Lust for Power

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This is a little something I have been working for a bit and as much smut as I put in here I was in a lewd mood and not getting much ERP so i decided to write a story and get off tht way. In any case I hope you enjoy this little tale I wrote.

Lust for Power

A large amalgamation of orc, wolf and bear with green fur and purple top fur is being stripped of his armor and other equipment by a quartet of female kobolds, each one green and purple scaled with minimal breasts to speak of, all of whom are nude themselves and bearing tattoos of a tribal nature of a very lewd nature with a prominent back tattoo dedicated to the outer goddess Shub-Niggurath who is herself an extreme deity dedicated to fecundity. One of them decides she wants to taste the genitals of their captive while another decides to sit herself on the wolf-bear's muzzle. While he is annoyed, the monster hunting druid-ranger Kodyax Hexenjaeger knows better than to press his luck as go as kobolds are notorious for cooking and feasting on adventurers unlucky enough to find themselves in their sometimes sadistic but mainly malicious custody.

Kodyax licks the feminine pussy of the kobold sitting on his muzzle as best he can trying to sexually please her as a means of prolonging his existence. The one with her muzzle in his groin, her tongue tunneling into his sheath to wrap itself around his cock which cause her to smirk as she relishes his taste, is soon rewarded as his phallus is most obedient when summoned into action as a forestall dragon kin approaches with a huge lustful smirk on her own muzzle, her coloration is the same as the kobolds with a larger set of breasts than her minions. The kobolds nod to her respectfully as she is their high priestess with tattoos to show it and the pair laying and sitting on Kodyax begin to get off when raises a hand to halt them.

"Continue to entertain our guest," High Priestess Dracolisa Doomtongue coos to command her minions as she thrusts her tail into Kodyax's tail hole which draws an unconscious moan from her captive. "I want him milked and prepared to serve me."

"Dracolisa Doomtongue," Kodyax growls nastily. "I might have known you'd be behind this. I've been looking for you and your dark cult for months now."

"I am well aware of your efforts, Kodyax," Dracolisa coos with a sinister smirk laced with lust that fill a rain barrel if it had substance as she extends a clawed hand to caress his scrotum as her minion threads his emerging member into a penis pump. "Ooh! I want to see this." Her minion gives her mistress a conspiratorial and self-satisfied smirk as she operates the pump and makes his cock grow within. When it gets sufficiently large and hard the pump is removed and Dracolisa mounts his shaft after putting a strange device on the tip that includes a sounding device. The device acts as a kind of cock cage enhancing her pleasure while the enchanted rod will teleport his semen into a specially prepared vial in her cave. "Now to have some fun. I'll collect your seed for the glory of my goddess and my own purposes."

"What dark intentions are you contemplating?" Kodyax demands to know.

She places a clawed finger on the lips of his muzzle and continues with her sinister smirk before replying with: "Hush, my sacred sentinel and holy huntsman. You are my prisoner, now, with whom I am now free to do with as I please. Eventually you may come to appreciate your enslavement, but for now just enjoy my body riding your pole."

"Do your worst," Kodyax challenges. "I will survive whatever torture you inflict upon me. I take down monsters for a living."

"Of that I am quite aware of," Dracolisa growls ruefully. "You've already managed to slaughter two of the five dark young I've managed to summon to act as sentries to my territory. But, no matter, I have you now and so the others are now safe."

"You had five of them?" Kodyax asks incredulously. "I thought it was only three, which by the way I killed."

"WHAT!?!" Dracolisa screams. "I'll have to check on that later. I have little doubt that you are speaking the truth. Your skill at tracking and dispatching is too great for that to be a ere boast."

Kodyax just grins like a fiend but says nothing in an effort to infuriate his jailer which Dracolisa is all too aware of as she gives him a conspiratorial smile. Her faith is one the Druid Council does not approve of and she has known he was sent to find and sunder her ministry for as long as he has been hunting for her. But Dracolisa is determined to enslave and convert the hunter into her devoted servant living only give her pleasure as she commands him to offer himself as per her whims.

Dracolisa can feel the surge of his semen through shaft of his cock and giggles her approval as she extricates herself from his pole. But she is far from finished with him as she summons a strange gelatinous creature the looks like an unholy chimeric creature combing feature of green slime, a slug and a worm that opens and closes its "mouth" in rapid succession. She raises the thing between her own legs where it fills her pussy and tail hole to secure itself to her body like some kind of unholy graft as she moan loudly in sheer ecstasy as she enjoys the feeing the creepy creature invokes within as she aligns its head with Kodyax's tail hole.

Exactly what she did, Kodyax has no clue but the maddening sensation that this elicits is a cause for concern to him as he feels its cold and slimy skin press against the ring of flesh that is the barrier to the outside world his rear puts forth against invasion from the environment. She pushes the head and main body past his pucker to his prostrate and beyond as waves of pleasurable vibrations reverberate into her private parts as she begins to fuck him with alien thing acting as a phaux phallus much to her evil delight. He has little choice but to involuntarily moan as she violates him so utterly completely as his body shudders with guilty pleasure that she is forcing him to feel.

He pants in confusion for the sensations he is feeling is eliciting a mix of emotions that he has never experienced before. The pleasure he is experiencing is extremely intense but so is the guilt and the overall sense of wrongness of being violated in such a fashion. Dracolisa on the other side of the equation is extremely confident in just what she is doing and the general feeling of uneasiness he is feeling only get her off even more.

The High Priestess has long taken umbrage at the attitude of the Druid Council towards her chosen faith and the fact that their agent is now at her mercy fills her with dark joy. Without altering the pace in which she is pegging him, she reaches out a takes a firm grasp of his phallus as one of her minions brings her a piercing kit. She opens the kit with evil glee and takes implements to adorn his member for her benefit and any female she allows him to pleasure.

The first piercing she inflicts upon him is a prince albert at his tip which causes him to wince but his bondage prevents him from doing anything else as she grins sadistically and channels her divine power gifted to her by her devotion to her dark goddess into the piece of sexually enhancing jewelry to activate its enchantment which keep him rock hard unless she dictates it should be flaccid. She next implants a series of barbells on the underside of his cock to again enhance the pleasure he provides as he thrusts and recedes in the love tunnel of whomever he is servicing sexually with his pierce prick as Dracolisa licks her own muzzle in anticipation of when she can command Kodyax to fuck her and service her sexually as her proper slave. Finally she installs a series of volcano piercings up and down his scrotum to provide the painful pleasure when he slams himself in and out of her pussy which almost drives her mad with lustful anticipation of what it will feel like when she has him service her.

Kodyax grimaces as he breathes heavily as he steels himself to endure the pain and agony of the sexual torture he is being subjected to as Dracolisa gets off on the situation and his reactions to what she is doing to him. Once she is finished, she invokes her dark goddess to cast a spell that he knows all too well as he has cast the same healing spell channeling his sheer dedication the absolute power of nature itself to which he spoken oaths of devotion and loyalty that he uttered in absolute seriousness and still does his best to uphold in all he does as he lives his life and hunts down threats to the sanctity and safety of the natural world. To say that both Kodyax and Dracolisa take their duties seriously is the epitome of an understatement as they have both chosen the hills on which they are fanatically willing to perish whilst defending the very principles upon which they each define themselves and fight to protect and promote.

Unbeknownst to those more or less upon the ground they are being observed from the boughs of the trees above by a shinobi majo that is very friendly with the druid-ranger below her to the point of being his beloved mate when she allows herself to act on her heterosexual urges in regard to him. Takara Kagekaze has been promised to Kodyax Hexenjaeger by Grandmother Spider, her sensei and the leader of the ninja clan to which she is proud to be a member even if she often claims her own sexuality is profoundly homosexual even if deep down inside, she knows this statement to be utterly untrue a her true feelings for Kodyax betrays this devotion as in spite of herself she would gladly surrender her own life to protect him even if she is loath to publicly admit it. In fact, Dracolisa is not the only one sexually drooling over the piercings she is giving Kodyax as Takara grabs her own crotch and starts to masturbate in anticipation of when she will enjoy the pleasures of his pierced prick as she knows he will only be too glad and even eager to penetrate her folds when he is free to do so.

But the kunoichi's presence has not gone unnoticed as one of the dark young o Sub-Niggurath is slowly but stealthily approaching her. Takara is way too distracted to the notice the fake tree monster making its way over to her position, it tentacles waving in the air subtlety like branches of a the oversized plant it superficially resembles. However, while Takara is blissfully ignorant of the thing approaching her; Dracolisa is not as she is keenly aware of where her monstrous minions are when they are close enough to her proximity. Looking up and visually searching the trees, Dracolisa locates Takara with some difficulty and knowing full well her significance to her captive she orders her servant to capture and not kill the intruder and bring her to the underground fortress she has established in the cavern system beneath the forest floor and extending to the seemingly abandoned keep situated on the island on the substantial lake situated against the Dragon's Teeth mountain range in which these woods use as one of its borders.

Takara figures out that her attempts to be hidden has utterly failed is revealed to her when tentacles wrap themselves around her ankles and she is unceremoniously hauled away from her position and suspended above the central body of the dark young which alarms and horrifies her as she knows all too well what this thing is and what it can do due to her relationship with Kodyax. Her cry of alarm tells Kodyax in no uncertain terms that not only is his beloved occult ninja mage here but she has been captured which means as usual he's going to have to rescue her sexy tail, especially since doing so will ensure the wolf-bear will have some intimacy with his tiger-vixen he smirks to himself in anticipation. Dracolisa is also smirking as Takara's promiscuity is well known and she is looking forward to having some quality time with the tiger-vixen, including a session in which she fully intends to have Kodyax fuck his beloved Takara while she fucks him, but in the meantime, she gives her dark young sentry full permission to molest the caught spy as it sees fit.

The dark young makes no reaction to her telepathic commands and the permissions granted but instead follows her directives in what can only be described as great and sadistic enthusiasm. Before she knows it, Takara has her clothing and what little armor she is wearing ripped from her body as her equipment falls to the ground below to be collected by the kobold minions who divide their attention between the high priestess and the actions, she is undertaking to garner maximum pleasure for herself and the actions of the dark young whose molestation efforts the kobolds find most entertaining. For her part Takara is embarrassed by the pleasure she is receiving as the thing's tentacles plow their way up her pussy and tail hole as well as down her throat in a manner that is just shy of choking her.

Both Kodyax and Takara climax almost simultaneously with the semen of the wolf-bear magically teleported in an especially prepared receptacle in Dracolisa's stronghold and Takara's juices delivered to the kobolds below it by the tentacle of the dark young that collected it. High Priestess has special purposes for but sets of sexual fluids which will be the result of much pain for both involved. To add insult to injury Dracolisa orders Takara held before her as a preliminary measure to the dragon woman piercing the nipples of the tiger-vixen with jeweled ownership rings that are specially enchanted to coincide with what she did to Kody's cock, making it automatically erect when they are in close proximity to each other with a sadistic side effect of making her go into heat just because of their close proximity to one another. In her own sadistic fashion, she is forcing the issue between Kodyax and Takara, cursing them into a relationship that in secret they already have but one with which Takara herself in not ready to fully admit and acknowledge even if Kodyax himself is just fine with the situation as he has been lusting after Takara pretty much ever since they first met.

An anthropomorphic alligator in turtle shell armor walks up dragging an iron wood cage behind him and bows to Dracolisa as he glares at the captured mammals awaiting orders from her as to why he has been summoned and exactly what she wanted the cage on wheels for. The summoned creature that she pressed into first her own crotch and into Kody's tail hole extends it wormlike head up his large intestine until it finds some feces on which to feast on and Kodyax gets the awkward feeling of having his cap devoured before it gets even close to his own anus which causes a look of great concern to appear on his face much to the amusement of his captor. Deciding she has had enough fun for right now and orders the gator man to throw Kodyax into the cage while telepathic ordering the dark young to do the same with its prisoner and with a sadistic grin on its muzzle the gator folk opens the door of the cage and roughly removes the wolf-bear from his bondage and tosses him in as the dark young unceremoniously does the same before Dracolisa gives her minion a passionate kiss while sending a claw down into his groin and stimulate his own joy stick as the summoned creature fades from view as its time of servitude comes to an end, much to her satisfaction.

Dracolisa leads mister gator in the web of vines above in order for him to mount her much to her sexual delight and his devotion to her pleasure as one of her oh so willing sex slave. For her part Dracolisa has every intention of breeding with her slave as his seed will make for powerful children that will be half dragons of his species as a matter of course. Kodyax and Takara can only watch from their cage with his member refusing to become flaccid despite the fact it has been well used as her crawling over to him and removes the sounding device from his cock tip as a prelude to her performing fellatio upon his member because she wants to and because she momentarily is in the throes of madness that comes with being in heat.

Within her own mind the part of Takara that is dedicated to a lesbian lifestyle is screaming at her in protest which are summarily ignore as the part of her that has come to honestly love Kodyax is actually eager to be his little whore and possibly breed with him. Kodyax does not let her stimulate him to climax as he is much more dedicated to making love to her and proving as much as he can how much he wants her as his mate which for the most part is unnecessary, but he does not know this, since Takara already feel safe and secure in his arms so no matter what he does to her in the throes of lust soothes and excites her to the point where she would consider herself his willing sex slave if only he would accept her as such. The point is that no matter how much her purely lesbian sides loathes and disrespects both Kodyax and herself when they play house there outside forces at work that neither one knows about that are at work ensuring this pairing endures as they have been appointed as champions of the very concept of Yin and Yang a discordant harmony that they are both subconsciously dedicated to maintaining as they keep enjoying each other's company and delight in the activities they share even if one of them is utterly reluctant to accede that they are in fact as close to a married couple as two individuals can attain without going through the ceremony to confirm such a relationship even if in their case such proceedings are really more a kind formality than anything else.

Painful pleasure registers in her brain as the volcano piercings on his scrotum slam against her as the other piercings enhance the guilty pleasure she receives as the fact that he is a warrior priest of nature to her carries the same kind of social stigma in her mind as if she was seducing a kami priest from the Dragonlands from which she is originally from and due to the many certain crimes she committed years ago is a place to which she can never return. The guilt she has harbored in her heart of hearts about this lingers and still stings her emotionally as she thinks about what she has done and how as much as she might want to she can never share the great beauty of her homeland with him and she knows he would appreciate much of it even if he treats many of the native monsters as things he would need to slaughter in a kind of safari but knowing what havoc and mayhem they cause, she is not exactly opposed to letting him do as he would please in this respect as his reason for wanting to perpetrate these killings would be to save the native peoples from the pain and suffering their rampages often wreak upon the poor villages that the shoguns can't be bothered to protect with their precious samurai. Although she knows that even in the depths of his zealous righteous rage he is not stupid enough to try and kill a kaiju as there is little he can do to even harm in the slightest one of these great and powerful creatures and when they are angered enough to strike the best a community can hope for is to run and hide to make sure as many people are kept out of harm's way until, like the force of nature that the kaiju represent, they have spent all their pent up rancor and move on to whatever they intended to do next all along.

Dracolisa sees what is going on in the cage and is internally quite amused at what she perceives as her handiwork as Takara is not normally so eager to get it on with Kodyax and she would like to think the enchanted piercings she implanted on their bodies has something to do with it. Once her paramour has released his seed inside of her, she has him take the newest prisoners to the dungeon of her subterranean citadel and orders the dark young to carry her over there which it is only too happy to do. The male gator folk is in no hurry to comply with his orders as the dark young easily outpaces him with its own steady gait as huge as it is which allows it to arrive at the massive grassy hill that is enchanted to conceal the cavern entrance to the underground labyrinth of passages that is part of her defense to make it all the harder for outsiders to invade her lair a Kodyax and Takara converse as their cage is moved slowly but surely to their eventual destination.

"Well, took you long enough to get caught," Takara teases as his knot seals his erect penis within her as she smirks at him lustfully. "But then again, I'm usually only slightly more stealthy than you. So, what happened?"

"Kobolds can be a little too good at their chosen craft of trapmaking," Kodyax readily admits. "I also am not as good at trap spotting as you."

"You weren't trained like I was," Takara returns in all sincerity, "but then again, I'm more or less an assassin and you're a hunter. We both sneak around to kill living things, just for me it's other sentients and for you it's usually animals and monsters."

"Yeah, and I sometimes make traps as a matter if course." Kodyax says with a knowing smirk as his knot inflates as Takara wraps herself around his waist and neck. "You always do this when we're knotted. Is this also part of your training?"

"Yes," Takara shamefully admits with her head down in shame. "Part of my sex education as part of the clan for when I am assigned to seduce a target to get information through pillow talk or if he talks in his sleep, taking notes in case he says something we can use."

"Yeah," Kodyax says as he kisses Takara on the forehead. "But that's why we work together so well. Our skills combined make us an effective team."

"Unlike the Stooge Brothers," Takara tease. "Why do you put up with them again? As a unit they are a collective of complete and total idiots."

"They were assigned to me for one mission and under my leadership they not only survived but somehow we managed to achieve our objective." Kodyax admits ruefully. "They say that fortune smiles on fools; they actually prove the veracity of that statement. Whether I like it or not, they were subsequently permanently made mine to command."

"You mean to tell me as incompetent as they are you actually figured out how to make them effective?" She asks incredulously. "How?"

"I take their less than stellar competency into account when I give them their marching orders." He ruefully admits. "From there they somehow manage to fail forward and sometimes they set off a chain reaction that is actually entertaining to witness as you yourself have seen with your own eyes."

"Yeah, I've seen and still doubt the veracity of my own senses to accurately rely information to my brain as the weird series of coincidences that were strung together to accomplish the astonishing completion of the very mission you assigned them was absolutely unbelievable." She states as she shakes her head in utter disbelief. "If I was not there to personally witness the series of events personally, I would think you were trying to spin a fanciful tale of exaggeration if not out right lying as a form of entertainment."

Kodyax and Takara laugh together at the joke as the gator man loads their cage onto a boat on the mighty river that runs through the forest and pilots it straight into a cave set into a mountain as a group of powries look on with wicked grins on their faces. He paddles his craft into the caverns and eventually stops at a weird kind of dungeon with naked prisoners displayed as hanging ornaments dangling from the ceiling without a stitch of clothing or secured to the pillars for anyone to use. Once he gets there two man-horses and a minotaur are there to greet them as well as take the cage from the boat with all three marked with tribal tattoos marking them as members of the cult.

Dracolisa arrives on the scene and directs her servants on where she wants them to chain up their newest acquisitions. Kodyax and Takara are separated from each but secured to a pair of pillars facing each other and both positioned in such a way that accessing their bodies for sexual gratification is a simple enough matter as a trio of shaved ewes soon join them in supplication to the dragoness high priestess. Under her direction the man-horses take turns at Takara while the sheep girls likewise entertain themselves by riding the newly provided pole after Dracolisa has Kodyax and Takara drink specially enhanced milk from her breasts that is laced with a mind-numbing drug to make them more complacent and id in later brain washing she fully intends to inflict upon them later. Satisfied with her work so far, the high priestess leaves but she motions for the minotaur to follow as she has an important tsk for him to perform before directing him to climb the stairs and wait for her there as she goes into a very private chamber with special heating lamps which warm a multitude of eggs that she herself has laid and squats on a throne to lay more eggs that were fertilized by her gator folk adherent to the religion she preaches to her faithful. After the eggs are laid, she sets them into some of the heating lamps and goes to the kitchen where the minotaur is having his way with a lady goat chef much to Dracolisa's amusement. She directs him to lay on a table that features a guillotine with his head set to drop when the blade does before, she mounts him for what will be their last session before he is processed into meat for the cult.

As is her custom, she rides him cowgirl style which mesmerizes her victim as he just stares at her bouncing breasts and moans in pleasure much to her delight as she can feel him sexually stimulated, she is rendering him which fills her with evil glee knowing just what she intends to do with him after he climaxes within her. He pants and moans a he lays as still as he can with the movement being the bucking of his hips to grind his generously endowed cock with her pussy to give her as much pleasure as he can before he climaxes and becomes meat to feed his goddess. She drives him hard to unleash his load within her so she can fertilize yet more eggs and once she feels his semen flood her womb her inner walls milk his cock for all his balls are worth before she accepts a meat cleaver from one her chef minions and extricate herself from his still hard and elongated member; chickling darkly to herself as she removes his cock and balls with a single swipe of the meat cleaver, handing it over to the chefs who bathe it in egg batter, cover it in panko bread crumbs and fry it in oil for her to consume as she releases the blade which chops off his head after which a team of male goats lift the corpse off the slab and feed it into a meat grinder.

The southern fried cock and balls is added to a long roll covered with a bed of mozzarella cheese and bathed in marinara sauce before serving it to Dracolisa on a golden plate. She devours her sausage sandwich with a goblet of white wine before ordering the ground meat from the minotaur be made into hamburgers and served to the predator prisoners in the dungeon below as she has the head stuffed and mounted in her trophy room with all the other heads, she has collected over the years she has been here in secret. Eventually she has every intention of adding the heads of both Kodyax and Takara although she wants his head to have a special place in the gallery as a grand victory, she has achieved over those that would end her reign of power in this region.

A quartet of ferret-raccoon hybrids in studded leather armor creep around in the underbrush make more than a little bit of noise and the rustling of branches and leaves to mark their passage which quickly gets noticed by a trio of kobold commandos. The commandos chuckle among themselves as they stalk Stooge brothers, one of whom is bald, another has a bowl cut hairdo, one has his top fur parted down the middle while the final one has comically wide wingtips, but none of them are all that aware of their surroundings or so it seems. Moses Zachariah, is the oldest of the four and is always looking for trouble and while he is not quite aware of the situation, he is paranoid enough to suspect that something is not quite right even if he has no clue as to whom is creeping up behind him and his brothers.

Shempatrick Donovan has his attention set on finding traps and disarming them, although the way he is neutralizing the traps is setting them off early so that they don't catch him or his brothers although the commandos are not so lucky as a set of spikes situated in a tension loaded branch that violently and widely swings back to strike one of the commandos and flings it back hard enough to hit one its comrades hard enough that it stumbles into a spiked pit and is impaled to death almost instantly. Lawrence Albert takes aim with his double action revolver at the one that got impaled by the spike trap and ricochets off a nearby tree to score a near perfect headshot, albeit the point of the arrow enters the back of the kobold's head and comes out between the eyes. Karl Edward draws his bastard sword and to amuse himself does a twirling pirouette with the blade extended that catches the last commando by surprise as it was sneaking up behind him to execute a backstab assassination but ends up losing its head in the process.

Moe finds a bridge his brothers to follow him across but not before they take out their revolving cylinder rifles and affix bayonets as he does not trust that the high set rope bridge is completely unguarded as his brothers follow his lead without question as when the boss, namely Kodyax himself, is not around to directly give them orders it is understood that the eldest is in charge of them aa unit. Larry and Shemp swivel their heads like scanners and their ears like radar dishes looking for trouble as Karl-E watches their collective backside with his pump action shotgun at the ready to blast any trouble that tries to sneak up behind them or run them over. Their paranoia proves to be fortuitous as a squadron of sorcerous barbarian kobolds, each one of the six sporting a pair of miniature dragon wings just powerful enough to support their weight in flight spot the intruders and take off from their hidden post to slaughter them.

Subtlety is not the squadron's strong suit as the brothers spot them almost as soon as they launch and the three with longer ranged firearms, everyone but Karl, takes aim and fires and as luck would have it they all inadvertently target the lead kobold and fill it full of holes that prove to be a fatal wound. The rest of the draconic kobolds scatter when their leader is murdered and each flies solo with one of them landing on the end of the bridge that the quartet entered and puffs its chest as if preparing to belch a gout of flame and burn the bridge down which provokes Karl to run, surprisingly fast considering he is the heaviest of the four, and blasts the kobold with his shotgun catching the thing completely unawares, dead from being filled with lead before it could breathe fire. As one might expect, the running of the heavy one causes the bridge to bounce and sway wildly which one expect would disrupt the aim of the other three and while this completely true they once again prove that fortune does indeed smile on fools and they manage to take down two more on the ricochet as the bullets form Larry and Shemp hit one of them in the lungs while Moe gets one in the brain box.

The remaining pair are incensed that their other squadron members were dispatched so easily by mere mammals and thus they land on the other side of the bridge with every intention of burning into ashes. What the kobolds didn't expect is just how insane the brothers can act when their very survival is at stake as Moe, Larry and Shemp charge as one with the points of their bayonets leading the way and skewer the one kobold badly enough that its death is merely an after effect of their combined action as Karl himself charges and launches himself at the other kobold like a sumo wrestler in the heat of a match splattering his victim against the wall so hard the cliff face is actually cracked from the impact. The threat to their lives completely and utterly disposed of, the brother proceed inside the cave and enact a collective high five before preceding on to find the boss and help him out as best they can if he's in trouble.

Unfortunately for the brothers, their antics do not go unnoticed as a shaggy giant with four forearms and a vertical mouth known by some as a gug takes notice of the four and decides that they would make an excellent meal. It bellows and charges at them and they a collective brief moment of wisdom and decide that discretion truly is the better part of valor and hightail it out of there just as quickly as they can run. Above them are a quartet of bats, the one looking kind of like Carla from Kidd Video who uses the stalactites around her as a set of drums, another like the daughter of Janice and Zoot of the Electric Mayhem complete with saxophone, another that weirdly resembles Al Yankovich who plays the accordion and finally one that suspiciously resembles Aurelio Voltaire complete with eldritch guitar, who start to play their instruments as the brothers are chased with the guitarist singing David Bowie's "As the World Falls Down" from the movie "Labyrinth" and the accordion player singing "Dare to be Stupid" as the brothers run for their collective lives, using whips to travel over lakes of lava with the gug right behind them swing like an oversized cave ape until they find a slide that only they can fit in and leave the gug screaming in frustration.

True to their nature, the brothers soon get lost in the caverns they are exploring although they take notes of everything they see just as the boss taught them so that their time is not entirely wasted and they know that Kodyax will appreciate the maps and other assorted images they render as part of their errant wanderings. As the brothers stumble around the next morning, Dracolisa visits Kodyax and Takara dressed like a dominatrix complete with whip and riding crop as she means to torture the pair of adventurers something fierce starting with the vixen whom she helps herself to her breasts while ramrodding the handle of her whip in and out of her snatch while occasionally using the crop to tenderize Kody's scrotum with sadistic glee as she chuckles to herself in a mirthful manner most sinister as she takes an evil sense of glee from the actions in which she is perpetrating on her enemies. A crowd of cultist minions gathers round to watch the proceedings with great interest with lizard folk, gator folk, serpent people, Nagas, goat folk, sheep folk, weasel folk and rat folk as well as rabbit folk among them with the reptilian members giving their mammalian counterparts equal parts lustful and predatory glances given their nature as higher ranking members of the faith since the high priestess herself is dragon kin and thus partial to minions of the scaled variety and encourages them to abuse their mammal kin brothers and sisters for their own as well as her amusement.

Nagas approach the male rats and rabbits to press their muzzles into their snatches while encouraging the females to lick and suckle at their breasts as a gang of rabbit dudes pin one Naga to a stalagmite and begin to fuck her as help as help themselves to her breasts to which she does not even offer token resistance as on male gets bold enough to straddle her neck and encourage her to give him a blow job which she has not problem with doing although she does have an ulterior motive as after he climaxes and she swallows it all down she swallows him hole as the buck fucking her also climaxes. She strikes suddenly, biting him with her fangs and paralyzing with her venom before swallowing him whole and like she did with the other male her tongue wraps around his member to milk it for every last drop of his seed as one of the males that was at her breasts replaces the one that just got eaten, humping away recklessly at her scaly pussy which she only encourages as she is both horny and hungry so this satisfies both urges at once, much to her delight. The bunny dudes must have been under some kind hypnotic trance as she ends up eating all four of them with no concern for their own safety; only getting it on with the snake woman who only encourages them to expend themselves for her amusement and the satiation of her tremendous appetite as Dracolisa gives her an approving nod slapping Takara's breasts with her riding crop before wrapping the tendril that is her whip around Kodyax]s member and yanking hard to painfully agitate his joy stick which causes him to grit his teeth but he refuses to otherwise react to deny his tormentor the pleasure of the reaction she so desperately craves.

Dracolisa grins a sinister and self-satisfying smirk as she knows Kodyax is purposefully holding back which annoys her so she decides to something truly heinous to someone he truly cares about and takes up a heavy mace handed to her by a loyal gator folk and then slams its flanged blunt head against Takara's stomach which cause her to bend over as much as possible as she screams in pain and Kodyax responds by channeling a spell that Dracolisa does not recognize as the primal magic now surging through his arteries and veins transforms him into a primeval beast that causes Takara's eyes to go wide with fear. He never casts this spell and promised her he never would because of what it does to him and the underlying threat that randomly he will never be able to go back to his normal self but at the same time, she knows why he is risking this and that's to save her, once again showing how devoted he is to her and filling her with guilt for all the times she rejected him and even trivialized his professions of love and devotion he has in regards to herself. His head is encased in a quartet of wicked horns as he grows from his normal height of eight inches over seven feet to ogrish six inches over nine feet his teeth transform from the expected set for a timber wolf to the razor sharp daggers of a great white shark; his claws elongate in such a manner as to make a troll envious to the extreme and now it is Takara's turn to smirk in sinister fashion as absolute terror creeps on to Dracolisa's face as she realizes just fucked she is as the transformation obliterates the pillar he was chained and everyone the exploding stones strikes keels over dead instantly from the sheer intense force with which they had been struck.

Dracolisa performs a complex ritual while dancing around the naga that ate the bunny men that summons one other the dark young of Shub-Niggurath that erupts from her body and waves its tentacles as it advance on Kodyax which instantly garners his attention as he turn and howls a primal challenge to the aberration before rushing to fight the abomination as Takara can only look on in abject terror s she knows full well just how much her mate, at this point that he is her mate and if he wanted it she would gladly assent to being his wife, abhors creatures like this to the point of almost specializing in hunting them down and slaughtering them. She screams for her followers to flee as she does so herself with extremely prejudice and her followers do likewise as a grand throne materializes in front fit only for the pharaoh of shadows himself, Nyarlathotep and on this throne is a black furred bull man with a quintet of horns crowning his head and a poisonous cobra behind him where a proper tail should be, instead of the normal legs and hooves of a bull he sports the massive legs and feet of an elephant and a crimson inverted ankh on his chest. Takara looks at him queerly as Dracolisa is full shock and horror s she kneels in supplication before him, instantly recognizing him for the outer god that he is even as he himself is unimpressed with the dragon lady although he does cock his head to the side as he regards the new form that Kodyax has taken up and a wry smirk registers on his muzzle.

"Nyarlathotep!" Dracolisa cries out in bereavement and supplication. "What is the pharaoh of shadows doing here? Have you come to check up on me to report to my goddess? I fear I may have misjudged a few things and could use your intervention if you would be so kind."

"Hardly," Nyarlathotep rebukes in an amused tone of voice. "While yes I am here, it is more for my own amusement than anything else." He points at Kodyax and inquires: "What exactly is that thing? I must admit I am both amused and intrigued."

"Well, I captured him trespassing on my territory, his name is Kodyax," Dracolisa admits freely but nervously. "He serves the Druid Council as a huntsman tracking down supposed threats to nature itself. But he cast a spell that I have never encountered before and transformed into that."

"I am well aware of whom Kodyax is," the shadow pharaoh pronounces. "I never seen him in this form before." He then turns his attention to Dracolisa and glowers at her. "Run away little priestess, in that form there is no way you can defeat him. He's going to shred that dark young. But I must admit, that will be fun to watch."

Dracolisa needs no extra prompting to start running and she flees for her very life, knowing full well that once Kodyax gets finished with the monster she just summoned to protect her, that she's next on his list of targets to slaughter as Nyarlathotep fades into the shadows, his presence can still be felt by those who know to sense such things, when he's in his normal form with his facilities at his command, Kodyax can sense him but at the same time he is wise enough to not try and fight the shadow pharaoh as he knows he will be on the losing end of that conflict. Knowing they were well enough alone and relatively unseen, Takara uses her own magic to become a living shadow and easily slip her bonds by becoming insubstantial which does not go unnoticed by the shadow pharaoh who smirks to himself knows that he himself is ultimately responsible for her bloodline as a sorceress and while he can easily strip her of her mystical powers and abilities it amuses him at present to refrain from doing so and he keeps an eye on just what she is dong right now as he knows that in some ways she is romantically linked to Kodyax and thus he is curious to see just what she does. Relying on the adage that beauty hath charms to soothe the savage beast Takara gets closer to Kodyax hoping to calm him down when he is finished shredding the dark young, she has no illusions that she can get him to just stop and run away as he has too much rancor in his heart against the terrors of the night for that tactic to work and besides that thing would just as soon shred and devour her if it was given half the chance.

An aura of healthy green like the skin of a cucumber or the rind of a lime or a watermelon surrounds the whole of Kody's take the form of fey like flames that oscillate into purple like an eggplant or violets before going back to the vibrant green it was before which the shadow pharaoh finds most interesting as he watches the fight intently and when the dark young tries to encapsulate him in its tentacles only to recoil as if it got severely burned by the faux fire. Kodyax slashes viciously at the dark young with his wicked claws, leaving vicious wound in what constitutes skin of the aberration and it waves its mass of tentacles in sheer confusion as the wounds smolder with the same purple flames tht currently surround the warrior priest of nature dealing the holy wrath of the natural world on this creature that has no business existing in the same reality he is currently inhabiting and with righteous vengeance he continues to wreak on the abomination before him as the opposite flames that are clothing him like a costume of pure fury perpetrated by either the Seelie or Unseelie court, or maybe both? If the dark young of Shub-Niggurath had the wherewithal to beg for its life its pleases would fall on deaf ears as Kodyax growls and barks harshly with the fury of a powerful avenger of nature's own righteous fury with its power flowing through as its chosen champion delighting in the sheer violence of what he is doing the absolute rancor fueling his actions and bloody rhythm of his attacks against which his abomination opponent has little way to defend itself from the relentless onslaught of claws and bites Kodyax is inflicting upon it and once it collapses for the final time he arches his back and his muzzle opens in an almost impossible gait to sing out a terrifying howl celebrating his victory of this insult to nature's majesty.

Once the aberration has been properly slaughtered, Takara rushes over to Kodyax in his enlarged form and jumps onto his back to wrap herself around him as best she can, pleading with him to end the spell and come back to her in his normal body, professing her love for him as a means of trying to convince him to acquiesce to her request. As monstrous as his new appearance is, Kodyax himself is still more or less in control as he lets the energies surging through him dissipate as the threat has been eliminated for now and the pleading of the woman he wants as his wife are received by his ears as he smiles with satisfaction and happiness as he enjoys hearing her words; finally acknowledging what he has been trying to convince her of for years even as he hopes she is not just saying what she knows what he wants to hear to get him to dismiss the spell that he has cast. He is exhausted when the transformation back tohis normal self is complete as he finds a throne to sit upon, turning her around so that her face is buried into his chest and not his back as he breathes heavily from the exertion he just put himself through for their mutual defense and while a part of him wants to sleep, there is no safe place to do so as he kisses his lover's forehead lovingly as she cries and holds him tightly; not responding as he rubs her spine as sensuously as he can.

Takara lowers herself instinctually so that she impales herself along his length as she silently hope they are no longer in danger as Nyarlathotep watches on in silence, amused by what it is seeing and smirking as he watches her offer herself as someone to engage with him sexually as it contemplates what it would look like if Dracolisa were in bondage with Kodyax fucking her whilst he relaxed in the shadows and just watched even as it watches while the tiger-vixen is so eager to have him between her legs like this and given what the goddess worshipped here is all about the question pops up of how easily it might be for her to be impregnated if she were to drive him to climax. Breeding with Kodyax is something Takara has been tasked with even if she was reticent initially to do so, something about this place makes that goal more palatable to her now and even desirable given the circumstances and the portion of her psyche that usually protests loudly against her general interest in mating with him is strangely silent all of a sudden, as if locked away and muzzled to prevent her from trying to convince her to be laying with another female instead of what she is doing now. She flexes her inner walls to massage his member within her as she presents her own tits to lick and suckle which she knows he is wont to do and she has always secretly enjoys his muzzle on her breasts as he knows how move his tongue so the sensation that it invokes within her is that of pure pleasure and the ecstasy of knowing that he is doing it so that she feels pleasure and as a further incentive to allow him to have his way with her which she concedes to every time they make love.

Both of them sit looking motionless as if resting or in a meditation trance which Kodyax is prone to do most mornings as he prepares his mind and puts in order what spells he is prepared to cast each day as part of his own daily routine with part of that trying to spiritually connect with nature as even now invisible entities with the stalactites and stalagmites psychically whisper in his mind and to a small degree thank him for his actions so far. They also inform him about the Stooge brothers and the general amusement the collective nature spirits are garnering just bearing silent witness to their collective antics which elicits a knowing smirk to appear on his muzzle as he appreciates their amusement and makes a mental note to praise the brothers later as their actions and the enjoyment they instill in the entities that endure the day to day goings on within these caverns makes them more willing to fuel and acquiesce to his requests for power when he casts his spells, calling on the forces of nature to empower him as he shapes that energy into the desired effects he is trying to effect with his spellcasting. She clings even tighter to him as the nature spirits make their wishes known; she has no clue just what they are saying as she is not trained to communicate properly with the kami but she can sense their presence and internally hopes and prays that as a druid, he is close enough to the kami priests of her homeland that the spirits are communicating with him at least semi favorably as she has come to fear the wrath that many of them can inflict on those that displease them especially if they are powerful enough to affect the physical world around them like she has witnessed while she was still in the Dragonlands.

Manta ray like abominations fly through the air like birds of prey in hot pursuit of the Stooge brothers who shoot their rifles randomly as killing things like them are the specialty of the boss and without him to tell them where to aim Moe decides tht discretion is the better part of valor as Kodyax has been known to advise them and on rare occasions like this they actually put such council into practice. As wild as their aim may be the nature spirits that have been watching and laughing at their antics decide to give these fools a break and subtlety manipulate the hanging rock formations they inhabit so as to ensure their bullets ricochet off of them in such a way as to score some good hits on the monsters chasing them as they have been taking silent umbrage with their presence ever since they arrived and took up residence in these caverns to the point that aiding the brothers serve the purpose of executing the abominations in such a manner that it seemed that the incompetent adventurers managed to somehow get some lucky hits in. They, the stone spirits, also reveal a toboggan tunnel to the brothers hoping that they'll use it full knowing how perilous the journey will seem but is more like a thrill ride akin to a weird hybrid of a log flume and a looping roller coaster, and just as they had hoped the brothers don't even hesitate and jump right in to get away from their pursuers with every intention of telling their commander about the things that chased them once they find him.

The strange creatures, all four of them, come together for a kind of aerial dance as they moan as one in a kind of ritual that teleports them down to the next level of the subterranean complex, their bodies fading from view from where they were and the reappearing where there wanted with a weird cosmic display not unlike the effect of beaming down to a planet in Rodenberry's famous television series that has gone through many incarnations and full-length movies over the years. As the brothers race through the tubes of their chosen escape route there are a few exposed section of the track that grant them glimpses of the sections of the caverns that they are rushing past with Moe in front followed by Shemp, then Larry and finally Karl taking up the rear and in the one open section, Karl sees the abominations and takes a quick aim before pulling the trigger of his shotgun that really should have been not much more than a distraction when the stone spirits again think it would be funny to aid them and cause a cluster of stalactites that are weakly hit by the buckshot to break loose and drop down on one of the aberrations and kill it almost instantly. By the time comes that their pursuers can react the brothers are long gone and the toboggan tunnels are too small for the things to pursue as they moan in frustration as one of them casts a spell that conjures up a virtual map of the route, they are following but does not reveal their location but the end of the line is an arsenal that acts as an equipment dump for the possessions of every prisoner the cult captures and eventually invokes into their cult.

When the brothers reach their eventual destination, they are unceremoniously dumped out with great velocity which causes them collectively to shake their heads to clear away the cobwebs and get a good look around them to get a sense of where they are and what is available to them with the minor miracle that they didn't lose any of their weapons or their ammunition when they were thrown from their vessel but they see all the armor and weapons around them with the disturbing revelation that their boss must have had something bad happen to him as his weapons and armor are in a pile along with his girl's and for all intents and purposes they consider her to be his second in command so whatever she tells them is probably true unless he contradicts her later. Quickly they gather up the equipment and place them in the enchanted satchels they both have, in fact the brothers each carry one themselves as the extra-dimensional space that they contain within has proven invaluable to them on more than one occasion for smuggling contraband and making sure that the tools they need are always close at hand no matter what the situation they find themselves in throws their way. As they leave the arsenal to find their boss Karl takes point with his shotgun while his brothers are close behind, their revolver rifles at the ready with Moe taking up the rear to try and keep anything from creeping up behind them while Larry and Shemp scan the surrounding area from side to side to do the side with all four of them quite paranoid at this point willing, able and even eager to shoot at anything they even think could be a threat to them as they have encountered so many hostile natives of these caverns that they take on the general policy of shoot first; ask questions later; if at all.

Kodyax and Takara are not hard to find as are still attached when the brothers arrive and are thoroughly embarrassed when they discover their commanding officer as while they are well aware of the general relationship between them, and subsequently they kept hoping that Takara would come around and accept Kodyax as her mate, the fact that she is so calmly sitting in his lap the way she is and presumably how their private parts are situated at present is a mild shock to them collectively. Nyarlathotep watching from the shadows is highly amused by the scene before it and scratches its chin in contemplation of whether or not to interrupt this tender moment and if it decides to do so how is it going to do so without unduly revealing its presence as it is quite satisfied at present largely hidden from view unless one is being particularly observant or is keenly aware of its presence and is actively searching for signifiers of just where it has set itself purely as an observer for right now for reasons it cares not to share with anyone else at present. A faceless gargoyle with a spaded tail, spiraling horns on top of its head and wicked talons lands nearby and startles the brothers, causing them to discharge their ordinances all at once which raises the general volume to such a degree that Kodyax and Takara awaken almost immediately which disappoints the pharaoh of shadows something fierce as it takes particular delight as the brothers fire round after round from their firearms until at last the nightgaunt that so rudely interrupted them collapses to the cavern floor; dead before its body hits the floor and becomes a lead filled corpse.

"Boss!" All four of the brothers yell at once with tremendous enthusiasm as they rush forward and give him and her a huge group hug.

"We thought you might be in trouble so we went looking for you," Larry explains as they give them some room after they expended their overwhelming enthusiasm. "This area is just crawling with kobolds. We were able to deal with a bunch of them but boy do they love their traps!"

"Doesn't surprise me," Kodyax admits freely. "I misjudged one and got caught by a trap myself. Which is why I am currently without my equipment."

"Yeah, and I got nabbed by a dark young." Takara growls. "How many of those damn things does she have anyway? Still, I want to know how she got that thing used to fuck you, Kody."

"You would," Kodyax grouses mockingly with a sarcastic smirk, "I'll let you use it on me and you know it, don't you?" Takara just grins like a fiend and nods with a lustful lick of her own muzzle before giving him an equally lustful wink. He then shakes his head as he looks over at Moses. "What have you got there, Moe?"

"We found both your and the lady's equipment after getting dumped out from a real thrill ride through a maze of tunnels." Moe explains as the other brother grin and nod behind him. "Not a ride I wanna do again any time soon."

"I don't know," Karl says with a sly smirk. "I might want to go again. I think I killed a manta ray bat thing on the way down."

"No, thank you!" Shemp declares at full volume with Larry agreeing by nodding like a bobblehead doll and Moe heaves a sigh as he hands over the satchels to their owners. "Between them and vertical mouthed giant with the four forearms the sooner we put this place behind us the better I say."

"Here, here!" Larry echoes. "Shooting kobolds was way less nerve wracking. How do we get out of here anyway? Boss? Do you know how to get out of here?"

"Not especially, Larry," Kodyax states as he puts on the pieces of his armor that he constructed from the shell of a turtle dragon he managed to kill with the help of the brothers and Takara who watches him don the armor as she shakes her head in disbelief as the harrowing experience of acquiring the pieces necessary to make the armor is a nightmare she'd rather sooner forget. "Takara came here via boat and a cage. I don't want to leave by the same route, thank you very much."

"I'll second that at least." Takara says as she gets dressed in her own unique armor which is primarily black leather bands with coiling Chinese dragons down her arms and legs with the mouths extending over her hands and feet with a silver-steel mask that functions like a plague doctor's only it is shaped to resemble the head of a Chinese dragon but allows her ears to poke through. "It's so nice to have my battle armor back. I can feel the kanji runes powering up to enhance the protective power of the bands of oni hide that make up the main of the suits construction."

"What is it with you and the dragons?" Kodyax asks honestly. "I know in your homeland they're a big deal but whatever you did that made you flee means you can never go back so why keep the image on your armor and the kimonos you like to wear outside of combat?"

"I'm not exactly sure," Takara truthfully and regretfully admits, it is a source of shame for her that she does not like to talk about and she knows he means no malice, he only wants to understand and it hurts her inside to explain her past to anyone even to one who will not judge her for it. "Even though the oni shoguns want me dead for what my clan has done to oppose them I still feel compelled to wear the emblems we hold so dear as symbols of the emperor when he was not a puppet of the demon warlords that now hold sway over the land ruling in tyranny while they keep him indulgent and ignorant of the true state of the empire through honeyed words and misleading reports from his so-called subordinates. I wish I could go home. Even if it meant turning you loose into the shadowy swamplands where true monsters thrive. By the infernal courts of the nine hells, it might even be fun to watch and even help you take some of the things out. As is, the Kagekaze clan uses it as a kind of training ground for its operatives; even I had to survive a month in those dark and forbidden marshes." Kodyax hugs her tightly and somehow just allowing the druid-ranger to wrap his arms around her like a true lover would allows her fears and sadness to dissipate like dew in the morning mist. "You mean no malice, Kody, I have been with you long enough to know your heart and why you chase after the shadows like a man possessed but my crimes are many and unforgiveable. Even my own clan preferred to exile me rather than hide until our evil overlords would eventually become distracted by some other thing to distract them."

Unbeknownst to Kodyax and his entourage a pair of individuals are observing him and his companions with not so friendly intent as one of them is a kind of anthropomorphic spider-taur with a humanoid torso rising above a spider like abdomen that only has four legs but those are very much like a spider with the top of the torso sporting a spider's head and four arms with three fingered hands with opposable thumbs and a gnome sized rooster with an oversized head as if trying to constrain an overly large brain within his substantial cranium. Saiko Hiro is a gunslinger assassin known for taking on near impossible hits and killing the target in such a way as to make it look easy, most of the time, Kodyax is on his "To Kill" list and due to various circumstances usually not entirely with the realm of his control the wolf-bear druid-ranger has been extraordinary difficult to snuff out either because someone or something inadvertently gets in the way of his shot, or the assassin misjudges his sniper's nest location and it dumps him into a precarious position while lining up his shot or just straight up fails and causes him to fall and injure himself. Steven Psion'der'dumkoff is a psychic spy who often scouts out places for Saiko to set up shop and get a good aim on his targets so that the poor victim never knew they were a target so the bullet to the brain box is of a compete surprise which is just how Saiko prefers it as even the witnesses that may or may not be around have no idea from whence the shot came from; let alone where the shooter was situated when he took the shot.

The oni shogun who hired Hiro is one of those that has a particular grudge to enact on Takara but is sadistic enough that he wants her to suffer well before her final execution is enacted, which is why he wants Hiro to kill Kodyax, if he kills Takara too so much the better but he is looking ore at eliminating a potential threat against him since he is a very industrial oriented demon lord and his abuses upon the land would very much put him in Kody's crosshairs if he ever learned about him and his operations since he takes a kind of sick pride in the sheer amount of destruction his factories inflict on the natural world. Oni shogun Sato Mitsubishi is in charge of an industrial district that deforest the surrounding are to fuel the furnaces that belch huge volumes of toxic smoke into the air as he makes sure his gatherers collect only the most polluted water they can find to temper the flames of the furnaces even as he experiments to create artificial life in the form of golems that use a huge furnace to fuel their locomotion and combat abilities. Takara embarrassed him by putting an entire garrison of samurai into a deep slumber before removing the testicles of each and every one of them as well as providing many of his concubines with the means of committing suicide with special untraceable poisons to wakizashis to cut themselves or attack other samurai and force them to kill them in order to protect themselves as well as their oversized master with always the black whirlwind symbol left behind to give a clue as to was responsible for all the trouble caused.

Among certain circles of ninja, turning arrogant males, especially those at least somewhat in power, into eunuchs is a kind of specialty of Takara's which is one reason many other shinobi keep their distance from her if she is even suspected of targeting the same fortress another agent is prowling around and while they would never turn her in, she is providing a certain kind of service after all even if few are willing to openly admit it, they also don't want to be around when she gets caught which was a major reason her own clan banished her from the Dragonlands so that the wrath she incurred would not be visited on them. Grandmother Spider somewhat regret her decision since many of the oni shogun have long forgotten her exploits even if many of their samurai retainers have not but since they no longer have a seek out and kill the damn bitch vixen, there is little they can do other than try to keep a sharp eye out for her when they are out on patrol and any ninja they find is instantly cut down with no questions asked although duels to the death are still a common occurrence with mercenaries that the samurai merely suspect of being her in disguise. It's getting bad enough that Grandmother Spider is considering recalling Takara, not so much to have her back specifically but she knows that wherever Takara goes, Kodyax follows and if he finds out the sheer abuse and injury to nature that Shogun Mitsubishi is enacting his sense of duty to the preservation and protection of nature will compel him to do something about Sato and by letting him loose she will be sending a notice to all the other shoguns that the Kagekaze clan are not folks to be taken lightly and if necessary they have friends who are more than willing to wreak powerful vengeance on their enemies for causes they consider righteous enough to enact their own reign of terror.

Nyarlathotep breathes a soft sigh barely above a whisper as it starts to get bored as the conflict that Kodyax was involved in is resolved way too quickly for its tastes and while it conjure up something for him to play with, he is more interested in the assassin and his psychic friend, as they are here to kill Kodyax which the shadow pharaoh is not ready to allow just yet as his antics are far too amusing to let him die so soon. So with a wave of its hand it teleports both psychic and assassin outside, a dangerous height above the very river Kodyax and Takara were brought in on and lets them drop and figure out their own way to reach the water safely which they do in different ways as Saiko quickly uses his own silk to make himself a parachute and glide down into the water where he swims to sure and Steve uses his magic to fly down and follow his employer to the banks of the river. Livid t having to do what he did to save himself, Saiko takes out a quartet of revolvers and slaughters a group of beavers who came down to the stream to do some laundry but the spider needed to kill somebody to satiated his own psychopathic psychological need for slaughter and the mammals were a group of convenient targets for him to murder before he sucks a few of them dry of blood as he was also a little thirsty from all he did prior to getting to this location and their corpses provided a quick and easy meal.

The pharaoh of shadows then strides into the shadows around its throne and willing it to descend into the gloom for it to sit upon later as it is wont to do and on its journey through the shadows it teleports itself in a secluded portion of the caverns where Dracolisa and her cult gathers but dos not see it because it does not wish to be seen while it goes about its work although it does smirk in Dracolisa's direction as when it is done it will be making her as part of the art project it is planning on building. It sets out to make a sexual arts gallery in which women and men are restrained so that their private spots are exposed for anyone to use while most of their bodies are secluded in a kind of cell made of solid stone as steel cuffs secure their wrist and ankles in such a way that what protrudes from the wall is the exposed parts that stimulate others into mating behavior although women are near always on their bellies while the men are on their backs or sitting like in a pillory. Dracolisa is the first female that is situated in this fashion with her bare feet and hands exposed and both glory holes open to whomever chooses to partake of them as it sets a magic mirror to show just who is being fucked as there is another mirror in the cell that the victim looks into that provides the image on display and consequently the face of whomever is fucking them is also shown to the prisoner as a kind of poetic justice punishment Nyarlathotep itself institutes for it own satisfaction and dark amusement.

A few of the cult members flee after their high priestess suddenly disappears but many more are captured and situated more or less like her and Nyarlathotep weaves its magic to ensure everyone has an endless supply of food and booze to keep them nutritionally satisfied as well as perpetually drunk and in a party type mood; ready, willing, able and eager to be used and abused by anyone that happens to find them in their current predicament as the shadow pharaoh conjures up a magical virtual map to see just where Kodyax and company are at present as he especially wants him to fuck Dracolisa at least for all she's worth and then some. Kodyax senses a warping of energy all around him, as does Takara although they each have different names on just what to call the energy specifically as to Kodyax they are faerie paths that he is well aware of but is somewhat limited in what he can do with them while Takara knows them as dragon lines and she knows that there is little way for her to access their sheer power even if her beloved can utilize their overall power to a limited degree himself. The eldritch power lines flow invisibly all around them but even within such lines careening hither and yon enough of them form circles of power that Kodyax and Takara can use to teleport themselves and the brothers to different spots around the cave complex as the shadow pharaoh is manipulating things behind the scenes to its liking in order for them to go exactly where it wants them to go and do what it wants them to do, transporting themselves to the bondage brothel it set up being just one thing on its overall agenda to test out just what it has wrought is sufficiently powerful although it gets the uneasy feeling that Shub-Niggurath has turned her attention to this place and judging what is going on by her own warped standards.

For their part, Kodyax and company just want to get out of this place with the druid-ranger wanting to make a report to the council and see what they want to do about this as his efforts were not exactly what he wanted to accomplish although Takara is still smirking entirely as she wants another session of love making as the piercings that Dracolisa gave him felt quite nice when he used them on her and she makes a mental note to research whatever spell she used to conjure up that thing she used on him because s gross as it looked the thing looked like it would fun to use and she wants to summon one of them at least once to try it out for herself. Raw primal power spirals around them as if they were in the eye of a great and powerful tornado excepts it's raw natural energy instead of winds that are what Kodyax is primarily attuned to as part of the order that he first joined when he first became a druid so many years ago. When the rainbow tornado of swirling energy eddies finally dissipates they find themselves in a room of sorts that only has three walls with the fourth one missing and allowing easy egress from the chamber and making their exit they find the walls of yet another kind of maze with women and men situated so that they can easily be fucked by anyone and everyone just passing by which is cause for confusion even if the brothers immediately make a bee line for the rat girls and have their fun with the pussies and asses just silently begging to be fucked even if their commanding officers aren't so sure of the situation.

Nyarlathotep reveals itself and issues a "come hither" hand gesture that Kodyax doesn't even consider refusing as he recognizes the outer god for what it is, not assigning a gender as it has been known to use avatars of either gender according to its whims even this one is usually undoubtedly male and even as he thinks this the bull suddenly becomes a fully black furred cow although the male phallus still can be discerned despite the fact it is entirely feminine and topless from the waist up. Takara gets nervous and does her best to hide behind Kodyax as she is wont to do in situations like this as the situation presented scares her no end and while Kodyax is not about to antagonize the shadow pharaoh Takara is trying to avoid its notice entirely for several reasons, one of which is the fact that bovine and equine cocks make her uncomfortable to say the very least as she much prefers Kodyax and what he has between his legs as his canine cock is what she deems should be inserted into her womb and she fears that what Nyarlathotep brings to bear will wreck her and ruin her to the point she can't enjoy what Kodyax has to please her which she enjoys very much whenever they make love. Her fear and reticence to be notice does not go unnoticed by the shadow pharaoh as it just smirks and ignores her for now since its power was used on someone in her bloodline a long time ago which grants her the abilities she has at her command now which he can easily suppress in her if it really wanted to but since she is not interfering in its bouts of whimsy at present she is not triggering its anger and thus it leaves her alone.

Kodyax is quite amused by the situation he sees before him, instantly recognizing Dracolisa's face and she is shocked and dismayed to see Kodyax as her first "customer" as he enters her while Takara tickles her feet with her tail as the male wolf-bear has his way with her rear, inserting his tab a into her slot b without much encouragement needed from the one that put her in this predicament. Dracolisa grimaces in embarrassment as she enjoys the very piercings she installed in his member now used on her with their intended roles, at least from her point of view, reversed and while the shadow pharaoh gets uncomfortably close to Takara it gets no closer than that as her reluctance and positioning that uses her boyfriend as a kind of living shield amuses it tremendously but more so the reaction of the high priestess to the wild huntsman giving her what she sort of wanted all along but in a way she absolutely does not favor amuses it even more as the feelings its senses she is feeling makes this a true occurrence of poetic justice. Nervous and angry laughter can be heard coming from within the cell where the rest of her body is situated which is cause for him to give a devious and self-satisfied smirk at the predicament they find themselves in as the brothers move on to boink some bunnies after they are done with the rat girls and unlike the rat girls, the bunnies are much more receptive to having random males use them as sperm bank depositories and moan appreciatively as they are used as such to which the shadow pharaoh gets a smirk of self-satisfaction itself.

As much as Kodyax is enjoying himself he can sense the overall sense that he and everyone else is being observed by some extra dimensional entity that is not necessarily pleased with the current goings on and with that in mind he finishes up within Dracolisa and goes to move on, ordering the brothers to come along and with his sense of fun more or less satiated, Nyarlathotep is only too happy to watch them go even as it knows that once they leave it will probably turn into a situation where it and Shub-Niggurath will have a discussion on what exactly is going on here and how to proceed. The temptation to hump a few more butts is strong for all five males but they actually have the mental fortitude to resist and make it to the other portal leading out of the caverns to the cliffs above the same rituals and expenditure of mystical energy is required to activate the circle of teleportation but the activity that they participated in early actually served as a kind of refresh and so they have plenty of energy with Takara smirking knowing she is going to have a really nice time tonight when she and Kodyax go to bed for the night. Just because she likes to occasionally tease him, Takara wraps her legs around Kodyax's waist, her arms around his neck and then grind her groin against his as she knows how hot and bothered it will make him although it does have an unintended affect on the environment around as they make the transition as circuitry and other technological technobabble imagery surrounds and swirls around them briefly as they transfer themselves to the barren wasteland above in the middle of a downpour that everyone except Kodyax looks to find shelter from as the druid-ranger starts to dance with glee which causes the shinobi sorceress to roll her eyes and shake her head.

"Of course, I had to take interest in a male that does not know when to come in from the rain," Takara teases as she looks for somewhere, anywhere to take shelter as Kodyax takes out his sword-spear, a melee weapon he constructed himself that has a foot long sword blade where the hardened point of a spear should be and angled side pieces that have their own fangs like a snake on either side, and raises it to the sky. "Are you crazy! Do you want to attract lightning!?!" Then she raises her hand and realizes something. "I forgot, you're a storm druid, being out in a thunderstorm like this is normal for you."

"Yeah," Kodyax retorts as lightning strikes his weapon with no ill effect as the brothers look on in awe, this is not the first time he has done this but it still impresses them that a direct lightning strike on his signature weapon is not only not harmful to him or his short polearm but actually empowers it, which is of hi own design as his main focus in following the ways of nature itself has always centered on storms and other elements of nature's wrath to bring to bear and fight the good fight against those that would abuse the bounty of the natural world. "Storm-Keeper is hungry and this is the perfect way to feed it. Plus the wind and the rain never bothered me anyway, I learned other talents of course but I will always remember when I first tread the path of the storm."

"Did you really give the weapon its own personality, boss?" Karl asks with the kind of look a star struck fan gives their idol.

"No, Karl," Kodyax says with a smirk. "Or at least not intentionally. These things sometimes develop a personality all their own naturally without any effort on my part. But for now it has not tried to speak to me, which is a good thing as then I would need to have a conversation with the thing which I'm not really prepared to do right now, right this second. I know what it should and should not have; I created it after all."

"So what kind of power does it have?" Moe asks openly and plainly with a tone that speaks to want for understanding more than anything else.

"Many spell casters have a special staff or polearm in which they invest a fraction of their own magical prowess." Takara explains. "For Kodyax this is Storm-Keeper, it acts as a conduit for his own spell casting and can't you cast some spells directly from the weapon, honey bear?"

"I can, but only once a day," Kodyax explains, "and spells that I can invest extra power into I need to do that myself as the spells are set at a certain power level within the sword-spear itself. And before anyone asks, yes, they are all electrical spells. I made that my specialty a long time ago."

"You draw power from the thunderstorm," Takara says with a sarcastic smirk, "I would be surprised if your specialty was something other than electric and sonic magic. Your dedication to firearms is part of that is it not?"

"It is, my love," Kodyax says with a smirk as he kisses her on the forehead. "The report of a gun is like the peals of thunder I love so much. In using firearms, I am creating my own kind of deadly rain or hail to devastate those that I need to take down for one reason or another. Such as protecting you or myself or because they are an enemy of nature that I need to eliminate."

"We're with you on that one, Boss," Moe beams with pride as his brothers nod like bobblehead dolls in agreement as they love creating a fusillade of bullets with their commanding officer, no matter what sort of firearm they use as Kodyax will use a revolver, a rifle or a shotgun according to his mood or what he feels a given situation calls for as Takara shakes her head as she only carries a revolver for emergencies since sneaking around is largely her thing and firearms are generally too loud for her tastes although it does amaze her all the use her lover can get out of a hunting rifle as in hands he's a sniper for all practical effects and purposes.

"We really need to teach them the value of stealth," Takara grouses to which Kodyax just smirks and shakes his head. "Why? The four of them have no idea how to move into an area unseen, they're going to get caught by any vigilant guards."

"For what I need them to be, they're fine," Kodyax retorts with a sinister smirk. "They provide a distraction and what they lack in keeping quiet they more than make up for in being able to hide themselves when necessary."

"We lead the guards on wild goose chases so you and Takara can sneak around with ease, right, Boss?" Shemp inquires to which Kodyax gives them a thumbs up. "We're a distraction!"

"Pretty much," Kodyax agrees whole heartedly. "I sometimes have to suppress my own laughter at how the guards rush hither and yon trying to find you guys. You manage to somehow be ghosts when I need you to, noisy ghosts, but ghosts none the less."

"I thought sneaking around that castle was too easy!" Takara protests in mock indignation. "And the four of you were never actually caught?" They responds with shit eating grins and the solemn shaking of their heads. "I'd ask how but I'm not sure I want to know."

"You might be surprised at how easy it is to suddenly hide when you've done it as many times as we've had to do,' Karl says with a sinister smirk. "But in our defense, you might not believe how well that sets up a follow up sneak attack."

"Oh, I can guess," Takara says ruefully as she shakes her in disgust. "It's a dirty trick that we are taught not to rely on. But if you manage to make it work, then good for you, I guess."

Looming in the distance, lit up by the lightning is a bizarre structure that is vaguely serpent like from their distant vantagepoint but it looks like some kind of shelter in this storm so Takara takes out her staff, which is like those carried by Buddhist monks in many anime with the rings tht can slide up and down the finial on top, and uses it for support as she make her way towards the distant structure as Kodyax does likewise with his sword-spear wear as the brothers just use well worn wooden canes that can double as clubs should the need arise and they too pick their way across the field that under the wetness of the precipitation has turned into a muddy, murky marsh where the ground itself seems to be very treacherous to tread upon. The closer they approach the grander and stranger the building appears as it is apparently some kind of tower with an almost pyramid like structural design rising rom the muddy plains like a coiled cobra; mouth agape and eyes glowing a sinister crimson as the main of the dark fortress seems to be constructed by some kind of eldritchly enhanced obsidian that sparkles with an evil glow that seems to absorb and almost devour the very lightning that occasionally strikes it providing additional illumination that offers a most unwelcome sight, especially given what they just went through in tussling with Dracolisa just hours ago. Kodyax glares and quickens his pace which concerns Takara but excites the brothers as it means the boss recognizes something about the tower that needs to be taken down which they are more than happy to aid him with and this in and of itself worries her as that means her beloved Don Quixote has found yet another windmill to tilt at which usually doesn't bode well in her general opinion as it means that once again they may not have been explicitly been looking for trouble but none the less trouble ha found them and is openly encouraging her mate to come on in and investigate.

"Alright, beloved," Takara growls with some annoyance at her mate as she struggles to keep up with him and the brothers as they quicken their pace towards the tower. "What's the big deal? You recognize something about this tower don't you?"

"I can't give you a definitive answer, Kara," Kody calls back almost in an apologetic manner as he is determined to reach the looming temple tower complex before too long. "But I think this could be an unholy center dedicated to Yig."

"YIG!!!" Takara thunders incredulously as she shakes her head in disbelief. "We just escaped a lady dragon high priestess of the dark goat with a thousand young and now you want to go after a temple dedicated to the father of serpents!?! Are you insane!?!"

"You're the one who wanted shelter from the storm." Kodyax pointedly reminds her which causes her to scream to the heavens in the native tongue of the Dragonlands about the madness she has found herself swept along with a Kodyax just smirks and continues on with the brothers just following behind him, blissfully ignorant of the rant she just bellowed into the ether.

"He's going to kill me," Takara sarcastically grumbles to herself as she follows along after Kodyax and the Stooge brothers while shaking her head ruefully before continuing in her native tongue. "At some point we're going to find some forsaken dungeon that's too deep and too powerful for us to overcome and it's going to just devour us whole, I just know it and here I am following along like some idealistically devoted wife like I always do. It's not like any other clan members are out here on such fool's errands, getting themselves in trouble on some weird rim or because they needed shelter from a sudden downpour of rain like I foolishly demanded he do. So that brings up the question of who's the bigger fool? Me or him?"

Eventually they get to a stone walkway leading up to the temple complex itself with a grand stone staircase leading up into the main entrance itself which is flanking by flaming cauldrons on either side of the entryway as a giant snake with minimalist human like characteristics emerges from within carrying a wicked looking partisan in the human like hands covered in its scaled skin attached to humanoid arms which sprout from either side of a kind of torso resembling a python that is at least ten if not twenty feet long and whose head and neck resemble nothing short than of a cobra resized to be normal on a body such as this. Kodyax and his entourage look at each other as the serpent thing hisses angrily at them and starts to charge down the stairs, its polearm leading the way and come to a communal mutual decision as they all pull out their double action revolvers and start shooting as one at the monstrosity making its way to attack them. All six of them hit their mark as the guardian takes a full half dozen bullets to the chest and keeps going as if they were no more harming to him than rain which causes Kodyax and Takara to aim higher with their next shots and while the brothers still hit the monster in the chest, they manage to penetrate his scales and strike his beating heart whilst the other two each take out an eye with their shot that powers through the skull into his brain as he drops his weapon and falls down on the staircase, dead before his head hits the stone stairs.

At the top of the stairs through a stone archway carved to resemble writhing serpents rising and entwining above is a long hallway with pillars carved to resemble coiled serpents, their mouths open and ready to strike which in many ways is a typical of a temple complex dedicated to Yig when serpent folk hold sway and rule over a given region which is one reason Kodyax is so keen to enter and find out who rules from this tower and how far their sinister influence stretches as he wants to make sure that reign is ended as soon a he can bring about its fall as once the snake folk take over their tends to be over hunting of any creature that isn't serpentine while those types of beasts are cultivated to the point of overpopulation, neither of which he as a druid tolerates and thus he sees it as hi duty to end this potential plague upon the land as soon as he possibly can to try and restore some balance to the surrounding environment as quickly as he can arrange it. Displayed on the front most pillar as a kind of trophy or more than likely as a plaything for the guardian's benefit whom they jut killed is a pink furred bunny girl with bright blue top fur and a squirrel tail that causes Takara to roll her eyes, hang her head in shame and shake it ruefully as she recognizes the dangling women as a rival of hers from her own ninja clan although there is some consolation that she can take in knowing that for all her bluster it is now Yokomomo who is dangling like so much of a piece of meat to be enjoyed by anyone who passes by and not herself specifically. Yokomomo lifts her own head to give a speech she has been taught to say whenever visitors stop by when she recognizes Takara and hangs her head in shame as she knows she will never hear the end of it from her rival, even as Takara allows an evil smirk to creep up upon her muzzle as she comes across a course of action that will be thoroughly embarrassing to Yokomomo and give her further ammunition to use against her if they ever get back to the Dragonlands for a full clan meeting which she has been feeling guilty of not being able to attend due to her exile.

Takara's plan is very simple but quite perfect in how it ingrains herself and is embarrassment fuel in the on going and never ending war of insults that she and Yokomomo constantly launch at one another and she knows Kodyax won't need much convincing to play along as it will mean that he gets to have some fun with someone even if he argues all the time he does not want a harem she knows that the Gaelic culture that he is from often encourages its warriors to take multiple wives and since it will be easier for Kara to bear him offspring than Yoko this will be just one more thing she dangle triumphantly over her rival's head. Yokomomo sees Takara whisper in Kodyax's ear and begins to become concerned as she and the tiger-vixen often bitterly compete for males to sleep with notches on the bedpost in terms of signs of status between them, and while she is not exactly opposed to having a big wolf-bear like him fuck her silly a her rival just watches the fact that she is seeming to suggest he do just that, have his way with her before freeing her, is cause for concern as she knows her rival will somehow turn around to seem to be in her favor. Kodyax smirks lustfully and goes forth at Takara's suggestion to have his fun with the dangling Yokomomo who is in no position or mindset to refuse him, it's rare that he gets to dominate a willing victim so small and the tightness of her pussy around his enhanced member is especially nice as he is tempted to howl his pleasure early as Yoko s beginning to lose her mind at such a big dick going into her and with all the enhancements it has the feelings she is getting by being used as a fuck toy like this are just out of this world.

Kodyax and Takara had been talking about getting a third member of their relationship off and on for awhile whenever she was in a more heterosexual than homosexual mood as she has no problem with him having sex with other women as long as she can play with the other girl as well. And while as a mystical Gael, he is allowed multiple wives, the logistics of this always made his head spin in such a way tht he always thought the idea was more trouble than it was worth. But the idea of having a bunny girl as part of their retinue has some merit as it is harder for him to breed with her than it is with Takara as a vixen and a wolf are more easily able to produce puppies than a wolf and a prey mammal such as an ewe or a bunny which means he would be using Yoko a more of a cock sleeve than a someone he can have offspring with as he knows he can do with Taki. But still he loves having sex with Yoko with all the tightness her body exerts on the member he is using to dominate her as Taki stands back and just watches for right now, a smug and self-satisfied grin on her muzzle as in this situation she has the upper paw as she is his mate while Yoko is the slave of her mate which mean for not the first time in their rivalry that Kara is the one on top and she is relishing this fact for as long as she can.

Yokomomo is annoyed at Takara at present as while she is enjoying getting her pussy ramrodded by his cock, the fact her rival is standing back with the biggest evil grin she has seen on Takara's muzzle means she has something planned for and it can't be good; after all there was a reason this bitch of a vixen was exiled from the Dragonlands and while her seemingly obsession with castration arrogant males is understandable, the fact this male still has his balls and she is standing behind him like she has consented to being his mate means she isn't exactly out to separate every scrotum from its presumed rightful place on a man's body so it begs to reason that she has something in mind but exactly what is not apparent at first glance and that for Yoko is cause for concern because she does not trust her rival to play fair in any way shape or form so what her plans are for herself are suspect although Yoko suspects some kind of sex slavery is involved, but who owns who is the main question. Kodyax knots her which causes Yoko to shake her head and wait for the load she just knows is coming while Taki wishes she had some sake to enjoy as she watches and makes idle wondering on how she can test herself to see if she is pregnant herself which a part of her is secretly hoping for as it might help her case I getting a return visit to the Dragonlands at least temporarily and as part of her gets wistful about the region she misses so much dwelling within, her mate makes his victory howl as he fills Yoko's womb with his seed. Yoko grimaces internally as she is filled up so much by the big male as she pants in pleasure even s she mentally glowers in Kara's direction but then smirks as she imagines the tiger-vixen swollen from pregnancy by her wolf-bear beau which due to the difference in species will be much harder for her to accomplish no matter how many times he fills her than it will for Taki to bear and bring forth a cub a wolves and vixens are notoriously and surprisingly easy as a cross species couple to produce puppies.

"As nice as that was," Yokomomo says as Kodyax frees her but her gaze is locked on Takara. "What are planning, Kara? I know you have something going around in that head of yours."

"Moe," Kodyax says while looking at the lead brother, "you and your brothers scout ahead and see if you can find her equipment. And be extra stealthy while you do it. This is one of those times when I want as few folks to notice us as possible. Hide often, I don't know what they have to detect intruders and the less they know the better."

"AYE BOSS!" All four of them yell as one and rush off, going between the snake carved pillars as quickly as they can but usually looking to make sure no idle witnesses are around to see them move.

"Oh, I have a lot in mind, Yoko, my dear competitor within the clan." Takara coos seductively and gropes the breasts of Yokomomo intently. "How are things at home? It's been awhile since I was able to wander around the Dragonlands, Kodyax here would love to visit, but I may not be able to show him around." She seductively licks at his cheek. "A pity really, a warrior druid such as him could do much good there I'm sure."

"At this point I'm surprised he still has his equipment." Yoko says with dark relish. "Especially given how much you like going snip snip on a man."

"He doesn't deserve that treatment." Takara growls. "I actually feel safe when I'm with him. I know what he wants from me and while he's not always so communicative at least he respects me enough to back off when I'm not in the mood."

"Oh, really?" Yoko says with a dark smirk, "how much have you told him about your past?" She then gives Kodyax the same look as if expecting him to question Takara which he does not do and just folds his arms across his chest. "Well, what has she told you?"

"Enough," Kodyax answers honestly, not wanting to make this into something bigger than it already is, and while she is trying to bait him, he refuses to swallow. "I will let her tell me at her own pace. I want her as my wife and not my slave." Takara leans on him as he says this, grateful of the freedom he has given her in this respect. "When she is ready, she will tell me. She has already has warned me that she has done terrible things that got her exiled. Exactly what is for her to reveal to me and nobody else."

"I know I told you about how I have castrated arrogant males," Takara admit shamefully. "Just not how many and how important they were to those that rule us."

"And you are just the revolutionary that will free us, won't you?" Yoko asks sarcastically to which Kara can only glare back at her. "Isn't that what you've been trying for? To set yourself up as shogun?"

"It isn't and you know it, Yoko!" Takara replies with a thunderous growl as she is barely restraining herself at this point. "I want us free from the shoguns and for the emperor to wake up and do what he is supposed to do. He is supposed to be the ruler of the Dragonlands but he leaves that to the shoguns while he indulges in whatever distractions they bring to his attention. Or do you have a better explanation for why things are the way they are now?" Yoko hang her head in sorrow because he knows she doesn't have a better alternative. "I thought not. Grandmother Spider wants me to breed, I know that, and in him I have a good father figure to sire my cubs. I don't always agree with him but we work things out between us."

A gunshot rings out that causes Kodyax to take out his spyglass. "Oh, what now?" He grouses as he scans the interior of the temple to see multiples of the brothers dashing between columns as someone above is using them as targets in their own personal shooting gallery and when he looks to see who it is, he instantly recognizes the bastard. "Saiko Hiro! I might have known." He takes out the specially crafted hunting rifle he created and takes aim. "Target my friends and allies will you? Well, two can play at that game!"

"What did you do?" Yokomomo inquires fearfully she knows full well the sniper assassin by reputation at least and wants to know why Kodyax is being targeted.

"Sato Mitsubishi is involved with this," Takara explains with a shake of her head. "Both to make me suffer for what I've done to him and because the bugger knows that if Kody finds out what he's doing then Kodyax will be even worse than me to the buggeroo bonzai oni shogun."

"Are you sure about that?" Yoko asks pointedly. "You know as well as I do what kind of security detail he has, is that crazy to try and go through the legions of samurai just to get to Shogun Mitsubishi?"

"Yes," Kara answers simply. "Sato is polluting the air with his factories, I know for a fact that will be something Kody can't stand by and watch idly."

"Grandmother Spider already sent me some information and this Shogun Mitsubishi," Kodyax growls as he takes his shot, wounding Saiko in the shoulder in the process, "I definitely want to cripple his operations if we ever go to the Dragonlands. I'll need you to help me plan my assault but his crimes have already been discussed by the council and a death warrant has been issued."

"Does that answer your question?" Takara asks pointedly of Yokomomo to which she just sighs and nods her head ruefully. "He takes his duties seriously. What can I say?"

"We got the stuff!" Moe announces as he and his brothers come back with a bundle of equipment they hand over to Yoko.

"And I left a special present for that sniper that was targeting us." Karl says with a sinister smile that catches everyone off guard.

"What did you do?" Kodyax asks sarcastically and then trains his spyglass to see what kind of trap has been laid and finds a small army of cartoonish bombs with oversized feet and a wind-up key in the back meandering about. "You bought what I said you shouldn't from Ali Baba Cuckoo didn't you?" To which Karl just fiendishly grins as Kodyax just shakes his head ruefully before turning to Takara and asks: "Do you still have the means to summon that demon wheel rickshaw thing?"

"I think so, why, are we going to need it?" Takara asks facetiously even though she kind of already knows the answer because of the mere fact he asked.

"Yes," Kodyax returns simply. "If those suicide bomber golems do what I was led to believe they were capable of doing, that whole structure I going to collapse due to a domino effect Karl set up."

As if on cue a series of loud explosions can be heard in back of them as Takara turn to give Karl and annoyed glance and pointedly ask: "You had to buy the deluxe versions didn't you?"

"Maximum BOOM-BOOM!!" Karl yells with an abundance of excitement to which his brothers grin like fiends and give their brother a thumbs up a Kodyax and Takara just sigh heavily as one and ruefully shake their heads while Yokomomo gives the brothers a serious WTF? Look as if not believing they could be that incredibly stupid even as their boss knows all too well that for them this is just par for the course.

Takara takes what at first seems to be a kind of toy of a big spiked wheel with demon faces on either side where the wheel hub should be and says: "Vroomba! Come out and play! We need you!" at which the toy enlarges to the point where it's bigger than Kodyax by at least a full foot in height spins around crazily for a few seconds and then stops to greet Takara: "Yongomoto's granddaughter! It's so nice to see you again! What can I do for you?"

"We need to get to the bottom of this hill and fast." Takara says even as she chafes internally with the reminder of her super heroic demon hunting grandfather. "Can you get us there?"

"Sure!" Vroomba booms and an oversized rickshaw soon appears with room for all of them. "It's all downhill from here. So what's going on if you don't mind my asking?"

"One of the brothers did something stupid," Kodyax states and jacks a thumb to the building. "That thing is going to collapse and it would be better if were not around when it does."

"Cool!" Vroomba thunders. "After I drop you guys off down the hill, do you mind if I watch?" To which everyone but Yoko just smiles and shakes their head as they pile into the rickshaw with Kodyax in the middle on the back bench, Kara on his right, Yoko on his left and the brothers on benches to either side.

Vroomba takes the poles of the rickshaw in both of its mouths before racing down the foothills of the mountain at break neck speed which causes Yoko to panic and the brothers to get excited as Kody and Kara just enjoy the ride which is fast and furious until they reach a cliff face with a very familiar zeppelin. It was bought and paid for by special order by Kodyax himself but subsequently stolen from the yard soon after its construction by persons unknown officially but both Kodyax and Takara had their suspicions which are more or less now confirmed as they stride across the gangplank to the interior of the airship and its impressive architecture complete with a complex lock on the steering wheel to make sure nobody took it away while the owners were gone although not so sophisticated that Shemp actually breaks a sweat disengaging it from the helm allow Kodyax to steer it out of here. It also needs electricity to jumpstart the engine for which Kodyax produces a huge horn from his satchel and blows it to create a massive sonic tone that summons a ferocious thunderstorm that causes Yoko to stare in disbelief while Kara just rolls her eyes as this not the first time he has used "Storm Caller" for this purpose and she knows full well it won't be the last time either as the engine starts up, Moe and Larry get on what to us would be exercise bikes and start to buzzle as Karl and Shemp retrieve the gangplank and shut the door to the outside as rain begins to lash out against the windows on either side.

"Steven, please tell me that isn't the Cloud Raider flying off with us just getting out of this collapsing temple after failing once again to trap and kill that disgusting hero, Kodyax." Saiko says calmly as the two of them watch as the zeppelin speeds away, more than likely with Kodyax at the helm with some thing rushing the mountainside towards them.

"I'm afraid so, Saiko," Steven fully admits but gets cheerfully evil thought in his head. "But we can always steal it back from them when we find it again."

"This is true," Saiko concedes, "Lord Kodyax is proving to be n exceedingly rare species of targets, one I hope to soon enough to render extinct."

"You'll get him eventually, Saiko," Steven sys in all confidence. "You always do."

Saiko smirks at this commentary and takes a self-serving bow. "Next time, Kodyax, next time!"

Saiko sighs and makes his way through the pouring rain to a secret cavernous path that few people know to get down the mountainside without being unduly noticed a he goes over a series of wanted posters of heroic individuals put out by villainous organizations that he does freelance work for and takes out would be heroes for fun and profit. Among them he finds a team of adventurers consisting of a lady elephant wizard, a rhino berserker, a lady mouse alchemist and inventor as well as a squirrel scoundrel of a rogue whom it is reported are on their way to their current location from the Islands of Mystery where a local rising star with the global banksters that are the Scaletti financier corporation of banks, independent debt collectors and other less than legal methods of generating wealth who is starting to groom himself as the so called "Maharajah of Crime" has marked them all for execution as ignobly as possible. Saiko sighs and shrugs his shoulders as he has little idea if him slaughtering the group his way will count in the manner proscribed but they will be dead, as he checks to see if he still has drill bullets for the rhino and the elephant and finds he has a whole box of them that are miniature explosives as well which gives the assassin reason to smile as he reserves them for the tough skulls of his larger targets.

A sand skimmer drops off the four adventurers without fanfare as they wanted as they wanted to do this job discreetly and get back home before anyone knew they were gone although waiting like a trap door spider is Saiko just waiting for an opportunity to strike although the neophyte adventurers prove to be an amusing disappointment as Hannah Wrecker, the mouse alchemist trips a release for a murder chute that sends her and Raoul Sinbad on a deadly slide where circular sawblades and chainsaws slice out at random intervals before dumping the rest into a meat grinder. He almost gives himself away before shooting Bahamut and Kali in the skull with bullets that drill their way into the craniums of their victims before exploding which just so happens to cause their skulls to burst open and cover the sands around them in ruptured brain matter prefer the massive bodies of the formerly living would be heroes of great size to collapse limply beneath them as Saiko and Steven emerge to hire the sailors that brought them there to take them out of the region as well as give signed statements on how the other adventurers met their untimely demises which Saiko needs in lieu of bodies to collect on his bounties. Both the Cloud Raider and the Dune Trader arrive at the Desert Trading Tower at more or less the same time for different reason as the Dune Trader drops off its passengers and refuels before picking up more cargo to ply their trade elsewhere and leaving the spider and the rooster behind to see to their own business whereas the Cloud Raider is here to pick up supplies for the journeys ahead although surprisingly there are messages for Kodyax, Takara and Yokomomo waiting to be read and responded to from Grandmother Spider even as Saiko meets with a pair of Scaletti assassins to confirm the kills he made and collect the bounties leading them to believe that he instated the trigger for the murder chute and not a costly rookie mistake by the squirrel and the mouse; while the message from Grandmother Spider requests that Kodyax, accompanied by Takara and Yokomomo make a visit to the Dragonlands and deal with Shogun Mitsubishi once and for all, offer she knows he cannot and will not refuse even if it means more work for the Kagekaze clan members since Kara will be his guide and Yoko will need to make sure nothing too extreme happens while they are in town.