meet me in transporter room one. Commander Rivas, you have the con," Harry said, exiting, "and try to find some quarters for her to stay in if you can."

"That won't be a problem sir," Rivas replied. "I'll get right on it."

"Great! Inviting the neighbors over for a chat," Land growled, "just lovely."

"It's all a part of the job, Ensign," Rivas chuckled.

"Yeah, well my old job used to be to just fly and blast the ever living crap out of guys in ships that didn't look like ours." Land said. "There wasn't any of this...formality."

"You sky jocks are all the same," Rivas smirked. "You should have joined the fleet navy and broadened your horizons a little."

"Commander, not to be insulting, but what the hell am I doing here and now?" Land asked, waving his arms to encompass his console with his gesture.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you're piloting a starship." Rivas grinned.

"I get no respect around here, I swear," Land sighed.

"Work on getting a bar with that pip and maybe you will," Rivas smirked, sitting down in the command chair.

"Martinez to bridge," Harry's voice suddenly interrupted. "Helm, set a course to the coordinates I'm sending up, warp 6 as soon as possible."

"Aye, aye," Land replied, spinning in his chair and setting to work on his console. After plotting in the coordinates and activating the warp, he leaned back in his chair. The stars spun past as the Raptor twisted on it's axis and rushed forward. The deck plates vibrated as the ship's engines pushed them into warp.

Land sighed. This is what he and Terri's night got interrupted for? It seemed like a total waste. Now they were looking for some supposed missing Commandant. At least if they'd started shooting they would be heading home by now.

The doors to the bridge parted and Land looked over his shoulder, tensing as he saw the female Gel with his Captain.

"If you wish, you can sit at the auxiliary console," Harry offered as Jakar squeezed past them, his hand on his holster, one eye on Gel Chanzi.

"I'd prefer not to for now," Chanzi said in standard.

"Very well," Harry said, standing opposite from her near the command chair. "As you can see, we're already on our way."

Chanzi looked around the bridge curiously, the rows of metal beads adorning her head fur jangling as she did so. Land didn't like the look of her at all. To him, she looked like a gang tough from back home. Her uniform was hardly that of a typical Gel that they had seen. In fact, if it weren't for the cape and the pants, it would be nearly impossible to distinguish her rank. He couldn't believe Harry was going along with this.

"Do you have a problem with me mongrel?" Chanzi growled at him and Land quickly set his gaze forward.

"No, sir, no problem at all," Land said, spinning in his chair, feigning sincerity.

"If you could give Ensign Land your data chip, I'm sure he could lay in the proper course corrections so we can begin searching for your lost Commandant." Harry said evenly.

Chanzi bared her teeth, but pulled out a data chip. She walked over to the helm and slammed it none too gently on the console, leaning in until she was nose to nose with Land.

"You would do well to mind your men better Captain," she snarled. "I would not tolerate such insubordination from mine to a fellow Captain!"

Land winced and tried to keep a blank face as her hot, pallid breath washed over him. He was trying not to imagine what she did with insubordinate crewmembers.

"We don't utilize corporal punishment for minor offences," Harry explained, causing Chanzi to bear her jagged teeth at him instead as she straightened and returned to her place by the captain's chair.

Land nearly gagged as he scooped up the small data chip and inserted it into the universal transfer device attached to his console. He quickly opened a chat window as he waited for the coordinates to transfer.

Msg>> To: Terri Lu

Sheesh! Someone could use a breath mint! That was like sniffing a slaughterhouse.

He sent the message to Terri and was rewarded with a stifled laugh that ended in a muffled series of snorts from the back of the bridge.

His console beeped. "I've got the coordinates uploaded Captain. I'll make the course corrections and put our path on the screen."

"Thank you," Harry said. "Mrs. O'mara, give the area a thorough sensor sweep."

"Aye aye," O'mara replied.

"If you do not mind, I would like to monitor her progress, Captain Martinez," Chanzi said.

"Be my guest," Harry said. Chanzi walked over to the science station and peered over O'mara's shoulder.

Land's consoled beeped as he went back to monitoring their course and he acknowledged the message.

Terri-Lu>> Maybe Urthe' guys find that sexy. It doesn't look like we're going to pick up where we left off anytime soon. It's already 0200 and I'm exhausted.

Jack Land>> No problem. I'm getting pretty bushed myself. There's always the next time...

Terri-Lu>> <3 Yes.

He glanced over his shoulder and saw Terri cast a smile in his direction as she talked with her paw to her ear bud.

Jack felt a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling. Terri was definitely a find in a million. He'd known a lot of girls, but she was almost perfect for him. She was witty, intelligent and liked a lot of the same things he did. Not to mention she was probably more drop dead gorgeous than most of his previous girls. However, strangely enough, he didn't see her outside appearance, although admittedly when they first met he felt like he'd become entranced by her. He was certain they had something deeper and found himself hoping she felt the same way.

He glanced down at his console as another beep chimed. "Captain, we're approaching the other border of our space. We will be in non-aligned space in the next few minutes."

"Understood, Ensign. Steady as she goes," Harry replied. "Any luck yet Gel Chanzi?"

Chanzi growled and ran a paw through her hair. "His warp signature is staying true to his usual course so far. I'm not seeing anything to suggest he may have been intercepted."

"That's better than nothing. We'll go as far as another twenty light years before we turn around," said Harry. "If you want more, you will have to go through the appropriate channels."

Chanzi sneered. "Understood, Captain. What I don't understand is that this is very unlike him to just disappear."

"Captain," Terri suddenly spoke up, "incoming transmission from Starbase 186, it's Captain Stiles, sir."

"On screen," Harry said.

"Hello, Commander," Stiles said, his image appearing on the viewer. "What is your situation?"

"We located the Urthean ships, but they do not appear to be the typical kind of Urtheans we are used to dealing with. They say one of their ships went missing while crossing through our space."

"I read the report Commander," Stiles said. "You are planning on returning when the trail gets cold?"

"Yes. We have to return Gel Chanzi to her ship and then we'll be heading back to base," Harry replied.

"Gel Chanzi," Stiles said, addressing her. "I hope you are not planning any further intrusions into our space without going through proper channels. If you do so again, unannounced, it will be considered a hostile act. Regardless of whether or not you are not a part of the Urthean Emperium, your people are still considered hostile."

"I understand," Chanzi grinned. "I will consider that the next time one of your vessels ends up stranded or lost in our space."

"Uh oh," O'mara said. "Sirs, if I may?"

"What is it, Lieutenant?" Harry asked.

"I've just lost Commandant Skarr'a's warp signature," she said.

"What are you talking about?" Chanzi hissed, walking over to observe the readings.

O'mara to a deep breath. "The signature comes to an end about 5000 kilometers dead ahead. I've already checked for course corrections and I can't seem to locate it."

"Scan it again!" Chanzi snapped.

"I already have. My apologies, but the trail is gone," O'mara said.

"Ensign, drop us out of warp and do a thorough scan for any debris."

"Aye aye! Dropping us out of warp," Land said, disengaging the warp engines.

The ship slipped out of warp space and slowed to a stop as Land fired reverse impulse to reduce their momentum.

O'mara did a few more scans and then shook her head. "I'm not detecting anything. All I am detecting is a few strange radio transmissions from a couple of uncharted star systems not far from here. That's it though."

"Well, it seems like the trails went cold," Harry said. "I've fulfilled my end of the bargain."

"Very well," Chanzi huffed, regarding Harry as though he were a broken piece of equipment that served no purpose to her.

"If you want us to help you in your search, I can put you through to Starfleet HQ," Stiles said patiently. "They would be able to assist you in finding your missing commander. However, I assure you they will want to talk to your superiors as well."

"Your paranoia is rather irritating," Chanzi snapped before rounding on Harry. "I understand it though. Return me to my ship as you have promised."

Harry nodded and ordered Land to reverse their course.

"I assure you the Confederation would be more than happy to assist you in your search." Stiles said on the screen. "However, you need to go through the proper channels. Commander Martinez has assisted you to the fullest extent he is allowed. I hope that you consider this in your future dealings with the Confederation."

"I might," Chanzi said with a tone that suggested she wouldn't. "I'll speak with your superiors, for what little good it will do."

* * *

Several Hours Later

Land and Terri walked back toward the habitat ring together. Terri was a bit refreshed, having gotten a few hours of sleep before they returned to Starbase 186. Land, on the other hand, felt like a zombie. The inside of his head seemed to be buzzing.

"What time is it?" Land asked, monotone, as they shuffled towards his quarters.

"0530 in the morning," Terri yawned. "Feeling pretty beat?"

Land nodded. His eyes even felt like they hurt. They approached his quarters and he stumbled into them blearily.

"What? You aren't going to say goodnight?" Terri said with mock offence.

Land turned and smiled a little. "I'm really, really, really fried...like...double crispy fried."

"I can't tell," Terri laughed. "Want to have breakfast tomorrow?"

"Make it lunch and you got a date," Land yawned. "I really hate these all-nighters."

"Lunch it is then," she smiled. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked as he started back towards the inside of his quarters.

Land gave her a quizzical look, then walked up to her and gave her a deep kiss. They stayed in that embrace for a few beats before parting.

"I'm going to bed now, ok babe?" Land smiled.

Terri blushed. "See you later. Sweet dreams."

"As long as you are in them, they will be." Land said. "G'night."

"Night," Terri smiled as he stepped inside and the doors shut.

Unfortunately, with her brief rest, she was fairly awake. Not to mention she had Jakar's Ta'katsu martial arts class in an hour or so. Her combadge suddenly beeped.

"Terri, I hate to interrupt," Jenna Rydel's voice said. "We're having some computer problems again. Half the damn systems operations files have just, like, taken a wild flight into cybernetic oblivion."

"You have got to be kidding me..." Terri groaned.

"Sorry, Lieutenant," Jenna said apologetically, "we're probably going to need all the help we can get."

"Fine," Terri sighed. "Let me go grab a coffee and I'll be right back down."

She sighed, irritated again. The ship was nosing its way into her time for the second time in twenty-four hours.

* * *

Land woke up. Bleary-eyed, he checked the time. It was well past noon. He wondered why Terri hadn't called him. Maybe something came up. He wiped the drool of the side of his muzzle and sat up. He stood and walked over to his toilet, turned the shower on, and hit the com switch that was showing a stored message.

"Hey Jonathan it's Terri. Something came up and I had to go fix something with the Raptor's computers, so I'm pulling a little O.T. I'll see you later ok?"

Land smirked and hopped into the shower. It was too bad they couldn't meet up right away, but perhaps he could log some game time while waiting. It wasn't like he had anything else to do.

Afterwards, he replicated a hamburger, turned on the video game console, and logged onto his game. He put on his headset and once again the screen showed who all was on and of course he least favorite person was on.

"Don't you have better things to do?" 2hot's voice said in his ear. "I thought I chased you off earlier."

"Had something important to attend to," Land replied.

"So, I guess you are wanting another ass kicking?" 2hot asked, sending him an invite to the match she was currently playing.

"You bet," Land said, accepting it.

He played for a good straight ten minutes and managed to come in third place for points, with 2hot4u in the lead. Another match began and Land was familiar with the level they were playing. He quickly guided his character to a hiding spot. The last few matches in this level he noticed that 2hot had a tendency to head up to an isolated spot in the map. He quickly climbed the tower and switched to his Targetable Rocket Launcher. He counted off a few seconds and saw movement in that corner of the map from his vantage point. He targeted the area and fired. A few moments passed and the missile hit its target. The HUD flashed that he had killed 2hot.

"Lucky shot," she growled over the head set. "Enjoy your victory while it lasts!"

"You have no idea where I'm--" He stopped as he saw his character suddenly lurch forward with the shaft of an arrow protruding through his neck.

"Don't think you are the only one who knows about that hiding place," 2hot giggled. "Have a nice fall to the ground."

"Yeah, yeah! I'll see you when I respawn." Land sighed.

"Incoming message from Lt. Terri Lu." The computer announced.

Land quickly hit the mute switch on his mic, then hit the acknowledgment button on his coffee table. "Yeah, babe what is it?"

"What are you up to?" Terri asked.

"Not a whole lot, yourself?"

"I just got up from a nap not that long ago." She yawned. "What time is it?"

"Babe you have a wall clock," Land chuckled and then grimaced as he got taken out by a sniper shot from his hated enemy. He suddenly winced, realizing what he said came out more snide then he had intended.

"Yeah, in my living room," Terri said a little irritated at the com.

Land winced again as his on screen persona suddenly got garroted by 2hot4u and waited to respawn yet again. By this point he had noticed in-game the other players had realized what was going on and decided it was best to stay out of it.

"I just don't want to get out of bed right at the moment," Terri replied.

"Uh huh," Land said, not actually missing as he missed a shot.

"You know, I wouldn't mind some company," Terri said, a bit irritated.

"Ok," Land replied, once again getting fragged.

"I'm naked and ready for you," she said with a droll tone and deepening annoyance.

"Five minutes," Land said absentmindedly as his character respawned.

"Oh you are fucking unbelievable!" Terri moaned. "Are you playing your stupid game again?"

Land suddenly snapped out of his trance and shut the game off. "Do what now? Sorry, I was busy with something!!"

"Sure you were," Terri chided him.

"I'm serious! You have my full attention," Land said, taking his headset off and tossing it onto the couch. "Seriously babe, I'm sorry. What did you want?"

"Well, I thought maybe since we're both off duty, rested, and there are no pressing emergencies, maybe you get your tail over here and we finish where we left of the other night, but since your sooo damn busy--"

"No! It's not that it's--OW!" Land yelped, jumping up and slamming his shin on his coffee table.

"Now what did you do?"

"Shit! Nothing! I'll be right over," Land said rubbing his leg, trying to ignore the tears in his eyes. "Just hurt myself."

"Hmph! Serves you right," Terri pouted. "I think I can forgive you if you can get over here in five minutes. Think you can limp over here that fast?"

"For you I could limp anywhere," Land replied, hobbling towards the door.

* * *

Sometime Later

After a rather late lunch, Land and Terri walked through the promenade level together, enjoying the peace and quiet for once. Thankfully not one alarm had sounded to interrupt this time.

"So, what do you want to do the rest of the day?" Terri asked.

"Well, while I'm recovering," Land snickered, "want to catch a movie at the holosuite?"

"Sure! That sounds like fun. Is it your pick this time?"

"Yeah Can we turn the audience off," Terri smiled, "just have it to ourselves?"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Land said, playfully swatting at her head fur. He then looked up and spotted Harry approaching from the other way. "Hey Skip! What's up?"

Harry looked over and nodded. "Not much, just taking care of a few things. What are you two up too?" He seemed to be in a better mood. He was even smiling a little bit.

"We're going to go to the holosuite and enjoy a little bit of this time off," Terri said. "What are you doing?"

"Helping with the Aether's repairs," Harry replied, "or, at least, getting ready too. If you wouldn't mind Terri, they could use some help getting their main control systems back online. Do you think you could swing by?"

"Of course," Terri replied. "When do they want me to start?"

"Anytime you can. They need all the help they can get," Harry said earnestly.

"I could go now. I don't really have anything super important going on at the moment." Terri shrugged. "We're just being bums."

"So, you are available now?" Harry asked.

Terri thought about it for a moment. "Well, if I'm going to work, I'll need a bit of time to get changed."

"Thank you," Harry said thankfully. "Contact Captain De'Sol and she'll fill you in on the details."

"No problem Commander." Terri nodded.

"Thank you," Harry said again. "I'll let you get on your way."

Land rolled his eyes and sighed. "I guess I can help too if they need it that badly."

"It probably wouldn't hurt if you at least swung by," Harry said, walking past them. "It's not like they don't need our help."

"Yeah yeah! Well, so much for the movie," Land frowned.

Terri gave him a slight slug to the ribs. "We'll have plenty of time for that later. It won't kill you to lend a helping hand."

"Ow!" Land protested. "It may not kill me, but it's already hurt me."

"Shush," Terri smirked. "Computers are my thing. It shouldn't take me too long, maybe a few hours at the most."

"Well, do you need help?" Land asked.

"You could assist, help me with tools...hell you might learn something!" Terri chuckled.

"Ok," Land shrugged. "I can do that."

"Then let's head home. Meet in about forty-five minutes and we'll head over there," Terri said.

Land escorted her to her quarters, they kissed and parted.

Terri got changed quickly and rounded up her tool kit. She noticed she still had some time to kill. She already knew what Land was doing. Anyone in the Raptor's crew had developed the habit of switching outfits really fast due to the nature of their work. She walked over to a wall panel and tapped it. The closet opened, she reached in, and pulled out a controller and headset, sat down on her couch, and told the computer to activate the wall screen.

A familiar login screen to a game popped up. She put her headset on and cleared her throat a few times before sending a message. She altered her voice slightly and opened a message window after seeing Land was online. She chuckled to herself. It was funny that the player he detested so much was someone he already knew. It was fun to irritate him, mainly because it made him get off the game.

"Hey bozo! You online?" She said in a voice slightly different than her own.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Land growled in her ear.

Terri hit the mute button and chuckled, then switched it back on. "I want to kick your fluffy ass again! What do you think?"

"Fine! I'll join whatever game you are on! Bring it!"

"Oh, you bet I will," Terri smirked. "One match. I'm a bit pressed for time and just want a quick game."

"Fine by me," Land growled back.

She joined a game, getting ready to start, and leaned back on her couch, ready to play.

Maybe someday she'd tell him, but where was the fun in that?

The End