Connection problems (commission for Persegan)

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#26 of Commissions

Perg finds himself transfixed for some reason. What is going on? You can only guess.

A short commission I wrote for Persegan! He gave me some creative freedom on this one so I chose to experiment a bit. Hope you guys enjoy it.

"... and relax."

Perg heard the distant words and tried to make out who they were coming from. As his body sank comfortably on the chair he was sitting on and his chest followed the rhythm of the sentences pouring into his ears, the goat had trouble thinking about anything other than following that familiar voice and let it dictate the direction his mind should be moving towards. It was easier than trying to find any sense in what was going on, anyway.

There were headphones on his head. Comfortable, soft pads pushed against his ears as the voice came through the rough mist of voice chat. Ringing like an echo, but slowly pushing its way into the goat's mind.

"... easy to let go."

It was. Whoever had said that was completely right. There were a thousand things right now that were more difficult than letting go. That was why Perg was ready to do that. That was why...

"... sleeeeep..."

Yes. That sounded like a good idea. His body was so heavy and it was so hard to think. The voice kept coming back to him, pushing him down with every syllable. Sometimes he couldn't even make the whole words, just syllables, coming and helping him slip even further, one at a time.

"... and... you are so... sleepy... easy to just..."

The discourse felt disconnected, just like his thoughts. As both fragmented, Perg let out an almost inaudible sigh and started to drift off. His thoughts went several places before coming back the same blank spot, drawing a circle in his brain. He thought he could hear someone else breathing calmly, someone else's voice answering those unknown words. Perg wasn't completely sure it was him.

"... just..."

But it had to be. There was no one else in that safe, comfortable place. Perg allowed his mind to drift again. His mouth was slightly dry and his tongue felt heavy. He didn't want to keep talking, but it had become practically automatic at that point. A certain part of his brain that he wasn't able to access anymore kept talking, and then the echoes kept coming, and he kept listening. It was an easy process. He could just let go.

"... just..."

"Hmm...? Huh..."

There was a distracting sound at the other end of the line, but Perg didn't care. Everything felt so soft and right that not even the loudest distraction could have turned his mind away from the perfect feeling of disconnection. His body slipped further into trance and he slumped a bit more on the chair, his headphones pressing a bit more against his ears as his head tilted one side, resting on his shoulder.

"... hmmfff.."

"... Perg?"

That was his name. He recognized it, barely. Someone was calling him, but right now there was no way that could matter. It was much better to just let himself follow the words, even if said words had stopped being said. He could just as easily imagine where they'd go. It was very simple. Everything pointed to a very specific place, and it was a place his mind was ready to go to...

"... jusssst..."

"Are you under?"

Under. Down. Yes, Perg was definitely that. The other voice seemed to have gotten it right. The goat wasn't completely sure what was right or wrong anymore in his current state, there was just the direction. The purpose to fall down. It felt good. It just... just...

"Oh, you silly goat."

No thoughts came up in reply to that remark. The other voice seemed to know what to do, however. Perg's mind did not.

"You really are under, aren't you?"

"... y... yeeees...?"

Someone chuckled. A smile came to Perg's lips. It was funny, sure. He didn't get the joke, but he was pretty sure it was a good one.

"Alright, then. I'll take charge from now on."

And Perg couldn't think, but he thought that was a brilliant idea indeed.

Perg sat on his chair and let out a long sigh. It had been a hard day, but he'd already agreed to hang out with his friend and he wasn't the kind of person that would break a promise just because of a bit of exhaustion.

He opened the voice chat app and waited patiently until his friend told him he was ready. Then, he clicked on the icon to voice-call. After a few rings and a brief silence as the connection stabilized, he managed to hear his friend's voice on the other side.

"Oh, hi!" he welcomed him.

"... hi!"

"Hey! Thanks for doing this today. I was really looking forward to it."

"Me too," Perg agreed, laying back and clasping his hands together as he chuckled. "We haven't done any sessions in a while, right? I hope I still got it."

"... still got it."

"Ah, I bet you do! You were really good the other times we did this." His friend sounded rather excited, which made Perg reasonably proud. One of the reasons he liked being the hypnotist during those sessions was so that people could feel excited like that. "To be honest, I've missed it a little."

Perg could relate. He also knew how good it felt to go under for someone else. To get rid of thoughts and worries and let another person take control for a while... But he shook his head. As tempting as the idea was to him, today he was supposed to be the one taking control.

There'd be time for falling under... another day. But for now, he was there to help his friend. They hadn't specifically talked about it, but he was pretty sure he'd had an exhausting day as well.

"I'll be ready to start whenever you are," he said. "Our usual limits and stuff, right?"

"... right?"

There it was again. At first, Perg had thought he'd been imagining it, but there was clearly something wrong with his connection. He could hear his words replicated, repeating in the background - some kind of connectivity echo. The goat had no idea what it was, but it shouldn't be a problem.

"Yeah! You know me better than anyone after all. I bet you'll make me enjoy this."

"Hmmm... right."

"... right."

Perg scratched the back of his head, browsing through the voice settings. He found nothing to get rid of that echo, so he decided it wasn't worth worrying about.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just have a bit of lag, but never mind," he reassured his friend, getting comfortable on his chair and smiling. He wanted to make that a wonderful session and a connectivity issue wasn't going to bother him. "Now, why don't you just take a deep breath for me and relax..."