An Evertech Tale Chapter 17

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#17 of An Evertech Tale

Another fun scene with Vay! I don't know why I like writing things like this but I just do. x3

_ Escape! ABORT!_ Warning bells were ringing in Splicer's head panic was written across his face. Vay was in heaven.

"That's the pathetic wolf I know, never knew you had a name... Splicer eh?" Vay approached the wolf who kept backing up until his back hit the window.

"Vay, please?" Jumping out the window seemed like a really good idea right now to the wolf, it was what, 15 floors? Nanites would save him, probably.... "Why am I here?"

"Ever since that day where I gave up on beating you, I've thought of this moment for so long. I've never had a target be unresponsive, soon as I heard you got fixed, I knew I had to change that again."

"I'm pleading now, Vay, don't do this" The watch was not nearly enough to pay for the look in the otter's eyes, he slammed his hand against the glass next to the wolf's head, making it ripple outward, nearly threatening to shatter.

"Already off to a good start..."

"You are one sick fuck. Has anyone told you that before?"

"I haven't met a soul who hasn't~"

Splicer slipped down and crawled through the otter's legs, it was almost like he was begging for the otter to snatch his tail. He yelped as he flew upward, looking at the otter's face upside down.

"Pl-please put me down..."

"Remember this? I'll put you down if you want as well, I'm not a monster. Must hurt to have your tail being pulled on like this."

Splicer was in agony, Vay was bouncing him up and down like a yoyo before depositing him on the bed. Splicer looked up almost surprised that the assault had paused so soon.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, almost concerned for the otter.

"Yeah, but I want to give you a choice and see what you do. I'll give you two choices. One, I continue to beat your ass like I've always done. Or, two, we have 'fun', choice is yours."

"What do you mean by fun?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out. That is, if you've got the balls. Also take the watch off, I've got an order not to break your things."

Splicer took the brief moment he took the watch off to agonize over the options. Sure, he could pick fun but knowing Vay, the fun would probably be one way. But he also would rather keep all his teeth tonight too...

"Alright, I'm game, fun!" Splicer said with a nervous smile.

"I was sure you would pick that option!" The otter clapped his hands, the wolf had taken the bait. Even if he hadn't Vay would have done the same, but it was nice to know the wolf would play along for him. Vay grabbed the wolf's new collar and dragged him to the edge of the bed. "Glad to see you picked up a solid collar, this is one thing I know I can't break."

"Kinda odd hearing a compliment from you."

"You'd be surprised what I get up to off the clock. Keep playing along and maybe you might enjoy yourself, who knows?" Vay leaned in deep whispering to the wolf.

"Alright. Let's do it." Splicer had no idea what Vay was talking about, but he figured it was safer not to ask.

The wolf waited for orders. He spent months as a product, surely, he could play the part for the night?

Splicer could not play the part, he was currently slung over the otter's knees and whimpering out loud. How many times had he been spanked at this point?

"YOU LOST COUNT!" Vay roared "We have to start over now~"

Splicer tensed up as he felt the paw approach. The smack surely had to of been heard at least three doors down, if not the smack then the wolf's following shrill yelps would be.

"AH FUCK! PLEASE VAY, SIR? STOP!" Splicer cried out, his pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Those aren't numbers~"

"O-o-one" Splicer voice was hoarse and quivering, this was the fourth time he had lost count, Vay was loving each one more than the last. He inhaled and let out a sigh, he could listen to the wolf crying and pleading all night like this, his paw raised once more.

"TWO!" Splicer squeaked out between ragged breaths.


"TWENTY-NINE!" Splicer nearly blacked out, he had no idea how each spank got incrementally more painful with each number but they had. The thirtieth spank connected. Vay made sure he pulled the wolf's tail up hard to give perfect access to the fur below.

"f-FUCK!" Splicer bit on his lips hard, he had to get the final number out, but he felt another whining fit coming on.

"THIRTY!" He managed to get out, before collapsing inwards, turning into a mess of quivering muscle and whines, nothing else.

"Now was that so hard?" Vay taunted, scratching hard lines down the wolf's back fur, He loved the feeling of the wolf's shaking form under his claws. Making people feel smaller was Vay's favourite pass time. It just happened to reach a nice intersection with his job. But with the wolf being here when he was off the clock, he was free to do with him what he saw fit. He knew the sirs the wolf screamed out were fake pleas to try and placate the otter, but he was hoping that might change but the end of the night, he still had a lot more energy to burn through after all. He drew all four claws down the wolf's back as hard as he could without drawing blood, Splicer's body tightened into a ball around the otter's knees. He opened his mouth to beg but he had run out of words, only a cough came to his lips.

"Pl-please tell me it's over..." Splicer finally gasped out.

"Oh, my sweet summer pup, we've barely begun~"

Another round of spanking and counting came and went before Vay finally decided to make the move, He ordered the wolf off the bed while he removed his suit, ordering the wolf to hang each and every piece up in the closet for him as he laid back on the bed admiring the near-glowing red ass cheeks below the wolf's tail as they walked back and forth picking up the discarded clothes. Once the wolf had put everything away, he saw the otter laying back in the bed with his arms behind his head.

"Get to sucking."

Splicer didn't need to be told twice, as long as he could avoid another spanking he was willing to do a lot of embarrassing things, just short of selling his soul. He leaned over the bed and used the otter's thighs as leverage, gripping them in his paws. He placed his lips on the otter's shaft ready to take in the tip and begin to do his job when felt a rough hand between his ears. He didn't even have the time to realize how fucked he was before the otter had slammed his muzzle down until his nose smacked into the otter's pelvis. The speed of it caused the wolf to choke as his eye's widened as he nearly chomped down on the otter's rod. But the nanites in his body refused to let that happen so he was left coughing for air around the shaft, weakly trying to pull himself from Vay's grip. Vay was too worked up to ever consider letting the wolf move an inch, the fear in Splicer's eyes and his whines and cries while being spanked were fresh in his head as he growled out, releasing a long stream of cum directly into the back of the wolf's throat, causing him to squirm and struggle ever further. Once he was satisfied, Vay released his grip on the back of the wolf's skull.

Splicer staggered back, drips of cum falling from his mouth as he hacked and sputtered, falling onto his sore ass.

"You." Splicer's lungs were full of cum but venom was all that lined his words. "FUCKING ASSHOLE! At least fucking warn me! FUCK! Are you trying to drown me?"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Vay said, feigning pity before changing back to his usual demanding tone. "Get up, we're not done yet."

Fuck that, this is over Splicer thought as he stood still, if he had a safe word, it would have been used twelve times over by now. But Vay didn't give pets safe words, hell, he didn't give any fur safe words. There was one person he had a safe word with and that was his husband. Anyone else would just have to accept doing whatever the otter wanted. Splicer stayed in place until he felt red hot pain resonating from inside his entire body. Vay had pressed the button on the box Laguna had left for him activating discipline mode, calling every nanite to activate every pain receptor in the wolf's body. Splicer was crying, begging, pleading as he squirmed on the floor.

"PLEASE I'LL LISTEN! I'LL LISTEN!" He howled out from the floor.

"Will you do what I tell you?"


"Yes what?"


Another empty sir, but the otter's point was made, he let the wolf relax on the floor as they tried regaining composure. Splicer stood up, his eye mark was bright, tears streamed from his eyes.

"God, you should have cried sooner." Vay felt himself getting excited again. He laid back with his hands behind his head again. "Come here, straddle my hips~"

Splicer practically jumped onto the otter at the sight of a finger resting on the button, threatening to apply pressure. He growled sitting on top of the otter, he was looking down on Vay, but he had no disillusion on who was still in control of the situation. Splicer thought about taking his claws down the otters chest as hard as he could but the best he could do was a light two handed scratch. Vay purred, enjoying the conflict he saw in the wolf's body.

"Good job, mutt. I'll let you do the next part yourself." Vay lined his dick up to come to a rest just under Splicer's tail, with a wink. "Sit, boy~"

Splicer's ear's flattened against his head realizing that he had already begun to sit down on the otter's shaft, slipping the tip inside with ease. He was going to have to do it at some point but the speed he listened to the command still put him off.

"Finally listening huh?" Vay taunted, noticing the wolf's eager response to his command. "Keep going."

Splicer slide further down, it was almost too easy for the wolf. Vay was large for sure, but it felt like his tail hole could stretch wider than before. He wondered if that was something to do with the nanites, or the fear of failing the otter, who's finger was resting on top of the button in full display. Vay must have seen the wolf eyeing the box, because he gave the button a reassuring rub. He really wanted to press the button and feel what that quivering mess would feel like clenching down on his cock. But Laguna had told him it was only allowed to be used if the wolf disobeyed a direct command, and the otter was disappointed to see the wolf taking his dick like a champ.

Splicer hilted the otter, resting his sore ass on the otter's hips. Vay knew another way to get what he wanted anyways. He dropped the button on the nightstand, wrapping both paws around the wolf's waist he spun around until the wolf's back slammed against the mattress, Vay was standing above him at the edge of the mattress, still deep inside the wolf.

"My turn in the driver's seat" Vay said it as if he'd ever left. He pinned the wolf down with a paw and pulled all the way out, before slamming his hips all the way back in slapping against the wolf, flaring up the sore area, making a sharp stinging sensation radiate from the site of impact. He could barely even feel the pleasure of the dick impaling him and yet, a moan escaped his lips. "Moaning? I can fix that~"

The otter's other paw slipped down from the wolf's waist to his caged sheath. Splicer's eyes pleaded with the otter not to hurt him anymore, Vay squeezed hard. He watched in pleasure as the wolf's eyes went as large as possible before a long piercing wail came from deep within the wolf's chest. Vay had grabbed onto the fuzzy orbs the wolf had protruding from his cage and began slowly grinding together. Splicer gripped the bed with all his might and tried to pull away from the otter crawling towards the head of the bed to escape. It only served to worsen the vice grip on his balls as he felt tears welling up in his eyes once more. Vay returned to thrusting, timing pulls on the wolf's cage with each thrust in, just barely loosening his grip as he pulled out. Splicer had no idea what was going on, the only thing going through his mind was escaping, it was bad when his entire body burned and yet, somehow, when the pain was all concentrated into one, sensitive area, it was multiplied tenfold. He was running on pure instinct, he didn't even realize that his squirming and attempts to escape only made the pain worse on himself. Vay was in ecstasy, the howling cries off the wolf with each squeeze was too much, he couldn't last forever, no matter how he wished he could keep the wolf howling like that forever. With one final squeeze he forced the cum from the wolf's balls, but he knew from how hard he yowled, it wasn't a good one, it only made it so much sweeter when Vay felt his own orgasm flooding the wolf's insides. His body shuddered in pleasure as he collapsed on the wolf, who was still doing everything he could to escape and crying out. The grip on the wolf's balls was gone but the hard aching throb rocking through them remained.

"I'm almost sorry..." Vay whispered in the wolf's ear.

"Sorry for what?" Splicer whined out.

"Needing to take you for another ride..."

"Wait, what? Wait, no, WAIT! PLEASE WAIT!"

The thrusting began again, splicer felt his tender nuts being ground together again. He put a paw in his mouth and bit down hard screaming...


Splicer stepped out of the elevator in the lobby, he was wearing his watch, his briefcase in paw, cum was still dripping down his leg from his abused hole. After two more rides he was mercifully kicked from Vay's hotel room who was tired of looking at the wolf's face. He had milked all the suffering he could from the wolf and looking at the shock painted over his face, he was reminded of when the wolf was just product. Splicer's mind has basically shut down mid-way through the third ride to shield him from the continuous assault, and he was now stumbling around the lobby unsure of where to go, he had no idea which room he was staying in, so he stumbled up to the desk, draping a paw over it to steady himself.

"Uh hello?" The desk attendant looked at the mess in front of him, noticing the drops of cum trailing the wolf. "Can I help you."

Splicer opened his mouth, he closed his mouth, he opened his mouth, he closed his mouth, no sound ever came out.

"Ah you must be lost!" The attendant read the collar tag and checked his system. "Here you are Splicer/Puppy, I'll call your owner and let him know where you are."

Splicer nodded, even in his addled mind he knew he was humiliating himself, the furs in the lobby were pointing at the trail he left, following it with a finger and laughing at the wolf, he just wanted to be safe, and away from the public eye.

Laguna knew Splicer had been kicked out and left in the hallway, Vay begrudgingly accepted letting the badger 'monitor' their session to make sure nothing went too far. He and Aurich sat watching it on their room's TV with equal parts pity and arousal. When Aurich saw Splicer kicked out, he moved to get off the bed, but Laguna held a paw out signaling to wait, he wanted to see what the wolf would do next. He was satisfied with the result as he watched the lobbies camera feed, the room phone rang.

"Splicer?" Aurich asked scanning the lobby before seeing the wolf, slumped over one of the chairs he was dropped into by the desk attendant. "Come on puppy... let's get back to the room."

He reached over to help the wolf up.

"Don't FUCKING touch me, had enough of that tonight..." Splicer pushed himself up out of the chair and stumbled towards the elevator.

"Right..." Aurich paused momentarily, looking at the large wet patch left by the wolf. That cleaning fee was going to be a bitch, he figured Laguna wouldn't tack it onto the wolf's debt. "Wait! Splicer! You don't even know where you're going..."


Back in the room Splicer was in the bath, the scalding water burned against his sore skin, but he didn't care, he had to wash out the same and humiliation that had soaked into his fur. He scrubbed, rinsed, scrubbed, rinsed and scrubbed again, until the skin all over his body matched the sting in his ass. He cleaned and disinfected the now bloodied teeth marks on his hand, a useless gesture because of the nanites, but dressing his injuries made him feel better. He squeezed his hand shut tight until blue bled into his white bandage wrapping. He redressed and repeated until the cloth stayed white. He looked at the wolf in the mirror and spat in his face. He cleaned the spit off the reflective glass.

"No better than fuckin' product." He muttered to himself. He left the bathroom and sat on the cushion in the crate next to Aurich. Aurich went to reach for the wolf's arm, Splicer flinched. He held his hand back a moment before tracing a finger down the wolf's bandaged hand, Splicer growled.

"I'm sorry, that must have been rough... Vay's a bit, a lot, of a dick. But he would never actually, like, hurt you, permanently, I mean." Aurich tried to sound as reassuring as possible, it didn't do much for the wolf.

"I don't care, he hurt me plenty enough already..." Splicer turned his shoulder, he couldn't even look at the skunk, let alone the badger that had sold his ass and then sat in silence the whole night, tapping away on his laptop, uncaring.

Splicer turned over onto his side staring at the empty bed through the bars. Aurich reached over and pet his back, tracing the still burning scratch marks Vay left.

"He really did a number on you didn't he?"

"... Yeah, yeah he did."

Splicer brought his knees up to his chest, he made one final request to the badger.

"Please can you just put me down for the night? You owe me at least that much..."

"Owe you?" Laguna raised an eyebrow, "I think you'll find quite the opposite, but you did a good job tonight puppy, consider your request granted and watch payed..."

Splicer felt his face relax, Laguna had pulled his tablet up and changed the wolf's current function to sleep. His eyes slowly closed, he breathed a sigh of relief, murmuring a final thank you before giving into sleep.

"I hate to admit it, Splicer was right, I thought you said Vay would only be allowed to do some light BDSM sir?" Aurich was hoping the badger's answer would help ease his mind as he checked over the wolf's hand which had begun to seep blue into white again.

"For Vay? That was incredibly light I'm afraid to admit. He did give the wolf a very generous tip if it helps?"

"Not really, he was baaaaaaaaaad in the lobby sir."

"I saw, he'll be back to his usual snarky self tomorrow I'm sure."

"I know... You're right sir."

"Besides, you know I need my pets resilient, this is just another step in the ladder of proper training."

"Yeah true enough, good night sir~"

Aurich felt his eyelids growing heavy, usually he didn't put himself to sleep using his nanite trigger, but he wanted to join the wolf in whatever way he could, hoping to make him as comfortable as possible. While he still had to slightest mobility, he pulled the wolf in tight, wrapping his tail up and over the curled up form before he passed out as well.

Laguna stayed up for a while, enjoying the sight of his two pets getting along so well before returning to look at the email he still had open on his laptop. Joseph wanted to discuss Splicer's lab results further. He sighed and closed his laptop, leaving his reply for another day. He looked over once more at his sleeping pets and turned in for the night as well.