The Apoc-Fur-Lypse, Group 4, Scene 7B

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse

Group 4, Scene 7b

copyright 2010 comidacomida

Andy panted as he raced through the abandoned streets. He ran as fast as he could, Mandy's paw

clenched tightly in his. It had taken nearly everything he had to find her-- he had sacrificed

it all to get her back and he had been successful... but, as the two of them sprinted through

the city devoid of living population, he realized then, more than ever, that he hadn't saved her

yet-- he hadn't saved himself.

"Come on, Andy... not much farther." Mandy encouraged him. The fennec woman took the lead,

continuing forward and keeping the same pace as Andy's breath labored in his chest, his tongue

panting. He felt like his heart was going to burst; his lungs burned but, the moment he heard

the echo of a rasping growl roll through the city streets he required no further rest-- he ran

like a shot.

Becca kept pace, a salvaged pipe from the rubbish bin of the overturned lorrie had not left her

paw. Andy glanced toward her only long enough to confirm that she was keeping pace. The

squirrel was a strange find; he hadn't known whether or not she would stick with him and his

fiance, and yet, there she was. Andy looked back ahead, slowing as he saw a set of signs beside

the road, "There..." he pointed, coming to a stop.

Mandy looked to where he pointed, "South?" she inquired, leaning on the side of a building to

catch her breath.

Andy nodded, "Yea... just another one score blocks and we're out." he widened his stance,

resting his palms on his bent knees as he rasped and gulped air down.

"So long as you don't faint on us." Becca remarked, breathing heavily herself.

"I didn't come this far just to fall unconscious." Andy responded, slowly straightening up his

posture. He tightened his grip around his medical bag and glanced back to Mandy, "Ready?" he


She nodded then asked, "Are we taking the central carriage way straight out of town?"

Andy shook his head, "No... I'd rather detour." and he motioned to the sign, "If we head east

just a little we can pass through the park... I have a feeling there'll be less zombies."

"You sure about that?" Becca asked, "The park is a little bit open."

"I'm not sure about anything." Andy answered truthfully, "But there's a good chance in my mind

that it'd be safer than traveling along a street that's been clogged by cars and probably had

people running all along it when they were trying to escape."

"So... find somewhere that you'd find less people and hope it means less zombies?" Becca


"That's the hope." Andy nodded, starting forward along the side road.

"Well... about this time that's all we have." Mandy answered, following after him.

The survivors traveled for nearly an hour, taking it slow and being careful about every step.

Andy led them along two side streets, narrowly avoiding a large group of zombies meandering about

the main carriage way. The sun was setting by the time they reached the park, and the thought

of the long, deep shadows cast by the trees certainly didn't make him feel very good about his

decision. Clearing his throat, the wolf put on airs and tried to come across confident,

"Alright... we made it. We're over half way there."

"Not much farther." Mandy gave his paw a squeeze, "Then what?"

Andy paused at the question, but it didn't take him very long to come up with a reasonable

suggestion, "Find a usable car and keep driving until we don't see any zombies.

"What happens if we can't get far enough to get away from whatever this is that's causing the

zombie thing?" Becca questioned.

"Then we stop in Kent." Andy explained.

"What's in Kent?" Becca asked.

Andy didn't respond at first but, after a pause, replied, "An obligation for a friend."

"And then?" Becca pressed.

"I don't know." the wolf responded, unable to suppress all of the frustration from his voice.

"Alright... alright..." the squirrel relented, apparently able to sense his unease, "Personally,

I think we should get a boat."

"I don't think any of us knows how to sail." Mandy pointed out.

"Neither of you two, maybe..." Becca shrugged, "I was practically born on the sea."

"Boat it is." Andy noted with finality, "but let's focus on getting out of Ratherbig first." he


"Yes..." Becca acknowledged, "let's."

The three crept through the park quietly. Andy stopped every few minutes to listen, now and

again halting their progress as he thought he heard anything that could have been a zombie. He

held his medical bag with a white-knuckled grip, straining to make out the slightest indication

that there were undead nearby. Thankfully, however, they made it through the park.

Unfortunately, when they emerged things did not go as well.

"Car!" Mandy pointed down the road to an old Standard Vanguard. Andy's eyes followed her

finger, and widened when he saw it swerving across the roadway.

"Zombies!" Becca added, gazing at the car as well as it careened down the street, four zombies

flailing this way and that as they grappled with the boxy top of the estate car, "It's coming

this way!" she shouted.

"Come on!" Andy ordered and started sprinting across the street, running between parked cars,

over the bonnet of one, and past a collection overturned motorbikes. Becca followed quickly

after with Mandy hot on her tail. The wolf quickly ushered the girls under the cover of an

alley and poked his head out into the street to see the progress of the car-- just in time to

see it make a final swerve and jump the curb, heading right towards him.

"RUN!" he screamed to the girls, and the impact of the car striking the side of the building

threw him from his feet. Andy struck the wall on the opposite side of the alley and was

peppered with flying debris. He fell to the ground, bricks, mortar, and torn pieces of metal

landing all over him.

The wolf was stunned for several seconds by the impact, but he forced his body to obey, crawling

free from the rubble. A heavy weight pinned his leg and he glanced back to see a large section

of wall had collapsed onto his lower body. He turned toward the girls and saw them picking

themselves up amidst the rubble; Andy was relieved to see that they didn't appear to be

seriously injured, "Mandy!" he called.

Mandy and Becca were at his side in an instant. They worked to clear the rubble off of him as

fast as they could, "Andy... are... you okay?" his girlfriend asked, gripping his paw.

"Fine." he lied, feeling the tell-tale crackle of more than one broken rib as he inhaled. It

wouldn't kill him, he knew... but if they stopped to give it the attention he needed then he had

no doubt that the extra time would cost them dearly.

"Hurry..." Becca announced, "They're almost done with the driver..."

Andy looked in that direction, seeing the zombies tearing the crumpled car apart. The driver, a

young terrier of perhaps 14 years of age had nowhere to go. The medic stopped watching, ears

lowering as the zombies got inside; Andy was sure he'd never manage to silence the memory of the

lad's scream.

"Fuck..." Becca growled, "Fuck!" the squirrel stood up, glanced to Andy, then Mandy.... and ran.

"Becca!" Mandy called after her, "HELP!!!"

Andy took another breath, fighting to avoid wincing as he felt his ribcage shift around the

broken bones. He gripped Mandy's paw, "She has the right idea..." he announced, heart beating a

mile a minute. He knew what he was going to say, but still had to force the words out, "Don't

worry... just go."

"Andy... I'm NOT leaving you." Mandy announced, picking up a hunk of torn metal from beside the


"Damn it, Mandy..." Andy groaned, trying to pull himself free, "Don't do this... just get away!"

"I said I'm NOT leaving you!" she repeated, gripping the metal in both paws as three zombies set

upon them.

Andy ducked into a ball, throwing a piece of brick into the first zombie's face. It stumbled

upon impact. Andy had just enough time to throw his arms up in defense as the second zombie

descended upon him. It did not attack, however; instead, the zombie ejected a huge spray of

blood from its muzzle as the sharp end of a torn hunk of metal emerged from between its jaws.

Mandy stood over the impaled undead, her paws gripping the metal pole rammed through its head.

The wolf looked up at his girlfriend, hope finally starting to re infuse his body-- but his heart

stopped as he saw a large zombie black bear rise up behind her. "NO!" he screamed, and watched

helplessly as the bear's decaying paw slammed into the fennec fox's side, launching her down the


"MANDY!" Andy screamed, gritting his teeth as he forced his leg out from beneath the rubble. He

cried out in pain as his ankle dislocated, but he refused to be stopped by it. Lowering his

head, Andy slammed into the zombie's gut, knocking it off balance and forcing it into the alley

wall. The already weakened structure gave way and the bear fell through it. The medic barely

managed to catch his balance but, once he did, he turned to where Mandy been tossed.

Relief flooded through Andy when he saw Mandy getting to her feet. She glanced at him, then to

the hole in the wall. He looked back to it as well, watching as the bear tried to extricate

itself from the rubble. "That's our cue." she said. Grabbing hold of his wrist, she ran.

Andy, biting back a cry of pain from the agony of his ankle, followed.

"God DAMN it!" Andy moaned as they came to a stop much further up the street. He leaned back

against the front of a store, tears streaming down his eyes as his whole body shook from the

pain. His chest labored for breath but he was forced to keep it in check; every time he inhaled

it felt like a dozen knives ground their way into his sternum.

"It's okay... it's alright..." Mandy tried to calm him. He looked to her, so beautiful despite

the dirt, the grime, the blood, the fear... she was still Mandy.

"Marry me." he said.

Mandy smiled, "You're asking me NOW?" she asked around the expression, "Can't we save this for a

more romantic moment?"

"Marry me." he repeated, reaching into his torn trousers to pull out a small, velvet box.

Mandy reached out and grabbed his wrist, a severe expression drawn tightly across her muzzle.

Andy felt his throat constrict as she shook her head. "Ask me once we're out of all of this..."

she spoke, and Andy felt his heart fall... right until she added, "and I'll say 'yes'."

Andy closed his eyes as she leaned forward and kissed him with a passion he was sure would hurt

him all over in his condition... but he didn't feel any pain... not when there was so many other

things to feel at that moment. His head swam... the pain was gone... his heart beat with the

full fury of someone who had every intention of living.

"Wow... that'll be a memorable proposal." Becca noted flatly from above. Both Andy and Mandy

looked up; the squirrel was gazing down at them from the roof of the building. "Around the

back... get to the ladder... there's more coming." the squirrel motioned westward.

Andy motioned Mandy to go ahead and he followed, limping as he used the building for support.

As the wolf reached the edge of the building he looked westward to a large square, and his

breath caught in his chest. A roiling mass of bodies trampled through the open ground, pushing

past fences and flowing around abandoned vehicles.

There was no way the wolf could have possibly managed to count them all... not in the ten

seconds he had before he bolted to the ladder, pain completely forgotten as the flight response

took over. "Bloody hell." As the zombies continued coming, Andy realized that the building

would not be standing for long.


Group 4 is fighting tooth and claw to get a positive ending. Including this scene there are only two more chapters... and they'll be spending all of it in a Harrowing Event; you heard me right-- because the last scene is coming up, this Harrowing Event will have a part C!

What follows is a behind-the-scenes look at when and how everything went to hell in this scene, and a chance to save your favorite character(s). Andy and the two girls are all that's left and they may very well die without a LOT of intervention-- chances are greater than not that people will die without contributions from readers... the Plot Points are THAT low.

Can the group find a safe path from their crash site to the edge of the city?

Survival (13) to avoid zombie interaction.

Andy 6 + trait of 7 = 13 SUCCESS

Mandy 1 + trait of 4 = 5 FAILURE

Becca 4 + Trait of 6 = 10 FAILURE

Andy chooses a good direction.

Any unpleasant events as they travel through the abandoned section of city?

Average Luck (12) roll to avoid a potentially deadly situation.

Andy 1 + trait of 5 = 6

Mandy 0 + trait of 6 = 6

Becca 8 + Trait of 6 = 14

Average roll of 8.33. FAILURE

The group is in dire straits.

The party must duck for cover as a car comes careening down the road with zombies all over it.

Agility or Awareness (12) to avoid the car.

Andy 5 + trait of 4 = 9 FAILURE

Mandy 6 + trait of 5 = 11 FAILURE

Becca 3 + trait of 5 = 8 FAILURE

Nobody manages to avoid injury

How hurt are they?

Vitality (10 + amount the prior roll missed the target #) to to avoid taking a serious wound.

Andy 3 + trait of 4 = 7 (13 needed) FAILURE

Mandy 8 + trait of 8 = 17 (11 needed) SUCCESS

Becca 9 + trait of 5 = 14 (14 needed) SUCCESS

The girls get bumps and bruises but Andy is hurt bad. He loses 6 Vitality. Andy does not have 6 vitality to lose and must spend one Plot Point to reduce the Vitality damage to 3.

Can everyone get up and moving again before the zombies respond to their presence?

Agility (10) to get away before the zombies finish off the driver (Andy is at -3 to the roll).

Andy 8 + trait of 4 = 12-3 FAILURE

Mandy 7 + trait of 5 = 12 SUCCESS

Becca 5 + trait of 5 = 10 SUCCESS

Mandy and Becca get to cover but Andy is pinned by debris.

Will the girls stay to help Andy?

Tenacity (8) to bugger out while they can. Mandy is at -5 on the roll.

Mandy 7 + trait of 3 = 10-5 FAILURE

Becca 3 + trait of 5 = 8 SUCCESS

Mandy stops to help Andy while Becca buggers out.

How many zombies survived the crash?

Roll 1d10.

Roll = 3.

The group will have to kill three zombies.

Can the two of them kill the three zombies.

Agility (12) to kill it with a melee attack. Roll must be +1 over difficulty to kill. Each character may continue their attack until they fail to hit or kill a zombie.

Andy 3 + trait of 4 = 7 FAILURE

Mandy 8 + trait of 5 = 13 SUCCESS-KILL

Mandy 1 + trait of 5 = 6 FAILURE

Mandy kills one zombie. Two remain.

Can the two of them manage to escape the zombies without being torn apart?

Agility or Awareness (10 +1 for every 2 zombies) to evade the zombie horde. Target # is 11.

Andy 5 + trait of 4 = 9 FAILURE

Mandy 6 + trait of 5 = 11 SUCCESS

Mandy gets away but Andy is still stuck.

Andy better be really lucky.

Luck (10 + amount the prior roll missed the target #) to survive.

Andy 9 + trait of 6 = 15 Needed 11. SUCCESS

Andy manages to wriggle out from beneath the slag and get away.

Andy loses 1 Luck point for needing to roll.

Does anyone see the mob of zombies closing fast?

Awareness (10) to see the zombie mob. (12) to notice the leaders.

Andy 7 + trait of 3 = 10 SUCCESS

Mandy 4 + trait of 3 = 7 FAILURE

Becca 6 + trait of 5 = 11 SUCCESS

Andy and Becca can sense the zombies-- it's time to go!

No one in this chapter loses a Plot Point because there is a Harrowing Event taking place... but that won't help them in the long run. What comes next is the final scene of Group 4's Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse. Two people are slated to die without immediate and powerful intervention, but it's still possible for any and every survivor to meet their doom. The final survivors will have to make a Luck roll based on their remaining Plot Points and let me tell you: two survivors are very VERY low.

During this Harrowing Event, rolls will help a character survive but what it really comes down to are Plot Points. The more Plot Points a character has the better chance they will have to survive. One lucky soul has a good reserve of Plot Points but, regardless, there is no survivor that can risk not getting more!